Newspaper Page Text
AKMVILLE HERALD ? : whit ll .J. 8. LEWIS CO'S 1 Wear-Resislers"1 I \Vi:!i ? - I .... Hool.Ml. 'liss. A E. CRALLF.. ? lu - an.ith : iii.-iiiiin .;h - ' \ aud li i - ? ii will lu- : . i ui the .v ill U: i, ii. \y ? ' ..f Its ' . till-Ill ll.-l . ? ' ll ' there i in- i-, a deplorable condi? lli mn Th ni' I c..I kill ? ,,|, ma li '?'j K nlii M in uni' l> 'll ll vi ('lill Ki < 'I'.i ll I Uni M -i- I VV. W. sii.-i lin- ii un in nice* tt tin 'lill ul III. . Ct llll -.11 broi frill Oue nf ' ii i: ? ..I Hie I , when with t til mi' ; in iil.I, i|ii| iii'l "ii i to Hi.' public at the 11 ii i. illy life lusurauce, and Hu aro din distinct f<?r111-* ,,f |q. ipon Un- public. n the oue form, absolute prob .iib secure investment ara ha in the other p ired. The Ita ol in*:. ? ill nu un- as u,-ll intii nh in nol afford lu* ? tbe ? I Kn 1Kb I ni tin- irjrely institution ' ' j ' 1-"| tl"-. -? .| h. re, -, w Im ni. H. Iii . 1 l..i n I --, Ililli ?v be bettei b i 1 ; i ? il is nu longer a lit nm n..i. - .., July 1 . Hillier uf ? citizen* gathered al Ma st uni; d, ami ind in il i any lo If iii h" be iii'ist i rn portal I ire tba i |.|.s r..r tbe I inf* of lii'uwn, igbl in a verdict iu.-k moa* fi. ks a very proper disposition uf Hie tic-hard I i lodged mp ted erl nil i tn- trinl al thf our tow nsmuu, Hou. A. I ?. W ii ..ii . ur lllt-ll (Ml ' iii ..M "Buck-ai 'l over tn tbe I ni- wti k tu the i church tu iitar Hu- I Martin, w h ?. W. <'. I lui'tii. pie w hu v. ? -ii. II. i .;- injuries. i I, K. Jones, w h.. I. . - day. matty i ii II at will nut in nii'iii any aud n \. ?. I'rop ll. I I tn n Ba***tneM Ki. 'I le ni \\ bite inn ii ma iv S v 11, ii ? - Vsthuia, K.i .mlii'is, uni Ililli- di i ii ba? rjo. IA* i > HALO amt Wortdotkll >!.?<?. Hi th ih t. in hi h. iii. th hu lill gol vii '1 III. lil i pn coi I ll cai m.' re t be i lu 11 of I I -h. ami lng gav -tul im -l,i cbil to I nii.i ha. I silt' sill! ?lilli at li' ami w ,1 \ M hi- I In ll hurt al V nun tbe i ni t Ida* Hun win? nini! appt in-vi Win tie ir ?i i.s iiii- Af ui i i l i n l i.. .i... . I,,.,,,,, ,, ,i ,,, i i,i,i \ .,.,,, , ? N"' I.V lu.I. III. I...| I '?? I III* ?. Mi*. Lizzie M. Billa wa- acquitted a the charge of iufauticide Id lue 11 uni I "int in Kicbmoud, al I:IO o'clock Hf.n. lin- cam cousumed hardly three linn', ami thi' i-\ iiltint- ?v Un- ( !onimou wealth w . i tu show Hint iiif crime bad 'iiiinitii il Uv lin- ?*??>**t*?('i1, ami mi in 111 e. I liv lin- a.->*H*"<'tl, ami hat -lie |,u,| qui ii'?-iri| ted i. w hilt- ilia: offered by Hu- de* liini- was that lhi'.'a..|l-* vin- liol re I i thej iiiiniiilssiun uf the Tin' testimony of Drs 11 i, w bo bad been appointed by .11 as experts on meuUldl was auhicient to change tbe complex* flin as tin- ('ulli lonwealth't s|,),. wu- oncerned, and pon that testimony, Commonwealth's ttoruey Richardson asked that tbe ry acquit the accused. Mi- Lizzie M. Kihi- was acquitted nf fautieide on the ground of inaanlty, I -In- w ill be con fl ned in the Eastern naiii- .\s\ lum at Williamsburg. Vhin the verdict waa given there no demonstration of any sort, bul ..?hun ? I 'iver tbe faces of tbe hundreds it tiered U> hear the 'UV III tilt' - At 10:30 o'clock the accused wai brought iniu court, and hundreds ot '?mimi- tied upon bet as >k her place at tbe har beside ber i-uuii-i I iiml hei pareuts. Commonwealth's Attorney Richard* iou made a shorl opening statement, in which he showed what tbe Com? monwealth expected t" prove. Tbe ury was directed to give their verdict i-l. whether tbe accused vv.i- guilty .i imt, :iml nut tu stipulate tbe punish* neut in such cat The Commonwealth expected to lem that the accused went lu the iViudsor Hotel on June 27th and ro? istered under an assumed name: tba) luring tbe night abe waa beard walk* 'II as tbuUgfa L'ettlliL' ni baby to sleep, and early in tbe nomi ug she stated thal bet child waa lek ami a physician called who, up a viniinatnni, found that the Child Wai i in- a cused was told to send ii hi-r relatives, and she stated thal ires lived in England. The Commonwealth also expected t" low thal the accused told conflicting coucerniug tbe circumsl . enyiug that she administered tbi ? the Child; Hutt Hie child wa? il ia - . lison* : received it; that she tliti Imiulster the poison, ami then at* mpted tu kill herself hy ihe same Tbe Commonwealth expected to show mt the ie cused tli'l poison the child. Mr. W'endenburg, iu replying, Mini ni conditions surrounding - ?. tliii Mis. K.lh-' mimi bad ft; Unit at ..f thirteen she became in fat ua? rt with the man who became ber i-iiiml. ami they were married, ami the early age nf fifteen she gave ith iu Hu' child; that during Un- se? ri of herself ami husband, while was in the army, she uiew vi. ?iitally, ami was unable tn 'lu any* lug about the bouse, save perhaps tu rry ber child. In December ber -haml, who lui'l returned from the ny, left her ami Stated that he was lug tu vi-it his mother, sin- found .1 .vanl that her husband hail Dot tie t'> hi- mother's iiml she knew mit n ie he wu-. lin- preyed upon lui mind ami hiv taine ll DOD In l : -he w abseut-mindi tl, ami her condition ame pitiable, and about two weeks ?vioiis tu her \ i-it tu Richmond lbe :ne Idea iiml th.' l.t-t thing her tu il" wa- to depart thia life ami ry the child with her. She told ber tber that sh,, waa going tu her mother letter, bow* i, tu bel mother in wbicb it waa lui Ihai abe wa* really going tn ?hiiiuml, ami that w hen Ihe letter ubi tl in-r sin- ami bet child would lead. In Hhs lettei sin- madt nests of her belongings ami tboae ht child. iving hume fur Richmond purchased t wu hut ile- of laudauum , when >he reached Richmond, act under the irresistible Impulse, she e fictitious names, ami told i conflicting nature so that ..I IdenUfy her, am! then administered the laudanum tu tbe tl. ami took Miine herself, ami wini leep. \\ hen -he awoke In tl nillir ami found ihai Hu- laudanum only a portion nf n? work ? .1 ami snouted fur help lu ? hil child, ami in her frenzied i-i'li? nt knew nut a hat she did. Her a hopes in her irresponsible that the jury linty complete the k that she ha<l started. i. Richardson, in reply, said thai . ii.n nf the plea "I insanity mi requested thai Dr. Hodges aud (luitiuii examine the nt in inr condition, being decided thai Mr-. El I ii was ii, ii w.,- ordered ibal -in- i l in the Eastern Lunatic Asylum, -milk;. Brave u? ii isiii .Hills t,, stomach, liver ami kidney men, and all feel results in loss of appetite, poisons be blood, backache, nervousm imt tired, listless, run-doa n do need t" feel that. Listen tu J. w. Hard uer, tile, Iud. He saya: "Electric i - nie ji|s| ihe thniL- '"i .i in ii, n be ls ail run down, and don't a bethel be lives or dies. Ii did ..- in,- ue** strength and good ?nie than anything I could take i ii'.w eal an> thing ami i 11 ? ni-, at - I uni: Store. Ever] bot* uaranteed, ol w te ai tl. : Vi ni tl, iii Pl a i (di im ll. im an tri to in: tra vu lil. -II. Of I I,.-; 111,1 "1. ll.I I fill lilli I.-I a |i Kn fall cha he ; dos M. I III -s llell upc th-, ol ll the ul tl a li emu ll- I II lill 1 tine com the cha* Kui Hie \v man w ai ntl i Killel Keln I'll guai Drill INVtSTIGAI IN(. 1Mb KHICt CASt Qovernor Wanta Hali ( . I Work lo S ive lJi Earnestly Prosecut. turned ti nu nut Monday afternoon, and ilien he ha neatly considering tbe petition of frleuds of Thomas W the old man mulei sentei . li -nih in Prince Edward J ill, mmulation t>> life Impi isonmeut. lt was expect! 'I tba Mann, counsel fui Price, and the prisoner's brother, Mi. A, J. Price, would call tm the Governor in person Wednesday iiml ask (bal tbe - nteuce be commut? ed. Unle-w there is Interference bj ir Pi ice n ill expiate the crime of murdering Hall < .. Darling! a Hel .ht* in July of la-t year, on the 5th of September. bas --nt for tbe shirl a lu. h Hall bad on a hen Price shut him. Thia shh t j- -;,iil tu have nu it marka of the burns min le by thepowdei when Price tittil tbe shut that killeil Ihe man. The shirl was nut pul in evidence al the nial. If ibe inn found upon the shin it would appeal as though theie wen- grounds fol the contention nf the friends of Price thal tbe tWO ineli welt- BCUfliing uver the gun w hen it vv as dischargi d. brother of the prisoner ban eil unceasingly fur him sin,-, his triml :iml conviction, ami linn- nie Mid tn in- tinvi more than two-thirds of tin entire white voting population who petition praying fur executive clemency. K. tides tbeentlre jury has asked that th.' sentence be commuted, li is believed that the Qovernor will grant the requeatof bis petitit n limul* The engineer In charge nf all the liighwaysof England, says in a report ai the request of the State of lal I for ula, thal n requin - more n engineering hy far tn build a -.'"'"I McAdam road, IO that such mail he nil drained ami keep in -.'und order, han tn build a railroad. He is ool limn- in this, every wurk mi good road ?nui reiterates the - mn- state* iit-nt thal though the construction simplicity lt seq*, thai such ls nut I- it nut weil known ihai .ni lim: ihe ruck that hml been -eil tu repair ihe roads nf Bristol nut f the road, ami vv nh that rock Con inifii'il a good ami permam nt road. ll- | u ii le. I --..|- hail the -ame ma tel ial ml used it in the same roads, hut by ink nf proper drainage ami fantlj instruction, tbej bad an Impa uni uinie McAdam afterwards had a nootb high NoW we i. icb a ?ne uf McAdam's best, ami it necessary that a man .-killel! in road instruct nm shuiiltl nv foo) the road Ilia! We -hall build Wi? nni the best nf roads, fm we wish in .?nh um people whal good ul bow much c mn a bad one We want -nih a - ail thal -ti . 'he SUpl I i that county know their duty ni do it. We want sucb a road that u-e WbO '?' im' ll'le tn Illly lamls lilli y: "I'll buy where I can gel in arkel tbe easiest, and this is the ace." We wanl a road so good thai eh man in lin- county wini 11 ll sa\ : "I vtaiii sueli a mail by my iee, finally." ick road does t need repairing ><> soon nor so ijUeiitly a- a poor one, ami we do i vinni tu have tu repair our roads > imue frequently than nea - ? in- being - .. n , an not be ie thal nui supervisors do nut intend have skilled inspection nf Hie build* ? uf the road that they ha i etetl fur. Snell a lack nf lli-|>eet lull ll!>l lu- lillian tn the -llpl'l'. lt ? contractor iiml tn tax payers, ami ll it lack nf fail lies- i- Uni f' Uielirahle mr board of supervisors. They a ill , a d .ul.t dn ali t hui i- necessary I have mn mad- properly construct* :iml tu treat their tai payei - etm-ami themselves with justice. Kim. ? "I "I ?' N Sit ni| (. ii:-! ni \, V v... July, 19, i' ireh tnila.i int attend niue un tbe I' nf .l"-lj I DU at i * accorded t.. ibject nf this rims, Henry 'Ult nf Idol nf llis Integrity nf ted Hu- honor ih ure, lovely life.] 'Ihe - ti-h waa the son of Mr nn, the well known ?peet. IK- waa thi? nly and hy In- ll ra. tei iiml gentle christian bearing ni ned tbe love ami esteem nf ail. il he ibould have been stricken .i ly iii life w hen there Ma? nnell promise of continued useful - in um- ni those Inscrutable provl* ,e- th:ii amaze us, ami wi li il a- One Of Hie lil > -!i I les tn he ?hised in the future beyond the veil fe js an inspiration foi tin- good nf rising generation, and happily bis mple if followed hy the older \? opie lie community would prove i ; such as would make the church nun- potent factor and place ihe miinily upon a higher plain- of ..f confidence. ?\. \." M . ? i ai I loll - d.. v .u |. .--.--- ? .1 eal Valla- tu ynll. Iel COUld he tlllll ntu money by selling them in some who does need them? I will, fur a ii, place these articles pul,In- ami m. doubt lind a pur '.-?. Anything n i .1 > ? motive. Who will be lii-i in nv me? - \\. Kn iii Ititi Hoi I rom lilt- Omi a- the hail that hit li. B. - walk, Mifh., in lin- Civil lt caused b<?ri i, aim. nt helped foi :J" years. Then -Hen'- Arnica Salve cured him. Bruises, Kiiiri-, Boils, - i in-, skin Eruption, cure on earth. 2 Kure an teed. Hold hy White a I Qriets. . if im pil lilt hil Al "tl er hui als up ml in i ati wu hui lint -..ll hull lim rici f.-r dell the juli? bell lu .-?'111 tani hell fin n and a y< i ineli Al yet I ami he I lllstt We 1 ri... ni ii.., i boaf-hta Bl "n . 'Hil lt i ? youtl both tobacco ami liquor alone ki wm-! oi best, Hu -e ara "iii\ ac 'pured tastes of tin- lin until lim-; bul il possible by teaching ; youth Indifferent to those of the oppo* i -ii'-h teaching would run cou uti ted Impulse of hi.* ? ami nature a ill win. I bi ? .- "i tin- father w hu mindly brought up hi* sun in ince of tbe fae) that there was such i i woman in Ute world. Winn at last, the boy, now i<> man hoi <i. met a beautiful girl described by tbe latin hi- request immediately thereafter waa thal lu might bavi for himself. He was (julie righi too; for be wa- natural. The in u rn in as a youth will nut lu? nn lu Hie exist,.ute uf girlhood mu will he he indifferent In tin- t hann amt the polish of female - ciety. Kui i imt look mi woman with bold -ind inquiring eyes, for lu- will already kuna all (hat i- in-, .-s ii \ tu ku be ti fl ? I thal i attractive. And whence this knowledge? Learned hy his I s knee, ol a! his lather's linie by little, as questions arose; tbe w hui. ivision nf nature un? folded before lum a- ige ol divine revelation, and its personal ely brough! home to ii.iit by ihe analogies thai exist I he plants uf (he field, Ihe I ami lu im. Iligenl ami honoring apez of creation. Thusshall his knuvi I. I, ami imt fruin the whisperings and hints ami filthy inscriptions of low-minded ?uinpiiiiuns whu leam anti who teach t divine truth, is though ii -pram: flinn the darkin-? of debasement. The new man a- a you'll] toward manhood, enjoying the ?ulllpany nf the pure nf Imth - 'tilly a* conscious nf his own powers as ne Hu- debased. Hut, because nf tbe of Ins knowledge, conscious inn where the debared are Ignorant?that ie hears within him a power ? Ihe vii tile uf a i; fur in lui \ niue and io lu 1 up nut the poten* .;.- merely hut all the nit i.s 'nun? ile- him in effort, ami tim- imt blind im lu Hm value nf effort as i- tun flell t li Unholy self-klluwl . too, fm- lu h.- natural | tn he the up, lulls. *.* The i i- a youth, faces tbe nrld fearlessly. IK- understands full eil il. ; material li umiei mind :iml im cultivates imth. - by lin- wai hi* parents have I ward in In- education that i linne thing wbicb he milli like tu du ah rn- all min I st he likewise knows thal no success tn him even though he he nbitiou. unless the ambition ls sn-. ?ii ami maintained ? his enthusiasm through loni* of lune. His reading has own lum a hundred such instances, te our own piue-kuol president. He erefore watches ir- strength and In* lases it. kuowing that even a men battle nasa physical basis ami the seldom ihe mau wbose body puny ami M ? * i know that the nieiegetting wealth ls fir fruin Ihe true measure* ?nt nf Hie divine within us; that his ipnsfs in hie iiiu*l have ,-t quality iu B greed, if. in any way, i juiiiney ih" cradle tu the i benefit In the tiny iii mli In- live-. ||e knows that the 'nf iii,' samaritan i- i power in the world than tbe mosl intiful krill these!tish rich. He . ih/.. d life i- made of give iiml take, mi thal In - uni .nil.- Hie lend.ney . igery (hat would ki- him trample rough simd uver the others in ordei to aili his own end. ! lill fellow tn L'el ahlill.' li, full I blood uni vii ding himself well in band. IK- i a whining little prig who professes ie fancied superb my, imt a maul) I wini ku ni - any ind y.-t hesitates tn declare He mixes willi i Btld I ami well In- ral, wealth i- In quently a un n i ami imt at all a demonstration nf thal glorifies life. IK- re? es at bis existence and ia free from ; hat i iu often settles down ' Hu- young when I close in ihai which i> dist their iiistim md so lure Hint he begins tu ., i.n ethics, making tbe . -nunih ii pammi even though he he imt bia* :, boisterous ami vicious. He i~ ' anil proving Hutt Hie good tin lint i iu kiata s-uinla.v - i- tn ti IK- I- h. i (hi? ghly md world; bul jus; make the World a I r, wholesome place fur both women men lu live iii. The I ?l-tieai led, nf him a mau. mi (lu ml . (he nea man as a yuiith, ?ie tu prove there i- sanity enough 'lilian late tu make us bops . Hint kin imt tu he mily 1111111.' i iiinulativi- in mir ny hut ? Hitherto iave passed mi scarcely anything Hh! [nu whi Ku. V, fill! Il hill N i-i t .1. npp ebai K jiait N. } "I -i like "I "I hut knowledge and each pooraoulhi world in i ind lint mud i- dilly. I | man, a* ;, cleanly youth i- ,i, i ililli: and in in- wed -lull ||?. , i: THE OLD DOMINION. Brief Items of Interest Picked ip Over The State. Governor Tyler will attend th- Cu i ?:-? reunion - !i -,.. rnuni..ah county, August 5. Eleven men were saved from di Lamberts Point last v through the gallantry ..[ au Engli ,i seaman. I in- captured Spanish cruiser Reina Mercedes, '- is hu u appral 100 by a naval hum I Mi .l.-ii-i- .ii Skelton, fur sixty** - deni nf Km.ty. dropped dead at the borne ??! bia son*in* i ihai town mi Saturday. The ham mi faun nf W. ll. Timm . sun. situated mi tin- Norfolk a w - railroad, between Berry ville and i vni bj lin- un Sa: ni u nlng. ! twenty-'i alni -ni ni A ' ? quiei county, committed -un id. . home Saturday night by taking lau? danum. He wa- in :i teni] demented sta-,., caused by liquor. Colonel William Preston Jobi president nf Tulaue Uuivetaity, N Orleans, died in Lexington at tl . Inline ..| In- -..min lasv, Prof. 11 St <.""lue Tucker. Colonel Johnsb .nial Aiheri Bid ne, lobnston. Bertha Tappin, nf Newport New the little girl win. caused the an. 'uluiiel Au-iin last April on the . I >f criminal assault, and, after swear* ng falsely three time-, ?OCOrdlUg to sci own statement, ami ai last bein he eattse nf Austin getting hi- fi. ? tgain, is behind Hu- bars at the jail In lampton, charged with perjury. a distressing incidenl is reported ruin tin- neighborhood uf New Prov! Rockingham county. Kin. '.are, the Hattie daughter nf Mr ii- B. B. Buchanan, got bold of a bot* tainlng liquid concentrated lye ruin which she drank. Immediately 'a.-ked with excruciating inn-, which lastid until her death, n imrt time afterward. i .. Btaaaiafl llmil I*ii... k?. hah- effeminate h. ant good, substantial, bandsomi iota like -K B. Lewis Co.'a Weet i-. <;.?! your boy .a pail .ii v. ni he surprised bow long th. ? ill we ir ami look well. A. K < 'ral! a- them. I turill I rlluiira. Mun wall, r tell? ' I ??? >lui li for Him. Edith -Univ m.. ? JOH nuke in a da ? in shiloh. It's wen Ik iced much nf nu ount iem, ye know. ? Edith Dear me! ?- ^ inny si len, then. .lin" Vt ru nc I.a \ ilji-el la r.l. "Sin- is io lively nnd v ' rely mint -aid uni lin nu longer admired, haring becomi " anything volatile ilckly dries up."?Indianapolis Jour* 1. Ni-.-ilril til. Ire. i nrtlelp In is imper un "Thc (lill I Mr. Greatest cb Vee, I know. The ri who wniits tn gel married. nek ly. iiinl ll nu-1 n?t. Mini ought alwaya ' [?uni with iii. i '? ? -. I think ni, too J nm! 'lier cool nnd hrneii I ? I arning, I -.xiii ask ><? 11 t<> !? ml me ten Te. a Biblical Bxplaaatloa. an- nu marriages iu the Bil Well, there hus -pot to he it fruin the e. Puck. I ? .1 I !?. 'Rei'liv. | ? I I eui,Iii i .ly'." oh. Mr. Batahfalla, I any way yon like." pica. -# \ I'ulnl nf ll.?i-*nliliiiir*>. I think .. i use the m.." It i-? played by a number nf pei-pl? it."? \>, i rou iHn*. will not*take n i to the top, Henderson. , know; bul it will give k. vi ,i i alika. ', li i did youstriksjjpur little ? ats tbe whole If. World. ? Ni. I What w;i a tho j ' K-Jnryn rs s day foi mir work.? | sal. She Tutti, li Tu- married him '? ?*-. nn,l lill How di ? 'I'"' ,t it nil in bet roi."?-Philadelphia Ku I It-tin. I In ni I.. I*akl im. Hie loss of thal rive ihiilnrs is ,,A a barbed-wire f' i bat T* .. t OTer."~Ho?tonCoDimcr- . Ktilletln. \l oi kui' MgfctaM I l>ay '-n -i and mlgb thing - New *-lfi> I ry | . - . . ii .-oated globuli of health, thal eba ???? weak ' ngtb, h-tie Into . brain-fag Into m-1 tal jniwer. i lievre wonderful in building un tbe health. Onh 26c lier box Sui.j by White. A 1 . I. l.l In .\rril I the Insurance man, altai tba tire. i be a pi ii.ipt settle i ni If ita a i a Pauli n notley. ' ll line oi Furniture foi pal Un m. i ...m Mid nulsen. Consult bim before you buy elsew ht re. Hmm tmppUi a If \..ii want i nv elu j . If you want box labels, If you want I ii. heads, If you wanl note head . If yuii want statements, lr you want snow nanda. ii want letter head-. If you wanl hank checks, If you want pu :raiiium-, If ymi wanl auction b a want calling nurds, li vuii waul shipping li? ll V'-ii wanl but 'ins- i 11 j ou waul Invitation i e I f you want business a ra lt ymi want pamphlets pr tited, lt you want job printing f any Aa si'kipiiun dune ju tbe beal style and at "Mom'' 11 the otllce . ! I m. i- mw vi u I Hkk.i.. i PAULETT, SON.'; CO'S Virginia Mitchell Meat. Wi gons. Heinz's White Wine Vinegar. fruit Jars. Emerson Buggies. PREPARATORY .?*?...*>* *-> TO OUK REMOVAL -* - *..*r*>***-*aM*>< This fall into our new store in tin- Richardson lilork now being ei .-ii the cornel of Mail and Third streets, ire will of? fer our enti of Clothing, Shoe and Hats for Men, Youths and Boys, also Dry G wda* Xoi iona <fec. at Prime CovSt. [t is necessary thai goods l?t' closed "ii i" ninety days, and the opportunity of firs, . n even oi This is no catch i er tiseraenl bul R bon fid* actual Cost Sale, which wi have conch led to make in orderthai none of our present stock will have to be carried into our NEW HOI - - Remember thal w ?<"? Temporaiily at I1' 'I MANS OLD STA ipposite the Ra i dph 3otel. Come to M?..k and you will be -ratified al the l we offer. BALTIMORE CLOTHING H tinville, Va, VK vii B i'i INTINU M rUEUSBALD JOB OfflC* KAKMVILl.K