FARMVILLE HERALD. AN INdl ' M'l ll J.I' I ? illl SN I l\ 11.1/ S I KIN I ' will, I cite i'i "Ai.. ' fuaioi lill tn thc j that l'lil-iiiii, tllUli and I., ray that heal; luditiou plo-, Mr. ' Lam .ni- iv . a fourth I: third tero bj De Ihe cundill, qi ll tbuee ahollt Ililli of Ihe -..niie I, ad lllldl Alni, lien winter lu \ theil eulai. Any a .' II. VS i of tbe ? the Noi 11, i ?"bile i i,,,,i;( theil, Him- , Hon- tbe -molal,. ? while in folly. If sse could I,;. hut I "laitl, Un* *i.k man io Mi king ? - ' ' III the ? lilli OKI \l. N' ?i Mr. ss ith ? - ssith .1 it ss ith ht burch l that in ii. f the ? ? ll!- 'I of , tilting lrut*l nuisance ssill spread lu? ll ?I lj SSll.'ll Illili f .r it. timer* : 'Itli. vuii lum ai,- ni ni ply <\ ?*W< lion ol irinlli , T thc Tomi-. Wddiin ; Ihe lower diane:, , | my ht . T io nnt i ? I I >i min *|..*nt bul it i be th. I to pill.Ile ||] SS Illl I 1 ? ? I ? Hi* ?i Mr. ben be : - attona ? hal he - liles'* liollll . Judi 1 vi tbe . impli - dillon illative . it in I . declined to ?i, be thal I k the in* told the 1 , i* the '?ut be I I tiona of M.iit , ? ii ad. found , !In-I'"lo ! do them any iud ss ill pt Hie. Ite ssa ? _' tba! ? i o|| tb. H...,1 nf 1 ! that ere th.* ? His f iinii ssho irticular rt in th.- face sv in ii ,?in iioi Poi tbe Anns f> mir . il svas _' upon I sv :i j thing, tua ss ho ? .'i 'tliel hint lo Mi Mt Kmlev that prominent . would Ilk, hint ssill be taken. i didn't s i',d Hanna . mg tn take Mi. f Inquiry i- go the bi^ -. although diilleult to -as- ss hy. ion In lil lil J. B. LEWIS CO. "Wear-Resisfers" ' I. ti LEWIS CO.. Boston. Mau. -2 A. E. CRALLE. ind I only |l/tO. ll ' <\ la I....H Ull *?.?.?..i. *l . 1.1 . Iiii I . v s . March I i there lliumi in circulation anklng the ll rn .1 I inge in tu run through tli** laud of Ml. H il ? i lo sour town, li uk lt ss mi Mr. Bar! id through In- lol. and -" in* ir b Iii- finnis- tu the profane lan - ? often u-i-l along the public Deni it will pt a little niora v\ Inn I vs a- I boy i llllto ulla 'helli do unto ymi." tor, I believe if the - of that petition WOUld dieu rule and put it Inti hi- name Other plan tu U'tter ld than going through tbe farm lecraaaing I be I hi- faun, UO "lie can tell bow minti. I h. plan would be, inatead of hiring out tba ta*aam be? longing fri tbe count j for their board, to take the "'nil bird-" and cul and I plank- and er ii and other had ph* ld. i- try and bein -nd) men a- the -, sv bo hase pitched their tent* amoug ii-, , doing anything to their injury. T . ll. H. I . i i. i . *? I t-l( lo ii in mol h.. ir ul a. The mtiTi-c Itching Mid -marting nt tu these dist Bees, ia instantly applying Chamberlain'.* -in I Hutment. Many vary ive bein permanently cured by it. li i*equally efficient forltching rite leinetiv Pm nippli - chilblain*. iud cbronii 26eto i-..r -ale by Cunningham A i .. I irugglete. Dr. ' od11nm Powder*, are j'l-t sshat a bone in. d- When lil bad condition. Toole, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food bal Medicine and the beal in dm t" pul a cindi iii m. Hriee 26 - de by Cud* uingham A < '?>., Drugg lli.iulllHili.L |||?,..I 111..sara. ? uren. . .re nut ? lunns | luise ? ? pul Bl -I. SS'Ii.-n timi Im -1 purl ? ?? i .r..v . WINE Of CARDUI MONTHLY SUFFERING. """Thousands of women are t r o u li 1 e (1 at ?hiv inter in the li ca tl, back, !?:? -ides ind limbs. need These pains are symptoms of dan. ii nts that ' e coirecU i. The men* ! function bhould operate painlessly. W?rdui makes menstruation painless, mid regular. It puts the deli trnal organs in condi-. t to do their work projierly. And that stops nil tliis pain. Why will any woman sufter th after month when Wine of Cardui will relieve her? It the drug Why don't you get a bottle iy? advice, in cases requiring ii , riv ina flies' Ads-!-ry Department,'1 The ine Co., Cha'.' ????HIIMH Mri. ROZEN* LEWIS, of Oemvltle Tim, ityi: " I wu troubled it monthly Intirva'i with terrible paint In nt) head ind back, bul hi?e been entirely relieved by Mina Ol Cardui.'' WINE Ol CARDUI CHAS. M. WALSH, tn i km? MARBLE and GRANITE WORKS, PETBR8BUBU, Va MAMr AilTKKI. OF Monuments, Headstones, Tablets, Ac. Iron aad Wire Fencings Koa ? -.Miiii ii ku PuaeoeaW. CAPT. S.W. PAULETT, Parmville. Im*. i fur u Dumber of yea: ?vail furni-li eatlmat. - lo all THE HAMPDEN-SIDNEY Dramatic Club p. m., on FRIDAY, MARCH. 10th, 1899, i i susi vii.!.K ni'KK.v lim -K, "The Private Secretary." I UK il sMi*|ii N4B1UNB1 OKI I1K-STKA n iii univ a-*i-t in masking ; ? ? Mill lie fur RU NORMAL SCHOOL ANNUAL. Do Bl I UK attraction nf ieaLs on Sale at Crate's Drag Store. \ lilli l-*-iotl ? ith ile . S. K. GREEN, MVg/r. *lmj0r FARMERS\TFERTILiZERS ForTOBACCOuse"NATIONAl" ForCORNuse'CHAMPIONCORNGROWER', For GRASS and CLOVER use "ORCHILLA GUANO" ForANYCROP use"BEEF, BLOOD and BONE" Brand Our Fertilizers can be relied on to give satisfaction. They are especially prepared for the Crops named. Other brands for other crops. Write for prices. S. W. TRAVERS & CO., 5000 Tons ACID PHOSPHATE for Sale. Manufacturers, Richmond, Va. HOW STONE IN THE BLADDER Was Removed Without a Sm Operation. This Case WasOne of so Much li Because of its Severity That it Was Knoss n tor Miles Around. II. lon Will ba Kimmi nu Int. i. .Illili Hlltm) .if Iii. I ?'-? . SS i III. ii li) Mi Hall.) Ulm-.If. a -en- of profouti ? joy prompts me to write thia letti .i ith kidney and bladder trouble Las! a .. ikcii ss iiii iii my kidney- ss lneh extended to tbe bl i 'Un- mane that 1 , mdiug a while, became thick and i mUddj o,Mlle* of -ililli. it. Upon ads.| ms , finally consented to gu to tbe ll al Raleigh. Winn I . th.. chief - lt SS ol, done from tbi operation. dangerous, uss n .? coudilion. I di would go hom with my ii> ii the Hospital in a der ss. nail the di my aympti ma .i'.'l I - uf my uni tu an lion. W.* decided lo us youl modi* md if Hu relief , trial tu ri*k the km the sample bottle I bough i mit ie*, uf your Ssvainp lt "'i sud uaed it according !?? di February Btb. tu my n it, the .-.tune steamed to cnn idea of gi ? and mi thal Uigbl I |':i? d tlc- ? ; about th* con titi - sud to Improve until tod ?. ? ?od'a Providence through j .?nt. my life bs* Hail I choaen tbe knife treatment I fear I SS.nie! al the beat, lingering in the ii 1 regal tmp*R**oi as tts wonderful medicine for bladdei kidney iioiiitle* ni tb) - sud Wish i COUld tell all ss hu did, the relief and it baa brought nu*. I i a pi cl i" .until nally lo keep my kidney* and bladder sll right, tell sll ? inion I waa they can lind relief by using Dr. Kil? lin! ?* .-.s.un-i-Koot. What I written can be substantiated by promi? nent peopto of this place. 1 will un? wat letters of inquiry if ?tami endowed fur rejilv. JAB. Et BAILEY, Keh, dh, IS Ai ni an, ff. <'. imp-Boot brings ransnii ? gladlier** in every home it en ten. I; i*- the new discovery of Dr. Kilmer, the Kn at kidney ami Maddi I It ia not recuinmcnded for everything but if yuu have kidney ur bladder truuhle it ssill he found just the I .?m.'ymi need. At druggiata In and 11.00 -i/.r-. Vuii may have a -.nil? pie (tuttle uf Bwamp>Boot tbe kidney, liver ami bladder remedy and i un-iiiiet telling more snout it free by mail. Addie-* Dr. Kilm Binghamton, N. Y. (.uml Kai in Km Sa I one hundred nen** Improved lund located only 3 mile* from Farm Va., iu Prince Bdward county cou tai u ing two tenements in good condition, - low grounds, tire farm mulei with cedar posts. Pi ,-h. ' - Pai it n, Ju. E'lucatc V.cir lieu el. With < ...airrts. 10c, 25c. If CCC. fn Pure fresh vacine vii is for the Winston Drag 6tore. Ili-aul) Ia at?4 i?eep. Clean beauty without it. < ? tic clea Btirring np the la/. I ' and that sickly bili, Caicari ? gilts, sandie ' Tn tin I uti rs nj Ei im i Edward ('minti/. I hen ? lied.nt of tin lu moimi'. \ will lon. Very respectfulls*, .Mareil To the Voters of Prince Edward County. eanilnlitte fur the Office of Col I ' Jeet lu lite a. onventton. ful Iv, Miir,!, . SS . I., i ;. IRK. To the Voters of Prince Edward County. ? Com mon Democrat lc rn Very i Mureil To the Voters of Prince Edw.ini County. I h. >? cundill il Coo ntl tit.n. Mureil rY. H. an To The Voters of Prince Edward County. I ben KM illy annoni i ni the .linn. Se V I. ? . ? Marou. 10. V*. 1 ll im Great Piano Sale Reduction. wi: \i:i. i # # TEN DAYS ONLY, $ # tin- di fieri Call at once and see samples of t' .utiful II hiII QRADE PIAN I rin')' ." - old stand. FERGUSON BROS., i. Va. OWL ' BRAND GUANOS. A FISH. BLOOD AND BONE FERTILIZER ? - i 1899. Same Standard. Same Makers. Same Determination to Succeed. AGES W Al I'id.v ir.\l. i-i \ ; DAVIE & WHITTLE branch, PETERSBURG,.VIRGINIA. i'\Ki."K -i ir-. I il sv Furniture! HE Big Stock, Low Prices! Large Stock Wall Paper and Window Shades. BARROW tl COWAN, Undertakers and Furniture Dealers, _FARMVILLE, VA._ W. G. Dunnington. OFFICE OF Waller H. R VIRGINIA STATE FERTILIZER COMPANY, ?-MANUFACTURERS OF-: i High-Grade Fertilizers, \\ FOR ALL CROPS, FARMVILLE, - - VIRGINIA. We ; li e ni ? ?Tl til o Hie quirk ami | you si iii be pli i with i' . sud sse Would '. \ N I KIT ' < .1 M ' n thanking you fr your ? uf ymir trad .-"ii, ? VIRGINIA STATE FERTILIZER CO. BRANDS FOR TOBACCO. Dunnington's Special Formula for Tobacco. Wat Dunnington's Austrian Tobacco Grower. Farmers' Reliance Special for Tobacco. Bone Meal. ind s.iii inn.i-ii smi . :-: PAUL TVII.l.K ? l'I Ala Di:v \u.. cor.!':!;; a ai.Kid: I fX)N; JNO WAl/roN; c HIBBARD**. WI Vs BURTON & OTLEY, General Insurance Agents. BEST LINE OF FIRE INSURANCE. BEST LIKE OF LIFE INSURANCE. . . iu