auj ...... ' " ' '" '"' ' " !-""---l-J
''1 J 111 J..
IB! 1 i
$1,00 Per Year
VOL. 34.
AmemcQ United deans
Hasting Victory foi Demoeaaty.
Every Man, Woman and Child can Render
Some Service in this Great Cause. Do it
Begin to Day
JEat Iiess,
Produce more,
dlaste Nothing.
&t$y&gP sty : J? -1
JMfff a TN the
AS" 1 '''A 1 arm,
lO " k ' M Ul v'ifi..'
f J i For real .22
r " -''l r"Cvff Sold by your home dealer and 324
,4SVoWW other leading merchants in New Mexico
nml proof
lamfeS For Sale
j.1 U natnl.lUVir-vi
or ir b We v -- " -
bought by Manufacturers.
,. ...r.HHi.ji-stmi oeacrrotirm
OVUuaw C L IS C ftStbr U
your lnvuiuion mr " " .
wnnrt on DaWnUbility. We sret pat-
! tnU or no Write for our free book
I of 300 needed .inventions.
! CiMMi B fIr UL71
- I Pcf Kh IRftfl.
307 Seventh St., Wasnington, u. uj
Rifles and Cartridges
.22 caliber as in the high-power
your shrewd sportsman selects
anA nnrtrxAcrra for results.
And when you start lo be critical, there 8 no
where to stop short of Tft-minytoit-UMC.
Ma'le hi PtnKle Shot models in Slide-Action models,
with the famous kemintrton-UMC bolid breech and
now, tlie Autoloading model tht successfnllv himlln l6
spon, get your rifle and cartridges trom i the
ing (iii i3foaawy m iwi7
of lalfor
a t this office
fills otiSice.
Office; First Door east of II. C
Church, llain Street.
Hillsboro - New Mex
Ofliio: Room 20, Arraijo BuiliiinS
Cor.;iidSt. and Kail.-oad Ave, I'nutico
in the Supreme Courts of New Mexico
audi Texas
Attorney and Connccllorat Law ,
Will heprPHnntat alltemrs of Court of
Pfrnalillo, Valencia. Socorro and Sier
ra Counties.
Deal in good Gold, Silver and Coppe
MiningPropertieein New Mxico.
Physcclan and Surgeon.
HSHsboro, flow Hex.
G. IK rasEs.
Phslcian and Surgeon
Hot Springs New Mexico
COM K AM and P.E3E3.
: Attorneys-at-Law.
Las Cruces,
Demins:,f. N- M
Will nttepd all the Courts Sip
ra County and the Third Jodi
oial Distrct.
wi mmmm
General .
Good Wormanphip.
Prices Eight
Why? Becausa it Print
PAY, and Lots of it.
And because it is inde-.
pendent in politics and
weara the colIaF of no
political party,
70 Cents a month by mail,
State of New Moxieo
SUts Corporation C. miiiiHSion of New
Cortifica'e uf Comparison
Urited Slates of America
State of New Mexico )
It in hereby Oi tilled, t.'iat the annex
ed in a full, true ai d complete transi ript
cf the
Certificate of Incorporation of
(No Stock lioldeM' Liability)
No. do ir
with the endowments thereon, as wmn
appears on file aivl of record in the of
fice of the State Corporation CauJiuis-sion.
In Testimony Whereof, the State Cor
) poration Commission
of ti
the Stiite of New
State" Corporation) Mexico h;is caused
CominiHsioii of ) this Certificate , to
New Mexico. ) be nined by its
) Chairman and the
Bfal of said Commission, to he Hffixeil ut
the City of Santa Fe on this 52nd day of
July, A.D. 1917.
IJugh II, Williams,
Edwin F. Coard,
We, the underpinned, in oroer to form
a oiporaiion for the purpose herein
after Hlated under and pursuant to the
provisions of the laws of the State of
New Mexico entitled "An act to regulate
the formation and tfovurnuient 0f L.ur.
porntions for mining, nianufacturim;, In
ousttial and other purbuils," approved
March 15th, 1905 and amended there
after, do certify as follows:
That the name of such Corporation is
and shall be LaiiKBol Mining and Devel
opment Company. (No Stockholders'
Tbe Corporation shall exist for a per
iod of fifty (50) years from the date of
the filing of these articles.
The objects for which such corporation
is formed are as follows :
.-.To piiictiaw, l'cat, lese acquire, sell
and VoDvey mines, mining claims and
mineral lands, wherevoi situate, mid to
conduct mining operations thereupon or
in connection therewith, and mine and
extract the minerals therefrom.
To purchase, Io.ish, construct or ac
quire in any other lawful manner, and to
own, conduct and operate milis and auy
and all other kinds of reduction plants,
smelters and processes for the recovery
of the minerals and mineral values from
on-s mined or otherwise lawfully acquir
ed or Controlled by t-uch corporation,
and to purchase, acquire, sol and deal
in any lawful way in any and all kinds
of minerals for any and all purposes;
To purchase oi acquiie in ituy oilier
law'ul milliner, and to own, sell and con
vey water and war r nuhts to be used in
any and all business and operat;'ous car
riod on or conducted by the corporation ;
To purchase or construct, or acquire
in any other lawful way, anil use in any
of the business or operations of the cor
poration, electric and oiher power
plants and lines, structures, fixtures and
appliances, tramways, rilrouds, pipe
lines, telograpli and telephone lines;
To lay out towns and townsites in con
nection w ith any mining business or iu
dUKtry beiiiK cairied cn by such incor
poration, ami to construct buildings
thereupon, and own, f-eil, lease, or con
vey the Muieaud redout at therein;
l'o tsiab.ish and conduct a meicautile
business in connection with such liiin
ing business 'of corpoiation or any
of the business incident thereto;
To purcbaso or acquire iu any other
lawful way, ami to own, sell and convey
any and all real est ita necessary for any
and all of tho needs and purposes of
such corporation.
To purchase, acquire, or sell, aswi(;n,
transfer, moi tg ice or otherwise dispose
of the sh .res of the capital stock issues
and bonds, securities and evidences of
indebtedness created ! by any other cor
porations, and th s corporation may hold,
purchase, mortagt) and convey real
estate and personal property out of the
State of New Mexico;
To purchase, acquire, to build and to
construct, to pay oi and operate a
steam, electric or tram railway, to issue
bonds to secure the payment of same.
amend, alter, change or repeal any pro
visions contained in this certificate, in
the mariner now or hereafter prescribed
by statute, for the amendment of the
certificate of incorporation.
The Corporation may conduct buni
ness in the State of New Mexico and
and elsewhere, ami including any of the
Statesof tho United States, District of Col
umbia and all foreign countries; to have
one or more offices therein, ami therein
to hold, purchase, mortgage and convey
real and ersorial property, except as
an l wnen forbidden by local ws.
The capital stock of the Corporation
shall be Five Hundred Thousand
(rO0000.0O) Dollars divided into five
hundred thousand (oOOOOO) shares of the
par vulue of On ($1-00) Dollar each:
which stock shall be fully paid prior to
its issue ana tnerealter be non-asaeaable
ai d may be paid for in property, rnonny
and other values secured to the Com
Articles of Incorporate
i 3 f i
Thre Hundred Thousand .ww
shares of the said capital stock tfc
snbstribed as hereinafter set fortl
pni'l In real property conveyed Ufi,
Corporation w the capital with
thi company commence businesrfif
ii in HiiareM.ite ireasurv siOCKamisruM
huiiiucttotht-kiiuer ot tue noara oi v
The principal office of said corpn
tion in ttie itate ot New jiiexico una
of the acrent of said Corporation tnere-
in io charce theief and upon whom
process against 8'iid Coi poration may bs
sorved, is W. II. Weston.
The business of this Oomoration shall
be managed during thefirNt three months
of its corporate li:e by three difectori.
to-wit :
Georye T. I-nntrhorne, El Puo, Texas.
Kd. Solomon, El Paso, Texas.
W. H. Hucher, Hillsboro, N. M.
who shall hold rifle until their success
ors are elected and qualified. After the
first three months the number of the
Directors of the Company shall be and
continue three who nhall be chosen from
tho stockholders by a major vote of the
whole thereof, and' each of said directors
shall own and hold riot less than One
Hundred (100) shares of tho capital
stock, The board of directors may
choose from their miwber or from tin
stockholders one or more whom they
may clothe with authority to act for all
and this power shall extend to all de
partmonts of the operations and busi
ness of the corporation, and each of
which an appointee or wanauer may be
given control and such compensation of
salary as to the directors may seem Just
and r'uht. The beard of directors at
any regular or special meeting and by a
nrajor vote shall fix the selling price of
the treasury st ick owned by the Cor
poration and until such order shall be
made and entered of record no treasury
stock may be sold at less than par. . The
board of directors may formulate rules
and piepare by-laws fur the cooduct of
its business ami the direction of its of
fleets and agents,
The Directors of the Corpora tion shall
choose its President, Vice-president,
Secretary and Treasurer, and all other
officials shall be chosen as such corpor
ation shall from time to time determine.
Such directors shall have power to make
and repeal and smend by-laws for such
corporation, but by-Jaws so made by ihe
directors, may he amended or repealed
by the stockholders. The directors shall
have power from time to time to declare
such dividends as within their judgment
seem proper. Said corporation may
have and maintain an office and princi
pal place of business out (if the State of
New Mexico, and the same shall be lo
cated at El 1'aNO, Texas, until lawfully
ehan:.-d therefrom, at which office any
of its business may be transacted and at
tsuch office tbe directors may hold their
uieetiii9 and keep the books of the cor
potation incluoing duplicates of the
stock and transfer Uiuks.
The annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of this Corporation shall be held at
its principal office on the 1st Tuesday of
the month of September of ea' h year
after 1917, and the first meeting of the
stockholders for the year 1917 shall be
held on the first Tuesday of September,
1917, at the principal office, and the time
and place of meetings Bhail only be
changed by major vote of Board of di
rectois, of which chanre notice shall be
givi-n to each btockiiulJcr at his record
address, at leaHt ten days prior to the
day of such piopi sed meeting. At any
uieling of stockholders lawfully con
vened a majority of shaies of stock is
sued in person or by proxy present shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction
of buwiuess,
The names and residences of the sev
eral incorporators herein with the num
Ur of shares of the capital stock sub
scribed by each are;
George T. Langhorue, El Paso, Texes,
150,000 chare.
Kd. Solomon, El Paso, Texas, 149,000
W. H- Bucher, Hillsboro, N. M., 1,000
The board of directors, if such a course
seem expedient aud iu the interest nf
ioe aiicatioblers, become associated with
other perrton or persons, or corporation
or corporati ana in the construction, leas
ing or purchasoof any mill, plant, smelt
er, reduction works, railway or other
means of transportation and they may
also purchase said interests aDd shares in
other corporations aud its property as
they may deem it wise to do, and in such
event all shares of utock shall be held
by tho President in trust for this Cor
poration, and the transfers shall be made
to liim as such trustee or such other of
ficer as the directors may name and ap
point. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the un
derstrired persons have hereunto uh
sciibed their names on this 27th day of
Juufc, A, D. 1917. ,
O. T. Langhorue.
- Ed. Solomon.
W.'H. Bucher.
(Continued on page 2)