\0l Xi
NO. 42.
. ,
inti .1.
\\ . V.
. , p.m. BECKHAM.
S's Si wu.
I . ? \ itXIA.
. ?
i'AMI'l IN fin. V \.
?url of
'l 5 MM, R. H. WATKINS.
I, I ii.ii
Attorneys at Law.
. ?*?!..
\ A.
i; S WING,
Say. Priuce Edward County, Va.
(' H. BLISS,
i oin in.'
faith ler
Coital and krplu, $75,000.
DIR] ?
"? E.iaaaow, k. m. buri
l . M. W \I.KKK,
;.-! iliieil.
Medicines and
?Druggists' Sundries,
^ Famous Pabst Milwaukee
Beer on Draught.
'" "' K'Ull -HIM,. -\\ IUOKATINU.
""?-WWHWKII il.-.
>n'">;; \i WYLAND XXXX,
?r'ARM\ III I.. v.\.
Duvall, Robertson & Co.
* 'inn i Malu iiml '.ni *\[
Pakmvh.i i , Va.
Commission Merchant*-! mid
Ha rd nan?, Catt I cry.
Agricultural implements, .1 ?.
Buggies, Surreys, limul Carte
ami li,ma ll ayaus.
Agents for
'li ll A ll'V Till.I I Bl'Kl NOH
Hu* ea- icst rider kunu n.
iMber tiiiil,. tabed reputation,
ls Coo,! ta You as a Haily ami
You get il al the Price
Of a ll,, l,hi.
lt di rn tullen more nt the price than any
- -I In A nu ina. it*
I1CWH -. i t ..e COVeM nil Iii.- cl..I.e illili i*
i '.t H..u .,! .. ti .liiii;.'-. I: -
lu.ll! thi ll etc. ll. il ill
- nu.I pro . pim *-. iiii.l ? ilh
- .1. Illlill CHIlipHlKtl ll 'tt ill r
ii ? ii i I., ur. | leal nea * lu
I'.iiiiiil. Thin la.-t in iki * lt ol
I., t i,..i i,| li,;- I line.
If > ie 11 .-Ti i \ i it unite of Ile
iii. Thrice-a
Week Woi rt. li you want tu keep your eyes
i ? . .
I, I! >..ll tti.lll Kl
know nil fe opinenU, i .
? k Woi I'l* n uular nub
-,*? ij.iii.n price i* ..ult - .r. We
,,it,.. t Il d nevi -p.) .-ih'I Hu
ll ki: m.ii luitelher um t, .
? -.Ut-HcrlptlOU prl e ul Hie Ittu
papen* I
Does Your
House Need
Anderson Drug Co.
bave ? complete -tuck nf
ilir beal in tin- cou ntl**).
Lewis' White Lead and < >il
.?ii lour-*! prices.
V. P.
<;<> TO
mi tin- corner, for
Pretty Silks,
White Goods,
Lawns and
He has a
Nice, New, Clean
in m new house. I here is :i
bal gain ;t\i aiting you there.
All Kinds ni Lamber
AI way ii on baud.
Al --. iv- for building purpoae*.
Alu .i> h ready worked.
Alwayi ready to lie worked.
Al t -iv- lu meet ymir wanta.
AI wa j - .1' market prieea,
.\iway*. lad i-.-' i yon.
AI way m glad t" quote you.
Alttiit a c .nu* and ti \ ut
AI wa j i yours ti lily,
Farmville Mfg. Co.,
Ol the
may yet
?J! ? ilv- <>*. r
il *,'
? ;? .
1 I,
from tc r Uni will
Her 1 ? ?.! iiii
Kor liim the I
Tran ila lee, to i
Her. ? -.,. r,
? -1 for
. -
'i hi
lae tn ht"
.Viii la hts fancy
I .i ? ". tl tl
ri r... earthly
I -
3 f
| The Green-Eyed Monster E
*v _ _ _ _ 'i
*V,*- -fi*- Inf -Vc* ?*??? -*>??> ?>,.* '/i.** '/i.** %? -"/iJ* *>?*? -Vi?
SoMl. monthi Bgo Mr. Jobaon rr
ceived, in the morning mail ileliT
. i . il a! I IIS linn sc, ll ld I.T nilli I*. SMi I I.)
liiiii iii ii dainty feminine hand. Mm.
? to tl
* i he Iel tera frmn i he pt il man,
and sin* waa somewhat puzzled
ttlni Mr. .iii m n's feminine correspond?
ent could !><?. She * 1 i?i not know the
ham)** i ii ii.. thal of ni oe of
iinlc relativea nor ol his. How?
ever,* banded the letter to him .-it
the breakfast table, sim*.lt
in any particularly curioua way:
"\\ bo is it fruin'.'"
"I'll kn om i i tter ai to tl at sft< r Vee
??pi liiil it .-uni seen the signature," re
pill il Mr. Jobi mi. choppily,
on i im over her own letters
while Mr. Jobaon wai reading th<
nive ai to liim in 'he feminine
handwriting, and when sim looked np
iiml across thi table at her spo
waa apparently suffused iii blushes, and
there .va* quite an amount of si lf-sat
Isfled con plalsancy in his mani
"Anything Important?" Inquired
Mi-s. Jobson,
??oh. I don't know," replied Mr. Job?
son, leering at himself in the sim board
mirror and twiddling with Iii--- fork.
"Is it from anybody 1 know-.'" ln
ijiiircil Mrs. Jobson,
"1 think uni," replied Mr. Jobaon,ad?
justing i i* i i ,i tat ,'ii:il pulling down his
cuffs in a truly Lothario-like manner.
"Business matter?" asked Mrs. Job
"Well, hardly that," answered Mr
Jobson, v, ii Ii i'not her ipi itt- killing look
ai himself in the snli board |
"Anything I'd be Interested In?" In?
quired Mi>. Jobson, nol with any par?
ticular indication of excitement nor
any ei Idence of pique.
"I wouldn't undertake to sat ns to
that," replied Mr. Jobaon, rubbing the
liiiii- over mi Ihe bald spot on the topof
his lii-rv!, and smiling mysteriously to
"lt's liol in regard to the chu: ch fiilir,
ls ii "" asked Mrs. Jobaon.
"Anything but thai," replied Mr. Job?
son, toying with his fork after the man?
ner of ii leading juvenile al n i-tiiia-c sup?
per. "Anything In life bal that."
"Is your cottee strong ei ?
Mrs Jobaon, and Mr- I
' signally disappointed tha! she
did not puisne her Inquiries further.
Mrs. .lol.-mi was, however, saying to
1 *S just aching to hate me con ic tint
and demand to know the contents of
that letter, and tbt nanto of the writer,
imt I'll just do nothing of tbe sort
so there, now I 1 would like to know
the name of the Impudent thin*.', but I
wouldn't gie*) him the satisfaction of
iiskiiiL' outright tor worlds! As If l
cari (I! liiih! Mmi ow-r. I'll see tho
letter anyhow that is. if it's in his
coat pud.i t at bedtime to-night, lint
1 I guess it's nothing teri serin ?
it wouldn't be :? to him right
hen* al his hons-*. Now, jus! look at
him. preening himself, and imagining
that [ am alreadj insanely jealous! As
.i I should ever become jealous of any
living inaii. Indeed!"
Mr. Jobson pulled tbe letter ont of
his pock. t. unfolded it, and read it with
great elaboration, two or three times
over, and the mysterious smile on his
I countenance deepened each time that
he peruaed lt. Somewhat to his cha?
grin, ;is exhibited by the frequent
glances that be cast at her oul of the
corners of
?.o bare quite forgotti n about I
ter. and all Iii1* ahems and othei
latiiius effort* to attract hei attention
to it failed dil mally. Mr.Jobsoi
her quite amiably before starting for
.md still lookc! quite com?
plaisant ly m.. i terloui ended
the sti
Win ii Mr. Joh - ? ? the dessert
of his dinner I lng ha
looked upai Mis. Jobaon and said:
"(:n:ii neat going ont of your mind
from jealousy this morning, didn't
? yon?"
lousy?" replied Mil*. J. Ison.
trying la look as complctelj mystified
rounl of whal ? Vt I al do you ?-"
"Oh, I saa youl eye! Hush, nml I
have un ut
tack <f apoplexy," said Mr. Jobaon.
son lt's ,*i fe. ling lhal men .-ir,- incapa
? experiencing their natures are
so much larger and broadi r, y< u
know*. Now*. I don't want j -
suffering acute misery over tin com
mu ideation 1 ri eeived addressed in i
feminine band this morning, so I'll
show iv to you mi condition "
"I hate not ihe least desire In life to
???I it." said Mis. Jobson, sic had, in
fact, alreadj read it when Mr. Jobson
Iiiul changed his emit for his si. ?
jacket on coming home from the office,
before h.* had thought to ukgtl the let?
ter lo his mhokin*.' j:i.'kit puck.!.
Mr..I..!,-.,n Insisted tpon lim ri
it, however, ami for the second time she
read over a begging ht tm*, written I.y
Hie "omah secretary of the Societj for
tin- liaising of :i Sponge fake Fund for
ut Infants, or som* thin}- of that
"When I saw that you were so ter?
rifically iiiul unwarranted!] Jealous,"
explained Mr. Jobaon, "I concluded io
give ymi a little 1. s.-on, and al lin same
time to instruct you In thc flimsil
circumstantial evidence. I'd recom?
mend you not togivevenl toanj such
manifestations of uncontrollable Jeal?
ousy in thc future, Mrs. .lolison; lt's DO!
n 11--I tty sight, ai,il you'd lind it mighty
wearing on thc sj -tem."
When ihe postman di livered the firs!
mali on Tuesday morning last there
waaa letter for her addressed in a at ron
masci - Mr. ,lolis..ii war. righi
behind her, and shi* made an in.
:-1 to hide the letter hem alli her
jacket. But Mr. Jobson*.
e\c c:iugh! hm- in the attempt.
"W ho'l that from. Mrs. .1. .l.sou'.'"
lie asked her, In a sharp roloe.
"W hieli one'.'" Inquired Mrs. .lol.-on,
a auccession of well-defined blushes
crossing ber face..
"Thiit letter addressed in a man's
handwriting thal you just stuck i
your waist," said Mr. Jobson. seven ly.
"Lei's just hate a look itt that after
you've read it. if you pleat
t h's from-?" Mrs. Jobson start?
ed to say, looking quite extraodinarily
. how. tm-, un.] faltering in in i
"I'll just take thc trouble to nsct r
iain myself who it's from, madame,"
^aiil Mr. Jobson, "io. so..ii ;is you've
looked over it. Pretty mysterious
luislii. ? , I shi lld say. Why, of ail tbe
nerte thal Tte ever heard of. 11il
And Mr. .1. bson jammed his I
Into his trousers pockets, ruffled up his
hair, ami clomped up and down the din?
ing room.
Mrs. Jobson broke open the envelope,
hastily read the letter, returned it to
tin envelope, and looked greatly '-on
fused. She started to lear tin* i I
up, but Mr. Jobson was within two
? her in ;i i tride.
"Ah hi.!" -.aid In*, his eyes blazing.
"You'd Har ll up, would you'.' "i . u'd
hide Hie et ide,ice of niadrniie. I'll
trouble you to hand me that lei ter. and
nt once."
Mrs. Jobson dieu hack.
"I'.ut I'd much rather not, and -"abe
Started to say
"Thal letter instant!] Mira. Jobson!"
just like Rawdon Crawley in the de?
nouement scene in "Becky sharp." bin
breath con i'i. and going stentoriously.
"Why, of all thc outrageous "
"Will, I suppose I shall hate lo sur?
render it," Haid Mrs. Jobson, shrink
Ingly, ami ilia she banded over the
liiiii- to Mr. Jobson, lt ttfis from the
correspondence clerk of a Washington
male tailor, and it rend:
"Madama: 'lin' skirt which yon left
with a* tu be made over and relined la
flnUlieiT. and we hep to request tha!
you call ai your convenience snd try
same on, ii. i...ler that WS milt he sure
thai in fits satisfactorily."
"Oh!" said Mr. Jobaon, moppin-'his
forehead. "That's what it ls. I* it '.'"
"Men are Incapable of experiencing
such af sell i - nay, aren't they Y*
Inquired Mr*. Jobs. '* sweetly.
"Jealousy, nothing," eaid Mr. Jobaon.
"Who waa Jealoua? I thought it "as
another procrastinating letter from
that dunira' of a lawyer of yours sbonl
thc sale of that !..!." Wash
The lian.
1 They have only Leen married about
n month and everything has been rery
lovely s.. fm*. However, the other
night, when mamma weal up to the
house sin- aaw that something wai*
Wrong, and when .lack went out for
his "nightcap" she prepased for a tear?
ful explanation. "No, mamma," the
young w ife said, ".lack doesn't lute inc.
I found tha! mit last night."
"oh. my poor child." thc mother ex?
claimed. "What has happened? Ah.
[see ii all! Von found a letter in his
"lt waan'1 that," the miserable
young woman answered, "In* came
iioine and told m.- that he had Ins life
: "d."
"Now. If he reall* loved me. wouldn't
he have had mine insured instead of
selfishly going and having all this pro?
tection put upon himself'.'" -Albany
Ili.innn fi nm a l.ll>
A wonderful reserve fund fm- the hu?
man appetite ls to ne found in tl
etable die! of the Islam;.th Indian-. A
novel variety of food forming a menu
unknown to the civilized world is ..f
fend In the pulp of the great yellow
w;i!.r Illy, which is converted InnTa
' farinaceous food; la the weed known
Ot, which hear- a black seed
that is ground up for loaves nnd sakes
nnd In the a now head, w hied in tim fall
devel liv white tuber at the
end of the ?
State I.nnehron* tn Illina.
A state lunch In (Linn contains Uti
Kid Bown, a Ws'ern Oftcer, Was
I Very Bid Min.
Ile Nc-.T -.Hillel. II,,, \\?, ||n?,|r
nilli III* Itt- flit-r?III* VIctlBM
N ii min-r.-.l li> tin- *enr,? Met
an \ |i|ini|irln le I'.ml.
One of the mos! noted chat
for years in the west was a man known
far and wide as "Kid" 01 llenr* Brown.
Ile was ;i typical cowboy, rough-rider,
?tami.Ur. bank thief.shoot
er, city marshal, and the mosl dan- -
- and all-round villain of bia
ii;i.e. from 1873 to 1881.
He was born in northern Texas, and
wah B tt pe ol th, blonde Ind,an .,t thc
( bl loki c D'alton. 'I h..indi ci
whir.', with a sllghl blonde mustache,
slight build iiml medium height, at
? became om- of the
moa! dread, d men ni thc Indian na?
tion, and \\,-i - employed by the ov
of several large ranches because of
his reputation a- the cid blooded
i hooter a in, never smiled. During
times ranchmen fancied that
lint neill, d SUCfa a bully as a sort of
a trade-mark.
Henry's Brat act was io shoot three
men, who were mavericking cattle.
Tilla niiide him a "bad man," and
pate him a reputation.
Later he practiced marksman hip by
shooting two old Indians and a squaw
in tin* i n.t\ rei ii tai lon. Boon
this he was appointed marshal of a
town, iind whil.- look*
lng tor Itiil l'etit. a noted horse thief,
in- waa failed upon by Petit from be?
hind to throw up his hands, or he
would Mow- his head off. Instead of
doini/ so. Brown dropped fla! to the
ground, at the same tine- pulling a
six-shooter and shooting I'i til (pian*
In t wi en the i i as I'm it's shot
went "ter him.
At this lime thc lott ii of Caldwell.
southern Kansas, was in a state of
I Li.. marsliala had
killed in sine.'--ion bj cowboys,
and ii young woman bj Un* name of
Anderson, tin* daugbter ot" a hanker
in Hun ney well, n near-by town, hail
iieen shm in thc -
*..ll wa-- linn the end nf the
? be great "ai tie trail from i
iind the cowboys took the towns at
will, shooting tin* gamblers ami the
ma i-.-im ls ami running things their own
Mike Mayer, tin' last marshal, had
stepped oin on iin r-trei' to tender
his kind offices I', ii friend thal was
shooting the coping bricks off the top
of one of tin* bank buildings and Inci?
dentally taking a shot at the windows
of the building. Winn Mike called lo
him to slop, he turned and shot -Mike
Then thc eily appointed Henry
Brown marshal, tie inaugurated bim*
sdi t he Ural .lay bj going toa cowboj '
coriiil and demanding Ave of them io
throw up their hands, and shooting
lillee of th. in before tins had time to
Comply. Ile took I he oilier 1 wo to the
Wliilc I knew him for I'i ur \cars. I
never saw Brown smile, writes a Phil?
adelphia Press correspondent. Sonic
saul thal he didn't have enough blood
in him to smile.
'Ihe mayor and others soon became
afraid to call on Brown io serve papers
rn- to make auee thej km a
that he wmdd bring hack a emp e.
lim In- drove all thc shooters out of
town and .shoo- . scarce fm*
him and his deputy that in the spring
of ls-1 tiny concluded to get np a
little matinee ot their own. So they
look their horses hy a ci rc ni lons route.
leaving word thal tiny were trailing
BOme horsi thii tis. Willi tin .ii went
a mini named Smith.
The next dav at nine o'clock they
showed np at tin hank in Medicine
. a neighboring count} scat, and,
? the pia si
drni and cashier, ordered them to hold
; np iind "slnll out."
Thc cashier, knowing Brown well,
ami thinking that lie -.mis joking,
laughed and answered: "You<
hit an} thing," whereupon Bro* ll emp?
tied his pistol, killing hoth men.
1 happened to he in Medicine Lodge
Ilia! (hiv and helped make thc chase
after I.i ow ti and bia deputy. This was
a cowboy town, .'ind in a few minutes
. !, tt. ti iii -liddies antfafter them
over n muddy road and np into the
nd gj psuin hills.
We corraled tin DI after mn* of their
. out. iiml after a couple of ,.f shooting tiny surrendered
nnd were brough! lo town aird placed
in Hie Md log jilli.
At six o'clock wc look them out tn
?he sun set." No doubt tint had
l upon a idiin. for the* madi a
lt wa- a fatal mot.-.
Henry Brown wa- killed in his tracks.
Smith ran a few fed. then fill, while
Brown's deputy got about KJB yards
and was captured. Ile watched ihe
sun aet under tim limb ff a great elm
tree, which stands there lill thin day.
Everyone who carries stamps knows
wh.ii a nutaance it is \,, ,|(, M(. -jj,,.
<?.,-..?i-..t "tamps will slick
together. Special
I'.i-iiiKe Hamps. I,,,
caaea to hold them
iiml oil.d paper to keep them apart,
with other di tic. s, mat h.- tried, hui
tiny are inconvenient and nu-..,
tory. I he Wa hillston Star si,
ihe third aaslstant postmaster general
is considering a plan to save ihe an?
noyance <)f Sillek-i
'Un- plan is to hind the stamps in lit?
tle hooks, willi altei ?
s'iimps aud paraffin paper, the I
tt hilt tin* telegraph
frank hooks thal are so common in
Washington and which may hat,
I lin* id. a. Thc books will lie
of pucket size :u,d will contain stamps
to the tahle nf *.' t c. I . and
uta. I he government w ill pay
two dollars a thousand for making
I will charge an ad?
vance of one cut each, which willy ii I.I
;i handsome profil on the enormous
sales, 'l'he hook containing 12 ltt-n
ci lit Stamps iiiul costin-.' 25 e. n's won hi
probably he the most popular. The
idea is ii sensible mic, and it is strange
that it had m.i been thought of be?
fore. The diacouraging Wong about
carrying one of these h....ks. though,
la that Hu- man who carries atampa is
always thc victim of tho man who
doesn't have iiny hut wants to borrow.
Inveatigatton of the causes, effects
iiml means of prevention of forest tire*
in thc west, will be
(.ii ve rn aient
ci Hied on by the
Fore*! ry Work. ',.
? i nm.nt il i v l
sion of forestry next summer in Wash
ington, Ore;.:..n. California, Arizona,
.New \i. i tah, Colorado, Wyom?
ing, Montana, Idaho, South Dakota.
Besides Held study, designed chiefly to
discover means of preventing ihe mil,
thc division is making ii historic rec?
ord of all important tires which hate
occurred in tho United States since
1754. Although yet incomplete, says
the official bulletin, this indicates thal
the annual recordi d h.-- bj
burnings in the United stales is. nt thc
??it lowest, $.' v ? . > . If will prob?
ably run far above this som, ai ihi I'i
elfie coast states have been only par?
tially examiaed. Accounts of over
5,5 o disastrous Brea bave been ob?
tained in 'he 17 stale.* already ex
an.imd. Michigan, Minnesota and
Wisconsin hate suffered the mo
verely, Tl are taken chief!)
from newspapers, and where it h;i.s
po sible to compare them with
the figures <>f practical lumberm-t a, i'
hil- been found that (heit lid.-ney of the
i to undi i' itimate the dam
Today we hate common workmen
who approach the wise iiieti , |
y . a r s aga dur
l.iliienllnn Ihe
pul.lie schools have
Badmen M..*.*.. ,..(..|)(,(| n ..?,,.,.,.?.
asm for education that is pathetic,
writes \cw.n Dwight Hillls, in Wom?
an's Honie Companion. !'? tinily a for?
eigner exclaimed: "lt is too late for
me to learn! Butmy children, thej
shall not he ignorant I" Our working
people understand il.a' ao long as they
remain ignorant tin ecclesiastical des?
pot will oppress them, tin- political des?
pot will spoil them of their treasures,
tin* Industrial despot will tyrannise
over tin m. To i icap- opprea lion ihe
toiler becomes informed. Education
is making tin poor man's muscle sn
powi ? lui that ii. -po's minuit afford
iron enough ?' niicli around his i
To-day for the first lime in history
knowledge is becoming universal
tutors arc being succeeded hy edu?
cators. People see that intellect and
ability arc ll," i of wealth.
Education is the n od< i n m
thc people mit of flu' wilderness Into
Tue promised bind of happiness and
At Lakewood, N. ??-? there is a golf
club that piny- at all -?
day, says iin eastern exchange, there
came to Lakewood from New York
two dignified politicians, who knew
nothing about ??"if. Thai afternoon
they Were Willi. I field W hell
tiny came suddenly upon a small reit
nick in the ground, it waa a golf
Sag, hui before tiny could Invest small hoys ci led out: " I
blastl Look oh! for thc blast!" The
1 wo statesmen dropped iheir di
and took io their heels, ami never
stopped running until they reached
th-- Other --ide ol' a stone w.-ill. When
tiny returned to Mn ir hotel tbe story
had preceded them, ami they left for
home next day.
An Ingenious Philadclpbian is mak?
ing an income mn of a very novel
: source He is the agent for a number
of foreign st. amahip lines ami in a pp
Mtion I" get hold of iiny numb r of
differenl kinds of labels, such as are
attached io trunks and othi r bi .
of pa i or coming
frmn foreign tours, lin a
Individuals who wish to create tbe im
be] carr} i bell ?
suit caaea in public that they hat.
abroad. Numbers of young nu ?
hate inter heen out ot' lin- country are
said to he posing ill thi- wat as ! .
tran |, ? ,l. ial.1. experience.
Thai Omaha burglar who -?. aa Idi a
Ulled hy iin- mark of his broken I
lilt ill il [licce of cheese thii!
? w lille blowing open .
midnight, has reason to forswur late
luucbea as unhealthful.
**ni*rlv lt ii lui .1 Ulm*,lr I,, Drink at
( ollr-fr Hut I.oil 4,ale Ulm
Another ( hailee.
Gregory awoke, 'lids was hit dingy
bed in th-, boarding house, bat the mat
waa like a bed of coals; the air
berathed wag flame.
??What's the matter?" he tried to
lay, but the words were faint and
thick, l'he landlady, paler and more
- even than nattai, and the old
., who looked after the college
men when tiny were ill, stood beside
lin* lied.
"lint 1 am not ill! I never was 111 in
my life!" Ilrepory tried to get out of
1 tit hr found he could hardly draw
iih. The doctor's red face be
gan to grow dim and far-off.
"1 hate telegraphed his mother,"said
I he landlady. "She cannot get here till
"He may not know her," the old man
"It is u sharp attack. A yeas
a lld have thrown it off, but iiuw
I fear?"
"Yes. He has been drinking hard
for months," sighed the landlady.
A yt ar ago in- could have thrown lt
jff? Did they think he was going to
"klOTli Elli" HE SAID.
He? Wu that what they meant? He
Why, he was only
He Ind all his life to live. Ills
mother always saki that ho never had
I nince he was bora,
md was so proud of ltl But then she
I every thing about kimi Ile
? i thought linn |, about her lately.
Poor little unman! How many years
?he Ito. Imii deaying herself to save
enough for him to corns to col
He became deUriona* ne thought ho
raving home again on that fln-*
II - motlier hud takei) him Into'
i. r room ami Uiey knelt by the bed and
.rayed thal he might Hve a clean, hon
?t life, true tr, Cod, and that some day
In- might do noble work In tbe world.
Ind then she kissed him and tried to
when she said good-by, and the
wi re out OB the village street
theil hands.
he wi nt down Into the life lie
had known, and that he had rioted In
or the last r-ix months. Had he lost
lia chance In the world for that? Had
he lost i
As the doctor watched his delirious
:. be fancied thatthere was mean
, ?_' in his eyes?a dumb agony of
But presently the sufferer fell
. ? t t-t ii por.
Many hours passed before Gregory
.woke again. The weight on his lung*
ta* gone. Be could breathe, and lils
- Blear. A little woman In
duck was kneeling hy the bed, holding*
his hand. ".Mother?" he said.
. my SOO*," the said, trying to be
i-alm. "Oo to sleep. We hope the dan
?er is past."
Hut Gregory looked steadily at her
and then nt the sunlight breaking
through the window. He knew that
lod had heard him and given him an
? iti? r chance.?Youth's Companion.
ii Bounty, Ia., will have no le
- for at least another year,
M tba saloon men have given up the
light for licenses.
tv. tie township, near .Medina, C.,
Irj, leaving Bat two wet
in thc county, those of Liver?
pool ai d Wadsworth.
The .Montreal aaloOBlste have ap
. inniitteo IQ walt upon the
;; . nt and demand cer?
ium ebal gi - in the license laws in the
their trade.?National Ad
? against thc W) saloons of
tv on. The point of
lt tack ll their violation of four laws,
Ulai after ii p. m., keeping open
to minors, and selling
inkarda .Vida's Criterion, com
| on the fact, says! "If tbesa
? ? the law, Ikey would not
lim nih.e."
s sonsumptlofl of whisky
wa* the highest ever reached In the
mcnrcairig to tbeF.r.g
liah tempemace Journals, being more
thnn a gallon a head for every nan,
. hlld. Compared vdtl
.in Increase In deaths
from ci,runic alcoholism of 9%% I""1"
| un n and ll*'/, Per etatj
imong women.
salk atten?
tion to (he fact that the iron workers
rapers never go
ly when the least under the in*
f liquor. If any one of them
r hears of a derrick or scaffold
Idag is his duty to re
p. rt at mice, nnd the man is watched.
proof ls found, the offender is
Instantly discharged.