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I ( (J Cf cJLllwil!lllullJlu-y'''l-'' ''! V0CAT. VOL. 34 HILLSBQRO, SIERRA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, AUGUST 3, 1917. $1.00 Per Year No. 22. COTOTY HEiiP txlirl this wrh flmewca United CQeans liastlng.Vietopy lotr Dcmocaaty. Every, Man; Woman and Child can Render Some Service in this Great Cause. Do iti Begin to Day Bat liess, Produce fDotfe, CUaste rlothing. SIERRR COUNTY BRJi . wip yds (Mm N the arms, Woolworth anil proof g Far Sale u, m w mm mt w mw m . . c.(.li ,00a 1 parent unwjci a. mu. 30 7 Seventh St., Washington, D. &.J ISilffl Blank li ii MSifci hum irif- .'w rii HVu 1 obtained throtisrh the old established 1 it "D. SWIFT 4. ,C O . " are being quickly , a bouKiic uy iUfi"I."o. a f oen(j. modcl or 8ketehe and (Wscription I" I of your invention for f RSI SiEAfeCH 1 and report on paWntabihty." Wo set pat- fl ii tnU or no fee- Writ for our free book 1 K of 800 needed inventions. I tJ Aiiiipv : a ' 'aa n ra 1 JemingMi-lIMC Rifles and Cartridges for Real .22 Sport .22 caliber as in the high-power vour shrewd snorUman selects his rifle and cartridges lor results. And when you start to .he critical, there's no where to stop short of Remingtun-UMC. Made in Single Shot models in Slide-Action models, with the famous Reminston-UMC solid breech and now the Autoloading model that successfully handles 16 Remington A utoloadint rim-firt cartridges without reloading. For real 22 sport, get your rlfla and cartridges from the deajet who displays the R4 Ball Markoj Remington-U UC. Sold by your home dealer and 324 other leading merchant in New Mexico ' D.nnnin Irma.Ilnlna Metallic Cartridge Co. Building (233 Broadway) New York C of n labor at this office JCoeatioii ':, i " :i iilaul 1 1 ) I iliii office. H. A. VOLFORD, Office: First Door east of It. ( Church. Main Street. Hillsboro New M-:x Offl:e: Room 20, Armijo Buil.jir, Cor. 3rd St. and Railroad Ave. i'rm ti. in the Supreme Courts of New Mexi and Tesaf. ELFEQO DACA Attorney and Oouncelloi at Law , ALBUQUEKQUE. - NEW MK Will be prenent at all tenirn of Court Bernalillo, Valencia, Socorro am e ra Counties. Deal in irood Gold, Silver and f?op Mining Properties) n New Mexico. : 1 . DH. J. 0. HATCHER, Physician and Surgeon. II lllsboro, New Mox. C. H. FUSES. Phsician and Surgeon' Hot Springs fiewM-xb EOKHAM and mm, Atiorneys-aKaw. , LAWYERS, Las Cruces, N- Ms JAMES R- WADDILL, Deminsi.r M. M Will Htteud al! the Courts 8ie ra Ooanty and the Third Judi ul Diatrct. tfnciicral Contractor Good Wormanohip. Piioee Eight EVERYBODY JREAD3 THE JOURNAL. Why? Because it Print TODAY'S NEWS TO DA'f, a.uJLots of it. And because it is inde pendent in politics and wears the collar of no political party. 70 Cents a month by nail. Albuquerque MORNING JOURNAL PROVED Hi ft AN IMPOSTOK. Judge's Clever Rune Uncovered Trie to ery of Plaintiff. Joseph Choate, the famous lawyer, related at a dinner party at Lenox some Interesting reminiscences of tbs bar and bench. "A Btrlking case," said Mr. Choata, "transpired in the Ws. It was a case of a workman who claimed to hare lost the eight of his left eye In an ex plosion "There was no doubt about the ex plosion anil t&ore was no doubt that the workman's eye had been Injured, but the physicians claimed that he could see out of It, while b stoutly declared that the sight was utterly destroyed. "The Judge heard all the evidence, pro and con. Then, sending the work man from the court room, he said: .' 'Get a blackboard and write a sen tence on it with .green chalk. Also get a pair of spectacles with ordinary clear glass for the lft eye and red glass for the right' "This, in the eourse of an hour r so, was done. Then the workman was brought back and he was ordered to put the queer glasses on. "He put them on and the Judge sa!A to him: " 'Turn the blackboard round and see if you csp read what Is written.' "The man read the sentence without hesitation, whereupon the Judge said to him sternly: 'Your case Is dismissed. You ar an Impostor. You inast have read that sentence with your left eye, for the red glass over the right one turned the green writing black and made it quite invisible on the blackboard.'" BEFORE AND AFTER ELECTION. President Buchanen Had Had All tn Visiters He Wanted). President Buchanan's home stlfli stands fn the outskirts of Lancaster, Pa. Buchanan was a close friend of Abraham N. Cassel. He was presi dent of the turnpike company which owned a road leading frm Lancaster past the Buchanan resl,.nce. During the campaign vthich gave Pennsylvania her only preslot this turnpike prospered on the tolls of the callers who dally thronged to the candidate's home. "Abe," said Buchanan one day, "can't you abolish the tolls, or give a special rate, for all these people! I want to encourage them to como want 'em all to come." Mr. Cassel promised to consult his directors, and a concession was granted. After election came the office seeto ers, and the home of the president elect was compassed about ike a h"f leagured camp. Meeting him, Bu chanan again entreated the road owner; "Casael," he said, "for heaven's sake keep 'em away! Can't you build toll gates clear up to the sky so they can't climb over?" Saturday Evening Post Couldn't Afford It About a year ago Sewell Ford be came a resident of Rye, N. Y. He had lived there only a short time before he discovered that one of his neigh bors was Simeon Ford. The revela tion was made over the telephone. "Hello!" said a voice, "Is this Se well Ford?" The author of "Shorty" admitted that it was. "Well," -went on the voice, "this is Simeon Ford. Sone one's sent ma your meat bill." "Good! Why don't you pay it?" "I will If you'll pay mine," said Simeon." At last accounts the bargain bad dot been concluded. Simeon runs a hotel. Exchange. Carelessness About Firearms. A few days ago at Brockton, Mass., a 6-year-old child blew a man's head off with a shotgun; at Bangor, Me a small boy killed his infant sister wi:h a load of snot, and similar occur rences have recently been reported from other places. Ninety-nine per cent of gun accidents might have been avoided by the exercise of a small lymptom of common sense. The chit drcn referred to in the dispatobe lound the guns in their homes and tne guns were loaded. To keep a loaded gun in the bouse is next to crimlaai carelessness. To keep a loaded g;tn . the house where there are chllden ii 'diotle. Washington Star. Loot PhotograpftSh t Sbmctled linen makes a very good ease for photographs If a book is no? wanted. The case folds and looks like a book cover, but inside tro poeketn. of different sise far the various pio tures. A stenciltd border of plain col or around the edge, with a deslgu in the center, is saracletit decoration. Gray linen or crash are excellent ma" terials to use, as they are very tlur-bla Unkind Suggestion. "Ladies and gentlemen," said th manager, before the curtain, "It is my unpleasant duty to inform you that Mr. C , the star comedian, owing to illness, will not bo able tc appear tonight. Ilia system hn had a severe shock, and he Is Buffering from nervous prostration." ' What's the matter?" shouted one of the jrocU from the gallery. "Did ye pay him la advance?" Sugar In Diet Bpeaking of the importance of sugar in children's diet, Dr. Wood Hutchinson says: "It is notunlikely that the almost universal and dv voutly to be thankful for lack of crav tng for alcohol In children aud in women Is "due largely to the sweet tooth possessed by them and their in dulgence in candy, cakes, fruit, lea creams and sweetmeats generally." . Noiseless Gun for Killing Horses. A curious horse-killing gun used la England to kill horses which have been injured is now being adopted by American anti-cruelty societies be cause of its noiselessness and surety of action. By a alight blow a bullet is noiselessly driven Into the brain ot the animial, killing It instantly, with out a sound to attract attcnttqa in, 4 city street ; Human Nature. Why is It," asked the curious guest, "that poor men usually give larger tips than rich men?" "Well, suh," said the waiter, who was something of a philosopher as well, "looks to me like de po' man don't want aobody to find out he's po', and de rich man don't want nobody to find out he's rich," Youth's Companion. To Make Tires of Paper. Experiments have recently bc-fn made in Europe looking to the utiji na tion of paper in the manufacture of pneumatio tires, tests recently mac3 having oonvinced the experimenters that paper has the strength of metal, the elasticity of rubber, and a cheap ness that Is to be found in neither of these material: ail important QuaK Ulea. Slow Sulclds. Tha entirely self-cenfered man is always a man slowly killing hlmsolt . . . Bachelors do not usually live as long as married men; yet no ob server of the world would maintain that bachelors really take less cars of themselves. No, they are always taking care of themselves, and it Is the care that shortens their lives." "In Cotton Wool," by W. B. Maxwell Had to Know the Time, 1 understand," said the Judge, "that Ton stole the watch of the doctor who bad Just written a prescription for you at the free dispensary. What have you to say to this charge?" "Well, your honor," said the prisoner, "It is true, but I found myself In a hole. His prescription said a spoonful very how, and I bad no watch." Both Were Learning. 1 never had any Idea that nna fend to learn so much after marriage. My learning to eat" Lustlge Blaetter. The Crux. She "Do you believtj a man knows when he is In love? He "Yes; and ha doesn't know anything else." -Judge. I Not Often, In Fact. Fame la a bubble; but It Is not al ways the hardest blower that 'rqint, . ( Ingenious Exccse. A teamster charged with overload ing his horse was asked how heavy load he bad on his van. "About a ton." he replied, "bat It was all light 1 01111"