Newspaper Page Text
FARMVILLE HERALD. AN INDKPEND PpBLMHI Ki.ii'W j. h. ll vin-.I Proprle ?? itlis. " " ti. V R. W Fitii'AY. skpti*:miw:j \ ? - i\ we all." 1' n" tn be time. In Chicago thej iliiimUr h. i itched with Inti know how tel bed? in Re] n ? tba Bngliab-apea ember, lo do honor I the Immortal Wash Bona people are foolish say that what the ti.-ny," rand nol in is folly. India and do further. A rui hound so far uni then fall ground. Anotbei ? li int, thia lim daughter of th. made ? venture talga count, ld eral's daughter, I . drawiug. Dreyfu- rej ? ces in bia chilli d rea ut piny, lie kobe what freedom means. And, way, he may spend the Wlutei a-, and then If ; summer m Farm. Hie, his cup pineal will he full. Wc | . : owners anil mei.liai. i atop tbe h'b.v. Build .-Inp yardi nond and i tue Independent ol (iii? i" bli "Otliir tm n ii . theil ili-tn.;-. My diatrii I after int'," Happy in must g.. |o VI rich too. There i.- trouble in camp of Mai-, lal ton, chairman of Ibe : ha- rc- i now tin war waged by him on Lownde-, wi,.- for re? election. Politi. dwelling together In in tiie land, and OUI b "fall out," the /?? opli "vv ill gel due- ' ne of oui < Attoruey Oem rait*, mel in 9 eently, to OOH it on trusts. Politi. - ? way into the h. and a family row followi i. i reacb a pi r , m in tbat they proposed I i ma nation* abs that cali lu- actually a sure puiii-bnii n; reanlta a hojieful. On la-t Bnturd unveiled at Fm.nt Royal, > honor of seven of "Mosby'a men," wbo -imt anil hung there war of ''il-V>. An .min gathered on ti.i caa ran liigli a eied by Mayor Richards, ' I Ky. No braver men I in de fence ot nomi -. and tbe m their memory c inn I Admiral i and -mil a n . pt lon baa I ed Inn, i. He i* lew the t which has been va 11 ui-c ol bb ton will shake i October, and for two d l-e in her beet d noon, tin Pp - dent will him that |1 gilt, and mi the 12th to welcome bim ami 11 I i the sallie day. A \ ought to be tiiere. A few of our i are complaining of tin , tion laws and Bom that the I?' in power thal thi ked into. And I j a Republican- .' A ? |0 tiie look. from the on - publican ad of purifying couditl lie toll asesiHioii. lt tb ? of Virginia affairs, then Illll-I 1 I tor tin without doubt the li won't fuini-h whi H..i i* out of money. I.< I th ? ? to tbe l. baa ni : i . fellow viii. ' ll or m il >. i. mindi d thal ;? whole i, place in ? ntly. I he I'..iltnimie V", ,;,,| thing- power* iiN.d in it- i ?nc of thc _'itb. | ' h. .ullin' in f d under "weddings" iVell. Thi i eclipse ever -ince it int Republican. - the mar? ti i the 1. match," ai Ul ?? thal "(lu* nevil did mn the "South ..,' the clllllC ol' sllool i dj U i '.ti vi h.. simply \ ., that lul? of Illinois, tbe , burial pl;ue of Abraham ii Wm. Lloyd I ... peal f'U out* ,: ; iiiiily of , by a .-illy tal, and and a sectional (our. *i ii bave thi? ne for it. reminded ot late that Lincoln "found tune, al ? I. .1 ti iWU with the w in- la-t months on !?. Inuit up a place to which tbe ; ivlth a md happiness." I of tiie negro, ? I them (loni.ts, and that this question ru? He it wa- w bo -dd that the couu try could aol be "half it d im doubt be ; ? r w bite and black ?iiild im more live together than white i. The Indian ba- been driven d ? ? aud fatherland to make ? r churches and civilisation, mid ?i, iy have to go in nidi r t" ition of the peace ami puri y ol' t built by the white nan alter the red mau hid been driven n Mb lum I ' \ bethel or ind he -hall stay or go. Hie" liny be glad b. remain, maj ? ' I ned to go. WASHINGTON LETTER. ll nt. Sd -..-,??.._.. 1899. Ul W ItbOUl a (Illicit?; I - ,i . r. McKinley will not make - me , inn will probably ii platform upon w iiicb lie w ill pa? i Ohio on i.;- coming trip to rVeal i really 1 , bad ? ii arranged ilely fm the | (riving Mr. lcKinley an opportunity to make i' ?. wbicb in- baa i'my mao ? I . d hi* t I tin-til ? ! ol tlc pc).le will kimvi . - liny will ii"! he Inclined to dent of the t-e iii such help pull Iii- patty hole, ii Washington, lc Hud h. make - dent lal nomi - ?:. it I" ilia: now .liv undera) md thal .Mr. .- to "voliiiitai ? . and "Teddy" doesn't waul e nomination, lt i- said that Platt d Mr. McKinley tbat any man from I please bim, bul aug* ? ind Secretary ile men. One ol' Mr. end -iy- that having i a full term in Hie - i ii h.nt think of pl the Vii ' .urination, Root gbt taki .id get it. ? 'neut tiuie baa iu much talk about membeiaof the i ?weil mole libel ty ai ' great Those . did thi- talking believed in il, but Speaker-to-be mile tot the Ke ilican financial bill, doe- imt Indi ?an increase of liberty foi members; v a transfer of --lieut obedient i Reed t<. King ('aucus. li ?n's Intention to financial bill before a Repub - meets ii end med ami ordered -d. i'heii thc lull will I... railroad H se before tin ? announced. The excuse Mu- action, which will be ng with one ? important subjects that <allei| upon to handle ? ? country's money i- that if Hie ? ihe usual -c. lt migbl nevt-i get out of the ? ii Banking and Currency, inch it should properly be i. utroduced in the House, ing i bj in >t ('"iiimit J to Ire a Hon -lu.ul.I Hu- banking and Berry, of Ky., baa j ? d bj being mis* in- attitude towards While in Washington, a 1 ?) !:? rry took o ., with an emphasis which left no la meaning every won); opinion ,- timi Ihyan will I,,- u?. racy, ami I have inion that he will get votea .un President of the Wellington lp of the .\lily. ' 'iinii.ii. V stren coed er d only snd of he: will i perioi Frien sclent an til.. So THE Bf in tue '.pillion of tlm-e wlm know the situation thoroughly, made the the -late bj the Dei. lal- :l ., ii iini.# A \! ni land Republican ia ? pi..lcd a- hav mg said: "I would imt he -iii pii-ed if smith -honld in- elected !.,.i by 10,000 plurality. Tht Wellington incident, the Independent revolt, and tbe Bchlejr aflalt bave given the Democrats an advantage thal can? not now i.e overcome." Dem have ? lenee in nd..Hi? ing the *? tate li .un the h. ginning of I In campaign. Tbe turning down ol Wel? lington makes il certain tint he will join Senator- II mi and \la-"ii iii at? tacking Hie Philippine policy of Mr. McKinley, in Hie Senate, and willi the .n.e..f DemocraticHenators, they . d will give the administration conaiderable ti .uble. 'lake it all In all, Mr. McKinley lia- DO reason to loni. forward to the coming session of Coo i antic! petrona, I.lh do nol bear out the -t.ihn, : en made iii official documents, that Filipino private sol? dier- .n?l\ par Ucl pate in tbe wai cause they area/raid ..f their officers. (.en. o,i- believed In that theory once, hui -mee he "Hut il ptO ca.-h and per? sonal Immunity to every Filipino sob i'. im surrendered a gun, lie baa changed hia miud. Only Filipino .lb nd te take advantage of that offer, lind before the money wa- paid to hun, lt wa- found "til that he was acting in pal 'lui -hip w nh one of mir own sol* Hers, w h i had captut (J Hu- gun hu rendered, and wa- trying to secure ?nine p.ek.t money through the credul ty of (hu. On-. Speaking of the Philippines, Um ic i- much talk in .Va-lllllgt.? ilicelllillg tbe recent u-tivity and d mug of (lie Filipino-, irho seemed to be able lo operate dutr** ng tin- ral nj seas rn, even it (icu. Otis ian not. Theil attack on a (rain within ;?') mile-..I Manila wa- eel tandy imt ie- mt of cowards. |i lyne baa a full line of Furniture or parlor, chamber, dining-room anti ni-.iy. Cousult him before you buy hew ie If you want anything in household i achool furniture, ('.nit!-. Curtains, tugs, Pic tu rea or Wail raper go to iimiiiiiiitinii uiooti tHmemeem. Humiliating bloo area. ii..!:. in. ..i>,n is a tact (i, i?., ihough ihiv sra uni -..a *liv -o man) ihit without hope i- Ix,'ttl lo li y un i I lie man W ; "I dis* ii i.t- cured i' plication or I., r.iiitiii i- ,i fraud ? ? i inu-1 i.f purified. W n.'.. I .h. i he .li-.-ii-f illHftppeui -. I he tx i , o ula. ll tint - the aroi k ben oilier* fail. For sale hy V.'Mtslim A ra v. >. II I tup ill nip ^totl now mi -ale al 11 <'. nite - lung Store. Dont < diikIi. ..ti ter ii ay io rel rid of ymir i hun i..\ ke. pinn it. Mri an es Heme people neem to think timi i had couch in tbe same . :.i von trill . quarter In a non li of I ? lu i. in. di Hi-ii cures when irav. lion. ? \\ .ial. tl In sit.i. ? ir- like kicking away money h. buy toes thai np aim full t.. pieces i .ey wear ont. .J. B. .'. iialiteed to iiltt ea! any other shot - made, and tiny ? k bl I ni at A I. A nice d di baby house of g. (I in good oi.ier. a bargain, lu :,l> olli,-e. \ ii lill, i |>i l-l nu I- li in men mole wilie awake d enterprlaing than White io -pale in pam- to -e.iiie thc beal everything in their line for their my customers. Tiny imw have the agency foi I>r. King scovery for Consumption, Coughs d ('old* Thi- is the wonderful nedy that i- producing such a niroi over Um country hy ita many start it absolutely eurea Asthma, incbitis, Hoarseness and all athe? ns of the Throat, ('beat and Lungs. Il al above ding store and gel a trial tie free or ? regulai ilze foi 50 uenU I ri.nn. (luarauteed to cure or puce hided lt. .toll ls (ll.I Dei p. 'lean blt a. No u.y viii,. i nnd di liing all iin ? ii the bod i-h lani: I , taking All ihug s, satisf.t \ 10c, 25c, 50c. \ I ri., infill Blunder 'ill often cause a horrible Burn, d. dil ot I'.nii-e Blickleo'f Aluin e. thc beal in Hie world, will kill the i nnd promptly beal it. < u I i Eruptions. Beal Pile cure mi earth ,? 80 ci- a box. (uif hy While A ? ? ni, nt. ie Phoenix Inaurance Company allowed Mr. R, I. Orange Hie I'o'" lint of his policy. .Nu diSCOUUt. I'VI III I tt 1'VI I.I.I I. lin tin I.kout. e watch the standing of Insurance panics generally. There i- -il. li a g a- Insurance (seemingly wbicb not iii-ure. Better insure with local agents, Paulet! a- Paulett. WO LIVES. poa the and ition of atv ?taut moth epend not >ut the life r child. MOTHER'S FRIEND overcome all ills peculiar to the ling childbirth, and will pre* ? organism directly in I for the tina! Ordeal Mather's d is not an internal curc-ai'. ific liniment ipi roved by r. rity and established by' years of '?- hy br ft. Valuable by is Born," sent free >n. UPFIELD RECULATOR CO.. Atlanta. 6a. 11AV How To Find Out. Pill lb you md iwi ntv loin mi nt of enlim- Indicates aa un healthy c.litton ol Ihe kidneys, il it Hains your linen ll la evidence ol kidney trouble; too frequent desire to p ii P du in the hack li also e..nv Incing proof ifa ii thi in l bladder ure oul of order. WU V I I'l I" I Th( i in tba knowli I often (vpn?ed. ihit Dr, KU.r's Bwamp-Root, thc -reit kidney ft fulfill! every vvi-h in curing rheumatism, pain ii lt er, bladder and every part of tbe urinary p i lt con v to hold wnier and ?i h, passing it. or ha.I i followil Iquor, wine or lieer, and me- that unpleasant necessity of being compelled t" go ott.'ii during the up many lime- during I !,;ld and tlic c\ti ? Bwamp Root li ;? h.?-! hu- ii* i ml eurea "f tin- moal disln lt .v mi i li im should have thc beat. Sold b in lilly i. lil and .'lie il" mpla bottle of this wonderful disco vi ry ind a hook that lelia bout it, holli -.nt -absolutely free bj mall, address Dr. Kllmei a union, N . V. W lu ii writing men i,.mi th ti you i. ad 'i.i- generous offer in he F irmville Herald, W mil* -n\> |i 11 ? tl. If you w ant post I f you want euvelo] II von want box l.lhel-, If you wahl hill head-, I f v on want imtc head-, If von want statements, II you want show card-, 1 f you waul letter head-, 11' you want hank click-, I fy ou wan' programmes, I lyon want ai Ction bills, If you want falling Cards, If you want shipping Ifyou want wedding eai if vmi want iiii-iiu--cards. If yon want invitation card-, I want business wrappers. If you want pamphlets printed, If you want job printing of any de? scription done iu the best -t.v le and itt "ruck bottom" prices, call al thc office .fl UK F.VI'.VIVII.I.K A -rallnn of prRE LEAKED rut. mixed with u gallon oi $Gn Gmton am makp-i z i tba vtt.y i : . I' o WOULD for (C. 40 or tSamicW^ 'ni hill. Ii Tin Minn rinur.i.B than Pnra Vnrre Leu> natl I* A,i?oli rrt.r nut pwrowoob. liKMAa Pun o** I'-jjrr Ha ? 'ii ti-o, and ls I ' .nix, ? I Coil VON SKNHE 0? lnivc I'ainr. So trrru palct caa bo winiest jivcout, u-jJle (hiamk/'adSysiis on .ciiacb.niaiimcR.Pm, or Cai*. .HAMMAR PAINT CO., 8t. Louis, MO. Sold ac J guManteetl hf ANDERSON DRUG CO., DmgA, Faints, this. lit,.. V \i:vi\ ii.i.K. V \. Fri itv go. NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CRE0IT0RS \ I uk i'i-i RICI mi Kl >.K TMI Um Eastern tMstriet of ir-inia: is rai vt vii fi- rn-- i No. nu IRA V I Vi Kt* IS, Bankrapt. i tn Bankruptcy i o tin kson, Ills, in tbe county of Prim < bankrupt: ?iv i n illili on (hf Ml, I n , I-:", th ! Iiauki ii|,l: tl Unit thf lll-l 111 Oft I lilt Of li' ll i.t- in iu .'it mj ?? ? nix nie, v it . tin- lillh .hf, :,t |2 lock, I.non al w lii.h tillie th. t- mai attend, prove Muir claims, sp? in! a tri ok ni pl, and . m. .i lng, vv. vv. ron ? l.t. 21, .- ". !:? !? o. in Bankrapt FOF^SALE. i .ii.?.! in .I purl of Um ton ii ol I ai mv nie, ont] ce tn I ii ii li's w.ilk'to Mm. ? with small fainii.\ NICE HOME -'- m. Vi . WM. G. VENABLE. Everything on Wheels. THAT IS, EVERYTHING THAT'S DESIRABLE. LIGGIES. SURREYS. PHAETONS. CARRIAGES. CARTS. TRAPS. .lube only good- thal we know are jual right in every respect .'e fully guarantee every we -ell. led With a lli.Ie profit, e ili-fipiently our prices aie not high. e ale glad to -how our good-. ..r answer queatfona ai any tillie. J. F. WALTON, FARMVILLE, \ A. .h*: :l ? Ihi G ji and Bi V Rilli F Vol i; PRINTING om. ai mr; menAf.p JOB OFFIGB, FAK.\1VII.LK. life you youl Ha. If so OLD DOMINION ART GALLERY. FARMVILLE, mi Um -"iiii.i floor of tbs CHAPPELL iirii.i'l.Ni. .uni inf |.n pared to do all kimi-, ni ARTISTIC PAINTING in roi! manner. All ol our ii ? II.-.ti.I Painted, ntl..-1,.. We Defy Competition ? tbe public ? mine, PRU i'l M.I.V. I ' Wm. D. HAGA, MAIN Mid Summer Closing Out Sale. In order to make room for our large -tock of Pall and Winter good- we will closeout ..ur entire Bummer stock at Coen This stock consist of the styles ??f Ladies and Cents' Clothing ind furnishing goods. We have no respect for "dd- and end- and do not Intend carrying anything over from me -ea-..11 io another, s.i prefer selling them ai cost. Do imt forget the place, VIRGINIA BARGAIN HOUSE, -vt: V, K.i. MI M ? ?> \ I i.X s .MPLS PIM' (i .'.ni Bo) - ii wash -un- ifo for ?.' ",. IU .71 .. ? ,'lll-. ', 2b0 ino: .orin rom 11.2 i asdiea tliif Rummer 11 Hhlrt v\ ,,i.' ni I- .i tn\ I ali- wm I h froi . - for I'-'.-. il rock bottom prli We bave a thousand ot hei Items too iinieiiii- to mention. l>" nol fi he place IRGINIA I!.' .t door tn II. E. Wall's I.'inlware Store. _JL S. FELDMAN. SUPERIOR >eed Wheat, Currell's Prolific. -o ii-fl I.y Mi.,..: V. B. Vi i ll Bushels to the Acre Last Season. A Beardless Long-beiTy Val PRICE $1.00 PER BUSHEL. DUVALL, ROBERTSON & CO., I \UM VI I.I.I-:, VA. ( bysicians are the friends of the family. HARPER liiskc\ is the (friend of thi ms. ,\ mos, valuable listanl ;iti(l one thal can tx Isled. Sold l.\ uki F Vt V (ll. JOS. MANNONI, i \i:mv ii.i.k. va. ood Judgment u ?o? Would dictate thal jrou buy iWELRY, WATCHES, SILVER WARE such, of an old eatablisbed and RELIABLE HOUSE leh la Um -I, E. WILTSE, FARMVILLE, VA. Hi Lands For Sale! > c have farms for sale t<> you. We can sell \?.u land al LOW PRICES. ii,\ be a tenant all j our timi' wlici! we can sell land CHEAPER than ? cash ifni is I 'rite ti- for particulars. IUTHSIDE YA. FARM AGENCY, _ Farmville, Va. i your subscription expired, plrasr rrneu . 8 I The i i>i I Remember! I Lino-. Ci H Amt. Soltl -Hl\ en il lui'-. Perfect In XXctioll. New \J el Scale. A R E i-otiant v di A. one H,* H.\d\ (,|?. ivi-n. B E.-i-ily Deled T Kill. Write for catalogue and prices or call and -? --ample fc struments. old instruments accepted in part payment W. B. CRIDLIN, Manufad uri-rs ivKprcscutative. Lock Box ?98. Karinville, Ya. Organs of best make also for sale. he Farmville Building and Trust Company *Ae&r~ I i IB.JA8.L. ullin:, iiieiii. J NO. lt. MAI-TIN, OS, .A|.|.i | Fl li M ll Lil. I I. li |.,.-n and tte nf inter io Lonou, 'in puny ls Money Loaned at Cheap Rates and Time Given to Suit Borrower. Estimated Illustration of Loan fl,OOO. Estimated Illustration to Investors. I itt . ana ililli--!.. ' - : Hai - >:,'U)uo -inr. ? nv time.) 'toni Io rent u I in ...mi niton* to Ixiri-owtf ute OD r?s?l THE FARMVILLE BUILDING AND TRUST CO.. Farmville, Va, 3REAT BARGAINS Columbia Bicycles for Women. ADIES' CHAINLI . MODEL 5$ 1898 PRICE $125 REDUCED TO $60 Ladies' Columbia Chain, Model 46. 1898 PRICE $75 REDUCED TO $42 50 ide ihrouictiout n- .1 I > iiinii.u ol ,-'. line: il ire il. in part for part with oil -.uni you w iii timi irno-i reuMM tbe adm lt tod . (-will ty. Tbe stock of I < llmllaa. ia $23 to $ W. T. BLANTON, Agent, i A KM VI LLB, VA. urniture! r viii OB si its, .11 v.MHKl. Bl BE vis. WA HIHtoH! HS 1 K V I is, ll REHHEH Big Stock, Low Prices! irge Stock Wall Paper and Window Shades. BARROW ?i COWAN, Undertakers and Furniture Dealers, FARMVILLE VA. CARjNEAh & DAVIS, VV ul.l'.SAI.r- AND l.l.l'AII. I>|; \I.KK- |\ me, Plaster, Rosendale and Portland Cement, Sewer Pipe, etc. 17. South nth Bun ardware, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Glass, Paints, etc. S. BROAD STREET, - - - RICHMOND, VA INSURANCE! SOLE AGENT. Va. Fire and Marine Ins, Co, Hanover Fire Insurance Comp'j, of Richmond, Va. of New York. ACCIDENT AND LIFE INSURANCE. .uni rall sp tl j. 1 ea **??*?" n ot I fully, H. A. WILBOURNE, Agent, r IBM VU IK. VA. I