OCR Interpretation

The Farmville herald. [volume] (Farmville, Va.) 1890-1934, May 03, 1901, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94059373/1901-05-03/ed-1/seq-3/

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} I Viii
? ina
\ the lind raoi Ih
All ol it
rt unity.
? a | ay ing
.?ital will i
J W. Ol
Farmville, V i.
buys bel
I Mr. J. li
r Vi n vi ii.
I lugh.
I S I \nkle tyuifklj Cnn I.
i- the model
V \ i able Remedy.
ld his
lilli I will
il Hi* Life,
; '
I - :
OM Soldiers Experience.
St While '*
I -
in i
em |
11 s.
Slam Irv m ii,, sk) VII li.iv.
W lo erm t.ll (he i
Wu* t|lt. gully plum crop ever cut
short i-. iiiic?
Did ila- frost of la-t Siiiio
kill the fruit?
Have yon lini-!u?1 planting high
How are ymii tobacco plants rind
will you he read*, ??>) :l" I
lt' tl inn d ts ||
thal vve have to |
'I ht -
hui one hall mild un ply -ut
Mi- Cleo A Cod-iv and daughter,
in h wu v istitil ir ti iel 'i- on >atur
day last.
A niiiiil -
Lynchburg lonee Buflaio Kill M
aid win- pleased with ihe perform*
The Iodine; and tins j,
delightful, imt the tune approaches
when ihe N< rmai girls wiil i... leaving,
I ti,i- ii uki - ..
pom on rln' high lan ;
been i i iwh will rt
sttenti in, ami then the low g.
.'I- r. Men ami n
. iml then
Muk Twaiu -1 ?
noni ills to which Ih -h i- heir,
he h .ii w ill add, i |
lol -e nil:
nil 'i
i nd to furnish.
Mr. Henry Jen ki uh, w h we painful
til ie tum ha- bean nieuti mi <i lu I
lilllllll-. Il ,| |.,|ls ,M|1
ition. Hi- fractured - him
.mell suffering aud be has constantly
. tended bj
\m in -in a dial
tteiiding the nuptials of Dr. Ander
>n and Mi
lld, of S * \ i .. - Miss i
edd, of Prince Edward, Mi-. K. M.
lyklua, ol' Richmond, ai.':
B (.ray, oi Rlackti ~*
? io h.- repi
ie S. .ii 11 im < m merola! ami ludus*
ial Convention winch will meet in
lelphia in June
ll how in any mir city
i'l in - ami then proceed lo
i poi nt them.
(len .Km. A. < lilla, one of Ane
nditig lawyer*, wan ni town lail
day mi , o busini
tough lu-is still ;t bachelor, and 111i.-*
to u-, life with hill,
\\ lieu in Atlanta recently thc K .
.i-i.of New York, i- ri
saying; "from a hat I eau bi
i'll was de i I al the time of the
..- boys who w
ie ami wont to Hie front will no
uh! tell the gentleman it was a lively
f in, n ai
.-. i thc Buperstiuction of
> High Bridge. How long will thone
- :,-i-t w ithoul add.-d strength?
e question bi, to our minds al least,
.?ne. They havt
duty now, day and I
st folly, ii ve .
lev. Dr Harding, ami
cker attended thc -t--i"ii of \\. nt
novel Kn-i'V teiy which wa
Charlottesville la-t w
!.- I'i. Iliiitliiit,' bad the pt
? - lt could
: li. Lyman Abbott, the noted
nstcr :unl editor of the 0
aturday was "Field Day" al Hamp*
Sidney, and the at hell
d trim. High jumping, post run*
g uml haul knocking entertained
lookers on from -ian to finish.
nivilIe was well represented, the
lutributiou hunk' bu,
umlay wa- imt only a church going
with tbe good people of Farmville
un "outing" dava- will. Walk?
out in the full glow of ih;il Mood of
I .'i breathing that Ionic air
simply magniticeut. rhere maj
,? been sermons h. ard outside
ifh walka and tin- coull
lien the "Kimi Wagon" lift for
npden-8iduey la-t daturdaj
n, il was t lovvili d willi a- many
lill well gel t
ri hood!
i ol -mil. - ami tye- ol gleam
\|itil day "| -un?
it'. May no cloud darken hie'- -ky.
in.iv the c. brigbl and
. would
c been fell from emt io end
er county. Pennsylvania, if a far
from Prince Edward county, Vir*
a, hail beau imported to take charge
ction Would imt have been
cr un narrow mludedm -
, hut on the common sense founda
? man to tin
i if course the Prince
mci might rn autb rized to
ili.y an expert to do the work, hut t
:, ai Ita - vv bj ? mp ".v two
to ito one man'.- Work?
he I
tin I
-h a
a m I
I o-|
ii*. .
ti III
. d :i . lotllill
tiaj ol Li-i w
?tl Up .iml down In i Mun liven
? ililli- I... ,
lay. Ami linn -.. m.i
? Illili v homes m,.|,. gladdeUI d vt . ,
'he bundles were untied, Heavi
nt td,, ti,. ,.,, |,,U ,, .,,
? uh. iii (iml hal
'i lei not man pi
The Uki; viii received hm oin- an
' ' It's Inquiry about tin- fruit oin
i tanks for that one. | m ,
should hive been a legion of then
Birds -un: t,, each other iiml we mlgb
tething of their clad'
more neighborly. "\.
liveth milo himself" uni
a hermit, ami a world of bermitt
iwaj from.
I he Connel!'* Latest Law.
ivn Council, of Farmville
met ii "ii the nigbl oi
-?"i!h and passed an ordinance
ii ha- elicited more adverst
meiit (han has any acl of thai
lhere were live coun
lows; Messrs. .1
in;, w. P.Gilliam, K I. :
I. Fa ir and W. I-', Ka
I was one which,
ntd, wil! affect evi ry properly
in the town Here it i-:
Kc ii ordained: That it shall he un
law fi. r j . raou
?i "i cu porationa, w here drain
to kee |
maintain or ot bel w ise nsf .
I e u-i <l any privy, cess-pool "i
oi deposit ot anv drainage oi sew
. - within the corporate limn- ot
. d low ii of Farmville, Va , other
than the tl- pipe*
(service lani ami provided
f"i in such . .
That it -hall he unlawful f.,r
.any pensoii n or
, w mi,- drainage ami sew
- ac.
cessiii!,., iodc|io?it or cause to be de
i. any drainage
iiii-liidiiig tin- ii lu-:;!- "i watei
ll it loom-, kitchen-, .
w.iiei from I hvdrama, in
- , ? i. branch, creek, di ii
-licet, a.:. V Ol I iv Hie Wilhlli Ile
illllit-iif tile -aili tow n of !
ol drainage ami
tofore emptying
HUpplj of i' fu-al- m anv
ol connect with
itld and I I ? v'id* tl for III -Heh
\ hen- -nu ole within
? limits of th.- said toa i
?'aiinvillo, Va |
And every -nell person o]
..ii."it rporations, -na :
i le-- thai.e-balfdollai
iioif than i . i'll anti
very \ iolatiou of t lu- ordinanee, ami
... .-hali c :
The voti- taken on the above ordl*
resulted in four for and
ll, Mr. Kianil" it opposing.
i lusly i jip i-t d the
mci] that there were numbers "i
in Farmville unable to
? ti i closets ami pay the -.
?ni-. Passing thi* ordinance ami
\.-- foi- ihe ensuing j -
('nundi in session until al
i are takimr on' i
r men'- -| I
I ii rm > ill. (.ra ed anil High Behool.
Koli of Imiior for the week ending
pril 27:
High School Adams, Farrar, Wall,
, !, Whiteside, Wicker.
(illADI I.dilan Thompson. '*
I', --:?? I .lover, Ki// * I a- 11 *
Marj irn- Thompson, Locket! '"
alton, Willie Webster, Mary Bice, vi
ni. '";
:, Vaden Or*
nile Noel. oil
er, '01
im Lancaster, VirginiaBmitb. v"
-il Jackson, Tommie Ligon, '
Kmk- Smith. ( ?
?iola Thompson, Willie Lan*
Emmett w ebsb
iiiiei Woollen, Lawrie Thompson, fn,
?ci-s leetiag. Im
acber'fl of Prince Edward ""
i*t not lorgel thi' I a- ,n
n. w Inch wiil meei Siitunlay, M .
. ! ;i. m. iii State Nounal. "?
. -ociation i- simply a count
:,. ami i- n-'i connectid with '
Fltzgeru*|d, President; Dr. tni
?haul Smith, Vice*President; Miss cl ';
I; Dickinson, .-? i rotary. I
i for next meeting, Addn
Ki-. K Kline ami Sn,
alk mi history by Kr. i.
itu: Drawil I Ulling; Music,
m Amii
I .nun iih- a Drj .' lawn.
nth the -trike of nine o'clock Tues
niis'ht the four salooni in Karin -
i- closed their doors, hack, front a
? not to re-open for the sale of In
lean ts until Ihe decision of the cir
court judge ls rendered; ami m i
mt thin. Forsbould l.bedispensa?
te! U- sustained by Judge Hundley,
i the -aloon keepera only cha:
he before thc Court of Appeals,
idge Hundley's decision will he
?n, it i- learned, some time na
k, ami iii the meantime, for tl
tm whiskey can be iaw
i- sold m Farm vii le's Magisterial u
rit-t, unless the dispenary i - aid mi i
dd temporarily open a place for it* ;lll(|
V il I'o,till.l-l. r.
i .- ii .- taken charge of j{i(j
d Hu- responsibility of tl a mo|
office of Farmville. Tin- wa- th i
y, May l-l. Mt. .1. E Har- We(
ii . i- one of Mr. Bliss' assistant
in Ho. eve will make i
t efficient handler of the mail. ^
the present Mr. Wicker will ie
n with Hie new recmie to in.-:m. t aU(j
ot lu rwiat-ia*sjst in the work.
iok at Fleming A I
of negligee shirta, lt will pay von. win
Brilliant .Teddi
"I Au t um ot exceptional inti
ne the m.him... of Mi- Pearl il ii
ll- Ve
i.v Audei on, w hleli waa aolemni
?ii .lay uighl itt ? (lie Mciii. 'i
?n Eplaeopal church An hour bi
ul a| pointed time tin- I..
.1 illl Ililli-:. ,
visiting fi iiimiiily in their light ai
nv "pring i'. ti - i | n
i many lucandeaceiil lum-.
Dps aid wax ii taper*! abed the
,. L'low a- i
.t chorus cn
p nouueed thc arrival of lin
altar and chancel wei- ?
decorated with tall, -wa
I aud blooming plants from tin- ,-?
w Inch r- tl , :, ,| the uuuiei
i ipi i- Before tin- bower of '
marchi d thc bridal cortege in ll
low inc oiilei;
I h- ushers, M i|oi J iiu |;
li Ed v.-ti.i Lee M"rii- dowu tin
righi aisle, ami Mi usn 0.0. Fllppen,
nf Cumberland Courthouse, aud Haniuel
I' \ luderslice in Hu- left stale.
The iiiid'-'- maids ami groomsmen
followed Mi--s>- Anna Hurd and
tic I). Morton in tuc lt li aisle; Megan
?A alk( i Bc lt and K. K. PeUtS in the
Mi-s Marj I) ucla
n left aisle; Dr. Frauk M ('un
ningham in the righi a
Messrs K. I ward A. Mari.-, of r
ami Edward C. Willse in the
anti Sallie E. Dunning'.on in the richi
Mr. ("ha: .f IN teraburg, iii
Hie left aisle; M,-- Mal.v M i
Alexandria, in the righi aisle.
Missen Kuna M. Anderson, -.
the groom, and Bona K. Mark-, ot
Bicbmond, in Hie left aisle; Me*?*n.
Albert V. Buswell and Jame- M. Vena
hie, brothel of the hriitc, iii the righi
'I in- in. lc and ber in mi of I,..ii i,
Buby Venable, bel sister, ap?
proached the altar from the left alfie,
vv lille Hie Cl nilli W illl hi- l.c-t Ulan,
Mi Heurj W. Auderaon,of Richmond,
marched in tbe richi aisle, [mme
.- me hiitle marched
little Mi-- Elizabeth Sutherland tl:
u pink organdy ami carrying a I
uni cal na I
. striking blonde, wuh
? ry beautiful in her I
I d' pc de-chine. Sle
|Uel ol lille- of the valley
nd her veil wa- clasped by a nun bu ral
o .ml- and pearla, Ihe gift ol
The bride's mani- wore a lute ors,
.. : i ||
lu- maid of honor, who wa- hand
lindy goa ned lu pink orgai
ii i ii d K? France i
Mr. bred M. Knee served i i
ipacity of ma*tei ol ceremon
Hunter, H.
Bator, a--i-'ol by Rev. Dr. E. Il
[arding, of the Prenbj terian elm:
?Iformed the ceremony, alter winch
ie initial party left the s Hliii ed:
ni went to Hie hollie of the lu I I
neut-, Mr. and Mr-. William < '?. Vi li?
lle, w ben "ii waa held foi
l.-iti vt- and . .
IO to 11:30 o'clock. At nomi
ations were In pink and white.
Dr. and Mrs. Auderaon
micron- ami handsome gifts from Ibe
-f acquaintances wi.
ey holli have in this ami other I
unities. The groom ia om- ol
promiueul citixei
id in inch esteem hy every om-.
Ihe bride and croom left on Hie mill- "
*bt tram foi au extended tup Be*
.ininc to Farmville they will
-it Atlantic City, New Yuk, Kulla
- Exposition ami make a tour nf
l "U
\ i
'Illili Tcle|iliiiiif Ac.lill. at
IYe must be permitted lo renew mir ,.,?
ra for a telephone system starting t|n
m Kai hiv ille as a cent i h- |n
: out i nt of Interest in all Ko
i surrounding country, lt is enough hei
-av that other sections of our stat
I nation nave this convenience, and u
can't all rd to walk vv hilt- others j,,.
?'. dei
t them to wink together ami the iUI,
d mc And il ought t" I
ice. W(.
Excursion Kate-via Norfolk A West '"
Ballway Kan-Ann : ii- col
.. l-t to Oct. Slat, 1901, the |,j,|
rfolk A Western Ballway will -ed
runion ticket* io Bullala May l-i rn
.t.-iiihci 30tb, mm. '?-"'
w. k Bi ":"
nt. 'he
ia. mil
auetitlTe Krill.
i ., I?'ti
,n immense cmwd wltnesaetl the
ipetitive ilnil at the (in.ml Armory
Friday night. Huudreda of girls
?? |.it -? m, among them tin- entire
Ulai school and Hie-eel,e WaSOUeof
mation sod i-- tuty.
he illili Waa exceptionally good ami
it int
lal was won by Pr I va ti - .- ""
, w ho i ;-u-hed by several .,
( in
BeV. J"-' I'll ll. h'l'l'lick. My
.-v. jos. ii i: ddii-k. iiii honored Iud
niiti of the Virginia Conference, mil
I well known to mir people, bat mc ;l~'
'ed the Farmville Districtaa pie- '""'
nc elder from 1895 to 1899, dud at bis
borne "f ins > ,n, yii. jami, |,. neil
dick, in Richmond, on Tuesday iK'u
nine, Apiii 31st, in tie >r era!
his ace I
ij afternoon al 1 o'clock from ,r"t
leuary church and Uk
II in Hoi ly a
i. Kin
it-her of greal for ''I"'1
had lilli d many di ire- - - I*''1
filly, ll- male friends wherever no?
lived who will hear of bis death '^*ir:
h I llanreol I
V \, A pu
I n Mr. sud Mi-. A. C. A
I III ll lill! W
Uh which -nine of .
Among ih"
Kate Kethl, to |..
with by o
? lui Joe Allen, Hui., ami ('haili
- ". Werne! :
len, Kimmi Womack, Com pto
Mien, Thea
deal re by must
Willie Wood ami Mr
i mt, -md ii Hine o'clock r.-iit..
to their hom., where they found n -
I ' I'h ll I.let*.
i-'i Limn, Va , May .. 1901.
Our faum i- are all nu-y this wet k
ting coin Notwithstanding the
Itel we have
'he Killi in flu- lieicllhorhooil js
.mi hom pn Beni pr -?
We Will have a Splendid flop
i v pears I
heard one ol Hu- Feldeu ladies win, got
munn ot, | .
- ly 'lie other day that she was
in tu the fair lin- fall.
Mi- Annie K Allen left Sunn .
Smithville, where she is vial ting Miss
? Chappell.
Mrs. Ja-i of Smithville,
-pent la-t week visiting friends ami
Mr. Granville Chappell vi-lted -
"f lite fail rex at Kcldcli Sunday
Mr, Mae Allen and family,of Tbrock,
penl Saturday uigbl and Sunday
at Mr 8. J. Allen's.
number of our young
ain-ndi d nu- dance .-it Tn
ii, given hy Mi-- At,.
to her guest, Mi? Sadie Cole?
man, of Appomattox. Among those
?v h.. weul were: Misses K ti- Redd,
An iyah aud E Maude Allen. Mesnrs,
Ri ld, Pryor
Hld J hn Henry Allen, i
n^ d.-cupri.ni of ihe
Zi nu.
ilui Kniiiiie Eas er.
Editor Herald. I verily believe thal
'inc political I. .uIci- in Virgil
I man \la
: i tl. He had already taken the
i |'iiHu side in Hu.untie lieht in tbe
oiivenli'iii, and I am liol *,, -ure that
ie would not bave won against organ*
i, tl odd- just a- he dui in his county
Udale fm membenbip in the
invention, hui if lie had lost lhere, I
in fully pt-r-iiulcil he would bal i
to Hu- p' opie and made an unit
I canvass foi- the <loveruor*bip.
would have been music in the
ii then, ami hi- opp me tit would li ive
ul no Inn dum - the fight.
Kilt Hie old mau is deni, and, I re?
it, relief ha- come to - me -..ul-.
linii't "(Inn" iii Church.
ipace in
iur pani
. spitting in
mich, lt ls st ne linne new to me,
ul I can hardly expo -- my horroi ol
e utterly indefensible ami repulsive
i- had enough to spit on the
.-.emctit hut on Ihe church CW I 'I.
"ininahle. Spittoons should not ba
n any chinch.
Lady Reader
Lee nt Appomattox.
was the anniversary of tbe
rrender of thc Anny of Northern
i-ima under General Robert K. Lae
Appomattox. The follow o
lilt of ( .i lu Tal Kee a- ht appi- licit oil
it tl iv i- taken from '?Thrlllii -
\ini.v Life,1
i -yt h, K. s. A. After the conference
oid Kee wa?
lli" bulldlugand,
I - lo mount
bone, General Forsyth thus
ill vigorous
-leil. looking
-tdfaci tl and
li niau, bear*
? himself in defeat with an all-mi
ISCioUS dignity Hilt -et Well llpoll
ii. Tbe moment the open door re?
lied th
I, officer present sprang to I.
?tepped out onto
. i. net u ;- raised in
lng hi- hat mi his
ul, he mechanically hut courteously
iiiiciI il, ami slowly crossed the
cb to the head of th.- step- leading
tu t" th- yard, meanwhile keeping
-vt - intently fixed in tin- direction
tit., lune valley ovei beyond tbe
it-luui-e, iii which his army lay.
After General Kee had passed, Gen*
? i th.- yard ami sprang
lily and quickly into Iii- saddle.
kj horse
cinualti, ami it would huv.
Icult to lind a linn, i -at, a lichter
better rider in either anny.
UK bl In- fee in vain for any
i, allon ol' vv hat w , ill Ill?
ili. Wbatevei may bave been there,
olonel New hall ha- weil written,
I a muscle of his face told U
thoughts,'and if he Mt any elation,
l?.r iii- . un- imr bl
j hi--tail', turned
: , . rapid
rontinued on i
aid hi- am
ed by bis *Rh
. io sit down and
that, to th.
. , pad without moistening
. and swelling throat."
niv criticism we evei be
on tbe coi
-in persona w ho th.um
premiums Grant it, and you rn
admit Iimi thal the tims lia* rmi y
com-in tbe history of the world wl.i
"lliir- ar.inducted tn e of
? I and fall fal -! oH of ll
feel hue. Vmi univ he Jud
'. and then we vv iii , aped bett
0, "Winn -.it the
The weeklj a I Ich an- be
beld in Hu- interest of
'led, ami mit of then
fresh entbuslaam and ni
are beiug horn. I'nited eil rt and i
splendid victory w ill he w... w f
now and then we will rrj
la!., nmr ( in.iee.
from th.- i
Ii snowed yesterday in Colorado,
strawberries are ripe In Florida, the ic
hal vest is just over in Maine, anti Hu
oyster i- eel tine ready for hi- summei
vacation in .Maryland.
Aini the -mail hoy of Farmville ia
skipping ah mi b i 'less anil free (Ju*
Pana Near Hampden.N'dncv Itu- Bala,
We bave a good faun of -.nie 167
in light of Hampden Siduiy.
which we ian -eil cheap. Good dwell?
ing, hain-, -tahle, .Vc
I' viivivn ; i K.viiVi Aol xi 1.
Michael Angele was fondest of Un?
hooks of Moses iiml the Psalms ot
\ M.nh I Pana.
If you waul a model finn we have
me to suit you. 11 i- located in the
county of Cumberland, We will lake
pleasure in show mg it to you
I- vi.'i . ; i : i I IBM Aol Kl
ihe hick of proper respect for the
richts ol olhei- always mil.
ne-- ami frequently dishonesty.
Arthur O. Lewie in Royal Kine.
Tin- demand f r faun- in this a
ls good. If ymi have ona you want tu
-ell h-t ii with ii- Noa de, tm cost
i vkmvii.i.i Farm Agency.
Warm weather ls ? ?- our
wash gm tl- before buying.
Fleming * Clark.
Hall] lxt.pl siuniii) (ferrite via Hu
Popular \oik River Line.
live April 29lb, 1901, coi.ctlou
|'.,|- Hi- ^i ? - River Kine will leavt
Richmond, Southern Ballway .talion,
lally except Sundays, 1:30 p m , West
[?mn! 550 p in . arriving Ballia
ni Steamer- will I.
nore daily ex.-cpi Simd ty-. 5 00 p. ni .
A'c-i I'oini s 00 a. in arriving Bleb
ininti 9:15 a m.
Pare between Bichmoud anil Balli
nore --' 50 one way, round mp ri 00.
I . \\ \S I-i,:i i;., I- I". A.
I jivviulli lt .icm ( nun nihill, .
San Francisco, ('al.
Cheap exfur-ioii luke'- via (he N
ilk .V- Western Ballway, July 5th lo i'?
la- !?_'? li, good until Aueu-t 31, 1901.
\\ B Kivii.i.,
Gan. Pass. Agent,
Boauoke, Va
Wc often wt e|. over loal hopes that ',];
led from our own negll Ct, and vv, ie
mit tl by mir own bands.
niteil Coafederate feteraas Itt-I aloa, ?
Memphis, Tenn , Maj 28 ?". 1901. I,
\ rf.ik A Western Railway will . j''
?ll excunion ticket.- May -nih, 26 tb ti!
ul JTih.
W. B. Ki vu.i? (i P. A .
?' i I** i- al IK- k.i. .
"' " - Mill
?lt Carriei Bui nell I ,,
iii 5
lilt tildi MM Kl mad.
' ' v .-. .
Ul '"'
" They're unrh Jtomsch,
) - aini li
BJ '' '' '
In the Ughl of imo ? ? .. i, ?
" llvaa ti-- ? ni.??*?
ii hared in* i
li tfal
' runnii
red it
: I - R
< ure
: by White
Antld| atlon acta aa a magnlfj ing
- , anti lone I'ur-uit is
too often fol i .ii I s.,.ss|on.
Educate Your Bowels.
' ni bc trained as well
as your muscles or ymir brain. (
('.indy Cathartic train ymir
bowell Genuine tablets'
Stamped C. C. C. Never suit! in
bulk. All druggists, toe.
Much of our ambition i* hut a dream,
the tl - sleep, Ihe air
eastlea of mir hope.
?loss Arr lour Kl.lnry. I
It u .?? nu. Sam
r H. v.
(xii n we lind thal a Mle n<K lea stn k*
iii the throat of mu pride yet at the
same tune it appeaN to uir common
(.1 t iiuiii HaplK) Meeline.
Kincoln, N't li.
(In.- fare round Hip I- .vrur-imi
rickets mi sa ria Nor! -ik ,\ v\ satan
Ballway, May 21 22-23, good Bulli
June mih. 1901.
W. K. Ki vu i.. (. P A ,
Roanoke, Virginia.
lt' youi i. i an- tender irv a pail of
i - ii iud i asj wearing
Fleming A < 'lark. Act rn-.
fo the Voters of Buckingbam and
(umberland Counties!
- oi't:.
ale fm ili-li-i;:il- lt) : i OB?
et,linn rion, : of Bm I-. - lat lei mi
'ml. A
at a
[ill, ? I 'If
mil, on i!
' el.'lllt.
\ Ol...,I -111"
on, Uk
? I art alli
.1 Illi?
li ol
-ne iiMiiiil, after dlM
. l?*
hui .i ni iii- m
In rou I Ol ll'- H'M nun
?t. I'. Viii,.I Dla) > ll.
C. M. Walker & Sons,
Commission Merchants
j?-^ And Dealers in ^^
Hay, Grain and Mill Feed.
)ber's Lister's and Tinsley's
Ask to see our complete line of Wagons,
uggies and Harness.
Play Ball fflCAlpiD S
xs Illl Hie
Athletic Goods
-old hy
" ?,, f Thats All,
I hey are agents foi all kimi- of /
Ath'e '
Except it
Stat inners and Co
Cures Dyspepsia.

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