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THE FARMVILLE HERALD. HONOR FOR THE PAST, HELP FOR lill PRESENT. Hock FOR MIK FUTURE V0L IX' FARMVILLE. VA.. FRIDAY, JULY 21. 1899. NO. il. CITY DIRECTORY. 1 Prince Edaaud Couniy Directory. ? . ai w. ? C FRANKLIN, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, V \. : A. o .. R. M. WATKINS. li://AV.\>,\ WUTh'IA'S, -ATTORNEYS AT LAW, K \i; '?? W HODGES MANN, J M CRUTE, MANN & CRUTE, IW, U P. VANDERSLICE, \ r LAW. t S WING, ' '. Ali I LAW, :rd County. Ya. ( ' H. BLISS, ION EEK, v \ J R. SPENCER. M. D., Physician and Surgeon* i . ^| M.MARTIN, \ r LAW, Richmond, V;i., Farmville, Va. \\'HITE &. CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, 1 >od Judgment you liny JEWELRY, WATCHES, SILVER WARE i ami -.: i HO - H E.WILTSE, KARMVILLE, VA. ff ; PLASTERS' BAM, '1 FAKMVILLE, VA. - Vt. (J Capital paid up, $50,000. Surplus $30,000 DIRECTORS: H. 1 K. M. I'.t'K ll. v 1 Atlanta, g. \ V? ll) V, , , , , st,,| v. : ? an iv I o ? I i 1 1 1 vv;.-, I . [| - ' ' I i war, w hi. h |)iir h he ! with ; ' \ illari* ? I have HiOACHE ?-i'll h.vo bern I.A-t ??II. I : Candy CATHARTIC I m^^ftW v.?inMi-ni; j* T.AOC MA.N *?iai$Ti*IIO ... CUr*F. CONSTIPATION. ... - Vou'll Need Us When You Want Clothing. OUR SHOES TAPLE AND FANCY DHY GOODS, HATH, ? Richardson ti Oralle, i \ i:mv I i.i )N DRAUGHT, he Famous Pabst Milwaukee Beer. i;l. MAM LAND WW, Ult A DIMM'K. JOOPERS OLD CORN. IUGHOGARA & CO., iND, I Altin ILLE, VA. .li lo 'i cl ll bi ?l ti: ill ? I tl ar '? ii. la f.i Ira "! IO r A SEASIDE MEMORY. I: beside 1 ? ? flow, - .rs fall I In vin Al ? ; Her ? ' Jmir } DURING HER MAJESTY'S t PLEASURE. 4 J ny S. A. Smith. { li A lt. my friend," said Detective fj^ Inspector Westwood, "it is all .<ell for people "lu. knoa .ut tin- matter to complain of tin- alleged Inefficiency of e, to call its merni and all i1 bul if they only tunk the trou* ? cur unsuccessful eases, they would soon ; vvh.v thf I : ? . "lt wiiiiltl not stand <m nothing, in .. would it'.' Vet often we nd to "ii than the man in space has tn naml upon, sn it cannot be surprising if we then effect nothing. I admit ? t number ol i tors are never brought . but, ai they furnish no clea ? . luck] accident should re? veal tin ir identity.*1 "Ha- h lucky ni'fiilt" ? curred to you In any of your invti ' I ai ked. milli rather think sn," the In* r replied. "Why, lt > if them that I owe my promotion. Surely you have heard of the Incidi nt v" ? to my knowledge," I answered, n hail better enlighten my ig? norant i :, two <>r three j - there . - of pettj ? in the ons round Richmond, Kin )ii-'l'hanns, and Henley way. It was n th*- summer time, when people were thi country hou :,i\ sterious, and he remarkable thin}' about them was .hat they were always committed In iroad daylight. The things mostly were valuable diamond i iroochea, and trinkets of that vhiih are allowed by ladles to Iii- on ? their bedrooms; ? ? I with -j,-ins. and diamond lecklacea worth fabulous sums, ? ted by the thief. Bulky valu* and family plate, rere Invariably left untouched; aid before, it was chiefly 11 >?- Jewelry if the ladles which was stolen. ? . the police were communi* ated with, but as the thief?or thieves - hft no trace w batever of their modus ii, they were unable to accom* ything, fnr one cannot consider ? of stolen goodi as a 'clew.' perintendent, it is true, had a henri at tirst that the robberies must ave liicn committed by some p ? . |. ectivi ? ld retainers of unimpeachable li ?.. that Iheorj ; . uni- fate befell anotfa r. wi -led that the thefts Ilimittetl by sunn trolling unobserved Into thi ,r the ari Invariably ab* d fruin upstairs rooms, alni I 1 the e.mid have got in the h .1 left the jin ?-. Itbout having bei n observed} irtieiilai ly in broad daylight. and precau iiiis the thefts still continued. I f uni si/e in the strict which Lad not sustained ? -ular .iden I that, with the ?eat heat of the season, funned the def topic of conversation an ie Inhabitants. Public feeling ran nver t lie matter?naturally perl -. under the circum* -ami the following, will -vas the plaint nt nil i parties and social gather* "'(Mi. my dear Mrs. Fitz-I'.Iailk, I re? in.t kniiw w hat is coming ie place; one cannot trust a single if value nut nf nr in morning I placed that 'lively mar* which wns given mi la, on my dressing hie while I wenl into my boudoir ? thing nr nther. and when I irk t he ' although I turned ti w ii to And it. I wouldn't ba *??. it 'nr worlds, either. Ti ?noni, only myself, IT, ?fl nn ono could bava entered withoat thi In r d.-i w fa pl I ? ki al P.-, in th fn <i' do an vv. ta th pu he ?!, thi UH w i m\ know li Ob, it won me so; it is all " 'y' I Mrs. I'it/ lii.ii.k. 'Bul u 'lu- police bi about to allow such whole* and I certainly I -. of the matter the next Un ? in tl.. ? up the matter, a i smart ..f them . are, they could throw no li J than ll.' r than ' ed that In i ? ?I. n thc w Indow of thc -dar room from which thej bad been abstracted was op n al the l ? ly to allow a lit! In and temper 11 "This 1.1" of a ti sh im; rod, with a lim attached, ? r and llOOk tl n w in? dow. But t inn \ all, for how could a man i land i ? unobserved vv ith his rod and hoi lillty of that, how could hi t he position of articles in a ? above him v No, that ii, and had I Then another tin ory propo that si ki v wi re tl ? thal the man had iiitn the : tensibiy to monkey had climbed up through the open window, bi iluablei w hii-h In- ha i.i/.-. "For a time this tbeorj ? with lli.-ir a|.|ii arance. Bul ii. nf all I ,l went on, ? nf thing, ns p. opie w id w ;, panic stricken. "Vmi nm 'Win didn't ill the wii. llie.v did, at least ll..- Ingri -a of man o it to ?iniii entirely meant - luring the : I wave then ?hf population. "Bul it was al! of no avail, a ?ist, in desperalion, iIn- lo< ..I j depart mi ni at .ml I... ne int. he mat!' I '. . \\ , vi VVliiill, I 1, 1 t nf tufT vmi ai ? inearth l will lie the making nf you.' "I knew that ? iad failed? Ii n ally ie< mi d as tl in du wi;: mt ter, however such an iden idiculed, for the whole alTair Icm ncanny. Vet l di termined I ? - lt; doa li to ll. nii-v vv hen | ..I.lier ? mk apartmt pent the greater part nf my iii' ? ? up and dow n, here and I bl ri . ' erv unprofessional, but k> ? I ears well open, ih-vi ill., li "It was a wearisome, di-' ? ccupatlon. I lift no stone upturned in iv endeavor to find the culprit, bul i nn purpose; be was ? t his nefarious employment. I trough every road ai istriet, in the hope "! ling unusual which might rued into a 'flew,' Inn nol itraordinary could I lind thas* a iting fellow, clad in I" ke myself, riding a l uni-r;n imr bicycle, with a unit a fnnt square attached tn ont of thc hamil. "Now, a basket like that nn a road* I,iel eic was a hit sti. ?ry ii. ii lo the et-iip' of the rider; hut what wai ore peculiar was that l nut nmg fellow and his basketed Li' marly every one of thc outJ; w here the l>if-r In" : v eiy \ I met him pott! ith the ba -Let. ami always in the I, shionabla and wealthy parts of the i n to exciti Ity, and ned to watch him without lowledge, The basket, I noticed, * ways closed, bul once or twice when ssing I fancied I heard a St rai rtlant noise proceeding from it, as ough some pel wi irried out r an airing. 1 got thoroughly In- .,] . hut the young fellow frigid and 'stain! no inure than wonder who be v d what be carried thal haskel fur. 'And sn things ni rn on for ni arlj ?ek, until one day, w !. . I tameBcross my in ?nilly at '. leof the road,surveying with i i Ire oi hil bicj elf, which v% net ii red; v. looked up and down the road, ??? rn up Into the ch.lidless sky, ?ugh fearing bad weather. "Halloa!' I exclaimed, on riding ? ' i'." ? '.No. ii iking intn lin. 'I C quite well hv myself, am! ived forward with his ' dnlv that he did not wish t th me. 'Bul I ? ily, ami said: 'Afraid nV Nn such luck. I ) finn. We want rain badly, tim the i ymir pard ?? rrupt- al I 'but when I want your opinion nf g. ? weather and mads I will ask for ll til then, kindly keep if." : d it made mc - I that morn mt him . ami 1 I know w I, 1 what it was that i tune, ' ' ' kept a sharp eye mi my man --Tl tba kehim ? to mount, in ile oh ? ii the ? hough nal machine ? wish lo 1"' i.i ?ur vv li. ? ? riding n bicycle with a pu ne? rrie*!, "iiut his h i and just at that moment I heard a flap . I'ird in the air, and after ? com? panion. 'I vent t. funny litti" nd then it I round np im.. thc mai.' with indescribable Impudence and cun alarmed at sudden : at it in a most liewildered niiiii lated, and beautifully iridescent with glori I nt the .ly WHS i s),;|]?' nf tin- liinl seemed familiar, hut I could lmt recall where I li. inilar one, m.r remember its name. Its bold ? !' t-man, til hail ii pi-i ;. fur making another des* ? ' obied . w bile ? ill the ;iir. Hew away ti.... in 1 he i m. "I watched both till they were mit ni turn. .1 I., m* bli ' "ll the 1 c hird had stood at* I st'inpiiiir diamond rii with la . low Mi sudden* ? ? lng my bicycle I pur* mpanion with all my found him .. t. Droppii . ml collared him 'I am bich I i that anything you ??ii at 'mir t "Ile ? ith. hilt ca: local v. Idle pus! rd in the I. little ? "At the police Station we np.'tied the ? int article! ,.t the bottom, w bile i hopped mit an us nil eal inquiry iii!.. Thc th thcr than the bird, ie, wi ' Down, idrell* ma lund, I i the bird's fail dm tn fly ? lek up all th.- bright ti he i -nhl si se, aii'i w Im I the outskirts of the tmvn i the meantime, recalling the rn v a peculiar v\ hist le. \\ hen t In? put in the bicycle bout from place i place, ready f." Hon w-h. r ? v for him, and free fruin .ii mi. "lt V never he DOtlct d entering r leaving an unoccupied upstairs n oubt* ? nal cunning taught him ni in w hich he could and white pium i it was I ? -iini if the bird w 11ml a black and lire] would he noticed flying . ail-black one would it, but he mists ?tfullv dyed all thc bird's white feath* "At i : ial inquiry the man erring tl. ? had stolen notl ! for ial, when the lided him I d after the fact,' while BS he i|. .! the hil' ' s 'during her maji "Ami IV Ol ?I.-an Milli. nkins is the .. "What "Why, up and undi i all lo the house on the plea that be wai then produced a w rit of ? fmni him in the three , < hl _ llnili. RaaalBa Mnll. ra ? s ii, cnn; ? ? narinn in Nev I* I"' ,at Impatience Mn i fulling. I T8' WEIGHTED HER SKIRTS. IA munn l.uii-ia ll. I.. ir Him, n willi Tm. uni. io i ie.i i lin i i,,r<-1? Nu Mill, nu ll. 1 uldn't for I beard the other d Haver, Willi journi ? I * "THERE ISN'T ANY DUTT "N TEA." tea the like of which shi known before. She knew there hail iii Am sn sin- bought pounds and pounds of it to bring back to this country with her. She didn't mean to pay i\n'.y on it. fur she felt thal .mer? in conscientiously pay a tea tnt ifter what mir ai harbor, sn she nm ? petticoat, md Into the lini he quilted ihe ti .-nulli hardly in it, and the hang nf her ashore gown was utterly ruined by it. hut the custom : - be went di? rectly tu the railway station, and ?d for Washington. 'Ihe journey will ive long in her m< liscomfort. der husband met her nj the station. Ile marked her pale, worn look. \s they itepped into the .. ! him ry. "Iv.. ?to let them if me," she said, proudly. "Wasn't rt i lovell Idea?" lier husband fell hack in the can md roared. "Lovely!" he s.-,;.;. "Lovel)! I hould say it was! Why, my d here isn't any duty on I And lark in passing thai 't by my lilians thc only thing that rurs per than man in his w rath. DOG SHOWS STRATEGY. Policeman Qlenn, of Toledo, <>., hail ? linter witi ! ron? nie recently, and 'he officer dc believed in lu' ...iilil ? with uman Intelligence inhabited the I The anil ? "ing i he somewhat Ill-temp ?? iiite thwir hildren as they heir v' ' omplaints i 1 it tin- pol iee station, and i > fl lenn detailed with a double-bar ? 'Ihe - 'dell helter. iharp lookout f'-r the fere i-fure the patrolman got a peep::' i. The ai i d to di Ie Pre, ??mail Ilia Igr-oiiil n lona Rxs*> eatloa i>> leearla**. m? \\oniii II,- l.Ml..ln'. shan,; un. ^ il si .1 N. nc what the policeman id that I - .-. -1 he g appealed tu tully understand thc ? the gun tin- ..: ? I nf rushing mit int. .ul been il ? und the linn lit. Iii turn* _? lin- ? ound them both w hat the ' : tn tin- pnli. ? ids. am! portunit I itaell tin- ? al pounced fi. oa him In 'iiml. er thc shook him sn bard that he upped hi n hy th. han another aking, hut in all I trotman gol no bl drawn. ? iv with it in his mouth in ' tin- river, and ll veil the animal dropped^ it into the I'he .Int.* baa bern taking a ration ainee the row. RURAL MAIL SERVRT. *rlr*rtaia una Pataata*] a Rav4%aa Dtm v I,-.- lu, lix- < oll< elton and UU triituiion ut haatata. :miu >ba vv hi n ' deliv* een pate ed bjF lll-i lnveii- . et tu ? m '? ?" of Count!*} 1'. -dents. ?I than ? I la the ci! ies as mail ' , and these are to be ?r The ? - ? Ihe vii ? M The CA BC flt Ll*. '" HAIL. . ll, .MAIL V first door coraprisea om entire side of \, and when thi- I falls tn a horizontal p litton ami a its au a shelf. A number of Ideal these I key ihed opens one of these, li tr the 4 convenience in distributing the mail these many little doors form one hhich when opeaed by thc ll ' ;IC I- . Il thu il vv ben he lui- . loaed hield tlia* timil in each nf these 0 f i nina* tlon hy any others (lian those ! ..ldi*ng thc keya nf that i rticular I A la erred iu the bot. tnm hs a depositor! fur mail matter that ls ? I in thc usu.'l way through a -Int provided. thc combination ?>f the scheme with an electrical system by which ? a bos - may he ti it I fl ed at their i when a parcel baa been : ' i .ier. USE PRISON LABOR. .Indue '.Hil.ona, of < litcaao, Aili neates I lie I Jin p lo. in.-n I of lon, I,-1 a fan lionel liullilrra. The proposition tn utilise prison lalmr in the wnrk nf building Fnad- i? being - ' en . There is a dis poaitioi ? ited an the part af pub prison I**., ir nn ;' work, w berever lt la lible. In a i .' .1..hti . ni Illinois, said: ?IllictH in Juliet ? li linns, ai '. every ' ' mak ?i i repaalng ii a na* 'timi. I would or in building a great high* gan < d from .sun- (mint iary of Hat state . tiually adi own. I would utilize tin- tabor of the a thc .. m a '.v*i.!l tn rt* laim hinds covere -. l ike Ul higaa, the most mng - .V..I ld, -ti ,-t liing the Indiana line on the south ii ard itv of Evanatoa on lie north." The i .: Klrksiille, Mn., i resp a for a lawsuit ort r the . maa a ul his ife [ki ? that amount of '. ami money lind agreed that id administer the rnper' If tai man laiui ii -I attar died. . ? iv i Cid. | nev,- aper obbar gave birth ) twi' ? (? k. It is only reason* ' ; .! they are bouno ? of them ?iou*, burglar broke Into (Ky.) ntnre the other Igbt. lhere was $13 In the ilrawef. ? %%**V*aV'*'a.%1i>'-i?-v%'ava>% v%.*? i WOOD'S NEW CROP Turnip Seeds are now ready. If ymir \\ ? - ell Wood's Seeds ..rii? ; ? ? . - ' ' ' ? reputation a : Oeraua " ll Bud ahcat, f <<? > Heans. Crimsun elmer, i-K T. W. Wood & Son , Seedsmen, Richmond, I c im^..n C Rai.. a r s ' ' in.i Clovers. Turnip anJ V ri?--ta bia 5efd*, Hy ad -eic. a r ? '