AN I - .| \ ! \ I W BP M'l I
Publish bo Evbha Fbid ss
j I, il tRT, ...Editor aud Proprleto
K vi ? - RIPTIOM :
,, ...f i.ih
" " three months. 81
it hanns ille ai
K. ss
fi;iha v, jim-: ii. im?i.
i idhi i xi fi: wi RS.
We ? Ung of late the
: dis me. and do
not kicss \s h. ,i \s c have so much en?
joyed . N erfect,
however, and sse has, it ly Im*
! With tin
the in,-sunk of this bes! rounded
: the day in which lie lived
and lal
The appendix to this book con! I
number of praj i on public
- memorial
meet! iting ceremonu -, and
they ate clothed io choices! words and
well deserve to be called "eloquent."
Winn tiny were delivered, ssc remem?
ber that ness-paper ssnit i
i them, ain! noss that the good
niau ure pul'!,-Ind BS
"cboiceel extracts" from bis pen
is "in criticism. We do nol
admire pen-point prayers or bead
efforts. Nor do sse mean to cha
thal the heart ssas not
iu ti- By im means. Our
ni to them is found in th
thal they were always spoken of a>
There is no record of any such prayer
in Hie Hihle. At their request the
.r taught bis disciples the''sim?
plest foina of prayer.'- I-there better
ttsflnltion of prayer than this?
"Prayer Istbt simples! form of -,.
Milich infant tongue-can try."
mon prayed for a great many
things al the dedication of the temple,
but no one ever accused bim of being
eloquent in thal solemn momsnt lo
liis life-history and that of Ins people.
!;? id orel th, j rtied it) the
Word ,.f <;,?!, their name is legion)
and one i- impressed ssith their sim?
plicity and their directi
1 sej ,?-'.! out to -elect a svife
for his young master, a-k- God I
the propel malden t,, the stell ami than
will, him to his master. Nothing in
tbs prayer about tbs charms of young
womanhood or ol love-making. Only
a lit and proper svife. That and noth?
ing nmre ju-t then. Another begs for
Stuck son, another for a sick servant,
and still another for a sick daughter,
one Inn,hui.I ? il cries for mei,y, il
blind man f"r sight, a lame niau fol
bealing, a leper for cleansing, storm*
tOSCCd mania I- .is out, "-ave, I,,,rd, or
sse parish. n sord "f the
beauty of tbs -ea st hen calm, m of it*
glory ss hen -lured by Hie King of the
winds, wool tiny wanted was safety,
and sal. ls then.
What did tlie halt pant for when
hunted, heated, thirsty? Koo/-, and
for that it ran. As ons of the mosl
eloquent divines said recently. The
Shady ii""ks had do i hain,- for the
panting deer ju-t then, nor green
iiiradosv-, nor graceful hill top*, ind
dog shade-spots, lt panted for
cooling spring, or tumbling brook, or
sleeping lake, and to one or the other
it ran.
rt Uh player. It mus! be a soul
want or can not be prayer. A beggar
asking aim- eloquently would hardly
get tin in. Descanting on the glory of
sunn-.', ,,r the gloss of setting -un
would iii become one begging for bread.
Our God is the God of Hie beautiful.
iieeiful giveraoSVihrejoic?
ing Christian, bul an answer In Hie
Hihie i- only promised lo tbs plea of
tbs penitent, the cry of tbs humble
the prsyei of tbe fervent
lill \|V| Hull.AH.
"The dollar, or il- eager pnr-uit,
weigh-tioss ii the wings of gen!
- High! to the lofty heights
when ile the Homers ami
rihaki -pear,-, Miltoni and Byrous, tbe
el Angelo-and the Kahpaels and
their peels. < lui tune does imt produce
"We base noss im Ten Dysons, noi
Longfellow*, nor Hawthomes, imr
lin. i-iiiv Perhaps it,- because our
Michael Angelo** are planning tunnels
under rivers and through mountains
for the con nee tl ia! system "f
railways, aud our Raphaels are devis?
ing some uovel method for Ihe utiliza?
tion ol electrical power; our Shakes,
'niling gigantic combina*
i ??-, our Tenny?
sons ai.- irising rein to fancy and Im?
agination in ss lld -peculation- Ul?
and om Hawthomes sud fcimersoos
have a the eommunings with
and revelations of the-pint and soul
which lilt their readers toa vision of
the higher life anti thej ry of its inspi?
ration, to exploit mines and fae!
Hon. I 'bauucey I topes Lc tbe suth r
of tin himself and
the pet of multimillionaires Yet bc
?uni -peak- the truth. He
might have added thal the mail ru-h
for Un I. stroylng bois, - life,
iatlng tlc of citizen,
chilling neighborly regard, dwaflng
body and destroying s,,ui. Ami the
Edison, the wlzzard, tells us tbal be
bas d
which ss ui
.nd sso i,J out of
\nd be furl ber naya it will
pe to hast'
w e indulge the fond am?
bition ii"ss ,,f living in a brown etona
front on I ,
? rumen! ia borrowing money
partj lei dino bi Ibe tloveriimt i
lena than two pei cen! Hu ppm
mei COUld holl.'ss Bl thal lil, W ha
u change it would mark lu tin* ol,
world of ours. Bul Ihe fannel pis
from -i\ to forty.
Of course there is nodangei thal thi
country ssill become sn empire or tbs
lent .McKinley ssnl be ail em |
men ss ho urge those statement:
? iking thc j.i' - dole ''
defeat the plan- "f the 'in
Imperialists are mainly specula
l,,r-, | uni s.siiiln-.ite ssoikd
ssh., wish to treat the Filipinos a- th.
Western people treat the India!
them. I hev don't can fol Ihe p ilitieal
? (institutional Issues in
They simply ss i-h th, f the
. ?.'and i in-iiit ol the i
quarry, Consequent!
ti,,ii still be sie/e,l on for ridicule and
The liL'ht stay i" attack the foreign
policy of this administration la to tell
the truth aboul it. That'- had enough
That's the argument againal it
-h.iss- tin- country in the attitude of
? Britain toward Venezuela ss hen
? d li.v < Cleveland, and of Prance
t,,staid Mexico when stopped by Lin?
Mi- . i,ger
; then
what.' Follow Mi* Hetty we presume,
anti Hy -lines', a tax*
dodger and mist table.
We sv,mid rather folh'sv the advice
ot the immortal who said, "costly thy
garb as thy pur-e can hear."
Wooli.M \> SPARE lilli li.'l I.
"The largest share of tbe Russian
- beliing- entirely to tbe -
and the system of forestry
rate that even private owners are nol
allowed to cut down their trees except
under Govern men! inspection."
How different in free Ann nea. We
sia-h and slay them as though they
were enemies aDd Dot friends. Even
in mir county and our sister counties
the saw, ami ax, and BCiapei rue cut?
ting ami destroying a- furiously a
Ibungil man stn- clearing for >
And ssho plants tic, -.'
Ths North American, ot Philadel?
phia, says: "The machine bas cot
lt ls not ashamed to stand forthwith
mt disguise is a plain buccaneer.
Not so in Virginia. With us it
trike- in the dark, ami always belliss
in Kelt. There is nothing manly
itiout its methods, nothing o
Hut the people in Virginia are ar< used
nd ssill drive the machine out of the
lt look- that ssas any li "ss and
io man realizes it more fully than do, -
lr Bwausoo.
North Carolina is to be represented
t the Charleston Exposition, tbe
leard "f Agriculture having sppro
riated 99,000 for that purpose, North
'arolina believes in advertising. Vir
mia seems to think thal -In dm - n u
ced to i,e advertised, bul lise uni
Hint-d" id! agree ss uh bei Rich*
mud 'Lum*.
ness -inri and collar combine
getting mighty close to the people."
'ichmond A,
i than the -birt of mir (lao
The / olly:
I he people call be tlll-ted t" elect the
emocrstic nominee, ss leeser be mas
?," ami yet in the -ame breath,
hi-: "one of these four men
ii, Montague, Bchols, Ms
bould i,e Dominated hy the Norfolk
iiveiiti'Ui." Why confine th
ni to four.' Ih- people can he trusted
look the state osa el the
-I nciii'.'
I I' Ml li-'ill ha- heell iee. , Vt ,1 ,-,l
md- 'i hy England's Isling ami noss
nc i- talk ol' hi- buying thet-tal,.
Hr. Rockefeller ha.- given |200,000 io
devoted lo purposes of medical rs
.rch. There i-a gm "I one for -'inc
riiun of a rich man's money. Mi di*
e is still in part experimental and
? sooner it get- to he an exacl
? bettei for suffering mankind.
'hicago ha- Keen a kind "f "omnum
berum" t stu -mee the close of the
uid's Pair, and noss tiny have there
>if announced Elijah. His name ic
sk and he claim- to take the place
all diet"!-. Hots ie ,,r Doctor?
it's the question.
n Indiana court ha- decided that it
I right to open a jackpot ss nh conn?
ell money. Monstrous!
coupe married in Cincinnattl re.
ly and agreed in advance tbe one
i the other "not to rcsi-t dis,,ice
Bedings." Ju-t simply left the
i down.
s-<;.,serinu < >'F. n.ill -av- 1. .
lOCral from head to heel, hut lhat
ussn'l promise to vote for the rati
ion of the ssmk of a Hem
eiition Getting ready to "kick."
a-n't -'ever thus,"especially when
sudldate for Democratic
r*. .
rori roi un mimimiiin.
rginta kin,sss ss In, || t,, represent
m the < institutional Convention,
he honored representatives kn.,sv
m. st.- tm-!, Virginia's needs, iiul
mg will ii . them ssith
and full remedies :
Few, i ? ain-. Virginia a.
ie can object tn I-' I- V.
W, .Hld he st i-e "ii (be part of
ll to
to ipiit. Ihe party ha- greatly
ed them, ami they ought md lo
lillie to hutt it. Their brill
I not is- wasted in family brawls,
icir strength expended in rai
(J.,vern,'i "f Sou tb Carolina gol
I up limier the -lim; ol Tilla
?in ami challenged to another
? t" accept th il resignation. Tbe
unity ha- imt been given lum.
.I i.a-lii"
I, .ss. sci, l. !" Ih*
ss,,il,l a Hampton should have glv< u ii
\ | . . ehtis n signed in rn
the pulpit and went to the practice "f
ns L'ising a- lu- reason f??r the
? lhat he sta- ind pe'"
without being Insulted lo preai h a
?in, ,1, -i amount of truth." The mis
he Hilde ssa- "iii md preaching
thc truth, the sslmle truth alni nothing
hut ihe truth." Modesty i* becoming
to all men and vs -hiici, too, hut ss In n
either begins t" deal ssith Hie truth
.: .I modesty i- the
??Ul s WM WI V
Th, impaigu grows i ii in?
itial '.sdi nigh Infamy, lt tbe
I from Ness poll .Ness -
faithfully rec.idell theil Hi?
de, ,1 have ste fallen mi evil limes If
such thing- an done in thc green lice
ss Imt may be expected from the dry?
The Un; si n kucsss n- suggestions
to the young belligerents, quit, qui!
The po-ima-tei atnalem, Hu- State,
ha- inaugurated the rural free delivery
in hi* vicinity. Here is ii hint h> post
The several states luise been tiling
claims against the general government
for sums -pent in equipping troops for
tbe wai ssiih Hpaiu, Virginia makes
the modes! (lem.uni of pl, 161 87, and
thal h.i-n'l been paid. Ness Y"ik put
ina hill for nearly a million and bas
i.."ssci something less than 1100,
000. A modes! man is generally
All the volunteers have been with?
drawn fruin the Philippines. No, not
all, for legions of them are buried there,
and ind mic lost vs In. ssa-imt Worth
inuit to the country than all those
islands combined.
The greal Democratic party of Vir?
ginia cann,,! afford to he gi,sci ucl by
freaks or controlled by spasms. What's
bes! .a- a mle of government in one
place III the old Dominion should he
best in another, A universal primary
ssill secure this in making -tate Humi?
liations. We detest . .1 sse
need ii leader.
ililli ? ,,f pi.i |y alni of creed thc
M'opie of the great country have heen
Ing with Mr. McKinley a- lu
? ii s"ii"St mg at the bedside "f a
lick stiff, iii- love i "i lui snd loyalty
o her outshine all oil,er virtues be
nay possess and base awakened tbe
irofound and unstinted admiration of
ii- fellow countrymen. We join in
he universal and eames! ssi-h that
he may long be spared rn brighten and
ile-- ihe hie of a model husband.
?\ an- glad to Hole ll,
bange*, many of them ut least, are
,g ihe viva voce suggestion of
lc III kain. Hit- he men ii, all
lum:-, and surely no manly man fears
i Sile iu the open.
We hop,. < ,cn. Les will promptly ask ?
i* friends imt to mention In- name
fail) Hi e Uilic.Hull st ith the I ?
iii-hip He ha- il'Uie stell and been
(ll rewarded. Let him enjoy ln-'it
reiueul" ami rest,
Mr. McKinley bas formerly declined
third term. Graceful, Mr. President,
ii entirely gratuitous.
Ctn. Fit/ Lee still make Kichiimiid
- ic in ?, ami help Ugh! the machins,
"I fighter, too.
Fewer courts am! fester elections,
I are agree I as to these.
Keep Jin esc mi Hanna, lb
he beading Ibis stay.
Remember Pennsylvania and crush
? Boss in Virginia.
?,. ,h,e Wheeler forgets
ti he lia- been "retired." He bobs
on all occasions, whether secular or
ritual, with tbe agility of a supple
'be Vii-t majority of Cen federate
.seie aud are modest men.
tie I!" Peep, ss ho I..-! her -In ep
il nevei lose 'hem inure
?ail-e they lind she hus- lui good
Cridlin I'.io- store.
ake a look at Flt ming .V Clark's
) of negligee shirts, lt will pay yon.
r your feet are teuder try a pair of
rh i Bros -"ii aial essy ss,-aiIng
ley Trouble Makes You MiseraMc.
Imost everybody who reads the news
is is sure to know of the wonderful
cures made by Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver
and bladder remedy.
It is the great medl
r *?. cal triumph of the nine
'h century; dis?
ced after years of
:ific research by
Kilmer, the emi?
nent kidney and blad?
der specialist, and is
erfully successful in promptly curing
back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
ind Bright's Disease, which is the worst
of kidney trouble.
Kilmer's Swamp*Root ls not rec?
eded for everything but if you ha /e kid
liver or bladder trouble lt will be found
ie remedy you need. Ii has been tested
nany ways, in hospital work, in private
ce, among the help'esstoo poor to pur
rellef and has proved so succe
case that a special arrangement has
nade by which all readers of this paper
ive not already tried it, may have a
: bottle sent free by mail, also a book
more about Swamp-Root and ho-*- to
nave kidney or bladder trouble,
writing mention reading this generous
n this paper and ,,~'_i
?our address to *of.-r>**\\ IlfaClJISBa.
i, N. Y. xzr*
Sat and Hnm*of Swainp-K,K*.
mes are sold by al! good druggists.
Vii . ssl C '"ii
veil Hon mei in ll,. Hall of the Hollis,
. : [)e|ef< il, in il,,-, itv "1 Kid,neild,
al I:.' m., mi Hu- I !lh Ins!
All delegates ss nh thc exception ol
thiec answered to the roll call, the -? ?
! ss iib pms i I I
Hr. Mcilwaine, ami Hon John '
ss a* mad, perm men! chaii niau.
I...,ls i- a i,ii. -. ni,:.
lc! ll* hope tiny klioss Hie
still faithfull" do il
A man can lise very sscll on ,
-s rn pat by a* long ss it includes getting
money fi in home
l",,li-li than a I'm,I amongst ssi-c men
Your Banking
\" matter imss small, no mat*
Icr Imss l:u
Pi. sn i i.ii - Hank ol
Villi i .
still give it careful attention.
Tills message applies to the
men and ss,until alike . .
We carefully safeguard the
interest of our customers.
Moreovt r. sse tn quently do ii
unknown t" them, as opp utu
nities often c >me t" us iu con
li'lcnlial ways,
We oihr you our services
ssith iiii expeiicm ,? ol A yal-,
ami every privilege ss ill be
I, d you, st Indi i- cou.
staten! ssiih prudent I ..iii k i ult.
a\ Ille, Va.
dished . . . IS67.
Capital, I43.42o.00.
S||||,|l|s .Hill | mlitilll'll Prollts,
K. s. li
VV. 1'. \ I SA BLI .
in scars. r Davis.
What is life worth to, a woman suffer?
ing like Nannie Davis suffered? Yet
lhere are women in thousands of homes
to-day who are hearing those terrible
menstrual pains in silence. If you are
une of these we want to say thal this
dil bring you permanent relief. Con
ole yourself with the knowledge that
.000,000 women have been completely
urcd by Wine of Cardui. These wom
n suffered from leucorrhoea, irregular
tenses, headache, backache, and
earing down pains. Wine of Cardui
ill stop all these aches and pains
r you. Purchase a $1.00 bottle of
'ine of Cardui to-day and take it in
ie privacy of your home.
? ?
A Beautiful and Complete Line
In the Men s liejiartini'iit
S ll \ I-. in tb,
i i '.ii
,.\l "l:
9 "tv."
titi ami Third S
Gtnuinc stamped C. C. C. Never laid In hulk of lin- BCSlcr sslnt tries to sell
"jomethins; just .is
for MEN,
HU.II i.K \ I . AM'
W. C. I AI.I.WKI.I,,
. non ii.1.1
MAY 28, 1901.
On account of
the late season,
you may be back?
ward with your
crops. Buy a
and save time
and labor.
For sale by
Repair Shop!
i .1..
Quickly, Satisfactorily
and Cheaply.
Bicycles and Blcyi le Sundries.
iN i: sss. 11
::\is ii.i.i:. v \
ivn ii. V.s., Jan. 19, 1901
do here gladly and truthfully state
,i W. T. Blanton can help und cure
:,k end t:niuiLr .sc-. I hu tiered ss ith
thal I could ii"t
nuie ssiihiiut fearful pain, In fae! I
ld nol use thi ru for nus thing ssith
Intense pain. I went i"
in ton, he fitted my eye* snd lbej
noss- perri ctly strong and well.
Yuin- mis truly,
rhe abo,'? i- one <>l many
timonialn which I have rel*
the manner in which
.?i\ <? treated those suffering
li defective vision. If
ir c\ cs nie gi> ing \ on trou*
come and see me. Con?
dition will cost von noth*
< )|iticil Graduate.
he Purest
? . . s^a,
. .......
S^ a ? ? a
i- the sscll-kiiiiss n
Braddock Rye Whiskey.
i for Medicinal
toper's I Year-Old
Hely free : , aJ
Famous Pabst Milwaukee
Beer on Draught
boIlK l n me when an*, -
in the drinking line i- wanted,
I in
S ha
le -I
.it ll
for ii
S ?? ' I.Mil S.M,
Tlie First National Bank,
facility consistent
aa. Aa. * a. B
. Ai.1.1,wi.K in Savings Depart*!
HI 111 i roBMi
\\ P, lin.1.1 ssi, I ? r, Jua I'.. .M.skiin,
H. ll i I. .1 :? N. H. Das ii- n,
In: .1 M ll si
? I (di all parts of Europe.
* ?? * ?"
C. M. Walker k Sons.
Lawn and
Garden Hose,
Leather and
Rubber Belting,
Summer Dusters
and Fly Nets,
Grain Cradles and
Grass Blades.
Call and see our line of
Buggies, Carriages
and Harness.
Dur Juvenile
Is a Source of
Winn lei',
both to our loy diatom
( i- snd their parents or
c.ii.ii(li:.!>-. The -ujH-rb
fjaUasMtl sa liicli we
Have selected are al
mille from handsome
diirahle fahrica, and the
ti ii.mun: and tinixhing
mass iht in {(trfetrt ex
ami'li- of this svnv-ou'?"
I ?A.-HloX.S.
.tn in il,.
Our Men's Department
? ? ili-'ssHr,,, wa-ittla r. ser
i .1,1 Vt oolen H',,i ssa n'mt
$10.00, $12.00, $15.00and $18.00.
(ile- you ss:
?etion. Wt
? elly Iii ? i -i/c.
?ii of dilscriniinsti ? ill be
, cd ssiiii th'- garments
? ii,,? hy those Ism u
i 'lotlilers.
MichiH'ls, Stem I ?
: I -'- I ROI -I itj le .uni diinil,ihts cannot
. d.
yon want nomi' strictly
Choice Tea,
|i ,i-ii||.-|li|'- Jllicc, tl
I. < hu -tink i- all fro
lit directly from tin- im
i- in original pack i
ileit, Son & Co.
1 The Shadow Dwellers,"
\ K"S| A \
I .
i l.i ii is Pm BAR.
price fl,00.
w i; .ni ti ,"'.i.mim. i>oNB