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OCAT VOL. 34. HILLSBORO, SIERRA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, AUGUST 24, 1917. $1.00 Per Year No. 25. a Hhup miH this WAR Ameruea United means liasting Victory for Dcmoeaaty. Every Man, Woman Some Service in this Begin to Day Sat Iiess, Produce fllore, Waste Nothing. SIERRR COUNTY BflHK .safe' mm V. ;v3 :7-JN. .Woolworth and -proof StollMS For Sale i olrtamed throuch the old established, iji "O. SWIFT A CO." are ueing quicuiy gl bought by Manufacturers, fi Send anodcl or aketchB and description ilof your inveotion for FREE SEARCH ?1 mnd reprt on patentability. We get pat t Mita or no fee.. Write foe eur free bovk. I ot dUU ntemiva iiiv.uciuiii. D. SWIFT & CO. aa.n 1 vuvra. Estab. 1889. 1307 Seventh St., Washington, 0. Cj '4 " and" Child can Render Great Cause. Do it! PemfngtoflrUMC Rifles and Cartridges for Real .22 Sport IN the .21 caliber as in the high-power arms, your shrewd sportsman selects his rifle and cartridges for results. And when you start to he critical, there's no where to stop short of liemington-UMC. Marie in Single Shot models in Slide-Action models, with the famou Remiueion-UMC olid lircecli and now, the Autoloading mo-iel that suctessfvlly handles 16 Remington Autoloading rtm-fire cartridges without reloading. for real .22 sport, get your rifle and cartridges from the dealer who displays the Red Boll Mark of Rtminglon-U MC. Sold by your home dealar and 324 other leading merchants in New Mexico Remington Ami-Union Metallic Cartridge Co. Building IZ33 Broadway) Ne York City r hmoBM of - ialior at this office , lioeatloit Hlaiik this office. H- A. WOLFORD, Office: First Door east of K. 0 Church. Main Street. Hillsboro HCW MSX Office: Room 2tt, Armijo Buildin Cor. 3.dat. and Railroad Ave. I'ractioo in the Supremo Courts of Now Mexue and leiiif, ELFEGO BAC. Attorney and CouneellorHt Law Aljti IHJuEKQUK. - NEW MEA Will heprHontat alltetnrnof C'onrtof fit rnalillo, Valencia, Socorro au Sier ra t'onnties. Deal in tfood Gold, Silver and Ooppe- niining rroperuofun New Mexico. DR. J. 0. MATCHER, Physician and Surgeon. Hills boro, New fiiex. G. H. FI1IES. Phsician and Surgeon Hot Springs New Mexico! BONHAM and REBER, Attorneys-at-Law. LAWYERS, Las Cruces, N. Me JAMES R. WADDILL, L'emms.r N M Will attend all the Courts Sie ra bounty and the Third Judi cinl Distrct. rcieral Good Wormanehip. Prices Right HILSBORO, New Mexioo, EVERYBODY JIEAD3 THE JOURNAL. Why? Because it Print TODAY'S NEWS TO DAY, and Lot3 of it. And because it is inde pendent in politics and wears the collar of no political party. 70 Cents a month by mail. Albuquerque MORNING JOURNAL Chlld-Tratning. It Is not fair to u email child for the parents or nurro to be careless about the little things that develop thought fulness, self-rellanco and seir-control In a child. Self-control la a character. Istic absolutely essential to manhood or womanhood, and It la not learned In a day. It lo the result of natient teach 1118 R,1( tra'nln8 through all the long years or Daoynooa ana enncuaooa. Thought His Duty Ended. The Duo de Raguse once explained to toa Countess de Bolgne the nature of his connection with tbe emperor a follows: "When ?he emperor said, 'AH for Fyance,' I asrved with enthust asm; when ho said, 'France and V served with obedience; but wben bejnom supply eat off recently by said, T without France, I felt the ne- I . , . cessity of separating from him." Didn't Appreciate Whitman. Shortly after Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass" made Its appear ance, J. T. Trowbridge was warning I with Lowell in Cambridge, when the tatter pointed out a door-way sign. "Groceries," with the latters set zl- Bag, to produce a bizarre effect. "That," said he, "is Walt Whitman with very common goods Inside.'' Yield of a Grain of Wheat Very few people have an Ides, of Cambridge, Eng., recently made an In- structlve experiment which showed that a single grain of wheat sown in June, produced 47 pounds 7 ounces. One acre of fairly good land will pro- fluce 80 bushels of wheat or 260 pounds of flour. Nlcamguan "Capote." Instead of raincoats, the Nlcaragnaa wears a capote," which is a piece of Impervious material almost square, wrth a hole in the center large enough for the wearer to put his head through. It is made by pouring rubber over un bleached muslin. Always There. A New York theatrical man Is ad vert! sing for the moBt beautiful worn- an in the world, as if every musical show press agent didn't claim that she was in the front row of the chorusv Detroit Free Pres. Motor Car Jumps Three Feet. k. motor car with six oooupapts dashed np to a drawbridge at Haddis- coe, Norfolk:, just as it was being dosed, and safely leaped across a space of three feet between the two leaves. London Mall. Proof to the Contrary. 1 understand that a number of men have learned to smike cigars said the frivolous observer. "I don't believe it," replied Mr. Meekton. "Tbe kind of cigars women buy nobody could smoke." To Remove V-rnlsn. Threo tablespoon fuls of baking soda In a quart of water, applied with a rough cloth, will remove the old var lsh very easily when you wish to revarnlsh furniture. Woman's Home Companion. Whale Cast on Coast. A whale, weighing five tons, was burled recently on the Borkwfctashire (Scotland) coast The monster had evi dently been run down by a steamer. and was cant up by the tide. m now is Immoral an arrest may be made without a warrant by a po liceraaa. If a show Is dull the pua- lshauuit is lit to the publlo. As for scientific management on tbm farm, please note the case of the Cole tHUO WUMtli Hull AIMMW clad in neat little ooats and oaps. .... ...... . . Although th back-to-thw-farm xnove ment has not made great headway la this country, It may soon be given ft food boost by the Manohus in Chin. Burglars who birw otin a e& ia m Indiana postoface got only nine cents. It must be that tbe Indiana authors are sending" tbeir manuscripts sy freight A portahls wireless teteptmiM bM ben lnrented fn England. In the fa tare a man wfQ have so esrnae for fialMosr to tlphon when bs ftlaaer wsiasc Platinum in Alaska. Washington- Discoveryof plati num in Alaska by Dr. Uerechel C. Parker of New York and others has aroused government interests to the greatest activity in the tope of finding sufficient quantities of preoioua metal to meet the war needs of the allies. Four government experts have been assigned to etuty the Alas- kan situation and report if the die . , . , . , . I ,0""u wit paM the virtual cessation of activities ia the Ural mountain mioea, the source of tbe world's greatest sup ply. Intensive operations would fol low a favorable report, for tbe true condition, it is declared, cannot be determined before next year by which time the present short sup ply will be very nearly exhausted Prof, Parker has reported fiod- i0& Paata in quantity In the crave! of the Kahiitna riar dnr. iog gold placer drilling. Instal lation of a dredge followed and K. B. Mertie, a government geologist, was assigned to observe results, Alaskan gold miners also have re ported platinum in Ketchikan, Eo yuk, Fairbavea . Ohristoohiua dis- distnets. . ':v'",";,,r';"-.''"- Between ten and twelve ounces of platinum were discovered ia Alaska last year and this small amount was sufficient greatly to stimulate prospecting. Govern- ment experts win jpj iiO lurvuef than to say that the situation is MWpwt MBS War uses of platinum inoluds the making of snlphuno sold sod the completion of contact points of tbe ignition system of airplanes, automobiles and telephone and telegraph instruments. Substi tutes have been found for it in making sulphuric acid but it Is al most indispensable for other uses. It has advanced from, $45 to $105 an ounce since tbe beginning of tbe war. The condition has be come so critical in this country that a survey has been made. The results have not been published. RnsBian banks wbioh made high loans on tbe output of the Ural mountain mines, are understood to bold large quantities of plati. num but tbe chance of obtaining their supply is regarded as uncer tain. Seven hundred and fifty try ounces constitutes tbe , largest annual ouput of platinum in the United Slatet. Iluseia, before the opening of tbe war, produced as muub as 300,000 ounces in a year. tiocialistio meetings are being and tbe Portales Journal says: "Ia tbe face of these conditions ibere can be but one course to pursue. These .meetings must be stopped peaceably if possible, forcibly if necessary. There is neither time nor inclination to dslly with these offenders, and the people of Rooss velt county will not be slow to sot should the circumstances appear to demand their action. The scesea enaoted in Oklahoma will never toe repeated here."