Newspaper Page Text
FARMVIl I HER SKIMMING THE CREAM. :.\i..||s our ? il f?r (,?i.iiinii >:i.i! ( wu rent I. I i.?cciv.- the ? Ihe ron? ni' Many Votkrs. sit ls ll< ; '.H lie I un il ?tihitilii* fi a nhill mit ground that "it .1 of bust* - tail!' "'? I ll tif ans. ?u will A ? i,,r the . :n ull of i' Hie on!' SIM IV II i - thal lc thc -I. ? st ii ,n ? ' ' e .Minute ii i uk remedy i sumptiou. It da W lllslolt s , I way. . i .'h. in h and i i 28tb, Mon x I tali, Foi tiit - niif. millar with Kissers aud those ? .Illulia Wit,st,ni D . .ntly .?I t., bear rnproved in : it >w di rea (,.1,1 in line Day. .linne Till,. - sigua ' ! ? lill Of Mine. run ,,t keep ?villi a Ul*. ll I : ? . -icu!,! il and il i good. ? -in.v ma, . i day i mimi? li all a* lemand I Cl co lc] tn tel li th' I fig it i ho ?lt hr, .ti, -ii, Hi, I.IV R I'll ii.-t Soi ? ?I i I M I... nth ?o i s I,Vi ll,.I An lar. -~~?I H'S COI RT8H I' lo NI I illl-. I,(oom f;i, | | um inti.-Hit-ient -wt, The tow it mule i- fal and iii ? Whal <l ea it ,. ai io Wi ep bim a month? ?Mr. aini Mis \\ | . .. -,,,. al i'h,-tn tour. The ie,'eui poid snap vv iii retard bud growth II in shiv io iirne anothi i | .nh crop. Col. C. M. Walker and Mr ll. ?'. ? 'in M.ii ll (Ira repot ta v l-u. inville. I deal with hun accoMlng I N uucil meetinit up to (he | i u .nih. M .. monthly ? in Farmville, fully equipped call on the I-,univ Ills Farm Agency. The citizen who doeau'l value ihe i | nu/, tl military e?im. pany in Hus town simply don't think. The neal time the lad it * are io man i lite lilt ll -ce lo lt lh;il i: lol Ihe Ile.Ilil? li, III S f oin |oc il m. t. If the anna v li,, (ailed t< iii their bo hint.'. Another Cold -ni ind ' vim failed to li dmply don't A pair of oxen, ? i I \ le should buy 11 ni and ut supply. ? wu iii (.uhr to make room totber. Now Iel th t modern i millville wi!: All Farmville will miss t' ack hoi*e. who pei I lui in the il une* i Tuesday night, rth nc moa! aceful animal tbal cv t r touched (he ivemeiits of our tow ii. aili tx a iiii (tim: of th ile < cnn ter*, - . uexl Thurs* ,y afteriio'ii (March 7th) al 1 o'clock, -ititiice of Mia. h. <;. Tal la? rc Mai u K TALI \i-kiii rhe meeting al Worsbam, called by lairmau Morton for tbe tun Inal , lo iisiiler name- of suitable |??: present om county In tbe const!lu mal convention should be larg cl. ,|. Dr. A R. Hov kin, nf Smithfield, Va,, visiting Farmville and vicinity as I Mr and Mr-. T. I*. Robert* 1. I>r. Hoy ki n a i this place iuid i* pie isantly n red by many of ou iders. Farmville needs an organization for bting tires. Under tin present wsy - bard toge! lbs reels from then use* i" th,- water plugs,aud then b ir rstill tn lind willing hand* to run the e to the lin bl not tn he il tin ic will in- -ml. rem b* ri lect. ll,.- man who thinks thi* i- nol a section uughl i" bavi sn foin i nt into v ii laal Tu' ii nc by Mr. ey looked .(- ih .loll i tey nil-lit nderful p ul's univ .i -, , irsliam 111, r- ai ned U> 0 i K. ain! mill not be a lu!! - i mall' i - - ? ? JUI III III! l-l ? H "I ' IJ ill rh Fi li,. inn pie I venti ii. ' ? n will. I I Willi ll'lll I ihat when in New 0 I ichburg tin < : ne o uld go nc further with the lorican Conn! cuni,!- dui i but uot tbo OMI i (bli I I", '.v A ft! | ? I I :i on bust ii md, ul i, nu n mu.ii:il v i-i' to II, Melin, who i- ju-t nvei Lynchburg, ls I K ile (lid ja V 1-i'illL' lill ? i it prod ict : rever io bel M .11 borne. I' Miner, wh,, lot- been irk, l- improving, while her -on, Mr. Harvey Miller, la confined tn the i - lion. Fanni ille Guard orders a meet be held on the .".th iu-t., f,.r the election of a commandanl t,. - Captaiu J. R. Martin, recently pro. lo the office of M . Miss Mary Booth Walksr, and her friend Mi- v. ,-.- Lindsey, i wh.. are al Woman'i College, Lynchburg, will attend thc Inaugura* ? \t Week. The tTorshaai ?eetiaf, Tbemeeliugofcitizeua of the county, w oraham, to consider matters pertaining to tbs eunatltntlooal convention, w ill take piacs oo - day. the !*lh of Milich, mid not 00 the Sib, aa wa* incorrectly -tated in lasl H SKALD. Kurnell to Death. Thc two-year-old child of John Wyatt, Colored, wa ? acidt ntly burned tn deal li mi the 23rd ul bi. nn tbe plantation ,.f Mr. Jame.* \V. Worn I , child had b me ('lily a -lion time in tbe Cabin when il* ibnther returned lo lind it wrapp 'I in Mime-. [| lhat the bel on wliii'U/he iufaul waa playing took Bra Ural Dr. White i the burn-, bul the child lived >nly three bouts after tbe accident. I,un ._:.lin. Now thal ihi* important subject is i?sl ni lei i; continue until been at icerned, Major I fit v up tn cuni thal > very loch i If, theil, it I* bould be people of p i mr W i ihi :i lt i iiii','. ni .Ino. i; ; i-iilion ni . Uaallt III ll' !t . lull and In ta . entire ai,-euee of kick* I dward ls eutilli d -? men in tbe convention and ird hi lind. ii,, k n.t. i. I. At mir ia*t meeting lt eras decided represented at tue to be held In iebmond, March tbe Mist. Tbs pn si - Maud Ora), wa- appoint, tl We were elad to turu over to the insurer <?f the basaar Dearly fifteen tbe lt -Ult ol the "V" booth. feel repsid for their work, ,1 wish to thank tbe authorities for c privilege of bel plug and also iii i'" fuel,,I* who asaiated in any way Mi- Jobson, ' I Virginia, reports four ii - -ince tbe National I itiion The eirls of thi--tai,, bave -i discovered tbal they ralaed tbe >si money foi foreign I vv bite-ribbon | salons ia*i year. Wonder if tbal it the secret of tb -- along kt lillis? Voil know the old saying, h> rn re wt give, tbe more we have." lian Packard. rh weil otu vvoui- when we r'tbal Dan Packard alow artistic skill Joe JeflerHun himself. our play going people a bo ird him Bl mil "j. 00 last iday evening, bavej been bumming Him.e Tom pk I Ul ' i vcr since, iii ly netting tbal they can nofjual lunn it i- "thal ail," for bear bim : illili sllcll tjlll"!, impii-sive inline cannot bul ase, and, a* wc believe and liojie, mot letve al un "i sting. Prince Pro .:, and w bile a Itboul plot or connection it served lo ug out the talent of the com pat y, ,- the bright, parin u ospicuoua ... ai rc apl and well re : the emphasis with w h, h ? -. ? :i ugl ? ll said ; niog to i if be dots no more ; mpkina" we : lill. I .Colley. 1901. ? - b Colan ll. Li ' I) third been ab!) to a supply of lee. largely iii,l the farmers fail, it ju vv. pries. I think it tci i i:: t-nv yeera. think Mr. Montague ia tbs favorite gubernatorial candidates lo he mi d, "pen weather for the last day has enabled the tarn I a (air rieniiug & t'laik's. Hires, ?* to 4. iii wi gil by bo tlc C. au lu, 'I ol' to wa ll,, by coi -?ii Ol ii bee a a tba Bet bel twl JO! Iel I the pre M a Blu Ing add Otb Ihl of I ll IV the Hill ililli and laki elul. disc Lui The Wi. He il 111 I time llinent, lui but i tender a ami ! lUg. Kev. |l|. H Ul III the service aud ottered a , .u i, ?-i md impressive prayer for ?bil retiring brother in the ministry-snd I>\ Frauk ('iinniiieiiiuii laug a delightful Altotretber the txdtcAton were moe! appropriate, ami, a- w .? i , Have helpful. 1 be church here fully appn Mi. ( apera,and theyeatryaccepted ins Ui "ii with in any regrets, although tliey think, willi lum, that he ha-duie well In accepting the tall t" a church that i ir, i- a largs! beld i i his work. A- i preacher he baa fully mel Hie expectations which the church cher? ished of hun Hi- preach ii . iu-ti clive and exceedingly p mid attractive. Iii- man nen and bearing In - ^-m the esteem and cordia will of our whole community. I lie Ililli.ile- ll,. !,- of loV'e ami fe? llow ll by elerey and mem I I all thc churches bave heen very ren able, particularly In tbe outpouring ,,f I.pie of iii! creed- oil thc I CCBKiOU of lu- farewell services Sunday olghl Inc nio-i sincere regret and Borrow for lu- departure from ua bas been io. -- ,i Mr. Capers bas nol only w,. -id in of tin- older memb oiiiuritiity, but, by his manly frank* md cordial good fellowshi| ? iiiiciii iii\ Impressed hm une men. lb acuities in w tuning (heil c lier. Iii leai lug ii- i hat he ha- won a pine n. i flection. OSIAH Fanni ille bra eil and li noiior fm i I aldwin. ? iioinp- ; 'h. ? ? nilli. (2), Lillian Kice Sign.n , uiic Smith, Fm mel H .Hint I \\ ootlen. ISIAH'S I 0URTSH1P IO NIUH I ral Fires. Friday Dight after buaineaa .boara 'oi,- ,,f Mr. II. K. ia discovered on lire. Noah/tni waa .en mitl thc linne- wire Quenched Koine Offlcsr Ligon. sunday as people were on tlc me from com, h ;i blaze .' r.M.f ,,f lin hui.dine neeil| L. Bethel, at the eon,, d llieh -Heel* . 'll|,-UIs gulsbed with but sheht dam i mehi ah ml 7 o'clock the riling cry of "Ore" and ihe clanging Hie bell brough! hundreds ,,f people a emil Ignition mi South ii. . le belong!ug tn .ai. .1. B Xl iii whit li was kepj a bon* Mr. il. II. Hunt i^dlid itenta ol every li trofiplotu wen ooo md. There was noiusuuuice. The ari ii of the lire la thotufht io have n the work of mi Incen ? md lilli'' vv Ullin six week cue -lilllie bad been afire. ?idea just acrosa tbe branch a stable onging to < 'apt. lim ion, h . rv lind Ul the ft ce,tl , . -I Ml 8 < "I RTSHIP l<> NIGHT iliralinii ((f IVii-liiiiehiii's Birthday. h.- work went "ii -iii sith ly id Farmville (iradi d ai d Hie'. - dav Las! until 1:80 I'. M , wi pan ,| fol the ? iel.ntl..11. . the -one . ?. bite, snd e. ' -une hy (!i> school lin ii, bsv? been aaked to dsllvei l W. T. e ll- .11, ? ('amp I i Hi- K. il 8 ut, Mr. Hi rsrd Wbil the , iy, Ml. I - than e l,,rn Belly b iy. Mi ssra. W ?che- on both -el io, which decided tbe question in ir of thc affirm ? i udj (urned, .uni tbs ll. 1- I MCKAIL .? B ?;. Ww ?r horn. i ii, m. mead '-v. Lbt in the coin. ere'* Hie little boy who mind- tie ? gona to Cridliu'a to treat Bop.ep. II! be i - di< I i ii i I Wi sn el Un K.i/ -lc (lue? o ? I, fl Ul all of w luci: ' md Ibe VlouU' - of tbe - a i hand* .v hull wa- voled lo .- ic iii at popu ; mt. i ? v. sa i rest : hi mg the ni"-l u million present R. D. Miller UB Um IN ;i'd distinction of heine tbe ugliest man in town, the pries i pretty picture. The Confederate Veteran! and the I'm tn ville I utan! Wiall the HBEALD to thanks to the - who labored SO faithfully for ? ha/.ar: and al*o Cap. tain Frank Cunningham, of Rich* moid, f,,r hi- -weet Binging which to the interest of Hie - Ul. Iliiiii|,ilcii-Si(liiiv Dramatic Club. Sului la* evening the rfampden*Sld? nev Dramatic Club rendered in the . ?? chapel before a largs and ap t B 'he lauehahle farce : iil-hip" lt la .. io., much t" say that no sd by ?. dramatic club ;! i ? ht- been a more I. efl 'he excellent ? lin- bouse . ll ti ? :' iu du r from the be curt un rose until it tell again, ictei mel with rolumi lUse. There was rjo Iii the w i, nance, and >? win, had tin low ing, pronoun,-, ,| ii ? - now pul . ? ui sdoubt, with Mr. a nit, ami Jell" ' ? ? ? mntry. ?ler this lt mv flic Opera M ireh. I erforra . .Tomara. of her Hillville f Feb., ni typh N. <'. I Iii!,lien ti I - bo knew her well b' I ber admirable worth sa wife, ? d friend and unite -he will be grestlj missed . from which ibe wu- so . taken. II i funeral look pl ice fnun Hie home i the afternoon of tbe 27th, and -he i- buried in the Farm, i Murderer Allen (iiiielil. J' lui Allen, colored, Hie slaver ,,f r, Major Hooper Alien, baa eu raptured and is in Prince Bdsrard I .waiting trial by tbe county court v. Hornill- ago John Allen and Ins .me Involved in a I tarlington Heights, over un of money, said to have in only .'?', cents. John shot his I bel in the eye, killing him Instant lUtdi ni lin ami nothing was aid of him until a rewan! I d or bia capture. I M- ss BS located nt BIOO !,:, W. Va. Sherill' Dickinson went ld snd hy a little strategic ?me over the border ? 00 I" Vii ?? where he H i lint: and made tlc I Hi prisoner claims thc snooting to ? purely accidental. Sinai 1 Kui sJTI I \\ i >lorcl youth not ld, i- in rd willi setting tin- to the Ing to Mr. J B. Hart ral lire- recently rh ....... M : tie I - tbe ineeii of art au do la bo of .il lie, do Ila Col of III. sal pol ol Ai tl. I ll : ..Ills. ? reek, I ' : , honor I a I with tbe r- mi' ."nine by Ibi bantmenl I ? l- pre by Mr. the i Igar Wiri Venable, <>f tbe who Introduced lutiful lieui ? .1. imond, and d int -ne' \ up until tin- gay company Wi - tay .???I iii u-iiie conn- hut \ il -h HastI - ? aud certain cnn thing and bsalinf . i. akin i -????? ?. lb ! uston Drug ? I.uni File iii lehman. i mehi ri ' I .uili th li n! that I -hoi, mi I.. I knew then ali wu ter liie .ili-ide \'ir md in thea. I., roon, i only i i I tl i foi "comfort" Kut tn doubt the good loti-i ki ? | ? i v Baking, "why 'company'should n mid-winter anyhow The room si a- warm, and - . wa- the me What time my host ar?e I : , .1 when I SB/oh lire wa- utiii burning, tbe "critters" nu! ali been fed, and the faiiu bauds were moving briskly to their work, and no matter how .-carce laltor may lie on other farms duriug the scacon there will be un lack of it here. Mr Stoke*; has lieeu busy building new houses for mw hands, and the cry is still they nie. One thing is certain they duu't go there foe fun. Loafing is not iu or? der there and nune but laborers are tol? erated. After breakfast I walked out in the yard to watch the fox BOBS at their morning meal, lt too, was spread out on a table, ami though the bill of fare ot vaned it wa- abundant Nine i. aiders were gathered about this board, ami I was told that lu barrels of corn a year were dedicated to their Seventy live bushels of coru given to doss 00 OOO farm during one twelve months ; I- that extravagant? Ky in, im ana. The owner of these ti tja ni ikea iill the com they eat, is a lionie itayeranda han! worker, spends bo tune al seaside or mountain re-ort, "chaw.-" a little tobacco, drinks no wine and ?panda "lily ?37 60 a year in healthful, manly recreation. He i* M much entitled to lt as hs Ia to the air ? hes. i i!:e dog leas! I went to that of b h"e, the bone, the cattle, lt wa- a ii,orinne, bm with glowing ung. man ami vere alike happy. A g!llli| ? .uni: te these, lu the - norn mg of winter, waa Inapiring, Many of mir faini.-r- have lin I so, hut "inuit host" I, i 'tripping. Y.'lil eol ;? I.e wa-n'l a little , -I, io which Ile I bave bad mv banda protltably em* lad and winter, and don't muk i am tb Ami I fl el nu be i- it-1 ainoe it moat be Blore nd moreappareut tbal Hie crop will e third, Mr. stokes ? i may buy niora. as kill* also uioai Bucceeaful sa -; sck man ol iiiu-t look Well lo his '- nos sa? ve competitor. Mr. Wright, the nh aw.i . :? of that Hoted uni, i-ju-t now supplying this nun k with some of the choicest fat cattle rr offend in it. I examined the aiiii-ic d-and thc neil foeding "lily lev d iv - ago, and look fnsh courage I went on my way with v i-mus of toles porter bouse steaks Boating ba* .. n, I now know what become lhat immense corn crop which year von ,- raised oo thosa broad Appo* BtlOI i"W lands. In-lead of coming market in busbsbi it ooflaes iu fat nie, ami bring-, nodoubt three times e quoted prices. A giaut crusher md- near hy the shed-, and from ita | D ercUess grinding ootna oom and cob r lied in a mealy mas.-, ea-y nf diges- .? ui and lal producing The anim I n! they will eat, a pSOfc ~~ more at a meal, with an abunda' . plenty of pure water and ?*> um bens. Of coursec they lounge ' - d "grow fat." it is idle lo say this BM'! pay. Kui while "Sandyford" ming to the front a* the me of lat cattle then ii no relaxing effort mi the tobacco etoo, Hun i'd- of yafda of plant land havealruady n prepared, the plowing ha.- beeu nc, lunch of the barn yard manure - been -oaiicrnl ami the crop of the nine -ci- rn hui- fair :,, oinstrip any Bon arter, that indefatigable ickiiighain (obBOOO grower, has; Hold I .,.,a ,,,'- ,-iop ,,f thc weed, and is i-li.,| willi pric.-s i,ut not with the linds, He Instate upon n that it was Hie lightest Wfl.hl beever handled. id lo tin* opinion hi* rtelghbofs, lean, ('.ix, Morns, Garnett, , iiii sgn i, how* md at it" again, and ibu lillie more rain DSXl tune Hie il ., ?? B nti.v i wa- tempted to i iu the winter tune. I.e a-i lime ,:i- Hi. lelon pitch, in full iring was in touch, Tbe dead vines , y will live again. une with Interest au i - i- making on this m, mention of which a (- n i-of tin- Hana! i i r, thal i- tn follow coin with coin I yet to improve Hie land with the - com field of las! ?mp. Speaking of plowing for corn linil* me of what a farmer told me en t!y on that subject. Ha said tbe i lc- , '. ( r knew, when paiine lbs land foi cora, ? plow to run but a few im le - vv hen be hud it by he ran her to beam, shadow breaking up and p laving hy I me. On un. I U< ii T f Kilboum, iffllcled witi trouble tor a lone time. She ., I bare 'ried nany none b l that , - - 'inn 1, ale! I.iver Tab ? for sale at (borter, Darlington elli*, drug store. Price, 25 centa ip!es tte: neall or a nasal old slave. l-i i ni \, Va., I'd.. _?:, rial, Amu lb red I worthy d i quietly a wbj Fndav ev ,. at bel hollie Iii Kriliec I |? id Hie old hon ... iini-icr, Mr. Saul Allen, n Sunday svsainf, % ? bbs b bi i I b .unong the foSJ ? lived and served the wh re people. She wa.-mai ried in her BJ ,-. ' i - dining room, decorated by | r i.ii-tre?, and her waite;- were ail tie .Voung while people of tl,,- Heights r. Mic wa- the nurse of Mr. li. F. Alleu, and was always invited to I is i rthday parties which ai* celebrated annually OB Hie eighth of March. Sue will tie Badly BsVlsBBB. by white ai d e lured She always lived a conse? crated christian life, and there was never a word sf harm said of her. Notbiug can he said against her char aeter. Mi.-r. Estelle ('hapjicll left Sunday for her home iu Charlotte. Mr. W. B, Faulkuer left last wet k fol Kittsford, \. V. He will be missed by the young DBBfJl of our neighbor!),*,d. Mr. Sims am! (iranville Chappell, of Smithville, BOBBI Saturday aud Sun? day iu mir neighborhood. .Mr. 'lum Allen is on a visit to lui motlier, Mrs. John Allen this week. lhere will be a social given at Mr. Werner Redd's tonight. A large uumber of our young ?BOBBI a'teuded H. S. C. Intermediate tl I J nd. Mrs. Sharpe is very much iud inputted StUBs, Zkko. For Kent. Five r,huhs -unable for a small fain ii.. . ( heap. Apply lo Mus. Ma in Fakis, Farmville, Va. K'SIAHSCiH KTSHIK TONIGHT. TOggll Ta inks. Aitkon, Va., Feb. M\ '<>1. l-.'ilimr ll> rulii: -Kev. 1). W. lb i e-worlh, of Cnioii Theological Hem . ny, Richmond, \'a., preaciied at BBttOX Church mi last Hillel ii d will h,ti,i -.-iv leas again cn tic ml Sunday iu March, at ll JO B. m. I ne -nial given by Mi? Libbie Klis-, Friday mehi, wa* a decidtd Mary Hardy, three veins old, w! , rea ill the Hist week in February, ami lbj Dr.Cunningness,of Farm sarij vv .11 again. l'ueele i* the name of the N. it \\ . rt of Hu- place. Ac teen ls the | lu travelling youl cure-pon. - ii lint!- lhat both i.aine* are foreign , the ca-ual MltsidST, and that th - illly ia familiarly known a- 'Tu - nos " I lieie i- nu such plaCS IC telt-eraph opSTBti i- ale W. '1'. Ka ? y, dav: (i N Abb.rt, Bight Persona w lc can BO! take ordinal i I- lind it a |,leisure to take DsWltl - tile Karly Ki-ers. They are the ' ?I" liver pill-ever made. WlOBtoO lUg Co. (liria KIlHIl) i'oiallll. ('ure guarantssd of the worst case by sine four io sixteen bottles of B. H. Botanic Blood Balm). Have you lea In bones or Joints, ulcers, erup ii*, scrofula, nu>>iI li, BIBOSOUI itches, rhuiiiati-in, OssSBOlfB catarrh, ding hair, festering eating sore*, can r, copper-colored spots',' Then il. Jl , will heal every sore, make the blood ire and rich, and stop every ache. K. K. tested thirty years and cures penally the dee|>-fseated old cat*--. ruggtsts $1. Trial treatment free Iv riling Blood Kalin Company, Atlanta, i Medical advice given free by OX* rts on blood poison. Write today f"r rles and trial treatment. Jster's Tobacco Fertilizers, For nie bj C M. Walker 4 Sons. Pure Ground Raw Bone Meal, ,ter's OM Reliable Tobacco Fertilizer. I all ami See la. ANNOUNCEMENT^ ind lats to r> j i Isrardi on nt) li , 0M81 IT! no* vi. i '.VVKMIHN, jeol to tlc- ? bolos >.f i -. lal Ive my v nw- . OUtfltl lo I,.- 11,1,1. Ill I ' IOU. hanking - i am \ viii.K, Ia icAlpins Dyspepsia Remedy. hats All, Except it Cures Dyspepsia.