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Tim FARMVILLE HERALD. HONOR FORTHE PAM. HELP FOR THE PRESENT, HOPE FOR THE FUTURE U>L XL FARMVILLE, VA.. FRIDAY, MARCH 2ft 190L INTO. 2a C.TV DIRECTORY. I ? ? d rV.P. PRiNCt i nty Oiiiec I - j ir R M 3IDGOOD, r IEXTI8T. ^ ? E. CH VPP1 JAMES LYONS. VI LAW, Law < Hi.kv . nd I Btu i i 1\R P. W. BECKHAM, - DENTIST. ^ ii ? ru i INOY, \ v\. yt c Fi ? \T-I.AW v \. - ia WI RH. WATKINS. WATKLYStf WATKL RMS AT Ul, V v. C P. VANDERSLICE, * . ATTORNEY AT LAW. I VA. (; S. WING, \ I LAW, lard Couuij, I (' H BLISS, ? I ONI ER, B ( \\'HITE tS. CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, The Light of the SS Our Saviour in Art ? ,r KICAN CO.. DC Th! wi. SW( lat j ' VA., SD( rt UPC mar thc - thi iii ai\ ? - .1. i.. hart, i. i*. FOR SALE! GOOD Garden Fencing, 25c a Panel. al the FOUNDRY. Farmville Manar. Co,, ii. i FARMVILLE, VIRGINIA. * U. wr / 3 J^QuestionsN' -f for Women Are you nervous? Are you completely exhausted? Do you suffer every month? If you afl :r.y of these quertions, you have llb which Wine of Cardui cres. I)o you appreciate what p.?? -vould be to you? A'ter taking Wine of ^ Cardn. .? like you have rcal ? ;ied it. NV ^ s'old of ir ft disorders til .t ari not noticeable at first, but d'/ by dvy stead ly rbl^onm complicatioos. wine of Cardui, used just before the rrcn strunl period, will keep the female in perfsst condition. This inc is taken quietly at home. lhere is nothing like it to help woai'i coloy Mod ivilth. It costs only $1 to test this remedy, which is .rudorsed by 1,000,000 cured women. Mrs. Lena T. Frieburq. East St. Louii, ill., Myli "I am physically a nev. I woman, by reason of my ute of Wine of ird'i black Draught-" 1 dlrecttoot, ad A<1?1" I ho I h.ntai. ? ?? iii li ? WiNto^CARDiii .VE Mild: PRIN1 INCJ HUNK VTTH R HERALD inp ni.''-ii ?'? I-' ti,Mirn,i v (orr* Ch. nm,iiLm or Catarrh after ail Mar Palin, li i. ,'im ii liniment-, line t >is, spraya, patent medicine* have failed .ii i'i you at illI buvc ache* iii bone*', Ur in k, -Wellii IT>, Ilise emili, I "i inn-, les, tainted breath, ringtail In ? ur dnny discharge, ill ni- "i the im.r throat, thin il.' n take L. B. B. which will i '-nil <i nv makiiiK blood I . li li. li. Inn tn -itnii nt flee by vvmiiis; ii < 'ompauy, A lan ta, (in '""I r, Nlinioulalaof em. - nv li. lt up in deapair inn tr. i li inn. Meit eal advice free from Wi ile Imlay I "t adi,, ? .eui. A I ' .iii, -e | i,// e 1- . ;i-v,,,!, ,] ),, III" -Illili, ll. - nf Illili wini lue ulll.V tn Mops the uml aerk* nil the Cala. Bromo*Quiuilie Tablet ... .Nit 'nu, Iii I'av Try i . Ziegler's s,,|i s|,,,,.s I,, ami iliiHii, ii ? ' ? Kill -- -lit-. . ting order* i"i tuena' vn jiii.i .-mi- ami Ova A than u fact uri uk plaul in Farm* Apply n> i Agency. 'nins.' .v fniik bave a few m?re I liini: -kui-. :- will make a -kiri. n il DeWllt's ? when you aak foi it .' ii nu eure tin- pl lea, uni skin iliaeasi - \\ inaton l>iug ntie eau iiu after commit* ri' an indiscretion i> t" bide ii, fur Un public l;.I. W In ii j -.ii ire billions, uae .hose fiiinmi- little pilli kmi'.vii .is De Witt's Lillie I ? ?? tbe liver inti in,>ve,s. Th., never gripe. Wins? ton Inn lin- 111 it I* Ide ITfllUine hi url man, im-iie l?j W.T. Doy ne. \ IgorooN (tubbing viii, I' ,1 Liniment villi I mn in ile Hai-k, Mlio ?ni ni knu?< n. i- ol -inn deep, imt : i- il iii. n t tn convince i pretty i-'iil I,.' - eh i- th ? i-i-f. The stomach controls Ihe -im ilion hearty niel - .? vv Im e iii e it ami digffll pleiilv nf Knilnl J iv Rpepsia Cure d hal vim eit ;in?i allows you lo eal all ! food vi ii wnn: If vmi Milli r ?mn indigestion, heartburn, belchii nv ntln r -t"in n-ii lrouble, thi- prepare :.d help imt il" vmi good. Tin - n-iiive stomach can luke lt Hunton Dru v \ ahniiile Fara, for Hale. wv i.flei for - . i n- nf very land, within iwn n am |M*Jen -Sid ney, wit li k.I Improve* eiit-, w Iii,'h we e m -ell .1 rea-' nial ile . i.-lin-. A|'|'lv ttl I- il hiv nie Karin Agency. In V C. M. Walker & Sons, Bf tl Commission Merchants And Dealers in r, Hay, j Just 3-rain and Mill Feed. Choice Seed Oats. ardware, Flour, Hay, I Just received 2 Cars n qa Im Examine our ('I->\ el and other li<l?l seeds. We liriv c ;i Iripjv -dork :ili<l willi In- Jilt yon prices, j other field seeds. We dei is i willi In- pleased lo ipiote but .\-k to see our complete ^i line of Wagons, Buggies, Harness, &c. a bil? lin he in Agents for < .ber's and Lister's celebrated Guano* FARMERS' ATTENTION! Kan Tinkling, Va., Jan. 16, 1901. e Armour Fertilizer Works. Gentlemen: "'' In reply to your favor of recent date ] Ll say that my tobacco which took the ,.'lkt. sepstake premium at the Farmville Fair 3t fall, was raised with Armour's Tobacco 2cial Fertilizer and Bone Meal; the land )n which this tobacco was raised had no .ure upon it whatever. There were more in three hundred samples competing for Hq"1 .s premium. I consider your fertilizers ?st-class and expect to use them exclu? de this season. Yours truly, E. Cralle stokes. A beef corni gr on of tl V timi loll SALE Bl ll. E. BARROW tv co., Farmville, Va .!. R. WEAVER, Rice Depot, Va. JT* K. P. FLIPPEN A- BRO., Cumberland C. II., Va '???? The i applicants for u.-.r,. tommin lin, a \ re \ lie ml rural districts i- iii much i '11. ? !.V tvv of tl ? is ab , ?V ti v i It i true, or i: irig hi rule i - nu n from the g - than thosi wart Illili: - ? are 1 ?? on height, trv n i i at the semi In the citj quick of life. W l.i ii subjt I robust citv brother Bi ? ir. lt n in this case that vv ho iiS, ll,' bj a physii entrance to the i try are more Uki abich a boj bri ugh I up in un. A big whiskj nial in irogresi ii. Buffalo. I ii whiskj vi equli i v tin I ilbmit them tn the ju: itteiitinn in the jury box grew ?u< v intense. Hut tin j ruled that -Heh a ; Pl lent. ? ' >ayfon, 0 tbs ago. The lg th.- prim ? -r wei |(. Ile I, mn (jii.-irr, '.< d, and noa thi j I Jefferson to pa j 11.30 per week in.miy. The v oungster ls Ul a l.n ; in- .- ?. . i h. when the wai? sting witt. - eat'grai -. i.;' :1.1 n. i er their ll Hell rsl ii.- ? .?ne intn fi. ? i n Ka i ?' meaning. \ man who ?'? lt he :? n man who levee defense is Impossible, bm can't ?k un enough i<"-' motion tn nm. baker vv bo ha- just ri ?'. lint ? |i np vv it Ii II ? ars a day. as tbej wi the mah fi hen a gambling I ded in aaa thc furniture seized musi an* thf law be tried In court and con* ?d bef' i**h it were a human i" lng. ' sal aort was tried in Kurt & dav.- ago, when crap and VV ? li? ll Jo the market place and !? scientific exchange says that a steak dipped in liquid air be? 's as haril ind eau be nd into a tine |invvder. 'lin ? ia alao that do nut need the il air to harden them, and ^ora* lem are mi bard it vvunld be im ble to pulverize them with a driver. iv Vnrk has an unique organize* in "A fifteen-:Minute dub." lt ! nf newspaper nnii mary night at 'en o'clock sharp, promptly adjourn at 10:18. l's ts are purely nodal nu -et iia or speeches are permitted. PITT] WAS \ DANCE] Parrot Taught a Class of Counii Boys How to Waltz. nini w mini i.n i arawak \n iii Ma > inn ula \\ hil.. l|..r vi.,,,, r rin>..l nail III. Pupil, iniim i.-,l lier Pretll,.m.. Man: in M I mt. Ih Main ri-iiei : ' I. ii, M. I ,i which in him niimaml ni iperioi tu ll Ihe r alni Iii demand fur I he DU mero I it w.-is nu? mil inward infective that be lent his talent and tuneful strains tu the mi couth gambols nf tin- brawn*; youths and ro?**-cheeked Canuck maidens, "??h. lt's se bear dance, /?? dance, I'itti," he was wont to emi tide to his univ confidante after the merry-makings were over. "Oh, fur BC vail/, be be-v ,a uliful valt/," and lied and s, ? Hie day pre! ' Mary I.a came hume from a long -tay in a factory town far. far down tin river. She was easily the belle nf .ia-lv.'i. and soon abe turned np her pretty noae at the old inm-ii contra dances. She had learned tn walt/. The rest iiiii-i learn it. And half a dozen nf the beans made A MODEL FOR THK CL I viivvs that thev vv,mid walt/, iv lui her ur nu. M. Fortier was appealed to and loon he had a large and eager claaa n the graceful art. Hui it was sluvv iud tediuiis work for the dancing naater with his Parisian methods imong the wild ami untamed youth if Madavvaska. Try a- he wimbi iin? ji nearly beattie himself willi , inn nm! exaaperation, the peculiar!* i -tep seemed i nt . omprehenaion. night, when his patience had leen tried beyond lill end ll rn In e, the ter 1 lirew dow n and exclaimed: "Ma foi, walt you; Pit i i shall teach i lt/." Ile rushi d -mt nf the room and .-turill d vv ith I'itti. While the ized in op 'ved astoniah* he placed the bird in the mid* and tunk up his voi n. .. pretty Pi ttl, show- te la eui lelnen BB vail/." The bird cocked ber head on . . her beak vv nh one foot ul then the uther. M inir,,r struck np ? favorite Pit .? bow, glided off in jnr.. I hope, with the i iw- dipping gracefully and ith a Blight flutter nf her wi' llntlly as a belle in silken I in perfeet tim.', and. end ure with a profound bow the audience, hopped npon her shoulder. Hma/nment was ?tum! un every browned counten ? a momt nt it Il whether tn believe the bird be? ll bed and tn stampede or lin and wonder. Nearlv all croesed s as n matter nf precau* m. 'Pretty Pitt! ' -Urie? i \,,? vin t](> like as her master would ?? nulli i."> through all the ir/ movements in correct time, ile all tin- .lass imitated her mo Paid !>.-nrl? fur III. I un put a ie 'un. v freight ! the li; , d the city Cl ... i.ili-nien aa Hn.U liri. rr.. ipatioa ^hmen of ' ? n re d army riffieera. 16 noblemen and mm. a-l wi bu ?I B AFTER THE CANTEEN-WHA1 -iiuue.ll i e amt I ni po r I n n I 1.riler 1 Anus t haplnla ?I'tirilicr Murk y for I cm pr rn nc* Pcopl*. N"vv that the army canteen I,, what will be the " the new order nf things will l* r t 'll by the sui.: e que ted l- Writes tn the Inion del,al, ii bud ?- wi i- m. pera nc pei ii "Dear Kditoi B matter fur the careful ? i- nf ,v mir i - pie iib- fur th i-t the army ? ll- iibnlitinn wi I radical I conditioi e. Divide] the sal,' nf beer haVl i ni-" dminta ? tra" ? "f the chief argument! in : ? ca nt eei I has been that it Improvi the soldier, and conduces to bli i contentment ami comfort. In othei words, it demi tbe Inade? quacy of the ration now provided by for the many different finns and cir, 'his hunt providing equally well fruin ot ncr - work incalculable hardships upon th.- soldiers, sow ii .ml ta? rn and limn! latter as a react inn on account of In? crease,1 distress being Inflicted in the name of temperance i thing is dune to make good tl ? that will be sustained, the canteen will be restored. "The Boldier aa ka fur bread, a bet* ; ter ration. The cante.-n bas given it, med by the viper of drinl v demand: 'What shall we .do? We worked out n scheme thal answered the purpose well, according to mir views; what will you give us in return? We must take cai.f our men." I t\je following: "1. ? innate of the ration value of the saloon dividenu to each company is ISO per month, or about per day to each soldier. The people should ask i appropriate that sum to be turned over to company commanders, to be administered in the same manner as uther company funds ure adminis? tered, and as the canteen dividends are adminial '?:.'. The British government Bye* tematically encourages total absti? nence in its army. The Amt government has never expressed any appreciation of total abstinence as a desirable virtue in tbe soldier- Kow that the canteen may be abolished, a very desirable result, a step fnrward should he taken by the American peo? ple, and a premium placed upon total abai inence fruin the use of all alcoholic drink. To heetire it would inmire more sffident discharge of tha dell cate duties nf the soldier, especial]) iii our nev. ns mid in (ul,a. Tt would reduce Invalidism, save val? uable lins, reduce pi turn the snldier to civil life with double honor, ami it would eli the cbarcter of the mc, should be made to promote this end and induce ns many Boldil pnssi -aili. (1) 'I,,lal Millet ..nhl be encnui diinc in tin- British army. r i Honorable mention might be i monthly on muster and pay litable marks of distinction might be devised for total al, ir on duty. (11 i,d eligibility, other th 'ipial. to deairable |- Includ ng places where extra compensation s allowed, id Preferential eligibil tv. aft. r ' i liment lusitinn* in the vat ? pedal mention in papers. -. hu have :, ne from bon viet lon of milli '.- bile in s..j-\ lee. to be mid a I ' the time of heir d - ? i. quired. A nt soldier is now in demand from i lin t was required hitherto. No dif el euee ill pay is provided for oblier, who always and under all cir Ithfully ml well, from that given to the mail ho is the diaturbing etemenl in tbe iimniaiid. and who cannot be depend ri upon. We premium on haracter in our army. A prize at the ad of enlist inent. along with decided re fi len. Ice, in the ' mention, which would ? a handsome testimonial on return* lg hume, in the shape of an artistic . and nf ? al eligibility tu government mi account and a - a reward : his life of total along ith a special bounty of |50, would ve thousands of young men from ? im. wrong in their country'! e. The little it would cost t! nnieiit would bring returns in com iund ratio in comparison with the pent on ol. her public expenditures lavishly Mile. at ' tO me. ' - le J taplain, I'. B. Army. Fort McPher _. i laeaelve i baa >asr. inhab t rear, a as much. The ibky ai al. 'I within the : ding iiothe nj/ur. ?.ie*?ur*r. IV bu (h bi Ai lb IO pp Tn he Proven. 1 ? .Iltur ol thc \ noli.??,>?, !, a h.ul I'lin Balfl. twice with Um most kable results inst, n ni ih.- sh,ai,der fram which he - ,iM fur ? - rbii red with two : ibbtaa the liflicted ami realizing laataal ? lime. I, in rheumatism in thigh him willi - i. Hu liniment un retiring hi nala. .1 di I-'-n I A I'uni w Warbla** Ssl lliuiis a Day. Thi n little King's Kew 1 l i| id Liver, .I.iuii ..he. drivt mn Malaria. N aork wini -peil. mari, . . . - od lt ion of the stomal h and eoe A : , , r tWO ; li ami liver Tab ? -? llsorders ami cara Sold ;,\ And, rsi i Di ag Ubi in i. Darlington lb Igbts. ? mIvo . liiii,'. Hun's! w ?? ? ib i < Ina Hundred Dollars Ike ward ba .na lase d' t aland thal i an? nul be cured by Mall's Catarrh (ure. V. J ( ll KM V A ?'ii , Prupa , T'.letlu, o. w e du- undi reigned, have knoa a K. .J Cheney for tba leal 16yean, ami be* neve mm perfectly honorable In all business traoaaaHIooa and financially able tu cany out any obllgatlooa made ?y their linn. WaWl A lin v\, \\ Druids, luieilu, t). Wai niMi, Kinna.n A Marvin, Whole -aie Druggists, Tdciln, O. Hall's (al.-uib (niels taken inter? nally -, act mu' directly upon tba blood and llliienlis -ni laces nf tile system. Price, 76c uar bottle, .-dd by all - ?-. ii itlmooiah fraa, Hall's l-ainii.v Pill* are llie lieut. Holden felters can burl as cruelly as ll"l! one-. Mi ikes a Ki, li Kimi. "I aaa troubled foi -eva rai yatara will chronic indigi stlon aadnervouadebility," Mlle- I' .1. (ile, li, of Lum aslel. N. H., ? med* bliped mc until I i Electric Bitten, which did me ","! than ail the medicines Itver ' iee ali kepi my ar|f< in health foi yi ara, aha says Eli etiic linn ra ara Jual splendid tor female troubles; tba! th ? rand itOI for weah, run down .N" ? alier inedii im cnn tad its -, "ur family." Try them. Only 3 itisfaction ruaraaloed by W kita tad ht, ?! Carter, ol Proapat t. The beal au lido te rn torroa i- ali adj em ploy mau t a Horrible Oatbraah B mj little daugbt. r's ? i .in ad" ? ?I Mm . anton, Tenn., mit lim kl, h - Arnica Salve completely lined h> i ll - a | ii ii.ihlei d i me for Rheum, Pin. ii ui. ' ii: j. ( arter, of 11. Von og Know I,. astral, old DJ He,di -I. Ill Hottest lli'licilie lol- lal t.lippe. - Itfa ii mimer, I I, ive had the vvm-l ... ind havi I I i lit to the igb Rei I the i i bottle of it nd th'- chilli rip have itl| left ne. 1 tte maaufactun ri of a hum-! mediclm I An Dru I Shorn r, Darda ry ar bi re bi to ba boo* led Hov. t Ifas Her form. ill alghl long," I ni? nny imption io ban thal if walked a block 1 wuHld COBgh fright Hi aben all other ? - tailed, three *!.'?<? bott]. lr. Kin ? '??r| p.,imds." : teed tot ure Coughs, Colds, . ill Throat and - |$] 00, '? : peet, tl i- a short road, bul li mean- a og thing. ___ much abai tba aewspapera ..ii a ueigbboi says lo Beigh! to friend, that brought Cham . Colic, Cholera and Dtarrh i nifdv into such leaeral ns,., it is ss [ot people n.iApres- their nat.* , ngia! Un- leiiinlv a- it i- for . ra bill I' is the mm i,i,-ilv that can ala tyt be depended a hither s baby be sick with Infantum ur a aaa with cholt ra - . ? ir k n Drug I Shorter, _a i ,,t aril i- -pulled by la'-k , illsll. Mrs C. E. VanDeusen, of Kilbourn, is.. W .-:." ition tor b long tin"- - tried many pn . ?at - : lacfa and Qref 'I th de al ter, Darlington _ BPBI5 UN' ATBaUSOVABLKPBICll AT H FHA LD OWWWB