OCR Interpretation

The Farmville herald. [volume] (Farmville, Va.) 1890-1934, March 10, 1899, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94059373/1899-03-10/ed-1/seq-3/

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How To Fin:! Out.
bad m>
nilly :
III tl
lt -uinitl
- tu L'u
from sii'T'|i:iiti
- iivrnu
do tin*
uf Hov, M. K and sm
i.ni linn :t- minty
Phil. W. McKinney.
triul ssill
and ;ii<
l.v tin ir SC'tiou, lull
atomacb and ?
11 .y W bi ?
lo.tull. 11 tin'*, (.uii.li ll. ki
- remedy
i and influenti. lt bas
ll IV- of tb
? of tin* civilized world
The a
unaptly to it
be child. T
if it fur who
by in iiiiei* for tin
nd the lea
to ba
jurie ii Dm
I li..
li-m i uilnn
ss lin
ii hap]
oiiiiil'Ii nn Dru ?
t it ni i
linn i
.. *. ll. il w .
ll. '
nut I1. \Y
?ni tin* r
T by the
lisinn lHK>k. Dr.
i. He
- uol the ?
. now, He
tum nt' lilt'
r lil?
li:!.! appr
:n 'ii.I, the
: ssith
il way m
? ? tbe I'niii
. my of
? -hui. ?! s
\- tin*
il hymn,
ii tbe
ssc a- the
Richmond I Den. C. J
- i., who ss - :i merni
? li Kinnej
- liny P. I.;"-, mi in
?ni tbe Fourth District; .1
Button, Clerk of tl
- A Irving, of Richi.I
VV. Miles Cary and Mr.
M. Miller, nf Powhatan; .1:
J. lin nli.-s. of tin t 'illili;
? ' i : vernor
McKiu Mr.
W. P.
Dupuy, nf ti. ';in I . ll inkin-,
mon weal th, aud Mr. i
all of \s h im
Out of reaped I IcKiu
. ?
and eulogized tlc
J. M. Crute, nf the County Courl
i tbal al tlie
iin of the < lr mt Ci url fur thi*.
iiml ti. :n be made
ii memorial <>f tbe The
which Captain McKinney
one ol
- in order thal the student*
? ml In a lindy.
Dwelling Burned.
At an carly hour Monday aa
m: \\ M. At
? - totally di stroyi ?! by fire,
..'cluck one of Mr. At
.un h.iml- a am
li ni tn tbal tin
hurried to tl.
? of the ii
SS;|- lil isil
fl .nt - Hi- fin
ind little cl
i ss bei
: the Hann
iii pn
i roki n ant
\lklil*nll, with nil th
aid be e iuld Hummou bi ran I
lu (111
oi in-iirain
o \
i ol thc lire I- uii.-n
?ii the parlor Ure
VlkiiiHoti i
U Faiinvill
Hell ol ll.unir
- '.'?
Farmville Graded School.
for ss tek emlii
\\ . ton.
nenl of Counsel-Judge
Hundley's Decision The Pris
I at the Result.
be county court, in ss hich
in Hu .' the
-? Itiin of ? I th u
Mr. IT Ice .sa- ti ?
I mortally wot
Hall Cail.i at ll
tu .k plac.the -"iiii day of J
On the n the
county j ni I i tin* cons
Mn- Cuun
I mi thc lmh 'I I
ii t he illili: I
i. Hmi. NV. H.
Mann, a M nt uf el for aid -
Hundley, ami tie imeul
: ill ol' the COUrt.
At 1"
Mr. A. .1.
ss Im ha lin* unfortunate
ami hclil a bril '
??? through
ll tina! lt s* a- I lie \. lah of the
prisoner that he '
that li
: in.
mu iInn opened tim
luiTit .ii au hour.
The Iii-! point ii the trial
cum t to which Jud -"? Mann d
ai of tlc that
Tie trial uf Price, after nil the
examined and it** aide had i
a- through Mt if the
for tie y the
foi thc pu
f .iiml. i un t uf her
lt -tiin
i ?? over?
ruled ! ii. Mi-. Pi
lu Ult ? Th the pis
T ssith
.immy, ami ss hen ii -
f.r tlc e opportunity fm'
sustaii . put
ting mi ' - ; u me
that thia sv
thc tlial .mil t.
tc trial uf Price Him
inuiiy toidi ? that at tim time
nf tho killim' he ssii
d-u,n tu k up mic of tin-1 nat ruc?
tions, whicl ii hy the
tollu* jury, in which tiny were in?
structed lhat nu man could make hiin
I that if tin- j ny be*
killing ssa*, ssilful they
rdlcl uf murder in the
J I ti mt
that instruction did nut gn far enough.
It -h mid nd ll ; I at tin* Word
ssilful. All killin*,' ssa*, ssilful. It
el: "Wilful, pn
mid ssTth malice." He argued
?ni a man could rte no drunk Sf
nut i
If when in Mich condition Ik
had killed a !? ll IW-heing tin i
i.e im murder in the Si
Judge Mann then tunk up the pulnl
nf Insufficiency uf i nd cnn
another trial, if fur the n
that there Idence t" i
? the verdict a- to tbe t<
er Hill, tlie miiy eye***iti
the tragedy, h.- aald iii il
physical Impossibility fur th
men ts made hy that ss iii
, been
b it hi- client M
Mr NV. ('. franklin, of
; illowi il Judge Mann H
. lui. I' : 'h il th ? i
, of M iud ssa
iority I
..ii ihi*. He -aid it ? ?
mot is
? ii tbl
Judge A. !>. Walkin- ?
lin. 1 Ie -1
Tun i
of the bes! prosecuting atti I
ir more tba
all of sshieh tit
Mann du-i
beard in thia county, and hi- li nal pli
tbe Courl
without duiii.t unsurpassed
brillia! itory.
At the conclusion ol .
argument Judge Hnndles
'?.fully tho record in tl
f i! i- nut |'t
fectly c.. J fruin the view I ta
fur me t"
thal husband and ssifc ma.
hut neither can he compelled tu, a
*iiice Mi- I'i
dd not bi
comm* i bei uk
itiin ami -
mi nation."
ry In render in lon, which i
;t aside Un* verdict "f tbe Jur;
manda thc case hack tu tin- cow
driictiiiii s\
foi hi- acta. A tn
ami if al such a tin
aimil ?
nation, tlc
murder in the Hi
1 iiiiiii. I it
ace impanied hy Mr. A. J I'
er nf thc |
tu in
The ulil lum, nos. Un.
acted calmly, dill hi
? ?ll' at tin* April !? nu "f th.'lints
? inly imt b
foi the th!, me ha- importai
All through theargumenl
Mr. Theodore * i ihe
.ami hi- i : ssith
side s. -.ni. |ii :
>wded audietu c. tin-' ughoul the
from tin?
ned School, ss ho
iu tere-* ted in all Hun
I'i Ima. I. . ii n,| (nu. . ntl.
nd up mi the - inventions,
A it lumt "much ado" I
l-'.dssanl ss :li ha*.
lite" Officials lui I lie ln\l loin ,
-he ha- had fur thc |
that th ,i n- iiiia
and nuiie o| ii- vt ||]
nal s,
*. SI t S
\ Coulter, - ?f the
'.v as in nm ii Saturday nigh!
Sunday. He atti ud< d a n
?lui- uf mir |. .
ui Sundas ? : made
addresses at tin* Normal n i
followed hy a i at the
Methodist church at uighl in pl
tim p .
? r ssith ii
Tn- Methodist church mi
"Whs I I, Tie Y.
M. ('. T ami
I (csu -.Inn lu Ul. Inn.m.I.
-i-. Michie 4 Adams ss ul run
tlnir i
April mille io Rich*
Richmond a; 8*30 p. m. giving those
nt nine hours in the city,
?it fur their ads ? In tho
klluSS* th.
edie A Adams fur affording
.;?? mi (heir excuralona, and sse
hase lid a doubt hut that they ssill
il unlay a loni <| train.
Koli of Honor.
lid, School \
Buckingham co
. ik Pollard, J Hallie
Baldwin, Mamie Baldwin.
ssill meei in the c mncil chamber uext
Tin ada on.
- i lo ki.m...
Mr. A. c. Thomas, uf M
ha- found a m . ? >li
. than li i- set 1 in the
iud . ni consumptl ?i
companied hy >
ansi il uti ly cured by Dr. ti
( msumption, ?
ami Colds He i
little suhle in comparison ss ith tbi'
marvelous mir ; would have it, i
ma, Brooch
red i's
'A Inti
If j
? min?
or Wall Panel
ll.ott ( ?on; li.
( III. >. I 1.1.1 III (III- I
\ I moiK
ac bi
lin. Ul. n*. S i ni
The best fi I fur Cul
Cbllblaius, < '?: i i, and all .
?I inuney ref uncle
All communications ufa pi
?Hil inti i
?lutimi- ul
ai- ssill bl
lor at the rate ..| ti v ,? ,-,?:,: -
when publisbt d iu th'' Hbh sit.. I'm
lively im tlesialimi nor exception ss
lin* ssiiid m
The I inuit Courl
adjourned lasl .-atm three
Ill KS Iii
i Iptlon
The Junior Ord i American
dianic- gave till ir annual
il in the Iod
-: - -a i iii the
Mi .1 I. H
The ss..man of the future rn iy
but it i- the gil i "i the ,
men the in -
Mi. John NV. B
. dil d
Mr. and
Portsmouth, w bo ba\ mdiug
theil hum J D
,. Hie Sllsa
? leam
that ti actively eu
cadi week iu | :
l'he B. V. 1". I. held a l...
,y ii tull t in their i".
th uiabed hy the
- ui the Union v.
in abundance, and thc e*
Work ssill he cnmmeuced at an
i tn.' telephone exchange
won't it I"
i! lu tail up the doctor, 'ho print*
er, the merchant, the lawyer, theto*
bacconist, ami m:,
\\ e lull tu the ads.
incut of
Richmond gentlemen bave
i thi* place a i.
?oin being ut the
.?f Main ami Third Stn
The t"pe should .?
the moa! attentii
both town and country?-ia that ul pub
ought tu he i
good road's convention, at wbi<;b tho
Weaie Informed that a large quan
d i" Parm?
ville la Lyucbburg, ami
-old un tin our ssai'ei.
Tba! tin-1- the u-t market foi
Tn while imt fm' a
long lune hasc justified lim work ul
cultivating, curing, handling and
baulii in* el?
mailo I. lu |i.I'' Hu- illili sst* ssill
I .
information that
Faim 0,000 pounds ol
and i
ur tia I ih
lt ii sum.r lim
ind i
i inc in lira and th
all tl|.
brid** -d dislocated
il of il
There an- mud
lit pilli- li
the hill fnun the foundry, the rot
Hom (Timi' ful Tim
.di, than tin
?iiii"ii of the uut-uf-tuss
applied a- ss i- h.
Mr. sV. I'. Richardson will lea
tonight i Pbiladi
the pl
clothing con
-(?lim' line uf Uentlemei
Kui nish sshen he returns
\siii be . o furnish you wi
lei- until he i
?uni- and linn hus yuin noss Spn
-mt fur blaster.
charm T the
.?ind !h
lu- bil Tim it
than dur
II-' bl
: and lui li
and v.. od we
To i
it ssith lu?
ll ssa. the Kunine ,
in bil
by In berl?
in thur Iii
..il hy bia
Ulan. WOm
(hat Lincoln hil
Int Ilia! 1, while
iiie botheadi
hun, ia hut little known ur little
be in tbe
tbal ss uh hi- own ha
if bis
??it from tho lip- ola mni
and emili ;
-her, thal I
i.ii .\ir Lincoln
i tu iliiu over in lu--1 i
. i mea
ruined Smith mi
cul thi- magnanimous plan -
lin n : mos! idle tu ti,.
-. if it hail hoon put
Beet, lt la self-evident, lea
a* humiliation nf the ri
iimi period, when the brother triumph*
? I, ami ssith it much
nf tbe rankling resentment tbal bural
deep in soma of tito Southern hearts
until Kihiuary ia thank Q d,
ica! passion ssa- superseded bj
r?tbe American
. field
North rn- Kv Soutb.
* ?
Another aspect uf hi- life i- uno thai
i- valuable in ti. tu u- just
at tlu-< time of bewilderment, sshen
even wise men are asking themselves
sshat the Knit- .- a nation
should du ss hen confronted by mss
conditions, rhough Lincoln was train*
? un ie ap!
than usual tu i.e guided ami Influenced
by pr. odens, yel rn lj that
lie failed in adju-tahlity. li
ly what the Esthers could never have
? ii and because they tie
had i.
lng tbe ness' piohlein- he felt at liberty
? m tho judgment of the living
rather than of the dead. In -hurt, he
himself, ami did
sshat every true American ought todo
ni tin, tin* ?-bast*1 under all the
eirena, ti tli
ruption confronted Lincoln he :
condition and trod ? pathway that nc
ion uf Indepen
i .bout.
li dge mi
Ihe pall ol the forefathers, he ititi iml
leny tin ?
. hut si uh a calmness almost
dural and a d
lug tu himself ho used th'
Hu* p, ii in- u\, i
I do iml fui a moment I
.al IT
onditious ?
in th- m.
d in
hat tm hm
hui , from
> tuu<Ti t.
-?? ss lu
Imss tu |t
re alniu-i i muni*'
ol' mt n ss hu WOUld nut; Vii
. d ssurk do n
. ,
youths uf h.. I out in
the competition il
ahle to
i ni ma
alni theil pour 111!
?I by om ploy i
who dock tho pay of an lue.
ssith tho strain uf model a III
l factory lussn-. thc lot uf t
. ...
"h"'.' ' br th oi noss, un
tor's I ;? ?? j i?.
? of Lincoln toae! be mir*, a
tbal i- nut content with
' "'?'" * i'll Hut -tris. -
?I is lu make the lut uf ..ur fellow- hap.
I h.- hungry, tin ts ranm/cl, th,.
duty lu an Unkind Country. The mart'
minimi* uf thu-e admit
?? tmka
mt uf them.
How They are Lessened by Vaccination
?Some V/aluable Inlormation.
i.i ly i?mil hy
inlal Wyman, of Hie lui
Marine Hospital Sst*rica.
ii prove interesting at th.- pnsanl
Hine in Slew nf the pn valence of-mal!*
I ' nu -, .'ind the
ina noss taken ley mir authan
? ki op ii from Parmville:
"SmallpOl i-e ca-lly
.Tut, ami tho i
ration of |l; . i vaccine lymph
' tu -iich p.
nmi that there should h.- ia. leal of nu*
i reaulta in it- aaa. The ptovt o*
?""? ,,; perfy the cai. of
.md local health auth"
Small; . j,,.
h.uaderi/.'d hy an
eruption which pa--.- through the
?' ellie, papule, st-iele and
pustule, end u tm) dae
. mu.
piuli ildy
a timi i - , , i, hut
I l th '-diiUtion*. nf
. .'dally in
md dried material follow*
ii and deaquasaaUon, and
I l nnuiih- mi clothing ur
,- tenacious,
.a id may be eonveyt d bj par.- au.I
libing, piper, idler*, furni*
.; iniy apread through tho
air by means <>f tho wind blowing the
mtainlng tin* i nu-. Tba lin cass
daring Um Ini
imii this- pi.-sioii-tu tho ap-?ouranee
. ii, hut titi* has nut heen
? a *
un lng
?sith achill, Which may U* followed bf
re aching In Um '-mail .>(
m.- the liinh*;
ld lehc, vomiting and tiver,
iiireiiheit. The
i lg. Convulsions
? Inldieii. When tho ini?
tial i.i-ii occurs il ii-u dis appears on
?ml day in Hie form nf ix dif
- ?! latina! form?ur
"When death uceur- it is u-iially in
the etage Of inaturatnui, ahuiit tho
tenth or eleventh day. When recovery
takes place the pluec-- nf di-iecatloll
and de-'ii.iinati.iii i- cuiii|ilctc in throe
or (OUI week*-: -uiuetiiin - il may cx
teiitl tu -ix ur eight sst-cks."
Hemorrhagic smallpox and variolotd
. lin tl al length.
"Tin 'lot a-e Illll-t lint ho llli-lakell
for ine.i-lt-, -carlet fever, chicken-pnx,
impetigo conta*gtoaa, ay pb Ills, eciehrn
-piual IVs cr, ty pim- fever, oe glanders
.vnty of the attack, tho group
of symptoms, chill, hackadie, head?
ache, Vomiting i ld high fever, lu-J/J tn
? - K. Continuing three ur
four day-* and falling mi tho appear?
ance of tho eruption ibould e\.de mt*
picton of -inallp illy when
? hi- Ti-??a-.* i- prevalent. Tho observe
lion of brie Marino Hospital I'ur.-au has
bera timi in lin- maj aity nf mi-tMug
dlsgnosea with regard to -malipux the
baa bera calle t raleken-pox,
Cblckeo-pox i- ? i.lagfoos di
and many local health authuitit- is>
i'i m. I'aiUeiilarly ss hen
smallpox i- prevalent, any oats ofanp*
bicken-pox aboold i"' i-.iat.d
and gu iiiiii-ux, at
inttl the diagnosis ia provan ba>
"Tba mosl efiiclenl tneaii- fur pra
el ot -Ul llip'.X i- hy
dion, lin* protection, provided
I to be aa
complete sgslnsl.itagtonae is that
ad attack,
: a ? duration, bat
iUStion, whenever smallpox ll
i mmunlty, will i.?
linne this prnteetioii imlclinit.-ly.
i person i iffering ssnh tlie
. io i in live
daya if there ka no indication of
>\ nm- s Illl- having lieen iTleel
, -
i ? T froOl an
. Ina viru*
i from arm to
ireeliminated. Olycerinit*
only should be Dat
.-,,,i, ,,| vanni liing a |i*r
?'II tn. vaccination ha- bi on -11-.-a ?
f,i. u will be found that in the c
nail ps
. i i- surrounded by it dr
I I.lally lil
... in icbtfa
. :, i ,-! forma which
I tbe
mbling the pu*
Ug nutated rn
,i ing Infect*
. me iihleld li bi -! '"? tins
mmeuded that
provided by lin- deal(
i . cine
- lint lined care sbOUld hu taken.
, . d, io prevent the breaking
md lue nih.ting nf the
\ i -... plaster
: . :.. - pun
communities sshen* compu
,ii,in i- nut i children
- il ssill frcplellt
Dud that a large proportion of
o,.1. lille ol the
? I, hast not
nallpox i- more apt t"
di all-e ll.-:
lion, lt i d vaccination will
-.?.n put a stop i' the i

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