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THE FARMVILLE HERALD. HONOLR FORTHE PAST, HELP FOH THE PRESENT, HOPE FOR THE FUTURE VOL Xl._ FARMVILLE, \ A.. FRIDAY, APRIL )?. 1901. vi, CITY DIRECTORY. -. i i - 1 1 iriNCE EDWARD COUNTY DIRECTORY. ' niirt. ? url. jp R M. 3IDGOOD, - DENTIST. > JAMES sW, v nee, se, Va. jj .'. FlCURNOY, . v . U C. FRANKLIN, ATTORXEY-AT-LAW, \ V. ? K 0. WATKINS. R. H WAT! /'AV.r.StV WATKIA \ ?! AT LAW, i v: P. VANDER3LICE, kW. ?' WING, ATI -. VV, rani Cornily, Ya. (}t H BLISS, ER, }\H17Z tV co., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, IW SALOON t H. BUSS, Proprietor. Fine Whiskies. ; KtBllITJM jqaq I CABINET. lOUl/. RICHMOND CLUB. pure Corn Whiskey. : Beer oa Dm Pul! Measures. No Short Ones. H M H N N M 1*1 M H M H M | M M ll M M M H ?? M ll li ll M li H M M Til Hi Wt Wi - LINE Ol' .: WAU >lA1N side. C. H. BLISS. be ms Lister's Tobacco Fertilizers, Will by C I. Waiker & Sons. Pure Ground Raw Bone Meal, Li te's Ol i Reliable Tobacco Fertilizer. Call .11..I s W T. BOYNE Sucoeaaoi to Dot bi UNDERTAKER Hilt! . .... FURNI I aring it Windon - him! ? ' ?;V!< I I., VA. ? PHONES.' STORE 80: RESIDENCE 22. he Portraits of our Presid nts Witb Nognphietl Sketcl j BY cneral C.nari > II. Groi vcnor, Member of Congress for nearly 20 years. ' I THE CONTINENTAL PRESS. Washington d c Ti *x*xxi?xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> S ul ?< LANDRETH'S M ls M SEEDS! :\ SEEDS!! SEEDS M 8eu M ?I AT U 14 ll g cd. iiA", ii M tXXIXL.XIXXSZXXXrXXXIXXxV Nu ll e Light of tlie Work: i )ur Saviour in Art lilllie ' In ptlllllsll ' . - disco Darn avrit. BRITISH-AMERICAN CO.. DI M., Washington D C n ii i> and i; i near Fal n ? ttl nj, au itt m. w e bave ne ? ? ii-. IIH'II < mi is Hi.. iMI , one nf ill? ili iii.- county, ni Ac., fur jrJnk i tillie. MU Hil TO ALL. communications ufa public in'' iriea i lines, memorla peel and reaolutlons of orgai m> will be ''Iii' ? ? tbe rate of live ? ? publisbedin the ll khalil P no deviation nor exception will - pnia ,de An l Infer Ul i wt rs Jims ?fd of in r avoid i 1 ? ? l ?? I had on tl i ir. tliis tmv ii." A li gO tO til]'! public i downtown linn which .vera! ? .o. * At a escher party fur thc i of the Army snd .fitly, in Niw York, a thousand players sal nt of thc prizes was three malt. with |ong ,,e(]i. ' Rock=a=Bye Baby are sweet words, but how much ?-.ring they u^ed to mean, lt's . Since Mother's Friend has - . ml mothers r:uch of the anguish of ?>i 'tiler's Irtend i, a lin menl to be ?rxternally. It is rubbed thoroughly 1. It gives ? final reat strain c ; - and Mother's Friend is In'ernal remedies . more harm than giod. If a ;man ls suppl'ed with this splendid linl :nt she need never fear rising or - ming sickness, or an;. . .y accompany preg rietor of a large hotel in Tampa, : "My wife had an awful time : r:rt child. During her second Ber's Friend was used and .s born easily before the doctor :ved. It's certainly great." (Itt Mother's r>l*nd st the drugstore, $1 per K.tili. IE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. .'r't.- fur our fret illustrated book, " Baton lissy .1.IH." Farmville Herald ANDTHE rhrice-a-week New York World, Hull. !?!!? 11.00, st,, THE HERALD, mi; home t.sii.ii (iii. lii.'t ni'iiis Titatiiiciit liv Wltlt li Iraakards are Belair Cared Dallj in Spite of Hi- iiim'Ivis. Nnxiniia Doses, No VTeakealBg of te Nerren. A Pleasaal mri Posl* lite (ure for Hie Liqaor Habits i< noa under* I tll-t! Ililli:: ? A botly tilled vvith poison, . shat lt r. .I I al or constant use of intoxicating an sntidi ' nii'l eradicating thi- , ?VV Cllll- lil ? willi . ,t publicity er i>i- wonderful " W< >.M Ii D CU Iii;' which bas been i? i i treat aderful iw Ihe lit men i re roua ni . "i l; FATII1 . is iii no -? ? un but inly, and la thal it ? in Hu ? u]i nf - with Kv hat ?nilli ul tin ir kii"vv ledge In i iiml they discontinued will DO \\ \I r. I>" nol le deluded I "improver! mit lin - OLD ' I RI lt ihe . -. Mm* placing within Full of tie. Dollsi Ad |.I?\VI\ ti GILESiS COMPANY, P rielly confidential. ac c. I'? ll, I'? ll 1 ll: Ml pr, is pei tm 'I tin nfl 'J esp En B of in i I Ht,: the W01 II mal i y A OOO. 31/k mut Tl in < ant? (i. latit over Tv Ol th" had HEARD IN SPORTING CIRCLES. Xrvv I hm dred thou and i titi as the value nf | left by tl, Of this is left t, Will lui has lu-. : ich tin- Columl I ball ? - thal ihe i ? bility t.. bat ball, according to Prof. .\. A. purity "f life. Prof. 'J'his happened in a j judges gave the verdict to A glass of milk anil thr. I ? per meal formed the pru on which Walit-r [.. Stannard, of ' las! year on a bicycle and won tba ny Road clnb championship. James Foulis, the ; il of the Chicago Golf clnb and open cham? pion Of the United States in 1896, has established a professional record fur r i snaps Hay. of which he this winter, making the I ilea in 7i. In Michigan l.i slain liv hunters, i ?? be? ing taken to prevent another -I. ter. It is proposed to limit each hunter to two titer. This mme icldng nf the American Bp men's association. W. X. Hobart, one of the jinn: Of th on the witness stand I church member snd a superintei of a Bundey schi ' .i'd. who '" tin- church anti tl' hail professed rel CONGRESSIONAL GOSSIP. tor Iron. M whisky am] tinmine as n reined, anti tines mit ln-lp the quinine. 'I In- ' lilli.ian, of South ' lina, to nf Imle n ina, "the wasp nf lite \\ | likely to stick to tbe li man. r Senator Tiller always pronoun* 'Culm" ns if written "(Uliv." This, r. ie explains, is due to the fact thal ti i n of Allegheny bounty, ), S*. V., where le- was born, 'ul.a. but 1. been pro- f, 1 -' liv" hy thi tl Harlan iave been friends for to v".ir<. 'I ire like tun boya when they -ether. "I don't know about ? Harlan thi ay. "He pl "ii me snd 1 i\, nke it in good part, bul if 1 piny a ,,f oke on him he vvim't sp.-ak to me fnr ,v, month." IN OUR OWN COUNTRY. tf sn The bran.hes of the " ava nn The : Inch sends over tons ol ritcr nn lmur. livery millern] ami metal of value i the arts or Industries is found ithin the limit* oi the United The Vicksburg national park will mn he complete as far as the ne? il of land is concerned. It will >mprise in all 1. lt ia pro ore all military features at marked it in the S3, Insulation of the Congression? al has now reached ; - nrk. This includes numb-S/s dellv . ? i nm 1 tuitously tn membera snd . nators and newspapers unf\ th nt to regular subscribers, of whom er. ls n small hut select li-t. mi d< thi tn all n B ron INDUSTRIAL ITEMS. c irn| ? min England has captured the rf nf the trade of Ecuador. ..j l'u. ive thousand tons of dried turi j. tbe average yield of sn acre oi ,f- and ihe world's mannfactun is of gold and 513 tona of silver a .j,,. tr. "herc arc several ' o thc ?Fi,ititi Stat '?- prot irture of rose water. ? ? ar 01 to r fnr paper making r>r gland third of tl on i evenly ? ' ? ry UK bad rough iron ? fnur toni Ina1 -very ll J 1 n n land produced m> beel ' ? Importai ? I in the sugar n of tbs of ri -ld. _ OF ENGLISH MAKE. I."",' i the British Isli I 1 prop r, nf which I.timi ? onr , :, ton the pi at in thi lah Isles would fetch )0 blind ami icre ara l : ritain to 141,000 mea ? . ' dy 3,732 of ' - vo hundred and Bfty-eighl I live in town.-, T i the et ni n try. ' : led dnrini anything to leave bj will. ' The ^^^^^rs STATE AID ;0R ROADS. M ... Iiii|.ri>\ iiiit-tii ol Hlahwaa-s lina t nrrlr.l tin I ti,l,r ll lu i Thc annual repi.rt nf g ; donald for ? I set. In " l he policy of tl almost universally so j th.- lnwiis. ti,,, present 'aw ? ii accept, d liv ::-.? towns which have never before participated it .id. inakine a total ol have applied fur stale Mn- law. The fad demon lt the law nf I most popular under which we hav< i- principally tine tc the 1. ?? by the tl I PA. ' ? >i m.) til sn Tl vv 1" til ] ri si, w! . in thc law al t r tn nu et tht f| .-li the toa n Almost all nf thc ob ? .1 by ! lie tOW us , Iel law. Ir will h.- Impoi ' law thal . nt indy free fruin objection ile tn build any law mi'it he Improved in Borne '' IS il " vv hnle nf the netinli nf thi '" nd tnvvn mi a liht ral plat. ?I broaden tate in 1 he method ? li, alni al ?ll wi!!, state thi tn.le movement, has enlarged th* lld of work fnr the commit d has reduced somewhat the juris ?timi nf the town I; Imt sn far evt B fmrr h iimie beneficial tn th* I around the whole move ?nt safeguards thal has already ted its worth. Mi lias never been the policy ol )..- unpleasantly arid iry in ie with thc towna nt the OOtSel nf the move ni it was difficull to have all tnvvns \< thc \v.>rk has ? .ins have , full knowledge <>f th* hough! hy man] our state that when th. tis through ti.e villages were ha? lved thi would 'lie 'Ult I that a vote fnr the Improvement I imf he hail, tin th* ? ? fur n general ? nt of the roads in nil which wc have constructed Increasing rather than di . which fact -peaks well foi future nf the good roads move many times Improved four ? ct i"iis mi a mail. an appropriation <>f ? while ? rnnd I are places (hal a im ? had the te" n been ? ? '; . .- . '..lint' long, ami ' ? moved for m. th, ? anti mak 1 nf the !' ? f fact, return ls thc im rial pieces ad throughout tl ?mild mal.' ? the rnnd . tving nf a i lime if it ? n-k number ami d remain so. It is the lick of a road i imt the raper lt would the road - ? I I in the gutter to lift up !he and let th< .. , ... ., mlitirin, instead "f eight n it Th. i. ? rs." commissioner does not think tiful i sm rivi I >< ? > Tht nea cha V Sill' cha dep sim fnr i out han \ that I Evi nu in I Fm lt wtae in attempt to build '.?nil tbe - I'"1*'. Ol ' ;;,,t t0 extend the buildiag of macadam be? yond its nut ural growth. Curter the B lari tude in selecting such kinds ,,f ? as thej di In addition to tba work that has h.-. ii linne dorine- the leal two lintier this appropriation lhere > he finished the f the sppropriation, which amount of money that will he In the appropr part of thi irs will bt total number of miles that will be finished with the appropi limier the contracts let fer iv.I. rears i- I AN IMPORTANT ITEM. i'll rm .-rs si,,, i, |,| Ke?aa I I. ?. Vee.inrtl ol Hie lt.-.-. I|.i? friiet Ul 1 heir s,,,| I nilli*. A farmer can have neither a pood pasture mir a good meadow without ! BOtL Bul the kind of sm) he needs on his pasture is very dill fruin the snd he needs in h We sec in a contemporary a laudation of blue-grass sod fnr the pasture. But we know that brae*g - not the Ideal sn,i fnr a pasture, it should trt of the sntl but not the a thing. Hine o-r;. tu rc al certain much of the time is I Thc pasture sml should mo I ly he formed of ll be makii -mw th at ,-? when any | row. The smi fur the meadow should of rou rae be made of one l idow is supposed th be foi lie production of hay. ?mp is gathered al ona timi n both cases the snd should he well if,ahould ne well manured nd nol permitted to get thin. I if the great faults of our Amer t of the snd In both matures ami mt ' tl nch of the the farm, ?ik if our farmers would l ? ?..d la inls they won lil | ttention to ti ll w. SCRAPER FOR SLUSH. a.-fill I mp lc m.-ii I for < lei,nina IMlelt.-a nilli fur PSSSSlaa "1 tll? lit t-rhmiHtiiK Mau ka. a fanner has a lnr. inning through his tann B raper is Indispensable. This one i.> ade frnm two-inch plank, -i.; ? t lnntf, with t.em! patterned fnr iper and tapered to make itahle hanil iWH in cut. '..nilli he four feet de, two feet frnm frnnt to rear of >\, and mic fool In depth. mensions will move ulumst a liulf rd nf mini nt each load, anti a team ll |iull it easily. Ihe ti.p and bottom of scraper nulli he banded arith tire iron, ? i.'li will make it mora riirid and ar hitter. Any blacksmith can ike lin- blade "Ut nf an nld drug STRONG BLI'SH BCRAPKJ r blade or suitable piece of flat el. This should ba bolted ntnl ited to the box and ham] irmi- of ; and made quite sharp to cul w.ll. ? evicts shown in llluat r the blade ara to fasten a log in Into, "Ith this semper one can clean the ih nut nf a large ditch and work team OB hank. Thc hi, ' in cnn he regulated lo suit the th nf ditch. We Used a -? ilar tn thi* last autumn on our | fi.nnd it - . and also to drt ?'-.i': I sm I lu id-rt for I I ' iction ? if tba er and print ng in comparison with ita ?i ,i|.< r I ure mt 11 rm in Br out ? ' ? ll, , un tin I mit In rm. ' ' -s in iii pr.. i >,,, I r. ea \i Uh tl Illa' I im ia Fork. dtlie beas> ipeciuieus in the | Tl i: by Iii Di tin Ku ml "I' i III ant i tk i".i -rn but O ii v t r < il m ii i M vv ri ll. "X| el Wi river dwell -ss/. ?.,-/, Ic ... it His Lag, 1 l f. Bullit m. Bf IBtl wire. Inti ni,.. . blood urged amputation, "but," be wr,' l 1 1 i "inti sad weil bi ? rer " F"i Erm Ilona, I . I Rheui c Bittern has aa rh tl on e.nh. in rn V bite A Co R -: " lion tends-i i,. . ind doss IS ttf cm Calif"!; , - s-.i mi ii InniiliiK inp, I BJ I 'lill i ."i sold me li : Kihi. I nii t ijror* ? Hil ll thill ! STM In.l-t i V- lien r?<ttIn. up tba . -ni en* r i " I' ll.i ll of I told a the ? - : i didst Rai : , r In - the world. P i ; lim I- hu - I. 'ii i' 't III their ll i I I I'millir. The ' j the and kidae* i K. ep 11 lion ind ind vim ?ni hsvs no ced nf it blood purifier. F"r his pur nae ilieie is unthill - ('hitiiilicr i I , ? ? - mu ? voa more t.I ibaB boll I pul Isr . iii d"ul.le nu of cotton pn due. <l by any nmi. \ i:. lng, Rt ii las t loot ? I .1 'w n it Ide rraph line which of I i-imii. la , had lo iii-. "Standing ws ? willes, "gave bm b terri Mi . ugh, li grew worse daily. Finally i- In Oakland, ni I I bsd I I'li-iunpiiiiii : imt live, 'I bea I islag King's New I?i -? tvcry and waa ie. id bot th - P ail Ively a rsa teed fi ? ? and all ind Lune troubles. Whin- A: Cn.-. Br, ol iv-p. 11. OOO bas bat a rested in ale trie uiidei takings in the Republic. Di .ilitcss ( .mini l,e I'll red ms, '- iii j .'un "t itii the diseased portion "t tba sar. I thal i- by constitutional rem. d ame*** is caused by an Inflamed eoaj* mn of Hie iniic'.ii- lining of Hie -tai-liiati Tube When thia tuba v> ta t rumbling sound imperil ct beariug, and a ban ii i ? :| II. .lilies- |, ih,. |, sii|(i I ti iti<? Ute inflammation can bi en mit this lube restored to its nial condition, beal Ing rn ill bs sta* ; trever; nine cast ? out of tea i i.v i- ii, w iin-ii is not bing an inflamed condition of Ibe bj i* ve will give Ona Hundred l>"ll irs ? I by irrii lb il cannot be euri d by li i - lend fill 'ii' u: irs, lice. !?'. J < III.N IV A CO., 1 "led", <>. * Sultl hy I iruggistH, 7.")''. i .timi.'. Pills ara Hm Bee! |, has arion R P. M. ? ? ll 'll lo ' I hal , iprovs I ' lils. J 1. lived in live I - "ll. - iiiu BBsvatfsB. ur Catarrh ari: r al else I I I DtrtH Ililli : blood , J vvlltiliK : Balm Competi Ba B H ? dou'i give up in despair bul try from ls Write I rial treatment. An Appesaattei Bin r Farm. m tit. i I in lands, | | ,|-J, - I .lllivillle HIV.' wlllell we eau SSlI at B9V. I \|;V|V lill K VI<V| A"KM V. .