Newspaper Page Text
FARMVILLE HERALD. HONOR FOR THE I'AST, HELP FOR THE PRESENT, HOPE loll THE FUTURE. V0l.. \. FARMVILLE. VA.. FRIDAY. APRIL <i. 1900. NO. 28. CITY DIRECTORY. i ? ! I. li. IW.K I . hr.nnlii'tt ' I VV. son, i . I.. u I ;....I W. K. W I . ami w. p. - oil. Mtrl.ttt Kit--.-. or. PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY DIRECTORY. nr(. ? ..nit. in on weal th .utily : ami ', VrV. . mu-. it S.'l.tlllls. ..r p W BECKHAM - DENTIST."^ AT Di I ? - vim.IMA. W. FLOURNOY, H. Al .HUM ,-\! I \\. . ? w. * C. FRANKLIN, ATTORNEYATLAW, i'AMi'l IN CITY, "I \ Edward ..nrt or 1 0. WATKINS. R. H W-ATKI-.S. WATKINS $ WATKINS, ?AHORNEYS AT LAW, FARMVILLE, VA. Carn :1,0ml. ? * HODGES MANN. J ht- CRUTE, Karun MANN &. CRUTE, Attorneys at L<t\v. ? K P. VANDERSLICE, \T LAW. * Pi il. K *V Mis storr. Mit (, S. WING, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 1 Bay, Prince Edward County, Ya. (' H. BLISS, N BK VI. Ai 1 I KIN! . K, \ PLANTERS' BANK, FARMVILLE, VA. ?lint ?? '?. Venable. - - 1 iislner Capital and Surplus, $75,000. DIRECTORS: IRHOW, K. M. BUB B* A M. WALKER, H-'TE, T. J. I- Wis, tr-resl - ni'kfotlHterl. m ill princlj White & co., DRUGS. Medicines and Dru^ists' Sundries, tull) Compound* .1. '"'I.D MEDALS TO Harper Whiskey w Orleans ami World's Fair, Chicago. Try it, v..ti will endorse the Judge's ver* S i by JOS. MANNONI, 1 ? UM VII I.I-. VA Farmville Herald ANDTHE Thrice-a-week New York World, ? 1.60 PHE HERALD, Karmvlll** Va BUILDING CULVERTS. U lu-rt- I'll* t Muni* \r.- \?t ul.t-ijn lllilc, ll.ililli littra I ? ,i H.. | i*. ? |iln>.il tn \ .1? i. >. t.. ? CUl ? tan be ii-i'i! bj I CUt. If for ? i.\ ERT. Those oext to tl ted, bo tLat when tin' w | there li a -loliii arch through vs bl ;-an run. Make I ed thick i above U9Sf, now - iRREL. the "i laid np with loose ? reis end to - areli orer them. Where n calvert is settle Into the ? begin to fill up JuilJ Funner. FARMERS WAKING UP. lu All Turi* ul lin- dimitry The. \r? liri; Inn li.:: tu Take Interval In Kuail llii[ii-ul i-nii-Iit. The progress in r eommendable, ai that our fi an Interest in ? The Keel track ough test favorable on .t. dream twt within the realm ol 1 he idea that it would pajt to lay steel ralla for t seemed a '? to be of (-Treat value, at , more thickly po] In the cities ti, tracks ext' saved thereby. On thc count rj the steel rails that a nary traflic are e tracks in the cities, and th lower, making it easy to with h ??? rheii ts rut? ting ot the road er and inak so narrow (hat the C tion a reduced. The use of oil I the Iowa exjieri . is being used oi roads, aid has thus far proved to be ? lire out of (he soil that forms I course bt experienced and the action of and Ice. But, whatever happens in this particular Instance, t doubt that the farm,np communities art about to b ? r to? gether by betti l view. SETTING WAGON TIRES HofT lo Do II I.ITei-tl* el> mill Iii Sue!. rn WSJ Timi lliey Will (or Stone linn. Rome far- ? i : their ov. on wagon w hen ls. v\!. ?e ullin they arc far fr. blacksmith; but they cannot always succeed In sett: ) >\.:. ii tight foi lia.e. the wi oil t*hlch ls to i ? r into wtt wood. Procure ai such at narrow is pla. - to the ir if it gets much so it .vii! not be durable. Cut .1 through ti kept t urning In the hi I by tha( lime it will 1 and tl be put in plat will ri wheel Itself weare out. T i ? shriuk in a dry ll in a wet Ol ? I na Reeta te < ?>.. *. Tun ? tain but little of 1 much WHti I ?ticcu r cattle, thot w i t h i 'han j rain by n? siitiit ir the digestion nm! ' stock thrifty.-Farm nnd Home. EN. ' . in mi.sin Owea Ita Eslst* rut -i- lo i, t H,,ru timi I .tullun,) ??r Little Uara, :i 'ow,; I years and ? church organization which ..un building is . inn when that build ii built ci.iii -.-Iv through the liildren ami liv monej a hlch tl- ? heil ami solicited, ii becomes ?i au un usual condition of ? lav. according lo thc ? i-nt. in Schofield, ? ,i v\ hith will soon cele linl. The church ni Si-it nt i ? "ii is ? most in In ''?" > li. (iravis. I, organized in her own home a Sunday school composed ol ls i,..\ -. anti girls of il..' v illa".', ranging in age from B to it years. about two d a half the was conducted nnder the foe of Miss Graves, and In Ihe rt of 1 iii tinanccs were In siuli :i lu nlthy condition that its mern i'll to build a church ed mrplus in the treasury amount? ed to exactly nine dollars, all of which h.ul Intu accumulated through weekly lions averaging from om to ten cuts from each of the chil? dren. With this siiin in hand, the youthful ? rs of the Sunday school appoint? ed n building committee from their ? r and proceeded to carry out their resolution ta build a house of WO' In a few days some well wisher of the children donated n site for the church building. A little later un un I a check for ten ? '! on the heels of this con cash from an? ni Iii i ead of a large lum ice rn in Schofield offered all of -? tl ati rial required at norn Mir church was coin ; It is a cori ? t. finished inside i in ha? 8 floor ntul | nc material. Its fur reading : apparatus for lu ating and ? (ting capacity tbe dedication Mired Glasson, 14 y< inounced with an air of dignified iction that every obligation of the building committee had been paid, and that tl i surplus ol in the treasury. The church organization is thor ? ...eratic, the childed I.- nnd managing the bi tirsof the organizat lon 1 ails. thc church ofHci -. children. Hew le .Fricassee Pa rae I ea. Two tablespoonfuls of broth, a piece of mace, one-half cupful of milk, one Ounce butter, a little Hour, pepper and salt, parsnips. Peel and wash the parsnips and boil them in milk til! quite sofl: drain them and cut them In hw is.- two or three Inches long; put th. in in ti sauce made of the broth, milk, butter, flour and senson ' -lier for a quarter j of an hour and I PIL.R FAMILY. ALL MEMBEI \ \ K it. ll I' ?' i ?i renie D ? Carola ? ri* the MlSa- EVELYH L llmiii liter af itu- I i-iifiii* Marj Ililli, ul Kintalla I Hui', lu he ii I'la lill.' I.t tl li . ? woman 1- cturer in t he li She is tin i: year-old daughter ? Marj Elizabeth l i ? . thi I wutuan orator. Miss bids fair to rival hi i motlier in thc gift of oratoi y, st adv int* law in New York city, with a view t,, i politico-legal career. I tall, and has blue ci cs. black hair and a fair skin. She ha-- engaging manners HIM EVELYN LEAflE. and much personal magnetism. She made her debut as a public speaker at a meeting of tlic people's patty in m. Louis eight yeal in with a child's recital ion and launched into a woman suffrage speech. In rii -?h" sn iii: "You m.mi must lo >p yo and phe us a suffrage plank. Vi have been ii. ? il tn av : 'The hand that rocks thc cradle rules thc world,' but I sa) to you, gentlemen, if yon do not vour promise there will bc tm cra.llcs to rock and no lo put in them." The child visited tl ? ? "orin school at Topeka, and there addn I youths in thc instit uti.a, terna! air. and thc bad \ oung lu-r nu?-! rei peel ful attention. .-. though a !'ii! of manners, has ?11 (,t,?_- conviction i- a \. :?. tartan, She docs rn ' meat o drink milk, lier voice is powerful in declamation and in son:.. She has written several that have titi n .--et to music I'.v Miss I., (lark, t he iii rector of m the public schools of St, I and her younger sistt have paraphrased some of Dickens' < hrist les, dramatized i in their old home in Wichita, Kai; w ill doubt less swell the Ii' of young girls from "out of tlc who will achieve distinction in York, which city her motlier I cently chosen as her home. OI,l-ln?liliiiit tl SuiIh lliaeuil. An old California recipe fi .? cult, dating from tlc dav- when hak wder was tinkliow li. is -lill us..! il) many kitchens of the obi ; ? and with most admirable results. (liven experience nnd practice, thc tiny, spongy biscuit thus evolved n'' is the proverbial feather. A me diuin dough is mixed at night of sour milk. Hour and a pinch of salt. In the morning this is roll. .1 out on thc mold? ing board, with just a bit of th.ur to keep it from sticking, and over 'In- tt.p i- Sprinkled (he tiniest bit ol bearing in mind thai the sourer thc milk thc less sod,, used. Roll li aud fold over. Repeat three tile into biscuit about the si/c of a silver dollar, and bake in a slower oven than ;ired for baking powder I w sshlngton star. \ I'rcirnllif uf Mull.*. It is v\,ll to know that any stn.ul'. pungent smell will keep awai i A mixture of cloves, cinnamon, i mot and other fragrant things may be lubstituted for camphor preparations with li ' ' able after effects. I'S SUPREME COURT BAR. ^> riki if Lu I*** lido vi? er of V Il the d the - .?kee. rn yjp SHUT IN. ! ! ?? ? I A harm. I i ??ny; \ A . re clear JOHN, riie h.. el a life r.iiiiifui linty timi \\ ..rtlii lu lit I. iii ii In tell. ta j oung : farm bad been ll Ililli Up its : illl a rt In .1 to the community. His ? me of ber cbildrea ? i,der to her. H.- made i ll and ? liurch ? if ( hristian ither than he worked \ and ? ; i a. vi ho wei ? with hun, were leaden in the com munil nt of it into the state ..r into la; Other ?I children. .helli .1 did not I t..l. aa he ii ed. with a ? nt roi ld. But hi I of t d to do i ii t be farm and ill tow n h : ins'i ail ! ? lu!li. ni 'I perha* later ? : in..'. teeml But ful thi: came Into it. which no man land. lb w in the furrow e had been - and duties, and so loyal to ? I un to him, nnd u sn unseen kingdom, to He I e wai and went on the instant. When his i eighbors found bim, lying on the grass, and saw the happy, even tnumpl mt. expression ol that the Kine had called him to .i.ine np higher, and that the ? to inmmon him rn pan ion. "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Oura In my family unb wonderful results. It uiiii. .hate r.-li.t, i- pl. a-uiit (.. . d i- linly tin- dyspeptic's beal friend," says E. Hartgerlnk, Ovensel, Midi. Digests what youeat. ('m.not ful io cure. Winston Drug Co. If you go to tbe Paris exposition you wni i mer Trunk, If you i; should have a Suit A (lark ate offering bot li ul low I Wm. On "We One Minute ? in tb.- lum-.', li saved i ben In- bad the We ihink it is tlc es coughj and I lo take, ? I li -ult-. Drug Co. lint,.lll.itlnu 111.ititi ll|*rn*r*. ? .uren fact. . ure- un ? 'i inai..v lone ;-t purl li A .ll-UIII Tul'iii. l.n UrtpSM In 'I wo !??>?? Ive I'.lonm Quinine Tablets. All iin rid flu- money il' it I rV. G nature m. c ? Early Rb*, rs i btlng certain relief, cure my headache ? y gently cleanse Slid l Me bowel- ami liver. Winston I>n, Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificiallydigeatathefoodtaodtldl Nature In strengthening and neon* ?tructlngthe exhausted digestive or? gans. It is the latest, (li-ii-i i veted dig. st? unt and tonic. No Other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in ?tantly relieves and penuauentlyciires Indigestion, Heartburn, Fiat ul-'in'. imach, Nausea, Sick Headache.GasI ralgla.1 'ramps aud all other results of imperfect, digestion. c. and fl. I.ar_'e s]/.eci.iit.titis2^ times imaUMfrsa Prepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO., Chicago. Winston lin Dutchess Trousers. rr liol TOR ?? I* ,.,?'?: i V For sale by J. B. WALL Read This! ai the old stand of Crate A Bugg may be found s full line of Stoves, Tinware, Crockery, &e., &e. .Iu-t received from the mills ? large lot <>f V. ('rimped St.'ri Roofing. Pin Roofing, Guttering, Ac, done and work guarantc J. M. CRUTE CO., Notice* Owing to tbe dissolution of thc timi-..f Crate A I'iil...' and Crate Bros., we will bs triad to have :ill bills due them -citied al OHOS. lersigiied .1 M. (Ill I I Mar.i. 2nd, Carbon Roof Paint Is the BEST THING of the kind ever sold here. Call at Anderson Dreg Co. for inf irmat ii ti and prices Atlantic and Virginia Fertilizer Co. Branch of Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co OFFICE < I.I.NMI ..V WAimiOlSK, Iii. Iiniiuiil, Va. TIICELEBtAtD EUREKA ^ BRAND! And Standard Grades of Fertilizers for Spring Crops. Will pay if used OB Truck, Tobacco, (.rain, (.ins- ami other crops. R, L. Barnes Safe & Lock Co,, Suci'essors to K. L Bauom A Co., ^ U.ll K. Main Street, Kiclimoud, Va. 1'KAI.KIIMIN Standard Fire-Proof Safes, Burglar-proof Safes, Railroad, Jewelers', Skeleton and House Safes. Fire-Proof Vaults. Burglar-proof Steel Vaults. Safe Deposit Boxes. Time Combination and Key Locks. Expert wmk by skiUnl work? men. Apply to S. W. PAULETT, Jr., Ag't. KA KM VI U.K. VA. You'll Need Us When You Want Clothing. i - Unit iniike ymir neigh? bor ask "where ilM you BS. them?" They look like new Hil Hie tune. We mass a apaclaHjr ol' Btrouas Urother-t Tailor-made (OMS, Hie very dentin . ni .|.l?llty. OUR SHOES en ti'isiirpiisseil In 'jimlity and style. ? ii of our Htoek will eon \ mee \ nu timi mir BMB'S shoes malle by Moa A Hutchins, anti ladies hy John Kelly, ure superior lu es.iy Way to otli. r feeds costltiK riaiii \\e have i complete line or STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS. CAi'M. IM ri KMSHlMi OOOM. BUM, AKT BUUABHt 4c., 4c. Richardson 4 Oralle, KAKMVlIalaK. VA. W. T. DOYNE Successor toDoyne A Bon, UNDERTAKER aud dealer in FURNITURE Repairing and Upuolnteriug Done ll the bent Manner Wall Pajier, Window Shades,Pianoi and Organs, Behool Furniture KAKMVlIalaK, VA. Wood's "Trade Mark Brand" of GRASS*CLOVER SEEDS ARI ? I est that can be obtained, and cu r.'iii. r- ordering same can always depend on securing as pure seeds and of as high ? germinative percentage av it is possible to produce. This brand is only ut under seal, and with a red labt-1 or tag on same. Full information in our Descriptive Catslogoe ot Garden and Farm Seeds, which will be mailed free on application. W-ite for lt and prices ol any Seeds required. T. W. WOGD & SGNS, Seedsmen, Richmond. Va. THE LARGEST SEED HOUSE IN THE SOUTH.