OCR Interpretation

The Farmville herald. [volume] (Farmville, Va.) 1890-1934, April 26, 1901, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94059373/1901-04-26/ed-1/seq-1/

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vol- XI. FARMVILLE. VA.. FRIDAY, APRIL 26, L90I. W. 30.
ie un.I
? s
and .1.
.. , ... .
I Edward County Directory.
I.. lni|>uy,
i|<i R. M. 3IDGOOD,
< i; cilAl'I'l'KK
ourthouse, Va.
i 11 LAW.
uri of
A. 0 Ki R. H. WAT*
: -I v I I.I.I-;. V.\.
' ward, Ciiiii
(; S WING,
Bay, Prince Edward County, Ya.
('t H BLISS,
, VA. >
White & co.,
Medicines and
Druggists' Sundris
C. H. BLISS, Proprietor.
Fine Whiskies.
CABINET, 10 Ul/.
Pure Corn Whiskey.
.- ; Cigare.
Pabsts Co ii Beer on Draught.
. .ttended t?-.
Full Measures, j
Short Ones.
i . i arm\ ille
Killi \l.l -
.*?. !'
MAIN -M,i; w
- nf
^\ ,j of I'liii.'f
ntl will I..- Kimi I .
? i-. "'
fully, si
C. H. BLISS. '*
For wile by
C M. Walker & to,
Pure Ground Raw Bone Meal,
Liste 's Ol; Reliable Tabacco Fertilizer.
I nil uml Vt I s.
? on,
and dealai m
impairing and Upholati
a i-i the i ?
Wall Paper, Window Shad*
and Organs, Behool F irniturc
Tile Portraits ol our Presidents
With Biographical Sketches
General Charles II. Grosvenor,
Member of Congress for nearly 20 years.
-? (1. V
?L.' Iii,ilk: 1 ?
i,irv. st. bt
nil territory
A Illili:.
ni ur vt,.niau til i
nigh) In lill '?
VV'aiii.'..! Slat.' Mai.a-,', r to Itinkitli
r. spont
'? M
>< M
8 M
?4 M
:| ski: hs:: [|
?4 M
t tri
SEEDS!!! m
? M
i m
4 M
i i*
4 M
[he Light of the World
Our Saviour in Art
i anti ll ls Mt
?turi- r-n beautiful ll
-. lillian i-itii
tii.-k for lt
,: i> Hinl World
Wood land near Farmville ls getting
i ht- sn item. V
n sale I'all and sea us.
ini Fikuvim i Farm A
For $8,500
We inn sell one of ibe most
Un- county, of more than
coe! len I buildings, Ac, inr m
1 M \i.| Ni V
Mt I ni n> ni.
.Ml communications of a private na
ire nol of public Interest, obltuai
in-. BMSDoiials, tribu
. -t and resolutions "f organise
rms or corporations arlll i?- ebal
? at tin' rata of Bra cent* per line a
lu-!! iiulilislii'tiiii tba Hi BAU). Plas. '
veiy Bodevlatloo n?>r axception will i
) made.
Ta.tloisl lllnn.|, r.
'liss- all .vi
Im tn turn dows
Ste Inri. \.l i,ii, t-t
Things might l,;tv. ? rt ni
tvith : riflar
?? nips
? illy.
"Yes; I might have been a trusted
' funds
un' I mii'lii bs livin' ;
' if the country."- Puck
Ins c.
is trusting, lov? ls waltina:,
I...-. ? ? :
1 ? int- and love ls hoi
? ?
t lld.
in rn i iii: \itt.t vu % r.
"If I were you, Tomsti B, I v, :
? I'l .it's so, Johnkins: if von Brers me
' ?Ally Sloper.
I li,.ms l.mliis t.lrla.
you anti Fred arr nally tn
: uni] y.iii ..ii; ht lo hn?e
re*-ri tba look on the dtar fellow'* face
when I ucirepted him.
-I'm sorry I didn't see it. What
I ll must have been from tlie
i pulu on his face arhsa I n
! Chicago Dally News.
Inns nldabls? Discretion.
Mamma ?It wa* very wrong of Fred
I'h to smack your fees, and yea
'i dear good bo.v B for
gave bira for his wicket't
Willie?Yee, but it's lucky for him
'^TgatT*a nw. If b?'d been littler,
I'd hare knocked nil thr .-tullin' usit ol
him Jolly quick.?Ally Sloper.
Children ol an Older Qravwth.
Bluffer In the mutter of reading,
Um ind thc boj ui*
Brightly?Not at all. The hoy gets
? uovel for a nickel ai
? bile thr man Im.vs B tiinn
la a dollar and a half edition mid
tulka nbout lt in public. - Town Topics.
WkeVS Isnorniiif la Illl*?.
Ned?You vvoiueii will follow any
kind of a style, nn matter how un
becoming it is to you. Now Junt iee
that hat that Miss Pas.se ls wt-ari
Alice?Yes, but sUsfl Pases d
know that that hat is unbecoming to
ur. riunierville Journal.
Pallte ii.-in.-.i.
iaifl Gilfoyls to Bunting aa the curtain
ivt al t.'own at the close of the stcond
"I thank you," rapHi ri Bunting; "but
r touch Intoxicating liquors."?
A Wife Says:
" We have four children. With the first
riree I suffered almott unbearable pains from
2 to 14 hours, and had lo be placed under
iie influence of chloroform. I used three
ottlss of Mother's Fritnd before our last
hild came, which
i a strong, fat and
calihy boy, doing
iv housework up
> within two hours
f hr'h, and suf
:red but a few hard
ii ns. This lini
lcnt is the grand
it remedy ever
ill do for every woman what it did for the
[innesota mother who writes the above let
r. Not to use it during pregnancy is a
istake to be paid for in pain and suffering.
FntnJ equips the patient with a
rong body and clear intellect, which in
rn are imparted to th*, child. It relaxes
e muscles and allows them to expand. It
licves morning sickness and nervousness,
puts all the organs concerned in perfect
ndition for the final hour, so that the actual
bor is short and practically painless. Dan
r of riiing or hard breasts is altogether
'oided, and recovery is merely a matter of
few days.
Iruguists sell .Mother's Irlsnd i'.r *l a bottlr.
ic Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Saud fer our lr*, lllustrattd bosvk.
Dr. Talmage Speaks Comforting
Words for the Right-ous.
Dlsotmrsr ft.r Thisse Whim,. Lives
lia..- Maai ansi, -ii.-.? Ml |, \\ ,l|
lor th* ll.ll.i.-r ? Trust
I Ihirnuttlil. In I.ml.
(Cepyrtsht Sf. V.)
Washlnsten, Ft ti. 3.
ra ls a gras
courso of Dr. Talmags for I
lives have many si
Isaiah 1:10: "I
?ous that it shall ba well
Here is a pro. who
ere all right, but who will cine and
get it? Bow many, or, i .
fats-, people do v ?
right? If l(
bly that thi
rise up, none would risc ev ?
eiles and rcllgi tn ac?
cident happened I tl
that stalled thr human i
ivrong way, ar.il ?
lt. We know a great mai.
men find splendid vi
Will tell yon that thi
ways done the right thing I
the rifjht thought. If it wsrs any of
your business, they could give you an
inventory of frailties snd mistakes snd
infelicities that would be a
Here, then, you say, is a B
Ise that got* a-bt
the righteous that it shall be well
'with him."
It is my delightful work to-day to
?how you lhat ail thi I ugh
ters of Adam and Five mat appropri?
ate the benediction of n
they will first tlo the right thing I
bees in the next street "
who in great misfortune I"-! nil he
hail and was positive!] . bul
a letter cornea from some ;
city where the land records are kept
snnouncing to him that a grt Bl fur
tune is his. Now he is as
he was pauperized. Be doff
snd puts on respectable attire
novas into a home nppropr
man of vast estate. His wt
cumstancra were all wrong- last v
they art all right this year. On the '
next street is a man who waa from '
perfect health prostrated, and he
teemed to be sick tinto dentil, but a
skillful physician tonk correct ding- '
nosi? of his disease anti by pr
? nd vigorous treatment restored him '
to his former vigor. As to his health
lie was nil wrong before; now he is
all rir/ht. Ia these two ways I illus
trate my theme.
Bj sin we have all been morally
bankrupted. Christ the Lord from
His Infinite riches pats our debts and
emparadi*es us In His mercy. From '
His richest wardrobe Ht puts on ns
thc clean robe of His righteousness
? nd gives us a palace In th.
when we are ready to g<< up snd take
ft. Now, at to our spiritual estate, we
? re all right. We wera morn liv di*
? I, but Christ the physician, ly
S bath in the fountain of graee, cures
us. Now, as to our spiritual health,
we are all right. That i*? the .ray we
rome to the righteousness spoken of
In the text. It is a contributed ri ir ht
roiisnesa, a made-over righteo;
nn Imputed r\i'> The mo?
ment yon1 ge-t Into right relst
rhrist the I.'Ttl that moment you can
i|i|ireointt the magnificent comfnrt nf
Ih.- text, nrn! I def] JOB, in rill this
zrent book, from the first verse of
Ihe first chapter of Genet the
Inst rares of the Inst chapter of '
?i. to find me ? passage with
"lighter and deeper nnd broader ant!
onger comfort than fhttt of the text,
s'hioh ls as deep as the Atlantic
? alf way between the continents and
llgh n* the sun when the clock ls
triklru- "ti. flu! I ?
wamped with the o< . - of
his subject unless th' me
o keep a foothold. "S .-.
?ous that it shall be well with him."
Bear in mind that bul fl
?sn stand worldlv success. Water Is
?liing, bul tm. much of it will p
Irown. Fire l? a gnni] thiner, bnl too
mich of lt w,
i good thine*, but loo m*ich of it
les and blinds. Success is a g
hint*, but foo much of lt has over
rhelmed many for this vvor!
iSXt. If i' were beal fur ns. we would
ll be millionaires, live in pal
rnbra and be as it
rsctive ss Cleopetl d to An- ,
ony. Rut mott of fo'ks .
ndure such superabundance, and it
eep them rirht that nine hundred
nd ninety-nine men out of one thou
nnd should find life s. ft
eeps them out of mi - . ? %ft
clam was ejected from the ?
?here by ten minutes of employment
day he onuM k'-' nd ,
res* it the best thin? that could hap
en to him was compulsion to work _.
nd fight. The ground thal bloomed
?1th spontaneous !'
rith harvests that owed nothing to
low or hoe became hostile, arni bram
le was substituted for i
anther growled when he
iwned, ant! horn nnd fantr and hoof
teams belligerent
lent sh- nothing .
juld that ld]
tes of employment ? d m ,.'
nd overthrow, Pul it down am
our blessings In-' '
irt lines ird ,.'
ith bi or foot or all I
r them.
How maur men do you know worth
who are devout ni
?nttd and humble an'
nploylng their meena fbr the world's
You COnld
if your two ha:
-en If 1 war you h.
ho of your lingera. As .
i the realm of personal al?
isa, how many women radiaal f
nintenance and graceful of form
ju kiujvv who ai. neall ?
urn! r?f minner ard
ir the
Of BSl
the risk o!
>t ful
i the
Slitter int.
and the harmful Inti
se that il shad be well with
: are to be
rom troub
from thal H -
if them it
kit from t it ba.
- >l inherit
also it lin . - The
' one man can
'? dol?
lar. On larger or er le all
I ' the rapid*
the revolul * >- wheel of
? tl and interr,
OB as
,r night.
tstion and stan
lie aetive 'Ives,
tlur .1
abore board, may come n
) term
lustrations of tl
? I
tia; evft!,nee. Innocent ms
or Imprisoned or electrocuted 1"'
of an unfortunate .
events. What is true in courtrooms
is true in
or political or official life. You
I stood and
"ed. Then how cnn my
tex! he true? My explanation is this:
divine grace in
his heart finds in these troubles irri
lef and n.
i ipair, ti Kristi.in man lintis in
ihem submission and enlarged views
Bntl divine support ant! rei
tlon. Beresvement to the worldling
brings hard thoughts of God snd a re?
sistance so violent it dares not '
tself, Beresvement brings to
Ihe Christian the thought of heavenly
a b ... implett In v lng
hold of Cod. and ? more tender Bp]
nation of the divine presence, snd
.leeper gratitude that ws wen- per?
le have the depsrted one so
sag, and a more pethj for
he sorrows of others b evi
lence of God's love, for "whom the
reta he ehasteneth."
. : oss. which I jus't now said
s sure to come, never breaks up a
nun who has strong faith in God. In
ats lt Is a loss of surplus or it .
?lanlshment of luxuries. V
if the wants of the prosperous classes
ire artificial wants. The late Mr. Ar
nour of the $60,000,000 I *?d
o ons of his clerks on ordinary salary
nd said: "That man has a better ap
?Nan I. sleeps better nights and
life more than I do." Oh. the
G miseries of those who 1
OO much! A man in Solomon's time
led as philosophic and reason*
Brisk as any man of those times
r rimes. Hi? name was Agur,
nd he offered a pi 'ie might ,
ever have a superabundance or a
elicit, crying out: "Give me neither
nor riches." On ihe one side T
B had seen the awful struggle of the ?
nor to get fl
er and to educate their childri n. and
n the other ebie he had Min the
outy foot ?nd the indigestion, snd
lia insomnia, nnd tbe anxiety about
irge lr.- and tbe thn
iresls often characteristic of th
. il up ant! loaded down
I is, the most of ft.
no Mu?
ir's .
? dining room, nor a j
f $2.ne?
ut they have something whit
?. anti, their
g limited ?'? | 'io not
lifer from midnigl and are ?
lionized by rare caterers. Tl
mr In which others ar. their
? ; JOSI as
? - plain graveyard as thi
ii an arch of scalp* j
? ? ey do not let B
lough alone. They are in one occu*
? ? nation anti find
if not more.
ie In one place I
?environments and move
? which has just as
ni tat ions. Their investments
e.ii them four per cent and I
it to Bts that
l cent, and lose nil. I- I
g about
and the WO
?, of us fully reali/e the fact ?
| gives us three 1 him
?Upply, Blt formula
? r that I ? ?
Water '"
for able*
r slaking of thirst, some w
lery, I BS for fountains and
ter is until last
Pe* Wl
th tl ' ,f nature
>m childhood, having been horn ob cr.
e banks of the beautiful Haritan and
a barefooted boy dabbled in ths i?
ook mar my father's bouse. But I *
never ren"/"i1 maser WBBl
water could do in piav, or in strange
caprice, or beau ti fica tl on, or
climbing the ladder of the light, or
?. skillful v
to toss it, or whirl it, ll into
rna, or hoist it into columns, or
?pring it Into archi ll inro
j stars, or turn it into crescents, or build
it into teic; ? s , i forget yon ever
?ii? less glorious waters ar Cha te?
a stand in the ball I nv of tl
ace overlooking the Finland gulf, be?
wildered ant! iran.ported as you look
at the one display railed thi t,ol.len
Stairway fouataia. ihe warn
down over 24 steps one foot high and
IO feet ? ;is are
covered vv
gold! What sglee
which tin nt Im]
aaa oi
. -ct that th' ,.
I and
.'ns nm! Amazons, I;
nnd Ii rae, and so
tinnt that tht? eurth c. .
its uce.iiis .
.itu!.cans and Atlantics and Fa?
llow rich ike earth is with
Best bart?:
fyr after the richest banquet with the
richest bewragts ew
least a sip of it water, c.
God desecndi d n
Willi still more abundance is the atr
distributed. An earth full of it. .\
full o: it and stn I
cannot fly so high as not to have
rhe nostril or seder the wing,
what affluence of sunlight I Noone but
the infinite God i -?e so much
of it. The golden candlestick set on
th-* blue mantel of the heavens'
great that the Almighty is compared to
it. thc paalmlat crying ont: "Thc Lord
I a sun." lt is high time that we
recognize in our liturgies and In our
formulas of prayer the three
Bites!ogs of the universe
which come to all.
Borne scientists art BOW d IraueelBg
the opening of communication be?
tween our earth and the planet Mars.
EaperimeaU ure being made, but they
will not lueeeed, We cannot build a
fire large enough te attract the at?
tention of that world or lift a lent
powerful enough to see any response
Interstellar. w\< do not po*,
know that that world !s occupied by
living beings, or that if it is occupied
communication with them would be '
desirable. It might not be so good a
world as this, and thus communica?
tion with it would be debasing. Rut <
I rejoice to know that Beaven is in ;
touoh with Other worlds, for their i
mprovement and a rit'i>ot for glorious
irrivals. It is a thoroughfare bet ween
his world and that world and a com- '
ng and going perpetual. Going out of ?'
his world is as natural as coming in
o it, but the one is with pang and
he other is with rapture if we are n
Itted for the uplifting process. It j
ihnll be well wirh you. Now, do not
ret ?o frightened about that asthma
>r that cough or that influenza or
hat threatened pm urnr-iiia. The
voi *t thing that fatal disease can
lo is to usher you Info coronation anti
nthronement. It shall bc well with
on. Take ss Bleed ears of your health
s you can, havu all the sanitary laws.
isep In this world as long as
rt permitted to stay and then when
he heavenly cnll comes lu- glad tr
do not cart much about what vour
last words" are going to be. People
ult too much emphasis nn '"
i-ords." I vvoiii! rather know what .,
our word' are now. In days of health i
nd with mental faculties In fall i
a of kindness, your St
f 'sympathy, your w... fal* ?
'. I ve '
hat if you do nol
lay of
o doubt here about the
estination. You wiil
.intly, prophet!". ?
ol:c, cherubic, seraphic, archangelic.
eific presence.
I be well with yon. M
ou will go right up into the
ion of thc babe thal
t of I ir-ms. a
irrovv th lings
fren say she would now be I ?
ears obi if she !
o into the pren net of the I
ir I hope you Bl
F-stry. si " ll find tba
ave no dimness of sigh! or
sit that requires a stuff, for tl
? n a drnught from-the foun- rn
lin of perpetual youth that springs I'
-om limier the throne Oh, ll
ie bli* I lionship o''
i wh ch you shall enter! It shall
ell with you. I ring this bell
.ifion and triumph. I like I
av the sexton rings the bell of the . (
tl country meeting house. I
and and admire him polling the
>pe of that bell. He rings lt a g<
hile. so that every farmhouse wi?
le miles hears it. He may hnlt a . ,
oment to take breath and give I
reel sounds time t.? stir op a!! I
?hoes of the hills. Ant! when h. *
d and not strong enough to pull
>pe anv more, then he sits and Ha?
de hi* BM rings the chm
s bell of in- pi
talion and victory. I began to ring ri
in the opening ol ir5e. I bl
av '!"
? till those
r and a!l
.vu their burdens at
mr* un
nrld can neither give nor Isl
I il A
It shall bs weill It shall be sp
Sol li. |.m.Inl.le.
(a> ,p
' when tht BU
Il<- .vt pt Ilia I, g.
- Its rears b n .1 ff, Sullivan ,,f
Hsrtford, Conn . si rut ind his les, win,
i-'mun ilion amt blood
nina --,'1 In. For lam reen he raf
iii. ll lite 'lust ,),,, lon
Halton, "but," In- wm, - I
"in- botilc ol Electric Hill. ?
Btu M. ii - A
and ii . .iiml aud wei ... vi i '
Foi I
Itheui ,.| all bl.uni dil
ic Bitters ;
them \\ hil. a. Co i: .1 t
ind rooney un.
Win ll We Spf! 'I I" Ila- devil's |nms,.,
woman takes tbi lead iv a ;,, BBsmd
I 'ihe.
B ??? M', \ 1.
. ?.. . : i. tin.i
i i tim
- mos!
'I-li* lim tiny
.lull ( t.lllilii'l Bille S|t....| il
ii ?! hui Itching Piles i b
ll -.
i nth. ll bas t un il Ih r In
i Eruptions ii i lac
rid. Price I
Sold i.y w bile
There en people a/bo ara aim. sim
love*, almost famous and aJasuat happy.
Da Krudener.
lue Best BIihmI 1'iirilirr.
The blood ls coeetaatly being purified
by the lungs liver and kldaeyi Keep
iiii lu ll th) t on inion ami
Hie bowell regulsi and you Will have no
? oil puriDer. For his pur.
I us) i. nd to Chamber
LlVet I t! ? ls, one
; Un in will do you inoie aeod than
l d i,lill hollie ot the li, s( blood partner.
I'm '? - implt - free ni Amit r
.,'ii Drug < " - . Shoii, i i Darlington
lleighla, di nj s!,,t,.
1 lu-1 wo pieaaanti st days of., tram ia
re b il BJ BtHJ Hie (lay nf
i i linn lal. : I ippnn t\.
\ ii.i.'i!,.. BtarlBg limul
tplt line which
Lisbon, Ia . hud I
9 i auls! twp in icy n Ber,"
ic wini -. "gave un- a terrible cold sad
dally. Fin.div
? ?, - in ? lakland, neb . Skius
uv ami omaha said I had Consumption
od not live, Thea I began uetBg
>r. King > Niw Discovery aad was
v holly i tired by -ix bottl I Ive.*
na.ann ed foi I '? ii li- ('"Ids and all
iiroai and Lune i oubles \N bite si I
; .1 Caril r, "i Pi -
i .?' . raj thal i.a nf bia
v unankind hould furn - Ima*
I. ll ll! ll'lll I
Hialm** Cannot li t ,.r. tl
sst |s
r ii,.- nu,i"ii- iii.ms' ..I tba
eu lt ta
la ile- result,
;-i Bh
. da*
; i. ii
MHHMi !!'?.
I ?
ti nd
? thal
. thai j lim, r myself.
; ? ? improvs
- Icej
Dr ug (
The London I - tb. n mu-;
i in thal cn
im cannot ail ' -utii' ifii'iy
1L,|, ,,.,,? ot *it11> bouses,
irsa li.: lYwblea. nial 'in.it*
mint Free.
Cancer, m.-fr, "iii bo*
HUp? unit rial Uga "li tin- -kn . i IBS'
,,,, catarrh, itching -kui
. I ail bitHMl or
l? imubles, blood poisou, i
?titively cured by laking! one to ala
- i; i; c. Il
loud Balm !" I" ''"'- *,|,-,i"-'?,e
eld U> B. B. B , which
I ? .., - igl Ij tested
Makes tbe Mood pure
jj ?- -i in.
eui fr.e by wi Blood Balm < o ,
. frosfl
\u tppoatattei Blrer Hm,
in \||. rnattox
, . ,.,,,,,. ... ?? ,. - Of trott.Hil lill,lt*.
a ail told, 2 iiiib'~ of Farm vu li
kelling vvi.i.-ii tra eau sail at kum
un B.
I- u a. ii i i ?' U<N| AOB? ?.

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