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Farmville Building & Trust Co mmwgmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmummmmmmmmn MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO GAIN MONEY TO MAKE. S . i nea Secured. Voung Men Started Id H Mt d on Tune K'-po-it HAVE YOU ANY OLD DEBTS? . .y off old debts? Do you wish to purchase a new bon -h togo in hn-ii U Deed money and help.' I hen a I liberal and time made to suit the borrower. A HOME AND LOCAL COMPANY, , ons. Beal refereocea given upon application. LOANS MADE ON THE FOLLOWING SECURITIES le Building amt Trust Co...puny'- Btock, - Warehouse Comps *, Btavr \Varabouaa Company's Stock, C,. - . \ , - . .. County hii-1 City Bonds, OR ANY OTHER SUBSTANTIAL COLLATERAL. Write or call for Pn ?peel - and full particulars. THE FAKMVILLE BUILDING AM) TRUST CO., Fami vi Ile, Va. WHY WAIT. i|.-tiiiipieii-.Miiir roam T Injj,, -Hole .min for our atadeoU|tban| wei could supply PIEDMONT BUSINESS COLLEGE, .1. Vf. I.II.I'S. \. M.. I'r.siilein, IV Mil Kl Ki. \ \ H. E. BARROW. G. A. DUNLOP. H. E. BARROW & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN ?ware, Groceries, Dry Goods Boote, Shoes, Partners'Impinmenta of every ription. Hay, Bran, Oats Bhipstuff, Corn, Ac., in car load lot* Western nini Farmville Mill- Plours. Beal brands of Fertilizers- standard guaranteed. B. H. H?Human, Ham. McNutt, James Young, K. K. Gilliam nnd il. A Har-I ire with ii-. Corner -ton- Masonic Temple, opposite Bandolpfa Hotel, FARMVILLE, VA. W. P. VENABLE tl CO., SOU-: AGENTS FOB The Phoenix Assurance Co., of London, rginia Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of Va. ihe baal Kim: IHSUKANCF Co's doini' business anywhere in Hie Knited n ii \ i of their unquestioned reaponsibility. -I their fair dealing t'i-e of their prompt and liberal settlement of loaf . i-e of the teal of nioie t\\ ri a century lia- never found lli-in Wanting. The $5 Graphophone. lin- ?sMtiFasdasBtlasg iBTentlea nf the Aga. Hie Priam of Eartertelav rs. Tlie Bepertoireof tbeGraphopbone la Without Limit. Music. Song. Story. other - ic- it Various Pries Columbia Phonograph Company, lal .-m et, B4LT1MOKK, .Mil. le bj (Him.|\ iKtos.. Music Dealers, Parawilia, Vu. ""FARMERS' ATTENTION! Tinkling, Va., Jan. 16, 1901. The Armour Fertilizer Works. Gentlemen: In reply to your favor of recent date vvill say that my tobacco which took the ^*eepstake premium at the Farmville Fair last fall, was raised with Armour's Tobacco -social Fertilizer and Bone Meal; the land i von which this tobacco was raised had no r inure upon it whatever. There were more t ian three hundred samples competing for t lis premium. I consider your fertilizers lirst-class and expect to use them exclu? sive this season. Yours truly, E. Cralle stokes. KUI HALI ll, II. E. BARROW rv co., Farmville. Va .1. I.. WEAVER, Rice Depot, Va F. P. FLIPPED cfc BRO.. Cumberland C II Va REMEMBER THAT FOB sp"! I RM ITI IDC" We *n "KAWWJARTERS ""' " Vs/ la 1^1 I I vliL bIocI I- Large and weil aaanitad and I i.uw, Irv oiietifoiit PERFECTION FELT MATTRR8S1 - UNDERTAKING. We carry a full line of I i dertakers Gooda ami l ill receive prompt attention. BARROW &. COWAN, FARMVILLE VA. Subscribe to the Herald, only $1.00 a year. Herald and New York World only $1.60. pi i H.--. ii i C..| Wtl tl . le.' coll BO lng for for T la t th. occi: ii|?.| is ii you: uirifi lotte only uren HfTer to li? am! quid all t Worl Kg wiatt lit lier Hoek ciiret! grain li.i vin eupiet tom. mi s out a! fl .k. Aile ? of rt-pt tiona or or :i? tl when i tively ii be madi TO PREVENT KICKJ Joss- tn (Hr.- ii"! pa ..r ti v 'Ililli I* I- I ".- Dil -I lt, .ult ol lal ll ? ? m:iy i I ?! TO CURH KICKING HOI! md to lie down ai d g? I np "? I Before put! get th? horsi that he maj nol hurl to he ? th- in on ! lime .i ltro!:t ? fl ain shout 12 i; I through. A don p for - used :f | 0 ll, in Para ai d Borne. WAYS OF THE SHEEP. Il .Mn ll J Heap, el* III.- Most IllterCal Inu, na Hell ns Hiv Mi isl I'rulit iihle, ol I ii r iii inliniila. .' snimal. face, and harm.- - in bis in l-lllgl ni Quick hi discern dangar, ths shi ftea Bnwlas iii hla iiitjT?,j.?nii* ta roid it. J'roud of hf r seed ewi rna! affection bj kt i j lng ii i ?? s The oh' ? ? at ? - nih. w here tl arkabli ? ' liv do . V p'a V !? i ? ? I ? I ' earring ? ire. To ? ice. Murnea- I.,,, ? irita! 'I rVhenever a boree is told ss in which it bs ?'IL'lit ll lu r rgain. No t wo ba icciiillv vi hen tbe shoulder or net lt in 'ii s skin nuder the old nally toughened hy the ?ssure on on< lui with the v bari ? tiny lie only iiii loeb or two, bul it nes where rhe - Lin is t,r, |t r and 1 quick]*/ break when coilar. If i lu- '. bole ' ? ' ur vv ith any new horst the animal can work withoutrbe tortured. The i ollar one | one horse ought nev.-- | ! r. Ifidland Farmer. Hnss to lll'iof, I. ht cnus?. of he h.-itiiiius a nth ri Thia h.c BS know ii :. ? ira in various foi D - :>!r\y, pions anthrax, carbuncular - m-i! for ths lng in iff, thrifty c. ? the affected querier the flesh la k. Hr-;, Your plan ls to use I I ' ? :i i**n r, a nu the diseaai ? | rule. i ri r r h 111 la r-olds anil under fr ire w! ? d. Fun*. In thr Curl, spring. ? rofl! iii ju rt on to the cost of thc B their coir.; it lin. , it may aa lol a lack of ant | tooi ri. Il niora tKart fur I ? r tt ..- _? j- to wait for the vs.inn vv eather ol : fur them l the unnrofituli , MUK lilt Ml. nmmunlcations nf a private na* -t. obituaries Ing ten linea, n 'Hittite.* ?ct ?mu resolutions of organise corporations will he charged ie rata Of five cent- per line uihlisht tlin the HERA1 I oileviation nor exception will R.F. Order* tilca fro ll. I". ..jr Trw much y sid Freddi HilV lei '?} . . a ? s?a;n "V. I '. I I., n i'.. ?? ti'tl. Mr 1 ? manj blrthdi i Mr. i - J rou ie.liuum- Girl. Jit -< I "Why, how . ' ? I ri.nt ti,,r t>o n I'msr. Tea wtik n.e flooi i I in*. ? linc "Why don't 3 lounce tbe trust "I'm afr.iitl t". ? ian. "It might rial standing. I t aa n n thal I don't ow n itock In anv nf them." Women are Like Ff nW'Pr*% Healthy andstrong B lUYtsvl CJa th. , j and bloom. Sickly, they w.:: de. Every woman o'jc-? and feel well. It's her right ai I ht as well tr/ tor fire with cd as to be healthy , tractive with disi I organs that make her a woman. ? - drams or suffering at the r. ? J to lt at once. :e ene step nearer the IS .- csy you put ' a great dr. re forever ? dragg r,g at the most delicate and vital organs in their body. You may ? ? ??a. lt '? - -? 1 p*r bottle at drug atora. S.n.! to- nnr fra. Ik . rm fiRstim 1 d ki(.11 muk t h., isjsstsi a*. ui ~ sj ~ ru ?"~i 1 ?' u -"i ui ~irij **sis_i ~ii ^ **" ijl'L ' iii_1. [ G 2) iW '-o'' BALKE'S ive Oak WHISKEY FA Fci lill AKK TIMI LY, : NM. The Inc Al. 7TENED BY AGE. d Gold Medal at Atlanta Exposition. j he best and purest tye Whiskey sold in the South. 3ALKE & CO., Proprietors, CINCINNATI, U.S. A. malted to our head off-c? wjjt {,e m our Dearer,! accredited distributes, We river f 189 ail duella ligtire.s, DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK KJaacy Trsahlc Blakes You MIscraB lL=H Almost everybody who reads the nev papers is sure to know of the wonderl cures made by C Kilmer's Swamp-Rot the great kidney, liv and bladder remedy. lt is the great met tl triumph of the nln nth century; di .ered after years ?~T~] I scientific research t C^3\>l Dr. Kilmer, the em " rent kidney and blai der specialist, and wonderfully successful In promptly carin lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trot bles and Bright's Disease, which is the won form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root ls not rec ommendedforeverythingbutifycuha/ekic ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be foun Just the remedy you need. It has be-: in so many ways, in hospital work, in pr:vat< practice, among the helpless too poor tc pur chase relief and has proved so successful ii every case that a special arrangement ha: been made by which all readers of this papei who have not aire.i may have i sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and hew tc find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble, V/hen writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address toi Dr. Kilmer&Co., harnton, N. Y. regular fifty cent and dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. BEST FOR THE BOWELS EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY iii-unv (iiirtvY. nm ito law KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Farmville Graded AND Hieh School. 'to FACULTY. orroal Vi ?imo! i V 'I, - i-N for ? im un,n st un i ul. - ? r I. |...r iii.? mi ? : I.. .1. li. M. ? - M SAL GOOD iarden Fencing, 25c a Fauci, Bl Hie I TH I FOUNDRY. mville Manufacturing Co,, G. M. Robeson, Pro; rietor. "i Koo Din WAS RMVILLE, VIRGINIA. ir Papers One Year ONLY $1 25. NIK FARMVILLE HER . THE RICHMOND WEEKLY HE PARAGON MONTH S'.-vv york; THE FARM ,f , Philadelphia. ? aily and Sunday Times, mik i viivt vji.i.r: ii I h. THE PARAItON MONTHLY, Ml-. I- HIM JOURNAL, DNLY $3.25. ? THE FARMVILLE HERALD, rVKUVlll ll i|i|inlllil(to\ L'itir I .inn. have for asia an App .-inn, GO sen - of bottom landa. told, _ miles of Farm vi 11 li ig which vv. al low Farm ville Fakm Aui THI I'KK Throtn Ul! .!. H. t W. v h; FILE, ? lc. The Union Central Life Insurance Ca. OF CINCINNATI, OHIO, '?ii )r. *tli rata er VERNON D. VENABLE, Special Agent, 1 I UlMVlU-lLTi i ls g W. P. VENABLE & CO., Insurance. p. o box 2T4- OFFICE PLANTERS SANK telepmonc 24 (iiinliii ts a t.tiieiiil insurance \ ?.< | ireseatlBa; I he Followiajf Csjbj*-ssj|sji 'Ml'WV. I IM I 1 1 i v s li 1 v-t vl.l V I s- 0 li I n ni. ll. STS, Phoi nix, or Los $.\ ? Ol rim. v. \. Y. V V. I'IKI AM' M B,M.f V V III.A. run. Ai'ii.i'in v 1 in v. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO INSUR/NCE ON DUELLINGS IN TOWN ANO COUNTRY. -.I-. 1 IRKKHLLY DRAWN COXTRAITM. \!'-"l.i ll | nj*-. THE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ni' ? The First National Bank OF FARMVILLE, President, \ ic -I'i- sid \. B. Davidson. Ii !!. i.. .\. <i. <'laphai Ami Kii.niesa Entrusted tn bm \\ il Ih ttjn ProBBpl and (.ir. lui tthiitii.ii. 'ipr?. . ScN'tWirr in direct HA ) LEAVE FARMVILLE DAILY ill AND KA : 11 'NP WI .. Ito Tir*m? ETTC SOLD TO I IVsrxC I O ALL POINTS OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, WISCONSIN, MISSOURI, KANSAS, NEBRASKA, COLORADO, ARKANSAS, CALIFORNIA, ?% TEXAS, -?v hfl WEST, FORTH-WEST, SOUTH-WEST FIRST CLASS, SECOND CLASS AND EMIGRANT TICKETS. ??THE BEST ROUTE TO THE? NORTH AriD EAST. ?ILLMAN VESTIBULED COACHES ANO SLEEPING- tnr.S, ttl THAT TOUR TIGHTS BEAB (VII THI ORFOLK* WESTERN RAILROAD :HCAPC8T, BtST and ouicacsT LINK Vrltf for Rltri, Maj | Ti nu- >TBMeB, DesVript.Tt mplileta, to aojr BUtioa Ajrcnt, or to . a. acviLL. nurii mull, si. r. anson, 1. Psn. Art Sir. Pus. A*t Trss. Psis Aft HAMIL VA. CIIUMIUS. b IIABSII VA. outhern [UH III I Vs! JW lI\ K I'Wini H THI.Ol'Utl CAR MM I K '-, lite HOUltl i - .Vu.-I Molle l n niel Kit -.lil III . \ 1/ : HINGTON and SOUTHWESTERN Li ? VII,. Il) lill'. I ll Southern Railway THC hXORIDA LIMIT \ sll KV III.K Its. iLIFORNlA excursions. II.I'. I ll i:K.?? I P.A., \ K YOI K PR I NI ING K' ti lill-; HERALD JOB Db FARM VI LL fc. A Health Resort At lion! . Hil! h .111 er .-c ui i a ? ll W leif Ult- full ' < ihe ail ? < i i rup nii'l 11 - .-in l I vv hut I -i . iii i v ii eau - ? 'I Ba) j ii. c. cri ri., i I M E - C a^den Seed, h i ?< . 1.1. ,i iixx2Xa:_-ii:rrr::2x:r2X2v Laurels Again! Thc Parla Exposit)-* ha* mode the Oom MsxUl Award to I.W.HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY Gold medan e." owardi (itv Orleans ._. and\ss>H.!.r?Jr Caicaffo IS'AJ. ?dal ina! 1 WMlM. i nulli*. Tie Purest j- lill Will know ll Braddock Rye Whiskey. " ooper's 4 Year-Old N. C. CORN, era!loo, al ? Famous Pabst Milwaukee Beer oo Draught - r III Iii .-.lill. HUGH O'GARA, . FARMVILLE, VA. \ \ .tin,iiilt I .inn im Sala. oil.-i ? - ??? v. ry inti, within ia., in -iilni-v, willi .??? il uni i, vv I,io|i wc ran -o.i .. Parn 'KIN HM. , REASONABLE rivi' tt AT HKHAKI) OFFICi