Newspaper Page Text
RULES FOR MARRIED MEN. % lonna ,* lillian WSHSM to Know \\ h* I.-ml **t>iiu-limO ?.??** Ih.ui rn 1>?? IKuli. I ,j(, whk -mut obi would wi iii .1 t- * mles fur men, said a young uiarried mncentlj to the Baltlmon miter. Km aw fully (ired nf rending in mngiuiiiesaiid newspapers that I must meet my husband when hecotnes home from hi's ofhce "pleasantly and cheer? fully." Thal Ihe house inns! he Ilk. a new' pin. 1 must bc prettily gowned, the dinner must be daintily cooked and ?erred uml that be mustn't be worried with ii recital of the t roubles of l he dsy, no matter If delirium supervenes fin? nie. These precepts alt all righi theorct ii-.ilh and under onlinarv circimi Mances are practical woinaii follows them Instinctive!,) who wishes ? da her husband's admiration, but Why aren't there a few laws of this Hort laid down for men to follow? Why isn't there some one lo tell them to look cheerful when they come in, and te forbear to grumble if dinner is a trifle late for any good reason, to he a lit (lt? sympathetic and affectionate, and remember that (heirs are BOl the only troubles iu the house. According to the ordinary writer, a woman's whole married life should be Bpent in practicing expedients te keep her husband's love from growing cold, while he apparently may pursue any course he pleases, di ll or uncivil, tyran? nical or gent lemauly, and he sure of re? taining hers. This may not he the masculine Idea of the case at all; the sterner sex may not really expect te gel the whole globe and give nothing in return, bill it is not the writer's fault if 'hey don't. I sedulously keep all such articles away from John, for he's a very good hus? band, and I'm afraid such literature would put idea-, into his head and Spoil him. Now. poor, unenlightened soul he has an idea that my side of the partnership has its ow n worries, and he tries to help me straighten thom out, but who knows how he would change if he ever discovered that he is really made of china and has to be handled with care to keep from being broken? FOR COLD-DAY SHOE BUYERS. A Tip aa the Effreta of Zero Wrathrr ? ? Peoplc'a Pedal Ci tremltlea. A burly man, with a red mustache, was seated in a shoe store in the shop? ping district, and was having a good deal of trouble apparently in finding something in footgear that exactly Suited him, says the New Orleans 'limes-Democrat. "This feels first tate," he said al length, "except that lt pinches a trifle across the instep." "In that case I would take a wider last," rsaggeatad the clerk, "especially on such a day as this." "Why, what the dickens has the day to do with mj- shoes?" asked the customer in.sur? prise. **A great deal," replied the clerk, promptly. "It is cold to-day - unusually cold for New Orleans ami in such weather anybody's feet shrink from a quarter te half a ahte, Conse? quently, they?" "Oh! cniue now!" Interrupted the burly man, "you're having fun with nie!" "Not at all," saitl the clerk, earnest? ly. "I assure you it is exactly as 1 say, and for that reason we have to he very careful on days when the temperature is low or we would have a lot of pur? chases returned. You have heen wear? ing a rattier thin shoe and your feet are at this moment more than a quarter size below the normal, ll you buy anything with a tight instep now it will be intolerable to-morrow." The man with the red mustache looked thoughtful and took a wider last. WHAT ONE WOMAN THINKS The Feminine I'bl loaopba r Makra a feet Sag-e and Saucy Ke? mar ka. Nowadays a music roll is just as apt to contain a sausage us a sonata, sa\s the Philadelphia Times. With the rudder of truth gone and the compass of faith lost, love soon comes to shipwreck. Some women's idea of their rights is. all that they now have together with those enjoyed by men. A man realizes the value of his wife when she goes away ou a visit leaving him to mind the children. It ls a wise woman who knows her own business, and lt is a wiser one who thoroughly attends to it. To refuse a man in order to have the fun of hearing him propose again is dangerous; he may propose again to some other girl. It ls not always- wise te ask a child for his opinions in public; they are generally uncompromisingly and some timc-s uiicomfortulily frank. The young woman who was prevented from going to a dance became k!i?* dropped a hot curling iron down her back probably at the time of the ae cideut danced enough for one evening. An Oeean of Liquid Air. Sir John Murray, in a recent address, drew a vivid picture of the time, in the remote future, when temperatures as low as those wi ieh Prof. Dewar pro? duces iu his experiments at thc Royal institution will prevail all over the earth. The atmosphere and tha oriana will then have disappeared within the rocky crust of the glob-*, their ele? ments having entered tote new* combi? nations. In othtr words, to use Sir John Murray's e.\ .ression, "the waters of (he ocean will have become solid reek." But oven litir surface will roll the waves of a new and most wonderful sea. "an ocean of litpiid air about 40 feet In depth." At that time, of coane, life as we know i( will have vanished from the enrth. - Farmville Herald ANDTHE Thrice-a-week New York World, Both OM year for 11.60. Heud orders to THE HERALD, Farmville. Va. I The JOB RHEUMATISM and CATARRH CURED -HY Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLE'S. IN THE SHADOW OF DEATH. A Whol*. Fan-Ill. CurMl. Mrs. (' ll Kingsbury, who keeps a millinerv ami fancy gooda stun* at Si Louis. Dratiot Co., Rich., and who is well known throughout the Country, says: '? I was bailly troubled with rheuma? tism, catarrh "and neuralgia. I had liver complaint ami was very bilious. I WM In a hail condition; every day I be? gan to fear that I should never be a well woman; that I sh.mid have to nettle down Into a chronic Invalid, and live in the shadow of death. I had JOHNSTONS SARSAPARILLA rec? ommended to me. 1 TOOK POUR BOTTLES AND IT CURED MR, and cured ray family both. I am very glad that I heard of it. I would cheerfully recommend it to every one. I have taken maiiv other kinds of medicine. I prefer JOHNSTON'S to all of them.* Mil II1U t, > III: l li CO.. ??-troll, Hlik. H. (' ('ki ik, Karinville, Ya. R. L Barnes Safe & Lock Co,, Successors to U. I, Bu:m,s A Co., 11.11 E. Main Street, Richmond, Vu. DI vi Kits in ^Standard Fire-Proof Safes, Burglar-Prooi Safes, Railroad, Jewelers', Skeleton and House Safes. Fire-Proof Vaults. Burglar-Proof Steel Vaults. Safe Deposit Boxes. Time Combination and Key Locks. Expert work by skilled work? men. Apply to S. W. PAULETT, Jr., kgl. I'ARM VI DDK, VA. ?Caveat*, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat {eiifbuiinesaconiJijctedfor Moderate Fees. I Out*. Orricc is Opposite U. 8. Patent OrricE land we can se. ure patent m Icm time than tliuw: [remote from Washington. ? Send model, drawing or photo., "With de-trrip 'tion. tVe advise, if patenutiie or nt, d ? e oi [charge. Our fee not due till patent is sc tired. i A P*MFH*.-;t, " II?W 1? Obtain Patents,'' ? itb cost of taine in the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. At'.drtss, j C.A.SNOW&CO.i Ore. Patent Ornct, washington, d. c. i Mew York Jfe Insurance. I desiri' to Announce to tin nl?]ic that I .'tm Prince Edward Agent ?r tiie above well known ompany. The oldest and rongeet Life [nsurance in ristence. J. E. GARLAND, pi.27-.??. K.-iniivill,., Vu. CHAS, M. WALSfl^ -STEAM MARBLE and GRANITE WORKS, PEKB8BURO, VA. MAM'KACTlltKH OK numents, Headstones, Tablets, kc. on and Wire Fencings -Jidflgpf ?ok caxavaav ana Orara Puai-oana APT. S.W. PAULETT, Farmvlll.. lian i my Ai'i'ni fora muni,ir of foote, and ;furniHii e*iiiiiiiu-r- u?d particulars to all 'apply. !uckeye lowers AND Binders. t i \ il* ii ,,,?.. Th hill I 0 BEST ON THE MARKET. or sale bi Farmville Commercial Co., Farmville, Wt. PRINTING T REA8QNABE PBIGffi AT HERALD OFFICE m. \. vii by Jol wi. lin STAPI Mi PU Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. I Haj-tl-fclallrdlgaaUtbefoodaiidaldi Nut uro iii htn-iiKtlienliiK and recon* itructlng the exhausted dlgaatm or* Kan-. It ls thelatestdlseoTarad digest nut iiml tonic. No other jiroiiaration can approach lt in efflclency. It m Bt ant ly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Bick Headache,Gastralgla,Ci?mpi Md all other results of Imperfsctdlgestloni Price He. and tn. Utfgefd-aeeortalnaSM times miall abe. Book all abontdyapepala malwa tm Prepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO.. Chlcaflo. \\ in-i.iii Drug c.i. E PIANOS. Por niniit mit yooTA tbeae instrument** Iiiim* -l.m.l the I.-I I l.r.v lui ti* lu i'll u-eil Iii -.?hm il*. .< .;i -.-I \ nh.. 'les, in Ilir liniiii*, nml on Hu- sim..,-. Yob win i.ijii their praises Round? ed lt |-i ..r. --limul- i- w.l I ii* ii mu I cn I -. i inr Tii.iim -ul i* purchasers -.Inn.I remit i.i-ut in friends who on looking f<>. n new I'liimi, "Buy an Emerson." ls dealers, who kn.iw nit niiikrs, their g.I and hail points, wc mj there i* more Illino fm Less Money in iin- make thnn in nut other on tbe mark? et. The Kraeraon i* .1 leader because merit I- lum ml li. a 'li. TERMS EASY: a UUIe down and .1 little each month until paid. Emerson Piano Company, un Boylston sir.-.i BOSTON, MAs-s. W. T. DOYNE Buoeeeaoi to Doyns A Hun, JIMDERTAKER and dealer in FURNITURE teiiairingaiid Upbobteffng Done in the best .Manner ?r /all Paper, Window Sliudes,Piano* him! Organs, Behool Furniture PARMVILLE, VA. PHONES: STORE 80: RESIDENCE 22. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Traoe Marks Designs Copyrights Ac Anrnnr. ai-nillng a sketch and -le*CTlpllnn mitt tnli'lilr ""?..(?nulli ..ur i.pun..ri free (? r.v.-rif i.01 1* pr. .bntilr r.rilciilalilo. e<>mmunl--A 11,.1* ul rn I Iv"I. HO.'1 ill ul. 11 lim! I., "it ..ll I'Hi.'MS ?ni tree. ??" 1.1 *??t sceney for n.-riirinir pitii'in*. Patents taken taroon Munn A < u. receive ?rf, nu!.nut. I'lmrve. In the Scientific American. , hAnrt?..rnrl-r Ithl'lratcl weeklr. I.ariie*t cir niall,.ti "f miy Aneri!lil-- journal. Terns, f 1 a SW; ni..nth., |1. 1-Wild bf all newsdaalen, SUNN * Co.36,BK?-d^ New York Branch Office. (25 K BU Waahlnutun, D. (J. / es or No. TOU NEED GLASSES arter our critical exiimltiiillons of our eye*, wt all! mj -o. ami we'll may NO just as qnlck If you don't. 1. re area rood munt- people deeMlag Um ? Imn lor Ihiiii-il Mr., nml linn 1 DANGEROUS. e critical examination coat* nothing, - worth a greal deal lo ymi. W. T. BLANTON, OPTICIAN A.Mi I KW Kl. Kit. ixl door to Planters Hank. u'll Need Us When You Want Clothing. e -ell ??o'.h. - thal make vnur iiiIkIi isask"where tint roo ni i them**" nt look like mw all the lum*. We eke a specialty of Htrouse Brothers iim-maiiegoods, itu- mtv beetia .le ami <|iiallty. OUR SHOES Bwsnrpasssd In quality and si. la, 1 examination of .mr slink win oon lee t on ihiu mir men's sin,.., mada Klee A Hutchins, amt la.ll.-s ',, im Kelly, ar.* superior In ererj y io oiher gooda coating aaaaa iiie.v. We hill.. 11 .ii!ii|i|ele ilne of J AND FANCY DRY GOODS, i'ltiNs, HATS, QAM, i;|'.Ni*H KNISH I Nu i ii xii.m. KI'UH, MIT ?UUAMBS, Ac, Ac. Richardson 4 Oralle, KAKMVilaLK, VA. li tt c in Bl to iii in, iii Ml as DI Kl 1 1*1*1 l.-S six III. lng en tim dot tot li.,i the five the gre ,t i lien Ur, Hy titi! peri timi timi mail hool en i Mr. Vere Dil Al had a nu the elgat thus lo ll pron \ug i von. "Not man; be th (??OOl I All ture? exi-eei of re*) tioiiH a or at when tlvely bc mac GEN. BULLER AND THE TU 'l'he 1. mk I (.en. ral Wit* Ballan ?aini?? lehe, mun ih.* i Ire Waa Hull***!. Lt vt-us during the advance of the Derona and the Queens tba of brllllanl sttempta to n icue the gum (at the Tugela) began, asyaaColenao correspondent "f the Ifancl Quardian. A little earlier aboul ten o'clock sir Bed ti ra Buller had left th,- position he h.i.l appointed tor him-' self at the limul hatti r.\ I lie sit nat ion on the right waa too aerioua for ,-i man of Huller'** spirit to at a j there non ami hinl liililen off toward the with all his itali iin'l "o' ' -iori of lin* Vital police, "('ni "i ih - i'll-1 '??" be sail! be was down antoni Hie nu vii 112 I um in le ri* In* hi in I hong's, gum* now. The Boen hud perhaps reen ui/.e?l Ihe staff; the a blstling in tin nir t rehli d. "You oughtn't to i.i here, ir."*| Ogilvy. "1'in all right, m.. boy," mill the general. The atnff lin.I nboul the*. Slr I;, dt. is Buller was eal lng sandwiches, end front Ihe rn i terell gTOUpa of linn iliHIl'i il oin' of the wost gallant trios thal erer tried to \\ in the Victoria ? i ? OtT i h.* th ne w.'nt for the guns?1 aaw them go Schofield, Congreve, tt ho had been leisurely giving lin* notes out of his poe I, et I look nu hour before ap near the naval battery, and young Roberta. * * * ll was all no good; a general retirement was ordered, ten guns were left on the ti.M. SSS Sir I'ldiers Hillier nii.i his sta If came bj me on their nt urn. The general eliiiilnil dow ii limply ainl wearily from his horse like un nhl. old iiniii. I though! he w:.s wounded w11li rexatlon; [didnol know (hen that he was wounded though ?light!* with a bullet, which had li.en paaaed round hil ri I >?-*. The home of Lord Gerard, one of his .iiiI- de camp, hml liein shot lu the mil': ? apt. Hughes, the doctor of his itaff, had been killeil half blown to piece--; l.\ a ft hell; one of lin- Natal police I Mn- ?jin eral'a eacori i hud had his horse grazed in the fetlock, in the belly, and ill the mouth, snd two bullets hsd paaaed through his holsters. That la the nor! of hie the genera] had been under eat? ing isndwiches. THE OSTRICH AS FOOD. 1st ttl tn linke -*|. I. li .11 il *(ellL nu.I M..up. Hui Hie Hoer Will lime None of ll. There are two dishes an oat rich farm* ;r in Routh Africa wWI not tolerate on .ii. tahle, though Imth an considered lelicacies. one is ostrich soup, an iiher ostrich steak, lays the I...inion Hail. There la Dot i.h eatable meal ilioui an oatricb, for bia limit is nearlj ill hone, in* long, .1. ii. in. leg* ere, lowever, supported upon remarkably nasal re thigha, find these provld-* oin!.* which ar.* utilized bj ilu- house* life m. an ostrich farm, w hen a ii un I il? lari! accident has culed the bird'a lid ml he la til for aotbing except tbe Mtier. The thigha are so extraordinarily itiacular that steaks cut from them re not rery appetizing, bul thej make plendid soup, which maj even becom ared vviifi the renowned turtl cbnesa anddelicacy. Ita strengthen lg properties arc alaogreat.anil if the -nidi were cultivated for food, iii ead of for feathers, it would rerj kely prove a formidable rival in thc ckroom to the most expensive turtle mp. But no farmer baa Ibe larder in ew winn he ri ins ni. oat rich cbii ' . id ullin the hirds grow up il rioualy againal the grain with him i hand a carcass over lo lin* cook, hen it alive would h.uc brought him 16 if sold to another farmer. Oat richea arc dreadfully prone to icide, however, and arc determine*'] rh tera, snd as they don't knott bow conduct (lu-ii- lian les wiselj they e usually \ (o broken limbs, d most he put .mt of their miser** Iii cir owners, who cannot operate rgically on such delicate member,-) un ostrich's fragile legs. JAWS SPARKS FROM SNOW. If Slio-I* a Th HI ll 11/.aa nt a ton Ix I ii n* ??ab Klee! rielly H. Du I'h lui tl era I orma. Vi I lia in ... 1.iidy. at Bayonne, ona re? it occasion made bia first electric t in h billiard, by sending aloft a -foot gingie (.lane kite during the IVJ --nie and di use moa fall, susi alu? in (his Way ii steel wire at a consid hle height. Ho severe waa the gale t the kite wan repeatedly borne vu lo within about .'>') feet of thc th, hut it always KOOVered its jmsi i The fallin-,' snow dimmed kile, hui did imt OVeTWeigh ir. At p. iii. the eleen ic conni dion with steel wire was levered from thc anding rod, when the huming sound h.* bruah dlaeLarge could 1..- plainly rd, followed liv a one incl. apara**) liddy mya that the electrical activ* With (he kite al so moderate un ai? de waa the greatest he has ever ex diced. It wan ns powerful BS if a ?deratona were near hy. At thc B (he 8(ecl wire was paid out it was lo to run through an iron sn..p k tethered by a chain (<> a rod driv* nto the ground, This was done hy Eddy to les.-en the danger from se* electric shocks. I Not Want lo Ile Ihe I'lnp. r..r. the time wbea tha war with Spain been brough! to a gnoeesaful close inlier of st a tts mc ii were dlacuaaing fndire of the country mer their ra iii Washington. At los! nm* rn* iasi exclaimed, addreaaing him-. If ic most prominent mem tier of the p: "In Hiv we an- dlrlft* 11 rectly toward imperialism, and sir. should he the ii rsl emperor." if I know it." draw lcd the great "I am not fool enough to want lo e firs! emperor of a nation of such ?dints." Milli t: TO ALL. communication-- of a private ua? noi of pulilic interest, obituaries ling ten lines, nieniorialM, tributes ?ect ami rasoluttoos of orgaalsa e eorpocationa will be charged the rate of live cen I* per line pulili-lied in the Ukhai.ii. Pim! no deviation nor exception will ls. Yo -un* i expem lilllie \ Tl ttill |1' Kl ftet I Kiin aa PATA -i i- paid Wli Hill mi lli.'.e li Hhorthi dents rn mimili There ll well as ...Ul -. \l)ll III . \.' d BALT1M .linn it.wi Dd J i ITH, i ll \ .Mil.I. -I I I -, . I HAHi'' Furniture! Big Stock, Low Prices! uki ihi ??: \i.s. HATTI! I i (ll All Large Stock Wall Paper and Window Shades. BARROW & COWAN, Undertakers and Furniture Dealers, FARVIVILLE VA. C. M. Walker k SON. Lathes, Lime, Plaster and Cement. Sash, Doors and Blinds. Building Material ol"all muds. II;i\ '.? iiT?'i', cd iii car-lol -i Corn, Oats, Bran, Shipstuff and Flour. A L.'iiL-!' Stock "I Summer Robes, Fly Nets, Harness, Saddles and Bridles, Rubber Hose and Belting. PHONE 50. C. M. WALKER & SON taraville Building & Trust Co. [ONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO GAIN. MONEY TO MAKE. J liel.t- Liquidated New Homes Secured. irted in Hu Money :?.*<-i\ e i on Time i' j wi HAVE YOU ANY OLD DEBTS? you ?i*li to pas nfl*old debts? Do y?w \. lah to purchase a new non.. i w lab io uni in lui-Hic- ?; lin you need money and help? rhen write lo ? uii'lir-iirncd for ti i in-. Loans I itu ral and time made to -mt tbe borrower. A HOME AND LOCAL COMPANY, sud fulfills all ita obligations. Bes! references :>.upon application. LOANS MADE ON THE FOLLOWING SECURITIES proved Real fctate, Farmville Building and Trust Uompany'a Block, utera Warehouse Company'h Stock, Htar Warehouse Compauy'a United S'atc-, Virginia State, County and CJity Bonds, OR ANY OTHER SUBSTANTIAL COLLATERAL. W'nte ur call i'm Prospectus and full particulars. THE FARMVILLE BUILDING ANJ) TRUST 0 ?.. Farmville, Va. BURTON & OTLEY SOLE AGENTS FOB The Phoenix Assurance Co., of London, rginia Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of Va. te beal Fins Insurance Co.'s doing busineta anywhere lo the [Jolted ,Y ll V.' cause of tlicir unqueafionrpi reeponslbillty. cause "I tlieh fair di aling: cause ot their prompt an'i liberal wttlemenl of li - can-1- i-f the tesl nf more than a century has nevei found them wan: ini:. REDMONT BUSINESS COLLEGE :i- -I'!. I a* n I ll IpiM 'I -'?lin'.I ol . .: ,, ll .1-. J. ... ?.il.;:s. \. Um, PresMeat, i.VNiiilit KO, V \ l":l - Inil i. ., ' . V i. M I - orthand -? Bookkeeping KV BUL. Dean tani I j learn lo become ? good i;.|,ii. i or [look ki i'i>iT. in ini, linillu'li III. mail, .uni ; ,e of Irnt ? ?! ami I" I nm our pi ? ->ii' rmpioj inenl IE BALTIMORE BUSINESS UNIVERSITY re j mi. bj .nail. i I.e.*.in* Iii Sh..lilian.1 for - ? -i "*i ? unlng ii. ? ni encl, v for. en ton hat e fin lulu .1 t ul ii e. rilli, ul.* ?tilt I na thal v..i ? k.l. nlll '.I -' In Cn-.k-k. i pl ind \\, ., , a ni lin arr etti ii M li-...kl... i plier*. ? m. I. M I.t tn.-.. Bend n- Sl-OO nnil toil .1. -in h. take an.I tte tt ill -I ill .lice. re*, nil oommnoleaUoni in Hie ORE BUSINESS UNIVERSITY. io; W. Praaklls street. BALTIMORE, MM. ; Mir ic PRINTINU NE AT THE HERALD To I Broki Major's fCemcnt I..Vi. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER Contains n Reliable Record of .'il tho Events in Ihe THEATRICAL WORLD Ai-tiD THE WORLD OF SPORTS. PUBUCHE.') WEEKLY. S4.00 A ViiAf-J. SINOLE COPY, lOcts. Fo.' Safe hy a'i Ncws-ioa'ors. SAMPLE COPY FREE. sa MEW YORK CLIPPER, NEW YORK. Mon in 1 ii i. I! I. M tum i.l Iran ai...'ul ?bulli I. T. M. tc Kl Uti OFFM'K, FARMVIIiliKl HBRAi.nand World only 91 M. HI FILE, Schc-Juic m Efrtct " i > LEAVE FAR|VIV,LLE DA|Ly ?' L I . ir. *'" Ul A.M. V | TICKETS i?Llor]? AU POINT* OHIO. LNois SIN, MIS' ,JSaS) Nrr :-ORAOO, A'- I ORnTa, ?***> T frk. -v TheWC^NO1 50UTH-IB * -t> CLASt AND Ef. TICKETS ? TH' ro THE-^. NORTH * :? EAST M % "WM',a ??HTrilt RMUStt CM* ' nir";",1'1 - Ila**-*..,. I^^"' I Tr., p."*;,. MUM ?f .:: c. M. Southern Railway M 11 -', 1**. N UBI BU, Vi 1-05 P. .M. ., lnhwin* .. ti. I,.,,l,i .:U. \..\l ... v " ' ' ""I -v-'llli" Iii Tem ? '???)'> A. M- '-? ., I. Kor l ..luiMbii. *??"? ami n.iria, " ftlODi fur Sm* ? ' '' ??>??'Ut, ?.'Utr-l "I D.llltl ? ' al*. X0. ? ? ilir.,11,.1, .oik li ? - liirmiKi, in 4^^H ' ? N'o. -'. .*arrif? - **.. ??. 1 ...k lo Ni ti tirit-jM a il.I .1 *,..,, hlllMta . Iliroiitfh !.. Nut-III Iii il Mi. I nilly. K?r WiiKlilnitOB. ? riilliihlpMi Nett \ ..I k. ;;. Dally. Ul A. M. \... m. Im for wnnh. ii ii nd iiileriin ilia!. ritAI . I [ClI.MOND, \ \. mil'. M Vt.. i \i'ania. Au l..r ;.. ., Ililli'.I " ?? |. Ill lt li mond and al I ?:. ii V < I if I Kl. . ' ? ?>? ? urtraar. M.-inplii* iiml |. .iLr. >milli mut -..I.IIIVt. *i. "I I*. M. Nu. 7 bully, lan-, lori I'olim cl- al linn' . an.I (.'hal'. ? I i: Ni. .. ,.l >. tt III ii.. . ami |*m.U itb. KK lilt ci: i.i.nk \ i x tt i.-i nu: I \ t ??: i i i KOL'TK Mill! II. ic n 'luMi, ; t . -I ii ? - . . Kailii ?*iiii'l.ii. i..1 U esl I'oint and mu-r llll'il'ale -I;.I nrr,.. i onni L-U "lill bf Walker |ll,|| r li.r Kal - ? I ...... .laity lat (r.iin \ illina I - ; ...l .iiihh-k. THAI NM IHKIt N AT KU i - I Mo I e. ?i. I. -i.llllliO. I ? . lia . , - , a,lay, ar ml K.lii' Wharf and ; ind . .iiklown Mnu I , paw. ' : ..-I Man, -: ld, Va. I (Tl.I', W. A. li Ilk. I -. .. l.\.\"V I liird Vi.-.-lr.-al. iii and ., u'l Ila lt t-.ll IN ? O'S. H. 1'. i:\l\ tl I.I. a PliV, HATA.N .:. lt. '?'?? . ump -iiinl.iy. inn ?? i: i?. ?? ilavtk tall, ? Mci i im.i .i.H. ?? . ni " I ta n \ r. I. ? I mond l.v. I . M. ? ?? I H - Uti ? 111 ? ?? . ?* ?? to " l'? 7 JO nil i aimil Ar. Kt. ? UOl ita ;. "I tu .xe tua ii ra 1 mi in, ****** ???'"* "I.... i '.t. H1 ' .? ? " ?? * ire.lilli tl tin ll |.li mtSOtm th rou . r.\i Kit-lininnd. ? **?? iB .oik i' DO?i i i :i; HERALD J*>'; Oi FA HM VI LL K. I