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PARAVILLE HERALD. j. B. LEWIS CO'S "Wear-Resisters" j. H i i vv , * t o . ii..*i..ii. Maa--* A E. CRALLE. i tvato i" rea I lia Ut : till' III i. I lt. a will : uii lf tl : iv. il Minni wini I NV il I I . that i. nu, a h.. j , Mrs. u their V ? I little had. i . mid Il IIV Will | ' I i tin lin; l.f til. an.I | I! I :' ! i at 1^.io ; '' - ? ' ? 1 ? . An ti. in I" pu m. Iib im vv i I li. Dill I I I oil J Dr \ lu I ! Unit am lu tbe market. Appli ' the medical Iniii, _ m, || i tiii> com ii'iiiinitv (hun ii I iion-|y think thia . .I li I *. i. ? ?I let. Ri N Mini,i, , i - H. H. Hui . Dew I mullina in . Ul one iliioi In Full oil. ini-pecllou. a iiowu t |. itu mer un.I ' i ultim ? li-. Hunt, I ? y. Iii.HIV.. Ill ? H ie of pi mil tbe happening** It i- u po iii ,.l in . Vi-li. Ibis ?timi, died at William - , -i, in lt 1 -, \ -IV lil ^Lvvithollt V -Un jj "\ih be (-Wrricil the inuit uurmur. in* ? m w. s tbania con .- buried in the count; - w nv who tab, of Washington, . ive him. inir riifii.i. Pi il. nu i oft li.. I 8 -rh lend our I, Meanwhile i 0 i: iii! will un. < linn ii. ? of lilli I, iii ( iiniViluiiil, it 1.0 -ftaJlatlou int. ???. Vi-toi, the v. j. il Tbe .mini, hud ? .vd of people fathered to witness . -? Me I Iv, . the mern Dr. Murray e tiie charge t.> ti de. Dr. owing I'.ui-enis- took no |iuit in ti \ off thu Ma I Vie liol I Upi bat tin n laboring vvith d un iliioi if thone i imn. Ile will begin a pro cburcli ii uexl Monday, In the ..I in- chun . , T Johnson .and ii. Mr. I roR. ,- of ibe tin i H. c.' -?'-?? han rm HAMPDEN-SIDNE.Y. Roll oi Students in. i Int Hampdi \ Bil lo the r..ll of the .'..Heir.- since tbe 'in, briuging up Un' "?'"?I ? . if bul One or tv ll,,u ' Tbe lite made .1. Hill the COI now full, 'ly ut work. Mr. M. I.une Smith, ,,v ,,f ti.t Voin^ I i tatton, >n i tbe <i the work mu ui in i cou ntl ? . I?. I... preaching un ado mou to his .' Weal linn o?i Pi ;t Brown's linnell, in 'nnil.. rluml county, when Kev. John il. I).-. I mern " i '"i diaml -i"ii from Lexington lery, uml in-: i ,r of I church. The mi ml tteuding were: Min . . : I I. Harding, D. D .. Richard ?i Ruling-Elders utball, of Jami -town hui.!,; c. k. Morton, ? niel), ami Dr. J luton, .f Cumberland church. A very ., niling Hie apacloua bouae ?, and tbe uni instructive, lr. Murray waa elected moderator, i the conatitutional ?I delivered tbe ? i. ami lu-. Mcilwaine pn 1 the installation sermon uml dell I tin' charge to thc church, li rj thal Di. j : uid take, little -i art in the He, bowi mont thut io tillie Illili -Mid- I, Union Theological Seminary g and the father of ihe n tung mini-: iu- tin* congre- p ttlon, nnd thut while during xl! of their liv. - tbey wire far ii "i.i another in t. .uk, they bad, in tbe Providence again into cl nt to partici- ei it" in tin- im. connect- ll I w ith the settlement of li. i ui:d honored friend, I. hu ll. Davis, l?. li.. i Halifax coun- tr . Mr. I i.iv; and under rn H.- i- u lin" md u eliri-' ?i nf tile higbl (1 in th ka in which he i-n m tin- held baa i confident : "f SUCb l I ' -, lilli! 1,UH: i lil.' Ill- ll i, lie him. go mtier ? : li the total :il others i ted, lld tin While I cit lim kliialloini ?**."li B. vi,, w. i: Balley ' 1 the misfortune barn full mt \M.k. M. .- in th.- hum himself when it caught ?me buildii 100, and wa I Ol' ll! .ll , Who I ed ? I lom.u ; .' to (?kingham county wini" she will "ll ach . h-- Minnie Pollard will teach tl -lol). p.- |- ii,ino l. ii n.'ll ha- ti'liii ? ii a v i-it t.. ber mule, Mr. J. W. ito, in Cumberland c .unty. . will teach ? leo. lr. Muir.un i; u - ?!! baa been qu . hut i- improvli un, "Tli" Tine" < li "i-i -." have lota nu running a fox around Bbepparda '" , i v day rn so. lt t they run tl ry time. ' 3 'll catch him -onie of th. h.- following young Indies from our nitv uk ut the Normal school: i ' . Mimd Jones, Lix Bald*a In and Patsy Johns. I 1,. h. .\. Baldwin ha- t tken the bel tract to build thence tobacco ware- bul i-f ut White Hail. Ap lien \.. un-iii rn i.l.i-iiii -j-.] aville Hm: ,i.i.. in entering jail ni it- decennial mile post, lind- con- i h itii.n for th- Intense struggle it bs I in the fact that it- editor hud wo Cl om t-tioii and hus been ' ep in iii boura ??! tin- twenty-four. Bk ni in : Tue fell >w thut ran say this f-iU no righi to rjomplalu of ute even if gt* uni- mid fame should mis- hun.? fou 1" at. yoi tin spurn'*. Greatest Neexi. dei lr. li. P. Olii (J ;.!t bim. H" - try j Mint it em ?r and ,i,i-. in) I Hillel and va ? ben, h" in i .1. P. ut Iii- li nile, V. i. ? 1 haye 1'. h"t iili'i ' il that tl i im,, "lUUOCUOUfl (I.'-Uetlld Mr. I,. I>. Jon. .1 that tbe h. And in this he I i (inion 'mn mit. I add minc a- h> i' :ull meal. Ile i ,'ily to different part* of the country i - that the Sulphur Milli: . unii '-lied with Iii ? gold and -iht r, confident < ii h. found , too. 'illi? li tie tOWU Mi ? ii uni l'?: ..:.? il. ry, thc i" or oi : ,;i church .? of A. No. ] .Mr. Wickliffe Smith, who n tlic village, i- anotbi . mw to . Hon. .1 .1 (i,i, n, who liv ld homestead, ba aring foi ic irop by plowing ll'ler tl; ?on in mv tm.. I-. A neigh I IO pl'.VV ll|i ?plied: "I curt afford 11 cull ' - cur ll. i !"lit iud it wa* a lunn'- willi him undi ' . A- "ii! .lill- y ul in emin [me to un wb/ linn,' in ll' . ' "'"? in ? ujoyed u .1 tiie (, lo ., I by _ Ins, who nude : iud iioiioii d thc gray in y inn Im-1 in prov ? .ii active, Tbe | ll furn iud | j tu mv return to Karmvllle I pest .Moue much, aud mein- . . busy vi i;h a i-a d hy gone. An un med to milieu by and enter thc 1, lin, and I for the timi deep, neil lid the iw I I" I church I "May-, I i' helli ti i look upon their liU o-e of tin- |. ut- . it, hui I um ?e did. ii ol' the lute Capt. Richard .,(i ' li us ?w- . m |it. ;m.l Val Inia. 1 js n't have time to vi-it the place, hilt p the old u Short \\ al a, would this ' .ilels. soi Weet v |.|>..tun*. p.,, Heptemb tin I WS e Hie place wu- know n in it pomattox, uml ' i" tin uitiliil und .ie fm Ilium-. -ml rei i built illy be 1 ier* it od, (he bom I, la un ? waa my privilege this an -ey un ni, with the boat aud I ,ud-pa| d-mama, aud the i,. t, happy u'lii-, tl"- only au Hie fume.. re- tin i- incl- He II to ' okey, and ..ut di**- of (1 Ult li : toe tOWU in thi Ul. ll" vfter ti. ie, and ''" l,urt d' ? beautiful nome. Vt ut, f.. furniture, elegant tape-try, th ? r- m1 - of exq .ned and hi.- ided in on., barmo ?'? bole l" make an ni. ?.! home. .Ul tin- bouse an- e.ipu The Well kepi i her.- and (bera witta p .( i hin uml palm, uml brigbt ??: ii m in. colored buda uml ma i- u thing of beauty uml must i a home und such surroundings .a give promise of a bettei i the old commonwealth ?ne of Mr. Alwood i- , ug monument rn bia good taste und good judgment I was glad to take hy tim baud .Mr Burk, who f..r ..7 yean ha- been hiui uml efficient agenl <>f the W., ut thi- point. He is a mund ? ilcii m.hie old Virginia gentle ? ol. Burk, from whom Burkevtlle Dame, ami what tbe gn nd* i did for Burkeville he is doing low n of hi- adoption, making it better and brighter for living in it. .ml tbs latch strim,' of the Ap and Buckingham Tum i on itside, hm | pointed in not meeting witta ita abie uml aocom* I editor win. was iii Lynchburg - trip. I lc Baptist uml Methodist churches tractive buildings, and I um told ipplied witta m.. t acceptable i'.d arc brassed with and in . iona Not only i- Wes! Appomattox flourishing, hut Un try about it is too, anti that's a condition most to be desired when country und i..wn work in harmony ? iti?r. Rambles. Cl. at III 11,1 V TI11HI--I1I* I Mo." fl Q Accord in-,' who evidently spoke fruin there i- in everyone of ui i wari -ii thc good nml th" io have th- nditioni ev? il itbin ouraelvei is to be nor ,1 w hen iu thc Struggle the e\ il ie upper hand then there is cause ', it i- in!' . .1 very interesting to 1 hut nut ions ure jual like mlividii.ii-. If tim ideas uml the ideals ? ty of a nation ure sound ml practical und somewhat similar hen it i- -ul'' to foretell for -uch n lld for un Indi* -{ress, 1 ower, repute. View d in this way the healthy and rather npampered character of thc Ruaafan, "idiiiuv inn. th" -Herman und the itrength uml continu ? 1 lc ir landa. Yel ono thut th.'i-f are retry bad ele* i"ty in the rat, third und fourth of these, hut not ,1 ly lind to color national life ?uvin will huve governmental ? vi iiiiin tiie next quarter of a .. hm tim sound senae of the of Norway und sweden will , j lend to th" avoidance of war I mtenl itself with political 1 ?? trouble is chiefly timi rule of no imported : 1 ? nadotte, nml second, mt theic i- a jealous rivnlry between rea ol the kingdom, ling this bul feeling, bon - , lite within the range of i-sihility lhut Norway and 8*a republican form of gov* 11 ment, whose Integrity, like thal <>f .iiiul. will he guaranteed i.y the - around. ni of purpose, though lier peo ? morally sound us a vv hole, will ohiihly be th" lindum;* of Austria . ith of ih" Em eighteen -Iif is nml ul.-t ns mun} f ideals hold away with li of tin- empire. Thc part of the cistern portion ie fate of Poland d h.- iih.-orh.'d bj Iii the be ? tetero end we lore principalities ? existing ' 11 ination in the Hal. 11 pen in western portion ihly retain its identity ns era! tendency will N.mi/.'d. before lot . '?Iii'"-. Th" peo ?will grow tir.-d of puppet royalty I by the king of id of tl b wing for liing of pleasure in looking . the formal lon >.f s repub* 11 poll the ruin- ol' ihi- roy tilly, there Belgium i- too ench In its character, to effeel inch Ht ly und i" order. It v dwell' retched, crowded, moral, and form precisely the righi il for growing soother crop of h..r ?s like that of the C.mune. WI. Illge collies there will interference and aucfa strong rniiin opposition to any appearance rritory, thut n- will -et themselves ? a timi1 . The Inevitable 1 h.. tlc defeat of France erring to national decay ?m Individ nf low ideal- than there ? of high. No nut ion of Europe u-e thoroughly shows a like individual in whom evil I .-? there rual within it. there is there is I mit of th" : ? doubl ">f the future. rn- nut ions around - within it the the might, 'my ha- been directed I" ..f om- lunn, t: ii to ihut thc 1 the army >arc for the nation, eith* . ihe moral health within il ttatiofl among - ..nly in a substitute of polite ? r, it mil become poor though it is now ,i" weak though ' "utric leaden dre strength. Tbe n skillful tim" -"r\. played the jealou power- "(her. timi -fully up to the present I would h.u || from ti of the earth in ls?? 7s had it tn I f..r England . amt tbe tar of ii- own barbaritj n ? i I neck two had not similar i threatened life last - tim.- of its n..\t relapa England and B ii comity created hy their Asiatic i ill net together In European af? fairs. The future of Italy I - The poverty and ignorance proportion of its Inhabited - disquiet eenuin not to be the attitude of a assumed by the upper the lover, iliven an ambit whose thoughts those of Pope Leo XIII, ami [tal] ?ion of il.. power of the Pope. An ni??! I change will he round among thi who ure religioua to tbe rer| peratition. spain will give much timi to Internal Improvement during the next half century : for ii ha? much .-I-" io wo:-! j ignorance of its ,? ether with the undeveloped atate of it- own nat? ural resources ure fruitful Heida for rnploymenl of a - nan ship. Bul nt the I ii turning of the huck upon the grai ? ipirit which hu* hiilu-rto prevailed ami .\ hich in it- ight Spain Co its pn of -horn glory. \,.l un luili |>, ml, iii I niiilliliil.. Am ivi vi, Va , Sept., 27, Editor Herald:- Permll me rn -a\ .ei-onully und politically1 thut a eiir eiit report t.. the effect thut I um un ndependeul candidate for the !. ure is unfounded. I asked for Hu regular nomination if my party, hut th. i bern i-e, nml l how io their maud ind thus begins und end- my. IS] mn- ior political honors. I nm not ne of those who "how the pregnant tinges of the knee thai thrill may f<>! >w fawning" nor um lui) ? venue nnd offlce-boldii g ni) . I he eve in the supremacy of my own i ml thut they mii-t direct ind control -. ovciniiimil a- a whole, hut not by ., liqiMS ami "nm,'-" for 11 rsooal ramli/eiiieiit. J. W. Hbbdi How Arr Your Kltltirj . f Dr H le free, ao.i Si We .iin -ell ym a tooth iiiet'd imt to -heil tiie bristles ll. c. cm ik, Druggist treats with you wh tl ? ?,?-., *.. li.iiv-fHal i ii.-t-.itfi. serra vi (lOoket-^aM (io to Doyne'a tor Euiniture md yu ill save youraell money. in l?..ii'l I,,i.arroS|iit mel Stash* Lui I iii- Arny. ni TO tjllit I ' 3g jaj Ittc, lini I vc. the ' er'ing RetaeAj Co, Chica-ro or Was York jr The lin ni er loll. '?Look St poor M ry hose around aprlnkl icir yan!." '. listen ?i blcaj g Becord. >tit a I mi Cul I nu >iil-irr. Mr. Johnalng?1 don' like dat Fan ?ncs. He's too 'splcious. Mr. Jackson?-What's bs dons now? Mr. Ji hosing? B Ix-foot babb wini is melon patch.?N. V. Journal. MiKht ile Weree, I Bother poison pli I ry trying. C/arii.ii?I know, m\ dears link, if wa lived in tba B ?iet of Kentuckyl?N. V. World. - -.Mint, Indie.I! Molly Ootrox?But re to pay J Jack Brookli jes lie rrj yoe Pt Brooklyn Life. ?1 Uluil ll I* Freddie?Ta, wbat'a b Pa--That's the thing thut ll when S fellow can't ; i anybody else.- I er* M d. ' _ Htnaiin fur ll. "Am! you doubt I ?I .sud) a I" "But the stone ls nt least half a carat *. i his fora incee."?Brooklyn Life. Appropriate. Edmond?111 bavi iu think would .-ui: Luther?Century plants. - ' ally News. i ,.,.?- i.irt. .ihmsl ? an That as she ? ' "ntbs il man. _ [Wood's Grass k-. j and tClover Seeds. > ,?-? \ the fullest Information about Grasses and C > are adapted for?best combinath r turage?care of postures and meadows, r book to you. Prices and samples of I T. W. WOOD & SONS, See I ROAD MOVEMENT. ' Story IIUl.*i?y Ih. pro di-nt ,-ni Un* \t4l(Htt it ilnlle rnlly. t in this . ii may tl hud ? 1 tuk ' r I provide the ni the :t the time rk to : ? ? ?Ic.-.lly ? , bot tl i in thc ih 1m ? . mid high . ...loud .:. try. ?' |00d ?ic r, it in i( the wort of the :.. ii: Coll :: with Xl .Vi!ional i agricultural organi 11 lit in tl arork of mud ken np wi ? ma ? iitu! coinpletid is fur ' . , m.try I . do . lin inii ? - and nnich path 11 .-Tort, mt tlc i"uM lators ? IDEA FROM NEVADA. I'rnclliin Cunln- < niiililneti with Itnml Holler 31 lu li t Urine ? I'rotitii'.le In\ i'?lmi'D|, ' ' ? ml. ,,f ;i 13-ton I di lag ihi; :. it would ttala, ii la to ba ssa* SevH in transporting . !'i"iii (hat lanes of 55 r will haul several three Whieh will eui rv ? sch. Tlc -e wnpous lip corners \ 1 hilt! wbi 1 than ? r the : the vehicle in such fashion as to . mada 1 thc length of tha wagon. An ii ..t of ore 11. d nm! a revolution in Nevudtt JP* 1 1 n tara. : : . ? it n rollen .1 traction-engine wera combiaod; I itlOB it by ? i ? ring fans* to tlic rail ' ' -1 ns ? toronto, I . data at b 1 son*' largo! .. re ? ii hy a with a towed the was on H. D. Ilook tin. ' V (...oil Me* fruin olilo. ; ? r ? ?immy. tv. ide, ? Ile ?, g. "|., .ure of that da for I ins: tbt I of the I our own - ' ' * B this lorn In lite Orelmril. ' ' ? ? ? ' ' I U'orMolilV |1 Have obta I i test reputa i and n the large 0 en* oils the di::-rent aorta Ive Lirgcst results ia hay or pas Ac., &c. A postal viii I ring this nd Clover Seeds sent on application. dsmen, Richmond, Va.