IDA. ' ' ' I
-il,id I itiiilieilaiiil Tai lin I*.
Mt wm Minor
. j i ii .1 S I Blanton, - 'ii- of
m, inc at tbe old
bean i
itlj lo Vis
|( (,? ?i. ni i iuj ii. -I'1 i" And thal
athel Virginia ? \ Irgin
ni; tbat ubi thinga
tlu.?lMii,-(?? ibe changed coudiilona.
. iiml labor
M il Hilo
-e power with cutter
lhere, tl ??
?? ii" :i cold
Uid (be
linter almost it
f them will during
:.inner ride in a
tn, ?mil ut the -niue
tm?. vork - w?H thal the
need nol follow.
Ami i ironer* are
j have
cv will not be
?i lc? tba ni the
and from other pro.
. wood included, they
c ruuuingi spense* of
tiie lunn. Win mel during
? de feta Ihe '? ! '? '? -> money m.'ans
Ibiug ai the close ot the treason.
m earnest workers not only have
ni earnc-! wmk and Up-to
date melli .1-, bul in Smiths:
, *o)| h well. They have recently
-j-ougbt the - itou hom
which -lam!- in full view of Brown's
ii ami is mie of the historic places
of thal section of the county. Thia
?Hean tbat - lng to
but I have not been Invl
stony, nor am 1
uuth"? ' ??? the announcement
I -iv l hat with these young
?lew, l neg
. thal the oiil tune mode of living
i* iu full force in this the hollie of their
?enmed father.
I happened tn rall at the sj.rim; hog
killin!: time, ami thal stew, such as
univ a rJouibside Virginia bout
in, and the
he ail a uh its
With such a mother and stater pre
the home, cordially Wei
icefully ami generously en
tt-riaiiiiii*;, ami such boys working on
tbe farm, there is m. limul, i thal
- there and that
' \ w. Hazel
the f;u in <>f
tbe late Judge Perkins, and then be?
ni money made mi
. lyiug good
"..nt ought lo make
?tupi.un of
. feel a lille uu
F..r their < I will give
wmk. W ;
ants u h .in lu
, t watch ami fur V, bi ni I ?
I only cul ti
"i hills
uni while be cultivates them
g the land
Here is a -ample of one veal's work
. :?.?_',ihmi
!- . I1.IHMI
f guano.... To
?c of.
bauds \\ho cultivated the
rope, garden
Included, ami the results an- bard to
ie of our Pain Mr Hazelgrove
I tbe Bosber prize ol I
? -hipping tobacco w uh Mr.
Warren Ku.pia, of ymir county, and
ui ali of it next time.
friii- inners must look well
to tbe lauri
A visit t,, the old hmue where tin
late J us s > lung <li-.
imi genuine Virginian hoe
if which we will nev
ti knmi again, was ,,f itself a privilege
ndenl and eras
Ult of the
waniiiii ol wi leoine from those who so
well maintain tbe old time reputation
of thi* social et ntre ol old Cumberland.
How an antiquarian ...uilil grow eo?
n-tic over the anti.pie furnishings
"f this borne. I ventured to suggest t"
? ml the old side
? iht Vanderbilt* and
i..-.k for ri "in in return,"
. ? promptly made tb
lui buy ll
not, anti I was foolish to
ile at any price
things "down South in Dixie"
. cl the old sub
ii this antique
I hey belong
ed to Dr. H Mrs. M
i for I helli -bc ?
1 time tunes thc amount
i miy thmn. Still 1 glory in
to bygone.
tiful portraits of Dr
u im parlor, taken at ilit
(ls of ins life, ami the om
of him as au ol.I mau brought back Ui
i and well the generous
ta.<1 the Prince K.I
mention of which I have be
? ide h. the columns of the lliu
alu, Hazelgrove sun
mis have wen those pitchers in
u that, to me,ever tu be re
Peace upon that
- wini made
ling in it so pleasant to a domes
? the Hiii
ii and home ol !dr.
in the fall, ami
? mw I would lo\.
uly spring
I however, and I
eui myself by saying thai
through which abun
? Iiml tie
bi tbe light ami
warmth uudei the Influence of which
a iii grow in beauty aud value.
There i- a generous rivalry t.. ?
the nt - ?'uni nnil ih,/.
ami nt, matter a bo win- both ai
py, for then- i- no such word as fail in
tm- vocabulary of either, t.-ami\
I .lionel Henri Stokes.
Il minn \ til UNI \ , V \ , Mai
home i
Kum uhurg county, Va , ll,,
prominent tl.i/tti nf ll,nt COUIltV
\N hen (iimtt.i oi ;??- ,. ,,,. ,
ried Mi- ll.itcb.u, ,,i Eunenburg
wbo, witii nine children, -ci.,, mnu
aud two .bm. bi. is, sun Ives h
One ol his nuns, thc Hon. C..lin
? ,
I'm.c. K.lu.i.i c uiit\ lu the I
tinco: Virglula, aud all bli -
men who
theil :? - pectl...
Prince Edward county sud th.
ties adjacent, and uti ?
- from thc nhl bonn
Mani yes |
.ul county, ii here be
..r since lived, cloeelj Idei I
with every Interest ol oui i eople i b
bad I..
successful farmer* lu Smitu-ide \ir
yilila, being one of tbe fe I e b ?, limier
our port-belluiu stem, have
. de by farmlug tu add liar,
theil wealth.
I i loni two I ucl Stokes
mem bel of tbe Board ol 11
h.iviiu: hail a more
active oi u-. ful membei: aud he only
resigued wbeu il became appareut that
;i -iionc nt paralysis came ou lum
about four \. ara ago was Uki
reiiiim hun permanent I j, ,
atteudiug the b ard mt i tim - \- s
i in the Presbyterian church and
latei as an elder he for mani
a-si-teii with seal aud etloctiveues* in
lu iking aftei tin
our community.
Thu* it may willi truth be sahl that
lu-whole life waa honorably spent in
the exact performance ol every duty
thal sn'iiiil p. devolve U|
Nothing in ed '?? e added to tbe
but the writer cannot refrain from
giving a message to his fellowmen
fnun ihe sick chamber of the b
dead, to whic i it was ins privilege to
go more than once during tbe las! few
week- of his life, ai tl il 1- mic of cheer?
ful resignation to what the world
would call a cruel fate, When men
are well and prosperous lt is not bard
to rejoice, bul when pain and weakness
imiie it requires thc grace of I
laure to enable one I
"Thy Will imt mine." Col. Blokes had
suffered ye I saw bim as i
-uk man, and though I bad known
lum frmn early youth, I nevei knew
him, even lu full health, mme cheerful
<>r more in sympathy with all
him than I fouud hun mi i:
of my visit- dunn*, lu- la-t days on
earth. His mind was clear, his mern
uratc and his loyalty to frit nd
Strong and true.
"When I am weak then am l
i- a truth bard to grasp, but I
believe mir friend did so in all Itt
and fullness. The 1:-;
neighbors and friend** who stood around
en grave bore silent bul lu
sive testimony to tbe high esteem in
which Col - id tbe
ind simpli
and Ii tva* jual -uch a- tin?
man of worth would have dic?
tated, "liI- children arise up ai
him blessed." lt. I',. B.
Death af Mrs. Baldwin,
death of Mrs H. V H
whicl.curred lu .Man'
Sunday afternoon, i deep
sorrow here wi i well
known and popular. Mrs, Baldwin
had been sick only about one week
with pneumonia, and from the Oral
grave entertained for ber
ber marris
i Hiss Bland, "f Berkeley, Va., and
was lii-t kunu ii in Farmville when
a student of the Btati Normal School
and a most popular favorite lu thal
Institution. After living I ?
ii- Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin
io Manchester t< ll the time
nf her death si wenty-eigbt
year- of ugo. She leaves one child
with her husband. Her remains were
taken la-t Tuesday morning t<> tbe old
nome al Berkeley for interment, where
the funeral * i- conducted by ber
formal pastor, Kev. Mr. Slay tor, of tbe
j t lian church.
Feared Dead Together.
ilium announce?
ment wa- niade that two old person*
wen- |j i In a bouee on the
Norfolk and Western railway, aboul
two mile- cast of Farmville. A crowd
soon gathered about the place ihe
d( ad peopk were R mn color?
ed, and his wife Mary. Kadi ol them
Igbty yeal iud ill?
ili..st helpless. Tbe last time tbat they
had been seen alive Vj .
day balbra, and it ..as not
king they had bc n (j Kn-ir
bodies were discovered by neighbors
?.vim chanced lo call al lh< ir home.
iin-y lived nvm the < lumberland
er, ami Acting C. inn i and Jual
j i'miick, held an Inquest Friday
afternoon. There were no evid< rn
violence, iiiid ii,.- jut) adm bearing all
tbe ti-tiinmii obtainable rend, red (heir
verdict thal (he two .lid limn i,
I be jury wa* composed >>t toe
following persons: D. L. 11 ij lor, td.
.., u, (. w. Price, H. H. i
j. K. Palmoreand B. J. smith.
?Hiter] Company.
I be uni:! iii i- a mee?itv in Kanii
viiic, and our citizens should ail feel
ali Immeasurable Inti reel in the mat?
tel of reorganizing tbe Farmville
, , however, tha
Of the veil DI I- li- J! ii" -
security by the ,
a well-equipped corni i
uro the i'm.- w ho lake Ihe !< I
in the boy* a bo kim- of theil timi
money lo the organization.
not to Ih- I
ymir support and en nt.
Win "We
.nib..ut Om- Minute
Cough (ure in (lie house, lt
mv nttie bo) - life >'ln ii be bad Ibe
pueumonla. We think it la Ibe best
medicine made." lt cures cough.* and
all lum.' disease* Pleasant lo lake,
barmless aud gives Immediate ??
Winston Drug Co.
heath ol Dr. 8. F, Bagty.
1 'i ' leorge K Bagb), t i.iii pa lui
'? "i tbe Farmville Baptist church, died
i i -I night in Richmond He
months, ami
I bis ititi,ti- bad for some time realized
i be end a ith lum was neal Al
? tbe time of bis death Di Bagb) wai In
tbe hmnc of bi- .-mi, Dr. I
Dr. 1 a natue nf King ami
county, and a member of aa
bouored Virginia family which has
lo the world a large number of
? i- of ile Gospel. H.- wa- |?,rn
"ii Washington's birthday sixty-four
ago. Ile was the -on of Mr.
John lia l.y. He wet IM.f a family
of Hve. Three of the boya, Richard
.ml Alfred .hose the
miuistrj fm their profession. Th,. (Int
minie.i was .me i.f the most celebrated
preachers of his day,
Dr. Bagby is survived by his wife
ami sj\ sons and .me daugnter. The
-mis are Prof. F. ll. Bagby, of Texas;
Theodore, of Kansas City; Kev. li. A.,
? "i Calvary church, Richmond;
Dr. George F.,Jr. Mrs, A. li. Ku.td
iiml Ke-iie, both ..f Ponce, Porto Rico,
Mr. Kudd ls a mi ?imiary, ami
I'aui, thc youngest Dr. Bagby wai
? di,i-iiied ut Columbian University in
mimi, ami na- a man of schol?
arly attainments. His Hf* in the min?
istry bad been a imit: ami Useful one.
He lilied seven] pastorates in Virginia
lin- war, but had spent mool of
bis life since thc mu in Kentucky.
During the war he wa- first a chaplain
in the army nf Northern Virginia,
iiml then an anny evangelist He
went to Kentucky aller the war to
neiley fm m phau- of Confcder
I le na- lui sollie tune connected
with Bethel College, and afterwards
lilied | , ii Mutt ami Woodford
.?mintie-. Ile bad ben located in
Frankfort for several years when in
1890 he a. oepted a call to Kaimvillc,
ami cain.- back t.< Virginia to spend
reari He n mained in Farm?
ville until last July, when he took
charge o Sharon ami Pisgah churches,
at Klee Depot and Sandy River. He
then made lu- hollie at Rice Depot
until iiiii alib caused lum togo to
Richmond to bc under the .ire of his
smi. Dr. Bagby wai an excellent
iud a man of line gifts. His
- had been abundantly bl.?cl
ami be enjoyed universal popularity.
His funeral took place mi Wednes
.' inn.n fi.>mi Calvary church,
Richmond. Thc seniles wmc con?
ducted by Dr-. Pollard, Ryland and
Gar I lek. Thc remains wera taken to
Bruingtoo, Kim,' and Queen county,
Ililli' ut.
Normal Behool Sates.
Tbe friends ot Dr. Fraser will be L-iad
to know tba' be wa-able to come to
school mt Tuesday, after having
,:!'.i several wi ?
Mr. Lewis C. Bell, nf (he linn of J.
(ta., Lynchburg, was in town
: l) lo meet the editor-in
chief ol the Normal Behool Annual,
Houston. He will publish ihe
Annual this year, and ran down to
with the arrangement of matter.
Mis* - will entertain the
member* of thc Glee Club thi- evening.
All are anticipating a mool pleaaanl
ng to the Inclemency of the
weather Sunday evening the young
helie- did nit attend church Mi-.
Morrison kindly permitted the young
gentlemen to remain for a short time.
Mr. M. c. Eleen, of Buckingham,
called to-ce in- daughter, Miss Grace
. !a-i week. Mr. Klein I
coiupui.il d by Mis- Kdna Klein, Mi-.
ind Mw. Ben Hm.per.
There Isa good deal of si.-km--in
school caused by tbe appearance of tbe
oe i;. un ui meal
new uirls have matriculated re?
cently. Misses Tatum and stewart.
Hie Hustle Nun On.
Work on the macadam bas tbe "hus?
tle" mi. Mr. Buck bea bun lighting
- u ind :iml storm, bul now that
we bavea little brlgbtnem in the sky
:uid peomlse of more sunshine, work is
i reseed */lgoroualy. The crueher
i- tearing thoee "nigger head-" Into
fragments, and the wagons are catch?
ing and distributing them iii double
quick. During the peal righi days
something like a half mile ha- been
placed, ami BO tar a- the Ulillilt lated
eau Judge is well d me. Mr. Huck -air
h.- ni- rock enough gathered at tbe
crusher to build three miles <>f road,
ami when that lia- ben d.I he hopes
p. lind rock enough mi the farm ol
Mr. W. U. Dunnlngtoo ('? finish the
<? .ntr.i.-t.
Otley ls looking after thc
count) ? Interest and our friend, Em?
met Ligon, bi Adjutant General ?.f the
uni i- giving peraonal supervi
sion lo thc placing ol each rock, Mg
ami little, while lu- -.m. Master Em
gun is holding the reins over one
of thc teams,
Weaic now encouraged t>> hopi that
thc mud barrier between Karinville
and Hampden Sidney li receiving
knock-.mt blows, and that the Hood
muk will goon until Prince Edward's
moat dreaded foe to material pi
nv shall have been anally and eflectu
Farmers' Meeting.
Mi W. A. Harrow writes that a
meeting of formen waa held at Etea
lae! Baturday, thc oi.je.-t being
,;,. . a Farmers1 Club, lt i- tie
Wish that tin rc should Le an OTganl
. ni tacit township, iiml to that
, mi anothet meeting la '"di''1' to be
held ut Rice Dep .i tommi v. afternoon,
clock. Ali who fed an interest
in the math r au- urgently requeeted
| ,, I M., H I ..Ll III Ihlf l>?>
Take Laxative Bronto Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
i; W. (.rove'- signature
I on every box. I
i i.i.
Inn .1. Inga of eb
I intu il., bi
Havt iti.|ii il Tboagfa eloud*environ rt.nu
-\ii.i ;ri Mora.
i'm thou the shadow (ron lbj bi
No muli! I.ul lin- ll- tm.rn.
Hine falthl ' Ita] bark bc
? 'iiim - dlatoi t, theil
K noa Un-: tin.i rn lei Ita* hosOi ol bi
I ba ininti.inn,I- ..I . iou,.
n N. o, ?? iiimie for mi.-.
Hut limn it- m.oi il., i,i otbai call,
A ml -.-il tt-r Ilks Hie .'Irt-lliiL' -.un,
I It.v i'Ininti!-* on all.
...ir.l- ii|it.ii thy aol
Hope, faiih alni tove and thou ahall Uni
sin in-ill u bi roll,
ll uheii (boo Ilsa "erl Ininti.
Mri. John Cobbi- quite sick athel
home on Main street willi pneumonia
Kurmville should haw a Carriage iimi
wagon beuny. Who will start tbt
Dall V
Ali experienced director-general hai
been employed foi thc Ricbm.I Free
Street Fall in May.
lt is again rum..rd that the Penn?
sylvania has bougbl a controlling lu
? in the Norfolk ami Westera
'lin- "Y's" are preparing foran en?
tertainment in the near future which
promise.- tn be iin occasion of deep in
The ground b -g's reign for 19 I
anded whether tbe century hai begun
OJ not. We arc -dad to know that his
lordship bas been dethroned fn\ .
a year.
We leam with deep regret of the ill.
ness of Kev. t. McN. Himpeon, former?
ly tin- beloved pastor ol the K r-rmville
Methodist church.
snow winch fell la-t Sunday
i- heavy a- any of thc wint. i.
The ground, however, was too warm
for much of it to stick.
The Little Helpers, s missionary so?
ciety of the Methodist church, were
enjoyably entertained last Tuesdaj
niL'ht in thc bomeofCaptain and Mn.
J. H. Martin.
A friend s;ty- he doeen'l love turnip
salad, or "turnip tops," and th.- wonder
t.. u- i- thal h.- doesn't But then,
some men don't love Bowen and
other- don't lose their \i i\ ?
We an- Informed thal some .
pmid.'ncc is being carried on looking
io the e-till .ii-im t. nt of a cotton mill lu
Karinville. Wc hope that the project
may be .-in ve.-.-ful ly carried mit.
Have you read it? We refer to tbe
advertisement of Messrs. Michie A
Adam- announcing the 16th of
ii- the .lui for another of their plea-u t
.l-l- ii- i.. Richmond.
Reuben < ku ter, colored, wai b
at Cuiiibmland (' H. la-t Friday fm
criminal asaaull upon a little 7
old girl of his own ra. I broke
down completely and bad t.? u* sup
pot ti d mi th.- scaffold.
Dwi iii* tu the death of ht ramil, Mi
Bettie Spencer, and the serious illness
of her mother, Mi- li. R. Hoopi
Mary Hooper returned frmn ber visit
tn St Louis la-t Saturday.
Everybody who i- Interested in the
town's bus! neel prosperity should
cmtic to tin- courthouse next Monday
night and take part in the meeting to
be h.i.i foi organising the Kau Asso?
The Buffalo lithia is the beal adver?
tised watti in Iii..unitv, and the
result is thal ii is egoM mine. Why
liol advertise Hie Karin ville lithia '.' It
will bear Investigation,and baa, In our
opinion, m. superior
Dmi't forget that next Monday niu'ht,
at the oourtbouse, the committee
Charged With that duty will make thi ir
report With reference to tin- Hair. Let
there be a full meeting,and a full and
free discussion "f perttnenl questions,
Mr. M. G. J.me- tells us thal li?
ed three iiml i luce quarter acres of land
to Mr. Ira Brown, who cultivated lt in
tobacco amt paid him |fiO 32 Of lent
after all expenses had been pani.
again. Bo boom tanning does pay
Dis really refreshing to know that
Hie liis.-u ?ion a-to when the century
begins rn began is no longer ind
iu. Time |0M mi, hosiever, at the
-ame old pace regardless >.f coming and
going day- it- well as ol centime-.
The primary f..r the nomination of
Mayoi and town council will be held
next Tuesday, April Brd. Tbe canvas*
?o far bes been one pleasant!) - i
mi by tin- rival candidates. There will
be little if any change in the council.
Wc Int ita attention io the advertise
men*, ii Mr. w . P. Richardson. On
Monday next bc will throw open the
ilimi- of bis new and handsome -I..ie
|0 the public. Thc people of this town
and section arc earnestly invited to
examine his nen gooda.
It will give you B real tomb I f
Spring tO Visit the -torc of Ml- H. H
Hunt, i exl door to the pOStoffl I A
style in millinery to Bull ev. ij
FlOWen Of great variety am! all al trac?
tive. Mr-. Hunt will have ber opening
day next Wednesday, April Ith. This
iiotn-e i- Intended BS aa invitation a
no cards a ill be Leaned for the oec i
Mr. K.Scott Martin, SOO of Captain
J. K. .Martin, WM recently honored
with thc lender of a lieutenancy in the
Knited State- anny. At present Mi.
Martin bi ? cadel in Um Virginia m
tary Institute, and under the advl.f
his fathm be declined t<> accept the
appointment until his education i
Mi. Leoturgeou made an excellent
road of thai memorable lane,
Needham, in Cumberland, which has
stood the winter t.-t admirably weU,
He -av- -mil ? mad can bc in |
t itnle, and that the mabrial for
building hi abundant This matter
needs looking int i, especially now that
it -.? in- certain that lhere i- not rock
enough in this section to in-mte
\. \ \.I ll.
' I I
I. Mill I. Mill
of total ab*
lt ol lin liquor lu.111.'.
11 nt forge! tl meeting on
i ni --I \pn! 3rd, al four
..'.lock ui the V M. C. A. looms, The
member* are urged tobe present as
pecial business li to be brought
before the - iciety.
tl meeting of the i*'i will be
held in tbe parlon <>( the Randolph
Ding, April 6th
i ainmenl for the evening will
'ni-'I ".Longfellow*! Dream "
Tbe committee promise something In*
Mn. Harriet Evans, Hin-i il*?, III.,
. "1 never fail to relieve my
children from croup al mice by using
Oue Minute Cougb (ure. I would nol
-ile Without lt." Quickly cures
nil ' aod all" throat
ami lung iti-ca-c-. Winston Drug Co.
- I rom I. bleu.
v V ?.. March _'**tIi, 1900.
// ?. ; - '.i No, i doced
Kinlay evening with a "real "old tune"
spelling match, ii. right
nt, and every one seemed
y it
Misses Estelle Chappell and E, Maud
Alien are spending this week with
Ettie Allen, of rredway.
Mi. F. D. Calhoun, of Pulaski conn
Un - .' Mrs. -. J Allen's.
Mamie K. dd bai been quite
si.-k al ne with lagrippe.
M ? Lizzie Allen, ot R .ky Mount,
ha- been vi-inng at her untie.-',
.1 K. ami S. J. Allen.
Mi- M uv liiddy, of Meherrin, is
visiting M - Martina Gallagher.
Owing to tin- inclemency of the
I, I ben- were Ho -en lees bcl.l
at Kine's chapel Sunday afternoon.
Kev. Dr. Mulray will preach at Kain-'
next Sunday afternoon. M. M.
W. K. Bltzer, W. Caton, N. V.,
"I bul diape* wenty
and tried docton ami medicine*
without benefit. I wai persuaded to
md lt help?
ed m.- from ii to
.1 all forms of in.Ii
ii." D digest* what you cai.
tdrertbdag Dees i'm.
.?? Herald:? I have been making
ns of Prince Edward
iiml Cumberland, and wherever I have
gull" I bille inaii I plea fol
(wo pms, "thrifty pig-," but could not
lind ' . ile. A two-line ad. in
tin- II .la -Imt.
lend of minc told me in tin- con?
nection, ih i h.- adver
Used just oue time iu .m.ur paper for a
. : i.e iva- literally b.
with nfl Lie gol bc best mit
nd i'm- inspection.
Tbaul X.
Attention Ladies]
ii that I will not con?
tinue mc millinery business li erro?
neous. I will open an unusually pretty
linc i.ext week, (o whlctl 1 earnestly
Mrs. S. i). Ibu
Hull of Honor.
Karinville (.laded School, li immy
iiueiit?1 (.rad.-. Lilian Kn..
.i.u.i i: - oma Thompson*
ll diaii. Basil Jackson, Tommie
Ligon, Paul Kan
V <dade Hugh Garland.
Vi (Iradi Wallon, Mary
D.i\ ni-mi.
"I used Kod'i DyspepsiaCun in my
family with wonderful results, lt
1:11.- immediate relief, is pleasant to
truly tin- d)-pepin'- best
ti uni. 11 u mm mk, Oveiisel,
Mich. Digests u hal you eal. Cannot
fall to .-ure. Winston Ding Co.
thc original witch bani
I D, Witt's Witch Hit/el
..eil Known as a certain cure foi
toil -nih tll-ea-cs. BoWON of
hoi ; bless e.motel fell-. liny are dau
WlustoU Drug C..
Kichmoud is determined to make
.? Sii.ct Fair in May thc mos!
successful exposition of tbe kind aver
given. Many will doubtless attend
fmin ibis vicinity.
M. B. Smith, Butternut Mich .
"Dewitt's Little Early Risen are tbe
very I rer used f>r costive?
ness, lum -uni dowel troubles." Win?
ston I I
Mi; hundred
? for you. Kl. .
ine.nbel .lc -ell lii-iunlice that li -
I'm i ki i A Kai i i:i i.
,.ii man, < . ? lum, Ind
?in w in's Kittle Early Risen i
hiing certain relief, cure my headache
i They gently cleanse
ami Invigorate tbe bowels and liver.
Win-ton Dr.
Their Bii-iiH'.*. Itoomiiig.
Probably no om- thing has ,
nil rei r, al of trade at While
their giving away
D King's New
. - ;o ption, Their
? rn limn- in this very
i tuc fad that it
ind i.e\.r disappoints.
i Asthma. Bronchitis,
( imp, ami ail throat and lung di
arc quickly cured Voa cati tee!
mil bottle
in ted.
Illili? "Hen lilli.
..ti-1.. stomach, liver and kidney
, ? is a men, and all feel
,1 Ilia* of appetite, poison*
; e?kin-he, nervousness,
? 1 lu-.I, listless, run-.bmn
;. Kilt llu-rc's no need lo feel
! :i t...I. W. Gardner,
b, (nd. IK- is Electric
ju-i thc thing for a man
;- all run down, and don't
nether he lives or dies. It dui
. m. nea streugth and good
le than anything I could take,
mything and have a
nen lease on life. ' Only 60 cents, ut
Whit.- A- < lo '- Drug Stme, Every bot?
tle guaranteed.
I Li ii intts,
lui dei iii
Ihi word un, i , i
Swi iteful io toe
il; all ?
thi* ami tool, t- (,, i?- found in Vick
lim.I. .pi..it Mu-k Melon, (ni ..ne ti
? "I n- delightful teal
?Mm aroma uni create an etina
phen .kable jo) ar mini til
y board. Send fm Vick'* '
aud i le and learn all aboii
tin- wonderful melon and thousands<
other iiiin. | ... and gora
world. Write J a.mk- V.
Ur, N. V.
Itc-I Hot li oin l'he Lim
Wa- th" ball thal hit (.. K
niau, nf Newark, Mich., in the Civl
War. li caused horrible '
m. treatment helped foi itt yean. I hei
'?n'.- Arnica Salve cured hun
(inc- Cut-, Bruises, Kum-, Boils
Felons, Come, Skin Eruption. Bes
Kde cure mi earth. 26cte.ab0X, Curt
guaranteed. Sold by White rn Oa
Have you tried a [.air of OH
Wearing /.elL'ler -Inn-, they arc foot
litter-. Fi.K.MiNt, m Ul IBS.
Kit ming A Clark i lng a
lui hue ol ll, -?luted
ii,mi < .ililli,
nh iiml
... gel mi ni a innl cough in tin tmttu
i and you u
.1 vern a quarter lu ? bol
ll lli.U .?ure- whet)
Others fail.- Foi lalebv Wu.-ion J ? r ?
Wc can -.ii iou ? tooth brush guar?
anteed not to -Inti thc bri-: i
ll. c. Cbotb, Druggist.
Prat Cattle ami Poultry
Kooti i- -nu the leader, Vm -iii t>)
ll. C. (in ik Ag'l foi Farmville.
shchi.m's Kealy*
Editor ll' raid: < tuc of your n
felt -mb an intered in Kev, .-sheldon,
because of thc vci.V great pl.a-iue de?
rived from reading, "In His Btepe,'*
that he took the liberty of writing him
three "dont'-," to one of which he
mille the following reply:
TOPEKA, Kan., March 22, IMO.
I do not intmid to found an)
religion- seel or supplant ii
for good now in use,
< ll I -UKI.IiiiN.
by K. A. H.
I.lc -o far a- beard fr..in.
K. VliKK.
Poultry. Kentucky Horse louie.
H.' Druggist.
II .intlllnllna. Ul.inti 1) taralea.
ire not
? muni
i have
le rem
.I lll
. m. .1 bj a local application or
.. :. . i rilera la billon
tbe blood mual in- purified. When timi Ir
il.me ii- -; part
tli-r i- i' .urilla. Ii doea ibe work
- fall, Kor Hale bf Winston
I l hnrgr.
Any adult suffering frmn a c..Id
r-ettled mi thc breast, bronchitis, throal
ur lung trouble-of any nature, who
will .ail at ll c. Crate's, will bc pre.
tented a uh a sample bottle of Boscbee'i
ui Bj rup, fice nf charge, only
mu- bottle given to one person, and
non.- to children without order from
No throal ..r lung rcmed) i ver had
-mil seale a- B i man Byran
in all part.-, of the civilised world.
Twenty year-ag., million.-.if bottles
and ymir druggists
uni nil ymi ii- sii.v.-s was marvelous.
li i- really Ihe only Throat and Lung
I;, in.dy gem-rally endorsed by physi?
cians, One l-l cent b otUe will cure or
prove its value. Sold by dealers in all
civilized countries.
AUK""* H linn l.
"It isa surprising fact," ssyi Plof.
Booton, "that in my travel- in all
pail- of the world, for the la-t ten
yean, I have mel more people having
used Green'* August Flower than any
other remedy, for dyspepsia, derange*.
liver and stomach, and for constipa?
tion. I lind for tourist* ami salesmen,
or for persons filling otlice positions,
where headaches and general bad f.el
from irregular babita exist, thal
- August Flower is a grand
rt nc i>. li doe* not injure the system
by frequent USO, and i- excellent fm
sour stomachs and indigestion." Sam?
ple bottles free al ll c Crate's
m all civilised emin
Out in Kansas
lives a happv wife. She writes: " 1
have used Mother's Friend before
two confinements. The last time I had
twins, and was in labor only a few min?
utes. Suffered very little." The reason
Mother's Friend
does expectant mothers so much
good is because it is an external liniment,
to be applied upon the outside, where
much of me strain comes. It helps be?
cause the pores of the skin readily absorb
it, and it comes into direct contact with
and is absorbed by the parts involved.
Morn inf? sickness ls quickly banished,
and nervousness is kept completely away.
The sense of dread and foreboding is not
experienced, even during labor itself.
Confinement is short and almost without
pain. Recovery is quick and sure. Best
of all, Mother's Friend benefits the
unborn just as much as the expectant
mother, and when the little one comes it
will be strong, lusty and healthy.
DruegliU ?ell Mother! I rle nd lor $1 a bottle..
berni (or our free book on tha ftibject,
finely lllubtratad.
Mn. Umbi. I >' tll.titioll.
, l.neluii' i I Ibe slot Iho'tlel- of I he
? r..uk .nil be inid ai the
ililli** ol -inti bank mt Wedin
April lib, ai l o'clock p. in
tV. il. Vkvuu r, ( ashier.
Mi- (alvin Zimmerman, Mileeborg^
. rs, "As a speedy cun for coughs,
colds, croup and sore throat One Min?
ute Cough (ure is unequaled. It is
.ni for children to lake. I heart
ily recommend it io mothers." it is
tin- only bat mien remedy that pro*
Immediate result.-,, lt cures
bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and
throat and Inn-; dlssaasa. lt will pre?
vent consumption. Winston Drug Co.
Thc best foot mat ifl the genuine
Kindilan, for sale by W.T. Hoyne.
Lendrethi Garden Band. Freeh stock.
ll C. Ckiik, Druggist.
We arish for you a prosperous year,
ami for ourselves a share of your pat?
Prompt attention and safe insurance
Kati.Kn & Pai'I.ktt.
The One Day Cold Cure.
Fort throal u-<-Ktrmutt sChoO
tates Laxative Quinine. Easily taken as candy
anti quickly cure.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aida
Nature in strengthening aDd recon?
structing the exhausted digestive or?
gans. It is Hie latest discovered digest.
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach lt in efficiency. It in?
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea.
Sick HearJaclie.Gastralgla.Cramps and
all other resultsof imperfect digestion.
Price 50c. and fl. Larne size contains 2V4 times
small abe. Hook all iilwutdyspepsla malled tree
Prepared by E. C DeWITT A CO- Chicago.
Wui-toii Drug C...
To The Public!
Hanni Jest retaraei from ide Northern
Marketa with a eompleti llaa ofaeeea-I
:., tin- peblk n.-Xl
Monday, April 2nd.
?hal invitation ls . BtSBOad i
fr,.i,i toiwi nnd eonntry to tall un.1
... I- iili.-llnr they nish to liny or nut.
alwajTI -i "ell St lt lied I
Div Goods, Boots,
Shoes, Not inn-. A-'*.
Gentlemen's Farnishings
Tailor-Made Clothing
Will he eollllnni d il
Richardson's Corner, Mala and Third
Streets, Farmville, Va.
Your- to serve,
W. P. Richardson.
Is nih; cLBuraorricioff thi ci*
I .ut KT Ol Hie cornily of liiiiih.r
th.-ajstii of day of Marsh. HM
P ll Meter, Kdward I, Harrison, ti
Arthur Walton .md r. K. Cfcwherd asst*
neeaofWm. H. Kl.ode*., and Theodore m
.m. their trustee .I lalnlllTa
VV. A. Davie, Malinda Britt-, adm x. of Jno.
ll Unit, deed, Anna li. Anderson ana
i,i uv Anderson her hunhnnd, J. <?. Ander?
son. H. K. Athiii.s. shtritt, .ind an r-ut-tl
Mlm'r of Kennie at. Auder-., n. mr; avis
-,,ii. I ??.?un.-i- M. Ander-oli, William
son, John Anderson, fannieAuder
-?.. and Mini Anderson, the ant limned
Dix being mf.uit-1, mid Win. H. Rhooea,
.I ie fe uila it ta
Th,?,,!,,..i of this-un is to set spaed je?
t-tore a certain deed of trna! from h. h. H.
Kteirer and wini to Theodor- t. Ander-.ui,
;,? Wm. H. Klxul'* a- re.or.le.l lil
,k- offla of Cumberland county
rourt,mi).B.*(,pa?e3?and Inadvertently
released by aald Ki ??[ ot at-i-Urn
Ine name toT.K. Cowherd "ml AiihiirW.il
m ii e p^chaaera tor ralui of th,-.i; i.t duo
i,. ,..i mr urti, with Intereatdue thereon,
;.,,'llre,lhy-i,i.tdee.l?f irnsl and to sub
reci the Held real eatale m tm- paymeul of
Lld debt. Ai-, h. iel up lind i.m.ri a cer
,..,,,, deed of 'rii-t from (?. K. H. ?le*er '*?
Kiiisrir.i I. Harrison. ?rurt,.','l. ?? sm"..? *"
L-er and oihers. aa to the aatd V. w. Btegera
"?,. rs- therein, which baa Leen tnadvertj
ltiv rel. a-e,i; -md tl.i of (mst la recorded
i? die . i. rk - otlice of Cumberland county
court. I' H I. I"'1.''' mVt, and secures tin pay.
meiitofdebUtneSeln enurnerated.amount*
....... ?i.ii inier. -i ih.-reon hom date
!,nrusi. ..nd to-uhj.-t *m.l r. .U .-ut-to the
nat mini nf Mkld debt*. . _ .
1 And an afltdavll having bees made H.id
nu, thal the defendant* J. O. Anderson,
Vnden.ou.Kr.ncl-. M. Anderaon. Wm.
Vnderaon. John Anderaon, rennie Ander
INoii. Ai.hrst.u. the lH.-.nam..l- X
bein-* ii.flint-, era not re-hli-nt- nf He- stuie
f VuV.m. and Malinda Britt, sdra'i of
joli, ii Hr lt, deed, and the unknown helrs.
ofKHld John H. Brit! whone realdeu.-e
- "ot known. HU ordered thal Hey do >. >
M?berewltiilB flftasn days after due pub
,n hereof, and do what may ;? i
-ari rn |.n.t. .1 theil interem In thin
And lt la further ord '
millie llkkai.ii. ai
: the front door of tl.
i l?y Of I ''"r"1
uu ii ty Court.
J-M, I'. Satlnier, p.-|.
Kor nearly fifty :?? .n*tr,in..mu
md on
foil will hear th ?'"""?'
u?r'u.i..i-i.nsii."i ??'"'y
- for u '" "
"Buy an Emerson."
-roodund bad polnU- "' **' "'
Less Money
,??*,. -ft
lu bound io win.
TERMS EASY! a mn.- down and a
alt until i ?
Emerson Piano Company,
uosri.N. MsJse,