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OUNTY wo $1.00 Per Year VOL. 34. HILLSBORO, SIERRA COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, OCTOBER 5. CATS ; HEUP U1IH. THIS WAR ; America United CQeans I , -v'.' : (, ' : ' ;. I ' ' ' Lasting Victory for Democracy. I Every Man, Woman and Child can Render v- Some Service this Great Cause." Do it! Begin Eat Licss, Produce - ." ,. . - : SIERRA COUNTY BANK jr ' ' arid proof of, labor lOEO Fir SaIe opined thiwath the old MkblbM D. SVIFt&TCO. Patent Lawyer. Jjf-l5V 807 Seventh St.rWtWiigtog,P. R MR to Day Dotc .... f Uloste Hothing. i Rifles and Cartridge for Re -22 Sport IN the .22 caliber as In the high-power arms, your shrewd sportsman selects his ri8e and cartridges for rttvlti. And when you rtart to be erUivol, there' D wbere to itop short of lUmington-VMC. ' Mule in State Shot modlt-n .P6! with th limoti RemtotoB-UMC ioM brwA snd so. th Aatoiradinf motel thM naustfuU kanJUt li Pof'l .24 fpart. itt war rifte uv3 ''r"",J tjnlv who dUpUyf ibe foJ Ml Uarkaf tUmf-VUC. Sold br'yeur Worn- dealer mm! 124 mereante in new 8t tH hfSki' 0u-!i JQLiOC&tioift !3 ;II.J-: ,i;.t blanks .- - Vii I :r.-;tbi0;' office H A- WOLFORD, Officii: First Door least of R. 0 . ' i ' Church, Main Street. Hillshoro 1 I New Mex ELFEGO BACA, Attorney at Law, Practice in the Fpprome Oourta of New Mexico and Tex tiff -J MAGDALEN, n. m.. OR. J. 0. HATCHER, Physician end Surgeon. Hlllsboro, flew M ex loo. C. II. FRIES, Phsician and Surgeon Hot Springs ' f New Mexico BONHAM and RESER, s Atfprneys-at-Law. ; i LAWYERS, Las Cruces, M Ma JAMES R WADDILL Dernin.r N- M Will st teed all the Courts Bie ra Coanty and the Third Jodi eitl Distrot. (Reneral Contractor Good WormsDsbip Prices Bight IIIL3BORO, New Meiioo. EVERYBODY READ 3 THE JOURNAL. Why? Because it Print TODAY'S NEWS TO DAY, and Lots of it. And because it is inde pendent in politics and wears the collar of no political party. 70 Cents a month by mail. " Albuquerque MORNING JOURNAL fVJ ws 1 To wmtch the oora grow, aa4 that blossoms set; to draw hard breatk over ploughshare or spade; to read, to think, to lore, to hope, to prar these are the things ttua make men happjr; they hare always had the power of doing this, they never will hare power to do more. The world's prosperity or adrerslty depends upoa our knowing and teaching these few things. John Eoakln. Lrved 68 Years In One Housfl. Mrs. Williams, widow of the Be Samuel Williams, pastor of the Oea gregational church tn the Tillage of Crlpplestyle for forty years, has died In the house In which she was bora and had Ured all of her eightpetz rears. During this long period she had not slept away trim the house more than about six times linndoa Ball? Mall. He Wrn Literary. "Colonel Brown seems to be Tery literary," remarked a visitor to the Brown household to the negro maid, glancing at a pile of magazines lying on the floor. Tsa, ma'am," replied the ebony-faced girt, "yas, ma'am, he holey am literary. He Jes nat'ally Uttahs things all error dls year house.- Woman's Homo Companion. Thew Fish Build Nests. The Paradise fish, which Incident ally Is clothed In the prison garment of black and white stripes, and the Indian fighting fish are neet boflders. They build nests among the mosses and grasses for their eggs. The mats fishes of these species take charge ef the babies, and the females harm tootling to do with their babies. v-i Poetical Tip. Bhould tt be your ambition to wrrte a bumeroBS rerse pick -out an anateM subject and express "In language terse. The editor may reject i It If the meter's out of Joint, but If you fash Ion it like this hU surely see ttie point . ' , 1 His InsDlratlen. Peroolhun (of the Daily Drad My daar, you are not onlr my chief 1 eentlre to work, but my lifelong In spiration.' Mrs. Peroolmm "I know I'm your Inspiration, an right, PeroV ral. Whenerer I mix a metaphor Of make a little mistake tn my grammar you turn it Into a story and get pay f or tt." Determined to Be In 8ty, A customer in a butcher's shop stood gating at some small alligators tn an aauarlum. flaring tamed the matter orer In his mind, the cvstomef approached the butcher and exclaimed, 1 suppose a body might as well be dead as out of style. Gtmme eonjpts of pound of alligator." Actresses for Japanese GSSffe Although a woman Is credited &e founder of the Japanese stage. Be Same of an actress adorns its history the onagata has reigned supreme. Bat the artificial onstom of substitut ing men for women is a boat to giro way to the onrush of modern ao tresses, and one of the most oniqiM customs of the stage is Urns threat ened to be superseded by real of petticoat. Work and Kfttp. Giro as, oh, gir, the man who stage at his work! Be his occupation what It may, be is equal to any of those who follow the same pursuit In silent sullenness. He will do more In the Mmn time, be will do It better, he wiS perserero longer. One Is scarcely sensible to fatigue whilst he marches to music. The Tery stars are said to make harmony as they rerolre in their spheres. T. Carlyle. Our Own Business. Whilst I do what is fit for rue Wfttn from what Is Unfit BT bor and I shall often agree In our means and work together for a time to one end. Bat whenerer I find my dominion orer myself is not ruffideat for me and undertake the direction of him also, I oTexstep the truth and come into false relatione h$sv" PUMPA Waldo Emerson. C. T. Dow Writes i 1 Y'll.t inxerosunn Lottcr. i i ' .' . Clarence T. Berr, formerly of Kingston bot now of fiawtelle, California, sends us the following letter under date of Sep, St, whloh nodoobt will be of much interest to many old-time resident of Bier re ooonty. The letter follows: "Kingston, . Sierra Ooaoty, and New Mexico collided the other day In Los Aogelee. The writer wag oomiog up Fifth Street anil had itrayed out of a-curiosity shop where be bad jast parobssed s pen nant Inscribed tba "High Cost of Loring," to eend to Sierraooooty , Starting op igato, and dodging the pedestrian! we'b'umped(np' agtloet Mr. Billy Cpyjft)f formerly of Kingston. Re did not recognise your bomble ioribe onti!,I told bim I was the genuine Q.' B. from the dismantled embattlo. meota of old Kingston! Oar meet log and greeting railed for so ad. joornment to the new EossIjb Ho. tel. oornerf iftb and tisitp wbors) we met Mrs. Boyle who had Jttet returned from a' hopping toarv Both' looked nateral nod hold theft ! own remarkably well, V th sme place I also' nef bbae. Lyka, who at one' time owned the Goto ' radtf " salooa'lfl iliegt'toa .;aed' well known mlalog mao of early daye in Colorado and Mew Uet too, 1 Frank and Bob Pitoher were also there. Frank Lyons, termer iy of JJillsboro, and James Cooley one time of ' tako' Valley bat re cently from A lakes." I a!eo rati Adam Clark of UilUboro and Curtis who built the UcPbrioo eorner in ' HiHsWro? Mra.' Joho Burst lives near Loa Angilesaad at present Mrt, Sam Jackon both of Kingston are visiting togeth er, bot I did bot meet either of them. Wb, J. WordeD, who 'at one tiros ron the old Union Hotel is at the Soldiers' Home, tale else Dogao of Bindon end Do(aot of Deming. ' Siiret City, White Sig nal and White Oaki ere' alto ra represented at the Borne. , AH of these men are bow ased and moat w of them are quite epry fpr taoon- tsin kids. Jasper N. JloKelrey, better known aa "Big Mao," ow.ot the Pepper saloon on' the water front in Sao Pedro bow Loa An geles harbor. ' J. W. Rick ette, for merly of North Peroha made scratoh in Mojare ooonty, Arizona. Be waa so bappy bret the erent that he went atone deaf, j fls pyr. chased a place near Signal Bill, Long Beaoh. Billy, Boyle owne valuable mince at Chloride Ari zona, and when in Los Angeles he waa closing op a, deal on a aide ieaoe that will give bim a raiaa. t . Billy Sondsy Is now making the sinners "bite tba dost", is Loa An gelea at $12.50 per head, a gieat redoctioo in oombination with thej the high cost of living. Bill ' (Coatiaaad on page S f , ,