Newspaper Page Text
FARMVILLE HERALD. AN , . , M VV-I'M'i I I) : . v V j i. .1 Proprletoi - Kiri ion: * ? 1 FltlDAY, MARCH 29, 1901. dil < mi STORM. gap ?lu'baiu D. irondale, Birmiugb 11 -. only the re than two . 1 tobe - pert?, I of the - Virginia for ?ii lure me. I 1. AMI TIM I. il the Nation are . ' - ? Of bis ith lies tbe faireel - earth, it epi table ; V , rfect fil? ls t" tue of the tein gbt the cot* .ml by be sunshine iii its - .ne liel'l the ; the vv Ind, . bes tbe quick ar ana mountains ires; for* ...anti livers that, g, un wanton to ? --? ntiaJ Benia ii and tim roi. l u . in mopoly- -in nun, n timber, the re* . . : .ilitak'e, nditious can . growu \ I ll vallie .if ll Innu (lie full* e of SUpplj , but Divine assurance, within , mine ami forest?nit wbid the larmer ai ind sunny culture, to which basset a limit ? m of industries i> mount* bat shall daazle and - lld. ' WHOLESOME AIM li E. . ifgia not to n. our regret i* Virginia fanner* - -ibie articles ou ti w hich have 1 that valuable ii of the win,le - of cotton, I supply." ?run and it WU1 ng fur uur farm ?? tobacco to lol man and n "ii the farm. ??SMALL Vll.ldt.i: JOURNALISM." baa been - Norfolk and md in a ? d iIhiii of I- tlsi? a tiing at - ratable of rnallam" la the larc-.: , with indignation the thal no good can come nut We bart tb Interest, but if I, ??! -p;iit i.? to pre* t cannot hope to -mall vilhu ?j nb enjoys ; - brethren in any ? -' t fallc:i .11 :?'earn ng in the ! I ld by the .-ii in* ie and the right* > aili Soutbern ali the 11 S, The bes! .v:,. - lands for Hie g weld-, and the iud they I ? ii" livt - .ti -1. - ? " b tbe law min h - an educe Maryland. 1 I'h. re those I lemo. 1 hum it will hurt ' . 'in!i,-an pa ll 1 'W I a- lt -? :i Virginia. w,liding of bia 1 thal be has had no time to '.nariel with (Juay. bu of ex 1 lai 'I I thc Ha an rei tba T in I II tiun holt to Dla ami ??I tl ie j noti rtanUal bu ? nothing speculative ahoul lt, nothing oftht ' farming alwayi r profit. Ol ,-nurse there is nothing Jual certain n tin- ufa, and seasons sumetlmi - bm a-a general thing we "havi time and barnet," ami the lara workfl and think* make- inure than ? i cent on bis investment Thi re ?nt Investments to be found. Mural, buy of it you can work profltal ly ill of it you can bold fur better _ Dr. Taloa' tyB eloqnet mixed. In ?iimti we read In une line; "(Mi, the books, thank G<?d fur tlc ll d thank- be tu all the authors!" And in another line this1 "When a bad book la printed you do well to blame the publisher, but im Bl of all blame tbe author." In one line be tl. , fur "all" audi": then lie would ba "ne ' , Ufa l- Why Bbould we blame and he return (hanks fur the sn.ic thing? Wc feel safe in saying that I?r. Ml II Wama Will represent Priln ward in the CooBtltutional Conven? tion and this will be gratifying to a law majority of the people of the county. He belongs!" tm ring, weera n collar, is the agent of tm combine and is "honest and capable" If mi: counties, the state over. Will send worthy ami congenial colaborers, we will yet Impe tbat some good Will come to thc commonwealth from the work "f(his body. I he Lion and (lu- Pear have been growling at cadi other, but they are too strone- to go tu fighting. Let a kid ,- nie along ami there i- no telling w Inch une nf the giants w ill gobble up (Opting bait, 'lhere wa- a time iii tlie world's history when (week mel . but tn these ni,'dern day* jt ,s iron clad against Woodoo craft and thc gatling gun against sporting lire am - Shame upon tin- strong brothel a \o would strike down tbe weak brother. " I'he tree nf tbe field i- man's life." Thia was tulil to thc Jews |q thc earlv history of that people. It is Jfjsl t trne today aaever, and yet we cut down* - tin,in:h they ut ie em in iiumau life. Every time a tree | down another should be planted place. Farmers a- wei! a- ; live in town- and cities should pla it Shade trees, fi mt trees, in t bearing trees ami trees tu make timbei ni tlie years tu come There is an interesting article in a recent number of tbe Outlook, io which the writer contends that nu miselooarj ha- a ri^hi tu invade a territory, or tu remalli in K rather, when thc people of nit territory are not ready to n ind maintain him. ile quotes b Tum the Nea Testament tu supp ri a strone; .rgument. He WOUld have all i - in ('Inna to shake the di -i ruin their feet, come hume m c. ?vliere. A Frenchman has actually been l it n a duel, and the Count who man i partof Jay Gould'a mlilloni dui the ( booting. After he stiuck duwil his mtagonlat he ofleted him his hand uni inquired tenderly if he was hurt. ?Vhat a faice ! Bul 0OW thal soma sidy bas been actually hurt arith a 'istul they will return to Hie aa. beaworda. Thara waa a time when [Helling was dangeiuii-, but that time if- up tu us iiuw: lin- following f, rom a Western ext bange takes tbe st i-t cake in the bakery: "A Le*rimer utility farmer leal a COW in a 'pieer launer lad week. I bc animal ruiu laiiing through a Bummer kitchen, mud and swallowed an old uml,:. nd a cake of yeast, lin- vea-t.f.'r- ( tenting in the \ stomal ii, sised thc umbiella and abe died in reat agony." People who don't want any changes lade ni the Underwood Constitution )e rc conatantly threatening tbe State if ith the supreme court al Washing- to m. Whv i- Virginia tu be mad ,nret tor judicial arruwa, when all ber ?utberu sisters are allowed togo c won't bc Beared frmu (he lil ? 'ty. _ ids In making provision r her veteran- ol Ibe Confederate war, irginla might do bettei lo this regard, en at a Bacriflca. .Many of tbe old ?rthies are in need, and the Citizen | ni wouldn't pay a little mun ctr relief isn't Worthy to be fellow- I Laen of such men. 'All Mad work should bc dune v. view to ita permanency. A poorly j ilt maeadain road 1- largely a a time ami lunney, (bud ronda are I ['? naive, bul lo lin- long run they are cbeaper than bad roads.'1 tie authur of the al,,,ve vvn- ta I bas nu repreaentative n ruin - Senate and st li ms tn be wagii LT :. D ,d about lt, but W' h Dela.* ,t vvliu pt-. t-> be right and tn du righi lath r n be ll . be Washington Pott adv is *> tue linlstration tu call for the reetgna j i of a few nf Ita objectionable office I iers in the smith before it al temp - build up a Republican party In ie land Ibe Pott kimws the trutli i-n t afraid lo apeak out r\ iililli - , Um fifty fl ec things aa tn,?>? are and imt u ? are represented to be. Twould us fi.,ui t.hiiideis and foulis;, m 1>DH. (jan. MacArthur aunou.- fr'-m tin 1 Philippines "ii luaurrectl vv, km-w an "ld i just getting w.ll warmed up ?rork vvliell h.' illili"!.in"I I,: "Anally." Tin- benediction w moved. Atlanta ( "'1'1"' demand for the i in Hie la-t len J Lei u- return to thc plpeof uni papa'a and Ibroa tbe nerve wrecking peel t" the wind. Those children of tb ri-on who strenuous! did imt si . in the provisions of bis will. Even tbe md sword will aol be-un Russell's : Benjamin appear! on th nf wari King E iw nd says in- ei ti pn mote "pea ' but hi- government vviii i at once H5,000,000 in battle shi| ? se in one 3 ? I and bigger. We read the other day of a North willing to risk I '? bis fast steppers. Bets like that will temi t rider- not t" ride fairly Kim: Ed a nd reminds bis that England la not a republic suits ur full dress uniforms, or you lllll-t ll"! B| of Tcxa-, net dn't call. Odell, of Nea ?? il-., bas given the knockout to Platt, of tbe - and ll 1904. What's Muk going to di it? v Colun asked tbe policemen of th il lind "Ut who I- "-ail stree ting tbe muk from bl? innie than i- ni' of tin- guardians ol its ; A preachei 1 ul wi st l? er 1- better than I ? .- lins) di - Na It d - 11 though tin- 1 would remove Cu and that 1- tin only thii may iuatly b ' the bill protecting ti i0,000 dangerous voters. Tbe ,1 lu -ay- ibis i- not vv i-e li ? nan, ami If w lae ii.' ' man. .Mr. Evana, commlasionei of p 1 ?an't give the earth to old soldiers and ?re be must m ? itber. "Tbe earth 1- I and ?f it. Woman's work fl ld ls ?? >ne ol the - dive budy ni one of the W ? 1 iifni com hip at -ea while old Mia. Nattai g around generally. Mark Hanna li going about th ry looking Into dei fur the prize, lie will ls- nmst con* i-i 11, d about "'i' ad da "Hoe pool 1: , oust groan very time M da a bunch ut."? Washington - Pork ha- been rial ng and somebody a- been squealing. Prof. Ivison, of 1 ?red terribly fruin m omach and Indigestion for th im tiny fed him un morphine. hised tl ? id after tiki ,ys, "It ba- cured !? .di for Rod n. Winston 1'- : A hit nf Lad Fleming A Clark's H ? _ to 4. To I ure a (nhl iii (lu. Pgy, 'Jake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab? le. All druggist! refund tbe money ? re i- un ea. li box. Ever)' woman in the country ought to know about Mower's friend ? who do w- rider how th" rt it. It hits rc bi-rh It lias prr-serv | girlish flgurs and. saved her D ?ig. It ls an external lini? ment and curries with it the ? danger of ups the system a-, drags ta illy are apt to do. It is to bc ? I into the abdomen to < md strengthen the musc>8 ? i ear the strain. 1 hint- ? mich . .-ents norning sickness and all of the ither discomforts of prc ({nam v. A druggist of Macu: ' I have aold a large quair geebera Friend and have an instance wi. ailed to produce tbe good r, -. laimed for lt." : inent lady of Lam ertcii. Ark, write.:' "With my tat six children 1 a ao hours. After using I nth wai ora in 4 ho-: - 11*1 Mol?,. ra Filarul a! lb* <lrti,r - Thi BRADflllDRIGttATORCO. HU Sala, Ga. rtt. for.., ?... ?, "BKFOR1 BAST is aoax ?? I hal ?Mnc fleas Man."' Mai interest lin iswtrj, In lill: ,_ll, wbn li Ililli -" ii thal wa- ii" web n "mm ? the "banquet," in the "church," the "bank," nor by the I ll-l.e s.e : , hiv mind mentioned by tl hope nf In perch ul - nie haven lure, and ii. I haven't found il, ami what i bul one ansa Mm ind tbe mau who And health, ami conscience foi it. 0 "ii its altar unstrung i - haii-nl n. ibood, ami others Bul tiiey w in, .' be door t" the banquet "i ens w ide, burch Tin -trong aim ami . k X Ni I ? ira. If you wa n apply lo w. 11.11 Fanni Hie. Va., or 1 t. Vs CANDY CATHARTIC Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something just as good." OPERA HOUSE Friday Night March 29, A CONCERT for tl. HOME MISSIO GOOD MUSIC, - Lister's Tobacco Fertilizers, F,.r gale by ti I. Walker & Sons, Pore Ground Raw Bone Meal, ister's Oli Reliable Tobacco Fertilizer. i all and St t i .. SPOT CASH! I have selected all the odds and ends of E. P. Reed's ladies' Fine Shoes that were $3.00. That they may go quick you can have your choice for $|.50. J. B. WALL. ? e Portraits of our Presid nts With Biographical Sketches Charles H. Grosvenor, imber of Congress for nearly 20 years. ? ? I THE COMIVfcNTAL PRESS. Washington d. c F IV i \\ i Kai M OPERA HOUSE I, M. VV I RN ' "VI Ml. Ni I Mi Monday Night, April 2nd, u ? HYPNOTISM, MI.M'ltKAI'iM. WI'I'Ht ? \l, MA'.Ni I U h.. Hypnotic, Valetta arni Mesmeric Powers -. in i'\i.i - \iliiiissi.,ii. i:,. Se uml ?>?> cent*. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE Your Life away I -, i new lif, MO-TOBAC, that makes weak I soo,ooo cured. All Jr let an,! KUNU cured. All druggists. Cure guara let an KKMtUY CO., CbicSfO cr New York. 437 < izzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz > M M M M M M S LANDRETH'S M M M M M M M <|'I'I l*s I ?< 14 M.I.I h M ii M H m <l'FIN'' ?< M "''l.l'^. I I, 14 M SEEDS!!! m la M M M M A I M M S4 H il ii ii >i ii ii M M a, 2 a. ?. ? -. a. a. a. A ^ A ?. a. a. a. a. * * a. ?? ?? * ' ii $900 < zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzxr 14 M li ^M^ _ _ ? >< M a^ M lt i, K .? H St * hom ii . H. li 4 SHERMAN. General Manai ?, I SI ll 4 M ^zrzzzzzzTzzzzzzzzzizzzzzV BONE MEAL .Viii make you good i -MIHI Pennaneotly Improve your land. We have just received a JAB L<).\I) of if. and are irepared to quote you lowest pri< Paulett, Son & Co,, Agents for Jaugh & Sons Co., Va. State Fertilizer Co.. and Owl Brand N* Special. NEW SALOON C. H, BLISS, Proprietor. Fine Whiskies. Tl ;, di REMIUM -jOflQ A.BINET, lOUi/. RICHMOND CLUB. Pure Corn Whiskey. Bra | d Cigars Pabsts Cool Beer on Draught. imtr.v trade promptly attei d nil Measures. Di lo Short Ones. claim i" in, i in tbe Kai . N BRO MAIN - - [iK ' iltlutll, <>f Priii I will !?? glad to I-. pectfnlly, C. H. BLISS. i Pl aaa. ii la* Oeoeera. Hal /.. u A Ni IlllllL' I I I . I " I I : -.1 ll b ly, IWll. Admr. of I. Otilfl Our Annual Easter Monday EXCURSION VIA N. 4. W- RY. From Farmville to Ricmond MONDAY, APRIL 8th, 1901. ROI M< THIP PARK: :\ Il l.l in RICHS W ll.IA 1LI.K Hi RICHMOND, Train Leaves Farm vi I | i " VV u ... I mm ?? <*' RETURNI G LEAVE RICHM .ND AT 8 30 P. M. Iii A TTft* A flTTONS BASE BALL Egg Rolling. ? - ka ?in s// 1/1/ COACHES FOR COLORED VEOPLl fir*: Ul GO REGARDLESS OF 1HE HEATHER. ~%% - (ii.nh,'- for Un- School t.IrN vii- -i-l.tut?. ifJ CapU. K. I1CHIE A R. T. ADAMS, Managers. THE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Ol The First National Bank OF FARMVILLE, - x win) receive money in *?*? in .'part President, e*Presid< diier S. B. Davidsox. I?. II. I. ' < { za~^am Viii Hu incss rnln^l, il l. \\ ,| ICeeeiit I Minitinn. , E, CBALLE, B.UIDEfl.O.. LL If. f I Treas, Fai ni ville Commercial Co,, Commission Merchants AND DI VI.. H- :n Agricultural I mph mci :-. WAG )NS. BUGGIES. FERTIL? IZERS, to ARMVILLE, - - VIRGINIA. Opposite N ft. r\ D Farmville Graded AND High School. FACULTY . . !'h i>. ol ii - lie Trust, i. It w : ? uk ii ii ni si Hool e llir bO monto, I...i. li. \i avail, Robertson & Co. I .iin-'t M ? I-'ai.mvii ii:, Va nrniriflioii Merchants and de\i ERa IN lill ll ll , I tittil I fl. t'/l-il lilt Ililli flll/l'l lill llf>. ,| , . ' i.i a. Sum i/*. Road Cat a in/ Road ll noon -? ?nt- fur TUDEI i TH Ki I |ED BABCOCK BUGGIES, .ni Happy Thoi om r*\ iii,- ? ? known. r inaktn of eetablisbed reputation Ii rai aa - - - ' . . : - ? - : .1 1 W. T. DOYNE j,,.- <t Boa, UNDERTAKER ami dealer in FURNITURE Kepal!*! .-ring ne in the beat .Manner JP "ian<* and Or - ' ralstan PARMVI1 I E, VA. PHONES! STORE 80; RESIDENCE 22 LOOK AT ? I ir .V u Line NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. ~mx Pn W.l. Riciardsii.