j. i, Hart.Ktlitoraad Proprletoi
One copy, ona yeal.
?? *ix months.
" " three mon tits.
a M
, th. ,..>-!.irflee al Karin ville a*
* nisller.]
| "lll(1 ss
-,,i to Ins KSKAi.ii, Karmvllle, Va.
K. W. Pr SC, nt limn Kay, I* aiillioi ired IC
mUsstaadrseelptfsc saSeerlplloas sadsd
? i-cr.
KRIDAY, JTIaVn. I.'"*'
I fy. ni have in vocabulary a par?
ticularly oflenslve adjectivi you can
Scad it to the Richmond Ncuo, where
it will bc promptly ami property dealt
titark Hanna has Ik* ti made an
I. I>. I>. Lat's make lt read, Laborious
Lifter of I* -liars. Au Ohio college did
it. A bid for boodle.
CunglQM alone lia** poWOf to declare
war un ('luna ur otbar folks; bul
Whal care McKinley ami Mark fnr
.Amelie Rives lani wnrk on another
book, "Tin* Piena Un-jusl ami Uosjsn
emu-* Pencil Shovels." Kroad territory
that, eboaodiog, loo, iu the "quick
and the dead."
W. J. Kryau donned li i.t hickory
shirt and brown trousers and walked
like a beaver in bis wheat Held this
season to stave it fruin a threatened rain.
With the aid nt two visiting political
friends bs t.'"t it shocked in time.
A menai wberavnyou Mud him.
Tba diy of Baltimore, says the bal?
timore Asa, "Mapoon a line uj-ou any
mau who venture.**; tn plant a tree be?
fore li i-t front door.'' Strange that a
mOOtO et people Should consent to live
afnuy neb place Instead of a liue
there ought to be a preuiiuui ottered.
'Hie Prohibition ticket thin time will
ba headed by Ju" 0. Walley, of Illi?
nois, and Henry 15. Metcalf, of Kinnie
Island. In iv.**; tiie party ea-t 180,388
out of a total of 13,828,019. If it ever
ian win the luilleuiuiu will have
beg un.
Of course there will I*e lawyer- in
the cuiistitutiutial convention, able ones
we trust, and then farmers, merchant*,
manufacturers a lew doctors and no
preachers. ii.Qeoeral Kn?er tueau by
"sulking behind follies '.*" That's what
he cays he lias bean doing all the-**
years a- Democrat. If he bad not been
"sulking" but standing in front ranks
as a true ami brave soldier he would
never have gone over to the enemy.
The .Supreme Lodge of the Knights
of Honor, ia session ill Kuflalo recent?
ly, voted to e.xclude t'hristiaii s'-ieu
tists aud faith curists from tbe order.
The members had no doubt beeu im?
pressed with the Bible statement that
"faitb without works is dead."
Messrs Hoar, Lodge and Foraker
have been stirring the annes to revive
the bitterness of bygone. Will the
gold Demo' rat of the Bonita aid them
iu the unholy work? Sj-c-ak oat and
let's have pow answer.
The "Jim Crow ' car law ii Bom la
full force, and the cul.ired i-eople who
prefer their own churches and own
schools will have the luxury of their
their own car-. No white man will
dare invade their castles.
We extend them our congratulations
on their good fortune. Such conces?
sions, are only made to them in
"Dixie." Their l?est friends live there.
A statue to Gen. .Mahmie will be
erected in Central Park, Petersburg.
A eonespoodoot writes that it "will be
of the best ijiiality of bronze, and a
work of art creditable lo the city of
Pcter.-burg, aud worthy of the fame of
the distinguished original, the better
years of wboeo life were identiliecl witta
this eommunitv."
i ii,
i? i
in t
Of tl
the |
by i
reek I
has I*
has bi
the h
dant i
as tbe
the lit;
they m
been p
All i
To the
term j
and grs
lain it t
fled in
A ma
own hm
but he I
his riei*4
but indit
door" is
home an
Than people wbo ask Mr. Bryna to
abandon bis principle- in order lo win,
do not believe in Henry Clay's state?
ment that "it is lietter to be right than
president " If the great leader should
yield lo the clamor for change he
Would be unworthy of public confi?
dence. If yotj cannot endorse his
view-. -*ay -*., but dunt a-k him to be?
come deserter.
My wm mon consent tbe Paris Expo.
?lUoia is a colossal failure, and the
American exhibit-a shame. Wesiieut
millions and have nothing to nhow for
it. Kut then, we cave &000.008 for
IbePhilipptnn aodgotoottaiog. This
McKinley administration i? one great
bite failure, loo,
If Mr. \v. l. Royal, of Richmond,
ever bad the Virginia -ide of any pub
lie matter w hieh l,?* \^n considered
in the (Rate f.-r the la-t iiuarler of a
century WC fail to recall the fact.
They tel! us thal cosnbihn radon
prion and ara tbemfon friends of the
people. Dani they make moneyf
big money".' Road Ibis: I'la* .standard
Oil Oompany bnjost daebued a quar?
terly dividend of 120,000,000, while
Carnegie's annual profit from the great
eieel and Iron combine amounted to
More than 840,000,000. Are than folks
Hiving the people anything? cutup
into smaller cor] WOtaM (mt
eempatitloq mrs - mi of Hmm mil*
linns lo the pockets of the people? It
strike* us so, mod "erm Hunk the coori
knows herself."
Krom our
a striking
of euros h
liscal year
had not
there wen
defldl ins
with the
will Ix.* n
-? nlen*
blow all-out
That Cl
any easier I
Chinese k
fureign mi
has been ot
firmatiou ci
were there
out within
Ul ?!" so. Jt
them to get i
public is d
was the Cl
nc vc- that tl
attacked tin
Seymour, w
aud wound
attempt to ti
ls* intended t
III this count'
of ('luna.
.McKinley, wi
enjoy ti in go
and other tl
lt is rather strange that a DOWSpC
ikt published in Maryland should un
dertake lo Indan tbe South to roto lb
Kepublknn ticket. And the reason
given are queel too:
T lie "Kepublican party fUrolsbo
the South Witta sound money." Wi
<i,.n't admit that thc* a O. P. tan sen!
,-nt ami we know tbat thc dollai
,,f tho day is no Ix-lter than the dullar
uf yesterday.
j. The Republican party bas (riven
the Smith "wise and equitable tani!
law-.'' Tn every right thinking niau
in the Sm th they are SSMOtlally BO*
u im mid inequitable.
.;. The Republican party ha- given
to thc Boutta "new markets." Nea
markets tn winch her BOOS have been
slaughtered and her treasure, ia part,
criminally wasted.
4. The Kepublican party bas restored
"confidence" in tbe South -by threat?
ening her with disfranchisement and
Imposing upon lier disreputable and
oflenslve officials,
Nu, brother: tbe South baa oo nat ???
for voting the Kepublican ticket ami
"ail the king's horses cannot drag bel
tu Ihe {.Hills witta any such I o tent toa.
She is just BOW agolii/.ing over the
solution of nmighty problem, a prob?
lem forced upon ber by this same Ke?
publican party and she can neither ox
iect aid or comfort frmn tbat source* in
his her chief Struggle. Those who
ip pose ber In tbat can be friends in
intbing. If die Hoars of tbe North
einand a return tu the horn irs of re
HMtrUCtton we have come to tbe
parting of the ways." We are not
liing that way, nor would our brother
f tba Am, ri< an, If be BOW tilings a
All summer might be profitably em*
oyed la discussing this ratrject. All
hers of public moment sink into In
?niticance in comparison. Senator
?ar, as Senator, emphasised that fact
d thoughtful men the country over
ree with him.
A'hy should a so-called gold Demo*
,t make a fool of himself talking
the "silver craze" when bc so well
jws that the existence of his Gov
meut, os the borne of a free people,
ii trial? A financial folly, if Mr.
an* views on silver are indeed
ishness, may be corrected, but
tina a little more firmly entrenched
he seat of power, ami the work of
ihlngton, Jefferson, Madison and
shall is all undone,
ead the truth as it comes to us fmm
Philippine and note the insolence
ie trust-crowned magnates, and Hie
r who hesitates a- tohis duty in
present national struggle is blinded
raestoo, the slave of unreasoning
idict* or desperately Inclined to
m iii a/fairs governmeotal.
is no extravagant statement,
ere is not a mau of sense in all
rica who does not prefer Kryal)
heresies to Hanna headed to de
lion. Voling for McKinley is a
Hanna is beneliciary now ami
mime more so as event-unfold,
confess tbat the McKinley reign
?eu a busy reign, aud that tin re
*u more thao the usual buz/ in
md, but it has t-een a bustle
ug out of war aud a bu// atteti*
ipou the rattle of shot aud shell,
the people begin to pay the mal
y must, and continue to make
ht, as they will be forced to 'I",
ill realize that "prosperity" lia.*
nrefaaoed at fearful cost,
snot lost, bul it somi maybe.
rescue in time I
i- a much med and much abused
ust now. It seems to aflord
le reasou for highway robbery
nd larceny. In order to main
is is claimed, nations are justi
battering down each other's
ilds and stealing territory,
n has the undeniable right of
and closing the doors to hi?
ne at his "own sweet will,"
las not such right with doon of
hbors. Nations are nothing
.'idual.-* eu masse. The "open
no excuse for crime. Stay at
d mind your own busmen
K-lOilHrt orri-i'iiinleiil.
Wasiiimjtiin, July 2, 1800.
ican gall is DO new thing, but
: exhibition of ll is the attempt
ieputabeans to blow about the
i Treasury surplus for the
that ended Saturday. If it
lieen for the 1100,080,000
by the war taxes, which the
u Congress refused to reduce,
lld have beeu a fBO.000,000
tead of a surplus, and even
war taxes unrelated, there
0 surplus next year, if the
i Oongran keeps up Its ax
appropriation at the next
lhere is more for the Ke
to be ashamed of than to
iu that surplu-.
liuese puzzle hasn't grown
o solve the past week. Tbe
fillister's news that tbe
nistcrs were safe in Pekin,
infirmed, but with the eon*
ime the allegation that they
because tbey refused to get
Hi hours, although ordered
is not stated who ordered
Mt, but it is clear tbat the
esired to infer that it
unese government The
ie Imperial Oblnen troops
l marines, uuder Admiral
ho lost heavily in killed
ed, iu bis unsuccessful
'et to Pekin, seems also to
o stir up public sentiment
?yagainst the government
lu tbe abseme of Mr.
io has gone tn Canton to
Id-trimmed bath-tub and
migs, for an indefinite
pen...I. numbers of die idmlohilinUon
.-.. i.i ni.- Has, Kout and Long, espa
dally, arc poaiog a* being v,l> ""??
-i.I. lite towards the Chinese govern
nu-ni, i.ame tbey do ind accept then
things rn arm Tbey an doing so
in ii. h talking that they ba'?' BJOUBed
Ihe SUSPlctoO that they BIO doing ll
for effect and probably to detract atten?
tion flem thc real designs of tbe ad*
miiii-traliun in China. Tbe super?
stitious ure Inclined to knocking of a
huie in thc bottom nf the batttosbip
Oregon by a rock on the coast of ( luna,
a- a i.iui omen.
,? : i., n i lamed in- many
tVaabingtoo friends ami admiran
when bc arrived and denied ihe story
-..-ni mil frmn .Marun a few day- BgOi
alleging that bc bad been dangerously
poisoned by eatiog load-stools nndw
thc Impression tbat Umj waremueb
rooma He said Ibe story bad not tbe
sligbtesl excun for existing, as lu* had
no illness for ivears, unle--I* iug laid
np by an accident last winter can be
called -neil.
According to au official report of
(icu. Davis, a large number of Porto
Kuans will not clo any work as long as
they can draw free rations from the
government, (icu. Davis has been
ordered tu give motin to tho Porto
Ricans thc issue of free rations
will I-e disci mt in ned July loth.
Seiiatur Daniel, nf Va., who ba-gone
o Kooem City to attend the ('mi
'OOtlon said, ju-t before leaving Watta*
Dgtoo: "I am not, bave not been, and
nil not be a candidate for the Vin
'residency, ami I do aol desire that my
ann- lie mentioned in that connection,
have never authorized or made any
ther statement." Senator Daniel de?
nied to say who be favored for the
?corni place on tbe ticket. He is an
itbasiastic Biyan man and has been
L'hl along.
That (here ha- been extravagance M
ell m Stealing in the Cuban Postal
rv ice was practically acknowledged
Fourth As-istant Postmaster Kris*
re, ertao bm just returned frmn Cuba,
icu he saul that he bad made recluc
n* in postal -alaries while there that
?regaled 11,000,000 a year, am! be
nibed tbat acknowledgement when
added: "No clerks have resigned
ce that reduction, lie-cause of lieing
Mid, ami I am satisfied thal they
now paid ali tbe work is worth, if
' of them should resign, there WOUld
io difficulty in filling their plans at
same mlsriss "
on Hanna's man Hick bas nu fear
?sing the Qermao vote, Ob no! To
e it, be bas had himself inter*
rad to the extent of half a column of
y chestnuts. The German voter is
fool. He can't 1* caught by meta
! ;i- link scatters around. He
vs be bas i*.nwl foundation fur lii
sitioi) to Imperialism
idden Beauty
jypt the custom ls for Princesses
ide their beauty by covering
iwer part of the face with a veil.
merka the beauty of many of
?omen is hidden because of the
weakness and
sickness pecu?
liar to the sex.
If the Egypt?
ian custom pre?
vailed in this
country, many
sufferers would
be glad to
, cover their
,wrinkles, their
their unnealthy
.xion, from the eyes of the
rrith the veil of the Orient
lale Regulator
out a woman's true beauty.
?s her strong and well in those
upon which her whole general
lepends. It corrects all men
isorders. It stops the drains
orrhcea. It restores the womb
roper place. It removes the
of headache, backache and
ness. It takes the poor, de
, weak, haggard, fading
and puts her on her feet
taking her face beautiful by
her body welL
ufgtrtJ Mil lt for fl a bott!-*.
ir fret? illustrated book for women.
Held Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
"I KT of 1'rlnee Kdward County,
Karin villi-. Vu,, .lune 2
rlcklDMO administrator of P. C.
i.i-ill, lr. W. Sro!!, (n-nr.
?nil. .Ililli.- BCOtt J*- Ii tl if- lino;*,
luella Allen, Jul.n Allen,
! \ Graf- Annie Whitlock. J.
. Florence Hootl and irene Booti
i I'ul.ert Weet lil. ir Les! friend,
(nee. Klla Walkin*, ('lia.*. W'ni
nnle We-i and Robert tt. -
. I'laintllt.*.
lack. Tallie Womaek, Wataon
Henry Wini.ack. Sam i Booti,
I nnd Hie unknown lui rr* of the
I ? st, toa .-.-..i i.. i.mMmxnts.
i nf nu- ( inuit court of Prince
inly, Va., colored in Ifili renes
iii !. rm, ISM, the ululersixiieii
reeled to luke the follow
. \ ll.:
want of Um teanssetloac of T.
u sin rill and adm In i-trator or
? I', i . Weal .1. , .ii-.-.l.
.?'uml of all ih i.i- .lu.- hy ihe
lat.- P. c. We-i, deceaaed, witt,
lin r, nt if mn.
?ini!,I of ali Hu- real estate ol
il I', i . We*i died Wind amt
reider with Hie annual ami fee
I i-oiiinii**loner ls a'-.i directed
? io t>,k.- t-t (dence to eecertaln
it -ai.I real > -tal. i- capable ni
Ind after the imvineiit of tin
1". c. Weat, -liouid ii appeal
ul real will pay the said .kl.!*
mm lea loner is further prue* od
which shall be by puhliealiuii
Ile Hkkalu fur four -ur. i
fy nil partlea whether rlaini
ir- nf -aid e-lati nr heir- at
i Weet, tn appear rn ide um
iklna. said a, inmit* andee Um
f for.-ver debarred fruin par
n saint-.
- partli* ami all heir* at law
f eald P. I Weet, rteooceod.
Ulled that I will on the 21*1
liim. at my olfire. in the tow ii
Va., proceed in execute -.aid
li dav all euell panie* iii In
y ii..Hilt il lo n|.|*-uriiiiil look
In Chancery Circuit Court
rt I minty.
In The f
Letters, Science,
ScseiON Bi
Kor Catalogue*
Tbe fad that Croker bm any roles
in Democratic maneela oi any tollu
oom ni Democratic circles i-1" m de?
plorable^ bot gotna; over tu the Hanna
side is -Amply imt tu lu* lok
There atc had men of Influence in eve*
ry comiiiiiiiity, and, alas.' thal it
should la' so, in -niue of the chun lu -.
Mild we are imt gifing to dt?rt eithei
on aoooonl ot iin-ir aofortooate aod
iiie.\|.Iicalilc preseoce and power.
Croker, wt rejoice to know, will not
ia- the "power behind the Ibroi ?
tia* event of .Mr. Bryan's election, while
Hanna wirooods tin McKinley mal
willi uiidi-i'iiti'il iiii'i indisputable
sway. Both evils, hui thom i- ? biggei
One of the two.
\ Bargain.
We have fur sale one "f the iim-i de?
sirable farm* in the county of Cumber?
land. Kor particular!! apply to
Paran Hie Karm Agency.
MU lt i. TO ALL.
All coiiiniunicalioii-of ;i private DO
tun* not of public interest, obituaries
izceediof ten Hom, memorials, tributes
rf respect aod resoiutioas of organiza
ioneor eorpomtiona will be charged
ir al the rate of live cents per line
rheo published io tbe Hbrald. Poal
ively DOdeviatloo nor exception will
?* made.
The Favorite
rbiekey of famone men ia HARPER,
seance of ila emooth, esquisite flavor;
cense of Its njol-fhkias purity; because
Ila mellow age. No wonder lt's tin
rorite, Every drop sterling, HAR?
"N.lil hy
i LRM , ll.1.1*. I A.
II Kinds (il Lumber
Always on band
Alway- fur buUdiog purposes.
Alway* ii adv wm ki d.
Always ready to ls* worked.
Alway* lo meet JTOOT want-.
Alway* al market \<r\
Alway- glad loam you.
Alway* glad lo '|U"te yuii.
Mw ay- come and Irv us.
VI ways your* truly,
Farmville Mfg. Co.,
.IMA:-In the Clerr-. Oftlci i
Tull Court nf i iiniii. lian.I County,
Kl), ism
I. Lawford, in Iii- ott ii righi SBd OS
nlatrator ol T. W. Lawford, d. e d ,
. -.l.s-I ' In I 'halie, rv.
rinvi.l.' Balldlng <? Tru-t Co. (i. T.
er, J. M. Cnn. arni i . < . I ?
?. -: I raiii-i- K. Paint* r. If.
,rii. Katherine Darla, Edward \.
,r.i. H.,Mard I. Lawford, Herbert M.
ird. Thuiiia* Wrlgtll laaufnrd ami
I |ia\ I-. Ki -p..:,.|. ni,.
?ject of (hi* -ml At In eCUlO thc Sd
allon aiieiints of tin* plainllfl aa ad*
ilnr ni I . W. I SW (Ord, ?!' .'I . and In
nut.-.1 lo ti.i- right* ot tbe crediton
. Lawford, dee rL, s bern .1. ii- ,
.ant with hi-mtn moana,and loenb
n-al . -tate nf ulm li -ant I' W. LBW
:. in thc pat metit then of, and
linn the real notate of ti 1,1,
died -t ./1.1. among iii- inns, and if
i not conran len tly '?? node, to -?
ld dil .rt. r pat ineiil ni
long hi* Inir*.
i aU'nia\it baring been made and
thc defendant** Henri, tin i..m ford,
T. Lawford and rhona*. Wright
arc nu! roeldenU ol the -
ll ls onlerrd thal th..*, du appeal
nil Ollera dat* after due piil.lleii
nf. and dO ? lint lino tie 111
I their liitere-t In Ihi* -nil. And ll
ordered tba! seopj hereof, be pon?
ies mst fur fi.ur M.-.k- in lin
? Herald, a in u-paper publlalll ll al
I that a COpj DC pu-ted al
il. Mir n! Hie eon r I lum se nf tlo* coon?
dra! dat Of lin- in \! term of the
A coin
I. i! f-i.HTK.v Clerk,
?ii-iin, p. --. Jane 8?lt.
sa cu
di nt lhal
fa i:
wlio iliiiik
leasure; HARPER
i .*iil?l- zr-t to exist
To thixi' who iliiiik
- for health's sake;
BB whiskey makes life
ring. Bold by
?an Hleyeie Co., hat-Inif ?!?
.-ir la*! year's -loci* of Unveil ?.
-ry low prue on tin in In euler
n rapidly. I bOQghl a tem nf
offer!iik them at uii-hear.i nf
? Iii.-In nu!.
Tilctlls at $16.50.
Cresent*- al $27.50.
Ramblers at $31.00.
eryllilng ellie proportionately
- th ii -1 m.! bc eosspan d s uh
ore goode, t bej on -ian.tani
-aaraoteod earn
o ? Virginians
icadenpic Schools.
Lai, Medicine, Engineering.
oin* 16th September.
addreeH P. li. barringer.
. Charloiteovtile, Va.
( li< ;ijif
Call i
making ;
Al till* nil
may !?
Ju-t rn.
V. i
Tin Roofii
dunc ati
J. M.C
No! ire.?Ow
(he linn- of ('
A Noel Bros., ?
all bills il'ii'
sm tbs i
.March Sod. I
ff AVE V,M
il at rai
do away with all thc li"t discomfort of former bal
day.;, save yourself work and ta'tlicr and do yow
baking in less time, at 1 , by usisga
Oil Stove
Burns t!:? cheapest fad
. . . abso
rt or gr
I i unell.
doti net lia vc ti.
- . ?-. r i< Linen Duck
t-:ui'l Waists, i
ks, tte, Skirts sre from
np to tin- lineal cjualil
.1 -Hols tin' ss
rearing .'11111 moe! durable,
id Cooli Stoves
t .-uni lust e, it offer*
md examine before l/(i(
1 purchase.
^armville, Va.
id This!
I eland of Crute A Bngg
e found a full line "f
rinware, ('rockery,
A*.-.. A-' .
lived frmii Ute mills a
ot of
?ed Steel Kooli ult.
lg, Guttering, &c.,
ll Worn LT li 1
I 81
na' tn tbe dissolution ot
rule A Burr ami ('rufe -
te .. ill i** iriad tu bees
them .;
j. if. CR! ri: u\
" ' lj n
,. 1.-11111-11
HKK.\I-I? JOB ol
bi -'er, \
maj H-lOt*
NEW NO. 4 FOR 1900
vt i ?
ireiin li kine, M-jbt
i ea* liaii-h,
??*.. w
i. ?"nffiiU
en. W?
.iii, rn ti. i . -. A I I. \M \. i,\.
An Uparalleled Record
Od Its Fortieth I
The Equitable
Lifo Assurance Society
has ?m its hooks Outstanding Assurance
lt>r omt a billion dollars
which is more than hvice tin- amount accumulated
liv;in\ other company in tin- world during .i m'mi
lar ]?? ry. Its a\-si-iv amounl ui (.?..?!?
which i- more than twice tin- amount held hy .-my
other companj in the world on it- fortieth anniver?
sary. P- Surplus amounts t<* <?> er
which is also more than twice the amounl held by
.?hiv iiiln.' company at tin- end <>1 its fortieth rear,
W. P. VENABLE 4 CO., District Agents.
WV also represent Fire alni Accident Companies.
io'-, f^pA g 1 \'
SK. Q _ \
ill.-i .1 li- I.. :
ihi. VJKOINJ \ .tn'.a/iny.l
(Jeal Breakfast
to mi n i.i rr.
I'M ?
\ ,,?,. |{, -,.-, iMII.i._
H. --. | Al I
Junea.T, lvuo.