Newspaper Page Text
JIERRA COUNTY ADVOCATE. V. 0. THOMPSON, Proprietor. The EierraOunty Ad vocateinentered t the Post Office at Hiilsboro, Sierra "Count, New Mexico, for tranamisnion hrough the- U Mail8' a8 " Cla83 matter. SIERRA COUNTY ADVOCATE -impartially Devoted to the Best Inter St of Sierra County and the State of New Mexico. FRIDAY. AUGUST 10, 1917. 'Our County! In her intercourse with foreign nations, may she always ,be riKht, but our country right or wrong." Stephen Decatur. And Biam, also. Even tlje Cbink has contracted jbo ultimatum habit, iii 1! The adob vrall for the Jock-jaw court piaster peddler. . Those Oklahoma draft renistere certainly raised eome trouble-for themselves. They, like other traitors will Boon face the firiDg squad. Undoubtedly the governor now hasBome idea or the seuaatioa pro .duced by the kick of a jackass sinoa received that punch from pro-German eocialifltio American potu citizen. Governor Liudaey baa wired the .secretary of war asking that 3,000 riil-'fl, 3.000 belte, 3,000 canteen and (10,000 rounds of ammunition to be supplied the statft of New Mexico to equip home uuanle, to be organised in etvery county under tbedireciion of the county couu jell of defense. The request is ruadn under a recent congreneiopal Bnactment permitting euoli bpbihI. anceto borun yuard organization. The average I. W. W. parasite is a patriirt compared to tboe oh ptruoiioniais in congress. The I. AV. W. iu a cancer -in thu vitals of juotnmou deoeucy and hniuaui'.v ; be has no religiou and m moral-, )i boasts of the fact ihnt ha re poguizea no government, therefore fhe better elements expect aoth. IDg better of him. The second ia a citizen who ia elected to of&Ve by the people and, wbor when be ake0 office U eworu to stand by fba governmect and to honently serve bia patronising constituency who expect him to be Ir.yal t" his pouo'ry. The man who said the obstructoniat is more daqgorqua Lan the dreaded U-boat tu lie a bull's eye wheu he niada the re: pexjcan-Certman Liove Feast. Kl Paso, Tew. AuRUet 7. pHoeiai Francisco MarRuia, cotn ' mamler of the Northeaatern Mexi can &l;litary ?on, accotnpaoie'l by a party of German and Mexicnu residents of Chihuahua Cily has returned to the Chihuahua state capital after epeuding Sunday and Monday iu Juarez, Ernest (jofthlner, German con pul in Chihuahua, acaompHuied General Jlurguia to tbw border. While Id Juarez, the German con eul, General Murguia and the prominent Gerraina were enter tained at the country home of one of the leading famiika of Juarez. Before leaving General Aluryuiu, Gov. Arnulfo GotzaltB, and other Mexican c Cioiale held a long con ference with German cousulQorid cer and other prominent Germans of Juarez and Chihuahua City, ac cording to information obtained by the government ngento here. Game Horjs Ptac'sssl. Albuquerque, N. M., Aug 4. The Albuquerque Game Protective association jms xooeived a wire from ttiite (ixme Warden T. Ilou alt, Jr., telling of the arrest and conviction of two partiee named Abeyta and Mares for kill ing deer out of HHasoo. They were apprehended yesterday in the mountains went of Las Vegas by Mr. Itoualt in person, who reports that he found them with twj deer in their possession. The trial look place iu ISast Las Veyas ami resulted in a fine of $150eac;u and a jail sentence. The offloors of the O. P. A. point that wilful disregard of the gtmti laws is not only becoming unpopular but exceedingly expen sive. , A message of congratula tion -has beeu suut to Mr. Koudlt. DOG PROVED IT3ELF HERO. Cava Up Life In Attempt ta Stop Runaway Team. Near Pittstord a dog was killed la a determined and intelligent effort to stop a runaway team. Conrad Hoo nick, a farmer, left his team standing near a railroad trade. Two hUla boya wore In the wagon. Tha horse wero frightened by a resins tr;ii3L and ran away with tha huls. Or, a at th boys was thrown out and severely Injured. The other remained In ths wa.swn, and while the rps-d of Uia frightened team increase ' every sec. oud ha made frantic effort a to reach the line3 pr.d stop thorn. As the horsca passed Frank Ton, ley's place the lustter's don, vbicp car ried the rstl-'J ar-.d 6'A nas. li't'u (asks abtcrt tL lra mui hed a'mosi human inteliiff.'roe, raa out, und ?eeins tho preii'.aniont of thd boy, attempted to catch hold of tho da;,3 ling lines. Like a hiiinan heir.1!; tkt animal, without a sound, ranged hiia lelf Into line to seiio the reini, and in his anxiety to do so, was struck y the wheel and instantly killad. Th-a boy managed to get hold of one reU. and with it he turned the horsas an4 ftopped them. Warren Mirror, fish That Climbs Trees. "ITicre are fish that shoot, flh that (ish, fish that can't swim," said the nature student, "but I didn't know till I vlsUed Tongatabu that there was a 3uh that climbed jrecs. "They fcavo in Tongatabu a small fK-topua. or foke, to give it Its native name, and thia p-ea.ure frequently comes out of the sea ttnd aseonds I tree ovorhanglns tho water. Oa being disturbed it drops from the brunches back Into its proper clement nf-in. "In tho far i'acinc isle of Tonga- I abu tue nauvea are lonj oi octopus Jesb and it is no uncommon thing to ea, a brown-skinned lad go shinning ip a tree in the hope of finding a fii among the branches." "Cult". of the Concertina. .a attest la being made In certain muslct.1 circleB to procote th cult of the concertina, it i quite likely that in the hands of skilled professional players the concertina ia capable of giving an xc lient account of Itself, But in the har.da of Incompetent ama teurs end moat amateurs who handla It ara Incompetent to the point of criminality it becomes an lntolsrabl Instrument of torture, and any e j tension of Its popularity in this nerva I ridden age would ba nothing; Biort cl ' caUu;itr. Jjondca Wojhl Japano Pns. Tb) pens used by the children of J?vpnn flonw..;t of bamboo and ratblta' oalr. The pen itself ia a tiny brush of hair ti.:d to che end oi a bamboo at'-k. It diw'8 not seem possible that wr'tlns under such circumstances wild b good, but Japanese .Viiildrtn veally write vniy well indeed. Slory for t.'ia Marines. "Don't von think that's a good 6toi 7" arJ;od the roc.outour, noting a Iac.: of Cj.i'eclation. "K'3 a fair mar) no story, I guess," admitted the auditor. "Why, there's not a word about thi aa in k." "I mcaa that it was a good story tit toll to the uariues." PWUdolp.'ilt Linl-rcr. state of new mexico notice: for publication Fl33UGLflttB SALE SSarra Comity. OOice of the Commis.-noner of Public l.aiid.'i, Sant.a F, Now Mexico. Notice ia rivo that pursuant to tho provisions of an Act of Congreua, approved June 20, PJlO.the Lawa of th St ito of New Mexico and thu rules and r.yulatbns of the iState uva umce, tho Comminsioner of Public Lands will P.ii,li Mnlo to th highest bid der, at 3i'elock. P. M..onTueadav,Aug- ust 14th. rJl .m tne iqwn oi . iuu3"iu, County of Si'i-ra, S ati of New Mex ico, in fro'itof the Court House There in, tho fallowing described tracts of land, viz. -, m Sale No. 830, Lets i, 3 rtec. a, i . vi T? C. W.. containina' 78.97 acres. There are no improvements on this "sale No. 831, EK'o fine. 8, All of Sec. 9. E 1 ; N E li', N.SEM, NVSWH So". 17. Nii'.iSii Sec. 18, '1. , H. 7W., containing 1,010 acres. Iho mi- rirni7Tnflit-4 Till this land co"sist of re- Kjrvoirs and fen injr, value $425. Sal No. 832, JNW'.( 2, 1. 10., K. 2VV., containing 15:5.45 acres. The improvements on this land consist of house, corral, wll, windmill, tnk, truit ti-ers, and fencing, value $1,500. 8,vle No. 833, S'A , N Vv" ,' Sec. 3T. 15b., K. 2VV. , contiiiina 470.77 acres. There are no improvomen's on this land. S-.le No 834, WKNW'i Sec. 15. T. lGd, R. 8W., containing 80 acres. Hie improvemotits on thin land consist of f.'neb fr, value $10. Sale SWJSE'i Sec. 13, WK. SK'4', W!jNE, SKV4NEJ-4 Sac. 2A. T. 17S, It. 8VV., containing 640 acres. The improvements on tiiis laud consist if rcMcrvoir, ditch, plowing, and in", value $1,000. . Sah' No S35, All of Section 12. f. 183. It 5 W., containincr 610 aces. I'h re are no improvements on tiiia land. ale No. 837, NVJ.SEM Sec. 11. T. 18,3., li. 5VV., coir ini 4.0 acres. Th re aro no iinproveino. ts on this '!& No. 833, NK'4'NW'.i, NNE'i, '1 a. - -.r, ' Sei. U7, T. U. 8V , coot:tii,i 1.21') ac-rej. Tho iniproveu '.it in C is land consist , f ,'cnr p,. 3:3.'- No V S30 i5. vi 4 . Sd-'iM vV'.,' ."t-c. !'. l', 18.3 , R. 7V., eoo- i:ii 1J) ac e-. T-ciO ar n un- i r vo.oi r.t- on t;'.i'l:wul. No bh!a c:i t ij above d?scri'--ed trac's f la-iM v. :ll b f i,:,''f t( d to." la-s thn Tlire t'oilnis (.') an ucre, which ia it e oriJVnt..'J Vi.luo thcrv! f. Adi Rdditi'oa Iheivlo he siicc.'Sisl'ul biiUJer nost T).tv lor tho improy omenta tha' h v tho above o.r-rib -d tracts , om ro 1 tji naratei-1. Tho a1' vo sal- or hinds v.311 be sub ject to tho foil .win,f tersns and iition , vis:; The t,ncces-ful bidder rr.ust pay to theCo!Vi;.iis .'itvr f i'uul.e Lan 'a, or 1:a ag'i-.t hoi linir su h t-ale, ono-twenti-etii of th. pries- of red b him 1 1 the hn.d, four per cent i.-itou-st in aivan-w fcr the b.-.huice - f such purchase price, the ices f or advert hint? and ap:rr.'se n.cnt and all co .ts i: identnl to tue sale heroin, and each andallf said smounts nn'Pt iv de.:)3ifof in cp'i r cert tied exchange ai the t;me of snlo, and which ,-iaid nniount" and all of fieri are snh joet to forfeiture t the Stote of New iii-xico if the Buccesr.fiil bhlder ti'-es not execute a contract v.'i'h'm th rty dava after it has been mnile I to hhn by" the Slain Land O'A't.v , saiu contract t.. p.ovhle that the iuri h:--cr may at v.; j r.r,iin,i nrV. r.iiviin-nfs of not lo;-s than one-thirtieth or Mr.cty-liv per . Cent of tht'OllrchaM. orico rtnv time1 after the sale and prior to the expir-; ationof thirty years fro'o the diite t f the contract, with interest 00 del; rred ; pavmenta a? the rate of fou per cent pera'num payable in advance 0 t o, anniversary of the date cf contra t, : partial payments to be cie it- d en tne ; anniversary of te d t oi contrac next following the date of t?rder. I Tlie Commissioner of Public Lands , of New Mexico, or his pent hlir,pi such sale, reserves the ngnt to iejf.i.. any and all bius offered at said bae. Possession under contra ts of sle U r tlie aoove desc.ib. ri tr cts vhl be giv- .. f.r- rt.,! ,.r 1"17. Witness my hand and the official seal ci tne Smte L.u: 1 (mice this 2eth aay of May, A. D , 19.7. ROBLKf P. ERV1EN, Commissioner ot Public Lauds, fctate if New Mexico. First publication Jui.e8, 1917. Last publication August 10, 1917. (rnrnrirTT.' t ---'rirri.rui a .18 FGUu KOMTKLY MAGAZINES And Out Pcper All One Year TE2S IS A REAL BABGAI? ACT 4.. -i.4 ui when fa town. If you have never nubsciibed to our paper before, do it now m, f get these four naeazinei. If you are a rcyala iubscriber to our paper, w. urge to lend m your renewal at once, and get tlieit four mtsaaaea If you are s lub- 5 aoriber to any of these magazines, send your renewal order to and we mil extenJ your tuhicription for one year. TJ.!n! fit U Ya caa ect Me foOT Magazines for : iimi Ui i. if .An fir.Wih-tn cor oaoer for one year. ; I tVe have tample copies of thes magazlnei on display at our ofhee. Call an.i -j I see them. They are printed on book paper with illustrated covers, and art fuU of II clean, interesting stories ar.d' instructive .articles on History, Science, Art, Music, ;l Fashion, Fncy Needlework, General Farming, Live Stock and Poultry. p. .a $ SnJ Yesir Ordsr Bafcre You Fcrgat T!;3 Kjgsrlass Will S?op Fro.Tiny, When Tisr.3 Is Walter Winans, Esq. The most famous shot in Europe, with hand and siwulier arms. aita -r w Two, World's Records in One Day rwiiirt!ie22 Savage Hi-Power A T the Bisley Matches of the British National Rifle Association f the biggest rifle match in the world the. 22 Savage Hi-Power rifle and Savage ammunition in the hands of Mr. Walter Winans on July 25, '914 made'the highest possible score on the (Running Deer target--six straight j's. This is a World's record. On the same day, with the tame rifle and ammunition, Mr. "SV'itnm mads tlie highest possible score on the Running Wild Buar target six straight j's. Another WorW'o rc.ord. ' This merely clinches what other shooters have proved that the Imp's won derful accuracy (zj consrculiv? shots in a 20-inch circle at 500 varus), tremen dous Telocity (2800 feet more than half a mile a second), ki.j point blank range (200-jrard trajectory less than three inches), and trifling recoil (4.6 foot pounds) make it easier to hit moving game with than any other rifle. And it has killed Alaskan Brown Bear, Grizzly, Buffalo, and man-eating tiger, besides the deer and black bear it was originally designed for. Writ us for particulars about "the biggest little gun in the world." Savage Arms Company, 947 Savage Ave. , Utica, N. Y. Tkc 22 g ALBUQUERQUE f New of tho World by Associated Crests LeaseJ Wlr. r Newii of New Mexico and Eastern Arizona Special Corro ipondeats. Dail: Stock Market Quotations, Including Cattle, Sheep, Hog B?Tn tt on A fJratTi . - tFAIR IN POLITICS; ALL THE NEWS ALL THE NEWS 4 r FaniraWe train eervlca places the BEGXTLAR EDITION f ta llbuquK-que Evening Herald la most part of jL aUU ahead of Tory, other dally paper; , - . . THE EVENING HERALD " ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICCU - SO p OUICELYI ?t a mir reortstntaii', or call and tr.e l fipr- f Hi-Power READ THE EVENING HERE! DEMOCRATIC IN PRINClPLEf . THE DAY IT HAPPENS THE WAY IT HAPPENS- )per Month $5.0d (tor. Year