VOL. 34.
No. 30.
f v
America United means
Hasting Victory for Democracy.
Every Man, Woman and Child can Render
Some Service in this Great Cause. Do it!
Begin to Day
Eat liess,
Produce CQore,
CJClaste flothing.
Mia IsQQatiQU
mid proof of labor
For Sale
bought by Manufacturer.
H nf vour invention for FREE SKARCH
ana report on yaLenusum.
nts or no fee. Write or our free book
of 300 needed inventions.
II Patent Lawyer. ,
307 Seventh St., Washington, D.C.
.! i. i uiiiMiwyyiiiiiii !iiiiwiw.ni!i"i i'
I LLU5TRATOR5 - '( Wv?
Rifles and Cartridges
for Real .22 Sport
IN the .22 caliber as in the high-power
arras, your shrewd sportsman selects
his rifle and cartridges for results.
And when you start to be erititul, there' ne
where to stop short of Remington-U MC.
Made in Single Shot model in Slide-Action models
with the famou Remlnnton-UMC .olid breech and
now the Autoloading model that natssfuUy handles to
Remington Autoloading tivi-firt cartridgts without flooding.
Correal .22 iport, get yeur rifle and cartridge trora the
dealer who display the Rid Ball ltarhofRmitkm-UUC.
Sold by your home dealer and 324
other leading merchant in New Mexico
Remington Armt-Union Metallic Cartridge Co.
Woolworth Building (233 Broadway) Nw York City
at this office-
Office: First Door east of It. 0
Churcb, Mam Street.
HiUsboro1 - - New Mex
Attorney at Law,
Practice Sn the Supreme Courts of New
Mexico nd Tens.?,
Physician and Surgeon.
Klilsboro, Now Rlexico.
Phsician and Surgeon
Hot Springs New Mexico
Las Cruces, N- Me
Demins.r N- M
Will attend all the Courts Sie
ra County and the Third Judi
citl Distrct.
w i wmm
Good Vf ormanebip.
Prices liight
UILSBORO, New Mexioo.
Why? Because it Print
DAY, and Lots of it.
And because it is inde
pendent in politics and
wears the collar of no
political party.
70 Cents a month by mail.
Be Careful In Speech.
If In our speech we would need
consider how our words will affect
those to whom they are spoken it we
would try to hear them with their ears
and consider how they accept In their
hearts, there would not be mucli pas
sionate or unadvised speech; certain
ly there would be few spirits wounded
or HveB embittered by the words of
our lips. W. G. Horder.
Acoentuatlng Plant Characters.
It has been found that under red
light (llfeht through red glass) plants
become more robust than In any oth
er. They also become more pro
nounced In their chief characters the.
leafy plant becomes more leafy, aJI
shades of green become more pro
nounocd, the sensitive plant mors
sensitive and all In every way
highly specialised.
Pigeon Descended Chimney.
When a resident in the London
road, Reading, England, came down
stairs recently, he found perched on
the top bar of the grate In the drawing-room
a pigeon which had come
down the chimney. It had brought
with it a considerable quantity of soot
When the occupier opened the win
dows the pigeon made Its escape.
Food Kept Warm.
A fiatlron stand will be found us
fnl on the range to keep the contents
of a saucepan warm without danger
of burning, says the Indianapolis
Ncwb. It Is also useful when one
desires food to simmer; there Is then
no fear of sticking or burning on a
hot stove.
Unfortunate English.
The general Impression that the
Englishman's life Is rather proey Is
supported by the statement of.; a Lofti
doner who visited at Clay Center. He
said he never had tasted fried chick
en or strawberry shortcake, the two
being unknown to the culinary art la
hifl country. Kansas City Star.
"Rajf Waa Qood.
"How did you come to boy that
worthless mining stock?" "Well, you
see, I thought It was all right. The
man who sold It to me had mahogany
furniture in his office, tall brass cus
pidors and a swell rug on his floor."
Detroit Free Press.
Adam's Satisfaction.
Adam was surveying the animals
he was called upon to name. He
smiled with satisfaction as he re
marked: "Whatever else may hap
pen, there never will be a shortage
In the supply of party emblems." ,
Ideals the Guldfng Star.
Ideals are like stars; you win not
succeed in touching them with your
hands. But, like the seafaring man
on deserts of water, you choose thejn
as your guides, and following them
reach your destiny. Carl Scburz.
The rat she wore in her hair cansed
the death of a Pennsylvania woman.
It is now in order for a development
of the hobble-skirt fatality. Even then
fashion will not have done Its worst
A South Carolina prophet an
nounces that the world will come to
an end next year. There Is no like
lihood that it will come early enough
to keep us from baring a Ions win
ter. A capitalist recently went to New
Tork and got rid of 110,000,000 in
three months. If he had gone to
really competent New Yorkers, he
imuM h.vo vnt H1 of In ! tb
three days.
In Cleveland a grocery store Is of
fered for sale, the reason, as adver
tised, being that "the present owner
is dead." This seems to dispose of
tht old theory that "you can't take It
with you."
Brooks' comet Is said to have two
tails, but people who stay up late
enough to see it generally sr abte to
see two oomets.
Once upon a time there wa a fleer
hunter who died a natural death, but
that was hi the olden days wben mea
used the bow and arrow.
Red Cross Aids
Individuals wishing to make In
quiry couceroiDg tLe welfare and
whereabouts of frienda and rela
tives in territory belonging to, or
ooenpied by, the Central Powers,
may communicate with the Bu
reau of Communication, Ameriean
Red Cross, WaebiDgtoD, D. C.
Proper 'inquiries and messHges
will be transmitted, oq a special
foftu to the intematioaal Red
Cross in Genevs. From Geneva,
tbey will be forwarded (o the in
dividuals for whom tbey are in
tended. Answers will be returned to the
International Red Croes sod by
them will be eent to Washington.
The Red Croes will then communi
cate the information received to
the writers of the origins! letters.
Two two cent stamps must be en
closed for postage. A similar me
thod is being devised foi the in
quiries fiom the Central Powers
to America. This will also ba
bandied by the Red Cross
The following points are to ba
obsemd bj ull inquiries:
1. Letters of inquiry must be
addressed to the Duresa of Com
munion tion; not to the perron con
cerning whom inquiry is mde.
2. Letters must be oonotse,
since only the briefest oommuDca
tion can be sent.
3. Tbey must mention only
parsonal matters, such a communi
cations concerning the condition,
of members of the family and re
quests for eimilr information.
4. Leetters must be legible
and muet be in English, French,
Italian, Rnesian, German, Polish,
or Hungarian.
5. They muet include foil
name, address, and occupation of
the sender and full name, address,
occupation, and age of the person
for whom the inquiry is destined,
6. Inquiries may' not be mads
of tener than once in six weeks.
The Bureau of Conjmnnicatlon
reserves the right to refuse to
transmit any information or in
quiry which appears to be contr
ary to the national welfare. '
Stato Patri
otic IVeok.
Albuquerque, N. M . Sept. 1917.
Editor Advocate,
nillsboro. N. M.
Dear Sir:
As the state fair commission
has concluded not to bold a fair
this year, the good citizens of the
city of Albuquerque have decided
a view of facilitating the op
portunity of the many friends and
relatives of the New Mexico boys
now in the United States service
located at Camp Fureton, this
city, to visit the enmpend see the
this office.
(Continued on pege 2)