Newspaper Page Text
PARAVILLE HERA i?iui>A> >h WK i S wporl . id. d. i?jn union h," brotherw helling |uiel pail of the town. ! will ? 1 111. Ile i.s liol eloquent bul learned. . li ii day. Wi ? .. Hon wm yours? left for her wli.? bad bi ? * days, returned on the -ann- train. to hear that Dr. Na-li i j ill at in- hollie in WU Uamsburg. li in a lift* ?n tu ? i'rin in the >tne touruameul to i>c held ul S ! only > m. Weinvit. itt. nt ion to the adi i I he line seed wheat .lr. elim ? i many anything mit a n mimi. I rn; Itlllll ; ll' m>t 'i Pt tw> .1 the . with her two child I Mrs. . I of Hamilton, eani" down ?rda i kt ley'-. I>r. Hard I .1 io North flint-: S I Hon. W. I'. Dupuy, will in tagon isl - fully, right in hi- own stronghold, too, ii th.- of winning and just help it. I Mond ty ev? in: wa- the beginning of the wish calendar. The ho. nt. lu i Norfolk and Western Wednesday moruing near Radford Mr. W. I:. Beach ami hie dlghtly hun i . ii mid twenty-eight in the Brat Monday of i Hay. lt ha- been ol.-, i holiday Itlce wa? il.' hours of 7 a I 1 ami j p. m. In.- Planters I Iniim; tl?? . kept open do ? ?nit conn the Met bod lat church <>n Sun.lay niu'lit Hi the fact tba) "lie | ,,f our Bometlmi ?oli-hly. it is ny to be wit hom chokiug . hy |. il, on .Mi We are .1 tl patient , ? will yet learn) ? ide doc borne it re Company, which began itu meut ut the W flin-?lay evening iitiiiiieii to play all ot ,. 11,,. j , I ; ... iii ami uni tlien I lllfiit , i town T ? i different thal was in ii. -1 the which w ? ? ? foi iii ll . I positive lake ami a ? Ile. V ? I .11. I I.i ?. ? HIM). ? kim pa ni Un I a vertl it Kl Monday r the plaintiff for the vlllll ol in the defendant's be len : linnie no -t"i- until h,. reached Karraville. While tin- | .,, th,i train ami found it necessary to "bleed" t?? ir. which is done by pullin "' of the e;ir iiml Ini? on it. Winn In- pulled Hie i ''.lill" out ami he tell tn I U'lou, two nd-, both arma and lu- cheek? bone. -uit, Wilie1 "me of the com? pany in failing io properly inspect the machinery before the train left < A motion for a new trial wa- over? ruled hy Iii- court. The plain ti tl was represented by hburg, VV. II. Mann, of Nott... Kirkpatrii k, i the com" Hampden-Sidney's Bright Prospects. A Hampden Sill ne, every full attei d The authorities of tin i busy during the Hummer months, ami the Kill is look il park ha- luen t ii in ii :t d up. A haudsome lak< soon ailinn titi- park. The hooks have from tin- old i been resin Ived in tue ?ne building fm nie, | j ? made. H ill tin .- m> hanil toniei uni than Hamp there i- n [lealthy. troops iud lhere ha- not beeu two hem, nor i inan e ii gel an at win otoriously ? lealthy, and thai ? lhere i i ,-v touch with ' '.Hillville, ami we h ind build i low it i- imp \ i t hine it ' i ill be for li uh t<> llOJ e hat the town will take pride in the \ unty institution ami to undenom ? i lin- in ure li. ? undred years. I inr ll?iii|iiii ii sii ii, i Collegs. -I Mcilwaine, l>. I'.. . .om ( ehii-ti.u. lad i in Wesl |, irginia which will probably bi ?viral thousand dollars into its (l ry within a year or two fur Hie pur. \ iee nf establishing scholarships young linn Ure I . ? beneficence, at once strei I lid ? . pl ring youl lefulness in life. Th iitli;. at the Ami ison box of , candy. She'll do j( . ll. I s Kully. ,| Rally" of the Wi achers of Prince Edward county at t< orsbam, Saturday, Oct..her ll, : r Hie | ig "l1 i' Bl ,-ely interest in our pul.lie live program will li . .I. Teachers, trusl id all persona that should he luten in this matter am urged to i? | it. Our motto: "Prince Bdw r lint her in- a el si I I ni i?.iii., Va Msophs Conclave. The Iude| ' ?rder ol I', ph- was Instituted lat Weill lluwlugoffl 1 utin. ii. - P. Va ? ? ? Mni: A . A. Ki a Trusti ? W. P. Ven le, \\. E. I' i> idson. u, will he kept 0| ? chartei membership D pidly. md no w here CHI 111 - i _'i ought tn I.! i lo XII.. '|?>?I II', Ki'" N. C. ti l. \\ . I w By "I Paulet!. I ads of uruitun t I,|,.|l, \,?, |l,(,|,|,,|, n.?t,|,,, , Hamp.I. I, Inus ..i tin a building They h pi- tn rj llliuoia Interested in the matter, Thii gentleman wen! over the lauds tha ate proponed to be settled ami -aii| thc ronda v.' ion. They mi-lit in- induced t. if the county .: ? ! the three m.1. - in,-,|, ,|. pi,,, , timulua i.. uti,.r improvements. I Un- colonization be su ? it will put fifty ram il ii - where bul two now live i-i. .1 i ..i MMtk.ldt Virgil perl or the \ ? 'omi ,1 department, i a recent Btructiou now in j , thia cou tity itesl thing thai ha- h ed in Houtl thal the departmeut allowance i tetlon has been all appro] for this year, it la possible for the aupervlsors if they timi that in the finnie they can build more road I the I'. s. Government, through nilpie mil. ? mule bottom. iv. p. iii ri iii,. Edward. ? I'an.ila" was the home of the late Samuel W. rant, and is pow occupied by two of . K. T. and s. H. Bon durant, and the lug cultivated hy them, ll wa- my privilege on la orlde over Hie farra ami then t.. enjoy a typi S irgiuia -lin id seen tin crop some ii-, before the knife had itruction, ami 1 uni quite -me I never saw a beth i neun ? ,:k| ,,f oiil of hole-, it did the eye good to look upon the ? n. During my hui ? uttiug wa- b nundy pushed, ami the Bouduraut Bi villi the work that they ? I ...iii.' io thu excellent ami I am persuaded they iidn't even take timi e the ?ve through the farm md then -lopped ut the front : o rivi r bottom iel..nv .'Min enough for man un.I ind even at , hen thc cerea an al.innlame of it latch string to the ?rih "hum's ..ii th was luxuriating in Un- bous. aithful hm turiatiug in the table. Tin- meutiou may not i .lilllie interest but is of immense con? travening man. Wb I vldently tb I that arm ure accustomed t ll the lille. bade too I -uaw Indi? an 'I thai a .i crop bad re on full duty, I le ai r, and altogel i 'irgiuia homestead grateful that ian t le of a noble sire bad fallen upon tie shoulders of worthy sons, Bul you ill excuse me If I return to thal din In. Having been for some re they feed on led meal, Irish potatoes, cold b ind things," it was an uqualitied pleasure lo -it al a : maning with good things which had L'en ordered by a Southside Virginia ? and prepaid by a H nth- i mia negro cook. 1 mean no c i to t be queen of the kitchen -1 \f ualug th" - he ought I I Intend ll ac a compliment. ? just now Tunk of u Weal Virginia n lend who I would havi .?! to ' ive inti', dined to Unit bolled mid- t; ag, home-made and home-cured with . of hali and a streak of fat," 1 iih no touch or tai ni of a W estern t de about it, resting snugly in a bed y well-done i by b mammoth dish of sup* rb stewed ii Banked by the reddest ol red ii Iced tomatoes and the a bites! i mi mashed potatoes, their mpanions being champion baked a .pie-, ch pota b from th. I a bread d ith the regulation brown on it, cidei w mrkliiiir and-wtct, milk umkimmed ai yellow and bo gi / thai i waan'l afraid to cul deep P id often. Thal Western mun would II and then bb) A milli, and in would ne dare l? mia." V One of the .1,aim- ul thal dunn i t- (hat the children were a uli u , i,:tie ami gentlemen, all hy, cheerful and ht arty. Would at all mothers would ? a.-h children ,.| then there Wullld T ,1 nf . ben C mpany .ame. They greeted me il with me to the ; t< ii Mun thc I., bim) ti , Hie -pun ? me J ;.. me theil play H ?. du't . atb ? ju i . hil.lien dwell tn B tent." U ni Virginl Vim mei.lion..: - me the n any boq ? fully ami ;i did you not f i tupha ? thal of hi- neighbors and bia ,,,, betti i ih alone of the fanni i- I appen to know aboul hu- ral a crop ?ill wtl il without doubt he lu . iii'i i < laud 'i afford i do ii h-K limey, I- in lin nu - ? ami I would in ' " hun a lau i rel I, ii.| to which on tra Ililli to lell, that "peace hali. du less ? neil th.tll R I I 1 id dyspeptic f .Ik- i Ol- ol m. privilege mi lasl Monday, an Ideal For the South tiny are -niall I only about 300 acres each, bul inch of laud is mi duty. Where the clop i- not growing there i . un -t valuabl ? Ami llnie arc no gul il ts, m. i.ii" lUbtful stn ictli, no uninclosed fields, n that will not open and shut, no ditches choked up, uo machinery without shel leu ti"i in use, m. pom- mules, or . Richardson told me ).. lei- had in luipi' unusually lim-, and \. thal ii had r. 1 dou't yet un i her. I walked through the low ground com of Mr. Eugene Ki< ind nu old negro on that will have any "mih Tbh if Mr. the clovei imlu tl . didn't la me that tin , i bungrj m.! t" have been. During the winter they were well grained ami d, in June they were turm uni then in tin- held limn W hich thc wheat hui heel) CUl BOW :. itch to invade. All this to he followed hy telling ney will weigh. I >\u-, so that the I -Ulled ? ? import, w itbside ia I wonder that there should he any difficulty in i troducii ,! midst. I do in.t i with md that th J low many oth? ilie U| . . ."li. ami i I tel ihin in in in- bough! ai mable I 'In- world know th. Mi. Editor, and thc 11 lilt a 1.11 will have itbside new ?iti/ei, these aini- grows mit of the fae . illy loud of tai. . , ol linnie- nt to Ami altai iel better inter or at . pill? lampliug tobacco or selling win lehvei il or discount! nakiii tiing type? IJ , and all mai I ii ju) nilli- Dum ? ? There waa a mos) i . at the home of .Ir. Willie Priddj '8 "ii !? inlay even 1st. The i onducted with ease and grace by . I and Rober) , ired to ile f the in -i hut nothing conduced m ? d thin the gracioBSBess and Mic affair. Am< .iiihe and hine nile; May Priddy, a vt iv channing ladj , wore s beeomlug gown of lack ince itild pink velvet; Annie i duniy white organdie; Maude Allen i .- ovet pmk taffeta : in a dei. uin; Mamie Met'raw In pink organdie iili white nilli"; a iu ale l>lue silk willi white nime-ehiic ie Pucker in ere nu nh pink ribbon i ?? bite and blue fl 'titletneli p m, Arthui n, Dannie Morton, Willi' Hen, Wi mei li* dd, I ton, Hamlet Allen, William Ml ' dd. li? lli ry ll. I \ Xl I l"|i iniiip s, ed tew on sale al H. <'. < .ililli. , Vork lill III. I.hunt. .-. iin-h with ..ur I" I il,,n We e in -i ii you a tooth brush i,iced id to -i'd tU" bristli il. c. (Kin.. Druggist. 1*11 >? lit 11,11 I I,.,11-1,l? M a mnmr il hut thoroughly e.piipped rai I ni ? "'l l-l bringing from the uppei Assinie i '. Instead of permitting them to Qi tal to the c. i type of the In Ill le-m.ll" ? nty live yean. Ra hm -, designed (<>r pur of pure commercialism, ? I evitably open the way for all tba) la modern and energizing m tbeenlonizing - ol the world. The knell is sounding for the Dark Continent, and in Its stead will appear a continent w hose 'uni capacity fbi de? velopment are almost limitless. * * s ai- imo thc map of i wa- mainly guess work. down .a- desert that ginee proved to he productive, aud the hound nie- of the different In* itorl - were eui ired in bus* mly and regularity. The Nile, notwithstanding Sorts was still regarded as a mystery. The ? I who chose to let his in. [arding things he bad ? p of awake, would do i: impunity; beyond which point ellow journals have scarcely pro ? i wbenevei they : ? r * -1 i > Africa, even now. I'he bravery and devotion of Livingstone were then a new and Henry .M. Stanley had jual stalled fm the expedition during whose course "Hally surveyed Lake Victoria Nyanza and which ended in his re-Ap? ia th I -il-'", !" pell his n.ry of "Across the Dark Con tincnt." Of Course partial exploration : d all this in many dire lu 1 I'i Pauli crossed the ami added to our know- | uf the Niger, mily however to iii" impression that this vast i finder nf ( le. On lin- -ame river also, J Munno Park in I7:?; experienced s number of dubious adventures ami ex ' Mic liver for 160 miles from h iii< mt h. Thia -une region also ami other of the African coast, waa known l with by the Phne - of oid, W bose Lead- il!" lug up occasionally hy the inhah trnameuts by native royalty. In the South . Mm Dutch bad loll of the t'upc of Good Hope, themse ve- ousted tuc Portu ? I themselves being ousted by r( in- British all i- Bald re- | (arding efforts made, territory -uh md knowledge gained of Africa to the middle ..f thc present cen ury, it may he summed up safelj iilium' ami ineffective. map of Africa li i different thing. Theregtona i the north and their control, remain illy unchanged except, of course, v.'ypt. That is English in all the lenient- that make for progress and ol vi lopment, untbreatened by T tut bern ll Smith, East and <>< n in nie. B ipon Sf:uih-\ i ions the vast ( Mini pet plan of the (lng of the Belgians -now stretches i in the Atlantic ocean to the meat C i tn i he south north- fc tani the Shir of Empire ha- taken its' ray till even the Transvaal, mice t( bought of by n- found i from o ll disturbance and surpassing, has ci heady Leen left behind and Rhodesia c< tretches oul the hand of Ita rule to* ?^ .an! the Zambesi and onward again ft . the equatorial lakes. On the i lie territory bas all been amicably di- ]\ Ided among tbegreal European na? nt ..ii though mit yet settled. , row that the partition bas been effect- .' I, the international race for cotnmer- r ai development and political suprem- , y bas definitely started. If the Brit- ? nie to their nenin- and alive _ their opportunities, there cnn be bal . ubi is to the victor. Militarism i the north under General Kiteheiiei id commercialism in the south under v ceil Rhodes, have already given the < ritish u control through the centre the continent, from the Mediter '.. the Antartb.bbb with the tception of timi miles belonging to , arman East Africa, iii" saki of pori of Erithrea on tb i with the region "ailed British urn.und Abys . nh British iiilu nee. Al Dela II oa oed by Portugal, the i iti-h Influence ls supreme and thus - "ii Hu- Transvaal (koo immuuicatlon. Then from the louth of ' ips Verde, . nine i- allll"-t lilli 1 Mn H i- not real)} didieult to glance rtt what is to be; for given m e aa it i-, human enter- '". ? i. ? ? uni racial they exist, one can give in more Mian a shrewd nd- | lg lin; future. Twenty-live yeats will ';11 ell- un D the I nited {52 the railroad, "' ; modi in machinery ll lo hear upon the Afn- nf ni problem Immediately, w b ;i wi nt forward by the slow neil, the prairhi -'hoon- i , Mu- tl it-boat, forward to the rail- ' .ad, only bow reaching electric (?'rom all side- the attack uixm ' ? j j i ie mill- ooUnenl will go a Mic coiiinicr ai impulse will u dy work i ii for the land the broader purposi j , jual BS the individual "I "in own workers have, ithoiit direct Intention, set forward , ir country In one hundred years un- co Silence is world wide In every on lu le-- than ten years, ami possibly iii lesa then li , Town eau . po?i hi; . tram in the North ?< to ii- Bouthernmnsl point. In tn ii"e yen- th. Ti.-ti ivaal . m it- as a Republic. It Will ha ? swallowed up by the Brit lah inti Delagoa Bay will do I In Fact, it Isdoul will then in Boil. Bb have sold them outright or has. lied in the <h-i . , more powerful rjeighbora and thus hav. ber territory altogether. will bs leas Belglai mora Bnglisb. The < of the Gulf of Guinea will have - ha.k Into the Soudan ami thc di ' little principalities been brough) under civilizing ii Mohamme? dan territories on tbs north roast will still retain their form hut will leal much of their vigor, since tl i h ipa of Mohammedanism la n Istence ofjual I ut -..ri ..f lanai c -m to which Foul Kitchenei b m adm n ed -ii. h u cruthing blow. * ? * American capital and An fort will have akM in the Work supremacy of the English-speaker will i inn ii- uor ral while all hi- doings are aol id ? ti, yel we know no ran- that is better. W? know, furthermore, and have learnt mu.'li in that direction in tun thal aa the world m.ive- on its will dem md that the leadership of the world -hall re.-t upon character, tiim>ii enterprise, upon ability. M . bj \\<ii hihi i.iM.k IB/ell. A combinaUon seldom found In a -li ..-. Wear ia often aacrifi. leanly, and comfort to both, li Isn't ?i) iii J. 15. Lea i- <'...'- We u R I'lley lnuk well ami Weal Well. ?ir ai A. E. Cralle'a, \< ? llll?l. The building just above the iili.e will be used by 8 W. Paulett, lr., for storing articles given bin ale. Any g.1-yon u mt to sell will ? receipted for, properly idvt'l'lisc.l. (in to Do\ . I you yourself monev. Ills, ut , i, i, li, ii \\ lillian. Another great discover} na? nnie and thal too, b) a lady in tilla . HUI t IV. "1 p.hi her and foi vital rgans were undermined and d "med imminent. Eur thu ugbed Incessantly and could nol leep. She finally discovered '.'.iveiy i.y purchasing of u? ir. King's New Di-. imption, and wai U relieved a taking first dose, thal she Blepl all lu'ht and wuh two bottlea baa bsolutely euied. 11., .inlier Lutz Thu- writes W l.tinniek A Co., of Shelby, N I rial bottlea free al Wb . i Messrs. Agnew, Brady, Boilup, and lien, met In Rlcbmond recently and -u.d an addie-- to th.- Republicans 'theState, i iffah hey are in and perfectly willing that hen remain out. SIMPLES"*"^ thing's. An cx t. F \! Q F pedant mother J L i\ ?3 L can casilV real izr, if she stops ) think a moment, how danger usly wrong; it is to swallow medi nes when in her condition. She in see that the outside application \ a liniment which softens and :laxes must certainly be the thing ir her to use. Such a liniment is MOTHER'S FRIEND hich she can depend upon doing it a world of good before and .iring labor. Send to us for our ce 'llustrated book, "Before Baby Born.'* Mother's Friend is sold in ?ug stores for $1 a bottle, or from IE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta.Ga. SUPERIOR ;eed Wheat, Currell's Prolific. lied bj Major a. k. Van U>1<. p il Bushels to .he Acre Last Season. A BaWdlm tong-berry V,:. PRICE $1.00 PER BUSHEL. . ALL, ROBERTSON & CO., KAKMVll.l.i V;ilu.ilile Farm For Sale in Prince Edward Co mu/. ? Valuable Truck Fai.n. i e lunn 106 ACM I [TABLE FOB \ REBID! i R. A. BOOKER, .... k Hov 17 NOTICE! 'li.- Rocl IK A1 iXT/. ODD SCRAPS PICKED UP. elah with lill. ? in tho In-h ! ." rersv* ' I'-n? iri! E. I?. I 'arian. ? about m.lcd Mn from : v Mr. raia ia tho ? from th* Wye for a vrry long time. USELESS INFORMATION. Mian any In the - with ? ?. innnal pro nd. Tyndall that ld marry In making cha: aa arc rt niak n ni quality. Factly* - thal ? ' -nt of the ? . abnormal. j et it ? iken by arl SAGE OF SAWHAW SAYS. able to he notable. 'US. BOB it is WOrSS to be. foolhardy than unhealthy. d ain't ?or. A makeshift rn - ;in\ thing ft is r."Wow \ < nit li i ? dom nu! i in the f "ml ;nr>tinns.---('>d ;&go Dispatch. Newport ? il given to the the Queen of ti." Vi. > the i ler trial tr, a ia mails on and it baa been demon can throw -pi.i.\ in mt. FOR SALE. ..< . a , univ Any NICE HOME WM. G. VENABLE. Physicians are i he friends of the family. HARPER rVhiskey i- the friend of the Physicians. A mos! valuable mt and one min be rusted. Sold by JOS. MANNONI, i lRal'. 11.i.i-,. \ \\ .lill- -M|l|llllll If you win. If you want ens.: If you wan! I If you want hill h 1 Willi! ii"i' I f y< If you want letti If you want oink chet If you want prog ram nj If you want auction hills, If you want calling '-aid-, i .v .tnt shipping . n/ant weihi If von waul bush i want in\ I tatton cai" If you want business w rapj ? If ymi want pamphlets printed, ,i joh printing of anj ds> , ni at lil at Mic offlOS BICYCLES i IMBLSS 1 ari. >V a Ramblers cost li jo, and 1 With RAMBLERS at %-\ < > buy any li: Coi (HAS V. BUOG, v.\.