Iii. I.ur.
i here than lu
i i in pmpor*
I Vet lt lei- li-* ll
! Le V, l-C tn
ii tber*.'
rv t!u> logic i
, ; uc would
, ..ui .itv
iinulit I-IIIIU
trade, .liv
we h ive
ire imt
IV .nilli' lu
'.ll. Ill Ililli
I ii.- Kalr iiin-t
!!,;i.l;i( In-1 iired
. us Hi
;. well fruit*
h. J.
I .irk ly
,,'illly this
lied policy
D li -
Ul.C I
Im Sale!
.y vs ul ki ni:
Hainptleii-Siiliiey, ai,il at
Karmvllle Farm Agency.
i Voil
nm Trunk. I
i -
i:c i ff-liuK
lliiliilllnllni- HI,.,t,l III*, nar*.
- I pill I
i ii pair >.f .mi
A (J Ia A BK.
Tho Ono Day Cold Curo.
ken as taiudy
?li t.rn-h
- '
ll i
omstinii lBHwered.
v ilized
i',.I u'latiil
tioughl of using aiiv
-ii'.iiur Bilious
; tlicv
etc They
?i dean mit tbe
"f ll. -
;-t loll uf the
nervous ami or
and tbat ia
1 ill ami bad
i form, tn ma.
- nothing serious tbe
il c.
I .i --..ile.
.inp in Iii- ? ll
Apply m J. J UH*
I lng a
t I'.ii t>. Bu) ( heap.
?ni-li- and colds
you want something
aud cure Hie in..re
th mat
What -hiill you
i.U-; lt l:
ike the nM.1
ntruduced in .ail
M ith -in-' ?
I indi: trou
ii not only
- || - lu (|t
.-.-, Imt allay- ii -
ll lllin
iud .ni' - tin
Recommei .1
. . all druggists in thc
itt eli
ll-IIIL' tWO
:; .
Nuiti, Brook, N.
i -? A ale ut
\\ lli'stui
MM ll III \li\ I lt I 1*1.Il>
? licit ailvi-r
? lt-- lu
uni would prefer thal
tbe other columusol
for advertise
.'iy un si.\
. '-. 'I'll!
.ii.g the locali
with this pape
a iii be rigidly ad
I I.N IS per hm
. .int Insertion u
whn Inn
k*u? with
' I I \ I l I .N I
I Hull t
?ti among the lott
1 euell N.w I
i i
. .um i .,,
I Ul lu,.,, nii|.,.- I
111 M\ III.' tOOll-ltl M ll,.,
I Ililli 11,1,
li. iiieini,, i ina p vi p|, ui urn i;
Willi hun ;,| rou I
How al'..ut tin- excursion tu the
-t aside this summer?
^ >? i. gre! t.. leam nf thc ?eriotis
illili? ut vii- iper.
?> ? hive h, cn -in: i the
I " and herc tb<
-\ ii-l? fry is in order. I.' t thu chain*
ind Burger, lead tbe way,
Mothers are shaping then habit
tin l'.ui. li w ill nol .1.. to disappoint
Whal bas i.onie ol the old tune
\ nhing betti
for the census niau Be
. iy ol tbe chil?
ll I'l.iiitiiainl the Illili vi
Strawberry leasts bave tbe right ol
?\. are conceined we
gladly clear the track,
i-:ni-- ni in v. ii - Isn't willing
tn contribute lo a pul.In- fund
not to live on tbe pul.lie
We approached uncomfortable uear
the fros! line, bul didn't .,
! lit crop i- iiuw assured.
The Confederate monument will be
uuveiled sometime duriug ti
l'he Fail win be com pan iou to it.
Philadelphia gave |1 i Na?
tional Convention. How much will
i\ Hie give fur a first-class Fair?
Miss Genevieve Venable, who has
ni home
mouths past, baa returned foi tbe Bum*
Emily 15. Seitleii.tif Bucking?
ham county, is in Richmond visiting
lu r it l:i ive-. \V. 1>. -
b street.
- the iiiiiii
dr. Put your hand iu your Jeans
Things ..f worth cos! something
aumin; tin ni.
Captain J. R. Martin left las!
ii Ile w ill
visit relative! I rfolk during bis
stay Irom hmiie.
II iw much will Richmond i
from a carnival'.' Divide your esti?
mate hy 20, ami that's whal Farmville
will realize Irum a Fair.
ll" it will he il to hilve our
Irieuds from outside visit our hair, wil
it not be equally a- dangerous tn have
them viell our stores and warehouses .'
\\ e Invite attention tu thi
incut nf m. s. Feldman, wim is ofli r
ing thc hu of hut-weather
goods at the |0W(
Distent w ith qualities.
The Herald has the largest stock
uf commercial Btatioi r-bown
.inviiie. (all ami examine ll
ami give ns a nial order,
quality ?>f workmanship and
guaranteed tn be satisfactory.
Mi-. Nu.a Hatchet! accompanied by
her brother, Master John A !?
ami her niece, Mi-s Virginia Seldeo,
left Tuesday for Richmond and New
port News, Va., tn visit friend
The merchants and others nf our citi?
zens on Main street will greatly appre?
ciate the tinif when the sprinkler
arrives andi- set to wmk. Nothing
- th.- blinding dust duringa dry
.-1k? 11 of wrather.
i mville will
make mistake if the project I'm
Hus fall is allowed to fail
pi>ittinny is seized by other towns and
meting crowds and trade
and why imt we du the -ame thing?
The Richmond Carnival is -imply
tu., i,il' fur mir columns, ihe crowd
was there, tbe welcome and tin- euter
taiumeut. Now lei as man) Rich?
es attend mu Fail next tall us
we have bad representative at ihe
Children's Way will be celebrated at
the Methodist church next Sunday
?mi. The exercises mi tbe annual
:,- ale ..1 a most intel.
U r, aud those ol next Sunday
will he nu exception in tin- ft
lie- public is invited tn attend.
A letter I. .
Martin request!ug nun to defer making
requisition for In- military equipment
until the governor eau he cousul ?
he lia- the entile matter in charge ol
admitting and rejecting all -uch organ?
izations, li is greatly to he h. p.d
that the governor will net fa.
upon Farmvllle's application for a
com pauy.
Al the uni.ni meeting held in the
Met bod isl church la-t Sun.lay night,
held lui tile purpose nf rai-uii; money
fur Iudia's starving multitudes, more
nil dinted when the
i through t Ik* congre?
gation. Farmville people
lacking in generosity win
any and all nei d- of sufleriug humanity
are made.
Mr.Joseph Manuoul lift yesterday
uft. i h.h.ii foi Richmond, ami
g-iendiug several days tlc ic be will go
?n tu New Vork. On the Slat in-i be
expects tu take sall lui lu- old borne In
Donica. Mr. Manuoul will not return
lu Killin illc befoie lille li. Hie fall
uni in th.- meantime he will visit
iik'uiii iii! uf tiie principal eili.
ll in the Old World.
Tlw Farmville Farm Agencj bas
been vi mi in the recent pa-t
laV, ii ami il ill ll try pu. pell v at
Li-t youi prupert) ii you want tu -ell.
: Vt nai.ic and lu- assistants are
i.u-.v with the preparatory wmk fm
tin ,,n-ii-. ti,,, undertaking
i- im -mail one. There i- nothing
small lili.iiit Ihi- county "| mus. His
ofllees arc in (he old hotel building,
ami tilings are lively aboul thiin
Mr, .lim. J. Pulley, ol Petersburg, is
chief derk, and Mi. Cb i- Crute, ol
I- univ Hie,assistant, instructions nave
been si nt oul to the enumeral >rs ol
the diflerenl couutiea, ami ail will he
? hu.-- I 'i the actual wnrk nf
lakiug the c.ii-u- bj thc l-t ..I .lune.
Ever} l>i mocral iu Prince Edward
to go un i. cord a- la voling a
.vent lon. If lo secure tin- an active
canvass ol tbe county must be made
there is nu tune lo be los! in beginning
the fight. A meeting at each voting
place in tbe county mlgbl be held and
things kepi wann between now and
I ternal vigilance is m.t only
tbe price ol liberty but ol mos! things
worth the having. Let, then, the
time and places be designated, the
im announced, the s|
I :uid thc h.'ill pul in motion.
I lie .luiie number ol tbe Dt lineator,
showing one lum.Ire.I ami lifty
illustrations ol present lashions, con?
tains -c. ci ul articles ol general interest
in women. "American Women ut tbe
Paris Kx position" is Illustrated witta
seventeen portraits, "Foundei
Women's Colleges" contains ten por?
traits ami valuable biographical matter.
Clinton li'--, the well-known liter
ateur, contributes a clever revolutionary
story, "Ihe Perfidy ol Bess I inane."
Among the practical household articles
i- one 'ii Housekeeping in Apartments
ami Hat-. The regular departments
nf Bocial Observances, Practical Gar?
dening, Girl's Interests, Club Women
ami Clni. Life, ami House Furnishing
are interesting and valuable lor practi?
cal women.
I losing lAiTcise*.
The In lor mal closing exercises nf tbe
Farmville (undid Behool were held In
tbe -' html building Friday, May ll,
1900. The lol lowing promotions wen
Owen Jenkins, Mary Orange, Lillian
Rice, Biguora Thompson, Willie Lan*
caster, Samuel Webster, Mary Traylor.
I ROM ii. in tn, ORADE.
Paul Barrow, Fred Butcher, George
Flliugton, John Elly, Tommie Ligon,
Jacksou. Mutha Holsten, Olive
Harris, Lottie Martin, James Orange,
Thomas Webster.
Arthur Jenkin-, Haues Lai
John Lancaster, Thornhill Rice.
('harlieNoel, Mary Thompson, Annie
Wilkerson, Ben Rives Hooper, Blanche
Armistead, Walter Wilkel.-,in, Johnson
Locket! Wait, .ii. Bessie Noel, Harold
Bowen, Hugh Garland, Willie Webster,
speller Armistead,Thurman Whaley,
Harry Whaley.
PROM VI, lu vu. ORADE.
Grace Walton, Mary Davidson, John
Overton, Walter Barrow, Charley Har*
li-nii, Frank Wootton.
i rom vu h. vin ni: vin .
\\ icker, (Jordon Paulett, John
Booker, Clara Fallwell, Frank Fall well,
Anna Morris.
following pupil- completed the
Public Behool course: Bessie Wade,
Howard Whitehead, Bernard Baldwin.
|i|-l iM.i'i-iliii PUPILS PRIMARY DE*
rv ki vn.N I.
Lillian Hi.e, Bignora Thompson,
.Mary Traylor, Baal] Jackson, John
Elly, Thomas Wi beter, Tommie Ligon,
Paul Barrow, George Ellington, Thorn
bill Kiee, John Lancaster,
I \ 1 REMEDIATE KKi'.vi: I Mi \ I.
Bessie Wade, Howard Whitehead,
? lordon Paulett, Frank
Fallwell, Miiiy Davidson, John Over?
ton, Charlie Harrison, Locket! Walton,
Hauy Whaley. Willie Webster, Huu'h
Garland, Harold Bowen, Bpeneer
Armistead, Ben Rives H.."per, Blanche
Pupils absent from, and those failing
to make, thc Anal examinations mus!
?nincd before being allowed to be
. d. Parents ol all such pupil-,
will you nut kiudly -ec that they do
some studying preparatory t" the cn
trance examination '.'
Small lire.
Tuesday morning aboul nalf-pasi 9
o'clock the rue heil rang suddenly ami
furiously, li was on account of ? blaze
in the smokehouse of Mr. Zack Hills
man, vvha live- several hundred yards
outside thc corporation. Thc lire orig
, fruin a pile nf Imt u-hes thrown
near the hmi-e, and ti.e structure, a
small OUe, W(M totally destroyed. The
entire "til.' department" wa- ut tin?
hut nu water COUld he turned mi
i far fruin the ni
liic plug. Mr. Hillsinan loot two line
boutld dogs which he valued very
( uiiirlit al Un- < rosstag.
Last Munday morning a smashup
. .| at the railroad crossing at Rice
Tom Fisher, colored, was driv
?..... borse wagon and attempted
- tic- inn k ju-t as til.- second
section nf Nu. v, wes! bound, vva- ap
bing at a rapid nile nf -pud
,1 bystanders are said tu have
called lustily to the boy imt to drive
upon the track, hut m. heed wa- given
warnings. The engine struck
ragon, throwing tbe uegro aboul
thirty feet limn the track, and break*
?th hind legs of one of the horses,
., a i- i. elly cut ami bruised,
but not seriously so. The wagon vvas
Iii*- he-t fool un' "inline
Hiiitliiiin, for f<ule hy W. T. Hoyne.
Il,;,Iii i.i Mi. Iliilili.ini.
Mi .lulu i i; il uni ard died
Weil in .I i\ mm i
llulllC III ll
Veal-. I DC di ' > 1-. (1 had ht til in III
health fur six m.,nih- pasl, so much Sn
that during .he iy..nih nf Novetnhei
la-t, he wa- f..i ret i to resign his position
a- railway mail clerk and return h. bis
euuntry hume. ||. wa- foi a niiml.ei
ut >. u- a trusted aud populai employe
in the railway mail minni'
betweeu Lynchburg ami Norfolk. He
bore lu- iiin.-- wuh greal fortitude,
and w hen a short lune before bil
he realized that the end wa- rn ar, lu
i fectly res
Mr. Hubbard leave- a wile ?ind tillie
little .lui.lien, an aged motlier andu
lame lamil*, connection in mourn his
death, and lu all ol I lum we extend
our heartfelt sympathy in tins theil
h.mr nf -ad bereavement.
i i.e funeral tunk place yesterday
m .ruing at lu o'clock from bl
linnie, the IM t -| llll-ll t being Illudc Ul
the family burying ground, wilta
Mi. Vaughan officiating.
lin Fair Association.
. meeting ol the executive com?
mittee "f the Fal lu ville fail Association
held la-t Friday nighl in the office ut
Dr. Peter Winston, Mr. B. P
-lice was unanimously elected
tiny, m.d Messrs. W. I'. Gilliam ami
s. W. Watkins vv. re appointed a com?
mittee tu solidi contributions tu a
guarantee find, a mos! necessary re
quisite to the success ..f the Association.
With -uch men ut the head nf the
Fair Association a- Messrs. Gilliam
and Vanderslice we may be assured ol
nile nf the bigges! ?l|ec,--C- Fill 111 V 11 ll-,
alni indeed Boutbside Virginia, bas
ever witnessed, Tbere 1-, boa
unc thing needed, and that is tbe elbow.
tniich nf ail the business men of the
town. Weconfldently believe thal tbe
heany cooperation of every citizen of
tbe town will beexteuded tic workers
in Hus undertaking
The ( oncer! Proceeds.
The e, inti t eiven on (he nighl nf
thc Inti, ni-t fur the benefit of the
Pi ince Edward Memorial Association
,:i entire success. Those win,
participated in it were.Mi-- Ai,dieu-,
uf thc Normal school; Misc
Berkeley, Mamie Skinner, Belle John?
son, and Anna Hurd; Messrs. William
Richards, nf Norfolk; W. B. ('milln
and Rober! Phifer, Jr.
In view uf the fae! that SO many nf
.?lei- are interested in the fund
being lai-.d for the soldiers' monu?
ment, we publish below thc receipts
fruin the concert:
, mu,nut Hui,i
i .ut paid ll...
Of the above net amount turned over
tn the Mein.trial Assocl itlou,
informed thal there were expenses in?
curred in procuring tbe wi
several nf the participants in th.' con?
cert vvhidi reduced thc sum i
than 120.00.
Annual ?eetiug of Stockholders.
Tbe annual meeting ..f tbe stock?
holders of the Planters Warehouse
Company vviii be held next Monday,
Map -l-t, in the offlo - "f the Norfolk
and Western Railway Company. All
stockholders are urgently requested to
be present, a- business ol importance
will he transacted.
j. i:. Martin,
Married in North Carolina.
Mr. Asa Jenkins and Mi*- Dais]
Smith w.ie married on Monda]
I.n la-t iii Ililli! 11 IS I The elope
m.'nt was made from Richmond, tbe
hume Of the hilde. ( '..|i-ci:t of | |
imt being given tn the nuptials, the
young Couple nu Sunday nlgbl quickly
made up their minds that au elope*
inent Was the mily method fur them.
Sn hy appointment Mi? Smith mel
Mr. Jenkin- at the Union depol in
Richmond Just before the Smith bound
train departed, and they went direct t"
ll al i lax.
'riiey returned tu Farmville, their
future linnie, Monday night Mi-.
Jenkins was until recently a student in
tin- Normal school, ami 1- the
pleasantly remembered by a numbei
nf Fal mv iile friends.
Ill \\ Villi.
Btolen from my pasture, near Dod?
son's bridge, Saturday nigbl la-t. uni'
hm bay norse, aboul Byears "id. I
seal mi righi hind leg. For the return
ot bone ;uid linet I will pay a reward
of $25.00. Fi.vv viii- lin
('uni-villc, Va
I'ehlcii Pacts.
ii i dbm, Va., May 16th, i!??>.
The George Hudson Mission Band
held it- r.L'iiiiir meeting at Lane's
Chapel las! Saturday night. Tb
ercises were gotten up hy Misses Em?
ma c :uid Aiity-h Allen. All present
seemed to enjoy them very much.
Messrs. Goodrich Overton uml Joe
.Mien, of Tredway, visited Mr. J. R.
Allen's Bundey afternoon.
Mi- F. H. Calhoun ami little daugh?
ter, Christine Allen, expect tu leave fol
their borne In Pulaski county Monday.
They will i.e accompanied Ly Miss
Gladys Allen, wim expects to spend
her summer in the .fountains.
Messrs. Collins and Green, nf 11
Ural).'h, spent la-t Sutui.luy nighl at
Mr. (e rge B irksdale'a
Mi - i.t 1.1if Drakes Branch, ha- been
mi a vi-it tu Mi-. Creed ltussou's,
\ i ry few uf mn people attended the
Carnival this week, we are aavlng our?
selves fur Farmi Mle's fm tin- fall.
Karn i- needed very bad in ni,
mundy now. If it d
tin- wilt al and ..at emp will heil i
u great deal. M. M.
! ..I Bale < iic.ip.
(in.. \\ :ii!.i A. Wood Ri aper, One
Buck* I lue < frampton Mow
t r. All in fairly good condition. Ap?
ply tn (' W. III. VMnN, Ju
Farmville, Vu.
Herald and H'orM only $1.(V).
Board of Supervisors.
I lu Hoard ol supi i i hm.
i . . i i . -.1 ,. bu
. nu ii l
. i"
p. n. '? .... .. j|,?
??. 1000
. ?
a. SO
? i".ri ..: ll
Mi-. 1'
I.. M. I
p. i.. i i go
hr .1. h. W lil tu Hiinill
? ill III.,' Hit trull! lilli.i. *,
H. ll. I OM-t.ll
W . I . i
I 00
ll Ji
I I1'
Kl. I ?
i . M. Vi
.1. W. ll
1.1 il OO
ll 00
A uuml . es in tbe county
? I to be repaired or rebuilt
Ainu' ne Baker's I
and Spurn: Creek
Keilli nf au Inf.ml.
Julia Richardson, the sixteen*
months-old daugbter of Mr. and Mrs.
VV. 1 i'i .( on, died last I u
lg al ', .'.luck after ;in Min
from meningitis. The
ii look place fruin tbe residence
ol the hit
afternoon, conducted by Kev. J. B.
Hunter. The remains were followed
by a burge concourse
of friends of the family, aud tbe floral
offer ri tigs were among tbe pretties!
similar occasion. Tbe
i and mother have the
- ol our pc i
Surprise Marriage.
Mr. Henry Lindsey and Mrs. Pattie
: weie married las! Wednesday
evening al 9 al tbe hume of tbe
bride, Kev. J. S. Hunter. Ol the Metiin
il nit* were
only im mtiers ..t the house?
hold and two ur three of the in ?t
Intimate friends of the contracting
l'he marriage vva- .pule a eur
? tbe friends of both Mr. Lind*
i announcement
having heen given ..ut before the lu .ur
set h.v them fur thc DU]
linhl Robbery.
Some time during tbe early part ol
? iv night u bold robbery was com?
mitted ut the Norfolk vV- Western de
Mr. J. H. Meyer-, a ilruiiunei
:'t a V w Vuik Clot bi Ug bouse, had
hi* trunks mi th,, station platform pre?
paratory to tukum* departure for tbe
?rn. Au mt midnight a police?
man ? I one of the trunks
broken open, and some of contents
strewn about. Investigation snowed
tbat tbe robbers bad carried another of
the trunk-over the embankment near
th" mill, and With two axes it had
i 'ken open and nearly emptied
of it- i be thieves were pur*
ind -ii"i al by Officer Beal, bul
they were not caught up with. Tele?
grams were sen! Eas! and Wes! ami
early Wednesday morning word came
from Lynchburg that three ni
ii captured there having -nine
of the stolen clothing In their i
sion. Officer Beal went np tbe same
d brough! them to Farmville.
Their names are given as Rat Ander?
son, V. J ridge .lum-,?.ml Arthur Berry,
all thu e bad looking specimens.
afternoon they bad a bear
, .i wt ai i -? te -cut nw
to the graud Jury for indictment. Mr.
- e-iiin itel lu- i0, bul
\. \ \. (. I. I .
V I- s Viii.li.
Mus Louis
I ; .. vau?
lt bs, W. P. Bk ii mu,-un
??I,, , .irv forward mi
in tin
mor ti-iiitic."
u meeting was held Tues
'.?mum al live o'clock in the
Baptist church.
Tbei i call meeting al (he
same place next .Tuesday afternoon at
hulf pasl live o'clock. The members
I lu be pre-cut.
The headquarters of the National
\'. i I.I. w huh was in Chicago fur
fi,mn i i ye irs baa recently be in re
: from tbe city lo Real ' "ottage,
Evanston, III., tbeold hume nf Frances
H. \\ I Hard ? were
held April 21st. Friends gathered In
ii beyond tbe seating
Ry Of the bouse, and all entered into
the spirit ol I word thal made
the occasion one In which Joy and
Ipated in by Revs. Hr. M
of tbe First M. E. church; Hr. Milton
Biblical Institute
Hr. ti . Of the l-l l-t I
church, Dr. J. F. Lona, of tin
< , mal, :uid Mr-, sie.cn-, Mist
.,, Mt- Fry and Mrs. K.rkt r,
^general officers ,-f the W. C. T. '
?,- t.,r Hi.- extension nf tun
alic dy world wide Interests will here?
after bo -''u' "Ut hom thc borne mad*
? by tbs mem 'ry <>f Frum - 1.
''III! I R*a I I I Week.
I III th- 1.?
I lu
Paull tl i .uk, ,i
Ulina hume, the hu'l-c ||-elt Standing
lu a grove of original oaks, ipotlessly
el.-an in its new du? ol white paint
witta green blinds, tit companions,
surrounded by attractive outbuildings,
in oue ol them Ice enough to la-t until
l?.nee again, beautified witta Bow
ere, blessed witb a good garden, fat
aod strong work horses and hst step?
pers foi pleasure driving, well trained
and faithful servants, run- birds now
d in the old style but
better than the new uml made mon
ittractive to v (sitora by ** hospi?
tality relined, generous uml of thc
genuine Virginia type, the Docti r
is able to entertain, loves to entertain,
and the resull i- the home ls
brightened by the presence ..f beauty
and chivalry of .itv and country.
What a luxury to stop ttl ii bOBM
where you know the Welcome is true
and where your comiug places no ex?
tra burden on tbe good Indy of the
bouse. Thal was trie ula of
oilier (lays hut not generally true of the
Virginia of thi- day,
This hume descended to Hr. clark
through a line of ancestors who had
occupied it for two hundred yeal
there is at least mic piece nf furniture,
an uria chair, known to he that old.
i'his was brought fmm I leland, and
tbougta I examined it critically I could
not decide of what wood it was made,
lt weano! bull! furn laxy or lounging
occupant, but mie who -it- upright
Hie doctor is a graduate of Hamp*
deu-Sidney, and in medicine of the
University of Virginia, and is ambi?
tious to come in ct iliad with thc coin
petition of city life, hut he will think
long belora abandoning the home of
his fathers and one so rich in all that
goes tu make up a perfect hume.
I saw another hume, in the same
COUnty, Whele il lilllie ut a few II H 111 11 lr*
prepared tbe dinner, singing us sha
stooped over the stove, and then smil?
ing ami nappy as the presided over the
meal sic had served, with the graces
to iii" inure attractive than th
winch the q irth boast
l saa the United stale- mail
by a colored boy, ol seventeen y
24 miles a day lor two dollars a
iiiuinh, on a "yallow" mule, with wool
like that of a sheep, cropped ear.-,
spavined limbs, wasted muscles, de?
jected countenance, hungry, sad and
ihe government tbat t
tin-ai li.um- lia- nu time lor crossing
die -eu- un benevolence bent Let us
nave nol univ charity but ordinary de?
cency at linnie before taking up the
wm- nf ut lier people.
I saw fur the Brat time in my life
that section of mir county between
Darlington Heights and Five Forks, in
Wbicb ure located the flinns ol' Mr. Top
-Singleton and Mr. Sam Harris.
are both good and ni excellent state of
cultivation, hut that nf Mr. Hains fur
md grain i- perhaps superior tu
anything I have .-cen in my travels.
At this season ol the year when boree
- scare it i- relreablug tu visit u
land of plenty. I passed through the
farm just us day light wuis fading out
"fa perfect May day ami the scene was
indeed a lovely one, Fat bones, and
id fut bogs were taking ad*
vantage of the cooler hour to renea
their attivks on the luxuriant
the milk cows were standing to the
pail, the laborers were resting from the
wnrk of the week, except that a mon*
sterluad of hay was being pitched into
tbe capacious feed room, a sight rare
ami unusual, at tin* hour of balled-hay
The tobacco land waa ready f..r the
ruin ii d thc plants, the cuni WM
worked before being planted, tbe fences
without a break, tbe bouses without a
uaw and the whole industrial cam?
paign of the season evidently in the
bauds of a masb i
oakland was the home of my grand*
father, and i- now the property of mir
enterprising townsman, Mr. W. P.
(Jillian), wim i* sparing neither tune.
euergy oi money lo make it the Ideal
(arm of Southside Virginia, Speaking
of fences bis are models of ic ,
ami excellence. The entire faun, so
tmni thc public road,
iS ell' ll. ll d bj ll felice which Wullld
nut dlsflguraacity park. Though thal
fence ia bigb the wheat was trying to
p it, wiuie the clover vva
im; hard OP the heels nf the wheat.
That red tobacco lol war ready fur the
plant-, and if the "-tami" i- a good
one look out for "whoppere" when cut?
ting tune Cl
The old I: (hines out In new
. . and I could but take
nil my bat In presence of another Vir?
ginia landmark wbicb is being pta*
i frmn the tOUCb of di
Successful hu-iiit -- men ol mir cities
wt.uld do well to build their own coun?
try hmnes and live in them during the
heated term rather than In crowded
, or i.ly furnished cotte
mountain ..r seaside resort.
I ...I the heh clover of this and "til?
er counties fading because ..f the dry
beat, bul I saw, too, promise of rain,
und a- we have had mir "seed time''
we will Just a--ure have mir "harv.-t."
OM i iii; i ">
Typewriter For vile.
One Typewriter In first-class condi?
tion, ami fully warranted, fi
m i v low puce. Apply al
Herald <?i i t< b.
Por viK ( heap.
one Walter a. w.i Reaper, One
l,,i,.|,, Du.- fjbampl tu Mow*
vii in fairly g.I condition. Ap?
ply tu Kl VMuN. Ju.
Furniville, Va.
j. C. Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenn.,
?I cannot say too much fur
DeW il t's Witch Ha/el Salve. Ooeboi
ol it cured what tba doctors called an
...1,. ulcer on my Jaw." Cures
piles and all skin dise mes Look out
imitation-. Wiiist-in
Drug Cn.
We I. ive l hun-,. .|,,,| |,,l j? ||?. -,)W n
??' I uiii'. ille which '? ? nidi at exit j).
i ali uni ask fir
pun. ni ,i - \ hm- opportunity
w-iuj with -mall capital.
i- vi'.Mv ii.i.k Fakm Agon *>.
"Aller suffering fm111 severe dv-p p
Biaover twelve yeer! ami using many
nineth,., without permanent good I
finally tunk Kodol I iv sj*.-usia curr, it,
did me so arneb good 1 recommend it
in evt-ryuiie," writes J. F. Watkins,
<'k-rk ami Recorder, Cbilliootbe, Mo.
t digests what you eat. Wiustou
Drug Co.
?iiueral ln?Mj I'n-sli-teiimi ( Uartli
hi the liiit.il State*. Atlanta, lia.,
Miiv l7*-.?ii, i.too.
i,i tbe above oooaslon tbe Bontbera
Railway wUI sell tickets from ticket
-tali.rn-un it* line to Atlanta, (la,
and rediriiat one fan- for the round
(np. Tickets un sile May 15, h., amt
17, with return limit Maj 2Mb.
''?'? ' i kastaatlea of spplloanls
fur ceriul.-iiii - to I,neil In il,,- ii.
of Prince Bdwardeoaaljr, alt! bs hebl la iii*
tomi of Karin ville, on
hk-uay AM) WBDMBDAY,
. mut Ifth of June, nt Uk- |
WBllS -t hool buiiilliiK for
iiml on
. an,I '.'nih of .lune, nt the eolotei
?chool baudin*, fur
Ten.?lier* holding flr-t ami BSSOBd I
.?.?rtitli-alt - will not he rsqalrsd '
i.mi mit ion tm civil pwiieeml tm Hmso
certificate* h i
N..ure mil i... Khun m tiio Virginia
Behool .Ionrtuil upon what tiny the lattin
part of Aiuu-t Hie tMiiiiiiiHtiiin fur tlc- lit-t
year of Ihe |,i.)f,s-l,ni:il coursu villi !?
sii|?-riiil>-iiiliiit s.
ttaajrll Irak Prlass Bdward Co., Va,
To The Public!
moona to tin- penile thal t:,"
Wood and Coal Yards
formerly mansgsd I.y mi- futhnr, the late
J. VV. lillis, ?||| |?. o..ii t i ii n.-.l. Mr. C. H.
i I'.NMM.IIA.M will in future he in cliari;.'
.,f iin- boelneeo, ami seraest!"* salu tot
liniiaiice of the llheral patronage gtVSB Hit*
funner luana,/,,mciil.
We Will Keep jd Slock
ail lin- well known coal- h. rel.,for.' lian.lint
i h in.'h have given Bash
General Satisfaction.
ah parin- Indebted to us w iii please eoine
tot Weet amt -.?tile, nml tho-e having I
agalasl the lats J. \v. (Milo, win pr.-*Lnt
I hem to r. H. Cunningham for payment.
Ui-jh-i ?ifully,
.1* Hood ta You aa a Daily and
Von yet it at thc Price
of a Weekly.
It fiirni-he* more ni the price thnn any
Other new-paper published In Ann rna. li*
? rs ice oovera nil ihe globe and la
f-qUAled hy that uf trw (Ul I I'M. ll- report*
from tbe Boer war have aol been excelled in
Ullin.ii.-lui.s- end pro.iipliies-.. mut willi
the pr,-iiieiitiai campelgn now in progremi
?:i win be Invaluable, ii- polltleal ni
ait-oliitcl. luipailial. 'lill- fait make* lt nf
il value t.< Min at tin* time,
if you went t>, sratch every more of itu,
: t-ainimiKii take the Ihrii-e-n
Week World, irjros ersnl lo keep rc
on thi'l'i'ii-i- ami 1111 ? v need wat.him.
ihe ('lin. i -.. wv. k World. If yon "?'"it to
know nu fm' -ii developments, tuite las
B-Week world.
,!]!?,?.a-vv et k World's regular sub*
..ni* 11-00 por root. Wt
offer un* unequalled m nd th.)
Uibald tugether one vein- fur fl.00.
The rt-i-ulnr nuhnerlptlon price of toe two
- J&UO. _
Contains a Reliable Record
of all the Events In the
$4.00 A YEAR. 8INCLE COPY, (Octa,
For Sale by all Newsdealers.
I Farm Seeds.
$ harm Seeds lg
( mot Um toieil ?'> tllifi
t ...y. A melt dna to the Ard
. ? a-iu-lit,- |,'i-i:,hv;ivs I" en "Hr
, ? ,-,,n-i.i.-I-:.ii.m. We mpply
* all Seeds required for the J'arm.
i Cow I'eas, Cotton Seed,
A Seed Oats, Seed Corn,
Soja, Navy & Velvet
Keans, Sorghums,
Broom Corn, Kaffir
$ Corn, Peanuts, f
A Millet Seed, {
I Rape, etc. *
$ Wood's Descriptive Catalogue 9
maUon eiiout *
I end oil other 8e****U; tot method!
'i T. W. WOOD & SONS,
SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va.