Newspaper Page Text
PARMVILLE HERALD. AN im,i i nkwspaPKH PUBUBHBD Kvkky Friday. J 1, 1 kBT, .Bdltor ami Proprietor Kati a biptiom: ny, mit'year.ll."*1 " six in,uitli-i. M it .. n,r?.e months. bb. oHes at rana ville aa - immanleatlona and money should be ? v i i>, Kariiivllle. Vts. k. if. Pries, ut Oi mtboiiasd U) tot stil.s.?! I).Hons uni H'l tpar. FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1901. INiOMi I \\. it bj refresbiog to read the following from Mr. If. IS. [ngalla, a rich maa, ami pu si,hilt'f IDC Big Kow Railroad: -?I | , s h..lieved in an In* lax and ivi thought tb . .ii of our Supreme Coori ? tbe constitutionality of such a hu Bras ona of the m.,*t unfortunate occur* a, Wa shtniid i tux oo all Incomes, large or -nisil. bx. empting a moderate amount, a- mosl of ih. ? pt a certain amount . ir ut execution ami levy. I h.- country le bo rich, that with a iysti in of taxation ami economy In odlture, the tax rate will bc ll will imt he oppn salve, and thus you will ei 'ml protect ymir n,an objects tn men bec "ii im: rich, millionaires, multi-million J1 just men agree that rich should "tole lair," that hill share of public burden, and aa lo* ? way tn secure that. It will do much towards giving real massae in tins rast B !"ii rich men nf their own i di ami accord, simply tin public duty. Mr. Iiiis'ulls has given noble MAKE THE LAW Cl. VIN. i | thc tax laws , - U| li I. lilli the fee -v-ielll . possible, tn be wiped i the method of taxation and ? 'a \es should t'", amt ' ' ? bus!oeas basil that . ire up . lump slim,' sn tn know when he la through paying and where ha stands. Ha should not, on e hand, Ik- eiiciiiiraiieti to give himself the benefit nf a doubt, with tbe chant ? being au 'altai clap;1 ito*, on tbe ulber hand, sin mid ha Bl we ri t" ta the cit-e, he compeli ??. to oonaull ail attorney In order that jilt he bones! to the la-t stiver."? itch. n only should tax laws he simpli? fied, bal ail statute Iowa would stand a little more plain Kngiish. We never could underatand why statutes, lulls, i -, indictment.-, pleas, demurrers, rebutters, non rebutters ami other membera of tba same tribe Bhoold be BB d as l : i>e ni actual disguise. . nie ami all men agree as to ? ailing, and sn wi til itTials, contributtona, eonapoaltlona, it all codes are BO amhiguous that it requires a "Philadelphia law* vet'' OD." Hui, then, the lawyers write codee, ami the lawyers must live. GOOD, HU FOR WHAT. There are a great many good people in the world, hut what are thai good I hey tl i not drink; they tin not . do not gamble; they do not u-e sobacou; dey keep the Sabbath day; ? ven attend divine a regularly, and sn are say thal tl good people. But what me tin ls "f tiie in i ive kind. While they do not do anvil og bad, neither can we say thal they de. anything good. Tiny never join in (he they nt vcr lift their - in thanksgiving or prayer; they go forth "i: mitssioi b ?( t<.\. and they never nive fol an noble purp -.: and ii' raked to h nd lance in an] way, it i- "Obi me one else m tin you." While we call them good ihein among ti. bet* ? rneiit of tin- community, In mir r, thoughtful moments wa von the tpic-'i m, for??Rev < rV. b some -ii"h foll - N none of the I md tova do o ie. ?ly and help nol ? ly lld." The Bi ile uni then tells what to CU III tl! ju of ba lie J till to Molli. \N Al. UV N ? now j rop '-t- to chaperone a < 1 ry gm du which, no doubt, cootes ihip of all dry gnods et n. in Farmville as well bj jual as the Standard Oil Co. ooo* i ile of ali of the . tba! tbe people of thia '-'.' and t I nea viix>d f,,r n few malnder of theil i ? narai Gtigga said . i remedy. His aw 1 nut what say the pet> I rSaiMstOI Martin, as viewed by the South niii.'iit i- not Bator is in dj* native Qt, plotting Witta the rt-pies ?nia? ll- against the ebano pion of the people. He came Int ? life mn of the womb ofcorpora* d al tbe breasts of combines, i upon the flelda of monopoly, with the rights and liberties "f the peo* j.le fT toy?, and j,js maturity doss political g, dis a baan shut out of ? ul. If our bread BtufiB are put UOOB the prohibited list, ton, there will tie snflasinx Barnong the Bahjeets nf King Kdward. wi ..-in i ti.t "A -t-V eve bra I ?uti wit Of I atm wai il ii fi dur M linn gini tiler ciatt hie" just and Ja mod the I otu Mon mule who (in farim timi, farmt yon i ply ii ami tl Tht wini i Ilt'-s, whet I yard, imt sa tu boy We in -tat -ia, hu little ii cmnbi The Ih rall W Oil ld June n bu?y ft i.ami: oi collin v ?There is nothing lovely abool lr* Kaine of politics, no matter boa ll b viewed, lt toaaasfleJi and a treacbe rouegaaneal which it is difficult t< piav witboul becoming selfish am treacherous. It ls a willem fixed principles lt is far remove: li. ni statecraft ami ItsdlgOity todoubt ful, rare and fleeting " Thats what mir brother, of the New? port New-. Daily Prom my* ofpolltice, ami if tin- be true and politician- an ruling the country which way ara w? going? lt.- :t good bool foi the i.pto -nine charge. Macaulay went to India, BB Bi "io-ave my family" and while endur? ing the hani-liim-iit frmn home, wrote itara:" "NV.- shall be again together IO a comfortable, tin Ugh ni ..I. ~t boase, certain of b good Ure, a good Joint of meat, nod a g.I gbsas of wine, without OWiOg ubligatimis lo anybody, and perfectly Indifferent, al i- far a-s mir pecuniary loton Bl Lfl concerned, to tba cbaogea of the polit? ical world " How stimulating such a picture must have bet H. Meal men woold I lasy bal for -une socb inspiration. Smut- Silly winer liB I 'I the name "f Om. If I lea as the Dem to lead the fora - ia the rn \t National fight We know nothing of bil party affiliations bot this we <i" know, ba la too tall of hnn-eif to ba a repre? sentative Democrat, Iicnii'cra.y i- derived Iron two Greek words, one meaning tbe i the other strength, ami thia cox C nih of a soidn-1 baa boos of tba elements about hun to make up a strong pe mau. Tba late Mr. Armour once pointed to an bombie clerk In bis empioymi al and -aid: "thal man ila- bettel lite than [, sleeps Is-tler anti BOJoya life mora." Justen. If we poor folks could only appreciate mir every-day blessings and stop trying to do aa rich folks tin we would he the happu-t peo? ple in the world. We are imt BOSUN l>ut that weare anyhow. Still poverty i- nothing to brag about, and many ni js are poor who might imt to ba BO. "Free silver dead" i- tba cry, hut iow about this worse than fifty-cents* ii toe-dollar fraud'.' Tbe Booton Pod rays and says truly: "Our tru-t- an ?apitali/.t-ii imt on value- hut mi expir? ation. Tba public, the consumers of rust's nol pay a profll upon apital invested in indite try, bul upon vhat the tru-t owner- expects to make Ul of their trade. Can a more mltmi SsSta ba imagined'.'" Of 00018*3 OOt. t puts to the blush the t ra/iest of all be "crazy" Afty-ceotS in-the-dollar Minw-. It is estimated that New Jersey will Melva this year frnm the tru-ts dmin led there almie, $2,100,000, including BB paid mi tiling eertili'-atc-"1 ttti-I icnrporatioii- Tba COBtB of the State ivernment are lesa than |8,000,000 Jarly, so that propel ty of her citlxens ,ay go tax free, and yet what a cru-h g burden she is Imposing, upon others ,- reason of giving life to Ukase pound* ?lle-h-vultiiit-s The Newport News Serald\ lo db> BSing tjuulilicatiniis fny iiicinU-r.-lnp the Constitutional Convention, inr it'iitly a.-ks: "Why not accept a rorwhoisa relative or an employee tlie accu-etl'.' Whynot try a eas* fun- a Judge w im bas bi en an attar. y In the cast'.'" By this leal tba coocloaton ls tb ii ? Corporation At tm ney niii-t he told "stand a-idc." I'mi never saw a left-handed boy io couldn't ahoot a marhle with ac acy or throw a BlOtM -traight to Ha? rk. It was so in lim, |;. c. mniig all this psopls there were en huinlreii chosen inen left-fa I ry one cmild sling stones ai an lair arith, ami not mis- " master-General will issue an er allowing poataJ employe) houl COBtB during the lint D rammer. W. bops bs ma, tlier as winter approBt hes in wbicfa ni overooota are provided for bs irtunates who carry country rn lb Ing tbe cold of winier, nj rn Daniel will bs in tbs conven , and he knows thc wanta of Vir* a, and knowing will dara maintain n. And he will have BB In n many another "limiest amt c ipa* Virginian, bo ws of tbs rank- may pursoe tbe even tenor of mir way feel thal all is well. pm i- sn much Indebted to < ? ni? ora Parry for forcing her to quit life of benoit, as tbs Atlanta tHutimi -ay-, that sh" will eic t a umeiit to Ins memory. We are r heavy obligations to men wake us up anyhow, v. Tyler complains that BO few BIB ale tating sent to the Colive!) June is a busy month e/ltfa the ts, ami if the work of the law* ion't pleaSS them, they will aim Mk it anti go in person nexl tims o it right. re is an "hi woman in New York s engaged in the rabbit foot hu-j. uml bas always a supply on hand. ht sba lats them from tbe grave* and always tbs toil fore oas, i itl. bal fool- enough are found ? liberally. admire tbs pluck of little Japan itlmg boldly in front of tug Rue? ll w hat can a little nation or a nan expect in the day- of c. -uggt-tioii of Hie Newport N / i- at iea-t an inviting mie. It Indeed l>eati ideal place for a ' BOOIIllg, hut would it nm tie too ' >r business. I I lay to bet On t folio! "Il when exbili my I Hollie yean nf a groun ami ii Tile III the Ut fruit n yon re gram Cci's lei tba Cn.-latic pian 1901 atone to* al least Ihree yean ^ i sn: busy w nh oin ci o| * ami cnn veli tim just BOW, amt don't want to I**- divert eil. The American people sie r n rush, bul one tbiog at a tune I tel Mi-hi d. A melli -dial preacher in Brooklyn N v.. says tbs moth ara I their daughters out ol - only "dancing daugbtsrs" aw soughi f.,r in marriage. Ws repeal thi ocr live.- in Brooklyn, and nol in Fal hiv ilk'. 1 ea, tbs benefactions ol snob men a* Carnetrto and Bockefellei princely, bul the mtier, li? lli.- tue ha- been on the pan ot tin Southern Stab - ia tbe Intel gro education, "A New york woman Iel piov ide foi bi i pel d ar. bul - me one will he -ure to oonteal tbe a ll i Pod Anotbei dog, "The world is like a pu a "I n full of sharps Aad tbs -harper gem-rally fall liicbmond ls being i May she come oul "f tbe furnace with* out smell ol monta. lll.'t.IMV REWS. Tin tory at Loray has been sub tin- building will be erected shortly. Tbe ing put in by tbe City Council ol Cul* peper will lie finished In a Judge .1 B hi om ' ry, is an iiul.'i I sent Scott county In tbe Constitu Convention. Among tnt al the Vir? ginia Hoi Springs at tin- tm Count von Larisb, nephew of the late Kinpit bs of Aual At tbe Democratic primary in Cul Saturday Mr John s Barbour wa- Cb -en Bl B tielt gate to the stltutional Convention. The Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott, ol York, i- at the University of Vii wlieic he vv ill remain for some time, preaching to the students .Many citizens of Southern Shenan? doah and Northern l; "-kingham coun? ty have Inaugurated a movement for the formation of a nea COUOty. Col, William il Rockbridge county bul now of Ot spied an invitation lo d ibe addi.-- on Mi n oi iii I'.-.v, June ith ai Augusta. At a primary election for Democratic ?aiiditlat. - io the Constitutional I watton in Staunton, Augusta county, laturday, the Hon. J. M. Quarleaand dr. A. Caperton Brazton, were cno* 60. Thc I um bei business, which U] bw yeara ago bad nol been cultivated ii the Northern Ni "I., i- rapid I j - Hg tn he mic nf it- clllef ind Ul Imbet buyers arc almost a- ? . ii- a- li-h il ru linn The gentlemen having in charge tbe n oi transferring the Southern eminary, of Bowling (ireen, lo Wlo* bester, have asked Ha- Board of ir a bonus of $16,000 to Insure tin lo. ttl.iii nf the Collegs tOi Sportsmen ami fain" rs ire - ing to prevent the pollution of the mt ii branch of the r vcr. la undent.I the dan. ake a tight against any all event it from Using Hie B At a primer] in d in Pulaski J.e. Wy niuated the Democrats f??r Hu- I Convention, defeat ](H| Volt'-. Ml. V\ eyer of the Pulaski (eil nut Ci J ? moeia t. lin- i ?? mooral - of Fi inklin county, convention at Rocky Mount v, nominated Jutjge John I'. L ? foi I tu I ional Convention. The i ven ti rn wai i .'? E v j'osjtively : ?ocepl Hm lemur. ?cliator > r N. Has th ? Democrats ? ; H nlv a- their saud ? uti.a,?l Couventl - I ut ional Islon on '? m '-n ;,?, larlng ? i e iuexpedienl ize the i :bi I'l-i. titution. he survey fnr the new railrui edi Hie, Hancock county, T. nn., lo Paul, Va , via Booti county, i- now Ihe cmim ellon Iii ba le is with th i ie Norfolk amt Western rai1 ?aul. Thi- pr..j, ? , j, ,Vf. i Inaugurated hy toe Southern rail* , the purpose being to reach the li.-ld- "I > 'iillivvtst Virginia inde lent of other lines The mule is ugh valuable land- ami mineral de s ami will al- i ?? fine Iii Hie (inuit ry. Itlor Ih raid. I have 'Ul p ip. I ap| .'.tis '., i, ? ?oinc owners of faun- Tbe advice Imitable ami th mid !"? bi his subject I ital !? cent ring: sere wera i wo momenta In m ?ail led aw av With CCI Hie lii-l. a ic 'i I ht!d in laud Hu- license t" marr} the -t girl in (?? orgia: tbe sat di d, two w ,ii-,nt, e dei i to 111 <l. My wi;. ii ,n ,,f in,. ly gMUiid mule a citls re i- li i.i.,n country. Hie trees bom a bit h rou gather r uiiiler w boat -1 lu -tillllllei In- v our iBt SS, the growing in Hu- yt i.r the Bowen liloi'iiiing iii ihe ?*t I" te ill Ki fe iii en Oi fol th. lui lie H. for V i "f hu] ri tu Coll ,V ( ll". havi th it rh. i La ?i Remi chilli nf til Qi Yon ca easily, ntrw 111 thai m lea tx) cured. lrt ant! amaki deo youl flowers, tbe spring from whlcl vmi drink youi spring and ali oi lb crops yours, :in<i I believe you a Ml i? the happier lunn ami the mon UB*fsl Citizen. I have more (han mice ii these C'aWimunicationa urged (arm I m. md l bavs nothing ti lake hack mi that line, hut when ll cai be done mi a largi one ami sui cessfullj dmie I th. very much enjoy thc sight. A hu ile, agu I Ito o in tb'- I'n li .viih Mr. < I md watched with wide aa ike Inten it, four twi plows cutting tim -? d .?ut- thc ripening grain ami (li? va- Inspiring. When men can tbe ol where they can think , - to i.u in mi a ?cale. J ' 'hm ? t i ur farmers cannot afford the luxury, for it i- a luxury. I biogs .in- I.niling mi iii nf mir Illili- jil-t BOW hui 1,0 vv bile D iban "ii 'that of Mr. Ed. Bonduranl Ihe farmer who hasn't nine i" wait fm . l-l "I to og righi ni the umIdle ol Hie TOW, ami With ll hag of ; lu VV t.. 1' bul I have Beal or appetite. Nol many ? nts wit" consun table ami tl. isn't Im-k hm labor Hut vv li The wheat .rn thi- place i- making a ? Uh that ol .Mr. Horace Richardson, ami I am i a bleb w iii wilt. ? growth nf clover, and an abundance nf lasl se corn. Mi i bjeel nf I: ha- unbout I I am the combination bas been mucb improved mi. One Hiing on ami thal ls that the macbiues do no thinking, and that with.... bl on th farming is a dismal failure. 'I bis doe- nol ms tn that we aw to or eve- to and live in ila- pa-; ralbi i than In Hu- po -cut Mr. Bonduranl I I ham) mi ii taioly means 1901 ami nol I Mr. Thc. ('ariel cultivates tl Waiker farm neal Darlington Ii ami vv lu n 1 visited lum during I days ol nf making anything, hm in- brought la-t vv. ug in -ii'-h j i With a ll m. telling how ni tn ii ninney he vv ni ? vv Uh him next lime. I would i arith him if be could make a million making tobacco, hut the g.I I."id koon - i '?-' and ? don't .'ci rich thal it lons, however, nf which tbe vorld kdows nothing. I bi I J wish some me would tell me why it I that the bott.un lands mi Ci,-I. rb I le tin -<? on Buffalo are aband remember a*ben a boy going to tba lard Times farm, thin thi- property nf nf ymir town, nd managed bv a Mr. Carter, wben im. wheat, nat- and tobacco ah .muled bile thc Watermelon patch wa- the "I ll" I ill then-, bul ditcbing ha- been Cted ami grui.hine a lost alt, 11 lit being that those er.ips ar.- im i be land must i r hy reason "f rc-t ami oller an invit I for an Investmt nt hacked by ind, muscle ami money lt Isa mistake to imagine that mir inni- an- v> iiiuiit a joh ni; rainy i tv?.n nf them profitably tl}' on just such ic nf them v Wood, <1 ile- other delivering a load of wood which : a "lound dollar." not a I "st tlay to either nf ?iii. The "old man" who fail- to ni-h an abundant supply nf dry I t" won Vet t" li I B .um nu | Whu "dispi-c- (I,,. all tilings" will always , md. ( l\ I in; (,,,. I 1,'t-melli for INicilin.ilMil. , ,11 who u-c Chamberlain'! Cain Calm rheum rlth the :n pain which it I 'iii- Mr. D N "Son '? lin:- ; rbeumstistn rind ihouldl r. I Hied Don .die- bl imended by 'o., di': mberlaln - I'dn Balm. Tiny ? .iv Ihul I bought a hot ; ?ni nded this liniment to y ol' my fr't ads, who agree ? ith roe lt is tl mi dy for ur. iimtti-ui in Hie inn kel ' i >&&? ' ' :? xative Bromo-Quinine Tablet, erocdy tba* eurea is mid In ??n? rt>jr Testimonial Fruin Old Filmland. i dy the beal In ibe world for Mr. v! rv. ol Ington s life, she baring heei e Him Il Hld lo health ami 1 v this ON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE YourLifeawayl n bc ctirc-t of iitv form ol , us,mr ir. m.-igt-.rtii ' HO-TO-BAC, akea weak t linds tn ten dava. Orel BOO,OOO All dr: ' FREE. Address STERLING JV CU., Chicago or New York. 437 ham, John will i A Fair Papers One Year ONLY $1 25. They ara mik PARAVILLE HER AI.h. nil. RICHMOND WEEKLY TIMES, THE PARAGON MONTH LY, New York; THE FARM JOUR* .nm,. Philadelphia. The faily and Sunday Times, lnclatllns TDK PA RM VILLI HI Al.h, lill-. PARAGON MOM I Hil, i ill, KARO JOURNAL, will lie - LU ONLY $3.25 in the Dally - inscription i Addi THE FARMVILLE HERALD, I I RM VILLE, \ A. Du You Wash tlit-ii use Fine Art Soap. WE SELL IT ANO A LARGE VARIETY OF Armour's Best Varieties. ('.nut' ami aaa oar itocb. CRIDLIN BROS., I\-irm\ illi', V.'i. Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "lomelhing just as good." LOOK AT < >ni .Ww Linc NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. Prettied and most Stylish ever shown in Farmville. W. i. Richardson. i. avail, Robertson^ Co. Corner Main a; Va. iramission Merchants and DEALERS IN ni ira rr, I ut tl ir if. Agricultural Implement*,. ?. 'i!iiis. Surrey*, limul (arts ami limul WdgOH*. t-iiT- for STUDEBAKER WAGONS DTHECELERRAT1 BaAJBCOCK BUGGIES, g tm HAPPV Tum lu i Si? de ea?it-t rider known. rr makes ofeatabliahed reputation i i Cc Dry FAF I k nit: i nt. IT COURT ol M.- < oont* of Ba on Un . Mm-.-h. UBI: i Hu- benefit contrll : alntirr, K, Wallon, .te (if Virgin lilt.-' 'll lilt. I' rm ville P. V. r"l;l'.Ks. i lerk. H inch . Sh Pai rn The Union Central Life Insurance Co., OF CINCINNATI, OHIO, nit ra Illili s|||..,||, | lll-i * VERNON D. VENABLE, Special Agent, _r'ARMVHxn fa. THE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT OF The First National Bank OF FARMVILLE, Affords . ,? sinus iuhI a Im linve not ll 1 the Industrious aud ch j art ot Hu e tosnaj? President, Vii e-President, i ubi** v. 15. Dai i" B ?'' '? A. (i. Cling* Lbj Basiaess i-it-is <f to bs WU Kini'i Pronpt aad C'arrlal Uti-nii,,,., C. M. Walker & Sons, Commission Merchants ~^" And Dealers in ^ -^ Hardware, Flour, Hay, i Just received 2 Cars Grain and Mill Feed. Choice Seed Oats. Examine <>nr Cloy ??) and other field seeds. We have a large stock and w ill! be pleased to Hindi von prices, Ask to see our complete line <?f W "> Harness, A-c Agents for < Iber's and List O BOX 274' W. P. VENABLE Sc CO., INSURANCE. OFFICE PLANTERS BANK telephone!*. iinliicts a (.ciiti'iil Insurance I.tiih, Itt prcst nlini' thc FtillowiBf I 'iiii|ianlfa: BOO III ATLANTIC Ll COMPANY. sn Us vi.rm MOXS I Xl "i N ^ . l'lll'l ? ' r i n pu ii. v. v v. V v. : Va.BtatbIwsoBAacaCo. I mu. Pilli.Al'i.I.I'll! V I ' > I lll.A. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO INSURANCE ON OWELUNPS IN TOWN ANO COUNTRY. LY DRAWS CONTRACT*1. ABM H..'IK BKCI KITV. , B, L, Mra, E, L MORRIS. Pres't, If. Pres't. Sec, & Treas, Farmville Commerciia Co., (Iooorpora )mmission Merchants AND BIS Agricultural Implsmt'ots, I lard wara, < .n Sonni I'.cnti Ploara, VAGONS, BUGGIES, FERTIL? IZERS, ftc. IMVILLE, - - VIRGINIA.' Opposite X. ,v. \v. Depot. IAMS, SIDES, HOULDERS, JOWLS s M N -o- M ia RED BY m g Ir, H. E Richardson. roil BALE BY alert, Son & Co. r wietuing nice. Try some. F'1 M n <: New Spring AND Summer Goods yow READY W listed I' ? SbSAaBa. . itiful Line of Win Dotted and Klgured H d anil t 'orded i' l.'lres, in Beautiful I W - Pretty anil Btylisb Belts kui Our Cents' Fur ishing De? partment IH MOW COMPLETE Also | rloorOII I'lntii, Linoliums, Umttmwi J. B. WALL $900 xxxzzzzxzzzzzzxzzzzzxzxxv M H H _(.'hr: H ir vs tn,um to look an I K M M M A H. M SHERM ? * ? M M M xxxxxxxtxxxxxxzxxzxxxxi> I AVE YOUK PRIN i INO DOVt M ? MK HERALD JOB < * IK, FARMVILLE.