OCR Interpretation

The Farmville herald. [volume] (Farmville, Va.) 1890-1934, November 24, 1899, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94059373/1899-11-24/ed-1/seq-1/

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ci CRU
? ttl lit'
I. Dor*
in one
. .."rsTvr.ld
? ut dearly lovea any fora of spec?
tacle, mill, althi ,1,1 DO|
t.f th.
' ?
? ?,, rthi
;hiit nf ni,.
??? a little wind
apple bli
iiii.I Un
? clear child
To I- M tl c
: beal
' ? r, and
? ll.'i.l "put iivvav fniir"
? the I'lcii...
I Iked lo bt
Blue House withoul of ?em
Iiii.I 1 . the chal
with a ' i,itt- hantlk.
I Hu- few feel of garden which
lav between her i I the tow lng
cap, willi round
of tl*'
t on tbs '
. w iii the willer's
: fal Iii r |
? ?
I With D ot very
I down there, dad? ?
! Won't miiili be plei
v ..ii in cling
"lt i
d anti ii:.h,
ic iii church i
ood of tbe
iliiit lie went willi liis
r t.> a childrens aervlce in the
i . .? ? r ' : : ?
i-i If up tn the i-tu.ly of n;ii ui;il history
ie worship ?
a" willi a light hi
or in r
, proud. < tt) ba
w ii in
is her su tan snd his
r reached the U
i.il the
be might n
tin- t,.j. abell of the
which li;n: bi
.1 li.r
king ci iw n upon 'ia
up a i
bad watched him
i | md th<:
iway. Bli
: ,ni."
. the Illili of thc
j fr.nn
. ran.
all the
:. the
ci umbi' betwi cn two
. ..Il the
' ?
'. and then ?
IUl with fl i
..n tba
. . .1 on the
. with
laughter and thoo ting. Then the only
Bound wna the hum of ticca nettled on
. Willi.
? bear It nc
and ii.mous.
marki I thc door of the
? i ? y under the
'. ll, it
ri Bargei were
di f?.r a boll*
il. the would
ded woman,
little rider, fur
? he was bj
of what tin te Sunday
"I i ? n:'.>r<' thia
if 'e'd that mi i k
'?ii, let alone
with a
half ? ? bat her
. utterly the
huml - be pul
le while liut
J : bul when
. and that ju rspiration
?'. s into
hi r .
? '
;. ml.iid ai
belli lt
?l alarming
? '
think of her for dar?
li ca riv
ghi to have
n the
and Inside
v" i ti
d Inr
-v bite
? vt inter
r industry. Ihe
illowed !>.v
dian - asl lu nilly.
wold willi, which laid its wayward
th on the fiir side of the footway,
blackberry, mingled with the fluffy
' "old man's beard." Dor*
i bungril] down
the ti ii Ding,
?'. in token
of hei , the twentj
chaptt of Revelation was
i Ible by a little ?
with a lan'.- bole In the thumb.
ped it during his
lasl ?
though ii wera
! aloud
? n ber thoughts from
?i God shall wipe away
nil t. ' vv hlapert d
the 1 when
? lumpbant i
of tiir. b of the wa?
the yellowing red.-, rang
fur which the soul of
ered -? cruelly.
-I wondi r if the lady at thc niue
h..usc will kim In, dad?"
the grand rlrier
tly to blame after
nil. I! POly calli .
ad, and all I
| linns thal tn fore the
sultai ehold followed
liim t' ? be taken tO
at the Blue
- tan himself
had fr the proprii ty
t nrse bsd al*
- ro.. muddy.
?| tl OD was all pone
. with I
? md I were that
od vi/irr
r twice he
d at last
methiog in his
throat li but not to
I tan: "Bj lt is pitiful,
for children
faced child,
odering why tbe usual
? ! had
lint i curiously:
? house
dows hastily and
\V lu Iii- I ..uliln'l Slrrp.
Emp . policeman on the beal
r*>por1 mel.ody wnlking
about Inside this building
Ob, that waa only
? rong coffee
? duty. and coul.ln't?
rr_that is?h'- yes.? Philadelphia In?
Jfonrliulnnci- af a >??? Orleans Tramp
Who ll.,1.1s ll,, Uurl.l', lircurd
Inp I
At about noan, says the Ni
Times-Democrat, a fat si
it phi non. ? ittered
tramp sat furtiv< bench
lyette square. Leaning Lack lox*
?ard tO .
fruin ? of his dilapidsti
' Irs, ai -of cat
'.illy, like a por
celain mandarin.
lind hi
S shoe from whioh most of ;
?, \!.M 1TJRV0Y of THTNOa.
inf* I. | ii bt
lOW. lt Wiis held tO lliis foOt by a
rally "on I
riv, in .. -
H uni;
that. Ile
has elevated it to I hold,
? offer
him o'
with difficulty, h. 11 il .li .1 down the walk,
and, draw ir . from
ii with a polite
r rump manifest! d no sur
but slowly . match and
I ric stump. Tanka," he nmr
p.rli!" .Inti man w
j.linc] his friend; "he isa record-bi
cr. Ile :- th. laziest man in the World I"
lt vi arks lite dmr of \\ ill ht tn S. Bal*
bart, line-' I'rcslilrnt of Ihe
".allon .1 l.i-asur.
The gnive of William A. Hulbert in
?. rv. (Chicago, la p< r
hapa the oi be world which is
marked with a tombstone in the shape
..f ii baseball. Mr. Hulbert wi
lent of the National leia-1
when he died in 1882 some of hil
? aboul to show their love
and respect for him. .'ind the result was
thc monument in Graceland.
?bool Ismi ur. show lng
is the" appear upon
thc bi ii regulation
.rs in raised let?
ters: "U. A. Hi. allon
I'. P. B. i . 187
ines of four chilis
in the cid league Boston, Prov .
Worcester. Troy and mi tlc
.f tl,.- other foul
land, Buffalo, Detroit.
marble, upon which appears the name,
? r with the .late of hirth, < >?
: death, April 10,
:.i? tn M.- I i.i|ir.-K ns l.li?.
A rolatine; turret for hailinr defense
which, it is stated, p
ute Impregnability is
? direc
turret promises to play an
Important part in future naval anti Uind
warfare. lt ls dome-shaped, arinor
plated and turns around. Thc pistes
pecially hardened, held
with ? philis
(ive feet thick. A single plats "
? nf complete tur
? 'i t. Bted by
European narai officiant and it is de?
clared to he un '.rribly
. ase of attack.
What ?.u?e the !>.. n n in len I Apart?
ment linus,- Mnnnurr a ? st se
nf the lillies.
The nialia:', r ol tba apart.
s well-fed, well-featoi
?jiun, w.is. atanding la lbs maia door?
way of his establishment, which, by tba
Hay, ia ow md bj an out-of-town cap?
italist, wi, : crolls
provider in tbe world and insists upon
the Hut I.. iel upon the
most economical lines. Tba manager
: ot happy, however fair bl
h..vc appeared to thc eye,ai .'
?vu sigh as a friend ap?
proached and greeted bim, bays the
1 . I onlcle.
"What's wrong?" inquired tbs new?
"Oh, we've all cot our tr',
the rague and lugubrious reply.
"Von oughtn't to have any."
"P. it I have. ju>t Ihe .-ailie."
"What, for ii
"Well, Pm worried sick
for hoy."
"There shouldn't lie any difficulty la
removing that trouble, I should say."
"There is. I'v,
"You n rist ba rerj bard to plea
"It isn't that."
"Pm all right, but it'
Old man ii
uniform si
t'nif. r when the
ry retired he left a l.rui.
uniform, and the old man WOl
another. That's the rob. I caa find
lent IntelHg*
racier and ?:
bul I'll tie darned if I
the uniform will ?
w what tr
Ain't i. trouble fi
M.nl.rn tri n I 11,-1 .,,. Women's TsStS
Will, li VII I mr Meat
Saal ll.-senl.
? .
ci pal
- ?
? cl, a Bramanti
'iirni-h ber with
:ier dresses
? ho can draw is
.:; Idl a DJ it c. .s| inner- ilia'
ide or cut ..
for art, proportion, harmony, or the
they are
tiimer-: what have they to do with
such.,' \ wonderful assemblage
of ideas is the result, a confect ion in
11,, sa
itifully and
painful!} drawn upon paper and draped
upon an alleged female figure st
rall, with lead slightly
turned, auburn hair, sylphlike waist.
ails and a background of
palms and ft rns.
drawing being reproduced upon
and thousands of sheets, lol
Sfashion plate is born, arith th. i
of signer in the left-hand
? word, the li.'ill mark I
unman, or rat lu r, in arly > very
womal .
she Lan or fat, '
most be Uki that. Pebchanceber
I her soul
away . nt ir.-ly and pr.
that special Sty ie is not adapted to h. r
patron's particular figure; but for her
effrontery she may lose a ouse
Ilia* dress has to lie made in that way
mal in none olin r.
Anionic Ihe ( itrlhs of < entr-il smerlesi
VII sins ll* I'nnlshetl hy
Start nilon.
In the whole wide world there ls not
a class of people tO bs found who In*
tlict severer punishment upon tbem
thsn the < ariba of < entrsl Amer?
ica. Their rsligioi, whick
the most peculiar kimi, dei
punishment for -ins Intentionally or
unintentionally committed,
-..n's Wccklv.
Thc punishment takes tl
starvation and cloae confinement.
If the sin bs in the form >>f n lie, no
. whether it la cslculsted to in
another or not, the -
Ut either food or drink for
it the end of which it U
that il..' offender has paid ihe
? hi> ur ber
- pbeming at
shat.le hv
two dav s. Assault, drunk. I
nther serious sins call for four
stai vatimi for .
starvstion for the second
two dsj s' starvation for the third
j's starvation In the foul th
All sins arc punished with starvation.
Por ti clinic is rerj
among the Carit.s, who are amor
! iiii.l most truthful pt
in thc world.
Or le n fit I Ism In >ew >l eil co.
"In New Mexico," rn
Hoard of Hon,i
hv terian church,
linds real orientalism, lt heine; p...
to tra.-.' back many customs of ti
- in Spain. Even the
tb tba worn, ii on the hi
'heir black ihss | part
of their faces, remind one of some nf
' ihornets0 cities of Syria. In the
:; vvhom tl ? re ls*
I'.lentinnts' Tn.t".
In thc African elepbsnt both
[rory tusks, while it:
tlicv are generall] restricted t.. ?
Ill ' . BBS,
Women are working In tin- harvest
fi''l'!? ' ' raska,
th Dakota,
of this kind ?;,, 'nut bs*
great and the
maic labor.
- if the coun?
try ii: m : - u))0 are
williup to go in' receive two
dollsra then, wives, sis
- of the farmers
are helping with a will; aped people
and \ e to
i ..f labor that
I -tit at
f acres
from the immensity of thc
?wo other fa- torabavs
toward 1 i. ut a
the anpply of farm labor.
- ure being
itel throughout thc northwest
ami these han- well-nigh drained tbs
u* supply nf workers.
Again, t that
own for j
While Hy prayed
', and whil.- they are
still of
1, tl ej sra
lng of ?
: tiful
that t:
In maJdr InipieSJoa
r ea iu rilli
; d hair oms
- u and
hair, i reas aamplea and
-r.tl orders
? il by the
owner r use h. made of
One enterprising medicine
rlrm hi
looking at
the books ? i sltSSBW in SSSh
'a':.,li of yellow fever
r .asps thc attack
may bc precipitate nial prove ipssdilj
fatal. isllj an Initial chill,
ri tbs Lack and limbs
and j- r, ,-. j.erature. In
thermometer In
the mouth will register from 100 to ll |
in other fevers, but more
often the bod] heat la but little ele
la lowered.
After a fev I' ISC thc
- .'ind the BJ mp
hlmself weil, mid. Indeed, in abortive
tel ... at that
point, tn most Instances, bo wc var, a
lows anti may bf ac?
companied by delirium anti black
Everybody ts laughing tn New Vork
at thc mi.. lg B?* induna
1" law i rating was
to retain lawv.i ,t(- railroad
companies for i isosal In?
juries, ? : I proceeds,
and on the . f such retainer
to bon sse] . (heat?
ing a lau v. ;i remark*
able fl ? n .;it\. much as the
Yorkshire i rn garded the feat
of Nicholas Nlckleby, when a s.holar,
in tin ? ter w ho was
fa-no ii- pupils. The
.Nicholas a guinea.
ia token of admiration for his exploit.
The I | bis will pr
, jamln
Franklin during tbs -a next
anti 1 ? I - ;
Paris il eil ll during the
. -c the
urb, i? ? vposi?
tion | ?? il be a
I |?:. Iphia,
The i uilng
clubs whit I "asset
? ba s.rvc.l
willi the I ? ? ntieth Ka
ure likely to
raasii tooti
ka the
bet es os rs
turni: I ? merry girls
only who I, to foin sn. |
ihis ia
by no .'ion.
That eminent Englishman by a.lop
tion, W. W ll not withdraw
his i: United
anion: ? Like many
anothi ? ! wi,h
that a
Whit; iro"
snow parti I ?
. on a
big drift in '
A n
in 4." i ? ?' i'.v. aaa!
sa tho
criminal do

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