Newspaper Page Text
FARMVILLE HERALD. AN INDEPENDENT M'1** I'llil.lsllKl' Ks i...1 FRI1 ss . ? I, iv tr.HJiltor ni l Pi iprletoi K vi R80I Hi u-i Kll'l l.'N ,. >py, one year .fl.mi ?ix months . ^ ?? " three tmmtii--. *-?' red ?t Ihe postoffloe hi Ki.ruis hu* u* - moo "? naonej ihonld tx a, io i hi HKKsi.u, rmi K. sv. !?? ?. at Oi iHcrlptlooi . m. ut* fur Hill paper. FRIDAY .-ITl I VIBER, ll, 1900. NOBLE Hlsil. Daring Mr. Bryan's tour through Weal Virgiuia, be stopped fur a little reel ;it Hu' Bummer linnie of a rich friend. While there a crowd of adml i, i- called to pus their respects, and then demanded a speech. Aa i- ln wont lu responded ami began by al? luding to tba com forte niul luxuries of ? summer retreat ami ex preened the h. I. timi the tune might come when more of bia fellow-countrymen could afford thal luxury. EnJ tying the de? lights of tbat suiAmer borne Iii-* greal heart weat oul to those ssim know no surcease from exacting toll neitbei dur in**' the heat ol Bummer hnr enid of winter. And alas, imss many there are to whom vacation (him wnrk never cornea Whal larmer baa gone from between tbe furrows to mountain ur -tii-ide lin- Bummer? What car? l-enter lue- UH hu- Workshop? What blacksmith bia forge? What miner hi- pi'k : What printer in.* rase? W uh the veal anny of toilers it re? mains true, "work ia never done," nnd to these tbe warm sympathies of our distinguished fellow citizens wenl oul in full flow, and in the interest ol these, wa believe, his well-nigh superhuman effort* un* balug directed. He in turn deserves your sympathy and your support, ye meu of lueessanl struggle. The millionaire ls provided fur bul the iniiiei needs tbe helping band, The child of fortune lean no want bul the child nf the poor ia worth; of bel ter things. Booie rt-pite from work for tbe man; a- well sa for the fess i* in order, and tbe man who contributes to thal end is mule than patriot. Ami ls n imi possible timi bettel thiiiL'* niit-'lit he provided foi the poor and --till im barm come tu the rich? Can the burdens of tbe one nol lie lift? ed and im iu ss burden added to tbe lither'.' .May nol brighter floss he iris*. en to the hearthstone of the nne and DO warmth taken frmn thal of the uth? er? Need a comfort, added to tbe cot? tage, nee,?.inls* steal a iiixury fruin the castle? Musi the blacksmith die at tbe forge aud know no rest spell? Shall the j.Hiller ssii-ie away at the ca-e ss lille he prepares the {Hinted paire fur the millionaire, swinging In the hammock '?r rocking in bis yacht? a\iul shall Mr, Bryan, sshu stands a ul Bervesfoi these things, he condemned as communist, and taunted a- enemy of progress? Shall laws be written in the Interest ?.t'the rich und againal the highest good nf the poor? I- it neces? sary that legislation should tend tn make the "rich richer and the poof poorer?" Can it imt he so arranged that in.ue grown up people may luise hume plas tune '.' We rejoice ssith Mr Bryan that boom of mir people nuts and tin enjoy rest at \\i-ix\vrii-Yi.- .-ntriYm-T Te*-.ut-, ai.i'l ssitli him regret that tin* number is n limit? ed. Lei US hupe that the hetter, bright er day for af/may soon dawn, and Iel u* luhur tn h listen it- coming ll \ \s HTOBX SWEPT. On last Saturday, the Otb, a vicious storm struck Galveston a- centre ami played havoc ss nh a hundred miles nf Texas coast Galveston, located on an Island and acity of 10,000 people, suffered the kies ni" 3,000 of ber citizens and millions of property. The tidal wave -ssept over the fits itml BWept assay well this'll everything before it Eight ocean Bt< nut!- perished in Nie harbor ami legions of smaller craft Urea! dam age ssas done to numbers of otbei towna ami farmers suffered fearful losses, lt is difficult even imss* to ea lunate the lona to human lite or prop? erty. The Governor of the state and tbe niayur ..t Galveston unite in wkiug for outside aid, and already a pittong, ful, Hiss ut the charity -Menin ia goiug thal way I he <. .\ ti lim. nt ssa- tii-t tu respond ss nh rations ami teni.-, ai,tl all aectlona nf a common country ss iii take pleasure in responding tu the distress call. I Hillville will du lui part, ami the Herald ss ill take pleasure in ac? knowledging contributions, which we Ivered to Mr. W. li. Venable, cashier Planters Hank. a HR. M.KIM I I'S nun* Ol \( - < i.i'iwi i;. .Mr. McKinley's long delayed letter of acceptance, lui-ai la-t beeu given tn tin* pui.ii.*. H.- began it with mi oi the gold standard and makes no apol? ogy I'.u having been a bimetallitl before hi- election, nor for having sent a com? mission abroad aftei hi- election charged tu luise the -..nne policy a Axed feature "f thia nation, He then pro. ended to defend war with it- attend* ant avila and tried tu make it appeal that the Filliplnos Invaded this coun? try ami that WC luise only heel) ssagiiig a ss ar nf-elf tl. feme. The letter is long, hut it- contents ?. oondenaed In tin*: The bonoi of the nation, the *tttcty of the people, ;?? lu pg ..ll Vu ssi s* . ba W Pi. ail to tu. lon jua th, in Qu llie Hil -|' . Mi A ,IJ .1 il (hi? llie, iy e gatl Wi, I >eei of t atti .?aii apiti -eek -?nu that great Mr ( the glory of"01d Glory," all unite in demanding a continuance of the reigu . f Muk and me. ? ?nlj hope is that the voters of the laud ssill nol agree suth hun. I'll.[|| Mil Ml.,111 M*i>MI'. ltl!\ \V ?Can sse imt govern colonies?" sse an- tsked. The question is nut si hal sse eau dn, hut ss hat sse ought t" "1" Phi- nat iou eau d" whatever it desires tn ii.., bul it must accept responsibility fur sshat lt does. If the ,-1.11-1111111.111 -tami- in (he ssas*, lin* people can amend the 1.atltutlon. I repeat, tbe nation eau do ss batevei it desiree inti", hut 11 cauuot avoid the natural and legitimate results nf it- ussn conduct. l'he youug man upon reaching his majun ty eau tlo what he pleas - He .iin disregard the teachings nf bis parents; lu* can trample upon all that h.* lui- beeu taught tn consider sacred; lu* .1111 destroy the lass- nf the Sta'e, the lawsof society ami the lawsof God. 11. -ail stamp failure upon hi- life and make lu- very existence a curse to bis felluss mell, ami he mu bring In- father aiui mother In sorrow t" tin- grave; hut he cannot annul tin- sentence, ??The wages "f -in i- death." Iud so with the nation, lt i- of age and it eau du ss hal 1- pleases; it eau -puru the M uiitlons nf tim pa-!: it eau repudiate the principles upon ss bleb the nation rests; it ian employ force instead "f ii eau substitute might for right; it '?an conquer weaker people; ii eau exploit their lilll'l-, lippi 'pruitt' their property and kill then people; hil! it cannot repeal tbe moral lass* or escape tbe punishment decreed fm tbe ?11 of human i Ights I we ir,'iel iii Iii- pallin nf tj runny, .Nut r.-.k."ll the ts r.Hil - COS I '.' wim taketh anothi 1 - ll lier ty Hi- freedom :- a Ino lost. Would we win a- Hu* Ktrona bave ever mihi. Muk.* r. adj tu pus ' lie debt, I ur tin Hod si hu reign* .1 ovi r I in i.s lou i* iii.- (....I wbo .- 11 Ign Uk' yet Thuse are ss..rd- "I a ss i-e 111:111 ami a patriot And Jefferson said: "I kunst* of hut one code of morality fur men whether acting singly nr collectively." And Franklin saul: "Justice ia as strictly 'tue between neighbor natious sa between neighbor citizens. A high? wayman is as much a robber when lie plunders in a gang a- ss hen Bingle; ami the nation that makes an unjust star (sonly a great gang." X", Mr. McKin? ley's ssars cannot he justified in the court ??f conscience ami ought not to receive the commendation nf even one froud citizen. .Mr. Bryan well says: ".Nu civilize tion can he considered perfect wbicb due- imt plant a hupe iii the breast of every child bum into the world." The trouble With the lianna kimi i that it makes so many p' "pie hopeless ami a fess reckless. Old man Massey bas emerged from tbe privacy of his home and at once proceeded tn remove the hide from lien. Rosser in a manlier peculiar to Hus expert skinner. Correspondents ssim witiie-sed the merci leas onslaught, leeeribeit aa after the order of the old man's best flint- ss hen he fought mi? ler the Beadjuater flag, Lei lum be retained fur jual such occasions, ami wherever a Bosser bead '"'ii- up lei nm In* there in down it. There is tm itbermau in Hie Stale who ian du il I Ulta >" sse ll, WASHINGTON LETTER. "rom mir K.vuliir 1 "orr.*-foml.-nt. W \-ll|M,|uN, Sepl , ID, |9fl0, After making public bia letter nf ac* eptance, Mr. McKinley -lalled f,.r anton again, via Smiier-et, Pa., Where us niece will this week he married, br an indefinite niay. Thia either In? mate* that he understands what tbe owen an* going tn tin in China, or hat he is extremely negligent of iiueriean Interests, a- lhere is noss' tm ne in Washington in receive nests ni China, higher than an assistant ?eretaiy. .Mr. McKinley's letter of acceptance a most carefully prepared document, ipedally that portion nf it which uk- m iuii the public fears of imperial -m. It mis-e- nniu? uf the usual argu lents in favor of expansion, ami either nuts entirely or gioesee over tbe acta f imperialism of which tbe adminis iitiun has heen guilty. Thal portion r it dealing with tbe country's pros erity is nut so carefully pul together ml ssill he -ure tn arouse siniies nf ii'ietlulity among the well-informed, ho kunst that it is Providence, ami it Hie Republican administration, bicb has given the country bountiful ops and that wars and not the Ke. iblican administration, hase hugely creased the volume of money lo dr ilatiuii ami thu- helped along pi"s rity at this time, at the expense nf tine tax pavel-. Charges of the serious nature auisi the Quartermaster-General'B iee, made hy Mr. J. O. (nie, who luntarily left a position therein ami lose standing aud responsibility are ?jobed fm- hy Senator Mason, nave t-n pigeonholed fm- months, tis tbe ar Department ami nol even a (tense nf an Investigation made, bough tin charges were specific aa liim*. nature, ami hy ss bow orders ? wrongdoing waa perpetrated. Fol sin**; i*4 a fruin a Btatement t made hy Hie man sshu preferred ? charges: "Hie ssaur trausporta* 11 business, a- conducted in the arterniash-il 0 iierii. sulli, g contains i' '' ml nf the niu-l ibameful Waste I misuse of public fonds during tbe ini-li svai. it abowB how the gov intut li*- heen robbed in different is ..f-um-nf moues*, a- compared h which the am..nut involved in ('miali postal frauds are a nure sisile, and brande witta deplorable ?mpetency the army oflfoersdireel onnected with them. An invest! mi ssiii shuss rascality somewhere." en aaked ss hy tbeae charges had 1 -I completely Ignored, an official he War Department said (hat no uti'Ui had beeu paid to ll.em be c they stile regarded as merely the ? sv.irk ufa disgruntled exempioye, ing ii get evan witta somebody for b j>ersiiiiai grievance. However, will hardly u- the view thal Con* ( still take of the charges, which .'ole say* will he hr..ugbt up early ... !. lill* t ..I --. V Do I vi ltOU. in th- coming session. Those ssh ian' well-informed, politi? cally, kimss thal Mr MeKtnle.s owes Iii- el-?eiimi tu the gold De.'rata. Iiuii i- ss h> the accumulating evidence thai the hulk of Hu* gold Democratic vote is ir.g t" i.e cast for Bryan and Bteveusou this yeal ls so disturbing to the McKinley managers. They kunst* thal the gold Democrats bave it In their p.-\.i tu elect the Democratic ticket. Until within tbe pasl wee*, the Republicans hast* denied lhal Col. Kl Villi '.si nil. I gel the Support nf the gold Democrats ul' prominence, hut -mee the publication of letters user theil own signature, of two memben ,,t' the Cleveland Cabinet Olney ami Wilson declaring in flavor of tbeelec ti ui ..t Bryan ami Stevenson a- a ne.i?itv iu head uti ihe Imperialistic pim- nf the M.*Ktilleyiten, tliey are d dging discussion m\ the subject The close relations known to exist iie tweeii Messrs. Olney and Wilson and <'lest laml. makes il regarded as prob? able thal Mr. Cleveland still abo de* .'line for Bryan ami Stevenson, before the campaign gets mucb older. Mr. Josephus Daniels, National Com* mitteemau from N. C., aays the talk indulged in hy .-nine Bepublicana nf that -tate easting its electoral votes fur McKinley, is an iridescent dream. "North Carolina's electoral votes'" he added, "si ill he cast fur Kryan and Stevenson. The majority will not I* h- large a- iu the recent state election, ss hen it was60,000, hut it still he lartfe. Oneni the Maryland callers al Demo* eratic Congressional headquarters said: "Maryland i- going Democratic. Every* body who lives in tbe state and mingles ssith his neighbors knows this. Thin is not because nf the Democratic party m Maryland; still less is-this condition lue tn any* Democratic politician. The people have just risen. Politicians wbo ut* personally hostile to .Mr. Kryan luise had tu tun tu keep Up ssith the people. Ihe people are imt with them. Iliey ale ju-l trying this year tu stay ?sith the people, liiey sass* the drift if public opinion anti they bustled to {el in mit nf the stet. They would lint lave it saul that Maryland should go Democratic without their assistance, lt would ruin them politically." M. ti ni Heat li OH. I".. I'.. Munday, a lawyer nf Henrietta, rex., once fooled a grave-digger. He ays: "My brother ssas very low ssith iiiilurial fever and jaundice. I per* uaded lum u. try Electric Kilter-, iiml ..* waa soon mucb helter, hut continued inn use until he ssa- woolly cured. I ,m -nie Electric Bi tiers saved hi- life." lu- remedy expels malaria, kills dis. i-t- germs and purifies the Mond; aida ligestion, regulates liver, kidneys and towels, eiin- constipation, dyspepsia, lervous diseases, kindey troubles, fe* uale complaints; gives perfect health. Inly 50c al W lute .\; Co - drug -tore. Cigarettes are smoked almost ex luslvely in Germany, Austria and iii cit*, iiml generally throughout .UL>pe. 4 Wife Says: 44 We have four children. With the first bree I suffered almost unbearable paint from 2 to 14 hours, and had to be placed under ie influence of chloroform. I used three ottles of Mother's Fn'ena before our last "iild came, which a strong, fat and jalthy boy, doing iy housework up within two hours .-y, birth, and suf- fiJ)\ red but a few hard (Vi tins. This lint- / ^J ent is the grand-/ ff\ t remedy everx./ Ad*v" Mother's Friend < 11 H M M M M M H M M M M M M M M M M H M tt M M M lt M N M M tt tt M tt M H M M M M M *.: ill do for es'ery woman what it did for the tinnescta mother who writes the above let r. Not to use ft during pregnancy it a istake to be paid for in pain and suffering. 'other's Friend equips the patient with a ong body and clear intellect, which in rn are imparted to the child. It relaxes e muscles anu allows them to expand. Il lieves morning sickness and nervousness, puts all the organs concerned in perfect ndition for the final hour, so that the actual x>r is short and practically painless. Dan r of ribing or hard breasts is altogether oided, and recovery is merely a matter of ew days. ruKirlftti tell Mother*! I'rlend lor JI ? bottle. c Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. .Sen 1 :.,r ?<;;r fine illustrated t...ok. rtodol yspepsia Cure h'gests what you eat. artificially digesta the food sod aldi mc in strengthening and recon* leting the exhausted digestive or* s. It is t lie latest di scowed digest* and tonic. No other preparation approach it In efficiency. It in* itly relieves and permanent ly cures pepsin, Indigestion, Heartburn, tulence, Bour Stomach, Nausea, : Readache,Gastralg)a,Crampe and t Iht results of imperfect digest ion. lite.and IL I.aree size contains2", times l lbw. Boole all about dyspepsia malled free pared by E. C. DeWITT A CO . Chicago. -lull 1'lIU' (',.. 'ATE FEMALE NORMAL SCHOOL, FARMVILLE, VA. i state .uti rt tree tuition mr worthy l \t..m. ti who *i -li tu prepare for teach I.IUenil eoiu-.* lu 1-sntnaaW. I.tieri. Bclenceand Ari. A* ProtWslonal i- willi Normal Training. Bxtraslve ?-, em bod j lng the beal feature* IDERN EDUCATIONAL EQUIPMENT, I..- ready mr neal (easton, i ba (Beatty ecu -tu iiLillieueil i.y Hie appointment .-?ul graduates from li sdlng American wattles. Measles begtne (September IM-b, ROUKBT KHA/EM, I..I,. TX, Pre*ldent IHI reeei Kx|i svas Loth PEI! Soi Me Inii lilt Yu,* Wood's ? i Seeds. J Every Farmer I should haves o :?: of } Wood's tatnM Batalopu of | SEEDS ARD GRAM For Fail *.?;.!*--in. Il "? ; GRASS & C. OVER SEEDS, f Hairy, or Winter Vetch, Crimson Clover, r Seed Wheat, Oats, etc. Itltlnoglve-t-l'-Frrlp t,,: -.. Vp. r, ty.d* of cuitnrf ?nd mucb ?i?elal and Taloa* ble InfonnaUon ab .ut nil crow unit can bc sown i ? advaataae lc tb.- Vail and carly Winter. Oetalof.tailed free Write Inr lt uinl pr -^ I ? toy Seeds or Seed Urtin n.,u.reU T.W. WOODtS: SONS, SEEDSMEN, _ Richmond, 1 Va. . i nz x x-x-x x x rx x xxx xx xx x xx x > H M ? NOTICE! m H NOTICE! g NOTICE! M M M H M _? M A nair of Dice horses " i for sale. A 1 ?ar-_r;iin tt can be had. Cal] at f| M once for they must l>c M M sold. K ? I. P. YENABLE. \\ fl H EXXXXXX-XXZXXX'XXXXXXXXXIX^ r tPBI WHI.sKKt IECEITED HOLD MKOAI,. Hpeda] Diapateh.] iris, Auk.85.?American wlii-kies lead tiie official approval of tue ositjon today, when QoM Medal awarded to Hernheim Hr..-., iville, Ky., on their I. \V. HA li I WU I SK KY. ld in Farm ville, Va., hy JOS. MANNONI. Heine !.. nt istry?Pharmacy. cr*l(y (ollcu nf VHIrlnr. IMMaita. Hm R-.! Itt, 1. P.. ILU.. rmid-Bt. 00 Vt I '.(1I.TI. Illili! ?.wt I-' f ; CU!. R-?l*l., lee Pee t cu Iff <"*<*:?:?*?<Itt., Ur. J. ? l i.l?u * HOIX3ES, Deas. ('.'.I old Uki JOH Hi Stylish Oxfords Queen Quality Oxfords are the coolest, the best fitting, and the easiest walking shoes conceivable. They are also exceedingly hand? some. $2-50 Look for TRADE MARK stamped on sole. W. P. RICHARDS ON, Sole Agent, liinntillc. Vu. W. E. NOEL. R W. NOEL. NOEL BROS.. Uppoalte N..s W. i'* pot. FARMVILLE, VA. COOKING m HEATING STOVES Tinware, Sheet Ironware, Stoneware, \V<ni<|i*li.S;tle Lampe aud Lanterns, Lamp Fixtures of all Kinda House Furnishing Gooda, Rodger's Plated Ware, Knives, Porks, Spoons, ftc. All the Above Goods Low tor CASH. lin Roofing, Guttering, <k, A SPECIALTY. ti:v L'S. Noel Bros. NEW SALOON C, H, BLISS, Proprietor. Fine Whiskies. 1869. PREMIUM CABINET, RICHMOND CLUB. Pure Corn Whiskey. Brandies, Wine-.uni Cigars Pabsts Cool Beer on Draught. muirs- trade promptly attended to. :iill Measures. >Io Short Ones. i eiaim to luivi- tbe BIGOT LINE OF 'HI8KI SSevei seen lo thc Farmville arket linea the days of RICHARD* >N Milos. .MAIN STREET -EAST SIDE. Mr. Henry Walthall, of Prince Ed* lld is ssith mu uml still lu- glad to i iiml -erst' in- Mends. Reapectfully, C. H. BLISS. Buy Your ^Jew Buggy AT PAOLETT'S, lt Mm ''.iii'l afford !?> Inr, a new mit*, gel "-nlni' IC B. P. S" mage Paint and painl your one. It will make it look ? new. TR INTI NH \T RaEASONABE PRICKS AT HFIt'M D flFFTCir ira i,n and World univ tl-fW. s Kel kl No .SI No T -??li N. . ?In Pul ii lc ll , T par vert Tl the nu. ii CF exp the . n ? di lion pi i sn li. I| N Li [Mil for Con stitt elia \ '^ JUST RECEIVED Six Car Loads of Choice OhioTim othy Hay. C. M. Walker & Sons. POSITIONS FOR OUR GRADUATES. "tn lin- pul len sear- we luise -petit lli.iu-an.l- Of dollar* to .ii l u-n,. .. ,?,.? ,? plj to tia when they need office help. I...lav .nu* e.,ii- from ili.-m ?.,., .i.mii.i,. u ot graduates. ***? s, nun'.'tuan young woman, If you de*ire a thorough i i ..?... graduation attend our school. Write Cor pvttcnUra. "er PIEDMONT BUSINESS COLLEGE, .1. W.I.11.1 v t. M.. IV.m.1,.,,1, i'i NCHBUKO, V.v. What We Want of You A CALL o look over om* Spring and Summer Stock. A fess minute- of your time When you arc buying SOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. The goods and prices to tie Hie eon* vlnclng argument aaahowlngour superiority in this particular branch user all competition jyoioeat $rioaa and J:c: and! T$ateet Sty*49 \wtaranteed, J. B. WALL. WANTED! Dry Goods Salesladies experience,who eau i.y their ai.Lits lo gooda Command Good Salaries. ? boat of reference* required. Write ful rt Icu lan a* i.i former employment. THE MEYER STORE, Kiril.MiiMi. VA. Farmville Graded -AND High School. FACULTY. in ii mn M.Kan w, m. a. t'nltroralty <>t ,i, ru.11. Lei pt. ic), Principal and conduo ..I IIil'Ii Behool. I;-- I iwii --Milli-..v, i;ra.lilllie ."Slate nala Normal School. Hm Mac pi Ul tv, graduate Slate Female riiial School. !-- Lol IK .Muli ut-. -I a. I na ie -itali* Keiiuik' mut! School. tm are proud ut the record "f ilu un.i.t* iii. management of Principal '. Starkc and lu- coworker*. They de lo develop u -un linne aa pan of iii.? >ltc Mellool -sy-i. tn ot th.* Karmt III. lil - t. lt trill be continued In ail gradea f..i ? UK un.ii si HOOL i- Intended to pre our boya and glrU for College and uni illy, or for life. .. i: 11 -1. ?. are glad thal ll la -. part of public school "erk ul tin* ili-ii .1. and md thal ll ahall ba sn conducted aa lo be . .lu tu tbe district and a gi ea I earing of ? nae to tboei thal avail them*, adt eulama u oflTi ra ring to the feet that the High Behool la partmenl ol the Public School, iti-iru.*. tn it eau be obi ie fee of ti.M month, LBW I'll IN tl s -i BRION. -tain lt, atul hull.I up whal will he a ? and a .-rc'ii to thi community. I. I. VBRMEH, li. M.COX, S. W. I'S I I.Kl I. Sch....1 'I'rii Ices l-'aruiMlle District D lew York fe Insurance. // desire to announce to the iii.* thal I am \** Prince Edward Agent .\. tin- above well known iji.'iny. The oldest and ages! Life [nsurance in tenet'. J. E. GARLAND, 10 Farmville-, Va. -ju, w lim I ? -?< 'a '*3 SOUTH ATLANTIC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY RICHMOND. VIRGINIA CAPITAL <y SURPLUS $250,000 -$ $ ECONOMICALLY MANAGED BY THE SOUTH'S MOST SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS MEN. PRUDENT INVE?-*"MENT. GOOD DIVIDENDS. THE PRODUCING AGE..* GETS THK PROFITS THAT IN OTHER CO.MPANIES GO TO GENIAL AGENTS AND MIDDLE-MEN. RICI! TERRITORY tY 000D CDFit'E.K^ATlOri/crGOQti MW * BEVERLEY B. MUNFORD Pres't. ViRGI-VIUS NEWTON Vice Pres't. (?..?' F! i-' b r na- a U.Ir.<i *?* WKMONO.) POBEKT L.FOPEMAN. 3rd. Vice Pros't *vGen. Mar-ager. pome, . if A* "IV Ui*[f Kl) A Health Resort At Home. There la something sen* (leprena* Hg in .-ins iii'.' ut annie Sanitarium ur n-.-ilih i.-.ui. where one'a i?? mpaaioai ne fi ii..,s-.-iii!', mi-, .-inti where tbe eua* t'l-.itioii naturally tuiii* tu the ail* \S-.*s\'.~ ?-**. WM)'* ~vV. ssv - ", s>NS*.v-,-^ Avoid tin-. :i- well :i- the e\|,. ii-e nf vmainlng. i.y tryiug the Compound Ixygen Treatment. Investigate **??* earn wbo baye beeu cured, and what hoy aay ot Compound Oxygen, fal mn ba treated al Mir office, or yum can i ?? (uf* Iii at men I ut .sour osvo lillie. Consultation free, Hand f-"' lee li. ..ik. Drs. STARKEY & PALEN, HIS Girard St., Philadelphia, fi. lil Kinds oi Lumber Alssuy* on band. Ai'.say- for building purp ? Aim i .."ii-. 'I Alwaya i- adj t" he worked, Alwaya t" u.-?? t j mr wanta. .Ms-.;, . - || 'i i kl ' julee-. Ala -..yuii. Als.:- SOU. Alss :i*, * come a I trj ua AI '.s it.*, - s' Farmville Mg. Co., tMVILLE, VA avail, Roberlson&Go* ( ..lie i M ihi aud ? ???? I* \: 'I'. I ' i . Vs. iiimii--ion Merchants' ??"?? DKAl.l.K-* IN mimi n , Cn Uh i ti. Agricultural tmptt </? nts, -i * iggles, Surreys, Hood Carte und linmi Wagons, rent- for STUDE , NS D THE CELEBRATED BABCOCK BUGGIL iK' on H.sii'V 'I HI the I'ii-K-t rider known, lt umkca of entaOliaiictl refutation*