OCR Interpretation

Sierra County advocate. [volume] (Kingston, N.M.) 1884-1960, October 05, 1917, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94057006/1917-10-05/ed-1/seq-4/

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tfiaJ1ta Reoefnmend vtvmlnfl. -ts
Um oplaioa of learned specialist
j m ca healthr wieae he
he does A artaia amoanj of tawninf.
Wke jro jrasVvou expel frost Uie
yog a tot of saperflttoua air; the
farwktfctng muscles of both te ehee
&4 the throat ere trMjfUM4 bf
'.'I m
i .
Hie Fear. ,
"tTwtat jrou afraid ta r 4ow
Wn In the dark last BlfhtT asked a
women of bar little aoa recently.
Ye. Iffui Httie afraid," anawered
b boy. "But irbal were you afraid
r asked U nother. "H'm." salt
Ck toy, 1 was afraid there woflldat
fee a&7 dofboU."f
Ts Preserve Mom t George F.
ewartkmoor nan. bear lUTerstoa,
Bab oes aire (Ea.) Cormi7 tbe bom
4f Oeorf e Vox, founder of tba Society
jaf friends, was boufbt at TJKerston,
0orl time aco, on bba!f of the Eoe
Jtak members of the society for 6,250.
His writing desk was bought for M
,TM Marry AdVeftfMA "
Who Maps ter la no mora ear
fMslaa English hnmorf A pRrritloa
.4eelr ta Earl'l court e((hbtrhood,
Ixmdon, display this on window
algal "When visiting BnakeapearVa
JBaglaad, est England Baoon, ;
And 0 It Com In Ufa.
. -A aW remarka Mack Creicber,
"moat baT dolls and ribbons and Iota
f fancy thing to play' with.' A boy
an bat pretty good time with noth
ing but a toad, a fraashoppor and. a
gav gsgl worm."
Perheps a Traglo Comedy.
A writer jonoe aaid that the wofid
la a comedy to those who think,
tragedy to those who feel. He doeaat
ay what it is to the fellow who tried
Co take a. wide garbage caa through
ft narrow aDey-way. Satire,
For 'Tired Fee.
When your feet ache, eaaaed by
ton etaadlng, eierolaa them by rising
Vrat to the toe, then on the heela,
la a, rooking notion for a few time.
(Thia waa advised by a specialist
iWpmaa'a Home Companloa.
Men's Cstlno.
' On man likes to be mad a faa
Tr, another Ukee to be let alone,
ma m. Oiird like his mind diverted.
But M alt eases hay something good
pier a to eat, whatever kind D la.
Easy. .
Tonng Widow "Did you hare any
W I - .!.. . JNV )MMMgif
wvuwm s$wfc.at, ) w ar -- -
Oirl Friend NNo, dear: I told him
70U weiw iter Wm."Bostoa Tran.
Dally Thought ,
On principal point of good bi
fta is to nit our behavior to the three
laererm degrees of manonr superior
,rtU)) nd the below .
VartCi . 4 ..,. , r ' " V ,
Tb only difference . bet worn ' ft
price and a life-long passion la that
he eaprtce laat a HtUe longer -Tb
i- ' Produolno Optimism.
A very good remedy tor anybody
beaeimlam la being ble to pay dm
Wlla. New York: Pre,
Ne Cemparieen.
Wwr"Tbs most wonderful org! 1
ver aaw waa the property of a pri
vate gentleman., It had nearly a hua
4red atop," ' Bextoa "XJml The
cwet remarkable organ I ever 'eard ta
any old woman's tongue. It aiat gat
Mr- atop at aiL"X34adoa TaUao.
(In Effect March 18, 1915.)
NoTESec. 6 of the Act
Gamejfishas defined by this act,
gmall and large mouthed bats
and speckled trout, of what
oever specied or variety also
c aarppiend ring perch.
Dt with horn (horns to
aceompany carcasses at all
times), limit one deer. North
of thirty-fifth parallel of north
atitude, from October slx
.jtecath to November ' fifth of
each vear. And south of said
thirty-hltri paaaitei irom uc
tboer twentV'fifth to Novem
' - . ,1 1 -v -
ber 15, of each year, r
Tassel-earcd Gray Squir
rels, from June 1st to Novem
Ar iritK of each vear.
Wild r Turkevrf (classed
u: MmVnnrt1i nf the thirtv
tifth parailelcf North latitude,
from Wovernoer u. w
.mKor I at d each vear. an
lirst of th e said 35th parallel
from November 25th Novem-u-..
,cKnf Mth vear, Limit
Jrt possessiori in any one cal
endar day. .
oMfivor crested. Messina,
Caiforniaor Helemlet Quail,
from Octtber 25th to Decem
ber 31st, of each yearv , Limit,
20 in pU5taiv ... ;
dar day
, Doves from August 1 6th to
Seprember 30th of each year
Limit, 20 in possession one
calendar day'
..Trout, Large and Small
Mouth Bass, Crappie and
Ring Fcerh, from June it to
November, 25 of each year,
i.c i9 No oerson shall
at any time shoot, hunt or take
in any manner any wild ani
mals or birds or game fish as
herein defined in this state
without first having m m or
her possession a hunting li
cense as hereinatter provided
for the year m wtiicn sucn
shooting, fishing or hunting is
done. The presence of any
person tn any open field, prai
rie or forest, whether enclos
ed or not, with traps, gun or
other weapon for hunting
without having in possession a
proper hunting license as here
in provided, shall be prima
facia evidence of the violation
of this section. Hunting li
nil be issued by the
county clerks when duly au
thorized by the state oamc
ana Fish .Warden, and such
rWtlf!s as rnav be designat
ed", for that - purpose by the
State Game and Fish War
den. None of the provisions
of this act shall require any
resident of this state to obtain
or have a license to fish for
trout. '
Resident fish licanse, jf.oo
Rersident bird license,
i.oo. .
Risident big game license,
Resident big game and bird,
jpl.5' jmm-K . '
t Resident big game, bird and
fish license, a.oo.
Non-resident fiish license,
Non-resident bird license,
10 00. , i,
Non-resident big game and
bird liense, 525.
Non-resident big game.bire
aud fish license, $30.
Alien-resident big gameand
fish license, 25.
Alien resinent big game,
bird and fiih license, $30.
Alien non-resident big game
and.bire liense, 50.
Altn rmn-rMiHent hiffcrami",
bird and fish license, 55.
Agriculture Forest Service
For Care With Fire in the
, Mountains-;
If every member of the pub
lic strictly observe these
simple rules; the great an
nual loss by Forest Fires
would be reduced to a
imaimim;' ' '
1. - Be sure your match is
out before you throw it away.
2. Knock out your pipe
ashes or throw your cigar or
cigarette stump where there
is nothing to catch fire.
3, Don't build a camp fire
any larger than is absolutely
necessary. Never leave it
even for a short time without
putting it OUT with water or
4. Don't build a camp fire
against a tree or log. Build a
mall one where you can
r ape away the needles
aves or grass from all sides
of t.
5. Don't build bon fires
The wind may come at any
time and start a fire yon can
not control.
6, If you discover a fire
out it out if possible; H you
can't, get word of it to the
nearest U. S. Forest Ranger
or State fire Warden just as
quickly as you possibly can.
hutUoor Hinele Tlinrt C,V
Hewing Aiiwniue wi:: wj
Orsnos, Mass.
Bfuir Mirlne el"lle r md lo cl1
aaUiy, but lh K W HOiM it ind lo wa.
Our KiMrenty ntr runt out
eM 7 Urined deelere ely.'
ro s r
The Only New unabridged dic
tionary in many years.
Contains the pith and eaaence
of an authoritative library.
Covera every field of knowl
edge. An Encyclopedia in a
inele book.
The Only Dictionary with the
New Divided rage.
400,000 Words. 2700 Paget.
6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly
half a million dollars.
Let us tell you about this most
remarkable single volume.
Write for sample
was, tnU peit
tiouUrt, eta
Ksme this
paper and
e will
send free
set of
Bprlntfleld, Mees. f 1
m vr m mm
"rtt', Covhiomts ee.
Anron tn1ln( .ketch and dwa Iptlon mf
ntokiv umruin our opinion It wbatbw Ml
ftiTnrton is probbly pt"ini. coramimMpfc
tloiwni'lotl;eonil(intll. HANDBOOK mPiu
lent fTM. 011et Mner lor f -curing paMwil.
Ftrau Ukn ihrouirh Muua A Co. leMt
tpieULiutlc. without cum, lu tb
Scientific 'jttKrtcnt.
oaUUon of n pnilDo tonrnal. Term. H
nir i four month, li. SoM by ail Mwadaalar
1 f"m L H in
k see j j Awrs
A 1 B
U Situated In
and ie noted for It i't
Health, Wealth and Beauty
:s Cattle
ar uncqualede The.y or tha catcd
home off all range otocb. Cat t la, Hpoe&
Sheep and Goat fhrivc vljeCCS
hrouflhout the yiaiifs .- ;,
U Til A. ML
lead, mm M ' lM
arc Inexhaustlve and pprctlcIly eoSS?
plowed and presents an cxcclleitl Rw3
for the prospector and capitalist.
portions of the mineral sones that banife)
been unexplored In the paif ore, now
Ing opened up with gratify Infl resulfa C4
rich sr:ineo are being develops J lsC?C
reduction works arc now tn 'eesac-p'CJ
construction and capttalUtsu i'CC3
anxious to Invest In Sierra CccC3
i: s
a 0 SO llfCO

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