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FARMVILLE HERALD. vv INDEPJ4WDKNTNBW8PAPKII Ftltl.lSIIKK KVKKV FKIDAY. j i, Hart,.Bdltoraod Piopriotoi RaTl BlfTIOM! ?py, one yetar.el*'* I .lillis. s* " three months.???? ??? ? ,- ih.- post..nice ni s-armvllleas inejri iou A oe linc IlKiiAi.u. harm vn lc Va, K u Bay, I- autliorlzed to selpl for iel milail I ? r. [DAY, \l*i;il. 28, IM1. HON. .INO. E. MASSE1 DEAD. - well koowa Virginian d rm- in Charlottesville, on Wad* , ? lng, al 6:1-. nflnck, in tbe after a brief jual won i tory in in-' untj over peal odde, tm<l bad be lived would bavs bean an influ? ential member of tbe Oonatitutlonal otion. He caught cold s| mit doors in tbe ruin, so that .'?? with ' - ? and al bia I amusement. lit- will live in history as one ol the men on tba -tump Virginia bas ? ed, "A VODER.. Bl M(M BAT." rienatoi McLaurin, <>f South Caroli* i*l i vt i ssl an ailtlrt'.-s before the Club nf Clrulotte, N. C., recently which ha- been elicit* ; comment, ona of our sugee being led by it to christen .lum "A kl aaocrat." If it was bm well delivered as ll was written it id,tutti to the [- > sears nf tbe evening, but that lt was tin- pro* fa Democrat whose leadership -'nth would be wise to follow, we ire. The mere CsCl that . if ii, "lt -tamps lum BS B leader in the new Smith, representing tbe true interests of the people of that ?ii, pointing oat the only course that will lead them to proaperity and deyelopmeot," makes us sna? ils of its Denaocratic flavor. "Fear tbeGieeka bearing gifts" i- a maxim of pr unil when Mark be ? i pul tlie stamp of his approval . we begin to fear ad ul ten tlon. i when ihe "Modern Des makes bold to question tba Denroracy ol s-utii v. I lank I, Morgan, Vest, lill ? 'nile, anti that of ti ea- co-workers ba i? ? omes oflenaively uni al once "too big for bia breech lt isa gloss nba] upon the Democra? cy ni such mea lo charge that it breathe* ipirit ni Bectionaliam, nr ?:. aa of a dead If to become a "world powarM We must rob weaker nat it ms it were better to remain tba jiriaiit. When wa can not feed our own pea* m oar own fields it may ba wise an In other-; when oar highways ve may with propriety KO tn those of others, ami wheo we t And profltavble work for our g men at home we may be forced tn ci ve them swords fnr plow - uie nf tbe.-e conditions can i?* Haul a- yal tn exist ami mir racital du? ty i- tocoutinue tn sweep in" front nf i -ni until we can witta nf propriety polo! tn clean side? walks ami sightly -I i. iiu Senator no dnubt inade s a biota waa thoroughly ?I by the banquette!*, but >v bi n in sparkle ami tn stitts* - nf rhetoric lugan tn md with tn,- fairne-s ami Dotblng nf value it fl Ul ll. FH.IIT. li would be Interesting and of value iiave tbeopil ion- of \ ? I 1 porta from tbe counties ito that their friends are aa an chalrmai itreauoualy liable ticsupp.,-,., too, that they are try inn to n i d i- to tbe Convention, and when t pec ted to reflect tl. - of tbe authors of their mem lp. Jt v wt ii, theo, that those should tell tilt i I. liie two are loyal V anea aiul nf - ? it is not matter of bo occupies in Exe* u tiv- Virginia's future 1 up in tlie outcome of Hie tutionai Convention. man-, no doubt, are already familiar with their views, but all \'n ntitlcil to them. (.(Mil) VIM ll I. k capitalist* . fling in tba texas field with a of investment and tonk witta i lawyer to make t \ iiuiriatitui nvr mi Hers the follow lo ali Smitherii [*8gls couuectlou: "South* ern i s should uol yield every ? some uiplam oi' their anti-dust . nat ted to .iliumnt of corpora? tions Ca| \y intimal, they will withhold their investment he Solidi ls hostile to tm t*, hut when this hostility sakeatheehane of only such laws a- are essential to tbe Sm di ? Lair's breadth from inaed. The paramount deration; after that Hie interest* of the o up Thti .-. -sent that ol ;l Ot',1 has ba We wi Carne* Bull mute ii chiltlrc affllctli Vmi i Jim. B, ville pi hy both luake tl ?lilt COMBIV .NOV" The Bedford limier,,' ha- Hu uk tn say 00 thi- subject which i worth repeating: "The Unseemly scramble f'r th Democratic nomination for Governn does not commend Itself to the bette judgmeul ol' Intelligent voter- B i the fact thal senator- and Congress mell are endeavoring lo exercise uodu Influence in favor ora particular can dide te la -till mora obji ctionable. A private ci tixenfl they hive ? righi b choos,. between the a-pi I ant-, bUl tilt combination that baa I.a effects* looks very much like au olflce-bolder'i ring that should be rebuked by tin people when tbe time comes to ctiooat delegates to the nominating conven? tion." It is refreshing, too, to know thai tbe great Southwest i- aroused, ru? der tin- leadership of such men a- Hon. .1 a c. Wysnr, of Pulaski. Wt iodulga the hope that the I inc may he bn ken. lilt- penplc can do it. The labor element of Porto Rico bas Blade a piteous a| peal to Pn McKinley for relief. Thc | -talc-, "Oar beautiful slates ure Idle, mir Hands are imt being cultivati i. ni un dosed ami our chan hers of rommeree do absolutely nothing to prevent misery on thi* mice so rich an Island." And all lb rall of oleul tm nulatioii." Code - un would do well to pay undivided i timi to home affairs if be makes bu rh a nu-- of foreign effort. .Martin ami Swanson! What .: fur you! Snp|?>sc?hut, well, ll suppose anyhow that Bwausonshould gel the returns, a bo would be govei nor, Marlin ol Swaosou7 Why Martin, of course, Every vote for Swanson will be a vote for bose Martin. Why.' Be* cause little < Maude Bays be nei ? to reward bia friends, and Martin ls imt only tu- friend, but i- putting np tin- best Ugh I be can make for bis lit* Evidently tbe pw pie are not j ? arith tba Martln*Swanson combine, ami they are big enough to heat it. We agree witta tbe Lynchburg iVeia that im one w h., opposed the holding ufa convention ha- any righi place In thal body, and for the simple thai be could not conscientious? ly contribute to tbe accompllsbmenl of buy object for which the convention eas called. A man who would Join a ?burch for tbe aole purpose of fighting Jd not be a converted man. There ls unrest in the labor world ['he niau iii the mill demands more nills, and the owner say- the mill mist close. This balpe nobody and nirt- everybody, Start a ripple in old etan and it leacbl - Ihe farthest -hore, ml sh,,ek one nnlii-try and all In* ustry feel sit. Would that arbitration mihi take the plate of policy sn hurt ul. Aguinaldo declares for peace, and inmig nther think'- - "The country has declared iintnis ikably in favor of peace. Bo he it here lia- been enough blood, eOOUgh ars, enoOgb desolation. The wish for race cannot ba Ignored by tbe men ill in arms if they are animated by a ?sire tn serve mir noble people. We wish people would stop talking imita panic. Such calamity baa been Iked into being. There ls said to bs oneyenougb now, and whyahouid ere bea panic with the same ammmt money iii the land'.' Of COUIM it ny he locked up, ami the man w lin ?ks it np deserves to !?? put In tbe rofe np." Ihe Kichmoiid A, aa i- controlled by B DOB! iii'lepei dent body "f edit us leath tl?s- Stan The William- BJ i - ?ate i- a- t \| nat ti to ihe points of ?ir pens as is "village j, in iu,h-, i ' 'If. No matter whose bead appears nay he hit. lt i- refreshing to know it combloea are aol ali powerful, Imi. John Gooda will bs in tbe ct n* ition. He love- Virginia bul does iM B Virginia'- (ionatitUtiou SD I Underwood. We feel better to iw that be will ba "amoi . I looey in Wall -lrect ls quoted a! to three per cent. Lei thal condl* . tbe country over, anti tb d will have a genuine pro-; nb*locked In that narrow world know- bul little nf, Iving every promise "f being ii..iii start to lim-ii. Buiiin ? .val Richmond th ? Ito Paran Uki Pair. We a 111 Carnival ami will expect . id mir Fair. I" rsburg Index-Appeal ; ll it "rabbit" ami not "rarebit," upon it thal a mau may and sleep ali tbe -ame night nell as we rt -peet the opinion nf Ider brother we are ii .I gi od people of Charlotte wera I on to pa-s u|. ihe qualiflca ofaNewJersey professor for to growing, he would be buried an avalanche of ballots. an-.i- pi p..-ts t,, !iix |?.r topers ear, I bis strikes us as rather nue maker, ami it can hardly he BtitUalooal, ami certainly nol In ?t witii any of the amendim-n's itt.r Depea la reported aa raying ti man Cruesus u.i- ,,ni_. worth '1 .Vf! Im BgeS the World an raying, "aa rich a- Croesus." Il snake tbe refrain, "as neb u lie." monti's ready response to tba ippeal of widow ami fal bullies ii baa been simply Bsagmifleaoi ' w id'.w- and orphans in (heir ui is one badajeof trim iel Igloo. ?ani down the nid man. lion. won iii thc Ciiailoiies i nary thmiLCh he w:,s .,(.j? s, (j Senators phi- is enmiirh tn ie old mau laugh. .-ii cai Bu \ vee full 1 in - ft vt Of t ber \rn blgl in S to t ii,ch Mi emin til h po|il lil wi itt Ede Cam 10c, 25< Al K rh P. Mi WI Cathj Gean Nen i alway All td The \|o|?|;, Pori lu fl .. Wat ki i Appi A50THEB '-ll" Ami n im- Ita starting point tbl m Virginia's Auditing departmen win ie a Hu- . d ' lli'ial. Ju held, of chirk county, i- charged will systematic fraud. If ibeacoouiil of lu- methods la correct then while tbi fraud- may have been systematic, th wan! "| sj item in the olfl * i- sim pl J deplorable. i'n u- it i? p Clerk Ul the audi mat lollly i ?ne In lu- own use, ami ic oin tin- vv We know nothing of i bul it itriki - us th u muck like thin woiiiil bankrupt < In the recent prfmarj in R city it look- Uki theil might and blow which will , -nil was m ire than ?? the warne friend- bul i laovei .> I that tin- p din.-I i can stand i" foi ti men t W ben the p might ind will ru "Hil 'em again." r- Foliti* Verdict ilutiff. Amen .' "Tbe I >? mocraU ol ailonl to recognise tba lt >n< I . nf those ol tbe oilier, and turn th ? now pi on the country foi ' Well raid. Let's have Populism, Communism, Silve attacks on the rich, and such ' combine tn answer the ' grei that are noa pressing ontbecouutry for sol ul "Timi - change and men change witta them." Two di i and Mr Mt--.v was considered a "i man, and Senator Daniel the champion of tbe white man. Today Mr VI would take lioui tbe negro th. taxes by the while- to tbe sup] lu--hool- while Senator Daniel would .1 ih. ni I 'i him Another bat? tle royal may be looked fnr. Mt- rs Swanson and M conducting tbe canvass in.-mb man? ner that wt (ear tin sa active Bl greaalve Demorrats will nol be on speaking term-when it is over. This i- all Wrong, ind i- due iii mi a! ) ail. we believe, lo the fact tin- I I storm centre ls located in hotel lobbies rather than mit among the people. When David'- claim- to official posi? tion wt-ie in log consider! d li" vv . scribed a- a good musician, a good sol liar, "prudent in mattera, a comely pei ion and tbe Lord la witta lum" That kind of a man would tr ? ace] ?nt member of Virginia's Com ional Convention. Th" Iii rt i ? it Scientific ' 'omra rravely assert that tia- mosl effi ray for suppressing drunkenness i- "to noourage' tie" driuking" thal . uel tn the Hame to put mil th. '""I- are nol all dead, soma remaining ven in scientific ch Mr. Wu, nf Washington, h i ! a letti! tn hi- felloU len in w hiiii he urL't - !!'? in lo bl v'i -t.-rii,/. d. Bal for the Bl ie recent peel thej migbl listen to im. Too much w-i-t-i bas ri eent . Bvoc with value- m many , ir country. It will gel mad and ck down one of ii,. y in error. ? ut of mucli pital of the tiny ami "McKinley osperitv" i- md mi bur a- ? ult! have us belli nday morning, 1 mot object to n. i inlay edition of the //? r told that fraud- at to be invest ligated too, and 11. 'lowed, now tell ii- th ,[ bul ' M]UitO we would ?r. Nothing !? mai';- bul i" ' How'.' id tn kiiov |], >r W. E. Cameron will he a i of the Constitutional Convention, oug thc prophets m Saul a iii stand i cr. mw fell al Bristol and ? oiithwi s' Virginia on i 'h of from four t" ; irtin im- i cen rebuki ,1 in bl ty. Ia t lot g oil woi i. ' sdrim is unknown In VI IC-. e Richmond bould have cted u- We did imt intend to ? non-rebutter. rateYoor Rowels Tilth fust nreta. ly Cat lian lc, cure constipation f :. If C. C. C. tall, drugsIsts refund money. ,ulina Monday, Miss I awning was married to Mr, I iboud, "f Lynchburg. Get What You Ask For! Q a>k fur Cascarel I Candy mir In- sure you get them, me tablets stamped (.'. C. C. - sold in bulk. A tor is s a cheat and a fraud, llcware! uggists, ioc. new lill :.? county, wis formally opened i ITU ii| Letti d Yon c easily new 1 that i ten j, curr,]. kliMl <xz: N M '< M -4 k4 M M t. hoi SH zz ?I. r.t I ,d. i.,'.> i.lii. ?? ,i I, ? ? - .. ut for turee dwel log bousi - il nf the .f Mr. J. I). is on Pine st y te W. P. Vk.nahlk. TH Cont ?SB i THI WO S4.00 Poi SA h Addr Ai. ? ' Monday to gel W. W. Scott tn witt, draw a- a candidate i"i H"- !'? m nomination for the Constitutional Con ven tlon in ihe Interest of I'. I' Bal Lui without -ic ' The l.e-t Reaiedj for lllieiiiiiali-in. All win. ii n bain for i, ! willi Hu rjulck ? I ll td ;> nc,nu ? I hot / pam. 1 li Ut to milly dil mic Til t T || ' t"ll II, I. Ai tin- join! i - convention . ami comp Hon. J. T. . d ! , n pf -elli .Monal 1 ' . <?<&& Laxative Bromo^Quininc i i eeM tn one day T Dani ill" Monday, in rn i unanimously to Instruct tbeclty dele? gation lo support the lion. Eugene Willi. liam convention ni the city of Danville ;ilu| cuni v of I'tlt-v Iv.-mia in tlc i I .rion. \ Testimonial Proaj old England. "I i ! ed inv ?lyr to Of tile tillie (ililli-. I s i-lin's -li les limonl i ? -. hv thia renie.!*, ll ?moils.' the it a a instltutioi Ing tl.. t of being tbe i tor of the royalty of any country. Thia Jaimie made possible by tbe recent of Prince Kui Wha, second son of tbe Kii . who urned in Salem ?hipping , d New pnrt fews have all tbe men they I li i- saul Mi James McMenamio, be packer ol il left bis formu null? ed The Bal ton Hi urcb, tlcbmond, bas accepted tbe reaigna* on of Dr. i. 8. I more - left for ladies' wall . i rt. At the i 'i election al Baale itv Mom. vs won mit by 22 ai. >ri ty. AGENCY. NOTICE. ? Virginia Military Institute, LEXINGTON. VA ? I i I ? XIVES !?' VIRGINIA ni of the '. IX) VIROINI 5rs, Science, Law, Medicine, Ecgineeriog. ow Peas, w. wot The f amous Forage Crop nnd Soil Improvers. r the-f-find nil ' Sula Beans, . spanish Pea ? Kiclunond, Va. ON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE YourLifeawayl an tar cured of any f , uaiog MO-TO-BAC, omuls ii BOO,OOO Cure (fim: :U\ Cu., L-nc.tKo St N< w York, 437 .zzzzzzzzzzzzxxxxxxxxx*. M rSQOn yKARLi I a** W \J Vs/ ' !, ., si st S.I | - EKMAN, General Manager. I sr ll H xxxxxrxiiizxxxxzxxxzxV IE NEW YORK CLIPPER* laina a Rollable Rooortf of all the Events In the EsTRICflUWORLD ^AND THBC RLD OF SPORTS. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. A YEAR. 8INCLE COPY, lOotS. r Sale by all Nowadealera. * 1PLE COPY FREE. oee NEW YORK CLIPPER. NEW YORK. Dry FAF h Sr Fcur Papers One Yeal ONLY $1 25. They are il IK PARKVILLE HER \I,I?, THE RICHMOND WEEKLY TIMES, THE PARAGON MONTH LY, New York; Tl IK I A KM JOl R* NAL, Philadelphia, The faily and Sunday Times Inclarllns THE FARMVILLE n ;, lill-: PAR tOON MONTHLY, i UK KAUAI JOURNAL, Mill ii.- malled loaaj address in tin ONLY $3.25* This li ni tin- Dall* i ion'-. A-1 l: THE FARMYILLE HERALD, I VI!M\ ii.l.i:. \ A. CANDY CATHARTIC Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never .old In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to tell "something just as good." LOOK AT < >iir New Line NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. ^ Pretties! and mosl Stylist] ever shown in Farmville. W. P. RicliardsoD. Duval!, Robertson (SCo. Corner Main at K.VKMVII.U , V V. !ommi8sion Merchants : 111 < I DEALERS IN la r,lua rr, (tittil ru, Agricultural Implements, afc* Uiggte*, Surrey*, limul Vari* ami Road Wagon*. vgents for STUDEBAKER WAGONS SD THE CELEBRATED BABCOCK BUGGIES, ag on Happy Thoi on t Springs the easieal rill- r known, lier iiiiti-' iliabed rejmi.iti in !, MALLE, B, L, AMOCRSOIf. E, L, Pres't, If, Pres't, Sec, & Treas, Farm ville Commerciia Go,, dmmission Merchants AMi l-l VII.l's |\ da, iltural Impitnniit.-, Hardware, < luca, Sheila, Doutta Bend Plowa, . i BUGGIES, FERTIL? IZERS, &c. IMVILLE, - - VIRGINIA Opposite X A. W Depot. Al! -iii \. P. O ( nilli (AMS, SIDES, HOULDERS, JOWLS I i RED BY fr. H, E Richardson. \!.i: i:v nlett, Sod & Co. 'incllung nice. Try BDSJbB. Tl Is there Anything < r ^?brlcajA. , ...aii.n.r.. f,,r,.;,'^ry U,,'i' HT IN(; LLTAILOUl) SPR1 *?* we ,,ft. ? 'de from ti ev Messrs. H MICHAKI -"?:u.vlV(() "'? hester manufacturers of |,J -? sr ..'''-^'""-^ .'Hi Men's Strictly All-Wool Suits, in 1.1. von I . . Men's Handsome Suits, "Its for willoh $10 ? a>ir? Men's High Class Custom-Tailored and \ ll you vt oulil - .al men $15 UYTHINO THAT'S \\?>l:ill li WIM, for roan and I ll RNISIIINO OOOIW, yon will rind h*? VI.I K KM|{ \ |{ v|,,v VOIJ Ul I ? ii, ,\,. ?ir I I US Yl)| J J. B. WALL C. M, Walker & Sons, Commission Merchants /??-^ And Dealers in , Hay, Grain and Mill Feed. -Ali K.M.- I-ll it Dber's Lister's and Tinsley's -( vi Kl) FOBACCO FERTILIZERS. Ask to see our complete line of Wagons, buggies and Harness. THE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT OF The First National Bank OF FARMVILLE, IS ?msll ? - - ml lij tJHLK. President, Vice-Presidi Cashier, B. I Davidson. ii". II. I. A. '.. Cl a phi* Ami BBsiaess EBlntsled lo u* "Til ;(< et Ire hui: < arrla! Itteetfsa. ... . . w. P. Venable & Co., NSUPANCE. box 274- OFFICE PLANTERS BANK telephoni?? 'ucla ji General laaaraBee ages* >. i; presetting lae Fellowing OsasaaasSBl i il \ti.avi n LIP! in ll .. w r COMPANY. vl.TH. N Y. I'lioi six,,orl \. ?, ? 'ni. v. \. V. ca. Kim cm, I ???. t ,,.. u . v. >i \ . . ? . rn Pb I LA. PttllaADBLPHI v ' i i ni v. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO INSURANCE ON DWELLINGS IN TOWN ANO COUNTRY. B81 H \ : BB. I ?BBKI L.LY l)B ,WN CORI i: \i RL ABS ILI i I. -I < I BITT. ? ..-r ,?-* ie Union Central Life Insurance Co., OF CINCINNATI, OHIO, ?? I VERNON D. VENABLE, Special Agent, PARat. i Las VA