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Il I s i ill VI i \ . 1- ll" V I W Kit/Ill I 111 i ii \\ ii aoi k ri;i n i i \i. DONE ATTH li .lld;Al D FARM*! Has your subscript Uni expired, ff sr...,/. fUU . , ni a . ? '"?Ij- tt lt ? I. .il "lin,.'.'. OM Imt ra ' ? ' CANDY CATHARTIC r ^k^^pr t,Hin?rtiiv, TSAOr MARK ?VfOI*Tt??D ... CUKE CONSTIPATION. ... i Kfl.Tfi PaP I*0"! ?'i'! t,.''l1J3,,!.f'V<'''' njl frni: . W. C. bunin; OFFICE OF VIRGINIA STATE FERTILIZER COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF 4 High-Grade Fertilizers. ?. FOR ALL CROPS, FARMVILLE,_??__**_ VIRGINIA. AA-. I | int-bed guano w ill cos! m. more than h hal our re-rulai ia uni- nell for. lt is in Hm chauical condition and made v/i rements "f the quick and proper growth of ibe | i will be pl< with it. 1 ut up in b md Lim lb. bag*, aud we would i-e glad i" bear from you when in need ol PL \ N I RED < IOOD*). un thankii i larger portion of youl trad ? foi the i j ol the VIRGINIA STATE FERTILIZER CO. BRANDS FOR TOBACCO. Dunnington's Special Formula for Tobacco. Wat Dunnington's Austrian Tobacco Grower. Farmers' Reliance Special for Tobacco. Bone Meal. The following well-known Arms ol Farmville handle and will furnish you anv of our brands: PAC LE IT, ISON A CO.; FARMVILLE COMMERCIAL DUVALL, RORERTsOXtkCO; C. M. UAI.KKK A BON; JNO. F. WALTON; C. BUUU SOS HUBBARD* WEAVER, Rice, MYLOR*GO., Proapect, Va. We a vitb "in goods. BURTON &, OTLEY, General Insurance Agents. BEST LINE OF FIRE INSURANCE. BEST LINE OF LIFE INSURANCE. Will innk. tami bond : i com ? il. \ N I I -I OWL BRAND GUANOS. A FISH, BLOOD AND BONE FERTILIZER iirin iher* i* <>i nut other pat m. - nth. m. ik" H ti Uni/, t ol -n Ti i iii ia.i'i: troi (.nan... 1899. Same Standard. Same Makers. Same Determination to Succeed. AGENTS Al ITU .Alan DAVIE & WHiTTLE branch, PETERSBURG,.VIRGINIA. i i Far in I to iv nu lia.l 1,V I RICHMOMD GUANO CO.'S FERTILIZERS. Special Premium Brand for Tobacco. Bone Mixture For Corn. Made of the Purest and Best Materials. FORMULAS CAREFULLY PREPARED. For sal? by PAULETT. SON & CO., FARMVILLE, VA Subscribe to the HERALD and get all the home News. "ti.n ami Tlirici -;i-w.-. k X.w York World - - $1.60 ld and Atlanta Constitution .... si.;:. ? ? - liar T*>?vr?*". A CHEAP GREENHOUSE. Hutt n Mnaa.'icli itxi-lla 1.1. rd ill <? r Unlit n \ i*i) 1... ml M rm* I ii ri- Im V . lilli.- tl,.ii,,. I bat c l io t!i> ?' I ? loeb . f tht bell to ei i The nf brick a bon l - INTERIOR ARRAN! I loeb \ ? i for a | f ton aa tali - on tin I ?.?.in tl ' HORTICULTURAL HINTS. anaret i ? Mr .1 s. V. bal lu* r np lo ? ? three to he ? ? ai* pur] ut tlif (batt Ing in Ihe ? in a low temperature, I in ibe 'I.trix. would ft il i c ula .Itt linn .*.* Pl a ai tri' ll.-inl). i-i (Ti Ul fruit, but vdntli liatiTi ! tell, bul i it tl with fruit thal it re two ? f hot, rainy rn ot the plui ?nt and fi-i! ? oceura Ai* tin \\ lu tia r ? I Farmville Herald AM' mi: hrice-a-week New York World, lindi one ? 1.60 ld olih ? I lil". HERALD, Karmville, Va. i V ll IMI ut t A 5< Be Prepared Mother's rrisntl I ? * i THE BRADFIELD ELGl'LATGK CO., Atlioti. Ga. You'll Need Uss When Ymi Want Clothing. We ! Ill OUR SHOES Wi hat .' ll . otu |. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Richardson & Cralle V MlM'.ll.l I, \ \. Farmville Commercial COMPANY "I M VIN ? TAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, Hats, Boots and Shoes, .froceries, Hardware, FA hagons, Buggies, Road Carts, Fertilizers, &c. Also do a General Commission jsmess. W \JKI\-. ? th ii* ntioii I!. 1 I-. I. Mi IB CHAS, I. WALSH, ?-i ? MARBLE and GRANITE WORKS,! I'KTTd ,-!'.l '.. V \ .\l.\.\i KAI ll RI Lime-its, Headstones, Tablets. Al on and Wire Fencings APT. S.W. PAULET T,( army. Ile. Ima ' 2 oo BOOK FREE. he Best Book on Horse*. Published. : ?i >i M M M M ?4 ?? M M M M M M M >< ?? M ?? M M :: - ... ll,. I..*; ? : iivtii: i Vi I, ii . ? nf in. Ban ll tor SO C-tts. 'tt.irlh * I Ilia ti.<lo. Va. MUK :. Kl All. I rotuli! i a linea, tnt n bu ten I Ul- Vt ill I lit' Of I'lM ntl iii tin* Hit: vip. I".-i . latnui li" :, will Kati THIS IICIIRE di Um BEST MACHINES ORALLE'S ? \'N. p. **. r A. E. CRALLE, Farmville, Va. The Farmville Building and Trust Company ??> ii I A HM ll LEE. I I. li ? ol inter . my ut Mon rime Given to Suit Borrower. Estimated Illustration to Investors. ? Estimated Illustration of Loan ?1,000. Mi 00 linn-. TU i ' LLE BUILDING AND TRUST ville. Va. ZZZZZZXZZXZIZZZZZZZi:.'Zi:fZ;*:ZXZZXZZZZZZZZXZZXZXXXIXXXZ I 1") ? ?I N M '. >< .1 R. L. BARNES & CO. . Richmond, Va. -DKALKR8 IN? STANDARD FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES. Il"ll nf N hud lt close figures. Mo*, lng, opt Ding, adjusting oew I itlng letti r iit- nv itli dispatch ami iii t; inner, Apply lo S. W. PAULETT, Jr., Agent, Farmvillt, Vu. CHASE BROS. PIANOS - ? ??.:?':? .;'? .'.*.-. .. ?? . - W. Ii. CRIDLIN, Manufacl V \i:\i\ 11.itt V \. 9 SEND FOR CATALOGUE. FARMERSrFERTILBERS TO SUCCEED. mja^. ForTOBACCO use "NATIONAL" ^rCORNuse'CHAMPIONCORNGROWER1 For GRASS and CLOVER use "ORCHILLA GUANO" ForANY CROP use"BEEF, BLOOD and BONE" Brand ur Fertilizers can be relied on to give satisfaction. They are especially prepared for the Crops named. Other brands for other crops. Write for prices. S. W. TRAVERS & CO., >oo Tons acid phosphate for Sale. Manufacturers, Richmond, Va. Southern Railway I .''iimi DIVIHIOMH . nu sm ni i So. 17. I'M. lin itu I i I > ara ? ' i-na, ? i ai: heh ilbtrcaj ? l*? . -irk I .-I Mall. : : RR, I i I. RM VILLE A l'.i\v ll ITAM H. it. t IX 1 ut.. A. M. ? ' ill lil " li Ul " arr V. M Vt. Ar. Karin ville Hii Inmk - Bull CiiiiiIm raoul side .. ?? " II. " 0 \ itu '? Koch l.v. 1 lt. !?? QI | P. BL IM i l? ; n i n I'M I J. ? -? l.t. \V itu -?ii iii tu ll I ? Ar. i ii.'-ii-r IliiliiiKitnl Ar ' ld M !' M At l.v. IL' 37 ii a mu ina '.'W 700 Ht*l and of Oedre r. \t ? - rVon i .? mi Ille m-ritc ?. ? ? ?.iltur*-. ? al Kli'll* i .ii lier i of turill.t In I WUM V. . Va. ni Schedule in Effect If A IA ll tt, LEAVE FAPIMVILLE DAILY. .ii \M' i:\si". I . m. | i' tn l*f"*?lif ITT-C SOLD TO VafrXC I O ALL POINTS 410, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, WISCONSIN, MISSOURI, KANSAS. lEBRASK-i. COLORADO. -.KANSAS, C LIFORN1A, -av T_F X - o, ***?? ffEST. NORTH IBT, SOUTH-WEST IRST CLASS. ICCONO CLASS AND EM I o'. A NT TICKETS. THE BIS I ROUTE TO THE IORTH r\r,D EAST. MAD VESrin ? H s si t tTPtHQ C --S Sit THHT I IVl? mc M*-- ? ll KlST UNI n or to ?pil?t. ats ? latta, li. ai BttMU, ? ? i <? us. Aft Div Pi i.i t. T.-aa. Pi.. Aft IU. VA C81UM1US. 'tallll VA E MANUFACTUF1NG CO., \ A. t i.oon lust. di ui*. I?i)? ? - UR r?RICE S. OUR GOODS. vt . ? . M. ROBESON, Proprietor. TM I ? iii.K PBK Al' HKKXI.DOKKH'K .luand H'oritlonly fl.(JO.