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j J" 3 ..J-. ! 4- J-1 - -8t!C i-UUl-l- 8 M HILLSBORO, SIERRA COUNTY., NEW MEXICO, JULY ao, 1917. $1.00 Per Year No. 20. VOL. 34. :-'f I. f : i :. A J. H-t I !UIXJ.1LJ.IUIIJUJ. .JB-1 1JL I -1 JL-a". llggB"g.'. I- ' '-'! HPiiP fllifl this Wfjt? America United CQeans Iiasting Victory for Demoeaaty. . Every Man, Woman and Child can Render Some Service in this Great Cause. Do it! Begin to Pay Eat Iiess, Prodaee more, lUaste flothing. SIER$R COUNTY BAfll Rifles for N the Arms, wmm wmmi jr Z?'--7 V Remington Arms-Union Metallic cartridge 10. fii ,We4wertk Bttilditu (S33 Brosdwajr) New York City la .Iiooatioa. and proof For Sale obtained through the eld established "D. SWIFT II CO." are being quickb bought by Manufactilrera. Send a model or sketches and dfiscriptipn of your invention for FREE SEARCH and report on patentability. We sret pat ents or no fee. Write for our free book of 300 needed inyentions D. SWIFT k CO. Dannr lauvnm Cttab.'lQ89. 307 Seventh St!, Washlngtoii, D. C BILLU5TRATORJ DrNuKAVcKj Htuuiyvt and Cartridges Real .22 Sport .42 caliber as in the high-power voiir shrewd sportsman selects bis rifle and cartridges lorrexuut. And when you start to ho critical. there's no where to stop ihort of Pemington-UMC. Mod In Single Shot models la Slide-Action models, with the famous Reminnton-UMC solid breech and now, the Autoloading molel that successfully handles 16 tUmintton Attotoodiitf rim-fire cartridges withoutreipadtnt. For real iport, get your rifle and cartridges from the dealer who displays the Red Bail MarkoReminekm-UUC. Sold by your home, d a 1 r and 324 otrier leading merchants in New Mexico . ... mm . M . t of labor at this office ILoeation JJSIank H- A. WOLFORD, Qfiice: First Door east of K. 0 Church. Mam Street. HlHsboro - New Mex Office? Room 26, Armijo Buildin Cor. 3.-d St. and Railroad Ave. Practico in the Supreme Courts of Mew Mexice and Texas ELFJEGO BACA. Attorney and CouncelloratLav , ALBUQUERQUE. - NEW ME! Will he present at all temrs of Court of Bernalillo, Valencia, Socorro and Sier ra Counties. Deal in good Gold, Silver and Coppe- Mipmg V, ropertiesin New Mxieo. DR. J. 0. HATCHER, Physician nad Surgeon. HHIsboro. New Mex. C. H. FRIES, Phsician and Surgeon Jiot Springs New Mexico eONHAM and REBER, Attorneys-aHaw. JLAJfVyERS, Las Crucesi tvr JAMES R WADDILL, Iteming N- M Will ntteDd all tbe Courts Sie ra Comity and the Third Judi cial Distrot. Tfr s . m m - m .I :ai 'is (Reneral Contractor Good Worraanphip. HIlySBORQ. New Mexico. EVERYBODY READ3 the JOunriAL. Why? Because it Print TOD4Y'S NEWS T0 . DAY, and Lots of it. And because it is inde pendent in poltips and wears the collar fit p,o political party. 70 Cents a month by wail. Albuquerque MORNING JOURNAL Articles of Incorporation. State of New Mexico State Corporation Commission of New Mexico. Certificate of Comparison United States of America J )hs. State of New Mexico ) It is hereby Certified, that the annex ed is a full, true and complete transcript oi me Certificate of Incorporation of LANG SO l MINING AND DEVEL OPMENT COMPANY (No Stockholder' (Liability) No. 9045 with the endowments thereon, as same appear" on hie and of record in the of fice of the State Corporation Cotrmis- sion. la Testimony Whereof, the State Cor- ipoxation Commission ) of the State of imw State" Corporation) Mexico has caused CommisMion of ) this certificate to New Mexico. ) be niitned by Its ) Chairman ami t)m seal of said Commission, t be affixed at the Uity of Banta te on this 2nd day of July, A. D. 1917. Hugh II. Williams, . Chairman. Attest: I'dwin F. Coard, Cle.k. ARTICLFS OK INCORPORATION. J.ANGSOL MINING AND DEVEL OPMENT COMPANY. NO STOCKHOLDERS' LIABILITY). We, the undersigned, in order to form a oiporation for I he purpose herein after mated under and pursuant to the provisions of the laws of the Stute of ew .Jnim entitled "An act-to nuulate the formation and Kvmnient of cor (tdrutions for mining, manufacturini);, in--lustrial and other pursuits," approved March 15th, 1905 and amended there after, do certify as follows: 1 That the name of such Corporation is and shall be LangSol Mining aod Devel opment Company. (No Stockuolders' Liability). The Corporation shall exist Jor a per iod of fifty (50) years from the date of the filing of these articles. 3. The objects for which such corporation fs formed are as follows : t To purchase, ,1'jcate, lease acquire., sell ,Atd convey mines, tniplng claims and mineral lauds, wherever situate, en J to conduct mining: operations thereupon or in connection therewith, and tuiue &ud extract the minerals therefrom. lo purchase, Jeas, consiructor ac quire in any other (lawful manner, and to own, conduct and operate mills and anv and all other kinds of reduction plants. smelters and processes for the recovery oi me minerals ana mineral values from orts mined or otherwise lawfully acquir ed or controlled by such corporation, and to purchase, auire, sell and deal in any lawful way in any and all kinds of minerals for any and all purposes; To purchase or acquire in any other lawful manner, und to own, sell and con vey water and watnr rights to be usod in any and all business and operations car ried oiiorconau.-led by the corporation ; To purchase or construct, or acquire in any other lawful way, and use in any of the business or operations of the cor poration, electric and other power plants and lines, structures, fixtures and appliances, tramways, railroads, pipe lines, telegraph and telephone lint's; To lay out towns and townsites in con nection with any mining business or in dustry being cairied on by such incor poration, and 10 construct buildings thereupon, and own, sell, lease or con vey the same and real estate therein ; To establish ami conduct a mercantile business in connection with such min ing business of said corporation or any of the business incident thereto; To purchase or acquire in any other lawful way, and to own. sell and cinvev any and all real estate necessary for any and all of the needs and purposes of such corporation. To purchasa, acquire, or sell, assign, transfer, mortgage or otherwise dispose of the shares of the capital stock issues and bonds, securities and evidences of indebtedness created by any other cor porations, and this corporation may hold, purchase, mortgage and convev real estate and personal property out of the canio oi itrw mexico; To r-JrcbsE!!, acquire, tu oulld and to construct, to pay out and operate a steam, electric or train railway, to issue bonds to secure the payment of same. The corporation reserves the riht in amend, alter, change or repeal any pro visions couiameu in mis certincate, in the manner now or hereafter prescribed by statute, for the amendment of the certificate of incorporation. The Corporation may conduct busi ness in the State of New Mexico and and t lsew here, and including any of the Sta 08 of the United States, District of Col umbia and all foreign countries; to have one or more oihees therein, and therein to hold, purchase, mortgage apd convey reel and personal property, except as and when forbidden by local laws. The Capital Stock of this Corunretinn shall be Five Hundred Thousand ($1,00000.00) Dollars divided Into five hundred thousand (500000) shares of the par value of One ($1.0(1) IVdlar each; which stock shall be fully paid Prior to its issue and thereafter be forever non- assesable and may he paid for in proper ty, money and other values Secured to the Company; Three .Hundred Thousand (30000000) shares of (ho said capital stock beinyc substribed as hereinafter set forth and paid in real prppertjr conveyed ,to the Corporation is ,the capital With(hich this company commences .businees; the remaining Two Hundred thousand ,(.200 000) subject to theforder of the board gl .Direc tors. 4 The principal office -of said corpora tion in the Stute of New Mexico shall be located in the town of Cutter. -Coun ty of Sierra in said Bute, and the name of the agent of said Corporation there in in chare thereof and upon whom process strainst said Corporation tnav be served, is W. II. Weston. 5. The business of this Cornoration shall be managed during tlwifirst three mouths of its corporate ;lile by three .direqtors, lo-wit: George T. Lftnsrliorne, El Paso, Texas. Ed. Solomon, EJ Paso, Texas. W. H. Bucher. Hillsboro. N. M. who shall hold office until their success ors are elected and qualified. , After the first .three months the number of the Directors of the .Company shall be and continue ,throe who shall be chosen from the stockholders by a major vote of tbe whole.thereof. and each of said directors shall own ami hold not less than One Hundred 100) shares of the capital stock. The board of directors may choose from their nusaber or from the " etockh"ldrs one or more whom they may clothe with authority to act .for all and this power shall extend to all de partments of the operations .and busi ness of the corporation, and each of which an appointee or manager may be given control and such compensation of salary as to the directors may seem just and right. The board of directors at any reuular or pecial meeting and by a major vote shall fix the selling price of 1 the treasury stock owned by the Cor poration and until such order shall be made and entered of record no treasury stock may be sold at less than par. The board of di roc tors may formulate rales and prepare by-laws fur the conduct of its business and the direction of its of fleets and agents, 6. " The Directors ef the Corporation shall choose its Prcsidant, Mce'President, Secretary ;and Treasurer, and all other officials shall be chosen as such corpor ation shall from time to time determine. Such directors fhal! have power to make aDd repeal and amend by-laws for such corporation, but by-laws so made by the directors, may he amended or repealed by the stockholders, the directors shall ' have power from time to time to declare ! euch dividends as within their judgment ecm proper. Hald corporation may have end maintain nn office and princi pal place of business out of tbe State of New Mexico, and the same shall he lo cated at El Paso, Texas, until lawfully shanged therefrom, at which office any of itsbusini'S nmv be trsnsucted and at such office me diiectors may hoid iheir meetings and keep the bonks of the cor poration incluiin duplicates of the stock and transfer books, 7. The snonal meeting ef the stockhold ers of this Corporation shall be held at its principal office on the 1st Tuesday of the month of September of ea h year after 1917, and the first meeting of the stockholders for the year 1917 shall be held on the first Tuesday of September, 1017, at the principal office, and the irne and place of meetings shall only be changed by major vote of Board of di rectors, of which change notice shall be giveu to each stockholder at his record address, at least ten days prior to the day of such proposed meeting. At any meeting of stockholders lawfully con vened a majority of shares of stock is sued in person or by proxy present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. S. The names and residences of the sev eral incorporators herein with the num ber of shares of the capital stock sub scribed by each are: George T. Langhorne, El Paso, Texes. 150,000 shares. Ed. Solomon, El Paso, Texas, 149,000 shares. W. il Bucher, HiUsboro, N, M., 1,00Q shares. . The board of directors, if auoh a course seem expedient and in the interest ef the stockhohlere, become associated with other person or persons, or corporation or corporations in toe jcoustruction, leas ing or purchase of any mill, plant, smelt er, reduction works, railway or other means of transportation and they may also purchase said Interests such sharesin other corporations and its property us they may deer it wise to do, and in such event all shares of stock shall be held by the President in trust for this Cor lioration, and the transfers shall be made to him as such trustee or to such other of fleer as the directors may name and tp loii,t. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the un dersgined persons have hereunto sub scribed their names on this 7th day of Juue, A. D.1917. , Q. T. Langhurne. Ed. Solomon. ' , W. H. Bucher. , (Continued op pag 2)