Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMVILLE HERALD. vol.. V _ PARMVILLE, VA.. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER ll. 1900. NO. 51. nUR GREAT EVENT FARMVILLE FAIR OCTOBER 10 12 INCLUSIVE clTY DIRECTORY. ' . ? W.T. EDVV*RD COUNTY DlRI ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ R PW. BECKHAM. - DENTIST. - I \ N I ', ' W FLOURNOY, u C FRANKLIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ? R. H. V..1T KISS ty U'.lTh'JA'S, W HODGES MANN. J M CRUTE. MANN tx CRUTE, S P.VANDERSLICE, . LAW. 1 . .!. ml (; S WING, ATTORNEY Al LAW, .,, Va. I* (' H. BLISS, (JEXERAL Al < riOXKKK, r i km \\TH!TE 4 CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, i H ? ? rfCeracnt ^r/^F**ij5mm\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\m\ ? j T MA.m <-cm**r ? mi* This! . A l'.UL'L' .'?rv, .; . A . ,111. J.M.CRUTECO*. ! til.II ..f ? I I'rulc tn have .i ..ini'. N. . .1 M.CRUTKi ???th 2nd, I9U0 ,; Hwi Uh I il* lo iii.- loni lu ot a i iiuipanioii. \\ lui.' t,n ;i ,.,:.. ! "? ^ I. St iiiii| . of in Va., Iiiul . li' -'>-, "I minis tie. ? I nwt mi liff tu il,, i Hie lillipilli-,' -Aim ' Ul iii: . . i'i -rim- *. i. li Ult ii . -? n ip, N ' i ."I Ihe I ? -h.-li times ? , ? ? m. y with I iV I. MS. I);, -1,1-. luii"l lt.neilin*. - :i. I. - nf I-,i,.| n, a. , ii. Uni . ujinivernent* I'i.j . mi ? I,ihhi uviva in - mn g*. Well .i . , , , . WU UiTI'. Fur |i u . ;,, Farms ilk- Farm Agency. ?i- I' -niil.Inn; ? in- i,:r.. .- Hised ti. .ju.?:?! iteatliH L-t* cure lu ii-u .ml*,* the ?--."iiiiii. ? ' e Hu -iiiin* ,* in ? ? ' ?' KA :it- \\ itt h Un/- I I III iv UH |.u|- Ul .ii- ll , I ' ? Ul'- I- Un* univ origil! ii ? il lil i'ii-t-. Wii ullin I ?? m ? ? ?I I'i mik. I f sun - c. ;ii home * un should i .'i-i li lit ? I tired u! 1 ll runic Diarrhoea \lu r | - ol Suffering. ii tu thirty yearn wil 'll I SS i- j' l-l ? ??iii 'I. ilin s. lin;, tway, nf' np, **? 11?. "I lia I -j, ni .- i 111 Uley .unI li,lu l, i ' li .ni lue ul tl < . rm ii ted tu ly ini. -I n| ihi l s\ I! 11 Iii i -- . mn * Hobbing ? ? ? h. nail i'.iini I'm- Sale, A --i ui F irmville sv uall I'm in ni i-hiird, >?. < i and i-i| lol , Farms ille !?' ii iii I ? :i you ii '.."'ih i.i null naar? un teed ii 't t" shed the ; i 35c. il. < ' ll.- ' ' gist. l-l! UH.II.. - caux 'I Hie I'xiii un* heal th iunl doctors declare muns all the itmuK were Induced hy di nf tin* stomach. (. ? .I health follows g.I digi Hil ll. K '1 'i I >.'. -. digi -!- s\ hui sun i* ii. lt \mi have ill? ili ut its*-|i'*|i-i*i u will -iiiiii-. :v relieve aud permanently cure you. A ll Ililli Co. A ('heap lunn. Three hundred acre**, g.I im| ill. Il'-, LD ,U*l. lilli-, Will ? I iiml watered. Price : Iteaaonable ti nu- \ | p J t" I in ms iin I* ni in Agency. The i nnii.'. iu;. l?y a church \ tn U lu-it- mi lld ii i- ni ilu* L -i the in ri*--nii - i box nf ii, Witt's Witch Hazel - . aud -kin disease**. The ladies to.ik care to obtain ihe origin il DeWil t's Ha Salve know lng I nnil ift it- are --. Win -sui Drug < li- miiii' .V ('lai k ate show mg a ful lilli' of Up lu-ili.l.* i shirts, Vu Inn li.i Farm for Sale. ol the mosl valuable lunn- in Ann hu t.'i - de. Iniproveuii line-*) nrdi r, lim ii dy ??! timiier, excel* Ap| ly !?? I- si: .is* i i.i.i. FA KM Y \. I ? truly, 'T.I.Al K DE Mil' Li? sa inn-, iunl iii lial ti ? ii on trees or pl i Il. c.( ni i k. : i ll..1 it PA) In lins Lli'.i|i. \ I i it nighs colds you v.uni something I ki u ?-. ii eu re thi * results of t and lung trouble**. ?N hal sh ill do*.' ?? mer and mi re regular i hen in tiiln i i ase lake tin oma Im en Introduced in all .isiii/.il countries with -u.??*.--- in severe I lt nial and lung trouble*, rhee's t iel man .-. i up." lt nol only ,..?1'.- Hie ti ?ii.-- !,. .1. slroy th'- germ dine***, bul allays In II iiiniiii'i m, causes eaav expectoration, . gu "i night's n -t, iiiul inn - iii'* patient. I'i ?. ? m b ittle Recommt lid? ed lunns yean hy all druggist" In thc world. Im Mii<' i's IL <'. ('"'te. ' I MISS CELESTINE j FM! >M i ? re turn* , : : I ci ' I ?'!. ' ' Ililli lu r li: lo the .1- I I..i ked, I. ? ? tink .\ niitfl win* ? i , '.\ onld -uni, ga Ik i' in . t' ck ' i-u-ii ilir im iji nf ii ? ns. Rho ? 'ii. imi1 I found ? *.? :i- in many ? , i i : i /. ... i. n the Ihi j wonhl finally II!.'. 1 potite ? porch. I ? i .< i**-a it was t *. i.'. 1,1 1 hilt 'ii iu int itr: i ue it ? int . Lu? lu lier it s\;i- nu's Ol ?* ssliirli ini- ac a itlioul thought and to ss luci, the ' ich. As 1 at her. 1 ? Iunl ?*!u I., Ile ( I . "tilt- tluil ' ii. Ile. ll s\:.- l,i.i . ' it. were s. i * ? ' * ? of ber I.* ?( ... . . ive re few. 1 i flowers, c: anoth. thai ? ' hich lu:: I 'i ul 1 ! thal it s\ ;.s becauiu -; . had in. uv ru brlntli I s\.,- *i\\ ir. (hal i' 9 '-:i : social t ? ii to i *.'? Ill lilli'l,- I tu |'i Silt* l\ul . ' 'iiu'lit king in fuiicti -s if sin* Liu! uer. I knew tluil ;i" -lu ssuulil i Ih I ii excuse ft Ing ?-T111 lui ?? r. "Eh l.ii-ii. je m' ii uuii- il fiiut que i" ll, I'm nut i.i,nil. bul I must How often in other days when en* "< iijun" visitors had I re? in tin' fact tliut I s\;is nut forced tu <.(".-.- mv own feelings on the subject. It ssuulil luis.- been hard bi'l candor! I'.s .*l,;iii<*c. in ii search for i'i' I il.'- s rbres, it t liriv .i ,.ii,:i t'.ssii which I Iiml \i. iled in mv rambles, i o ms sui, > In came enl hu* .-iu-tii* ."-lu' leaned forward and :tn um .\|,' : '*.uiii- into lu r sallow "Ah, thal is ,*t place where i live," sin' murmured. 1 renie mix nil Poiqte des Arbi ,-i little town thriving in a business int hopi 1' --'s pros I re? call! il how ii aped cit*, eui 'uni.- and thus losl tin* charm ii might bave ,' l.iul it clung tu i*u wm s. 'lin- Iii tif Acadia n hamlet ssas at least picturesque. I could no for Hu* town "f prow tl Ml Celestine l i - pal ly led ii fruin ;i differi ni angle ..f "Why, ss int is so nice about Pointe i bri -'.'*' I asked with real in "I here a rt* sn mans people I ? said Mi s Celesl ine, "a mi t here .. . ii. where one wei all frit nds on Sunday a ? hi ii* are halls in the I i- ol here, y ns* : ? ? think her * ,.iiuu ihai my r mi? ni Pointi ? ' near Ihe postofflce.1 I n ?? ; he place a il met ure ss Ith a hoi The tl'1-.' r bi di were primly denni .1 by a border of bli ? all-out six Incbi - bigb, s\liil,' tssu fi rocioui lool ' at one from < ilher side of the I had never been insidi. bul ?i. I bad often if I n * ?? i-!i a rt ty that ssitliin on the par? lor hearth rug the i ri of 1 in sis id But it to M I ;il! tliat sv nv beautiful. ??I j, re but once," ihe s I liu-ir ? ut back fur ii ssliilc. Ms Iu*.. 11, ir is married an.!* luis three .'iii i I Rhowi I n bi com* '. terest in the ai I my wanta tm* to come and live ?>-.' * ' "Bul I "Who would ,* of my mother? She li no ; ? s nu in;." The woi imple, Imt they red a woi Its*, her, I could see, I ni her bi ol her Ti lespboi e and Iii.- prosperity. With no intention of boasting, she dwell ssiih pride on bia iliai had .1 luill down tbe cen? ter (this si i m< ol . \iraordinary to Mun tlii.i, that, lier slater in* Liss kepi a ,-.i rani! V,lien nt las) I told her "good-by" ?he Iunl 1:1:1,1 il in, inti i'.**-i for nu-. ] Iunl m. i juhI another person ssiih a "i urcasonne." It was ti.'ei j? .ns later s\hen ! neal .-ass Mis* ci, ntjne, Her mother <ii ail au'I she hail eulin* tu list* -with her brother's tamils. Although 1 was only spending a few days in Pointe .its Arlin-. I intendt .1 tu look ii|i my nhl acquaintance, but before I I ad time tu do .-.. I n i mn morning bs I sv.,- un my ssas* ;.. Hu post office. Sin* sm,*, rolling a bahs cai two cross-looking children I at lui skins an.I in voluble 1 h demanded her attention, she ssas just iii Inuit of thc gaudy little house -1 lu* duur stood op< n and 1 caught a ."I'ii.I-. uf the much-talked of luill. sv!,.;. i mentally decidi d that Mme. Telesphore had imss* virtually tssu servant It s.-i ti" .; tu mr that Miss Celt looked miali older than when 1 had last seen lier anil gray threads were -ss in her heart Mat k hair. Uti* eyea hail tired, dark lines beneath them aa if she waa often weary, Imt had nu timi* tu i.. in moments cl repose. I wondt red ii Inr "Carcasonne" had lu -ii ;ii; iii' i lu* dreamed i' in ba, ur ii tin present ever drifted awaj iiiul in thought she svas hark iii/ain in lin* lit tit *? . hanni I Li lui flower iiml chickens! As ssa* .-t.I chatting mi tin* 1,ri.-k pavement, a buggy came rattling ilusv ii iht si n.i. WI,, a ..ii. tn rries ass hi'c in Pointe des Ail.ia-, i,in* catches tin- spirit nf 11,, place aiui lucks with real inti upon 'lu most tris-ial occum 'I h. allans uf one's neighbors there - an unparalleled importance; thus I (urned instinctively tu catch i he occupants of| 'I he nu.ii would bave ai i racted at iii:t lon ans s\ here. W it h his di i dark cyei and singularly classic fea* 1 ures, lu* -i. mi ri a ts pe "f the early picl urcsque .ead in, and I could nol hinking whal a magnificent hero of Longfellow's poem "Evangeline" he would have made. 1 nol iced little about i he woman at Li- side, except thal she ssa- of a *,r atyh of good link- in.,I seemed much overdrei "Xl bo '- that man'.'" 1 ash. Celestine, s.cing that they had ex? changed hews. "That," she said, slowly, "is Achille li m." "Achille I,'...Iii: ue," I repeated to myself. Whs. thal svas the man I h.ul heard several people discussing hut the evening before its 1 sal on the hotel porch. I bej m ? med to be much imprei cd bj thc fad thal after 13 yean of unswerving devotion tn (.rn woman, he had startle'! every? one by. marrying a widow who bad lull:' been keenly alive to the worldly advanta lb a m.itch. Nu um* seemed to know exactly why be iiml his tirst love had never mar* ried. Some one suggested that the girl Iunl sacrificed herself to the sel? fishness of her mother, but whatever it %\ ii*-. Achille Rod ri gue had shown (anet sshich his associate! at firM regarded sviih surprise, bul aft? erwards learned t" accept aa part ..f bia nat ure. His marriage lately, therefore, oc? casioned no small astonishment, and lhere were many theories advanced on the subject, Theophile, the blacksmith, wbo seemed to know Ai R better than the others did, asserted loudly thal Achille's great, strong heart had heen touched by the wid? ow's open devotion to him and that he had married her out of pity, per* wishing to bring Into some other life the brightness Iii- own lacked. ri fn ni the speakers, siting in the gray dusk on the hotel ; orch. I listened Idlj lo the lui- of conversa? tion sv hlch floated to me on t he even? ing air. My thoughts drifted fruin Achille tu the girl he had loved in I wondered whal had been her fate, whether she had i marri.*.! some one else, or whether : nbc si il! re ? A mere speen- , lilt ion on my part, .-ince I never . Ither Achille ur lt I flrsl lute! ??*-,. .." I said, rt liing mt i If sud? denly and turning to Miss Celestine, "I have heard of Achill'* Rodrigue be? fore," ami all a' onci I *?? gretti d that T had ever inquired about him. line svas leaning down and SMi- lifting the baby from his car* and rearranging the pillows at his hack. ll, r face was so ari ried that I rould v si " it, bul then* had stolen over it an expression svl'ieh made me fd l thal I bad ruthlessly lift curtain fruin a human soul and ,: - dosi d dept l lii"l no right ? ? ! which had bei n eaal about Ihe I town. After all. tin* memories which i wc treasure most are those which are gilded sv'nli a brush of mir own romance, sin* had told me that April afternoon as we sal on the porch to ; sle hoped she would go back to that ' nchanted land. Jfow .-lu* had returned -and it seemed t.. me that fate deals nut lier favors mils sparingly al beat, -tu* la sometimes kinder In withholding altogether than In fulfilling in part.- Detroit Free Press. NEW FLYING MACHINE. Mr. ( hu ii ul. ?*? lit-.<-r I m.-ii I* in ..ll,ling a l*'i-?*i 11 ii n il nil Feel with (lul*(ri n luil Wiuu*. ' iv I Iiiin ii ti*, an. I ? ol thi Vim neall authi ' 1 ol axpt i ,iin i,I- nuiiie t ss., or tli I. under Iii.- di* : ,i on the south shon -M lilli- lt will he rum In Otto Li lil nihill, the ill-fat i d U( in,an ss im m.ul. .. tests with ?ut ?tn U from hill? el only a bin:.' .- pair ol those supports d ' . ' part of his earicr. but Mr. ? Ii cl ol bu hi.* aj pula! a.- up to ii beigh! of Ave ?torii a "multiple g machine." Subseq however, I ? I tbat better re wei '? obtained bj using a "two e." or one hat ing only tvs., details, bul cm,:ine> himself to th.* general fi atures of his sch. n i \ lot of phi , how< ver, nicely lory. Mo ; ot ? ente wen by younger men, under the guidance CHANUTE8 Fl.VIN.; MACHINS. ? mute. The apparatus I , tl, the into the faca nf the wind from an eminence and glide forward and downwurd, falling ai .un 1 tr u, iv six thut be ad* on the i*of; | f -ct occupying W hen once launched in I ! although this i OS 'il ii -h of s\ luil ? d nol ndt anet over i he ground more ra than I." mill - an hour, bul as the wind lowing ill the "I un at i he rut" of l ma n If he - n a hour. ms u pres hm- exp. rl othi i* men like ihai and Pilcher, (haunt. ' ? ? chief ? in to di al sv it li ssas thc ?.'ii-ti !' the sv Ind, sv hieli tends tu tle atrot ? iee in the air. '?' is mt he says, is to iiml a was to mai "right sid-' uji ssiih can." or, in other woi insure the stability of the machine, ! lo .?li i ft . lo his appal Ihi* vi ry nimbly, but Mr. ( haunt', sought ' ' mot?? incut tu a minimum by makii - wings adjust themselves automatical i the i rectlon and of thi breeze. IL* hung them on pivots and ball bearings al om i and put on rubbi ? cr. tu bring them back to th< ir proper position. The I gan tests were ; tain I he i IB eaey of tl ? 11 i; t -_' I MI-HI (lill nut render any shifting oi the body al logi Iht rneedh sa,but much le-- motion waa rei nd this gi nerally con ? in? ward the side that svas raised the 1 ? Mr. Chanute did i ot use a motor to propel his* machine, bi at it i> of nu ii-.* to do tl li until one h et of sta? bility. Bicycle l?..l fur Sin i. ur Unit. S - Hie . t. 11s how an in ?.??iii iou- Parisian ? conceived the idea of ul Hiring his cycle for the into ihe city without the usual bu rsc men I of "octroi" duties. IL tvsiee ii day for a ride in the Bola, point beyond the bal ?ires aiid tilled them iv ith brand**. By making two aide, it is , to ii sear. In ;n. unlucky moment, how ?ver. .' me dissalls* ti, i1. ssiih their earnings bj smug? gling. This nut univ i the ? -? le ll from a distill, ry .- theft sv I are now in dm I hlm-i- Ire rmi. ttl HnpL-rn, Ali i J In the sorting of ht - ear : I-Tien I Each bris - frmn tliat p i - ? il in tlic bul : and If hairs are sort i A \. ?? -? -i. in nf t ..tiling. A i .* ?* ii g Ini road. All t rm. hil a button, snd a 1 as it n. IntHllBrner of -Inltiinl*. A '"u i nat uralial h.. ? - . themselvei or other animal* ir mirrors ?n<J pictures. The Perfect Propnrltnn. It ll (toned a man shoti!'! weigh 2*t pounds for every foot of hit height. WOMAN BEATS PUGILIST. ?arlatlan < onteai Beiweea Mlai ian-iiii. iiini Kid Tari.- r I \\ mi i>> ii,,. Po rater. I vv, wi al ? -/ 1 ? a pro ' . had thi ; frB* Miss LA.N8INQ FINISHED riKST. meeting Ihe English (inlatea, who jok r. marked ihat tl.. "I Ice cai t in a sprint. The "kid" I about her ] thor tut uni not think her was of the w im' ?:? script ion, to he half basl lulls cha.!, nged bi r to a rat 1 i yards, ["be nei vhen the ' turned up he found i he athli Mcal? ly Inclined tran *u conti st for I he hoi 01 Bo tel were taken into tl lr. Ih Hows, Who liapp. lu 'i lu be 1 ll) I e at the tillie, wa.- s?hei. d to( maik. The young lads nu skill* to hinder a free movement of her limits, ih r graei ful appan I consist) d of hindi: ptiou iimi ;i Hornets Inn di a ph ssv. aler tm k the plaCI of the cn I. At the crack ? pistol Miss Lan d fully ism van - ni the lead and swung into the i wilh an . ight-fool --nuke. "kid" tried to move hi- abbreviated aa quickly to overcome lier li .ul. bul tin - as i.ut sufi . the gradually Incn tape of the "kid." Of course the lucid pugilistic champion ? .ini? la- t.'? feat bj a ssuiiiiin and iu rer r< lat? ed the story of hi* downfall <m the r path until he ssas approached :,. d OUl fruin son i of t he .-luck,ms ;il I he l'.'i POWER OF ORATORY. Pea aa) Ivaala .In<lu<* Recites Deelaea* (lon of Inila |!).-.* mut I'll I? u li i w Iltur tu Thi ' Plain Dealer tell ,-tui \ of a Pennsylvania judge wno baa I summer cottage up in the mountains !,. ar W Uki nbarre, and may Lu* a judge otherwiae, but Isn't a judge ol lu ar. ile took a stroll tim other das and mel ulnar. The bear was also tak? ing a stroll. After tin y mi i tin j strolled together?the bear about tea feel lu hind the jut The judge sa.t - lu* took the bea i calf, I he second glance convinced bim that it ssa- lii*j:,'i r than it COW. 'I' hurried si roll took tin tn to the of a pn cipitous cliff, sud th ere the " / Vt*A fT\r, Lomw-A uri IN WAS AMAZED. judge haiti the bear, judge lick feven d vv.* I, ue a saul lo 'lill th. re ssa- im time to ask fur a -tay ut proci edings. Xor waa then accusing tbe hut of court. Th< n m. ii.-| ir.i'i"', came to ? I ? ? ? lillie lins.ll*, bul ht kepi litilSi ls al . you a : ' ? Bl d tri.t:. ,' bael ing tl inn! with ? nh ol 'he . ? Da| li-r *.*rvni.l. I ' an ervanl rork mon than - houri l 'lav. FARMVILLE FAIR, OCTOBER 10-12. Agricultural, Mechanical . r i Industrial. Premium List large and '?* *?-*--*. a. .*.+ kottata Liberal, and must attractive exhibit and the largest crowd ever seen in Farmville. The tobacco premi? ums are especially lib? eral and competition in this department will be intense. No one sample of to? bacco can compete for more than one premi? um except for the sweepstake, which is the Boscher premium. All grasses and ?rain will receive prop? er recognition. *? **m\> O Flic Stock Exhibit Promises to be the BEST ever seen in Southside Virginia. The season will fur? nish a choice fruit dis? play. The Ladies' Depart? ment will glow with beauty. nie Tournament will take. Swift footed horses will furnish good rac? ing. Grand Stand "big" enough for everybody. Out? side attractions of varied sort. [lie Cooperate Monument, to be unveiled on the 2nd day with appropriate cere? monies and elo? quent addresses. Choice Entertaiments at the Opera House each evening. k Full Brass Band io Constant Attendance, Por further information ASSOCIATION, Fakmviu.k, Va.