Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMVILLE HERALD. HONOR lui; lill: PAST, UKI.I' POR THE PRESENT, HOPE KOH il'I'K. V0L, \. FARMVILLE, VA.. FRIDAY. MARCH IO. 1.900. NO. 25. Ci-rY DIRECTORY. ? ? i .). i;. 1 W. K. ' imberl ' I I . w I i Vi . K. ?v ! W. V. ? ' I I *hd County Directory. ' ..linty ? * ii W FLOURNOY, IRNEY-A1 LAH'. - u C FRANKLIN, ATTORNEY-ATLAW, l'AMI'l.IN lin, VA. ~1 0 WATKINS. R. H. WATKINS WATKINS $ l!'.//'A7.\ Sf, ?ATTORNEYS AT LAW, KA:;" VA. y .l?uni. Cum .. KU'hmond ? - nt hunk * HODGES MANN. J M CRUTE r .11 li.'. MANN & CRUTE Attorneys at Law, *; p. vanderslice, ATTORNEY AT LAW. M\ II.I.K. i S. WING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Green Bay, Prince Edward Counij, Va. ? ( ' H. BLISS, 'i. AUCTION I I ,:, V ?K.MVII.l.K, ? ? : A.J M.MARTIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Richmond, Ya., Farmville, Va. ? v Mt say. PLANTERS' BANK, FARMVILLE, VA. ?? Cash I Capital and Surplus, $?5.C Di';; " K BARROW, K. M. BURTON, ?. A. **TOKR8, C. M. WA I.KKK, I I.WI*. ?. Inter* White a co., DRUGS. Medicines and Druggists' Sundrie. ? Illy i tulip.>nn.t.-.1. I- *! RM Vi 1.1 K. v V -JEWELRY. ? ? I ..ll. *2zz:izzzxxs^xxxzzxxz'**xx: A BEAUTIFU! ---xzizxizzzxxxxxxxxxxxxx: . .if Novelties, 8Uverwan - r Braceli I! - for >:im. and a \ ? ?.run.-ni tit' Finger Kiri :l\ lill Stol, ll W. T. BLANTON. > I .MST, ?>?"? T*?n of the Benefits of a Religion., Existence. dow ii "ni.,, its i. int,.-* Ila-spier ? I'rm-i ll i, il,,. Iri.-iiil of i ..i .?. \ .,. ? liuspel nf .I.t > l.ilr. This sermon of Di pre ? r th.- life ii* i (lu- next .nil shows w m does fur the iii. ence; text. Pnalm s<ti.. IG: "\i ii life will 1 Batisfj liim." Through the mistake of it* friends n with * subject lu tua!' i odor till* ll it h cl There are people wh nounce tlic word rt ( ..? in it thi nostone cutter. ti lime that this thing wt l thal i in*tt';iil ? as ;t : lot in which the Iii mph. ?' timi. Ii is sanitive, cu ? good fur ? ! for for the ni Win n D m* t. he teak nf it n nt* ? ? of all nations," ? ... ' him." is thal nil". :n '1 ***. . Ihe 1 ence in attempting to iuipi I iu thi sian ' pire t ? v that re itv. bi af hu ? lt i* said in I chilli - S chilli ' ' ! that vi ? ' all? the friend ' ? shall take I ii hether thi i or incomplete ? Imt the ( j ? anti he bas called it I Univ (.host, an or mar it* - Hi ??? bra i n't hour ? ' the Inn::* (akin thi* mei ? ? bed. The Christian i "If I ncrif*. if I In if I hurt an.v of n ' I retribution." Win i the l.riiti* not lu offer in Him ii nd iii H.* meant ti in al ..ur r< ?i who thr' tout.i (Jii.i such a i : itc for Ir? win -h..iilil sn. be at? ti.' knew thal with rbeui ? An Intelligent Chr ? the >? ? to the t" hurt ' the realm pasl? to thc but thc baker, nr to ihe t T. loll SP ' * bone, brain, cellular tissue f.>r all you i t to judgment king ,\oiir nervoui ijstem into burning ..ut the coatii your atomach nn i111 wine logwooded ?ifliiiinctl. with linn i to make your feet look delicate, ! at thc waist until iou arc cul in two. ami neither part about sick in- anti palpitation nf tin- heart, you think came from (....l, \ .ame from lour own folly. V. hal righi hal any man or w icc thc temple "f ' \\ bal is the car'.' Why. it is rj of the human 1. i* thc OD constructed, it* won* ? . . i- ... - i bal i ? own attributes after dil ? - of i lu m. Ilia omniscience His omi Hi* omnipoti i h. Thc upholstery of the ; ? 'i- ll..' uork of ' I. I . ' . Il - 'the | i shall be , bod", -o divine uni so tl'nindi constructed nol to al.use it. M il l.ce.mies a Christian duty i.f i our health, is mit the ?.ul longevity '?' if my watch aliout recklessly sod 'he pavemenl ami wind it up an.i ti; ..r Dight I hap k rn' it and often let it run ilou ii u bile i on il with J <>ur never abuse it and wind it up just it the same hour every night | 'it it in a place i\ Iht.' it will i ? i'i the violent re, which watch will last tbs ' snswers. thc human bodj i* God'a natch. ?? watch, but the ? be heart is tlic ticking nf Itch. Oh, he careful and tin not lei it ri.ii dow ul ? .1 people who would ml for ihe il' I the equipoise nf n Yoii lune tin more natural re .,:i hundreds nf people *S Im iin hy I ? ' eton made a* kimi ami pleSSSnl as they cn':.), and it m.. inn tl tbe blue I ??? in thc ibOWed ? was 'he matter with him mi in a k< d along ? v..nt tn l! ('? ? ??? iVitl ; ii lore ? mons nutty; .re in ant troul ? ; ?.'. ive my .! in pledge lion much i\.mid ynit imrri \\ In hui would say : 'I can. snd linn I'll .1 on mi friend's generosity for ? e than that i* promised tn man. God '.. him: "I ..ii ii Nm York aid ? it and Bl Petei -init'L' and ' ' i fonda ... : 1 can foresee a panic a rears; I have ail the re r tbe universe; and 1 am friend; when yon . ? iii.ic nr any other trouble, ? and 1 will help i on; licit' I hand in pledge of omnipotent nu.-." Hon much should that '.' Not much. lion uill dare tn put his pan on that Dan re not rest D tl n eternal vacation in this'. "( Hi." i mi IS] a man win in 8 cert.tin .ni he !"-? in it ii that." I will. Yonder ii i .. and nnc wheel is going mirth ? ? other wheel ; - . laterally, and tin tically. I pt. to th. Dd I SSJ : "<? manu j our machinerj Vi hy tin you uni make al] tin ? "Hf nai '..Well," ! ? In opposite direc on purpose, and they product . downstair and examine thc c:ir*rets ne are turn ' .ntl yoi will ? -ii mi thc othe ? ? i he carpets, and I an ? I to confess that, though tin n thst factory go in opposib they turn nut a beaut ifii t, and wh. inding th.T' ?i thc exquisite fabric into m; "All things noil, together fo IO t ililli who linc (Ind." ls th,'I ii that? ls there imt toni l* there n"t longevity ii Suppose a man la all tin- time worrie. li- reputation i isya 1. inothe ? attack hin tate nf ivt-it. tm i. worry and fum< ?o him and says Ile will tak care of your reputation, if (Jud b can hf against .hui'.' ?i!tl that man norr -limul hi* reputation? Not much. I broker who some years :iLrn i io*I mnne.1 ? ' he blew 1 ld nf taking mit nf his pock. -.?!. he had taken out a well-res pepi, of il.f ii" Ul...i I choral that you you want, li i I. "Wiih li.iii: lift will 1 l him." of longevity in thi I it all corroding can about a fuiui i ri man ki..,ii ?ebal t of him. If you | board a rail train, you W81 ' ? at what depot n ip, Jf iou get nn board a ship, inn want to know inti, what hail run, and if you should i. ii me .mu have no interest in wbst is to be your future \ I Would in Ba polite a v.. | nil you I did not l>. li. it nm. I I .m. tl.i* mi,ti. i nee tn my future existi nee the question almost worried nu- inti, i health. The snail tiea nun bs v. ? object put together * li marti nt.m. I unheslthii i si fut tbemsi Ives tu death for fi I nant tn lake the strain off ynur iu > **'mti off your soul, and I make two nr tl Experiment the t'.rst: Whi nyou of this world, it dins not make any dlf ?? \l luther IOU hale i ,? bat!, or whether you believed truth or error, you will po straight to glory. "Impossible," you say. "Mj coi aa nell a* my ni the hat! ami the good cannot : "l "ll -.'ile nie 1 fort iii that experiment." Experiment ? I h ait thia ion will po into an i: I w lu re J oi, I'm IL ann. "Imp.,*- bli ." you s.i i ; "ai thi ti' . faile th, Kl it must li. . . snnol postpone toa ate state that refoi nial ion n hi. 1. io hsve been effected ii Ihii Expel im. nt 'he third: Tbt re ii ttire world. When a i the las? of him. Do not WOl i ' what you are tu do in a future lt) . you will mt dn snj 11 ?' that (ella ii e tl appt l,div. but tl somethii g that t. il* me I ?' the eran ! that I ' * fort ler. tl :. mi capai Well, you 1 filled i' earth I I ' own lu art. I sm Wit : :? ail ii :. i .: hell, I am A; .': ihi struck Hin him. and lb an ii (' il that th it shall die!" "I will by no :? the guilt] !" for half an hour, ai o ihe rd "f th. lo qui.. r aid a il 1 l.i- . sky bi gan to shift 11 rainbow n oi en nut of of .It "f tilt bloodshedding ai d then wai ?he bl the Utan lil f. * of tin ? thc line of lin- bin.' I -an th. " ?'or their And along the ll word*. "Tl ? of J ? th from all sin." And ale line ..' ? "I he ..f the tree of life for I of the nstl the orange I san the t - fi tu, high ha' h visitet lint' I ssw ilu storm iv I . rail linn rose ' until ii seemed rein Heaven, and planting one column of its planting thc other column i I Upward aid upward. SI ".iii.bow snout the thr quit mu ri - Tske the tonie, the Inspii the 1' - I thi* truth. Religion air am! pare miter: on is narnith: ll healthy. Ask all the I ': they will tell you that a quit I i and pleasant anticipations are hi 1 ntfi-r you : after. What do you want in tie future world'.' Tell nie. ant! hui -hall I Orchards? 'lhere (ire the trees with 12 ? r of fruits. i ielding fruit month. W I lu re is the river of life, from ni , and thi plass ' dre. Do .Mm nant music? Then sit the oratorio ? inti." led on lu oratorio of " l*d on bj ?he orator! ,1. while the ai with swinging baton. bo make np th. i Do ? ? ? ' ni n your dead cl lld) ? waiting twist garlands in your hair. "... ? ! on the r side nf the *. pul. her Yon have been accustomed tn ? thc wet grass m. tbs top of the grave; I show you thc underside of Thc bottom has fallen nut. and thf lonp ropes willi which the pail' let .1..nit your dead let them eleni thrnusrh into Heaven. Glory 1? ' for ti healthy, religion! Il will have a tend, ney t<> mal ?? you lin lon? in this world, and in the world tr .? \ "M will hai?' eternal lite. "Wit! life will I satisfy him." ftf> lBLE WATER GATE. Pt.erl;.tl..n of lim- I Itali I* Easily and \ i r> ( li>? ii |i 1 > Matlf nf I .minina Materials. da are rut up with ? ' cperi ? h na ' r iuay be am. The i fields of < ? ps and th" When building a water ' tay where it ? bear gives a fair te, one ; ? * ' i " and one that is ? ? ak, four by four ? that will span the branch ? | ? n (f) with [?lank, lt ? is to ? ve the ? ? in the i eek. it the workshop moved - iel In the in tin- illustra - .inp sharp so as , uind nr mud. ? '?, bringing and brush down against the rn that it would . but it does not; the hard* if the water the mora rt it*r its i he wster iiftcntim. - it and all rubbish, etc., la car? ried over it. It will keep all burge and mules, I which it is desired to ? t. but pi* . ? ' under it the plai ear tbs ter? A ter; they are fastened lo| I IM bi chat bell which make- era' Voice, ADVICE FROM CANADA tin I., rlti'* lii?l r.iettir In lltmtl-Mn 1.1 u| lt ll* linn t.t Helter Hnnils ? i Snail BsSrcass. A thorough believer ii :, provincial Instructoi nditioi jf in ia rather for tin m li liniment . our on th? in labor ba ' J a ruti ? ? - ? m ith the ; 'IL 'lin of tl uid b I woul ? '?el! ac ry uni ..rd. ? Orange Jud er. have nr iW upright and at ? ' : to tl ga few fruit trees of di ferent *ar.eti*-s each year the orchei will never be old. BRITONS AND EOERS. A London firm recently sent | ' South \ : itisll lliis*ar oil The parade nnil'.,rm ol a Black lei- e..*i- E Tu. Lord Methuen joined the Will mri tit t: 17 iiiul two niii' an t nsign ia tbs worn a red uniform. White was the utithr Henry VIII., i eu or russel in the time nf I '? t h. ii-li soldiers complain of a - rule which makes them pa) for any part of i heir equipment lost <>n tbs field. If a man loses a water bottle through no fault of his own i' him B5 cc lin Campbell, attach. the Cat hear 1 frontier mouuted rifles, i*. probably tin ? Boldier mi active service in South Africa. He is onl.i . Spencer : i allow thc ;n the sch... , . tates tu be rung mi festival occasions during the a the ground tba! it ls unbecom? ing while the nation's soldiers are dy? ing in South An An ainu ni nf an a I:... i victory wssrecently published in a special edition of a small Pm newspaper, lt reported that the Hoers had sunk 40 El els in a bay n ith a search light '? As far back as 1770, mi a royal lisit io Woolwieli. a 12-pounder braa : lied -i runes v.i;h shot iu a min? ute, sponging bel ch fire and loading willi pr. | 'l'hi* sur? prised ? nor. mle, are left 1 nhen the regiment i* ordered on active service. If. however, the cam to bf a lol g .,|i. . Hie band ? mint, act inp in thc capacity ?.f ambulance men ts hen a- battle ii .'ht. SCIENTIFIC FACTS. The banana | than the , ian wheat. Soil from ;i il-'pth nf nine in Iii ami from it sproir. tl weed known tn ; wild fruit | i :?? d in I'.a 'I he pm! is like a cigar in shape i inch long, and win ii put int.. wan r it rests on the ? ral minmi s. then ex* o, burling the If allowed tn ripen in a wann place, the pud grad? ually splits lengthwise from point to . ripen on the plant it suddenly. 'Ihe pim- in . dies nf Smith Orange are being utilized. lin' needles are first boiled and then run between hori? zontal wooden milers, which extracts the juice. needle oil. which i posed to leal properties. The pulp is used as a medicated material fm' upholstering, and is also said tu be a good substitute fur horsehair, lt is said that insect pests will imt live in furniture that has been upholstered with pim According to the issi rep..rt. tbe Pas b sewage farm is i ielding ? able revenue. The total receipts in spite nf a severe dn ;itul the total expense, including labor ami tools, '. says the En? gineering Record. There of walnut ' 1' alfalfa. 2 1 ind 35 acres ii, barley. Thirty more seres will be set nut with Wainui trees of the soft shell >? ? Then talk of planting corn and A BOOKISH LOT. Richard Whit- il novel ?Nu. :.. John Street," was declared hy two well-known English publ ibers be? fore a third accepted it. The smallest price cur paid fur ; irding to the I lbune Journal, was probably the mn uni once given at tin auction for ; copy of the Life of Fra uk li ii :T l'i.rct written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. At a rea ni auction sale in Pi copi of the 1755 edition nf the "Fable: nf Lafontaine" ft tched 8,1 .,f the e.uir ladies of Queen Marie Antoinette. I., open a book properly, hold it will jt< b I tabb the front board down, then th Other; imiv hold thc leave.- ill one hain while you ?'P? n a few han B at th back, then a few at the i ternately openii nd front anti the center of thc volume is reached. I this is done two or three time-., ther will be nn dan: - lng tin- vu nine. If you go tu Uk Paris exposit! will neel mk, lt' vu ll linnie lull ibOUld ' Mr, 111" uU'ellll both al loti Atlantic and Virginia Fertilizer Co. Branch of Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. OFFICE ( UKMUl WiKKHOlSr', Richmond, Va* ?un: i Ti.rHRvmi EUREKA @ BRAND! And Standard Grades of Fertilizers for Spring Crops. Will pay if used mi Truck, Tubae.".!, (irani, lints- and oilier OOftS, R. L, Barnes Safe & Lock Co,, Bueesssoa to II. L. Babkw A Co., : M mi stnet, liiiliiuuiiil, Va. DBALBBSJ in Standard Fire-Proof Safes, Burglar-Proof Safes, Railroad, Jewelers', Skeleton and House Safes. Fire-Proof Vaults. Burglar-Proof Steel Vaults. Safe Deposit Boxes. Time Combination and Key Locks. Expert w.ii'k by skilled work' men. A.pplj to S. W. PAULETT, Jr., Ag't.. PABMVILLB, VA. You'll Need Us When You Want Clothing. We Mil clothes iiml iiiuke ymir DClfh ( u.-k -ii lu-r-* ititi you K>'t Hu m.' They luoi* uk.- nil Um nine. We imike ii *|?-iin.lty of BtroOSS Brothers Tailor-made mods, the very bast ia sl\ le iiiul tjiialit v. OUR SHOES ara BMarpasssd la quality sad itj ls. An . vain I nut it in nf mir ItOCk w ill .'un? til. vim I lint mir me n * * lit ms iii aile bj nice A Hiiiiiiiii*. and ladles by John Kelly, ure ia parlor la every wm in other lasts sssUag isms Wi- BaVS ii fulll|.iele lille Sf STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Mill..\s, IIATs, QAM. t.K.NTH FURNISHING ODOM. I.I'UM, AKT W41 au *. ??>??., *c. Richardson & Oralle, KAHMVIl.IaK. VA. W. T. DOYNE BtWOMMI toDoyne AHou, UNDERTAKER and dealer iu FURNITURE l**'|.Hirini.' ind r|iliulstfriii? Duiie in the best Maimer rn m Wall Paper, Window Shinies,Pianos and OlgMMi Behool Furniture. PABMVILLB, va. Wood's "Trade Mark Brand" of GRASSY CLOVER SEEDS ARE the very best that can be obtained, and customers ordering sime can a! depend on securing as pure seeds and of as high a germinative percentage as it is li to produce. TWs brand is only ? out under seal, and with a red label Full informatiot in cur Descriptive Catalogue ol Garden and Farm Seeds, which will be trialled (ree on application. Write for it and prices of any Seeds required. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond. Va. ---. uauM in TMr SOUTH.