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Newspaper Page Text
4 J B1JUU ..JL Ml lL:!i VOL. 34. HILL$BORO, SIERRA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, SEPTEMBER 7, 1917. '$1,00 Per Year No. 27. fVw f f Heup caifi this wa? America United means liasting Victory for Democracy. Every Man, Voman and Child can Render Some Service in this Great Cause. Do h Begin to Day at Iiess, Produce SIERRA COUHTY BMfll F ' v L4 h if - -r Remington and 'proof For Sale WmMmm Id obtained through tha old established j- 9i boutrht by Mnmifacturera. ( U Send a model or sketches and d as.-ripHon f fj of your invention for FHtE b.ARCt! M nn ntint!ihil!tv. We fret tiafc- t VI nts or no fez. Write for our free book (M fi,i f am needed inventions. - - . OWfFT&GB, H Patent lawyers. Ertab. 1889. I LLUiTSATGFM ':tL1 vV4; V'c" h i" tTc: ' fDore, Ullaste Jlothing. IN the .22 caliber as in the high-power arms, your shrew d sportsman selects his rifle and cartridges for results. And when you etart to be crttiual, there's no w'uere to stop short of Frvnnglon-V M C . Made in Simile ?hnt mrxleU in SlMc-Action model., witli tho famous Renlngton-UMC .olid brwrl, and now, the Autoloading model that successfully handles 16 RtMiniiton Autoloading rim-tire cartridges withmtrefciidiiit. For real .22 .port, Rft your rifle and cartridge, from the dealer who display, the Red Ball MarMofRtminfton-UMC. Sold by your home dealer and 324 other learfinj merchants in New Mexico Arms-Union Metal!i Cartrid Co. Building . (233 Brjdwy) INew Torlc C:!y of t labor1 at this office liocaflon- s li. A. WOLFSRQ, Office: FiiBt Door east of R. C Church. Main Street. Killsboro - New Mcx ELFEGO BACA, Attorney at Lw, PrarlivO in the Supreme Courts of New 7. cxico and Teaa MAGDALICNA, N. M. CR. J. 0. tiTCS2ER, Phsi-cian snd Surgeon Hot bprins Hew f CO CiKAfti and tforr.cys-al-Law . f LA iLas CruceSf' JAMES ft- IVAODSLL, da Oemin.f Will attend all the Crtnrts Hie ra County and the Third Jodi cil Distrct. W W w w uifc Good yormcship. Prices High t EVERYBODY .REiD3 TKE JSURFdflEa. Why? Because it Print TODAY'S NI'.WS TO DAY, and Lots of it. And bc-ause it ia inde ponJent in fjifxc and wears tha collar of no political party. 70 Cents a month by mail. Albuquerque MORNING JOURNAL Joy of Ufa. To watch the- corn erov, and tb.s blost'omB set; to draw hard breath over ploughshare or epado; to read, .o think, to lovo, to koi'.o, to pray llieao tiro the thlnga that mako moo. happy; they have always had the power of dolns this, they never will have power to do more, Tha world's prosperity or adversity depends upou our knowing and teaching thote tew thlngB. John Ruekin, Lived 83 Years In On HousS. Mra. Williams, widow of the Iter. Eaiiiuel Williama, pastor of the Cce gregatlonal church In the village of Cripplestyle for forty years, has ciod In the house In which eho was horn and had lived ail of her eighty-six years. During this long period eho had not slept away him the bouso more than about eix timcs.--liondoa Daily Mall. Ho Waj Llttr?,ry. "Colonel Rrown ee ems to be Tery" literary," remarked a visitor to tha Drown household to tho negro maid, Klancing at a flic; of nip.cazinc3 lying on the floor. "Yas, ma'am," replied tha ebony-faced girl, "yM, ma'am, be e'ueley am literary. He Job' nat'ally httahs tilings all over di3 year hoime."' Wouian's Home Companion. Theao F!sh Build Nsats. The Paradise fish, which incident, ally is clothed in the pricon garment of black and white stripes, and the Indian fighting ch are nest builders. Tliey build nebts among tha mosse3 end Grasses for their eggs. The Eiala she3 of the?e species tako charge of the babies, and the females have nothing to do with their haWes. Poetical Tin. Ehould It be your ambition to write a iajrnrru9 veree pick out an ancltiat subject and express in language terse. The editor may reject It if the meter's out of Joint, but if ycu fash ion it like this hall surely see tho point. His Inspiration. Pprpollnm (of the Daily Rread) "My flsar, you are not only my chief in- jenflvo to woi'k, but my lifelong m jmimtlon." Mrs. Pcrcollum "I kno U' f 1 I'm your Inspiration, all right, Percl i val. Wherever I mix a metaphor of make a little mistake In my grammar you turn it Into a story and get pay for it." Determined to Da In Style. customer in a butcher's shop at some small alligators n an aquarl .quarium. Having turned the matter over In his mind, the customer approached the butcher and exclaimed, "1 suppose a body might as well be flead as out of style. Gimme a couple (t founds of alligator." Aetresseo for Japsnssa Slsga. 'Although a woman is credited n She founder cf the Japanese stage, no paiae of an- actreea atforna its history tha onasr.U lias reiencd cupreme. Dut tho artiCchtl custom cf substitute ing men for women ia about to give way to tho onrush of modem ac tresses, and one of the mcst unlqua customs cf the stage la thus thread ened to bo superseded by real wearers of pottlcoats. Work, and 8-'ng. Give us, oh, give, the man who sings et his work! Be his occupation what it may, be is equal to any of those who follow the same pursuit in silent sullenness. He will do more in tha tnuu ilmo, u wiii tio it boner, iia will persevere longer. One Is scarcely sensible to fatigue whilst he marches to music. The very stars are said to make harmony as they revolve i9 their ephcres. T. Cartjle. Our Own Business. Whilst I do what 13 fit for bis &s3 eh&tain from what is unfit, my neigh bor and I eh all often aeree in cur means and w-rk together for a time to one end. But whenever I fin-! my cvf-.p lnvafcif is not sufTlclenC for me and undertake the direction of j Lim ais, I ovarztep tho truth cod ; coma into fa'no relatlous to Lti2. j fealpii Waldo Emerson. , ii Gemma PaI- ; oncn Sheot. Three years ago Germany be qnn tite wr for the .congoest of middleEuiope. WhattiRs she gain ed? What baa thiagnincost her? She has gained by her arms th territory of Belgium, Jjoxebui Set bin, a email but rich eectilon of northern. France, and parts of Li thuauia, i'olaud and llumania a total of a little lees thou 201,000 pquare miles. She has lost: Except for n insignificant pox nerin southern Afric;i, all her color nies, triors then a oiilHon square tulles. ' Practically all her shipping not bottled up in Bremen' aud 11am barg, a loss estimated in tonnage at 3,000,000. Of the flower of her youth, over two millioo. In cash, nearly twenty billion dollars. to be added to Ler national d. I.t. Before the war, thoogh unpopu lar as a people, Gtinaany was hon ored aim all nations for her in tellectual ect'ulmbhip and her in dusrinl elllciency. She baa JoBt inntrjevably this respt-ot and wan iu its phico the naibglcd hatred and conteiDpt of the civilized world. Scarcely a coueideiable ueatial nation left except those whose safely compels tbeir neutnlity. N a one thinks Germany can rd- I tain lnr auina 'n nnn imjrririAii R that she can recover her losses. It is not strange tbat sotueof the Ger man pepla are sersously discuss ing amoug themselves the quea tion whether it is not time to cbangn tbeir business manager. The Outlook. Gopturcd Ccrcunn Wnahiugtou, 8ipt. 1. Almost a)l former German vessels now In lbs Americaa navy have beep giv en new oame$. Secretary Daniels issued an order to day changing the names of twelve Bhjps as a re sult of bis altentioD having been called last week to the embarrass ment tbe sailors were subject to by being compelled to wear upon tbeir hat bands names such as "Kaiser Wilhelm II." Tbe changes in name are as follows: Vaterland to Leviathan.. Kronpringossin Cecelia to Mount Vernon. Kaiser Wilhelm II ta Agamem non. Aapr'oa, to Amerioan. Hamburg to Fowbattao. , Princess Irene to PocnhonUa. Frederic der Grosse to Huron. BHrbarossii to Mercury. The vessels GerpWflsbiogtont President Graotand President Lin . ... t . papj. Ti,A names of the tugs Pocahontas and Huron are changed to Allegheny and Cummins, respectively.