RMVILI LD. How To Fin:! Out. bad m> nilly : III tl lt -uinitl plioties - tu L'u from sii'T'|i:iiti - iivrnu do tin* ?Ul. uf Hov, M. K and sm i.ni linn :t- minty Phil. W. McKinney. Pills. I ? triul ssill and ;ii< l.v tin ir SC'tiou, lull atomacb and ? 11 .y W bi ? lo.tull. 11 tin'*, (.uii.li ll. ki - remedy i and influenti. lt bas ll IV- of tb ? of tin* civilized world The a ? unaptly to it be child. T if it fur who thal I by in iiiiei* for tin ' nd the lea to ba jurie ii Dm I li.. li-m i uilnn ss lin ii hap] oiiiiil'Ii nn Dru ? li-h t it ni i linn i .. *. ll. il w . i D ' I ll. ' :OSI. Mi KINNLY 'I iii 1 Issi ?? nut I1. \Y ?ni tin* r I'uSsd*. T by the Telllo lisinn lHK>k. Dr. i. He - uol the ? s . now, He tum nt' lilt' r lil? li:!.! appr :n 'ii.I, the 1 : ssith il way m Would ? ? tbe I'niii . my of jit.irt-* ? -hui. ?! s \- tin* il hymn, ii tbe ssc a- the .', Richmond I Den. C. J . ?kiutb - A NV. - i., who ss - :i merni ? li Kinnej - liny P. I.;"-, mi in ?ni tbe Fourth District; .1 Button, Clerk of tl - A Irving, of Richi.I VV. Miles Cary and Mr. M. Miller, nf Powhatan; .1: J. lin nli.-s. of tin t 'illili; ? ' i : vernor McKiu Mr. W. P. Dupuy, nf ti. ';in I . ll inkin-, ? mon weal th, aud Mr. i all of \s h im Out of reaped I IcKiu . ? ini.**l D and eulogized tlc J. M. Crute, nf the County Courl i tbal al tlie iin of the < lr mt Ci url fur thi*. nether .mtio, iiml ti. :n be made ii memorial <>f tbe The i ? which Captain McKinney one ol - in order thal the student* ? ml In a lindy. Dwelling Burned. At an carly hour Monday aa m: \\ M. At ? - totally di stroyi ?! by fire, ..'cluck one of Mr. At .un h.iml- a am li ni tn tbal tin lil hurried to tl. ? of the ii SS;|- lil isil fl .nt - Hi- fin ind little cl i ss bei : the Hann iii pn i roki n ant \lklil*nll, with nil th aid be e iuld Hummou bi ran I lu (111 oi in-iirain o \ i ol thc lire I- uii.-n ? ?ii the parlor Ure VlkiiiHoti i U Faiinvill Hell ol ll.unir Hid - '.'? Hal.I Farmville Graded School. for ss tek emlii Intel. Walton \\ . ton. NEW TRIAL GRANTED. ; . nenl of Counsel-Judge Hundley's Decision The Pris I at the Result. ? ? be county court, in ss hich in Hu .' the -? Itiin of ? I th u Mr. IT Ice .sa- ti ? I mortally wot Hall Cail.i at ll tu .k plac.the -"iiii day of J On the n the county j ni I i tin* cons Mn- Cuun I mi thc lmh 'I I 1 ii t he illili: I i. Hmi. NV. H. Mann, a M nt uf el for aid - ? Hundley, ami tie imeul : ill ol' the COUrt. At 1" Mr. A. .1. min, ss Im ha lin* unfortunate ami hclil a bril ' ? ??? through ll tina! lt s* a- I lie \. lah of the prisoner that he ' i 1 that li : in. mu iInn opened tim luiTit .ii au hour. The Iii-! point ii the trial cum t to which Jud -"? Mann d ai of tlc that Tie trial uf Price, after nil the Comm examined and it** aide had i a- through Mt if the for tie y the foi thc pu f .iiml. i un t uf her lt -tiin i ?? over? ruled ! ii. Mi-. Pi lu Ult ? Th the pis T ssith .immy, ami ss hen ii - f.r tlc e opportunity fm' sustaii . put ting mi ' - ; u me ' that thia sv thc tlial .mil t. tc trial uf Price Him inuiiy toidi ? that at tim time nf tho killim' he ssii d-u,n tu k up mic of tin-1 nat ruc? tions, whicl ii hy the tollu* jury, in which tiny were in? structed lhat nu man could make hiin I that if tin- j ny be* killing ssa*, ssilful they rdlcl uf murder in the J I ti mt that instruction did nut gn far enough. It -h mid nd ll ; I at tin* Word ssilful. All killin*,' ssa*, ssilful. It el: "Wilful, pn mid ssTth malice." He argued ?ni a man could rte no drunk Sf nut i If when in Mich condition Ik had killed a !? ll IW-heing tin i i.e im murder in the Si Judge Mann then tunk up the pulnl nf Insufficiency uf i nd cnn another trial, if fur the n that there Idence t" i ? the verdict a- to tbe t< er Hill, tlie miiy eye***iti the tragedy, h.- aald iii il physical Impossibility fur th men ts made hy that ss iii , been b it hi- client M Mr NV. ('. franklin, of ; illowi il Judge Mann H . lui. I' : 'h il th ? i , of M iud ssa I iority I ..ii ihi*. He -aid it ? ? i mot is ? ii tbl Judge A. !>. Walkin- ? lin. 1 Ie -1 Tun i of the bes! prosecuting atti I ir more tba all of sshieh tit I Mann du-i begitini beard in thia county, and hi- li nal pli tbe Courl without duiii.t unsurpassed brillia! itory. At the conclusion ol . argument Judge Hnndles '?.fully tho record in tl f i! i- nut |'t fectly c.. J fruin the view I ta fur me t" thal husband and ssifc ma. hut neither can he compelled tu, a *iiice Mi- I'i dd not bi comm* i bei uk itiin ami - mi nation." ry In render in lon, which i ;t aside Un* verdict "f tbe Jur; manda thc case hack tu tin- cow ' trial' driictiiiii s\ foi hi- acta. A tn ami if al such a tin aimil ? nation, tlc murder in the Hi 1 iiiiiii. I it ' ace impanied hy Mr. A. J I' er nf thc | tu in The ulil lum, nos. Un. acted calmly, dill hi ? ? ?ll' at tin* April !? nu "f th.'lints ? inly imt b foi the th!, me ha- importai All through theargumenl Mr. Theodore * i ihe .ami hi- i : ssith side s. -.ni. |ii : >wded audietu c. tin-' ughoul the length; from tin? ned School, ss ho iu tere-* ted in all Hun I'i Ima. I. . ii n,| (nu. . ntl. nd up mi the - inventions, primal A it lumt "much ado" I l-'.dssanl ss :li ha*. lite" Officials lui I lie ln\l loin , -he ha- had fur thc | that th ,i n- iiiia diity and nuiie o| ii- vt ||] nal s, *. SI t S \ Coulter, - ?f the '.v as in nm ii Saturday nigh! Sunday. He atti ud< d a n ?lui- uf mir |. . ui Sundas ? : made addresses at tin* Normal n i followed hy a i at the Methodist church at uighl in pl tim p . ? r ssith ii His Tn- Methodist church mi "Whs I I, Tie Y. M. ('. T ami instructive. I (csu -.Inn lu Ul. Inn.m.I. -i-. Michie 4 Adams ss ul run tlnir i April mille io Rich* mville Richmond a; 8*30 p. m. giving those nt nine hours in the city, ?it fur their ads ? In tho ' klluSS* th. edie A Adams fur affording .;?? mi (heir excuralona, and sse hase lid a doubt hut that they ssill il unlay a loni <| train. Koli of Honor. lid, School \ Buckingham co teacher: . ik Pollard, J Hallie Baldwin, Mamie Baldwin. | ssill meei in the c mncil chamber uext Tin ada on. - i lo ki.m... Mr. A. c. Thomas, uf M ha- found a m . ? >li . than li i- set 1 in the Kluii.i iud . ni consumptl ?i companied hy > ansi il uti ly cured by Dr. ti ( msumption, ? ami Colds He i little suhle in comparison ss ith tbi' marvelous mir ; would have it, i Lottie ma, Brooch red i's 'A Inti I If j ? min? or Wall Panel _ ll.ott ( ?on; li. ' ( III. >. I 1.1.1 III (III- I \ I moiK ac bi lin. Ul. n*. S i ni The best fi I fur Cul Cbllblaius, < '?: i i, and all . I ?I inuney ref uncle White MU K I Kt ALL. All communications ufa pi ?Hil inti i ?lutimi- ul ai- ssill bl lor at the rate ..| ti v ,? ,-,?:,: - when publisbt d iu th'' Hbh sit.. I'm lively im tlesialimi nor exception ss nie. ' whom lin* ssiiid m The I inuit Courl adjourned lasl .-atm three ii. Ill KS Iii i Iptlon The Junior Ord i American dianic- gave till ir annual il in the Iod -: - -a i iii the circuit Mi .1 I. H The ss..man of the future rn iy ? but it i- the gil i "i the , men the in - Mi. John NV. B . dil d Mr. and Portsmouth, w bo ba\ mdiug theil hum J D I ,. Hie Sllsa . ? leam that ti actively eu cadi week iu | : l'he B. V. 1". I. held a l... ,y ii tull t in their i". th uiabed hy the - ui the Union v. in abundance, and thc e* Work ssill he cnmmeuced at an i tn.' telephone exchange won't it I" i! lu tail up the doctor, 'ho print* er, the merchant, the lawyer, theto* bacconist, ami m:, \\ e lull tu the ads. incut of Richmond gentlemen bave i thi* place a i. ?oin being ut the .?f Main ami Third Stn The t"pe should .? the moa! attentii both town and country?-ia that ul pub ought tu he i good road's convention, at wbi<;b tho Weaie Informed that a large quan d i" Parm? ville la Lyucbburg, ami -old un tin our ssai'ei. Tba! tin-1- the u-t market foi I Tn while imt fm' a long lune hasc justified lim work ul cultivating, curing, handling and baulii in* el? laville mailo I. lu |i.I'' Hu- illili sst* ssill I . information that Faim 0,000 pounds ol Parra W. and i ur tia I ih lt ii sum.r lim ind i i inc in lira and th . all tl|. brid** -d dislocated lumb il of il ? There an- mud alillg l*ruu lit pilli- li the hill fnun the foundry, the rot Hom (Timi' ful Tim .di, than tin ?iiii"ii of the uut-uf-tuss applied a- ss i- h. Mr. sV. I'. Richardson will lea tonight i Pbiladi the pl clothing con -(?lim' line uf Uentlemei Kui nish sshen he returns \siii be . o furnish you wi lei- until he i ?uni- and linn hus yuin noss Spn -mt fur blaster. Sta charm T the . Urtu I ' .?ind !h lu- bil Tim it llllpli than dur II-' bl : and lui li and v.. od we To i it ssith lu? ll ssa. the Kunine , in bil by In berl? in thur Iii ..il hy bia ? Ulan. WOm them. ? (hat Lincoln hil Int Ilia! 1, while iiie botheadi hun, ia hut little known ur little be in tbe tbal ss uh hi- own ha if bis ??it from tho lip- ola mni and emili ; -her, thal I i.ii .\ir Lincoln i tu iliiu over in lu--1 i . i mea ruined Smith mi cul thi- magnanimous plan - lin n : mos! idle tu ti,. -. if it hail hoon put Beet, lt la self-evident, lea a* humiliation nf the ri iimi period, when the brother triumph* ? I, ami ssith it much nf tbe rankling resentment tbal bural deep in soma of tito Southern hearts until Kihiuary ia thank Q d, ica! passion ssa- superseded bj r?tbe American . field North rn- Kv Soutb. * ? * Another aspect uf hi- life i- uno thai i- valuable in ti. tu u- just at tlu-< time of bewilderment, sshen even wise men are asking themselves sshat the Knit- .- a nation should du ss hen confronted by mss conditions, rhough Lincoln was train* ? un ie ap! than usual tu i.e guided ami Influenced by pr. odens, yel rn lj that lie failed in adju-tahlity. li ly what the Esthers could never have ? ii and because they tie had i. lng tbe ness' piohlein- he felt at liberty ? m tho judgment of the living rather than of the dead. In -hurt, he himself, ami did sshat every true American ought todo ni tin, tin* ?-bast*1 under all the eirena, ti tli ruption confronted Lincoln he : condition and trod ? pathway that nc ion uf Indepen i .bout. li dge mi Ihe pall ol the forefathers, he ititi iml leny tin ? . hut si uh a calmness almost dural and a d lug tu himself ho used th' Hu* p, ii in- u\, i I do iml fui a moment I .al IT onditious ? in th- m. d in hat tm hm hui , from condition > tuuf tho wind blowing the mtainlng tin* i nu-. Tba lin cass daring Um Ini imii this- pi.-sioii-tu tho ap-?ouranee . ii, hut titi* has nut heen ? a * un lng ?sith achill, Which may U* followed bf re aching In Um '-mail .>( m.- the liinh*; ld lehc, vomiting and tiver, iiireiiheit. The i lg. Convulsions ? Inldieii. When tho ini? tial i.i-ii occurs il ii-u dis appears on ?ml day in Hie form nf ix dif - ?! latina! form?ur a "When death uceur- it is u-iially in the etage Of inaturatnui, ahuiit tho tenth or eleventh day. When recovery takes place the pluec-- nf di-iecatloll and de-'ii.iinati.iii i- cuiii|ilctc in throe or (OUI week*-: -uiuetiiin - il may cx teiitl tu -ix ur eight sst-cks." Hemorrhagic smallpox and variolotd . lin tl al length. "Tin 'lot a-e Illll-t lint ho llli-lakell for ine.i-lt-, -carlet fever, chicken-pnx, impetigo conta*gtoaa, ay pb Ills, eciehrn -piual IVs cr, ty pim- fever, oe glanders .vnty of the attack, tho group of symptoms, chill, hackadie, head? ache, Vomiting i ld high fever, lu-J/J tn ? - K. Continuing three ur four day-* and falling mi tho appear? ance of tho eruption ibould e\.de mt* picton of -inallp illy when ? hi- Ti-??a-.* i- prevalent. Tho observe lion of brie Marino Hospital I'ur.-au has bera timi in lin- maj aity nf mi-tMug dlsgnosea with regard to -malipux the baa bera calle t raleken-pox, Cblckeo-pox i- ? i.lagfoos di and many local health authuitit- is> i'i m. I'aiUeiilarly ss hen smallpox i- prevalent, any oats ofanp* bicken-pox aboold i"' i-.iat.d and gu iiiiii-ux, at inttl the diagnosis ia provan ba> loobt. "Tba mosl efiiclenl tneaii- fur pra el ot -Ul llip'.X i- hy dion, lin* protection, provided I to be aa complete sgslnsl.itagtonae is that ad attack, : a ? duration, bat iUStion, whenever smallpox ll i mmunlty, will i.? linne this prnteetioii imlclinit.-ly. i person i iffering ssnh tlie accinatloo . io i in live daya if there ka no indication of >\ nm- s Illl- having lieen iTleel , - i ? T froOl an . Ina viru* rblcta i from arm to ireeliminated. Olycerinit* only should be Dat .-,,,i, ,,| vanni liing a |i*r ?'II tn. vaccination ha- bi on -11-.-a ? f,i. u will be found that in the c nail ps ? . i i- surrounded by it dr I I.lally lil ... in icbtfa . :, i ,-! forma which I tbe mbling the pu* cupy tb Ug nutated rn I'l.* ,i ing Infect* . me iihleld li bi -! '"? tins mmeuded that provided by lin- deal( i . cine - lint lined care sbOUld hu taken. , . d, io prevent the breaking md lue nih.ting nf the \ i -... plaster : . :.. - pun communities sshen* compu ,ii,in i- nut i children - il ssill frcplellt Dud that a large proportion of o,.1. lille ol the ? I, hast not un nallpox i- more apt t" di all-e ll.-: lion, lt i d vaccination will -.?.n put a stop i' the i