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A A DVOG HILLSBORO, SIERRA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, AUGUST 10, 1917. $1.00 Per Year No. 23. VOL. 34. HEIlP OUT THIS WAR America United Gleans Iiasting Victory for Demoeaaty, Every Man, Woman and Child can Render Some Service in this Great Cause. Do it! Begin to Day Eat Less, V ' ', Produce CQore, UUaste Nothing. SIERRA COUNTY BAflK N the Arms, Remrnrton Waolworth la iocato& and proof For Sale obtained tbroujrh the old established D. SWIFT . CO." are being quickly bought by Manufacturers. Sand a model or sketches and ctesrrfpHon Of your Invention for FREE SEARCH Hand report on pawitatnlity. We gret pat ent! or bo fee. Write for our free book D, SWIFT & CO. Patent Lawyers. Estab. 1889. 307 Seventh St., Washington, D. & ,,,11 )j )lIH.l.i,,,.,..i...II.IHIIl I LLUJTR AT0R5 "siVi W?j Jemlngtori-UMC Rifles and Cartridges for Real .22 Sport .22 caliber as in the high-power vour shrewd sportsman selects his rifle and cartridges tor remits. And when you start to .be critiial, there's no where to stop short of Remingtvn-U MC. Made in Single Shot models in Slide-Action models, with the fa mom keminRton-UMC solid breech and now. the Autoloading model that suuessfvlly handles 16 Remington A itoloadiug ritn-ire cartridges vitknut reloading. For real .22 sport, net your rifle and cartridge from the dealer who diiiay the Red Ball Mark ofRtmingtoH-UM. Sold by your home dealer and 324 other leading merchants in New Mexico Arms-Union Met!lic Crtriafe Co. i Building (233 Broadway) New York City of labor at this office ILocafioii Uilank t!ii office. H- A. WOLFORD, Office: First Door east of R. C Church. Main Street. Hillsboro - "New Mex Offlje: Room 26, Armijo Buildin Cor. 3rd St. and Railroad Ave. PrH.aioo in the Supreme Courts of New Mexico ana lex. if. ELFEGO BACA, Attorney and Cuuucellorat Law , ALHUQUEUQUE. - NEW ML Will hoprHfntat alltemrnof Oourtof Btrnalillo, Valencia, Socorro and Sier ra Counties. Deal in jjood Gold, Silver and Ooppe Mining Propertienin New Mexico. DR. J. 0. HATCHER, Physician and Surgeon. Hillsboro, New fftex. G. H. FRIES, Phsician and Surgeon Hot Springs . New Mexico BONHAM and REBER, Attorn eys-at-Law. LAWYERS, Las Cruces, N. Ma JAMES R. WADDILL, Demins.r H M Will atteDd all the Courts 8ie ra Uounty and the lhird Jodi cinl Dietrct. 4 ,rt j air (Coiatractor Good Wormanship. Pri T?inrM - - ' 6 o - HIL3BORO, New Mexico. EVERYBODY REAE3 THE JOURNAL. Why? Because it Print TODAY'S NEWS TO DAY, and Lots of it. And because it is inde pendent in politics and wears the collar of no political party. 70 Cents a month by mail. Albuquerque MORNING JOURNAL Child-Training. It 1b not fair to a small child tor the parents or nurse to be careless about the little things that develop thought fulness, self-reliance and self-control in a child. Self-control Is a character. latio absolutely essential to manhood or womanhood, and It Is not learned In a day. It Is the result of patient teach tng and training through all the long years of babyhood and childhood. Thought His Duty Ended. The Duo de Raguse once explained to tho Countess de Boigne the nature of his connection with tbe emperor as follows: "When the emperor aalS, 'All for France, I Bsrve-i with enthusi asm; when he said, 'France and V nerved with obedience; but when he said, T without France, I felt the ne cessity of separating from him." Dldnt Appreciate Whitman. Shortly after Walt Whitman' Leaves of Grass" made Us appear ance, J. T. Trowbridge waa walking with Lowell in Cambridge, when the latter pointed out a doorway sign, "Groceries," with the letters set si- tag, to produce a bizarre effect That," said he, "is Walt Whitman with very common goods inside." Yield of a Grain of Wheat Very few people have an idea of the bounty of nature. A scientist of Cambridge, Eng., recently made an in structlve experiment which showed that a single grain of wheat sown in June, produced 47 pounds 7 ounces. One acre of fairly good land will pro duce 90 bushels of wheat or 1260 pounds of flour. NIearaguan "Capote," Instead of raincoats, the NIearaguan wears a "capote," which is a piece of Impervious material almost . square, with a hole In the center large enough for the wearer to put his head through. It is made by pouring rubber over un bleached muslin. Always There. A New York theatrical man Is ad vertising for the most beautiful wom an In the world, as if every musical show nress agent didn't claim that she was in the front row of the chorus. Detroit Free Pres. Motor Car Jumps Three Feet. a motor car with six occupants dashed up to a drawbridge at Haddis- ooe, Norfolk, just as it was being closed, and safely leaped across a space of three feet between the two leaves. London MalL Proof to the Contrary. "I understand that a number of wo men have learned to smcke cigars," said the frivolous observer. "I don't believe it," replied Mr. Meckton. "Tha kind of cigars women buy nobody could smoke." To Remove Ywrnlsh. Three tablesyoonfuls of baking soda fn a quart of water, applied with a rough cloth, will remove the old var alsh very easily when you wish to revamlsh furniture. Woman's Home Companion. Whale Cast on Coast. A whale, weighrag five tons, was burled recently on the Berkwiclwhire (Scotland) coast. The monBter had evl dently been run down by a steamer, and was cast up by the tide. Banishment Note, A tested treatment that has been found excellent for ridding a house of beetles and ceckroaches is made as follows: Procure half a pound of Indian meal and half a pound of borax and pound them well together until they are well mixed. Place a handful on paper in convenient places where the beetles will soon find it. Certain Old 8chool Book. The state board urges that all old school books be sterilized and tells bow it can be done to the damage of the baoterla, but not to the books. We suppose It is right It is better that children live healthfully than that so time honored an institution as the combination school book and towel su jive. Toledo Blade. The Eagle of Liberty. Nail to the must our utar gemmed No Kniser nor King its stripes shall drag In ineoleot obloquy! NailfotLe roast our banner bright: 'God's oceans shall be free;' No Kaiter nor King shall clip lha wing 01 the eagle of Liberty. Nail to the mast: "Our flag ia right, Our CHOsa humanity. " Ft r such a cnuse we Hre proud to fight, And sure of victory. Nail to the mast the Stars anrf Stripes, And sail to the httt:n:;.vjl . No Kaiser nor King Khali oiip Uv-v wing Of the eagle of Liberty, Nail to tbe mast: "Right it oar king; , We bow to no tyrant's rod." With Freedom's guns make the welkio ring And leave tbe rest to God. Our ships shall sail the ocean wave, A white winged argosy. No Kaiser nor King shall clip the wing. Of the eagle of Liberty. -F. D. Ballard, M. D., ia Los An geles Times. Ef ficcnt Testimony. The budding authoress bad pur chased a typewriter, and one morning tbe agent called and ask ed: "How do yoa like your typewrit er, raadame?" "It's wonderfnl," was the en- thusiaslio reply. "'I wonder bow ever done my writing without it. "Would you mind," asked the ageot, 'giving me a little testimon al to that effeot?" "Certainly not," she responded. "I'll do it gladly." Seating herself at the maohine,; she pounded out the following: "Afteb using three Automatid Back-action atype write, er for. tbre etnonth an d Over, I unhesi tatingly prononu ca it tobe al ad more tbauthoManufactures oleiml or it. Dunob (he tim e bfen in myy passeseion a $- ihre month it had more th an paid for its-f in the saVing offtim e andD laborr.' T" 111' Anyhow, the 6care thrown into, the public by German spies who peddle poisoned court plaster may serve a good purpose after all. Perhaps for a few weeks now we shall see more clean faces and fewer beauty spots. Kansas City Star. Of the patriots 'o Washington who are heroically serving their country for tbe nominal stiped of $1 per annum, it roust be oonoed ed that some of them are earning tbeirealaries. DofctoD Transcript.