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HILLSe.ORO, SIERRA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, AUGUST 31, 1917. $i,co Fer Year No. 26. VOL. 34. HEhP ttllfl THIS WAR flmepica United means Iiasting Victory fop Demoeaaty. Every Man, Woman 'Some Service in this Begin to Day Eat Less, f Produce -fQbFe, UJaste flothing. SIERRA GOUHTV BAK rr t 1 V ' his ri fie v i Remingfon -t"-' C"V!iA v' Woolworth am i proof For Sale .v...-,',..,. 1 '....1 1 ; tA. 5 . hutod through tbo old eatablisf.od le . "(J. kWIT 4 CO." are hem gux kiy f j rw.iffhtby Mr.uftiirmw. - . S, nH a mmlrl ni-slrutches and ck'srrir(mi E your invention lor FRtE SSAkCr! : . Ind r.rv,.t nn li'itv. W "t TBt- nw3 or no fee. Write lor our trey iwoK f.1 5 ; f 3X' needed invtnuonsi , P fMlSWff &S0.I j; Patent tov.yer.,.Es!nb..i889. ,,: r-f ''.i' Riftes and Car! A t for-Real .-2 Sport - ' I, h ... . v?NT'ff H TN the .22 caliber as in the nigl A i 'VA I arms. vour shrewd spoilsman s "J! and Child can Render Greit Cause. Do it! i-power selects and cartridges for results. And when you start to he critical, there's no-wlii-re to -Aop short uf Heniinutnii-b' H C. f-'adc- n Fin .le t-hot mod. 1 in F!i(l-Action moilclt. with the famou" Krmlnpum-tTMC lid brroch and now, (lie A"toIn'uiiiiK mo !cl tliat svcrsstutly .at.J'i-. 16 lUinhtuhM A HtiJoatitn rim-fire ra iri.hts u-ilh.iul r.W. For real 22 port, et youi rilie am) cartrids-? from the dealer who 'displays the Red Bali Mark bf Renglon-U UC Sold by your home dealer and 324 other leading merchants in New Mcxioo A:m-Un!on Metallic Crtri(??8 Co. Building (233 Broadway) New York City ' j ', of laboi' at this office. H- A- V;0LFG?.D, Oifice: l?irst Door east of II. C Church. Main Street. Hillsboro - New Msx Offi.:e: Room Armijo BuildinS Cor. JrtJSt. and Kailroud Ave. I'ractico in tiip Supremo Courtis of New Mexi' e and Texas ELFEGQ ZHOU, Attorney and Couneelloiat Law , ATjBUQUEKQUK. - NEW ME Will he prHt-nt at alltmrHof Cidirtof Rfrimlillo, Valencia, Socorro am1 Sier ra Counties. Iiali'i nood Gold, Silver erd-Coppc-Mining ProperlieM'n New Mexico. DR. J. 0. HATCJn, Physician and Gargson. llllls. hero, Kew f,!ex. Phslcian ar?d urgSon Hot Springs New Mexico ECKKAM and HESfB, Attorneys-at-Law, LAVVERSj Las Gruces, Dsmins.f tl M WilUttend all th Conrfs 8ie rn Ci)iinty nrid tha Third Judi ei-il Disfret. w "saii?'M f 4 Xmif 7 Si;? . Good WormaDphip. Prices Right IirLSBOltO, New Maxio. fcvCttXIiUDY. .KE.JJj THE JGUrifdAL, Why? Because it Print TODAY'S NKWS T0 DY. ail L')ts of it. And because it ia inde? pendent in politics and wears the collar cf pat political pat-ty. 70 Ci tit p. a i.O'Hitri by i.ini' CpecIaHsis r.cccmmcnd Vav.'rJnrj. In th3 opinion of learned speciliata no one caa be hcalLLy Ui.Ioss ho or she does a certain a;nouut of yawning. When you yawn you expel from tho Jungs a lot of superfluous air; the breathing muscles of both the chest and tho throat are strengthened by yawning. Hla Fear, "Weren't you cifrald to go down stairs in the dark InBt night?" asked a ; -woman of her little son recently. "Yes. I was a little afraid," anwred the boy. "Put what were you afraid of?" asked the mother. "H'm," Bald the boy, "I war f.frrJd tiierj v.'ouldu't be any lou;;nut.-i." To Preserve l lme of Corn Fox. Swarthruoor haii, near inversion, Lancashire (Ens.) fornvrty the home of George Fox, i'oundor of tha Society of Friends, was boeght at Uiverston, a abort time ago, on behalf of the Eng lish members of the society for 5,251), Hia writing dcfck wa3 bought for 26 guineas. The Merry Advertiser. Who says there is no more any genuine English bumor? A provision dealer In Earl's court neighborhood, London, -displays thin r.n a window 'sign: "When visiting Shalcer'pexu'o'a England, eal Enlime's Bt-oon.' And So It Goes In Life. "A girl," remarks Mack Cretcher, "must have dolls and ribbons and lots of fancy things to play with. A boy can have a pretty good time with noth ing but a toad, a grasshopper and a few angle worms." Perhaps a Trag'c Comedy. A writer once raid that tho wof Is a comedy to thosa Who think, a tragedy to those who feel. He doesn't Bay what It Is to the fellow who tries to take a wide garbage can through a narrow alley-way. Satire. For Tired Feet. When your feot acbe, caused by long standing, exercise them by rising first to the toes, then on the heela, In a rocking motion for a few times. This was advised by a specialist Woman's Iloms Companion. Man's Eating. One man likes to be made a fuss ever, another likos to be let alone, and a. third likes his mind diverted. Liut in ail caaea have something good for him to eat, whatever kind be la. Esay. Young Widow "Did you have any trouble getting Jack to propose?" Girl Friend "No, dear; I told him you were after him." Boston Trans cript. Dally Thoufjht. One principal point of good breed ing Is to suit our behavior to thetbree several degrees of men our superiors, our equals and those below us. Swift Difference. , . The only difference between a caprice and a life-long passion to that the caprice lasts a little longer. The Tattler. Producing Optimism. A very good remedy for anybody's pessimism Is being able to pay hi bills. New York Presa. C0ATXES3 SOLDIERS. Coats no longer will form part of tti Sil'cri c v. - w .wu uuuj in ui field. The war department has decided that a light, sweater will be Just as comfortable and a more practicable garment than the present service coat. Not only will the sweater bo worn when the men are up and about, but U will be used also to supplement tha blnuket as a Bleeping garment. However, this does not mean , that the soldier will not be as "dressed up" jn appearauce, when parading, as here tofore. It Is ordered that the ewen'tor Is for tse only in th dcM, around camp snd en V march wl.m t!:e i wear, t t Is too cti-t to; e tne a el s.Jrt alono kui'jU :i(ly warxi. E-5tvi3:o ioSscr Would Mava Peace, Former Ambaepador Gerard tells in his CQemoira liaw h; finally lenroed from Bothnia tin.- Kollvrg Germ .ny'is intf ntioiia toward raJ:'l giamnr.d Franoa. Il0i-e ia thd dialogue ea Gerar4 gives H : "First, are the Germans willing to withdraw from Belgium?" The chnncrllor answered. "XeSj hut "with guarantees." 1 faid, ' S luii is v tli s:1 p.UHr.aD'" tees?" Ho repl fd: "W'p rou4 possib ly, have tho forts of Liege and N.uiiur. Wemuot haveother forts and fgarnaons throughout Bel, gium. We must take possession of the railroad lines. We most have possession of the porta Dd other rueaoe of communication. The Belgians will not be allowed t u aintitin an army, but we must be allowed to rosin tio ft large bp1 my lu Belgium. We must have the commercial control of Bel gium." I paid, "I do not see that you have left much for the Belgians, excepting thaL King, Albert will have the right to reside in Brug, Ht-ls with an honor guard." And the chancellor answered j "We cannot allow Belgium to be an outpost of England'" (Vor werk.) " do not euppoae the English, on the other baud, with to becomu anoutpoHtof Germany." I returned, eepecially as Von Tirpltz has paid that the const of Flanders nhouhl he retained in order to make war on England and Amerisa." I then asked, "How about north, prn France?" "We ate willirjg to leave north em France," the chancellor re sponded, "but there must be recti fication of the frontier." "How about the eastern fron tier?" I seked. "We must have a very pueetdn tial rectification of our frontier." "How about Rouasoaift?" "We shall leave Bulgaria to desl with Roumania." "How about Subiu?" "A very 'email Borbia may he ih lowed to xibt, but that ia ft quest tion for Austria." "Austria must be left to do whal hhe wishes to do vitb ItAly, ind we ronst Imve irdemuitie3 from all cnvutrioH, and all uur Btiipa and rolonieu l.'iiuk." ' "Of ivinrm "reotiRontinn of froiitif r" is a t olite turn for "an Ut'IKliol)." Roswell, J. August 25. Fort Sumner won in the county seat electien held this wetk in Da Bsca county. A iUl rf 1,285 v-es v.e I'-li '',iti i-e ,"ur!y. I'.. -' ie.;i.jv-d (00 votea. : i i t i 1 i 1 V li ) Thin ; ir, ll.''' c:t.iti th Auitrslih:- -yiW?.V' T C H t N O ..iir 'if- fd u I J ' r b". ' '.'ji r v""i?-n r