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BALKE'S I IVE 0 WHISKEY SC . ED BY AGC. - I3 the best ar.d purest Isfcey bxM South. .CO..Pror::tCiS, i sTJ, U. S. A. ? ba ad sase ? 'Hi b? .it a-.crtdlttu i'm ibut os, Great Reduction in Clothing Prices. We have dune avery law In -ine-s tin- sea-mi hut our 'luck ll heavy, and tn make room for a choice lina of Spring Clothing, winch i- now being made fnr us, we Will fur the next two months sell mir WINTER CLOTH IN GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, sn much BO aa t" induce every? man or boy wanting a anil now <>r for next fall, to take advan? tage of thi- exceptional oppor? tunity, Richardson & Cralie, ! MIMVII.I.K. VA. PLANTERS' BANK, FARMVILLE, VA. Ul. KIT, - Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profile, Total, ('resident i ashier 143,425. 4,000. ? DIRECTORS: AKKuW, B. M. BU! I"\\ \. -1 --M -, ' M. WAI.KKK, ll Kl Ih, T. J. DAVIS, ? rai banking basil posit*. I,"Hus in gol mn ,!. ? .old mi ail principal<dtia? ? d roi cl. . A Health Resort At Home. lher, is something very depress lng in staying al some Sanitarium ur health result, w heit- une- companions are fellow-sufferers, and where the con* vei-atiun naturally turua to tl men ts uf mic's -elf OT of ntl ie l ii weii a.- thc i apel -e of i.imr. by trying the Com[>oond n Treatment. Inveatlgnt ami learn who nave been cured, ann what they aay of Compound Oxygi i. Yon our office, nr yoi can ? IK in, Treatment at > i; own . Consultation free. Sim fur fi. lunik. Drs. STARKEY & PALEN. 1112 Girard: St., i Pa. TO THE PUBLIC! iv ii i k, Va., Jan. 1!-. 1901. I do here gladly ami truthfully state thai W.T. Blautou can help it'd cure and talliugevee, 1 -nilen.i with thal I could imt r ?ail a minute Without fearful pain, In fact I could imt use them fur anything with? out Intense pain. 1 went to W. T. Blanton, he titted my eye- and they ?trong and well. .i- very truly, nova. 'nu- above is one ot' many testimonials which I have rel? ative tn tin- manner in which I have treated those Buffeling with defective vision. If \<>,i!- eyes are giving you trou? ble come .'mil mt mi-. Con* sui tat ion will coat you Doth* W. T. BLANTON, < Optical Graduate. CHAS. I. WALSH, ?STEAM ? MARBLE and GRANITE WORKS, PETERSBURG, VA. m wit acruRjcn or Monuments, Headstones, Tablets, Ac. Iron and Wire Fencings . aaa Pu aeneas. CAPT. S.W. PAU LETT, F.rmville.hsB 0 tte. aini (.articular, to all who apply. con Hint fow the; hoti teni the den IO ft the appi not af tel Be Weal first thi - tolloi B bea fi able I Bend VJS7 [/?. fr? fr*? (C* . T V -A KC I v ., HOUSE FOR TOWN LOT. Uandi Little Unllflliisi for I lin-,- W h, With to Krrp But a Milgie Vnrlel* of I*,'" ls. The aeeompanying design ls for <i ?i wiih little ruuin who wlshei to keep h'lt one vnii.-ry nf fowls The size nf the building la ten bj twelve feet, divided in the center makin? two rooina six by ten feel ami It is large enough to acrommo date ten nr twelve fowl-. One hali of the building la to be UBt d foi da&i yon ONI vak: W i.s. Bajratehing pens, and the nth, r halt fur a roosting room. Deal lng- hins and coops, to be uaed in pie paring for the shows. There is a three fool raised ballway In front ot lola room. At the hack of thia hall? way the coops (I I| ht. ahown. Then Bone the feeding- nina (A A A). The nest boxes (li n Mi arc placed below the flour of the hallway and real on the ground. The bottom of thi neati ls millie in the Shape of drawer- th ret Inches ile r p. and can be drawn 0 it to gather the rug* hy opening the door (Di in the hallway. The rt it ?1 tbe design is made plain in the drawing, hence ned not be explained. French, In Poultry K MAKING POULTRY PAY. Learn Ihe Hualn<-s?. Ile Willina tu Work Hard, sui! r \ p?-rli->u- ? I. Kore to Itrlnt Succtaa. Success and failure with poultry de? pend upon Hie poultryman bl There are gund opportunities with poultrj and many wayfl of making a certain amount of money byjudieioufl arrangements and close attention in the keeping of fowls; hut fur a uer to suppose that because be ia pre? sided with a oertain amount of money and can secure a likely-looking place for business* success is ot rtain is fl mis? take that may result in dlaappoiat Tisnt. Although just at first mattera may seem easy, the iiiidert-Hkiiitr may winner or later end in a very sad swak laing to the reaJity of dead loss. But, )rovided the buslnesa could he tn;.de an uljunct to something else which doea lot pay, then, with acquired know ledge gotten only by experience and un 'emitliiig attention to wen the Mnall Rt details, it may he made to add very naterially to ths annual receipt*, and a ter on may be made an exclusiv, hu si? leas. Xery great mistake* are often nae 1n attempting tao much at first. J keerHng too many kinds; it i?; Hierc or? best to absolutely decide which ot he breeds in the market will bc best 1 the situation selected and kc p and reed nothing else. Learn at fir-t. he ?illlng to do any kind of work, and ex rrience will bring success. The poul* 7 business will pay If one will begin ith a few and increase evi ry year arm and Fireside. FOR POULTRY-KEEPERS. Nerer keep hens over w inter to sell in iring. Fowl* that are shut up should have a nstant aupply of grit. A little fresh meat now and tieri is lished by almost ant hen. The crops of all fowls to be killid for ?rket anon ld 1* entirely Slept] . Nobody wants a dirty egg, lt is an favorable commentary upon the ithods of the producer am! ai the dealer and eonsiim.r. Do not overfeed on the plea i f se -?? winter wealher. and do. nut feed > much shelled eora; also be careful giv. good fresh water at |aa ay. rhfl women folk* nf the farm a -e bj the biggest poultry roleen o' the nirry, and very often under rt Thal they ! is much to their ere, ii in lity and Industry, and that they do I a**< better conditions atTi rded * ' M '? t*eight? behind-the-timea riewaof theil mea ts.?National Rural. bi e I NI I Ku .ss la I saith Ta p.- ss crin, ' ? Bl that tl? ie rory troublesome. Ko lees than ? varieties are known to infest ia, and when fowls are so lal ? become distinctly unprofitable, i for egg pr,,din r np. One medical authority a nts of one teaspoonful of d pomegranate root hark for every iwla, lt is, bowe .> pre* than to cure such troubles, and uro salty fur greater cleen.ii - irent. The saint- ground should be used for confining fowls year ? yeer. Mee. 11,-itln I,, Work Karl}-. es begin to work hs mun as the her permits in the spring, Tbs upon which they work are knuk cabbegs and yellow w. ved by the blossom* of fruit, hard e. white clover, small fruits . sumac, with golden-rod, lah needle, smart - bonld [>mge bc scarce, bees will us* Ihe mis of weeda thal are not aoR for providing choice honey. alis Thi ?ii d thin HI ^armville Herald AND THE irice-a-week New York World. Ruth nm? year for fl.60. inters to THE HERALD, DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You 11=4 i' I ?' '?"'": ? llV fPl . V wa-, ?'Dr (>&*x f. -a^*-^e. nent kidney an^ Almost everybody who reads the news? papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swanp-Root, the great kidney, liver _t and bladder remedy, medi nine {teen: . , covet- .,rs of emi : blad? der And is I wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney 1 trou? bles and Bright's Dlseaat. form of kidney trout-.e. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root r not rec ommendedforevr ./ekid , ney, liver or bladder tn . found I jilflt the remedy you need, i le.ited In so many ways, in hosp private I practice, among 'he help to pur- ! i chase relief and las prov- . every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all i who have not already ti- .ave a sample bottle sent free bj telling more about S find out if you have 1- -cubic I When writing mer/. nsrous j offer in this paper ' '_ send your address t^**r~~' Dr. Kilmer & Co.,1 hamton, N. Y. The --'- L' regular fifty cent w dollar sizes are sold . If it is ajtfrtTj lng j'r*. t ZpeiOelT'ij fame Yon can be 1 at - MY STORE. Pl ices "ii all gooda I.? >\V ;i- COns'lHtcill Wit ll tva- , wimble profit. Soi more i or eas Raked. A large stock of pretty mid <\ <*-?"- JlLUjllIIAUij. .I I will please you. e. c. wilt; . F tl III VI ll.-. V DYSPEPSIA; ?4 For six jrara I \s u. h s I. tin, ol ,lv rn* esstsla :>t retain . ' - Daviii ll. Ml CANDY CATHARTIC I W MW -,Min?KUU mWwotom. TNAOr UA.H RfOtSTIMfO >;e???nt. Pl .. CURE CONSTIPATION. ... rllnt K.m. I, ,..apia; lair.. - lari I )Tfl Dun ?|U*t?flai . '.lld lie Purest or ?ffl\ $vrpo8os i- tlc vv, i! In Braddock Rye Whiskey. liv n.rn mended ???? \i pinaJ . I "ip ona looper's 4-Ye; n. c. co: uf I ilulcly frc- fi ? ways b Famous Pabst Milwaukee V:\ Beer on Draught In bot i ig In the <li In HUGH OGARA. v \ TRAOt Mafikb Designs Copyrights 4c. ,Tnn<? smiling a .kn .-', s-.ln.My , civniific flitiericati. nit.i.tnrlS'lltn.tmlp'l wockl. loll ,.f : ! mr n NN & Co.36lBroad^ New York an, h Office, SS K st . ??? - i . , t'ar.l to Gentlemen tm < lu i isl, 'u.ihtv. **????*???? ? ?....????..... . N'l.l hv .ins. M\>M?M. hi at VVOlll, and j Wet | VV Ile ri ! Tl The nure keep I vv hen tom, ri ot the 1 \ <. "1 bi Chum!. F P. V willi b ami it I 1 NUTATION OF CR An sericultural I''''''1"" \\ Imar !*?? ,,,,, lu,. . ls N"l BS ? elli i .1.1 aa ll sh,.,,1,1 Ile. i w bj who i I ii the i * i "il a - ? til thi .. ne un I - ? i ed ii in.-iiiv ? - i - ? - ' worn mt land. The fa In p ??:. if cuni ur \ ,' and thp ' that - ul in ?rust in heir crop rn- , ? le niHri - ? V i will I., ? rh!. BRACING CURNER FUSTS. ion ll,,- l'r,.|ii r I: \ ccu lion of 'Mila Work I > ?- fi.- ii .1 s ||,,. |,,.f?|, ol til U ,. .- | , -ii l-l ii K. 1 -edy depends upon the stability the corner poi t. Thei ? ?ain upon it. .|,-i ph? alli! w.-ii braced. If tbe corner ii inch fruin its richi posh ion i,' i -ir and nun fiuilr is in placing Hie . on the poat, uml the ,\v ii OUt of lille. ii this section om Hy of twn w ires an,I fu h. wiih the second wire SW inches id: --T. ,w the tup "!"? iiml the brace .lust the cnrner poat just nv the vv Ire, and againat t hi in low t le ( feel long, hut taken cl i int: it h helter metl ? that >\. Tlc braces nn- clear ii the when to ihe tectioo to re bul six stretched ID itt cnrner post to top eenliil post and then tvvistpil ilile. to the depth the cnrner iii in- pul h each ;,l the n of frost. I linil thnt in re tWO feet l? irh, hut I ? 1 be di f>erhap I e o to four feet lea al tin m ot the po ta fur an it in places uh. quite i.irt of Ihe j par ur in low | liff of the wii ihle a univ anil ? of it M. I. mnn. (omi ... il-, ,i n rr Mini, In Winier. of ? .- to imp (nut and when all n inure will be lief ter than '?ry ilry. If thi ? ter the ? the bot will form, while the addition vut a n i ne,nia._ ,| Coagl Melli inc r?r rhiMrcii. unmending; erl ain Remedy," i ira. Va. ir , bfMrt ii when tr. ' armful ii' ? rllagtoa R Fl Ul all ur,l Sn ] Farmville Building & Trust Co. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO GAIN. MONEY TO MAKE. Old Debts Liquidated. NewHomi Secured I mg M ed li Monej rei ved on I Ime l>' pts*it, HAVE YOU .ANY OLD DEBTS? H.. yuii wish to pay off old di bte? Do you wi*-h to p vin wish in c;,, in in, ind h. lp? the'undersigned for terms ind time made lo auil nie bon A HOME AND LOCAL COMPANY, aud fulfills all Ita obligations Beal n fi rt ' "? LOANS MADE ON THE FOLLOWING SECU/ilTIES Improved Real Belate, Farmville Buddina, .uni Trust ('omi Planters Warelin Uiiiu -I 8 ates, : r". I; ' ''"? OR ANY OTHER SUE1STANTIAL COLLATERAL. \\ rite or i ail for Prospt el in ai il full part leu I BUILDING AND MUST CO., Farmville, Va. WHY WAIT. wi. In (!.,- |,:i-l ? ; -"l'i':> PIEDMONT BUSINFSS COLLEGF, .1. U. MLES, \. M.. I'l.-iilcnt. i v ? i it ii' ic. v v H. E. BARROW. G. A. DUNLOP. H. E. BARROW & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN lard ware, m.mi ri,-. In v i. mers I mph rn e-eiipiiui, il.-.v, Hie ??? p-inll, C"iu. A-c , iii cu i,,;ti| lota, '?'. nd Farmville .Mills Flours ll *?f Ftrlilu Itrd uusra ll ll. Hili-nim. Sun M.-Nu'!, J un.- YoUMsf, L ii < ? I H. A I'. I > with us. tinnier store Mnsonitr Temple. t?| uulolpli Hotel, FARMVILLE, VA. W. P. VENABLE & CO., * Si ILE AOKNTS FOI. The Phoenix ce Co. idon, rirginia Fire i i I Co., ot Tic I,.-! Killi ii ' ,t -. v. ii \ l T] li. (reuse nf thi ? ii le i ,ii|-e of (III - m ,-e |' Hie 1,-1 uf M The $5 Graphophone. i Ile Must lineil,ill iliv Inn :,f:oll , 1 : J ,|. , | ?L II Iret.f tue ti * ? Pai ^ It "S Song. I W m^^^^Lmm Entertains Story. ^^^fff.^OmmmmS? and ll.-' f> Instructs. ' i? her stv i. s ,t Various Pi ant the Colombia Phonograph Company, s|r,,l. H V l.i I MOKE, Md, for Sale In Milln.I> lillis.. Mn-ic |l.;..|. i .. I nun ill.. \ ,. I w. P. Venable & Co., Insurance. box 27*. OFFICE PLANTERS BANK telephone 24 mts ;i (.ciiiT.ii I in 11 nine, vi; cn v. I.',;, re eulin-' (he Following (mn pail ic-: HOC III ATLANTIC ll \, I OM PA NV. l-l ni ii i v .xo CASI vi. iv I ? . N. \ ., Ul'IDEXT v m. Hi. vi i ii. I lo MK I Nsl |( V M I I ? M? Phoenix,or i.u\i ? \ v il i v si v Kike, oi Pu ila. lisp Makikk l.f.i ra. N. 1 lim. vin ,i. mi i v I m ii: u in 11- ks, "i PHILADELPHIA. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO INSTANCE ON DWELLINGS IN TOWN AND COUNTRY. , i:-i I! \ I BH, i v in.i : iv li Kl n . EMEMBER TH A JRNITURE i'ii: I Dy Dil it ? S ire VERY LOW l'i . I M??\ i I l.i \|.\ rt Kl --1-- - iM'tier made. NDERTAK3IMG. i rs will BARROW tl COWAN, FARMVILLE VA. .bscribe to the Herald, only $1.00 a year, lerald and New York World only $1.60. . 5 ithern -? ?, Southern Railw ? itai Crfect .'/.I I LEAVE FARMVILLE DAILY. , sVKHT riCKETS ffitWm OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, WISCONSIN, MISSOURI, KANSAS, NEBRASKA, COLORADO, ARKANSAS, CALIFORNIA, -aa, TEXAS, -a> ie WEST, NORTH-WEST, SOUTH-WEST FIRST CLASS, SECOND CUBS AND EMIGRANT TICKETS. ? THE BEST ROUTE TO THE ? NORTH AND EAST. ILLMAN VESTIBULED COACHES ANO BLEEPING CaW. SH THAT TOUt TICICTS Rill IVtl Til DRFOLK-^WESTERN RAILROAD. IHtAPtST, HST ?m QUICKEST Ll.l. Frit-for R.t-i. Map., DSatrtjtM uplilcts, to .ny sta on Asrrut, or to . a. scvill. <uui hull, at. ssiss, ufaa*. Aft Div. Psis A*t Tris. tu*.aft lAfltlLVa. CaiUMBUSaC lllllli lt Notice to Shippers. V\ -ri I I. |] Mit M 31, 1901, I Un ti ind ateVa wilie!) tun \. I.WI.O! !? ? ? ? aaa. I )S. Buy an Emerson." Less Money , - dowses*? . ,i Piano Company, spepsia Cure jests what you cat ?? I B> I 1*<* at 0. m\ ?