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FARMVILLE HERALD AN IMil.l'KNl'KM [fBWSPAPEl I'll! j i, i aRi ..'?: iltur so i Proprietoi Kati Onci-t'py, one year.*'-w ?? -ix months. " tlircc month- . ? in \ - ,,llltl he, Kami vi ,. g .uthori/.e.l to -. in.nta for (hi*, pa] FRIDAY, MARCH 28, l?0. Al-oKM.ils i\ OBBEB. Thees people who baft been * iDcharitable m to accuse the Rev. Mr. Sheldon, who would pub? lish h uawspapei ss be believed tbe i would have bim do, of "blas phymy," ;itui ? should he quick to otter their apologies now that hi*eliott bas been made pul.lie I*, there any blasphemy In tbe clos? ing sentence of the short prayer with which bebegan bis work: "And ss i cannot in n strengtb do this, or ' even with a hope of Mice-* attempt it, I look to Thee, <> Lord, my Father in i i hn-t my Savior, and a-k fol the gift of the ll<>ly Spirit." And is this sacrillglous? We .ju..te from his iir*t editorial: "lt le, of course, the farthest from my purpose to attempt to show in a dogmatic way what is the one thing that Jaws would tin in every cns,.. Hie only thing thal I or any other Chris* trian man eau do in the interpretation of what is Christian in the conduct of this papal is to debae the term Chris? tian the beet (hat can be done after a-k ing fol divine wisdom, and not judge others who might with equal de-iie and sincerity interpret the probable d of Jesus in a different manner." If that isn't genuine humility and broadest chanty, where will you timi it'.' "Advertisingdodge," says anoth? er, when thc tame of the man already lilied the world. "Money making sefaame," erics an? other, when he positively declines to re? it cent from the venture, though the owner of the p-q-cr will be made rich hy it. "But a step to the lecture platform," from another accuser, when lief..rc a line had been published he bad been olleredand declined an offal of|160,000 tot comparatively a abort series of lee tu res. .No, mm of us aro justified In fling? ing stones at the editor-of-a-A hr, and none of us are justified In ho? cusing him Of wrong be may do in the future. Asa nears] .per of up-to-date stand? ard, the Topeka Capitol, edited hy Mr. Sheldon may bs a failure, hut that the man i- a fraud WC will not charge with the testimony now rendered. If Christ is not as truly the shepherd of His people today as He eras urban Ha walked tblaearth, than we had as well tlo away with the 28ld i'-aim, and the world can't afford to los If eating and drinking should Ita done to the glory of (?ik1, then editing of a pa|-er should he lou. True thc world may not he ready tot it, hut the man who would help to make it ready isdoingas wt believe what Cartel would haye him do, It is enough for the Hervant to be as his Master. "A- thou hast sent me into the world, even - have 1 als., sent them into the world." WT Ala! ll. Nfl sane man ohjects to the fad thal than are rich tuen in [he world. Pion tha days of Abraham until now men have baan better ntl in things temporal than other* A God ofinfln Ita wisdom mada (Monson very much richer than are any of the millionaires of the present dny. Huh men are a necessary part of Civilisation. They furnish thc capital to I.uild our railroads, our ships, our telegraph linea, oar cities, dig our ca? nals, mine ..ur coal, ii ri IJ for our oil, endow .un -.hool-, establish our libra Moorage our artists, contribute to our churches and mu charities. With* out them thees things would languish anti may be die Ali honor lo them then for their contributions, often so fCMroosly nude, to the common good of all, and would that our refer? ence to (his clam of our fellow-citi/ens COOld close with a Compliment rather than a crilici-iu. Alas, thal like-o many blessings, that ?of WSalth should so often prove a curse t" th. i ts nvii a.. I,, others No rich man ought io bc a dissatisfied or a despotic man. In thew day- wealth ls not only a biassing bul a blight as weil, it makes one sick at heart to know that money not only Combine to make thc widow's loaf dearer, and the widow's coal higher, and thc widow's blanket.* hat.ler to buy, but that they actually dictate wars, and so become murder en of fothers and sons, and destroyers of home and heart peace, ibis ,. Io bea government "hy the people," and yet legislation i* well nigh a* as marketable ss e rn or cotton uv have M longer iiia-tcr.- on our forms, bul in our Senate cbamben the ?>f tbe ring master's whip 1-, beard ami obeyed. In whoas Interest an- tami laws enacted? Wbat poor man ever dicta? ted a war of on. j Colossal business structure* ar.- de? sirable, unless they are built to crush the bumbler. Men have the undoubted right to combine their Strength to pm ? ultimateentarprtoe, but not to t.'iich a hair of (he h. ad of the weaker I lal prc thc das mi uh ls t tho be i lion can ope, que (Ill will vote sorb it i Woll cone sn ei in? part' the pla.-f latioi ackn Wolli the | they legist lt l lng i voted meiit ?bat Peace extern bal.itt. -..nie their i vote I e. j ii i va cootel for oin thc C the vt Chilt.n Porto the Ai k. brother. \ nciii deo rv. * i nias foi hm execration for gt ? munera for economy, bm anathema foi the miserly *i |,t (be neb of our cunny hun that the laborer i- entitled I" foll mg hs well a- bis wages, Md wealtl beCOOMS a -lucid and imt a mci I There arc 1,000 law ici* in Chicago ,ii uni making a living, lt thi know scything of the use <>f tin boe, we cac secure places for the sum incl In England the methods of rai-'int. revenue frmn Income and inheritanci make the rich bear then full por? tion of the tax burden, 'l'he I'liitcl - noni.) do well to imitate Eng? land in some things. Dr. Hunter McGuire, of Richn thc feeding surgeon of the South if imt of tbe country, wa-stricken With par? alysis on Tuesday afternoon, while driving from his borne tn In- lc iii- condition i- critical and >> his greal work i- over. The recent legislature was a friend .fdic lawyer-. Litigation ls spring? ing up the state over, by reason ot le? gislation, and yet tbe lawyers a do means In the majority. Ii>? \* they musl have charmed their a?h-i . Nt .i York, Philadelphia and Balli moro have combined against Newport Thc little sister bolds lb. and kimw- bow to play th.m. Tiny can't bini! her. Knowing bel strength she will dare maintain it. The Republicans of Rockingham have been pulling each other's bair and gouging each other* eve*. We -in cerely bops tm hann will happen to mir Bro. Lewie, of tbe Spirit nf tin Valley, If he can't be a Democrat be ought nol to oe s Republican. 11 ls -aid of Edison that one day look? ing over the railing of an ocean -tenn er at the mighty heaving of the wave-, be bural out: "Ob, that so much force should g i to vi a* tc. " "Hut one of these day-," bc continued, "we will ch i that, and that will be the inilleiiiuni of electricity." Citizens of Larluna, a town in Mich gan, have appointed a committee to rid thc town of negroes, They say inly "peaceable and legal" methods .lill be used, "but that ti. iiii-t go." We will go "lu to i" on bat being a red bot Republican uti told. Tbe negro's beal friends aro in aixie fond. As it now i-, about one-twentieth of ne-|>er cent, of the population have wo-thiids of the entire wealth ol Teal country, and have so manipula ed and engineered legislation thal wo-thirds of this immense wealth es apea taxation of any kind.? Vit% And yet when un ed'.it i- made lo ?adi this protected and uoo-paj f-tax property, ti silly cry ol inquisitorial," "communistic," the raid of the poor on tbe rich," .- C ow long, <), Lord bow long? The situation in Kentucky is still ?plorabie. Though appeal bas been aile to the coulls, the Republi. y in advance that liny will roopeel . judgment of the court- other than at of the U. s. Supreme Court. In c meantime the leading aspirants fol ice are guarded and pistol toting let the boin. The Norfolk Ledger ll says there are too many pistol.- in ?ntiicky; Sam Jone- -av-, "too mucfa n-kt-y," and another says "too much nt." WASHINGTON LETTER. nu our Bsaulai Corrsspondeat. W .\*iii.m;iii.v. Mardi 19, 1800. tra nightman labeled "Porto Rico iff" still Imver-over the plllowi ? ?:' mined Republicans and destroys ir rc-t. Conference- arc ht lld with Mr. McKinley by Senators o favor the turill and by Senators ii favor free trade, and the odd thing bat both elastics of Senators talk a.* ugh they believe Mr. M.-Kin lev to >n their side. All .soil* ol prop *i ie am being advanced by Republi Senators to avoid anything like an ii rupture in their party on (his -lion, one of them being to continue debate until the dose of thc * tout allowing tbe lull to com , and another t.> load ll up a nb all - of amendments ami theo iy an overwhelming vote ii. re in . ilber of | dieiiis Id be so palpable, thal il i- hardly diable that the I. publican lead will be foolish enough to allow r to bs adopted. The Republican . i* in control of all bian.-hi * of government and for it lo fail lo ? it-ell on record by positive a on this question, would bc an owledgment of weakness that d be absolutely ct nain io drive (nuty from power. Tbat i- u bj will have to patch up * nu - allon. va- by a Strict party vote. except ?*enator Lindsay, of Ky., who with the Republicans, that thc e tabled Senator Allen's inn. mi? tti the Porto Rico bili, declaring by force of the Parla Treaty of the Constitution of tbs led over Porto Ki o iiml ii mts, and the previous talk ol ..f the Republican Senators madi - 'iiicwhat surprising*, to table the amendment nu* ilent to a vote in favor of ti,. ni.>n thal Congress can legislate ? new possessions, regardless ol oMtitution. By a coincidence ?I. na* taken just aftei Senator i had made a speech, In which .1: "Om constitution g, et t.. Rica lt goes everywhere thal nen.>an power (BOSS, and it l* a Tiie coe HU! shame i" om pi ad of an Ann rican !" sllnil ,i ith oin inw u. jin*iii n - H.-iii -.luiultl !..? an eliott p. .1,nv to tb plc Ile protection ll -ct lil- 111.'- :i lliivt -li lo bold lilli i indi i- tin- creature Constitution, .in foi or an.vThimr in dit*regard of the terms of that I louslitiltiou." The Hen iii smei di ' ':.' . pi - dinis, under the .1 lee ted (I ai hi- discretion f n i of thc i*. liv ill!: to the um mihi '"!!t did h. ' finning ot this I rovidiug that it lion, public work .,i for otb mental pu:poses ou I Tim r r oi thc *-.I ollit'c* Of tbil lll'L'.. South (Ililli Oil,I'l . I ley no - I I - ol' om ? an.I that tic (tn pubic s would 1" -ion ?- .1 If that log between the British ?? and til oil, it ne ol' thc odd that evei oci urred. H ?u t - died up 1. -oliitmn in ' on thi- phase of tb Ki pi.1 hui.rn but ihe t;ili. in habit i ' things thii admi I* (ration 11 oin i Long ;i- ih. Naval i' I I.d which win control hui I. In Admiral bea.I ..( Ibe nevi il mi. i mr N . than - century, dui mg *?"? hicli it lia* -ollie ol tl fought on w ? .c vi bat i* neel- <1. At * ut the bead of the car neill he fell about wbal it maj il", lilt Wi', t might do much nu-.'bi. f. li. eming In- | ' l inn" linc 1 Heat loll ol' : eciprocity (real Britain, tl 'i has ad (bc time w ilhill which they I ? I extendt tl one \ ll ls Careful No woman can bet too c.iref. er condition during the period be >re her little ones are born. ? improper treatment then et. r life and that of the child. It M with her whether she shall suffer -?necessarily, or whether the ol ia.ll be mi iratively a ie had better do nothing than do mething wrong. MOTHER'S FRIEND the one and the only preparation it is safe to use. It is a lin it penetrates from the ternal applications aro l ht. Internal mi ly wrong. They are more than j mbugs?they r life. .Tither's v?re- | .?cs morning cause ie ? prevents hard ;. pains?and helps the patient to very. rom a letter by a Shreveport, La., tum ! " I have I iderful remedy. Motin I thc last two months, and . as retommen.: ? $1 per bottle. I BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, OA. Send for our (ree llluatrated book, "Utter* baby u Boru." T B R c ALE AXD Famous Pabst Milwaukee Beer od Draught. .I. Al. I. MARI LAND WW, IDDOC'K, PR I VA, E STOCK )PERS OLD COEN. JHO'GARA HO., il dBi | ,, FARMVILLB, VA. Bi Autl Paid RE FOUR I orr rn nt,a. .i.t luau, W. Carbon Roof Paint Is the BEST THING oi' the kind ever sold here. Call at Anderson Dreg Co. The 5t Flour on Earth. PAQLETT, SON & CO., MILLERS' AGENTS, Farmville, Va ? of , -( IJRED MEAT. vJOEL BROS., Farmville. Va. ! New <J..<?..-! LOW PRICES? : Lv lbs 1*1 and Furnaces, ! and Slate Roofs, Import J Cro he est eferences regard lo any I ridi r. 76 - f ih" cent Bicycle .t vi ni (rive nu (I - .: . f the ( llaEfi nt all dow about 11i*-in, ? eui Head incition. CHAS. P. BUGG, AGENT, inville. Va ETERSBURG -INKING 4 TRUST CO., lorized Capil 1,000. i'i,t jiioo,.'. lllMl I PO *, tilt ? ADY FOR BUSINESS, i Os I ?ER CENT INTEREST m...w.-.I OB Tims r \ Icm I VI-Tl! v. Il t.tli IMPA ?. loni ICERS OF THE COMPANY. lent .iK Knot i, iv . I . Har -? M .' Mi. v. J, Ools ti Ksrsn, N. T. PaU**son,Jr. Read This! Al Hie old stand of! Iruh limy be lound s hill lins of Stoves, Tinware, Crockery, jii*i received from tbe ml large lol of V. Crimped Steel Roofing. Tin Roofing, Guttering, <fec, done and vi.nk guaranti J. M. CRUTE CO., Ntilice. ().. nm' t.ti' ion of thc Tutti* ot ('n, ?ind ('nit. A- No.-; Bros., vu- will tie irlad to have nil hill* din- iii. in settled .n once ? .1 M CHUTE March 2nd, 1900 <.<>.al) MEDALSTO Harper Whiskey w (rrleans .?uni World's Fair, Chicago. Ti i it. you will endorse the Judge's \i<-t. Sol.I by JOS. MANNONI, KA RM Vt I I I . VA 1865 -1900. Allison & Addison's FERTILIZERS lave tl od the tesl of ?'?'< years on TOBACCO, COTTON, CORN AND ALL SPRING CROPS. 'he demand increasing every year, .Inch ls tbe Ls oe of tbeli nine un.I purity. VERY BAG GUARANTEED TO BE OF STANDARD QUALITY Allison k Addison's RANCH VIRGINIA CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO. Richmond, Va. DISSOLUTION hip heretofore SXlStll . .li VI ,?.'. V ? -tv I. Viii I I rmvllle, Virgin it, fm- the conduct of the i I it s Ith d, iiiul ul. omi ration), due by Um .I (irni ii ill be paid b. Noel I I continue to coudu W. K. I!. W. Si I la, W. N.I I S \ I M. I IA M. /. I Noel sod i:. tl ml- un* i il tin- lilli: ? I in .*. A ? HI-. Ur* iHhi under the Orm name and ntyle of conduct ul Hi.- ! ?.. i.ii-i *. iiml vi ii; conl ervlng theil patroiiM VV. : ii. tr. noi mini ill.. Va., Mnr.-li 7, I ? ll. utcliess Trousers. >: Bale by J. B. WALL. f the Fourth btjra of Ri i of l(f|in-*. nli.ti i Mun In .'.i*.- I hid i , : ?ri to upi). < ..) our p i-cttiillv i-k ...ur lupporl for the nu- iioinln .: . ? :ir*. Il{ AMI-* H. I.AssIihl; rurs, Va. Mureil 5, limo. I hen tor nnil. 1 THE FARMER T ' ' in the market1 ./ll 1110 ul nru ~ "17'~ ~.-*-*/-* ^m>i '! IA PK OF Tho J armer '..I ARMOUR iro*,,^ . .nf ! >h| PEBTILIZ8B WORKS, ' ??? ? ? '? ItaLlNoM Bl to oar I DUVALL, ROBERTSON k CO., Agents, _I'-M.'M VILLI-., \y THE WILLIAMS TYPEWRITErT"""" NCW NO 4 FOR 1900 - *-'? . -,-*~t I ir VI.,; . , PAYMEHT. 4S?SS III??( otd, ?' - Tv po. ' ' :'t lowent EDWIN A. HARDIN CO , 1 \.'; i. C~ Lt* *./ rs -, W ^omethin ? lins! M lei I rides an Fsltawsi . ;i OHUIS Rf Acer . : 1 ' I ACCIOtNTS. '.A j i ... . . ?v ... . Bi-IND.' ' ' *.. .'.-,tii.(i<i PARALYSIS. . < lt IA HI AGAINST LL'.ESS. ? ?. #.' i . ? . i .:. ? '*?i '. ? ; a ', $25 00 Pt R WEEK. ,* 5 ' * V IV. P. VhYVllLI..* (tl. .*--- ->">*-J*. C. M. Walker & SON. Tllfi POPULAR AND FASHION ABLE HIGH j GRADE $5.50. Mee, ia In. lone; by ij x s'i. Alt 'cather tress trlmmln*-*. and lock, leather cermet* :ht we(Kht, strone; ?-v ilusrsnt -si (Tr-iKlMi. Larjre verlety, levett prk**. I snd examine our stock of tbsss stag ls br ladle* or gea titans. ii. | . nds. *fa iiiid UR LINE Ol R .-? ?s "f ti..- in ,i metal. Every one sold I'ii s k M.-K.n. . | ,. lii. C. M. WALKER & SON. in: voters tn i iI.tivmli:. MAYOA. H. M. UL h. ANNOUNCEMENT. . . to (lie MAYOR I . ,., rsm un - PRIC'afl AT HERALD olFICl