Newspaper Page Text
THE FARMYILLE HERALD. HONOR M)K lill PAST, HELP FOR THE PRESENT, HOPK FOR THE FUTURE. VOI-. XL FA1..MVILLK. VA.. FRIDAY, MAY U. 1901. \<> : CITY UIKLCTORY. ? lW Ililli ?h.I VV. I \ i . wi VV. i ?. ?' Prince Ediva id County Directory. i|R R M 3IDGOOD, [ST. UTI KI. JAMES LYONS. EY-AT-LAW, Bu* >use, Va. I W. FLOURNOY, W. ? C FRANKLIN, ATTORXEY-AT-LAW, EJ U I A D. VS' R. H. WATKI"^ WATKINS4- WATKINS, a! 5 AT LAW,? V V. - _ ?*; P. VANDERSL1CE, wv. ,4 ' H n j; S WING, WV. "inly, Va. (' H BLISS, m H M \\'HITE 6. CO., DRUGS, Medicines and Druggists' Sundries, NEW SALOON C. H, BLISS, Proprietor, Fine Whiskies. PREMIUM 4 0Q(i CABINET, IO Ol/1 RICHMOND CLUB. Pure Corn Whiskey. Pabsts Coo! Betr od Draught. Th by il Lenin Win PI it tended to. ' Full Measures. - Short Ones. ' LINE OF the Farmville RICHARD ii. t ? ???? .1. M Ma'N \-' SIDE Does \t ,f Prince Ed* I | !. i-i til tf ?bi and s* illly, C. H. BLISS. Lister's Tobacco Fertilizers, For sale 1>\ C M. Walker <& Son*. Pure Ground Raw Bone Meal, Liste 's Ol! Reliable Tobacco Fertilizer. ( ill .uni See ls. W T. DOYNE ' t'- I'.iyii. v\- Sm,, UNDERTAKEH Illili il' nit I in FURNITURE Repairing and Upbolstering i)"iit' in tin' ! ? *?W**ai v'all Paj'Hr, Window Shades, Pianos isl"! ? I Furniture i VRMV1LLE, VA. PHONES: STORE 80: RESIDENCE 22. he Portraits of our Presid nts! Witb Biographical Sketches eneral Charles II. Grosvenor, Member ot Congress for nearly 20 year*. rv Uri ? ? IHE CONTINENTAL PRESS. WASHINGTON D C. ?T.TT?T.T*.T???.?.?..?aI Aa. a.* AA. A A AA * A AA A A AA m A .. A a. / M il g LANDRhTH'S ll M N M ( BS SEEDlS! S li ni M thai SEEDS!! rJ ? i. i: i is!:! h ii .VT tl M ri i. li H M :xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxixxr" e Light of the World )ur Saviour in Art nly ino Motin i - ? tunk I ; ti this couti s THE BRITISH-AMERICAN CO.. .,; V v lilli: WASHINGTON. D C ENTERS' BANK, FARMVILLE, VA. \i ii:rr. Capital, jurplua, - ? I Undivided Profits, 1,000. ten cnn ?s REI ul I Lettei Gri Total, - - 190,450. DI Kit K [ROW, K. M. BURTON, ,. STOKES, C. M. B . t RI ll , 1. .1. DAVIS, -ul banking bnali i 1 tm iii a,.i.i oh nil princ , . IIIKlt.. Sr GK* M. k llfiltlaillf 1 UK 'I un i iv wi i ii Dr. I .n, Hili"-. - . ; ,-uiil hihI efficient. I "T ii lirtigCO. TO THE PUBLIC! Iv BM v i i i r. \ .1 I rl'i lu reirladly and truthful! thai W.I li anton ran help and cure uni failingi yes. I nu tiered witta hiv . vts wi thal I could nol n ail -t minute without fearful nain, In fael I mt us,-1hem for mything with ont inteiiae nain. I went io \\ I . Blanton, he lilied hiv eye* and they an now - - | wej|( ry truly, ! t ?? 'I he abo*, f iv one of many tent inion ia 1* which I have rel? ative to the manner in which I have treated those suffering willi defective vision. Il' eyes are -i\ ing \ on trou? ble cline aini see me. Con? sultation will cost \ mi noth? ing. VV. T. BLANTON, < Iptical Gradual CHAS. I. WALSH, -STEAM? a MARBLE and GRANITE WORKS, PETERHRURU, VA MAM I Vi ll Kl rt ul Monuments, Headstones, Table; \l Iron and Wire Pencil -? I. i '1 M ll: I CAPT. S.W.PAULETT,Farmville.Ima - (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX^ i 4 I $900 M ?t i-: \ RM lo m [ aa fi * ll ' ri -t si ? ll 1 .i I li I SHERMAN. O-nt-ral V SI I ll I , !>.( i :: I, xxxxxxxxtxxxxxxxxxxixxxx > THE NEW YORK CLIPPER Contains a Rollablo Record ?** of all tho Events In the THEATRICALVkVORLD j AND THBV WORLD OF SPORTS. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. - B4.00 A YEAR. 8INCLE COPY, lOcta. * For 8ale by all Newsdealers. SAMPLE COPY FREE. Address NEW YORK CLIPPER, . NEW YORK. I* ow Peas. Hie Fanpsjj I Forage Crop ' and Soil Improvers, t ITKRSfortl g Sula Keans. : j. r Cat* tall .Millet, Te.isinte rmtnl.i (irass, I nil.ti;.- Curri, Spanish Pea? ts, Chutes, Sorghums, etc. -it.- f.-r price*,andour T. VV. WOOD & 50NS, - kkhmond, Va. ' TOBACCO SPIT - and SM OKI: YourUfeawayl life rm NO-TO-BAC, ! weak mon tin , BOO,OOO il. All i . UfcDY CO., Chicago or New York. 437 )ON'T AGENCY NOTICE. Icc linn my liii-iiitiiii. C. tl. bt i ? .il III III I v Lot 'i. i: iv...v. Virginia Military Institute, LEXINGTON, VA : une vt ni appa ni HI vii. -ih. nth, .-i- should ii i'iH 'I ult li? ll,III, |.ru\ . mi im in- timi wiH II -HUT, sui,I. UVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FREE TO VI Ki.l Ni i in ii,, -uiit-t. fur laug rs, Science, Law, Medicine, Engineering. i ilrman, lat Reduction in GlothingPrices. Va iiiivt- dona a very large i>u i.iii our stt.i-k - still heavy, and tu maka a choice lina ol iring Clothing, hjih is dow being mada f<>r will fur tin- neal ta Bell our WIS l.til HI.Nti at :atly reduced prices, . much so a- to Induce every ian or boy arantlngasull now i full, lo take advan? ce of thia excel tiona! oppor* linty. Richardson & Cralle, r u;.M\ : l.i.K. VA. I lnteri opp' j ii fuiir t "Hid . ? Oh. A SILENT RELIGION. Dr. Talmage Sets Forth Its Evils in His Sermon. lints of I lirlailnna to Sp. ni. tun Heartily on th.- s|,|,. ,,f lt |w |, t_ . lilian, aa?t nat lim Oat Hu? ll ll III ll *i>irlt. V Y I In t I OUt nf bl i Hen in evil .spirit, s I r of 1 diimli Vi-t ii I dumb tit vi! wlii. ; ? ut of * ' ? -' ? ?? ; : I ' ? Matt bess H ' ,1 bi lief, w - ' ? ' e text 1 ' ?* i VON tilt i v '. B ur t. \t. 'I dlj ;t i ? ry. Pi rhaj i it ur in ap, ur it whs in ihe factor*. er the ti In tlie clubroom, or - ti Ut v\ - ? ? - , . 'in tm! | i utter, il kt pt vmi ! ni ii ii itv 7 So. It wai j the w inp of thi I. If I rr or mother or ; rr with an it i .ur Christ: ? ? it it will tal .1 VV.i.s iTt-r. I t'l'j, rt. I am sorry I ? -. bul witl il of thi T - tianity. A g ms Kow he pul I ? v of ih in the Bi "it ls a I ' We li I ? ogation jjointal You canaot af* Iv ' I ?I ? i.ur "I.ut "Hm drive from bul toucl bvft.r - ? ar ul tv ar* is* IS ' ' -!.?net riv - I : fea ' in the ? wn In I .' ll: youl 11 I .lt ill ' '-. ' \l - Web - fur Ibe imvv sup; mii in your heart ari .Mm really I n you ? il ll il fi tv 1 rill put I kiah bath. 'l 'Ul V which our i ? I proml ?. nu 1 Ictorj, S - , np from - ' '' m i . He i lid: "l i : bim." -? liv \ boa ti - bo ting The j nm il. I ? ? |! i! is Wirh s voice atrong esoegs , s ?ti**f>t ear ona b ' ? he opporl u ? - ? or pn rentor ? ?' twow half of the . ? tv 1 Y! i wi,it-li ir b bor? al tin ?'ii!I mppoi ? hat hymn, "Oh, For a 'I bo ? ? il to 't " r Hobler, who, "I loni p silt nt nlimit it." "Xo," I had better ase them for \ntl then thal engel of penned '] -'? . Klnjr, > I rai ;,-h of the modern muaic i | a coi crated rt .| imbecility, I would Ul of fl tin- baton and marshal liv um." "Yar ? I,," -|. ariel," "Hatti. ? ?? --i - i's H\ mn," ?wt'll." "Antioch," "Moimi ," willi ii few ade In own time, and storm Asia. Af* ? for the kingdom of , ? ont the dumb devil of the all our our ,tl .mr lives some! ,,,i by the evil spirit of awful dumb devil. t om opportunity of I thal man or woman Into u Christian pportunity was fairly pul ; | tv.,i,l of iiiriiiiiioii or ilutiou or wandas; caine to tba te of the mouth, bul then it halted. Borne hindering po**t-i locked thi ? her so thal the* not open. The tongue lay tlat sm still in the bottom of tne mouth si u struck with paralysis. \Y, ivers mute. Though God lue! be phyalological apparal u . h arni mir lunga were Siled vviih oir which liv tin- command of our will t.hi liitvt- made the larnygeal ea move ami tl ???, we were wickedly and fatal* ly silent. For all time ami er. wt- our i prayer meeting, ami tin- si thrown open for prayer and rei uml there was a dead hall thing silent ird at mid Indeed, it v. . yai '1 Bini midnight. An embarrai took place that put a wet 1,lanker on all the meeting. Men. bold enough on business exchange or in worldly ciiflts. shut their f.v ea as though i hey were praying in silence, imt they were not praying at all. They busy boping somebody fis.- would do his duty. lin. women tins,.et. under the awful p;tuse anti matle their fans more rapidly flutter. Some brothes, with no cold, coughed, by that sound trying to fill up the timi-, nnd the meeting was .slain. Hut what killed it'.' The dumb devil, 'lin's is tin- way 1 BCCOUnl for the f.if' that the stu pidesl places on earth ure prayer meetings. I do not sae how a man fan keep any grace if he ?arly attends them. They art' spirit* ital refrigerators. Religion kepi on Ire. How many of us havr lost occa* "f usefulness? In a BCUl studio stood it fi vi i re ol the god Op* port unity. The sculptor had made rh.- hair fall dow n over the fat the statue so as to completely ? it. iiml there were winga to the feet. When asked why he so repreaented Opportunity, the sculptor answered: "The faee of the stat ne is thu iietl because we do not recognize <?[> port uni ty when it r- tho tvinvs to the feet show mat OpportU* mtv is swiftly gone. lint ?burch bee i lc dumb I h.. p: mit* ?iiake I ion. (he committee! eottir in with a H hereas," nnd "Whereas." Pro* ?hi- rn,.-1 v..1. - \ ? \ resslon In r, vi's of the country In behslf of tempt i ur. for ih.-it w - ' - ISI won ut "\\ luiiis." nnd " \\ I '? ' - 'rm and the other v. ? with [traver Itv th, ins. Jf they ? truth in thi lr ; ey would -iv: "O Lord, we ?? I ? For thal we a i ? ? wil! itrli st November. Give ua office, or we ? r eli un ' ? ?* ? hrli ty ! rightt w Hilt,." Rsve Ity of rebul re \ "ii 1 ear lt. Hsvi won! to sp ? g :>? out anti out, op ntitT dovOti for If your ship is afloat rio- Pacific ocean of lind's mercy, iv out your eolors fro? id. Show your paaaport, if yon e one. Ho not tmiiL'i'lf youl -I the harbor of Heavi for lind! (lose up the chapter ? ...rtunitios ntitl open pter. Before you g?t to the door your way out shake hands with ie one ami ask him tn join v road to Heaven. Do not drive np ed "sulk," h room only for one. and that raelf, but gel the I 'on you run (Ind mid pile it full they hear you nil sty. anti down skies: "Come with us. anti we 'I V'""'. f?r the hath food concern 11 opportunity for rood which yon ? Meant may he f,,r results-, as when on pt, Haiti;: DI ll the t's trew with un oath thal a n nil in perdition, and a Bcotch ir touched hi* cap nnd said: ita iii, flod hears prayer, and we ld be badly off if your wi-h were con* ,1 by ? i remark and eon id snd liecanie t! raf the f his brother Roi* rt, who ri Infldt I, and tin n I. ;ni-1.-r of the ' ? r his ministry thi ? world-rem irv of ? and the woi ? I h.- History of tbe Reforn will be the glory of I I sailor who d his cap and n roken , whieii the fart li and the ens sn th po* Influences. T>o something for r yoe ? ll Bl nil. ? ?<~z.l diea with IBS otxt Lits- iuUri Ll ? ink J. cm m v. makes ? alfa thal the lum of I .1 ( ii km v st Co., ooh k busiliesa In :i;t i - HEW vl'i.l- i. DOL I V KS (ill | ,..,. , f it cannot J lbj the i vi is Cai i FRANK J. CHEM I Sworn lo before me ai tl aub. I i inv pn neiice, iv of Herein ? - \ D|f A W (il.KA i internally ? . ? - Family I' .- -mi? ni.'U lill, Ul Curta Bleed Psfoea. Cun i of lin aorai i .s,- hy lanie Blood Balm), Have jon adieu lu bones or JoinlB, ulcers, er up* scrofula son mouth, mut - ? -. r-iiiiiiiiiti-iii,oiiiiis|.., , itanh. fal 11 ni* lian, feater! dr ealing mm ^ ,,,1,. . i. r..| |. i . o un d -p.,'-.' I i.-ii l; B. I; w iii I,,- ti rvtr v Bora, make tbe Mood .'.'I Hill, alni s|,.| |; B teated tinny yean and cures especially the ilee|>>seated old - ila fl. Trial treatment free bj w nniiL' Blood H lim Company, Atlanta, di dlcal adv lea given free by ax* I erta mi bl.i pola n. \\ iiie today tor i-lv iee ami nial In Bimi Bl i ii aven baa refua d genius to woanan In order t.acentrateall tba tire in h i heart Rivarol itu ii aOBBi \ v. ian, bai nix , llllllllllL' ll l|'. I ll H.ill ? to rata nu arm, imv li ? : i in tint.-t11~in. I viral min v .mt store I did ppolnu .1. v mi sold I Muir - -1 ?I aa. la \. I Vt loni Hutu- I.lill v. fill,Ililli; -. a un ii ihai Dishs, and i un- moat I, uli.-ii getting np I lu . lu Iiml lin- rln ii mn 11 sn, , j,. . nd (nv arin !?? rfet tl) vail. I .1 li nf I liil.l tin above In a fm I',I ?nll.-n- I ..un., way, and be tried your'?Dixie > ..- Liniment Vi tv truly, J. Ti . ... I |,? i . ,-,-lils li :i woman did turn mau out of I\*r nii-f, she bas done bei beal avei sioca it up io lum Sheldon. Mojts Hie Coiivll anil winks nil' Hu (nlil. itive Bnamo-Qulnii eTabli la ? i cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay i in- 26 ? There w iii alway - rt main Bontathlng v tn.l :i- king BS tin le I* ne on eartb ?De Boulters, \ IfBfeaS llnlihiiiir ul. Dtxla Nerve and Hone Unlmenl aUI ire Kl,,111111111-11). tittil i,,, i Hu m uml i I I i iiiniiv Liniment koo i a. i o ? vv in-. A v> oman wi la lo laugh al ve is hke tbe child wini -ii ga a nlghl ben In- la si a Bai ii.i tin m.,-! . trans In vni i teap. kviivivn.i.K Farm Aol sh I lu liin ,i ( nlil in lim I),ii. I ike I I mo '/min I* All - \\ I ,| ,Vi re l* on ? I h.- Woman vv In i- I to be re* oi make In i nd au arinv ii aold lem I arauillf Heaaea Par Bale. We bai Iwelliug ? briirfc, the rubei frame, In ? town of Kn inv mable Kai v.., ,i >. iring plan! in Farm* \pply to Farmville Karin sgt ? f yu Would make a good pair of res, take for the sole the tongue of a man: it never wt ara "in \ &&J&. axativc Bromo-Qiiinine ?? ? niri-aj fi rulil In on. BBsf ini ."<?:.."inn Ve can sell one of lbs mosl desirable it- in ibe county, of mon- tl i ?Beni bulldinga, Ax., for PaMCVII ii I- vi: vi Ali (Cl v trmville ls getting ,.? an Item, \n e nave several Iraeta -ah-. Call ami SSI 'I'm I' viv viv ii ii: F vu vi Aol Kt \ f*"\ZW CANDV CATHARTICLa ,S4 linc stamped C. C. C. Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something just ai good." Farmville Herald AND MIK 'hrice-a-week New York World. Both ona year for |f, order- to THI UK ii A I