Newspaper Page Text
E. C. WILTSE, to i: Wilt JEWELER, FARMVILLE, VIRGINIA Everything in stock N EAf\ . I'-i,-. All goode cmaranteed ;i*> represented. Watch, Clock and fine Jew? elry repairing a specialty. Look .it cur lim' ol Holiday and Wedding ].|. -"Ut-. E. C. WILTSE. Duval., Robertson f5Co. ( .mer Main and .'rd StS l ikmvii.i.k, V v Commission Merchants .-hkI DEALERS IX Hani aa re. Cutt I er y. Agricultural Implements, Ar. Bttowtos, Sttrreyo, limul caris ami limul U'ayons. Agents for STUDEBAKER WAGONS AND THE CELEBRATED BABCOCK BUGGIES, hung mi Happy Thought Springs ihe easiesl rider known. Other makes of established reputation, REMOVAL! We have ti ii.miiiiiiiitiii* balldlng opposite the DEPOT, where wt enabled than ever before in nil, * on Green Coffees, Granulated Sugar, Meat, Lard, Nails, Hardware, Agricultural Imple? ments, Wagons. &c. Call on The Farmville Commercial Co., A. F. CU Md F, Pr.*..lent, B. I.. SANDERSON, V. p. i lid-: MORRIS, - Owl .;?, Brand GUANO. A FISH, BLOODand BOJIE FERTILIZER lhere la bob more OWL BRAND Sold than (bert i* of anv other siogle tiraud used in the South. Sales arc aoooallv locreaslng in the ?Base territory. .Merit arina I looa SAME STAIOARO. SAME MIERS, SAME DETERMIIJITIOI 10 SUCCEED, AGENTS AT PRINCIPAL POINTS. Made bv DAVIE & WHITTLE Branch, Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., Petersburg, Va. Farmville Mfg. Co. LUMBER of every description for building pur? poses. at] QB vi G i. on L Prices are advancing so place your orders early and save money. G. H. ROBESON. PROPRIETOR. CHAS, M. WALSH, ?BTSAM? MARBLE and GRANITE WORKS, PETERSBURG, VA. mam i doruRBH or Monuments, Headstones, Tablets, Ac. ?AIM I Iron and Wire Fencings sai ind On bbs Poasossa. CAPT. S.W.PAU LETT, Farmville, I .,* j1AV liet-n mi Ai-int for h BBS win furnltili **Htiini?t.K uni! p?rtlciil*r? io all ' *** wino apply. i < A > eal ri i M J ' ,'?? t-i Ocr .. rj A co*t Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys rnhealthy KUikvs Make Imrurc Blood All the blood In your body passes (hrougl your kidneys once every (hree minutes. The kidneys are you! blood purifiers, they fil ter out the ?. they fail to dc their work. Pains, aches and rheu come from ex? cess of uric a j, due to neglected kidney tren:' Kidney trouble causes quick or ut : heart beats, and makes one feel ? i ; they had heart trouble, because the I j over-working in pumping thick, kidney | poisoned blood through veins and arl It used to be considered that only ? troubles were to be traced to the k bu( now modern science proves tha: all constitutional diseases have their ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and (he extraordinary effect cf Dr. K Swamp-Rout, the great soon realia*ed. It s'ands the highest for its wonderful cures cf the m g cases and is sold on its merits by all di cent andone-dolla: es. You may have a^L"i---?--, ,?? sample bottle by mail n,,,,.. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney < Mention this papei j Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. WE WISH Each and Every One of Our Patrons a Merry Christmas and a Happy New rear, To th. mi Hie w bo are ? ii der NI >W. Our limit I potting ni mill Donal i I) lour laen, fi ? MAI" Nl'M BKR rc tbe rhea] ive In Ibe -ti? ll place of bun ? ire t<> ORDER NOW, nr tbe limit " .11 be i i and j on ii out. Leat ? ? nv. r Ibe Poetofflce, or ni the Planter! Hank, witta vir. W. P. Venable. FARMVILLE TELEPHONE CO. Mention Buyers! vw W^J /rof^ %? VE ARE OFFERING .beard of Induct menu lo thi ?Taraville and lurrt [??n's Suit- from $1 98 to $15. oys .iinl youth's Suits from l!> .-.'nt-1.? ftfJ.OO. ,000 Pairs Shoes and Boots Mun v ill inrprlM the cloeeol buy . Tty a pair of BLACK i' ll s, is ami I ? ri are leaden In OODS FOR LADIES. Us. FELDMAN'S. 50 YEARS* EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Inrnnpaprirltr'.g n *ltpt< It'tcljr m? ? ? ?..., T i. .ti i n* at ort]. :, tho Scientific American. nt..... ol ? r ; f ? ir nt. .nt tts, fl. t-kild bf all UNN S Co.36lBoad^ New York irrin.-h ufflco, ti25 F St., VVa?hlngton, D.C. ***\\\.\m*?vi**\*vA>\, Moderate Fees, i U.S. PATENTOrncrJ mtt, and Trade-Mark Orricc ts Opposite we canm ? ? we tmrtim. I % Oort** Pamphlet, " ol mame in the U. i>. . free. A .i .A.SNOW&CO P. PATENT OFFICE. WAeMINCTON. 0. C. J K YOI li PRINTINU ONE AT THE HERALD JOB OFFICE, FARaMVlLLEi th. ha tl.. foi I Mil der 1 nhl. the will lu in fine. U Ki in ih.i If' Will botb TIIE AMI RICAN HOG. ll Ila* Un ?'!> V n.'i -'?' '?' I SI ill V.I..,.ii ??!. m.! thing ? ? I I S . lill in Illili Pi ? Bhoul ? ? cents per pound I iiml ii helped the : sick. Iii liility ' ? i il .' fnllilli. tn rc nil liv li ehurcl ? i well. nnil if given cai extricate fi ? HIP. ers Vi HANDY FARM BUILDING. li l* ? i ..mi.lum inn of Cora l Pinery, ead i ??.?my \ .1 \ a Ii ( .. l My emu!. fi ed co ..r boil nil our liic kettle I nf du. Sa' ***** ??*%*. tw/r) -, \ \oot \tiDL I ks*v, r frit.,, <-<"-n(nn ,'i 1= zo a <r 6 1 _ a-. Jl .. .' (C. 30*6 6 be feet I i'd le to (ry lard iirnc i k from the 1 . oul of ic vv.iy in .Iii ? Thc lil: iere la a mer the I round feed, I ? nu for ct and baa roi lei ? d for bute rr room. The o.m.! f. rm and II" HINTS FOR SHEPHERDS. re a full mouth. : Bl four. - ld ih. y ' ir uiiii ? .c. them n islona I bob king : In <.n ba all \ j the " animal ir.i-m.ik-. Irian >? ot loll' w .ni thi I ? ni S be io in - .-..ti ito to tbt kim i Trunk. I; it hoin.? von should h at low pricer. Tl AN - . . , . | fer \. a , I |i Shim tn | I'at. nli.l lr.... ' lor to ? little, lt li ' i ? Miller ' Ililli li'f.M'c. n, can be made li.v a I ? OUt. lt si" . inch ? ? : . b, ? Mit li i ?* bottom, ? . io the watering :. tbat thc Mi.!, i' il. Iii lill ' b iii,' in ? ' loll I lie SI] ?I it ll ill lie foUl! I an .-in inch Ol : . ? ' ?? cted liv banking nilli I ' ? ? ? ? ? ? LIV. :MS. 1st ima le Int ti lalittl l>> .11*1 It-Inn of Ute l(.rlcul t lit inn ti l. and . ? ? ... t p, i.i lioii ..i* .; in Uni! i IS in ?I ol' made . In Julie I I- bead j- bead 1 his rep n lilllie tlur ? rta! oed, lu? ne. '1 lie to ...lue ol' tlc during Farm | I her lill tlc. 1. ililli I . I ? Ingi that the i . ? b. | ;i raina cannot run in thc ticltl thc ? thc ff. sh air to cii ?. ? ? ? .' lien ll ill liol feel the col.I. HU.J tamba ! lint whenever tbe ' n the Held, nol a yard luire llh mud iiml lua i iii ii Even in ?i.ty lie mit for a ? b. The un ?? ???? bi ii ?! ii ;? ? . ? ',?? tmallei * ump on a 1 nltivator. io hev 'armville Herald \M>T irice-a-week New York World. . i.'i 11.60 B ll KR A 1.1 >, Farmville, Va. rn , '* ri SCROFULA flND ITS AWFUL HORRORS Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. A MOST WOaVDKUFUL CUB A f'ranil OM I e. Thankful Orilla Hurd livi Llvlngsl. U ch Thi i venera rn in thc y.iir 1812, the year i I k. sin- came ti lu ls-t'J*, ti au her lentile mt r mind is rult of , life, ot thc .-ini> dayi of tbe State o markable peoi I met, and I But nol tl and w "il worthy of o JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, db position in nii.i la cursing it i i" arance in dr i dful i: -.'oitre, or In ci an.I often Rpi i arith ;i bi Son B, dist inly iu B| ll) much. M al frequent Int. 1 men.I..1, ,'in.l di tilt.' told I - ninny bottles. But I healed up. .'ill the ba nn.i I have never been ti 'hen. and I mu.ii ' medicine." not lok to ?fl-riGaWI&af-'A.IV DliUG- C;C>l-Vlal-a!VI*TY, DBTnOIT. TaaaCXCiatZ. Ill I Furniture! -..^^^^ Big Stock, Low Pric* CH A1 IU Large Stock Wall P't id Window Shad . BARROW & COWAN, Undertakers and Furniture Dealers, _FARMVILLE VA._ INSURANCE! SOLE AGENT. file Vj, Fire and Marine Ins. Co. I Hanoi ol Richmond, V ot New Yen ACCIDENT AND LIFE INSURANCE. | dav. ,OURNJ Mt, ^m\\\\\m\\\l'\>V-< Nie Farmville Building and Trust Company ? '?? W (i ii I-:. lt. MAItTIaV, / Mi Ml I I. IF. VA. ? ' Money Loaned it C: . and Time Given to Sui istimatfd llluilrat.on cf Loan Si.OOO. , Ettimale-J ill- nvr.tcrt. loot ? ???>-? ? ' ? [IXE BOD .H^H? Va. Cte Pianos Are The Best. zz~z;.zz-zzzzzizz In tbe la* III Mil $10 00 FOR'. $5.00 FOR NEA'- ST ORRECT ONE A! ?:ls CUI oin I W. B. CRIDLIN, Foi ZZZZlZZZZZXZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZlZZZZZZmH Bj j v l\ ** * h pia: M M *?< M ,1-" -. I job ; A *t?ZXX*IXXXXXXXIXX?;:XXXXXXXX xxxxxxr*?. N i ..?- ??????( r fi ,^|? Salli IF.AVfL TA^MVILLE DAlU, ? c. ? TICKETS ? ., N E ? t ?!N KCTf ) rm .^ -ST ? --''pit.*. . lilway ? I* i.aruu -f..r .C . ' * 11.TOtaKO ? ' ?<!?. tnt ' I Mi. *, t ? r?r Wt*!* KI). Vi. >. hut Md "I >T, THI ? III. ':. I al .,;,.r rm Uti ti ii Virginia : - i , irk town Moa* ? fi Mt, ?.?!. Vj. c, . I leal "d st, ..... . .. w ... .'. ... ? P.M. I. . I.? Hie - " '? ?? ill '? IU I ? ' - ' H VI moil " lt\ i ii, ?? ? " .ia i r. i2? i. 113 ic e ? ? ? IOU lr. 9 -ai ' -. '*( 1 , punt* . lo ? : . tttRW ;, V*. \i;K PfUCfl AT HERALD OFFICI i