Newspaper Page Text
t,, V I ERR A COUNTY ADVOCATE. W. O. THOMPSON, Proprietor. TlieCierraCounty AdvoenteinentVred the Post Office at HillsborofHierra cuaty, New Mexico, for transmission rough the U S. Mails. 68 (second class jaatCer. ' SIERRA COUNTY ADVOCATE impartially Devoted to the Best Inter ITS of Sierra County and the Siate of New Mexico. FRIDAY. JULY 13, 1917. "Our Country! In her intercourse J with foreign nations, may sue always 'be right, but our country right or 'wrong.' Stephen Decatur. The RnGslan bear is on Lie way to Lcniberg. New Mexico's copper produc tion for 1910 waa 86,510,171 47 pounds. Now comee tbo Mare Island buetop; 0 killed and 30 wounded. Hpf.L-tiintioua combustion! Of coaiFO. Tboee WaBhiDtoo, I). 0, Buffs ahonld throw in with the Arizona ' I. Y. We. 'Twould boa fine combination. Emma Goldman and her an arohist parmour, Alex Karkman, have recnived a' pretty bard jolt. Tbey bave been found guilty of conspiring to obetract enlistment and have been sentenced to two ynrs in prison and fined $10,000. Let the good work ro on. 'The enlisted strength of the J7irnt New Mexico National Guard, icclndiug Ikttery A., is 2.200. Bierra county's quota is 32. Ac cording to latent reports the coun is eighteen men short, only four teen raen having been furnished. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION. ' fios OF NEW MEXICO July 2, 1917r3 p.m.' Edwin F. Coard, Clerk. Compared II FS to EDC f-tate of New Mexico State Corporation Commission of New Mexico. Certificate of Comparison. United States of America) - Plate of New Mexico. It is Hereby Certified, that the an nexed is a full,, true and complete tran script 'f the Ceitifie:te of Non-liability of Stockholders of LANGSOL MINW.G AND DEVEL OPMENT COM PA MY (NO STOCKHOLDERS' LIABILITY) No. 00 f?j with endorsements the-eon, as same appears on file and of record in the of fice of the State Corp ration Commis sion. In Testimony Whereof, the State ) Corporation Com- Ktntn Pnrnomtinn mission 'if the Commission of New St ite of l ew Mexico. ) Mexico has caus ) ed thin certificate to bn siirned by its Chairman and the seal of s-ud C'.mmifsion, to be aflixed at the City of Santa Fe on this L'nd day of July, A. D. PJ17. Hugh II. Williams, Chairman. Attest: Fid win F. Coanl, Clerk. CERTIFICATE OF NON-LIU5ILI-TY OF fcTOCKHOLDEkS. State cf Texas, ) Puintr rf F.I V'lwn. Br F 'IE ?F, Notary Public in Statd of New Mexico, ) County of I-'iena, ) In the District Court. W. A: Fleming Jom-s, ct al.. ) l'iai:ttifls. ) vs. ) Victoria Chief Cupper Mining) & Smelting Company.acorpor-) Defendant. ) NOTICE OF RECEIVER'S FINAL REPORT To All Whom it May Corn-em , : NimCEISHEREFA'OIV r.N.thatW. H. Weston, Receiver of the above named doten'lant company, h is ti led in the of fiee of (tie Cleik of the Distnet Court for the County of Hwa, New Mexico, final report a such Receiver of the above named defendant company, and that the .. .-1 ,r, uiii i.i, i-nlle.l no for final bearing and approval before the lion orable Merit C. Mechetn, Jnd of the above entitled court, on the iMi "J July. 1917. , T ' .rflTAV (Signed w." " Receiver. NEW AUTOMOBILES CAREFUL DRIVERS CAR FOR SERVICE DAY AND " STATE OF NEW MEXICO NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Onice of the Comm s ioncr of Pulilic i.p.nds, Santa IV, New M xico. Notice is her -by give thai pursuant i. ik..mii ,,Mn anflft or 1 ole!. approved June 20, 1910. the Laws of tho SUte ol r:ew wexco aim in - lu' -'"" regulations cf the Staie La;.l Oilice, the Commissioner of Public Lands will offer at Public Sale to tn- n::-nesi inu der, at:J.clock.'P. M..onTu(:-'a Aug- .. 1.K 1017 in the VOWIi Ot IlldSD l'O, lih r ..Iri ... v rotary iuuiiu ii "- .:..' ut. ,,f v and fir 3i,id County of d o, this ! Cou.ity th 'vl 27thdavof June, A. D. 1J17. P'-rsbn- ic-o. in fro,, of U; f ally ppeared George R. Lnnsrhcrre. n, f.l. ..!'ov.inp l'v' " y - ' .... y . lid. Solomon and vv. 11 known to me and each Bu. her being duly nil 1 land, v Sale No. 8'i0, Lois 2, 3 Bee. 3, T. Known to me arm e.u u,k ..U1J , w (. .ntiinin" 7.97 acres, sworn accordingly upon oath says: -W., on this Thitweand each of us are incor-, la d. ri'K''Ree 8 AU of p-rators of . the LanKSol Mining and j c b-i f , . ;!' yiv Dove opment tlou.pany, i.ock- ! k.. .k , r holders' Liability) and do hereby mako ! Spc;. 17, 4 i8, 1. l- , w m,.Tntj f.n this land o.-sisi oi re- sei voirs and fen- ing, valui H2-. Sa!e No. NW'4' s. c. i. i. i-. R. 2W.. containin? 1 .;. d-j acres inej improvements on this land consist ot j this certifieate of non-liability a part, vv., concainir. i,o-j uf our upphcati' n SECOND That as by law i-pmvi h'd find in con formitv therewith, we do hereby rieclar-- and publish that ins our purpo-e aim, .r.., m,. wi. dmill. intenii-ti as such incorporators, and ot . ' ', on,;np.. value 1.500. the said Corporation when formed, "lL;'3 sU.N'WSec.ST.lSS., that the stockholders therein shall not ; nYd -inC 470.77 a.-res. There be liable on account of nny stock issu- i ar,Vo"imt,rov3meh s on this land, ed by surh corporation during the er- j arc. o .mi ro.m n T led of RU"-h existence; ana t un no i , .,nnt.,innf, a acres The . l i il .... .:..l :lU.. f - I otnrlr Xf', 11. " f ., w.. e. . .. oaertt i... u o mnrov,.me,lt8 on Hhali in any measure aicacn 10 or Kruw , - . , ?,() out of nv stock issued by s .id c-rpor- 1 cvi '-qp.i' s,e n'ion; and that all private prop-rtv of S,V,7W"W, r SKXE'l S-c. 24, T. MiIIsloio5 .Hew Icxicp, F. w" MISTB3R Proprietor LAKE VALLEY, HSLLSDOP.O & KIK6ST0W AUTO, STAQE end EXFFiESS LiKE WUH.N COMING RE.ASONAPLEJRATES Wire at Our Expense Courteous Treatment GAS AND OIL FOR SALE this land consist of 13. w1.:, B'ton; HiKi an private p"M""v cum.-- wi.- NEU SHNli' t "C. 21, i. the siockholders in said corporation, i ? 4. t w taininr 040 a:-ns shall be absolutejy and for-ver free VlQ ,and cnsi.t and exempt from any and aU habd.ty ; Xoir ditch, plowing, and f. nc of the said corporation and on account . . , nnr - :..,l. v . f.,,.fc, ,lo,l nra 1"!', vaiuc liConfiniied from page 1) Ptnte of Texas, ) County of HI Paso. ) Onthi 27th dy of .Inne, A. D 1917. '" fore me persotial'y appenrmJ Geor,:e X. Lniiiiboiiio an 1 I'.il. Solon. or., to ino P 'roofilly known and known ! me to b tlie porsons described in ami wlio ex "ecuted the foregoing instrument, nd tbey and each of them acknowledged that he executed the same as hit free act and deed. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have herr unto not my hand, and affixed my official snal, ti e day and year in this cer titieste firt above written. My com mission expires June 1st, PU0. . . , v ' H.R.iJamble, Notary Puhbv iu and for (fipaj) El P.i8o County, Texas. Slute of New Jfexico, ) - t'oiinty o Sierra. ) r ikia "Mt'ii ,l.iv uf Jinn A. D. 1917. before, in" petsotmlly aplered W . II. j lujn to uieto be thep'.-r o:i depcribe.1 j inattd who executed ih foreinc instru- i jirfnt, aud be acknowleudpii inar neex t(,f name as bis free act and deed. IN TESTIMONY Wi IKK EOF, I have hffi'imtoset my hand, and affixed my of?.u-U seal, the day and year in this ftficate first above written. My com C:ivO expires Atlg. 19th, 1 . , , T. H. Byrne. Notary Public in and for itil Sie-raCotinty New Mex- i ico. '' ' ENDORSED: N. 0045 CV, Kee'd. Vi.l. C 1'n'jre 4.'!.1 CWtiiicato of Incorporation of tGS. j, MININ'O ANH PEVEl.OP-Ml-.N'f COMPANY (Suf 'Vbol ler' 1 i-hility) r'de'l in r-flire of 1"UUP,)HA110.N fOMMIS- onfi rili, rnl liiTiitinns whatsoever. IN WITNI SS WHEREOF, we, the undersigned incorpor 'tors have here fvt our hands :md seals this 27th day of June, A. D. 1917. G. 1 , Langhorne Ed. Kolom"" W. II. Bu' her. Subs' ribed mid sworn to before me by W H. Burner at Sierra County, New "''xico, this the 30th day of June, A. D. 1117. T.J I. Byrne, Notary1 Public Sierra (S nl) County, N. Alexico. My C'lmmisnion expires Aug 19, l'Jiy. Subscribed (.ml sworn to before me ; by George T. Langhon e and VA Solo- I rrioo. of El I'nuo. the day and year in j this affidavit first above witt-ri. My commission expires .nine 1st, 1;H.'. H. R. Gamble, Notary l ublic, El Pas-o (Seal) County Texas. i St;ite of Texas, ) I County of El Paso. ) 1 On this 27th day of June, A. D. 1917. liefore me, personally uppean d Co re T. Langhorne a d Ed. Soloinen to me i personally known and known to me to be the person d sc ribed in and j who executed the foregoing certificate of stockholder Nou-Liab.lity, andench j acknowh'.'ffed that he ex-cutcd the 1 fiame as his free act and !eed. All of Section. 12. T. containing 640 aces, improvements on this Kale No. KM 18S. R. 5 W., Th' re are no Sale No. 837, N'i.SE'i Sec. 11. T. 1SS., R. 5W.. conhdnbg 480 acres. Th 'ie are no improvements on this 'asil.. No. 833, N3'NW'.i. N',NE'4'. SR'iNE-,'. N'.;SE'C Sec. il. NK.S'a, SE'4SE'4Sec. iu. N VWr4, N Jib' t, K s nE', Sec. 11. NW',SE i, N i SWU Sc. ll.NW.USE1,', ;V.N. i H, -... 15, SW' .sE'.v B c 21, NW'4 Nl'I, SB'jNW'.',, N'..SY'-,' Sec, 25, N ' S N ',,SVV '.j See. 2i. T. I. ,s., R. 8W., conf:utiin-j; 1,280 acres. 'I he irnnrovements on t,.i3 land consist e r - .. 1.. . I Oi lencniK, vmi-..-. SaleNo. 8:J3, Wb.SWK, NE'.iSV,. S iNW'f ec. P. T, liJS , R. 7V., con tai.dng 1(50 nee. There are no lm lirovements on this land. No bid.i nn the above descrmca irac a of land will bi accepted for le-s than Three Dollars ($.3.00) an aero, which is t'-.e appraised value there f. A' d i i addition thereto the successful bidder must py tor the improvements that cist on tne land. Eac'i f the above described tracts will b-i oil" re 1 for sale separate! . The ab-fve sale of lands will be sub ject to the foil .wing terms and condi ditiont, viz: The f,ucees-fiil bii'der must pay to the tf Public Lan-s, or in Witiipsa Whereof. I have h. reun- i r t U..I.1;- - o u Ana.fwpnt.i- to set my hand and ainxed tnv ofbeul i 0, tj,0 ,.ic 0if, re b h'm f r the s ;d the day and year nrsc aoove win- j.,ml four per eei;t j ,t,.lrSt in ad vane tea in this certificate. My commission : fr, :ht K.,l' ..f Riirh nnrehase price. thofes for ttdvej ti''nir and aDDraise- I e.ent . and ail cows i:v idental to t e sale j herein, and each and all of said amounts: I must h.i dM)o-,itod m chsii :r cert neu expires June 1st, 1U19. II. R. Gamble. Notary Public in and (Seal) for Kl 1 aso County, Texas. State of New Nexi; o, ) Count v of Sierr. ) On this 3":th day of June, A. ! 1917, liefore rm- p rsonally anpeared W. H. Bucher to me y known an i and known to me to be the person de scribed iu and who executed the fore going certificate of sto- kholdcrs Non Liability, and acknole 'ged t me that he executed the same as ins fiee act and deed. . . , , , iilU..kf A . ... . A - - hereunto ? t mv hand and a.'Iix.-d my official seal the day and year first above written in this levtifiea'c. My com mission expires Aug. 191 h, 1919. T. II. Byrne, Notary Public, Sierra (Seal) Countv, New Mexico. Endorsed: No. DO 16 Cor. Rec'd Vol. 0 Pae 4"3 Certificate of Non-I i ability of Stockholders of LANGSOL MINING AN!) DEVEL OPMENT COMPANY (NO STOCKHOLDERS' LIABILITY) Filed In O flier of STATE CORPORATION COMMI3 SOiN OF NEW MEXICO July 2. 1917; 3 p. m. E iwin F. Coard, Clerk. Compared HVS to EDO ex. hangeac lb- time of sale, and which s iid amount and all of fiem are sun-1 ject to forfeiture to the State of N w j f.Iexieo if successiiil bidder U--es t not cxecote a con'ract wi bio thirty j das a.'Ser it has been m i: I e 1 to him; by' the Sta'" l. -nd O.Tic , srid contract j t p-ovide that the pun-hnser may at, his ontioa make payments of not k'fs . than ono-thb-fi -th of ninetv-fiv per j i-.-ot of the purchase priee at any time after ths sale and prior to the expir-j the ci n'ract, with interest on def -rred payments at the rate of four per cent per a- mini payable in advance on the anniveivary of the date of contract, partial payments to be credited on the anniversary of the date of contract next following the date of t?nder. The Commi-sioner of Public Lands of New Mexi o. or his "gent holding such sale, reserves thts right to reject any iind all bids oifered at ssid sale. Possession nnder contracts of sale ' for tne above deeeiihod tracts will be giv en on or before October 1st, 1917. Witness mv hand and the official seal of the State Land Ctlice this 2Sth day of May, A. D.. 1917. ROBERT P. ERV1EN. Commissioner of Public Lands, State of New Mexico. First publication June 8. 1917. Last publication August 10, 1917. jt. Kallf TTtVdW. Est. CST-L. 'T-'.- 5il The nmt famous shot 'i' '. . - ,-LV !,;' i shoulder arms. $ TP Two World's Records in-One Day with the .22 Savage Hi-Power A T the Bislcy Matches of the British National Rifle Association f- ihe biggest rifle match in the world the. 22 Savage Hi-Powtf rifle and Savage ammunition in the Jjands of Mr. Walter Winans on July 25, 1914 made the highest possible score on the Running Deer target--six straight j's. This is a World's record. On the same day, with the lame rifle and ammunition, Mr. Wirina made the highest possible icore on the Running Wild Boar target lix itraight s'. Another World'i record. This merely clinches what other ahooters haye proved that the Imp'l won derful accuracy (a; consecutive jhoti in a lo-inch circle at 500 yards), tremen dous velocity (2S00 feet more than half a mile a second), long point blank range (200-yard trajectory lesa than three inches), and trifling recoil (4.6 foot pounds) make it easier to hit moving game with than any other rifle. And it has killed Alaskan Brown Bear, Grinly, Buffalo, and mn-eting tiger, besides the d-er and black bear it was originally designed far. Write us for particulars about "the biggest f'ttle gun in the world." Savace Arms Company, 947 Savage Ave. , Utica, N.Y. The .22 Hi-Power JftH'iTi'lffi'"' .1$ FOUR raTHlY MAGAZINES ,s And Our Paper AH Oec Year ' THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN mm r in. J4 ACT QUICKLY! w w ..r c . . j , c. fa - - - . - . ........... , . t 1 , ut rr.hta b town. If you have never subscribed to our paper before, do it now and tt these four niasisinea. If you are a regular ubscriber to our prpcr, we urge you to er ! in your isnewal at once, and get these four marines. If you are a tub scribcr : any of these magazines, lend your renewal order to us sjad wc will extend your iubfCripilon for one year. Yhn'f f'! $ 0J C2n get lese ox:T aS'-es for JO(f I'fiiiA Ui if If yoa Subscribe to oar paper for one je&r. J.C' V e have sair p'e copi;s cf li-.cse roagazinet on display at our r ffice. Gdl and see them. They; are printed oa book paper with illustrated covert, and are full of clean, interesting tiiHea ar.d instructive articlea on History, Ec'iae, Art, Music, PaiLi- n, I'aacy Needle weik, General Farming, Live StocV: and Poultry. 511 .13 Q:-Er Es?orB For -, The Magazines Will SJop Promptly, When Time !$