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BALKE'S Live Oak WHISKEY SOFTENED UY AVK, ld Medal at At'anta E>; Is the best and purest Rye Whiskey sciC. in the South. ?*.CO.,fto..i\t?rs, CINCINNATI, U. S. A. matted to our head off,, e v Ul b- , BU ia bosfl SrSf Bearcct SSI I ^utoe, Great Reduction in GlotbiogPrices. We have done avery large hu - in bul our stock i- still heavy, and to i room for a choice line of Spring Clothing, which ls now being math fir !??, we >i 111 for the next tero months sell mir WINTER CLOTHING at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, ?o much so es to induce every man or hoy aranlinga soil noet Ol for next fall, to take advan taga of thia exceptional oppor* tu ni ty. Richardson & Oralle, KVK.VIVIIJ.K. VA. PLANTERS' BANK, FARMVILLE, VA. Prt-iil.-iii rushier Capital, - - 148,426. Surplus, - - 13,425. Undivided Profits, 4,000. Total, - - 190,450. DIRKCIOKS: II. B. BAJUBOW, K. M. KriTt.N, M.A. BTOKSB, C. M. WA I,KKK, I ' Kl ll, T. J. DAVIS, nklns baali I Hated. ? niall prluclpulcltkt Mud Col* ds>. A Health Resort At Home. There ls something very lng ii sOitarlum or ht al Hi resort, where one - cm, BOJooa .ire felloe ?sufferers, and a/here tin con* J imus tn Hie ail mcn'- ? if tithers. .-.el! aa tba remaining, by trying the Compound Investigate and learn wno have been cured, ami what they say of Compound Oxygt ^ . Itt d ai tun Office, or you can use the li ime Treatment at your own home. Consultation (ree. - i I los ? ")k. Dre.STARKEY & F . Pa. TO THE PUBLIC! Mville, Va., Jan 19, 1901. I d . lu re gladly ami truthfully thal W.T. Blanton can help and cure w, ak and fa ? with that i ? "iiltl nol rn nu'e without tearful pain. In Bl I I Dot use tin rn lol .myth og With I wt nt rt. VA'. T. ll mt.m. be fitted my eyes and they ? ctly strong i Your* very tr.. :: . vu. Thr above is <>tt?- of many which I have rel ; he manner in which I I hose suffering with defective vision. It your eyes are gn ;i ?_? j o i trou? ble come and see me. Con riultatiorj will cost you noth VV. T. BLANTON, < rptictfJ Graduate. CHAS. M. WALSH, ?rr cam? MARBLE and GRANITE WORKS, PETRR8RURU, VA. M WI I UTI Kl I Monuments. Headstones, Tablets, Ac. If ah I inf Ke sla I Bj Rei r cc! > 1 I to mu con M N H M M *_* I ene M Iron and , ngs LRDOTBBS I CAPT S.W. PA U LETT, Farm. Brr n nt ?? Agenl for ii iiiiiiiltr ol v, ars, and wl11 lin -.a lind particulars to alt wlio apply. <ZZ JOH A Peettafe Im?i Waa. Mother Why, dear, what's the mst Ur? Da laked ms a he could ki k,-s lin . "Wall, ii j ) "ic* young man, and wi si knee i) very niuch in love arith you." r vs hen he went .ind? anti BB ??ii ,,." lino, boo, hool ?J*. 1 (Veal S. n I ti thllalnat. I ain for . sion. We need all the terri Lunker You' .lens. You thought dir' Bunker?I know, mt I wasn't lng golf then, uiiil didn't realise bow the demand for additions] link- "us bouud to grow. I phla trading a I.lie of l.tixnrs. "Aunt Ann, what ever became of that pretty niece of yours?" "She married ii man In some kind of business in one {it the big out west. He mus! be prospering, I guess, for she writes me she has nothing on earth to do hoi j In a wintlow all dav and comb her loii^r, beautiful hair." < hlcago Trib? une. n-r- re tri hu tl n n. "They hare twins at that house across the street." "I am glad of it." "Why, what di (Tere | make to jon.'" "The man who jives there I- thi same man who tiped to waka nie at five o'clock every Sunday morning last summer with his infernal lawn mower."?Chicago Tribune. Th* narnu In HmI.1I. Cobwlgger?These .liv,,ree papers were serged on inc to day itf my of 9ay, vt oman, what does this mean? Mrs. Coi .? ine. hiv dear. I happened to read ln< i yer'a advertisement that lld ob* tain divorces at redoi ? day only, snd I really couldn't H.?Town Topica The Brute. "Which proves," said the landlady, concluding her discourse, "that there are other ways to kill a dog besides chokimr it with batter." "Yes," the rnsh boarder agreed, "in some cases it might he juM as ef? fective to make the BOOT brute smell the butter."?Leslie's Weekly. lt ena,.ital.le. Mrs. noon I have read an item which declares that insanity can often be cured by music. Mr. Hoon ?The theory is a probable one, I should say. Thu average ama* teur cornetist would throw the ordi? nary lunatic into fits, and almost any physician can cure fits.?Puck. I .ml.Inti Forssnrd. "And he was always so eourteous to the eua-tomera!" sighed the bank man iger. referring to the missing te i- r. "I suppose he always kstpt in mind ?hat som* of them might possibly bs >n th* Jury," dryly responded the pns deut.?(Fuck. Firm Ili-lies er. "T<>n:my, does your father believe in lannsls?" "Yessum! Externally arid internal j?" "How can that be?" "Why, flannel shirts and flannel rakes."?Chicago Daily News. What She Waists. Mrs. Rtrongmird--i he New Woman, ir, does not demand that men shall ise and give her his .eat in a ar. The Professor?No; hut she demands hat he shall rise and give her 1, n congress.?P>rook!v n Life. An le> Hay. A-trlpplrig down the street she sped, Across the Wintry sleet; I found lt hard to keep ni As 'twas to keep my feet. ?Washington Star. MAKING MATTERS WOEtSBB, Ile?Ah! What a beaut! Ihe liri How tlare you! He?Excusve me. ma.hi rn! I referred ly to the dog! Der n,,, ? ,, ;, tr Aa Kxplanallnn. II. I fail to see anything remark* ly bright about Mi*.s Smart le uh. she .\o wonder; she isn't wear* r her diamond*: to-night I cort). IT"?? nn Her. 'Woman ia too prom to jinn}) a! con? sume." Yes, and lately she has been 'limp? et them with a hatchet." i :ord. Ills I mp rea a I on. lin Friend Your son is home fruin \rge. ls he? It must f*ive the mir man a lot nf mental t rainin'? lt . ii' i>e overtrained. Puck. I"i-rciliilr>ns llnmanltv. T.iv Bl yt n ?o' is my ru'<\" res; so mai ?? when von say von':' j,.i\ bs von ie beek." D( lr,,it ' vXIXXZZIXZIXIXIIIxiXIXlv H. C. CRUTE, Druggist, Fresh Garden Seed, Karmt ille, Va. XXX*XXXXXXXXXXXXXXJX PRINTING \T REASONABLE PKICl - AT HERALD OFFICE Thc Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist. fV**strr^., ?? Ll 1. 1.._-,., The Discoverer of Swamp-RooK Rt Work in Els Laboratory. There is a disease prevailing i country most dangerous because so decep? tive. Many sudden deaths are ca; lt?heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure : lexy are often the result of disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to ad? vance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vital organs, or the k break down and f cell. ? ha richness of the blood?the albumen ?leaks out and the sufferer has i ?ry trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the new dis? covery is the true speciflc f and urinary troubl' of apparently hopeless cases^after all other .-.ave failed. lar sizes. .'? ni free by mail, also a book tel., Root ar.d lt Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. and mention this paper. If ;': ? i5^TnS in tr.: zioelrv feino 5 can be il ut MY STORE. l'i \S )W aa coi - rea? sonable pron'I asked. A ?*- SILVERWARE. , Call ami I will I E. C. WI LISE, Farmville. Va. TAPE WORMS ?'A lapc st oi ir. el^'ii.-. n reel 1, CASI vl'l. I s , I nonce i - r\, Baird, Miss. CANOV i sm -OW CATHARTIC ^a TSUDl aU.SK RIOISTIPfO lo-iJ. V ? ? -*.inc ... CURE CONSTIPATION. . . sssssssr asaaair Csaassar. < i vnt,4. v.i ID.Til.I: ff The Purest \- tbe well-known Braddock Rye Whiskey. 'ully ii '??mm. i di d foi Medicinal purposes and as a ls era Cooper's 4-Year-01d N. C. CORN, eolutely free from lie Famous Pabst HilwaikM Beer on Dran^bt ? HUGH O'GARA, BO YEAT.S' EXPERIENCE . rite Scientific flmcricaii. Illn.trn'- I lUNfUCn NewToifli llraiiiht n.e. ?fcli Tbe Paris fcrooslrlrm baa made tlie Gold Medal Award to Cold medals sse***, also asvarsled ni F^ Orlops* Uio3 aAd\s?irfdar*ar Chicago ISIS. NeM bj .!(?>. >I LHKOXI, afSal for Harper Id I".obit .ri BEST HOG FOR FARMERS. lt le IB* Oi I an n. Ba*e le VV. ,uli .'.tl or BINI I'uimits la Blat "i I ' " vi?al)is. I ? i Ba) Ju ? ? ? ' ? '. ? i two . ? I ? ? . ; bi ral? ly wi: I for | ? i I A TALK A KOUT MULES. Hoi than i he h I'll' llf .'I Til': ' r than thal of A food, hoi eal Iii-..,. - mule is worth, ami will command, a ny day lu iin- s A I: tn work than a horse, ami i- more re? liable after iiiitirti' 'I. Yon hardly e.? '. mule; he ly Immune from tim We w,.nhl rather plow corn i team of mules than with horses; they break down leas corn ami turn around quicker. more ha: than n horse, will pull inure in pro? portion to ami will ? vv iih it" hu An energetic mule will make a trip quicker thai may f.-tst the secret of his speed ls his uniform gait, steady iiml If a team of mules runs away they look out for lill Ilise!- ? they may tnnke ' ? ! go through a ni i to spink, they usually coma nut un han.I The nm!. ,Ison,e. t! make a good r ': "do himself proud'1 if h I 'o a fancy, yellow rn "r art, bul what he lacks In appear mee he makes up ii ?i the farm. Midland Farmer. OUTLET FOR CATTLE. Int. to Itttllil n ll tl ll Mill lUSsVIt ' 1 I.ttl Uni .- a;,I,, ll,,,,ra Ililli I p the t.rtiiiiiil. rom ' I unwaj ' i uch tl, ai int. 1 arth is fl ? ? I Hniie ila t.?>mi na Horace. liv brid - , tse tl - - Tl BJ Bl ll Bj ai DU tl ti? ri 31 I' If - ? Drug - Sit k ll. il' he ( lind i rm*. . .<*nn! and etllclent. For )>? Winstoo I ms Co. F prlc u Farmville Building & Trust Co. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO GAIN. MONEY TO M*AKE. i>ei.|s Liquidated. New li red. Jfoun .Mom y received on I HAVE YOU ANY OLD DEBTS? Kn vmi wish to pay off old debts? Do yon wwh topurchaae a nea you wish to go In business? lin yon money and tbe undersigned for terms. I ral and time made to sui! the t A HOME AND LOCAL COMPANY, and fulfills ali it- ol - given upon ap LOANS MADE ON THE FOLLOWING SECURITIES: Improved Kcal Estate, Farmville Building and Trust Com pa Planters Wai.?lion-,. Company's Slock, Hlar L'omps UuIted Slates, Vira ly and City Bonds, OR ANY OTHER SUBSTANTIAL COLLATERAL. Write or call for Prospectus and full particol THE FARMVILLE BUILDING AND TRUST CO., FatfBYille, Va. WHY WAIT. IVh lu tie , ; 'apply PIEDMONT BUSINESS COLLEGE, .1. If. I.ILE8, i. >K. Presl H. E. BARROW. G. A. DUNLOP. H. E. BARROW & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN_-r=a. h-i-ii|'i. .-. ii, Corn, sk.-., lu car load lot-, uv-inn iud Farmville .Mil: K. II. Hil .1 McNutl ?: \ Bar roe are a ith us, Corners feu ell uidolpli Hotel, FA RM V ILLE, V \. ? - W. P. VENABLE & CO., SOLE AGENTS FOR The Phoenix Assurance Co., of London, Virginia Fire and IVTarine Insurance Co., of Va. The Lest Kikk ; , . j anywhere in the United f their uiiij mee ol tiu-ir fair dealing. tuse of (hen- prompt and liberal settlement or' |,. of the te?t of nc.if than acentury I mid th m wantina. I The $5 Graphophone. Thc Mtistii'iist iiiiitim: Invention nf tin- Age. The Trincc nf Cnlcii,, I'lie Repertoire of tbe Graphophone la \\ it hon t Limit. Music. Song. oilii-r Si v l>s B| Va rion ? I Columbia Phonograph Coi;: For Hale bj ( HUH.IN BROS., Mssk Deslers, Fsnarllle, | ,. Tl ? FARMERS' ATTENTION! ?a? PIJ Tinkling, Va., Jan. 16, 1901. ie Armour Fertilizer Works. ty| Gentlemen: ? In reply to your favor of reoent date *,' Lil say that my tobacco which took the a* sweepstake premium at the Farmville Fair ?ii ist fall, was raised with Armour's Tobacco jecial Fertilizer and Bone Meal; the land )on which this tobacco was raised had no mure upon it whatever. There were more ian three hundred samples competing for lis premium. I consider your fertilizers rst-class and expect to use them exclu ve this season. Yours truly, E. Oralle stokes. FOR SALE BI II. E. BARROW Si CO., Farmville,Va. J. Ik WEAVER, Kice Depot, Va. V. P. FLlPPEN & BRO.. Cumberland C. II., Va REMEMBER i: lot i \l THAI' FOR UPSM IXI I PC W"re HKa^UARTMM ls I \ I I Vs/ ll L "ul weil assorted and \ Ki; 1 LOW, liv me ,i dui :- IS I I Kl Bi \ I I 1:1 . i made. NnErOTAIrCiSVI/^ Wi iii ima or l^t?ri I MLTXI iX vj. ? prompt attention. BARROW &. COWAN, FARMVILLE VA. s. ? ubscribe to the Herald, only $1.00 a year. Herald and New York World only $1.60. II Ul III' III lisriir FOR SALE! GOOD Ga Fencing, 25c ii Panel, FOUNDRY. Fcirniville iMinufacturing CoM G. M. lobetM, Pa FARMVILLE, VIRGINIA. Southern Railway ? sad li*,* X ?loflCrL "aim* WASHINGTON and SOUTHWESTERN LIllTfi 1 i V-' MA|L : Hurt, i .\ kell , ?I Southern Railway i uk ? LIMI1 KO. '? ? i \ . - bbs Artm - .. \. i . W. vi-' Ul UV, i. P. A , ?i.ilway. ll MA ) --siicrj I.EAVC FARMVILLE DAILY. >". I. rir^ifirTC sold to I IOr\C. I O ALL POINTS OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, WISCONSIN, MISSOURI, KANSAS, NEBRASKA, COLORADO, ARKANSAS, CALIFORNIA, *a> TEXAS, *a? ie WEST, HORTH-WEST, SOUTH-WEST FIRST CLASS, SECOND CLASS ANO EMIGRANT TICKETS. ? THE BEST~ROUTE TO THE ? NORTH mN'D EAST. LLMAN VESTIBULED COACHES AND SLEEPISO CAlt SH THAT TBDB TIGHTS Hil SVIB Til 3RF0LK ^ WESTERN RAILROAD. M?AP?8T, BI3T -sr QUICKC ST UBI. rritrforKat-s.M - nme-TssMsat^BSsslsSS nphlels, tosny M.; rn As-cut,?to a. ?tvilL. SUCH mull, B.r.BSM* i. Pw. Aft Dit. P?.s A*t Tn? Pus AP IMIILVA. 1.MMI ? Farm. ? aded -AND High School. FACULTY. ' ' ? ' ' - .^.rfat V. ? ?t'llt-l fu . , i - illili Farm vii le Karin Age"1'?