Newspaper Page Text
W, QrTflOMPfcON; Proprietor. TbABlwre County Advocateisentered ttbs Pos Office at Dlllaboro, Sierra Count, New Mexico, for transmission trough the 0 8. Mails, as second clas natter. SIERRA COUNTY ADVOCATJB Impartially Devoted to the Best Inter ',cta. of Sierra County and the State fit New Mexico. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 6, 1917. Out Country! In her intercourse with foreign nations, may she always fm rights trot our country right or wrong, a? -Stephen Decatur. i HILLSBQRO: Mrs. D. C. Salen left Tuesday or Willard, N. M. The oooniy oononaissiooers have been in session since Monday.' There will be Bqodey Babool at Moion Chprcb put Sunday at 3 Sixteen mora fcpya Mlber jaat ' Wednesday for Camp Jfynstoo, JSaciaa. , .isV f-ittle, who shaped from , 4 tbt oonaty jH reosnUy, took' din per at tbt Araw ranch last Son 4sy. . j ,74''.Tr?9' uia to to vn ye, ttrday Mooiqpaoled by Mr. 0. F. ,v arJo to Vbon be bM auld bia Chapter may determine. Tho officers and executive com fijittee eball take office on Notem. berjst. 1917, and shall aerve for oa year, AH members of Sierra County Chapter are grged to be present. W. fl. BUCBEB, Chairman. THIS PELICAN BIRD. bird is the 01 What a wondrous Pelican, Bis beak holds store than bis bel. Itcan; Into bis beak be takes food for a . week, . . And wee&o't see bow the bel lican. They talk; of the eye kiss, the soul alas and other modern Inventions, but what's the matter wita the old fash ioned smackf A New York cook has been arrested lor stealing a steak. Still bis sentence Mightn't to be as severe a though be had stolen an. egg . -. The New York man who Is looking for a wife that doesnt wear rats, puffs or hobble skirts might not want her If. he found her. puses. Any person, firm, association or cor poration deeming that the granting of the aboye application would be truly de trimental to their rights In the water of said stream system nimll file a complete Statement of their objectioua Bubetan ti nted by affidavits w ith the State Engin eer and aerve a copy on applicant on or before the 19th day of November, 1917, the date set for the Engineer to take this application up for final confederation unles protested. In case of protested applications all parties will be given a reasonable length of time in which to submit their evidence in detail or ar range a date convenient for a hearing or appoint a referee satisfactory to all to take testimony. A pea is not neces sary unless advised ofH ially by letter from the State Engineer. JAMES A. FRENCH, State Engineer. First pub. Sept. 7-17 OW, THEREFORE, Wa the Board Of County Commissioners of Sierra i iouuty. New Mexico, in regular session hold at Hillnboro, N. M., on the 1st day of October, A. l. 1917, have ordered a follows, to w t: That the object of an election to be H4i !n h- Ospnty cf Sicrr-. Sif of New Mexico, on TUESDAY, Novem ber 6.b, 1917, being the first TUESDAY in November, J 91 7, is to vote upon the adoption or rejection of the auiend- meiltM nronoHHil hv f hl Thlrrl Rrafu T..10-. Ileal place, fold Kendall ranch V Wature . to. the St.4e Constitution of . ' Nam oo Korth Psrcba i 1 L - -."' a Mr, ftod Mrs. Owen Beal bate gnoved Into town from the John Election Proclamation WHEREAS. In compliance with Chapter XXXII, Section J977. New Mex. s v.Matutcs, I Annotated, Ood'ficafion 1916, It is ma le ti e duty cf the Board of Uountv UommiHHioners or ttje several counties of the State of New Mexico to proclaim elect! ns to be held in the re fpsctive. couuties of the State of New Mexiooj and, WHEREAS, In compliance with the foregoing Is a it is further made the duty of the Board of County Commiaaionera to give.aotire by public proclamation. and by publication, as provided by law, the ' obelctt of ' eiu-h elections and the bIhca where such election U to be held In each precinct iu their reHpective coun- s' A k a ' A A tew 8j uross meoabers met ; at the borne of Mra. T. 0, Hill ohairmao of the knitting commit lee, last Toesday fleroon, and work along that line has commenc ed io earoest, , T II T I 3 r tr i u aj. urvii BIST I. K&rtlA. cashier and vice-preaidept, s epectuelj, of the Fi rat Natiopal Baok of Hot Springs, bad buai cess before the pounty commii. t aionen yesterday. ttai9 Urowo was do wo from Kingston the early part of the week telling ox about the arriral ' of s qine pound, boy at bis borne last Feekr While Rqfe seemed "soosewbat dated, it is predicted that be will pull through all right If so early frost does not catch New Mexico i That thf plai'es where the said elec-, tiori Jh to be held in each precinct of the C univ of Sierra, Stitte of New Mexico is a tollony , to-w it : PreciuctNo, 1. at Justice of Peace of fice. , Precinct No. 2, at Court House. Preoinct No. 3. at Monarch Hall. Precinct No. 4. at Underwood build ing. Precinct No. 5, at Apndaca hall. Precinct No, 6, t Pankey hall. Precinct No. 7. at Manuel Chaves hall. Precinct No. 8, at Victoria hotel. Precinct No. 0. at J uatice of the Peace office. Precfnct No. 10, at Dance hall. Precinct No, 1 1 . at Dance hH, Precinct No. 19, at Dance hulk Precinct No, 13. at School bouse. Precinct No. 14. at Doraiusro Luchiui residenc", Precinct No. 15. at Urbana Arrev resi dence. Precinct No, 16, at Benjamin Chavez. re i' It nee. DONE AT HH.L3BORO. New Mex loo, at a recular meetins held on the 1st oay of October, A. D.1917 MIS-IONERS, SIERRA O UNTY, NEW MEXICO. By J, A. DYE, Chairman, Serial 017068 U, S. Land Office, Las Cruces, New Mexico, August 29, 1917. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that J. T. McLaughlin, whf se post-offi'e address is Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico, in behalf of him self and his co-owners, Alex. Brisach er, ,i ulia E. Lee, George T. Nehr, W. M. Weaver and W, S. Hopewell, has filed an application for patent for the lode mining pi aims called the Lilliput Group of mining claims, situated in La Animas mining district, Sierra County, New Mexico, and designated by the field notes and official plat on file is this office as mineral survey No. 1621, in township 16 south, range 7 west, a- dt iwnship 15 south, range 7 west, New Mexico principal meridian, said mineral survey No. 1621 being de scribed as follows: LILLIPUT LODE." Begim ing at Corner No. 1, the south- rly corner, identical with tte norther ly corner of the Catherine lode, whence the southeast corner of Sec. 3, Tp, 16 S. . R. 7 W. bears S. 24 deg. 30 min. E. 4905.2 feet; thence N. 54 depr. 04 min. W. toCornerNo. 2; thence N. 40 deg. 30 min. E. 1500 feet to Corner No. 8; theoce S. 54 deg, 04 min. E. 600 l et to Coiner No. 4; thence S. 40 deg. 30 min. W. 1500 feet to Corner No. 1, the place of beginning. CATHERINE LODE. Beginning at Corner No. 1, the south erly corner, whence the S. E. corner of Sec. 3 Tp. 16 S. R 7 W. bears S. 41 deg. 53 min. E. 4364.5 feat; thence N. 54 deg. 04 min. W. 600 feet to Corner No. 2; thence N. 85 deg. 56 min, E. 1500 teet to Coiner No. 3; thence S 54 deg. 04 min. E. 600 feet to Corner No 4; thence K 35 deg. 6 min. W. to Corner No. 1, the place of begin niig. On all sides the claims are surround ed by unoccupied public land, -.except that survey No. 73o, '85 loda lies in a northwesterly dir-ctio", and survey No. 612, Compronvse, No. , lies in a southwesterly direction. John L. Burnsidb, Register. First pub. Aug. 31-17. Proposed Prohibition A intendment. Committee Substitute for Senate Jo nt Resolutions Numbers Two andThre-. proi o-i"gr an Amendment to the Con stitution of the Stateef New Mexico, by Adding Thereto Another Article, the same to he Numbered XXIII. Beit resolved by' the Legislature of the State oi New Mexico: That the Constiution of the Stnte of New Mexico be a"d it is hereby am ended by adding thereto a new article to be i umbered and designated as Ar ticle XXIII, Intoxicating Liquors, as follows: tVtt vine in own ju wrU Iojaoui trq o JJ f fpn1 H 1 '(r"0M B tp nowiX) oot) r raM '( oof qjoj-os t nj nmp an9wo ) WP om .4w p imn fui tn vaaop ipo ivqA teipmp Apnm tftL . - fjoxu l.plWM PV fs.l Ktrwi F nog TV, hw p wum 1 . MS smul 'Jjf 'ayjuuuiuw fm sg)J mm wp Vi 'iwf MBM 'I pjeow ,pio t rj tail v$yut xjs-f lnj iasrj alalaH', V bo sjoas ajqmod ai(j aptm i6i '5t r"f 00 ,,n,a!A' "fAV iW J pn H nI uopianmuiB sSsAig pm spu SSAtoj-tir 8sas$ tf rp-iOMipojii3ni9xlaffljq3'p Vy ' p-uopfpony ajri-g ttuopsfj tpHfl a,P P '118 'V X V r t-H .18 FOUR HOIITIILY UAGAZIIIES c-f Acd Ozr Pepsr Alt One Ye&r THIS IS A DEAL DACGAI?! r r inn w m m rm. m v m. wrm m as a s a .aaa. "vlsbbi bb a m m si m in m w n sa. - , ' .BBBkV bbbl . t Attesti P, 8, KELLEY. ' County Clerk Kind navifiai Uanflnif. A meeting of tbe members of Sierra popy Uhapter if the Am erioan Bed Cross is called, to be beld in the Ouort Bonis at Bills w f L . I . vw ia VIUII XJt tober J5tb, ldlt at 7:30 o'clock, according to the by-laws pf the Natiooal organiiation, for the par pose of. electing officers sod an ej, ecrjtfri committee,- the presents. tW of reports, and the traoiao jj.jgof I9A per basiftfli s.e the NOTICE! 8TATE ENGINEER'S OFFICE miii Fe, is. Ai., Augimi 21, tyi7. Number of Application 1171. Notice is hereby given that on the 21st Hay of August, 1917, in accordance with Section 28, Chapter 49, Irrigation La as ft 1907 Uwulo GonjalfS i-f Hillsb-ro, Countyof Sierra, State of New Mexico, mads formal application to the State Engineer of New Mexico for a permit to appropriate the. Public Waters of the M.lanf Near M.j.s Such appropriation is to be made from Arro Seco at a point whence the ME corner Ser. 80, Twp.14 S., Range 17 West, bears South deg. 2Q min. Wer-t, 1136 feet distant by means of diversion works and 3 ac, ft. per ore is to be conveyed to and delivered on the land esch " irrikrotion season of eight months, said lands being in Section 25. Twp. 14 S Range 7 West N. M.P. M. by means ol diversion works consisting ef deverslon dam. main canal and laterals. and,bre tiHed for the irri gafioo p( 3 ' aicrea and dptaeatic puii ARTICLE XIII Intoxicating Liquors. Sec ion 1. Frum and after the first day ef October, A. D, nineteen hundici a d eighteen, no person, association or corporation, shall, within thjs state, manufacture for sale, barter or gift, any ardent spirits, ale, beer, alcohol, wine or liquor of any Kind whatsoever coiitnining atconoi; ana no person, as sociatioii, or corporation shall import into this state anv of such liquors or D -veragea ior sde, Darter or gift; an.t no person, assnation or oorporstion. snait, witmn this state, sen, or birter, or keep for sale or barter any of such liquors or beverages, or oflr any of such liquors orbeveraj"S for sale, bar ter or trad.-; PROVIDED, nothing in this section shall te held to apply tc denatured or wood alcohol, or gnin al cohol when intended and used for me iicj al, mechaidcal or scientific pur poses i inly, or to wine, when intend -., hnd Ui-ed for sacramental purposes on ly. Sec, 2. Until otherwise proyid d b;. law, any person violating aey of the article, shall, upon enviction. be nun jahed by a fine of not h as than fifty iioiiars, nor more wan One tnousan.i dollar, or shall be imprisoned in the counts jail for not less than thirty days nor m- re th.m six monihs, or by both such tine and impris nme t, and upon conviction for a second a d sub sequit t Violation of sail secti n such person Shall h n-iniahH hv a fin . M not less thau one hundred dolurs nor more tban one tli' usand dailars, a d shall be impriso-ied in the com ty jail or sta'e, penitentiary for a teiru o' not less th n three month nor more than one year. lor the Amendment- ACT QUICKLY t fena m yew ewlst rigW eenty, at te h to tm rspraisetadve, er caBaaem M whta is town. XI you have sever eaUcrlUi t our paper bfort, da It dw sad get thM four nsgaanes. Zf yeu are a regale subscribe to er paper, wewgeymi to sen4 fai your renewal at once, sad get thete four tagaxkee. If yov are a Kib scriber to any of thM magaxiBea, aea4 roar rcaewel order to as sad we will extend your sobecripnoa lor one year. J Think Of It, lliJ. 18c H S- t. I . B .1 a mm m we nave sampie copsts ot nese wwgatiaee oa display at ear of&ee, (Viand see theaa. Tksy are prfetf e book paper vrto filuitraud covent, and are fu9 e4 cleaa, btereetiRg Storks aa4 instnstdre artieles Historf, teteaes, At Mask Faehiea, Faacy Needlework, OeswieJ Fsnoiaf, live tiock and Poultry, ' 1 5fl .18 fcl Tcrftcr C-ftra Ton Forget r HCAD THE Por la Enmienda Against the Amendment- Contra la enmienda rn ALDflQUERQUE EWGWID f S'CvvV el the Wori by lModats4 .Press Lettsaoj !SSrt,- tAin m rmmcti dkmockatio in rriksc , IU TKI EIWS THE DAY IT immk l III TIIC few rur imsw iv $&loX' . t me hiui mc ifAI II nktttLU : : ' nsnlrasfe trail serrlto rlaeas the ItZXirLtVlt rsjme 1 iUtafwW Brentat Bstlll to swat TFM r " mm i-. '1i3".'TT-T CP t IIIE ElfEIW IIEOALSf U 00 9 ; toer Month - 03.60 v - ."r v w.ey