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VOL. 34. HILLSBORO, SIERRA COUNTY, NKW MEXICO, JUNE 29, 1917. $1,00 Per Year No. 17. 3 5'. 1 3 and 'proof XIlSS) ' "or a'e 8enaamoaeior8Retcfiet!BTi1 dewrtptierj N 0f your invention for FREE SEARCH gij ients or no fee. ,Write for our free book 0f 3U0 needed inventions. 0, SWIFT & CO, 1 507 Seventh St.5 Washfnntn'n: n h. am-. ... ..I. Ju..iu..r-.aLzir: FjjLU5TRArOR5 ' . i AAlMit Ries and Cartridges I If is Location . r,; iT-tiH r All i hf fcii W..r. i J Jobtainmi throiiKh tlu old established M J? ..O. S WIFT A CO." t beimf quicklj H Rifles and Cartridges for Real .22 Sport IN the .22 caliber as in the high-power arms, your shrewd sportsman selects his ride and cartridges for results. And when you start to he critical, there's no where to stop short of Remington-U MC. Made In Single Shot models in Slide-Action models, with the famous Ror'inr;ton-UMC toli.l breech and now, the Autoloading model that successfully handles 16 Remington A Htcloadinz rint-firt cartridges without reloading. For real .22 sport, get your rifle and cartridges from the dealer who displays the Red Ball hlarkol Reminglon-U MC. Sold by your home dealer and 324 other leading merchants in New Mexico Remington Atms-Union MelJIic Cartridge Co. ol worth Building (233 Broadway) Now York I oi,iitfiimirriniTi'Hiii nfiAfl, wr ri mm of labor a this office " ILoeationi this office. H. A. WOLFORD, Oflice: First Door east of R. C Church. Main Street. Hillsboro - New Mex Offlje: Room 2(3, Armiio JRniMin? Cor. 3.-d St. ami Kailrotid Ave. l'liu'two ia tbe Supremo Oourte of Now Mexico and iexus, ' ELFCGO BACA, Attorney and (Jouncellorat J,nvt , ALHUQUEKQUE. - NEW ME Will hepreHentttf all tenir of Court of Bernalillo, Valencia, Socorro aul ier ra Counties. tteitl i '001 GoM, Silver and Coppv Mining t ropertiofin New Mexico. CH. J. 0. HATCHES, Physician aiitJ Surgson. Hillsboro, New fiiex. C. U. FKSES, Phsidan and Surgeon Hot Springs New Mexico BO W AM and P.E3ER, Attcrneys-at-Law. LAWYERS, Las Cruces, I We JAMES R. VYADDILL, Demins fi M Will ntterjd all th Conrfa Kif ra Connty and the Third Jiidi cil Diatret. i&cra Contractor Good Wormanphip. Prices Eight. IIILSBORO, New Mioo. EVERYBODY .RE.1D3 THE JOURFJAL. Why? Because it Print TODAY'S NEWS TO DAY, and Lots of it. And because it is inde pendent in politics and wears the collar of no political party. 70 Cents a month by mail. Albuquerque MORNING JOURNAL Well Sg'pplted. A young womRii of Baltimor, wb recently entered upon the happy atata, knows bo little about housekeeping that 8he shudders lest the butcher and the baker and the rest of the grades men discover her Ignorance. She or lers only articles with which she hai lorno acquaintance, and ends her busl oeBS interviews as quickly as possible. On one occasion this young wife waa feeling rather puffed up by reason ot lorne newly acquired knowledge of things domestic, when the ashman came through the street, uttering his aaual cry: "Aeh-wjutj Aifn-eea!" As the man neared her window she prew more and more perplexed. "What n earth Is he saying?" rko asked her. lelf. At last he appeared at the back" door, and there she confronted him, "Ash-ees?" came In a husky gut teral. For a moment she looked at falra Hesitatingly. Then, drawing herself up with great dignity, she replied: "No, I do not care for any today." Lipplncott's. Wnt No Mors Funiculars. In a memorial presented recently to the Swiss government the ligue for the preservation ot tcenery in that country asks that no more concessions should be granted for the construction of AJplne railways. It in probable that concessions In the future nay not be obtained so enwily as In tbe past, as there is a cer tain amount of feeling in the country that these mllways, though they cer tainly appoal to a large number of via. itors, do not Improve the beauty of the Alps. Many of the mountaineering visit ers dislike the'se railways, but they very seldom eare to climb on foot a height which can be scaled in a com fortable carriage. Such a mountain loses all charm, it appears, for the pedestrian and hn generally goes off to districts where the mountain rail war has not been introdnceLTht Queen. , Ray-Kltiod Bacteria. A method for sterilizing milk w!tH out heating or adding preservatives la claimed to have beon effectively derr onstrated recently in Hollard. An ap paratus has been constructed, It ta explained, whereby the milk flows ia a thin stream along an electric light; the ultra-violet beams working on the bacteria. The result is attributed to the quality of the ozone formed under the influence of the light The Argo naut Scotch Alarm Clock. A tourist in rural Scotland took ref- ose for the night in, the cottage of an old lady. He asked her to wake him tip early in th morning, warning bei that he was quite deaf. TtJpon awak ening much later than the appointed hour he found that the old lady, with itrict regard for the proprieties, had slipped under the door a slip of papei upon which was written: "Sir, It'l half past eight" Prize Steers Not Good Meat Tha meat of more than one prifs steer has proved disappointing in the eating, though fine to look at. In the development of the animal for compe tition his flesh is sometimes. If not always, seamed with small veins of fat which are dilated by cooking Into tough strings. Hence, the range-fed steer, not nursed Into prominence, a5 Corda the better steak, or roast Tha rut she wore in her hair caused the death of a Pennsylvania woman. It is now in order for a development of the hobblfrk1rt fatality. Even then fashion will not have done Its worst A South Carolina prophet an nounces that the world will come to an end next year. There Is no like lihood that it will come early enough tu .eti ua uuui uivmg a iviig win ter. A capitalist recently went to New York and got rid of $10,000,000 in three months. If he had gone to really competent New Yorkers he could have got rid of It In less tliao three days. In Cleveland a grocery store Is of fered for sale, the reason, as adver tlsd, being that "the present owner is dead." This seems to dispose of tbb old theory that "you can't take It with you." Central Europeans in this Country. YVaehingson, D.O. The natives of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey now residing in tbe United States aggregate ap proximately 4,GG2,000, or about percent of the total population of the country. The foregoing is announced by Director Sam L. Rogers, of the bureau of census, department of commerce, as the result of a calcu lation based on the census figures of "1910, the rnrorts of the bure-mi of irnniiiiiti. n foi t';? period of 1910 and lb ? -ps-V; time, and the etiuittlt)d uiJiUli'j during that period. Although it is not possible by this method to determine with absolute exactness the number of natives of tbe coun tries named now living in the United States, it is believed that the result obtained represent a reisonably approsimation to the facts. - ; .-) These 4,tiG2,000 foreigners ara distributed, according to country of birth, as follows: Germany 2,349,000 A QBt ri a . , .... .... 1,376,(00 Hungary "..V. ....'11.1' . 738,000 Turk?y.......l..l...;.. 188,000 Bulgarian ..1. .1.. .1 i 1,000 It ia impossible to say whether the proportiona of aliensthat is, persons who have not applied for naturalization certificates among these foreigners are approximately the same in 1917 as they were in 1910; but, assuming this to be tha C4ne, the number of male aliens 21 years of age. and over included ia the above total number of male in habitantaof the United Slates 21 year of age and over. The did. tribution of these aliens, according to couutry of birth, would be as follows: Germany 136,000 Austria 447,000 Hungary , 280,000 Turkey...... 93,000 Bulgaria .... 8,000 The proportion of aliens among male Germans 21 years of age and over is very much smaller than tbe corresponding proportions for the other countries named, having been only a little more than 11 per cent in 1910, na against approxi mately G3 per cent for Austrians, 74 per cent for Hungarians, 82 per cent for Turks, and aearly 99 per cent for Bulgarians. There is an old woman living in A Mna.ll town in nnthrn PAnn.wl. vanm who makes a great effort to keep abreast of the times. Her op portunities, however, aie circum scribed and she is sometimes com pelled to resort to her imiganation. She went to a church social lately, and as the entered tbe room one of the attendants said: "Good even' ing, nnntiV. J Hrr g!id you came. We are going to have atableaux to night," "Yes, 1 know, replied tha old woman. "I nmlt Vro when I first came in." liuffab News. " i l