' WO. THOMPSON, Proprietor.
'"heeierra County Advocate -BenWl
.tthVo8t Office at Hillsboro, Sierra
'Coudty, Ne Mexico, for tranHmiHion
W6oKh the US. Mails, a.. -ftcond class
Imoartlally Devoted to the Best Inter
i?U of Sierra County and the bvato
Of New Mexico.
FRIDAY. JUNE 22, 1917.
"Our Country! In hor intercourse
with foreiKn nations, may she always
"be ritfht, but our country right or
Woni?." Stephen Decatur.
' ..
Is the Russian
Ecar Coming Back?
Tba members of the American
ooxbonee.oo, beaded by EliboRoot,
arrivad eafoly at Petrcgrad, tbeUus-
aian capitol. It was a. long journey
'a journey roaght witb vital inapor
tanoe to all liberty loving conn
trie!. The oororaisHion was well
'reoeived. Mr. Root ex plained to
the council of ministers, not only
the purpose of the commission,
bat why ItaeBia should btand
Bhoulder' to ' shoulder with the
'United Statea and her allied na
lions now engaged fighting for
tbe preservation of democracy
and the establishment of a world,
'wide freedom for all of the people.
Mr. Root's address brought forth a
strong response of approval from
the foremost men of the strug
Cling republic of Bussia. Tbey Bay
the Ruaaian bear will renew the
battle with renewed energy. The
affect of the oommission'a tfforts
are already evident, inasmuch that
tbe working olaaaea and the sol
diers of the Rreat bear country
atly tamed down tbe seprata
'Austrian peace overtures, ( Ger
man proposition,) made to them
by Austrian socialist?. And th. n
the renewed Houvity of Rupsin'e
navy and laud forops is further evi
'denoo lhat'the KuaHian heir is re
'turning to ILh struggle. It ws
left to Eli toaroDBe the Kussinn
Stand by tho State
6amo Warden.
SUto Garaa Warden Itoualt has
declared i hat allnou-resideotsmost
pby live dollars, the pric fixed by
U'jh, for tbe privilege of fibbing in
,. ),, rifrvn. Mr.
Jlouait's declaration bus brought
ortb a howl of protect from aome
Jl Paao oitizeDS who say such pro
Cbduns is an outrage One roan
claims that, becatib he has !pi
under tbe dam Rod is paying water
Borage, be should be allowed
'to fish in the great reservoir on a
on dotlars Iireu.se wbiob i- the
p-ia paid by actual reeHpn of
yew Mexico. lor tho past few
erB d"VstB'io? raid -hw been
5 s
made on tbe wild game in this sec
tion of tbe state by non-residents,
many of whom sneak in on a one
dollar license, or no licence at all,
and consequently the number of
deer in the mountains has been
reduced to a minimum, and it is
high time that non-resident game
and fish hogs be made to toe the
mark. Mr. Kouult la imminently
correct in bin stand and the state
and all good citizens should stand
by him.
Uncle Sam is now after Em run
Goldman's goat. Emma is the
leading female anarchist of Am
erica and has been saying uukiud
things about our Uncle Samuel's
enlistment and selective conecnij
tion policy.
The man that is i.bla to enrol!
10,000,000 men in a riity for war
duty, i;d nose $3,000,0(XC00 in
a month's time for war purposes, in
some hitler. Uncle Samuel, yoa
are it.
One hundred million for the
Red Cross.
Tbe RuuHiau bear fertems to be
coming alive again .
It is evident that the king o?
Spain will suoa be a very buey
(Continued from page 1)
abled; dependent relatives indicat
ed and those of occupational ex
emptions claimed indicated, total,
17,600, in addition to these, are
cards indicating no exemptions
claimed, making a total of 9 971.
There are 4,321 aliens and 198 al
ien enemies in .tbe state Santa
Fe New Mexioan.
Sonvlct Suffered -Inconvenience t
Have Laugh on Law.
Th late Cant. "Jo" Nicholson
ed to toll of a longtime prisoner
ho had ben In the house of correc
tion while the captain ran that lnatl
Juat before his terra expired t.b
.jcnvlct cabiod the captain that Ju
tire waa now done and thnt an hor
?st maa would atart afresh la Oat
"Dut you haro told m aoveral tlmo
hat you were ' Janocent of tin
harse on which yoa were sent hero.
"So I was, Capt. 'Joe,' and I cai
prova It. Here are the names o
threa witnesses ' Get their ataU
uients and see whether I am Ij'tntf.'
Just as a matter of curlnslvy tht
rhptaia coinjilled and lound convlnc
fnfr evidence of the man'i innocence.
''ha coavlct waa calkd in and 'n
iii; ; antly asked why he had not usee
is., evidence in Getting a nw trial
"I'll tell you, captuln. In my tlnn
I! was acquitted thioe or four tlwifti
ben I waa guilty, no when I wso eon
Icted of aoraethrng I never l!d, 1
Juat' thought I'd aon thlnits up by tat
lig my medicine without kicking. I
ildes that. It sort of tl:k!ed me to
find that justice Lad missed rae at
vry shot." Datroit Naaa.
Unitornna of Chlneaa Students.
Tie establishment of government
rhrxl3 in China and ths onulpmor.t
zVc'T" ',"'?"rT1 'a furatshlng
4 market for military ciWus.
According to tho British consul at
TVuchoW. ' 6(T of Hie-so 3ehools liaro
been opened In that prefecture alone
The uniform consists of a coat and
troueera of foreign cut, with trass
fcuttona and peak cans, and shoes of
foreign patfrn.
in the strictly military schools
khal la worn. All the uniforms seen
appear to be of Britlah cloth, bu.5
there la a rula. which Jfi ?tdcirUy if
aorcd, that only nr.tive rnaterlal b
nsed. Caps, buttons and braid all
come from "Japan." '
Tre nbofi are said to ba of Hon
l-.ocg manufacture, but a very irfferio?
Wt4 Is wal" locally of native loaihor.
btat of Mew Mexico.
County of Sierra, ' )
In the District Court.
W. A. Fleming Jynee, et at., )
1 Plaintifla, )
vs. )
Victoria Chief Copper Mining
&' Smelting Company, a corpor-tioD,
l-ftHlanr.. 1
To All Whom it Mv Concern :
If. VVfvtnn. T.'j.faivc i.f tlm above named
(lefendnnt cointniiiy, h-ia filed in the of
fice of Mie Clork of the District Court
f ii !he ( onnry of Siorra, New Mexico,
final report fiii li Itereiver ol theabove
namuii tiefHTidnttt coninai.-v. and that the
H;,i i report will he callti'l up fur final
hearing mid 'approval before the Hon
(liable Merit C. Mi'C'iein, Judire of the
abi'VH entitled court, on the 11th day of
July, 11)17.
(Signed; W. II. WKSTO.N.
Sierra Wcwnty.
OiTce of tho C'imm H'ioner of
Public t. a nds,
Santa r-V, Now M xico.
Notice is her. by tiive th.tit, pursuant
to the provisions oi an Act of Congress,
approved Juiie 20, 1910, the Law3 (if thn
b, ate of New Mexico and Id rules and
regulations of the State L.ioT OHice,
the CnmmisKionnr of Public Lands will
( !Ter at Public Stile to the highest bid
der, at o'clock. I'. on Tuesday, Aug
ust 14th, 1917, in the TowuofHidsb-.ro,
County of i -rra, S at of New Mex
ico, in front of the Court House there
in, tho 1'lluwing described tracts of
land, v z:
.Sale No. 830, Lota 2, 3 Sec. 3, T .
13-. U. 6. VV., containing 73.97 acres.
There are no improvements on this
la d.
S.de No. 831, E'si'rc1;,' Bee. 8, All of
Sec. 9. EKNWj, -N..SEM, NW.SWJ
See. 17, NEE' ; Sec. 18, T. 13S , K.
7VV., containing-1,040 ncres. The im
rovementa on this land CO' siat of re
set voirs atnl fen in-( value 425.
;-ale No. 832, NVU Sec. 2, T. 15S.,
R. 2V., containing 153.45 acres The
improvements on tdis land consist of
house, corral, well, windmill, tank,
fruit tre.-s, and fencing, value $1,500.
Sale No. 833; S', N W 4 Sec. 3T. 15S.,
It. ',:V.. confidi ing 470.77 acres. There
are no improvomen's cn thi land.
S tie Mo 824, iV'oNW'i Sec. 15, T.
1C3, R. 8W., conttiinin-j 8J acres The
improvements on thi land consist of
fencing, value 40.
Bale sWJiSE'i 8cc 13. ff,
SUH, W f.j NEK. SBNE.'-4 Sec. 24. T. j
17S, It. 8W,,' containing b40 aer 8
The improvements on tois land consist
of reservoir, ditch, plowing, and f nc-in-r,
value $1,000
Sale No. 836, All of Section 12. T.
18S. R. 5 W., containing 610 ac es.
There are no improvements on ttiis
land. '
Sale No. 837, NJSE Sac. U. T.
18S., R. 6V., contnining 430 acres.
There aru no improvemetits on this
land. '
Sal 'No. 838, NK'NWJi. N.H'NEl-4,
NSES-i Son. ). N'.jS,
SI? k'SK Sec; 10. 8 -W Vi, N W SE.1 i ,
KJ Ngif Sec. 11. NWSEM. NSi
3Vl4 Sec. 14,NVVSG'4, aEKNM
"See. I,'), SW'i,SB,'4 S c. 24, Nff'4'
NEW. SENW'i, Nk,SW'4' Sec, 25,
N'Jf- S 2t5. NliSW'l S.-;c. 27, T.
15S., R. 8V , containing 1,280 acres.
'Hi'! improvements on tai3 land consist
of fencing, VMlue$385.
Sale No. 839, WtSW, NE'SWJi,
SB' ,NWl Nec. 9, 17 18S., R. 7W., con
t iioing 1G0 acrew. There are no iir'
provement. on thi,land.
No bids on the above described trac's
of la'td will b accepted for lens than
Three Hollars ($3.00) an acre, which is
the appraised value thereof. A"d i
addition thereto the succcsssful bidder
must py lor the improvements that
exist on fie Und.: '
Each of the ibove des ribod tracts
will be off re.l for sale separatel y
The ab ve sale of lands will be sub
ject to the foil wing terms and 'con Ji-dition-,
The successful Idd l r must pay to
the Commissioner of Public Lan is, or
his Hgeut ho'.ilui:? su-h Male, cn -twentieth
ot tho pr.c? oil" -red b,' him f r the
land, fonr percent ioterest in aivan --e
for the blau e i f .such purchase price,
thdfet-s f..r advertising 'and appraise
ment and all eoa'.s in iJent il to ti.e sale
herein, and each and all of staid amoun s
most be deposited in casti ':r cert ft cd
ex. hangeatthe time of Rale, and which
b iid amount" and all of them are suo
jbet to forfeiture to the State of N.-w
Alexico if tun successful bidder d.-.es
not executo a contract vvi hiu thirtj
days after it has been maile 1 to him
by the Slav Lund Office, said contract
1 1 piovide that tho purchaser may at
his opLiuo make p.iyrncnts of not less
than .ine-thirtiech of ninet.v-fiv per
cent of th-i nn,ch.';3rt price at any time
after th ? stile and prior to the expir
ation of thirty years from the date of
rovot- t'ifh '"f-prit o (ief.-rred
p-iymeiiU at the rate cf fou'-pr cent I
pera'.num payublvj in advance on tbe
anniverfiiry of the date of contract,
partial payments to be ci edited cn the
anniversary of tie d.itJ of contract
next following the date of tender.
The Commi -siontT of Public Lands
of New Mexico, or hifl :gent holding
such saio, r serves the right to reject
Rnv ii nd all bids oifered ct said sale.
I'ossession under contracts of sale for
Lie above desctib' d tncts will be giv
en on or b; fore October 1st, 19J7-
Witness my hand and tho official
seal of ihe Stale L ond Ollice this 28th
dav of May, A. D., 1917.
Commissioner of I'ublic L mds,
State of New Mexico.
First publication June 8, 1917.
Last publration August 10, 1917.
"r 355 And Our Paper All One Year
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Siid Your Grdsf Bsfore Yea Forget
The Kagazlsss Will Stop Promptly, When Time Is
Waller Winn). Esq.
The most famous shot
in Europe, with konti
and thoulder armu
Two World's Record?
'in One Day
with the .22 Savage Hi-Power .
AT the Bisley Matches of the British National Rifle Association
r the biggest rifle match in the world the . 2 2 Savage Hi-Power
, rifle and Savage ammunition in the hands of Mr. Walter
vWinans on July 25, 1914 made the highest possible score on the
Running Deer target--six straight j's. This Is a World's recprcf.
Qn the same day, with the tame rifl and ammunition, Mr. Winans made
the'Mghcst poible score on the Running "Wild Boar target six straight s's.
Another World's record. . ,
This roeely clinches what other shooters have proyed that tht Imp's won
derful accuracy (5 consecutive shots in a 10-inch circle at $00 yards), tremen
dous velotay (ziloo feet more than half a mile a second), long point blank
range (260-yard trajectory less than three inches), and trifling recoil (4.6 foot
poorjrls) make it easier to hit moving game with than any other rifle.
And it Ins killed Alaskan Brown Bear, Orinly, Buffalo, and man-etiB
tiger, besides the deer and black bear it was originally designed for. ' ' -
Writs in for particulars about "the biggest little gun in the world."
Savage Arms Company, 947 Savage Ave. , Utica, N.y?
7ko .22 SAVAGE Hi-Powcl
j fj; New of th .Wcrld by SBOdated Press Bearorl !mr.
' r Kews s of Kew Mexico nd Eastern Arizona bi Special Corre
i 'iponden , ( . r
DaU: t Stock Market Quotations, lncludlne Caty. Eheep, Horns,
Jay. an Grain.
WTele train service places tho REGUIIAR E3JTI0li of th
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