Newspaper Page Text
BURTON & OTLEY. General Insurance Agents. BEST LINE OF FIRE INSURANCE. BEST LINE OF LIFE INSURANCE. : ? N -ills. CARNEflLi& DAVIS. wi. RETAIL I'lAi.iKs :\ Lime, Plaster, Rosendale and Portland Cement, Sewer Pipe, etc. hardware, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Glass, Paints, etc. - E. BROAD STREET, - - - RICHMOND, V \ NSURANCE! SOLE AGENT. Ti e Va. Fire and Marine Ins, Co. | Hanover Fire Insurance Comp'y, of Richmond, Va. of New York. ACCIDENT AND LIFE INSURANCE. ...- for muli. ute* promptly. I oan plata you beyond iii rt H. A. WILBOURNE, Agent, r \k.m\ ll i.i . VA. DunningtoD. Walter H. Robertson. vrginia state fertilizer company, MANUFACTURERS OF $ High-Grade Fertilizers, t FOR ALL CROPS, FARMVILLE. VIRGINIA. lead what Mi \ VV. Drumeller siy- aboul mir guana 11^ ls one of the f floe grades tobacco on our market. He baa no lither ii in he mattel tbaD to see tbe farmers use tbe beal guanos ('? make the - tobacco. And what be mys li wortb tometbing to you: [VILLE. Va., \ I ' .' the Kiirni\ lilt- n-arkel for a ol OW 1 ina kt : texture, particular!) during i ? -? rvatlon, thal the tobicoo offered on our in m "Dunning ? il thine, tluiii "Un r lui kl I. my own ..| !? H h.I- rn lui un- lanni ni Inti ? nilly. truly, A. W. DKUMKLLKR. BRANDS FOR TOBACCO. Du iDington's Special Formula for Tobacco. Wat Dunnington's Austrian Tobacco Grower. Farmers' Reliance Special for Tobacco. Bone Meal. b following well-known firm- of Paraville handle and will lurnish you an limn.I-: |\\u 30N & CO.; FARMVILLE COMMERl CO.; DUVALL, KOBERTHON & CO.; C. M. WAI.KKK A BON; JM? I. W \1 ION . i ii' '.'? A SON HUBRARDA WEAVER, Kin. Vu. K H. TAYLOR A CO., Prospect, Va. ? so supply you with our gooda. GREAT BARGAINS Columbia Bicycles for Women. Li DIES' COLOMBIA BEVEL-GEAR GHAINLESS. MODEL 1898 PRICE $125 REDUCED TO $60 Ladies' Columbia Chain, Model 46. 1898 PRICE $75 REDUCED TO $42 50 a thi "'ii ami in-ill- the Colombia .linn ?ii.-.ix carried over from laat year, Imt an ol UM man? na |.iui tor pan arith other blcyclea and yon will Bod |.i ri . rheatockoftl - $23 to $73. W. T. BLANTON, Agent, l UUI.V11 R. L. BARNES & CO.. I 131 E. Main Si.. Richmond, Va. ? Pl.Al.hi:- IN ? STANDARD FIRE-PROOF SAFES. BnrglarCht Vanita. Jail and Prlaon Bqolpmi n Ha ?W EXPERT WORK A SPECIALTY "** Apply to S. W. PAULETT, Jr., Agent, Farmville, Va. *************-?f ?!???? ?una -v?aMaa*?faa^^am The Monarch rf Strength is LION i COFFEE. (AMOMJTELl lt ltb.? dSK fs n^l1'' sold only in one-Dound sealed packages, fc.u n package will make40 cuds. Tho nark wgeakeneda,fc ltah^he, fe C? th,at ^"K?nS st?enr^h V clone,,-us flavor. Incomparable stronrj.h. lt isa luxury within the roach of ail. urn List In every package. 'r Lion's Head and got valuable promiurro frro. - * tiiTr- lion C<>tt? tn h,a -,,?.,, ' aj Lia MM a:,l -..M-.-m that ?? rahrtltetr tt'r'- """"' *?* trtcm ...., uiiio. ?. ? prurr,ium3 Trf If your Grocer th Wi tl, dil j? to tur nf r lim f..r '.t ll. tlVl lit-1 A NEAT FARM GATE. I ? .-! I ii. I l I lilli U ill XV .-"a* 1\ . Il la Nol -*...- la ii >. i i.m? I li . L ? ? Xl ll ll, I li I uk. ry farm tbei ' repair, bul - .. (bat ii baa lifted in opening, or b ? a latch la to be] A Ul M M ; j A Ni:.\T PARU DATE. down mi I ? nail j. having - (Hit of i u III.ll lt will I lt 1 tin- fro : make lt. tl . ? - ? fte | lower ' ? RULE OF KING MUD. Itu- \ ii mini I n m.-ii In I hui \lmiit Illa I null, iiml I>ir.nn> \..? ? ra in I'rini. ? - -Tain i ? mud on ti ? ? "The bad mt mir milkmen, u hi . \\. W. N ? low li "ill bal tl].' bottom ! I h r chiuts i ? - . .1 Tm, n lo 1.1, r In. The ? 'ip t ? ie fact that they wen ? t.f the poor contiil ion of their and Iii. hwaj a. 'I! liking, ami from talki n! a sui, cription paper good foi ! from th< 11ih wi -I in the city council ul a ai mi tar amount w.ti'il from the ty tren ru ry. 'I I jr liberal donal i work by ii- fm: i.i opened, and on foi it of tbe city ail wi nt it a force ol is been hauling gravel. Rolfe will ur good n ? ter, and i mi) nfar and near ?ill go tbei ade because of ir. lt on il-. Hera iiml M.i..ii.I. Andrea thal he nothing in tliis count rj that ill com] i ? avorabiy with the iropean countries than tbe public ada in the United - 1 and I rn. ?? year through Eui c advantages that would Ho nilar rouda In oui tin- cond ? i- life in the rural and itricts. rk that aecure it. lt i*. ? a . h... I ? .\<n ki: io tit.. ill commuDleationaof ? private na* i' imt of public Interest, obituaries eedingten linea, tn tributes '.- 0f Q] ?rporatlona will be charged itt the rate of Ave cents per Um ?n published In the Hi r \u>. i- - ?ly in. deviation i ,,n w u, ?ada. !?' Lei jo Mother and Babe Ni { will i ? "Fk TONE but a mother knows th* ] IJ.NJ puns, .manish and dr'^d that I j aramaa aaduiei befor*: and rlariag ' J* childbirth. And still nt-arly al! tl.i I fering is unnecessary. The faithful use of | MOTHER'S FRIEND in great measure overcome every * il will i. I not bea very se-; i-Vmember ? j thal MOTHER'S FRIEND .?. an ex- ? | tcrnal liniment thal v-ftensand relaxes | i is not a dangerous* I I opiates to swallow. Ask I . JTOOf drugs,,,t (,,r ,t M scnd prica- 5 I IHI Blt MU ll ID HCUATM m., Atlanta, Ga. j - * L-l-.*?IM-?Itt?-M?.lt. ?Ht?? aaa _J CHAS. M. WALSH, MARBLE and GRANITE WORKS, PETERSBURG, V \. MAN! I n I I KKH Ol Monuments, Headstones, Tablets, Ac. Al Iron ud Win Fendnga A I "ll I I N I.I KIM \ N l> ' i ? CAPT. S.W. PAULETT, Farmville, has .I rm- ii number ? tea iiml part icu lai ? pi iu ii nt \.\ i:. i:. i -'. in effect .ii.i. Mon. i Unh? and 111-. P. M. rtvllle Ai |(M '? I fl Mawk ? 1 i Kulali.' " I Hi Mell '? in , ?? tiiiiii" i -.iiii.l Munn 1 li lu IH ?? ?? J 19 i, Vi in ia ?- '? 19 Ma.-.ill '? 201 ii ll ll 27 ? I i. i li.-i i - Koch 7 |i, IJ I . arr Mow li ( Lv. ir. Klcbmond Lv. 1201 Lv. Mow Ar. -?? NN lill- Il ll 00 lue ? lr. I Lv. - Klchmond Al. P. M. P. M 1 . .lim.uni for Ochre ? I - I'.MIll - ipena ? i wt i- K. u ki: I ii. Klcbmond, 52.?? BOO* FREE The Be-t Book on Horses Pubii ? ?? We nil i I... |. ii h. . nltk I tl(*l M> I Hil irv. I i .... iii. h.Nt twin ? m. niii ii i |itil'l..|...i. .-.m.I I I KU. Il KN ll K mi i ti I' ki. iii, o.H.n af Hit- taral Hum* umala. I i. r All for SO Cta. (Worth $:i (Ml | .ilr.aa Ki tn, luman- and lii-tor*.'kr. Ta (iiniville Commercial COMPANY IRN'KB OF MAIM ANO BBCOND Ud Dominion Hotel. il inna to carr*/ In -im-k TAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, Hats, Boots and Shoes, rroceries, Hardware, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, ragons, Buggies, Road Carts, Fertilizers, &c. Also do a General Commission isiness. p. INO. D. w \ t kin-, ofAppomatt. ih n? and wm i.. ? Friend*;. INOORPOB \ IKli n i.n I. davis, Prealdent. B, I . ANI MORRIS UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. REE TO VIRGINIANS In Trje Academic Schools. ters, Science, Law, Medicine, Engineering. i*t iti ..i\-. \ ,i ii >M 11., P. B. BARRI Nt.l-.i B I'UM IM, Al REASONABLE I'KH AT HERALD OFFK K. DONT pu redam ? da-ap InNtrumeol fruin a dealer jual beeauae ll HEEMH cheap WHEN Ul'. < I l-l .i:ka 1 ED CHASE BROS., Il.\< Kl I Y. mid CARLISLE PIANOS, \M>? Story & Clark Organs c-in lu-|.iiicli,-i-i il ;it I Prick* from iii-ii- repreaenta* tive in .*- ile Virginia. Snmj>leH of the popular i on exhibition nt \ Hie. Tin j '???ni '"? pnrchi EAS .-uni old instruments excl -tl hand i11 -1. nmentn :\ ('.?ill mid nee them or u r.-inn w. Lock Box 298. The Farmville Bu ompany 1 D-tacaaat ?af ,, .Wt 1*1 var-:"itt -.afc.' a. . ',.+" lu:. I \s 1.. \\ ll 1 1 1 , Pr< W'l'i FARM I lill. lt. JNO..R M tRTIN, A 111 ott ed. 1 mr i Money Loaned at Cheap Rat. I Estimated Illustration of Loan 91.00 I. Admlnnfon fi I ti-l |." I III..: 1,1 a - iin.t IO Addretu all rom n of ni. r and Time Given to Suit Borrower. Estimated Illustration to Investors. ? month ? THE FA K WILDING ANI) I HIST CO.. Farmville, Va. Furniture! PARI i HAM III UK NI -. W ARI ! NI'-, Big Stock, Low Prices' Large Stock Wall Pa; >er and Window Shades. BARROW & COWAN, Undertakers an.l Furniture Dealers, FARM\ ILLE VA. We Have Complete! and now occupy UK MEW AND OOMMODIi il - OTOH s. \f. Darner Main and Thli I a KNKMN ii.i i:, VA., . friend* and the public, nn . al .to.-k a large nnd val <,i ni nil Shelf Uni ilnn n , Snsli. lUinils ninl Dot Wagon and Carriage Material, Studebaker Wagon -. Agricultural Implements, I' Castings* .1 e. : mock of Hu. -i lt 'I 1 'art-; handling only th. inch builder*. - - Kidd M-r\ toe sm well a - 1 I. . uni FERTILIZERS FOB ALLI B nn'i- iii-o ctinducl Duval!, Robertson & Co. \f IKi.IM ? th. - la) ol Jul). . 1 he follow lng ap Heal lon wan Hied I iti.-.- on tin- ali da) ..I lui. To the Clerk ol the rou nit Court of I Kdvt ard count]. Virgil . i le with von, Tiii? mj applical ? ided bj statute, to purcbaae one tr tel one hundred and 1 un Ul arr R, iti.'t ? ? ninty, lulu- Li. ll. Joh nu' 1 Mid county, on the 1 il 1 Hu- 1 ? inoni a. nn tn rughl at Mid mount for a I un- ii- maj or would have iiccrut d .I le?. lea, with all 1.iii uni i.. - ii.l ninl piiii-i under my hand thia ?Jvih da me, 18W. h. \. i- \n And an nih.lax lt I led 1 hal diligence ha lld H. N. Kwi iunty or con ? remonl A. v\ ootton 1-. and a Ithoul nt thai iii.- aald I- remonl li ni ol the - ? Non. lin r. lon . I. \\ . II I the 1 'oiini > 1 ourl ol the ('on nt j ol i I ward, \ a., N. nn ootton i" ?? ? ur month- after thi 'I do what - Inlereal herein. And i in- ordi r >? ill li I r In tbe town i .1 I..- p..-I. .1 at tbe inuit door 11-. ..1 |-i ince Edward county. In the rn 1 r preecrlbed bj law. Given undi ? ml [h.- ten. V\. II. 1 ll N( K-l.iN, I w. n. Tu u K-i.iv, Clark. KEEP COOL. Refrigerators, [ce Cream Frees Fly F.'.ii-. Flame Oil Stoves No Siiiuki I H Al N| CRUTE & BUGGS, h. I Ni. ' fl A PURE WHISKEY ALI li- Willi ANN KOO I), IN FACT .MU.- 1?H.I.-I IOU i is tin- itomacb, in ll ? " of lin -ii-Iih inni-s mill -ti pro* npiti's Btreugth and Saab. A pura nn in-key Ilka I N. HARPER Whiskey. Sold bj JOS. MANNONI, ?in I \K.\I\ lias i/oiw snlisi ri/ition t i /mi il. If so please renew. I!,. ? Schedule in Effect .n ' LEAVE FARMVILLE DAILY. in wi.? un, WC No. I. ' ".. j,. ,?. I ll N Mi U | \.. \,, j. I. lil. r. tr, IL*r\b. I O ALL POINTS, OHIO, l*-r LINOIS,' WI MtS^c NCIRA^ >RADQ, ARKANSAS. C lIFORNIA, **?. 1 5 ** The WEST, NOE ;00TH*fl FIRST CL." INO CLAtf AND EM iM- nt I ICKETB -THE BES: rO THE..-. north ;-r;c EAST. "ULLMAN v. j H_? SK THAT TO-JR * ' ? *.Va THI ~~ norfolk ' mmn, CHCAPCbV. Bit * WT tim ? Ix-KiptiTt m. a at,'.i ? *j r aaaag Tra. r,., A -riK'ill. V? tat. i7 W T. DOYNE or to )?.;. i.i A Bon, UNDERTAKER :tini dash i in FURNITURE I l'| iii.l-tt-riiii' Done in tin- I eat Manner l). Wall Paper, Wlndoa Bbadi and H 'hool Furniture. KA KM VI U.K.. VA. J. A. 525, E. Broad Street, mCHMONI), VIRGINIA CREAM . AND . SHERBETS, s, Pastry snd Confeetiom WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY Id All its Branches. Spacial Audition Given to BANQUETS OUT OF THE CITY A Step Forward. Farmville Telephone Co. Wi- m lo all ..f the % ?5 ?-? INN . I Ik. ! ?>' for I., wiri All pbom - NIGHT AND DAY. lLREADY -i\n ii vi: -i iiscri alva |ieopl? fyinir li | S. P. VANDERSLICE, ATTORNEY1 W. P. VENABLE PLANTERS SAWS il ll! - I (I I li ni ll mlj ni erin . Y. Pltnej and ? if< ' list NN J. I. N| , N Hiv i i i:K s ? ??? i-i. i ..i i i i 11 t ..I iti M li ? ? ill IIIHN W. ll. I il \< K>T M. Crin ,